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SPWLA 36th Annual Logging Symposium, June 26-29,1995

Formation Resistivity Factor and Permeability Relationships in

Rocks Characterized by Secondary Solution Porosity
D. C. Herrick and W. D. Kennedy: Mobil Exploration and Producing Technical Center, Dallas Texas

Abstract: Values of porosity exponent m obtained on a sally to petroleum reservoir rocks. Archie’s observa-
suite of rock samples having varying amounts of secondary tions were developed using clean sandstonesfrom the
porosity tend to be quite variable and unusually high. The
variability complicates the prediction of electrical Gulf coast. The pore system in these rocks consists
properties and calculated hydrocarbon saturations in these only of intergranular porosity. Difficulties arise when
rocks. An understanding of how isolated void space in the Archie’s equation is applied to the interpretation of sed-
form of vugs or moldic pores modifies the electrical behav- iments that are more complicated than the intergranular
ior of the host rock can obviate problems with prediction pore systemscharacteristicof clean sandstone.
and use of porosity exponents in formations with sec-
ondary porosity. Since the dominant pore-geometric factor
controlling the flow of fluids and el-ctric current in the The electrical properties of rocks can be classified ac-
pore space is the intergranular matrix of the host rock, ad- cording to whether or not they can be described by
dition of isolated voids affects the porosity in direct pro- Archie’s empirical law relating F and #I(Herrick, 1988).
portion to the void space added; however, the resistivity is Rocks that exhibit Archie-law electrical behavior are de-
much less affected. To correctly interpret the electrical
(and, to a lesser extent, hydraulic) beaavior of such rocks scribed as “Archie” rocks: the remainder are “non-
the two components of porosity must be separated. The Archie” rocks. A reservoir rock’s electrical behavior is
Maxwell-Gamett equation can be used to describe F in terms influenced by the arrangement and conductivity of its
of matrix porosity and a dilute concentration of uniform constituent mineral grains and corresponding pores, as
spherical vugs. This paper demonstrates that the Maxwell- well as the distribution and conductivity of its pore flu-
Gamett relationship can be applied with a high degree of
accuracy to numerical models which have a realistic con- ids. If the pore geometry is characterized by a complex QQQ
centration of vugs as well as real rocks. The separation of pore system that contains secondary, vuggy or moldic
porosity components using the Maxwell-Garnett relation- pores in addition to the intergranular pore system, then
ship is accomplished using core and :?g data. In favorable the electrical behavior is not readily described by
circumstances, the core data may not be required. The sug- Archie’s equation.
gested separation of porosity components results in better
estimates of water saturation and more reasonable porosity-
permeability transforms than are usually obtained in vuggy This article considers the case of bimodal pore systems
rocks. consisting of vuggy or moldic pores in addition to the
intergranular or intercrystalline pore system. The con-
INTRODUCTIO ri tribution of minerals such as certain clays or sulfides to
the bulk conductivity is not considered. The electrical
For over fifty years, quantitative rYysistivitylog interpre- properties of this bimodal pore geometry are not readily
tation in terms of hydrocarbon content has been based described by Archie’s equation. As a notational conve-
on Archie’s well known empirica: formula (Archie, nience, we shall use the term “vug” throughout the re-
1942). Archie’s law predicts the relationship between mainder of the paper to mean large pores, often formed
formation resistivity factor F and porosity rj by means by dissolution, which are significantly larger than the
of the ower law F = r$-” where m, the porosity ex- intergranular or intercrystalline pores of the host matrix.
ponent , is an empirically determined constant corre- Vugs frequently result from the dissolution of a portion
sponding to the slope of F(4) plotted on log-log paper. of the granular or crystalline rock matrix. Examples in-
F relates the bulk resistivity ROto the resistivity of the clude vuggy and oomoldic limestones and dolomites,
interstitial brine R,. Thus knowledge of $Jcan be trans- and sandstoneswith grain-sized moldic pores resulting
formed into a prediction of R. . If the actual formation from the preferential dissolution of certain constituents.
resistivity R, is greater than R. , the increased resistiv- The vugs or molds may be isolated from each other and
ity is attributed to hydrocarbons having displaced con- electrically connected only through the intergranular
ductive brine. Hence correct interpr :tation of hydrocar- pore system, or they may be physically connected to
bon volume hinges on (1) the validity of the power law each other making more or less continuous channels
relating F to Q and (2) a reliable value for m. through the rock. Several kinds of electrical behavior
Unfortunately, Archie’s method d0c.znot apply univer- may result from the way in which vugs and molds arc
related to each other and to the intergranular pore sys-
* This is sometimes referred to as the “:ementation” expo- tem.
nent; our feeling is that this term nology manages to be
simultaneously both too vague and too suggestive. The Regardlessof its appropriateness, Archie’s law is fre-
term “porosity exponent” is merely descriptive of the form
of the terms in Archie’s law and parallels the term quently applied to non-Archie rocks. Consider, for ex-
“saturation exponent” ample, the F and 9 data given in Figure la. The data are
plotted in the conventional way. The scatter in the data
SPWLA 36th Annual Logging Symposium, June 26-29,1995

