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System generated by the fi] SEC Company Registration System. ial ARTICLES OF PARTNERSHIP OF ECBT Co. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, the undersigned partners, all of legal age, residents and citizens of the Philippines, have on this day voluntarily associated ourselves together for the purpose of forming a general partnership under the following terms and conditions and subject to existing and applicable laws of the Republic of the Philippines: AND WE HEREBY CERTIFY: FIRST: Partnership Name: That the name of this partnership shall be SECOND: FOURTH: FIFT Leozaldy Chavez Cristina Sunga Erandio Filipino Carissa C Jandugan Filipino LorelaS Rubio Filipino SIXTH: FCBT Co. and shall transact business under the said company name. ‘Business Purpose: That the purpose/s for which this partnership is formed is/are: To to establish a box trading business through a legally binding contract between two or more individuals or other legal entities. Principal Place of Business; That the principal place of business of this partnership shall be located at : 67 Malayan Street Malaban CITY OF BInAN, LAGUNA, REGION IV-A, Philippines, 4024 ‘Term of Existence: That this partnership shall have a term of 20 years from and after the original recording of its Articles of Partnership by the Securities and Exchange Commission. Partners’ Circumstances: That the names, nationalities and complete residence addresses of the partners are as follows: Name Nationality Address 67 Malayan St Malaban CITY OF BInAN, LAGUNA, Filipino REGION IV-A, Philippines, 4024 Lintag 917 Fabella St Plainview CITY OF MANDALUYONG, SECOND DISTRICT, NCR, Philippines, 1550 4 Joe borris St Bagong log CITY OF PASIG, SECOND DISTRICT, NCR, Philippines, 1600 12 Willa Rey Village Pinagbuhatan CITY OF PASIG, SECOND DISTRICT, NCR, Philippines, 1600 Capital Contributions: That the capital of this Partnership shall be the amount of ‘Two Huns (P200,000,00), Philippine Currency, contributed in cash by the partners, as follows: 2 > 5 3 2 & S 2 G & — £ gS o fia] SEC Company Registration System. SEVENTH: EIGHTH: NINTH: ‘ame mount Leozaldy Chavez Lintag 50,000.00 Cristina Sunga Erandio PS0,000.00 Carissa C Jandugan 50,000.00 Lorela $ Rubio P50,000.00 Total: 200,000.00 ‘That no transfer of interest which will reduce the ownership of Filipino citizens to less than the required percentage of capital as provided by existing laws shall be allowed or permitted to be recorded in the proper books of the partnership. ‘Sharing Ratios; That the profits and losses of this partnership shall be divided and distributed proportionately on the ratio of the capital contribution of each partner. Management: That this partnership shall be under Leozaldy Chavez Lintag, as General Manager, who shall be in charge of the management of the affairs of the company. He shall have the power to use the partnership name and in otherwise performing such acts as are necessary and expedient in the management of the firm and to carry out its lawful purposes. Undertaking to Change Name: That the partners undertake to change the name of this partnership, as herein provided or as amended thereafter, immediately upon receipt of notice or directive from the Securities and Exchange Commission that another corporation, partnership or person has acquired a prior right to the use of that name or that the name has been declared as misleading, deceptive, confusingly similar to a registered name, or contrary to public morals, good customs or public policy. System generated by the fa] SEC Company Registration System. ss IN WITNESS WHERE OF, we have hereunto affixed our signatures this _" day of ,20__, at ; Name TIN/Passport No. Signature S Leozaldy Chavez Lintag 116 347 107 000 LSA Vi Cristina Sunga Erandio 166 716 933 000 \f Carissa C Jandugan 362 868 233 000 Fg! Lorela $ Rubio 222 314 602 000 fs 2 > zB 3 2 g 5 5 & S — g g a fig] SEC Company Registration System. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES) PASIG CITWSS. BEFORE ME, a Notary Public, for and in 20__, personally appeared the following persons: Pasiocrry,, 2 j6 2 yO Name TIN/ID/Passport No. Date & Place Issued Leozaldy Chavez Lintag 116 347 107 000 Gators Cristina Sunga Erandio 166 716 933 000 SAL Carissa C Jandugan 362 868 233 000 Peed Lorela $ Rubio 222 314 602 000 ee known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing Articles of Partnership constituting of pages, including this page where the acknowledgement is written, and they acknowledged to me that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed. WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL on the date and place above written, IC NOTARY PUBLIC PASIG PAI N JUAN Doe. No. ‘a PTR 2-20 Book No. _4e-//* 5 COVER SHEET COMPANY REGISTRATION AND MONITORING DEPARTMENT Nature of Application SEC Registration Number REGISTRATION Company Name FCBT Co. Principal Office (No./Street/Barangay/City/Town/Province/ 67 MALAYAN STREET MALABAN CITY OF BINAN LAGUNA, PHILIPPINES COMPANY INFORMATION Industry Code Industry Description 896400 Domestic services Company's Email Company's Telephone Numberis Company's Mobile Number NA 09368788232 CONTACT PERSON INFORMATION ‘The designated person MUST oe 2 DrecerTrusiePartnelOlfcerResident Agent of the Corporation Name of Contact Email Address ‘Telephone Numbers Mobile Number LEOZALDY LINTAG 02.2385803 09475970451 To be accomplished by CRMD Personnel Date Signature Assigned a Document |.D. Received by Corporate Filing and Records Division Forwarded to: Corporate and Partnership Registration Green Lane Unit Financial Analysis and Audit Division HI | Licensing Unit

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