is treated as if it were due to experimental error, and a THEORY

single best-fit line is drawn through the points giving
an average value of m = 2.7. This method of determin- A Canonical Model from Electromagnetic
ing an m value for use in Archie’s equation is widely Theory for Vuggy Rocks
used in the core analysis service industry, but fails to
account for the bimodal nature of the pore system. A Rasmus and Kenyon (1985) based an oomoldic rock
secondapproach is the use of a separateporosity expo- model on the Maxwell-Gamett (1904) relationship for
nent for eachrock sample (Figure lb). Focke and Munn the conductivity C, at low fequencies,of a “dilute” mix-
(1985) usedthis approachand correlated the m values of ture of conductive spherical inclusions in a conductive
rock samples with porosity to allow prediction of m host matrix:
from porosity, assuming that the porosity variation was
primarily due to differences in vuggy porosity. This
procedure breaks down if there are variations in matrix
porosity as well as vuggy porosity since a large range .
in F is possible for a single value of porosity. (1)

As illustrated by the examples in Figure 1, the electrical

behavior of non-Archie rocks is poorly understood. In
the case of rocks having vuggy porosity this is partly C,, is the conductivity of the spherical inclusions, #, is
due to the difficulty in varying the parametersof exper- the volume fraction of inclusions, and Ci is the conduc-
imental models designed to study this behavior. Core tivity of the matrix consisting of nonconducting min-
samples,for example, do not provide data with system- eral grains with intergranular porosity. If the rock is wa-
atically varying parameters.Laboratory models of rocks ter saturated, the conductivity of the inclusions
containing vugs presentthe would-be experimenterwith (secondary pores) may be assumedto be that of bulk
difficulty in controlling the placement and size of the water C,,,, while the matrix conductivity can be deter-
vugs. The problem can be examined theoretically using mined by an appropriate Archie equation. Thus, making
the Maxwell-Gamett (1904) canonical model; however, the notational correspondances C, = C, and
its applicability to real rocks (which violate someof the CO = Ci = @,yC,,,,and using (l), F for the model can
conditions imposed in deriving the canonical model) can be expressedas
be questioned.Consequently,numerical modeling seems
to be an attractive option; unfortunately, numerical de-
scription of real rocks is intractable. Even if such de-
scription were feasible then numerical experiments
would falter on the size of the resulting problem. The
latter difficulties can be surmountedif we are preparedto
accept certain (reasonable) limitations of our models
wherein the results of small, simple numerical experi-
mentsare combined to simulate the results of more real- This theoretically obtained F applies to a host rock hav-
istic, but intractable, modeling. ing matrix porosity 4; with an Archie exponent m for
the intergranular component, and a vug porosity com-
This paper reports on the methods and conclusions of ponent of &. It can be shown that the total porosity of
our investigation of the impact of certain geometrical this model is given by r#~= $i + 4” - 9i9,; the ~i9y
effects on the relation between F and 4 in non-Archie term in the equation corrects the total porosity for the
rocks characterizedby vuggy porosity. The applicability effect of removing regions of host rock (including both
of the Maxwell-Garnett relationship is examined by mineral grains and brine) and replacing them with min-
comparison to rock-like two- and three-dimensional eral-free, brine-filled vugs. Equation (2) holds for a
numerical models. The relationship holds even for high “dilute” concentration of spherical vugs of equal radius
vuggy porosities, despite having been developed for distributed uniformly throughout the host rock.
“dilute” vug concentrations. Separationof total porosity However, how well (indeed, whether) equation (2) ap-
into intergranular and vuggy porosity components per- proximates actual rocks with non-spherical vugs of dif-
mits interpretation of F in vuggy rocks as well as the ferent sizes, shapesand perhaps a large component of
development of more meaningful porosity-permeability vug porosity is open to question. The answer must be
transforms. sought by comparing the predictions of the Maxwell-
Garnett model with those of carefully constructed, but
cumbersome,numerical models.

SPWLA 36th Annual Logging Symposium, June 26-29,1995

Numerical Modeling the Electrical Behavior MODELING CONSIDERATIONS

of Rocks
Computing F values of Numerical Models
The distribution of electrical potential V(x,y,z) due to a
source of current I located at r’(x’,y’,z’) in a medium of F can be computed directly from the finite difference
conductivity cr(x,y,z)* is governed by model for any specified pore (and grain) geometry. The
finite difference model gives the potential distribution
div( o gradV) = I(r ‘)6(r - r ‘) (3) and potential gradients throughout the specified pore
system. Since any electric currents which enter the unit
where the delta function locates the source and r is a cell must also exit the unit cell (there are no current
field point (Aiken, et al, 1973). Once the potentials sources or sinks in a rock), the total current flowing
have been determined for specified o and I, the current through the unit cell must be equal to the current enter-
densitiesJ are determinedfrom the field equation analog ing the cell via the conductive pore throats. Once
of Ohm’s law: J = oE where the electric field V(x,y,z) is determined, current is calculated from Ohm’s
E = -grad V. By integration of J over one of the law using the resistance (determined from model resis-
boundary surfacesthe total current If flowing in a model tivity and discretization interval) and the potential gradi-
due to potentials imposed on two equipotential surfaces ent across the first row of computational nodes in the
bounding the model can be determined. The bulk pore throats through which currents enter the cell. The
resistanceof the model is obtained as the ratio of AV/it, resistancefor the whole unit cell is obtained by Ohm’s
where AV is the potential difference between the law from the total current flowing through the cell and
equipotential surfaces bounding the model rock. Bulk the applied potential across the cell; resistivity is then
resistivity is determinedfrom samplegeometry and bulk determined using the cell geometry. F is readily deter-
resistance. Knowing the bulk resistivity of a model mined from the ratio of the unit cell resistivity to the QQQ
together with the resistivity of the interstitial brine, F resistivity of the water filling the pore spaceof the cell.
can be readily computed. Equation (3) can be solved F is thus clearly seen to be determined solely by pore-
using any convenient method. We employ finite geometry.
Modeling Isolated Vuggy Porosity
Our models comprise distributions of conductivities rep-
resenting grains, pores, vugs, and rock matricies, ap- Two-dimensional models containing physically isolated
plied potentials on parallel model boundaries, and peri- but electrically connectedvugs (through the intervening
odic boundary conditions on the remaining boundaries; intergranular pore space),can serve as good approxima-
the calculation solves (3) over a finite difference grid to tions of corresponding three-dimensional vuggy rocks.
give the potential distribution. Since the finite differ- The details of the intergranular pore systemneed not be
encetechnique requires that the model be discretizedat a considered to specify the bulk resistivity of the host
scale significantly smaller than the mineral grams and rock. Models are constructed which contain vugs of a
pores, a three-dimensional finite difference model of desired shapein a host rock of otherwise uniform elec-
even a small rock sample is not computationally feasi- trical properties. The host rock is assignedproperties of
ble. Certain simplifying assumptions were required to real rocks. For example, porosities in the range of 10 to
reduce the size of our models. Our models were con- 30 percent, and porosity exponents in the range of 1.8
structed from “unit cells” representativeof the pore sys- to 2.1 are representativeof most Archie rocks; parame-
tems studied. These unit cells can be subsequentlycom- ters in theserangesare used to model the host rock ma-
bined to simulate a rock, obviating the need for very trix.
large models. To minimize the computational burden,
two-dimensional models were usedto develop the basic F-@J Relationship for Single-Vug Unit Cells
results; subsequently our important conclusions were
validated using three-dimensionalmodels. Figure 2 shows two dimensional finite difference mod-
els of a uniform host rock having 10 per cent intergran-
ular porosity $i and porosity exponent mi = 2, along
with circular and elliptical vugs imbedded in the same
host. Current streamlinesdemonstratethe perturbing in-
fluence of the conductive vugs in the relatively resistive
host rock. F values were calculated from the finite dif-
ference models, and are shown on an F-4 plot in Figure
* The symbol Q for conductivity is used to conform with
the standard electromagnetic notation fcr a “point” conduc-
2. F values for vugs with radii of 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14
tivity. The symbol C used earlier is the bulk conductivity finite difference grid units are shown as open squareson
as usually expressed using oil-industq notation. Figure 2 along with a least squaresbest-fit line drawn
SPWLA 36th Annual Logging Symposium, June 26-29,1995

through these points. If the porosity exponent m for a The resistance of each type of matrix and vug cell can
group of samplesis regardedas the slope of a linear F-e be determined separately using the finite difference
relationship, then m for these circular vug-bearing two- method.The finite difference representationof the entire
dimensional models is only 0.64. The intercept of the problem is not required, being replaced with a smaller
line corresponds to the factor a, a modification often resistor network model. The electrical independanceof
made to Archie’s equation (Winsauer, et al, 19.52), contigous cells also approachesthe “dilute” concentra-
which has a value of 8.3. tion of vugs required by the Maxwell-Gamett relation-
Qualitatively, low values of m for suites of vuggy
rocks with a similar matrix are easily understood. Since The validity of treating combinations of matrix and
the matrix of the examples in Figure 2 has only 10 per vug-bearing cells as independentconductive elementsis
cent pore space,the addition of a vuggy pore hasa direct verified by comparing the results of a finite difference
impact on the cell porosity. The cell conductivity, on calculation made on three contiguous cells with the
the other hand, is affected much less directly. Reference conductanceof the threecells treatedas separateconduc-
to Figure 2 illustrates that current paths in a vug-con- tive elementsin parallel (Figure 3). The conductanceof
taining cell are generally longer than corresponding the two matrix cells and one vug-bearing cell (radius=14
paths in a vug-free cell. Such longer current paths are units), when seated as a unit, differed by only 0.2 per
more resistive than correspondingpaths in vug-free cells cent from the sum of the conductancesof the individual
if they do not intersect a vug, but may be either more or cells. If the ratio of the vug diameter to the unit cell
less resistive if a vug is intersected, depending on the dimension is on the order of 1:2 or less, then the con-
relative lengths of the path segmentsinside and outside ductanceof a two-dimensional “rock” model consisting
the vug. The net result is that the resistivity of a vug- of many host rock and vug cells is determined from a
containing cell decreasesonly slightly with each incre- simple resistor network calculation.
mental increase in vug porosity. A change in vug ra-
dius, thereforechangesthe cell porosity proportionately, Large multiple-vug models can be constructed by ran-
but F changes only to a small extent. Hence the low domly selecting the size of the vugs and vug-bearing
slope of the F-4 relationship for models and rocks with cells (Figure 4). The resulting model is very similar to
varying vuggy porosity, but constant matrix properties. thin sections made from some oomoldic limestones.
The amount of vug porosity can be varied by changing
The shapeof a vug also affects F. F values of models the number of vug-bearing cells to determine the effect
with elliptical vugs having about the samearea as a cir- of varying vuggy porosity on F. Square models made
cular vug with radius 10 grid units are displaced some- up of one hundred-cells (10x10) were constructed to
what above and below the relationship defined by the evaluate the F+#J relationship for rocks with constant
circular vugs (Figure 2), depending on orientation. The matrix pore geometry, but varying vuggy porosity. The
main impact of secondary pores is on the porosity, and fraction of vug-bearing cells was varied from 0 to 35 per
only secondarily on F, regardlessof vug shape.Only a cent. The F-$ relationship is given in Figure 5 for a
small change in slope results by substituting either of matrix with @i= 10 and mi = 2. The result is similar
the elliptical vugs for a circular one. The effect of iso- to that seen previously in Figure 2. The slope of the
lated conductive vugs in a resistive host rock is a F-q3 F-4 relationship is low (m = 0.32) and the intercept is
relationship characterizedby low slope and a large inter- considerably above the origin (a = 14.6). The explana-
cept. tion is also similar. The porosity is greatly affected by
the vug volume, while the resistance is only slightly
F-q5 Relationship for Multiple Random Vug reducedby the addition of vugs since it is controlled by
Models the intervening resistive host rock.

If the size of a cell containing a vug is made large Models similar to that shown in Figure 4 can be used to
enough relative to the vug size, then the electrical ef- determine the porosity and F for varying matrix and
fects of the vug on the potential gradients and current vuggy porosity. The results are compared to those pre-
streamlinescan be substantially restricted to the mterior dicted by the Maxwell-Gamett relationship (Figure 6).
of the cell. The electrical properties of cells contiguous The agreement is remarkable indicating that the re-
to a vug-bearing cell can thereby be madeindependentof quirement of the Maxwell-Gamett relationship for a di-
the vug. Hence other cells can be placed around a vug- lute concentration of vugs is comparable to the electri-
bearing cell and the electrical properties of the aggregate cal independenceof neighboring cells in the 2-D model.
can be calculated from a series/parallel resistor network
using the resistances of the individual cells. This ap- Similar numerical experimentswere conductedfor three
proach greatly simplifies the computation required for dimensional models made of spherical vugs in cubic
determining the F of a multicell, multiple-vug model. cells. Porosity was varied by changing the vug size. For
SPWLA 36th Annual Logging Symposium, June 26-29,1995

vug diameters less than about 70% of the cubic cell sumedto be about 2, and if F and @are known, the ma-
edge (vuggy porosity less than 20%), electrical indepen- trix and vuggy porosity can be separatednumerically or
dence between cells is maintained in three dimensions graphically. For example, a rock having F = 46, and
and again there is excellent agreement between the F += 25 per cent has about 12 per cent matrix porosity,
values determined numerically for the models and for and about 15 per cent vuggy porosity (Figure 8).
those predicted by the Maxwell-Garnett relationship
(Figure 7). For vugs having vug-diameter/cell-edge ra- POROSITY-PERMEABILITY
tios greater than 0.7, the F predicted by Maxwell- RELATIONSHIPS
Garnett is slightly higher than that determined by the
model. The equipotential surfaces in neighboring cells The method described for separatingthe componentsof
are perturbed by the presenceof the vug when the vug porosity can be used to determine the matrix porosity of
diameter is greater than about 70% of the cell edge.The a series of rocks, which in turn can be used to rank
“dilute” vug concentration criterion neededfor applica- them in terms of permeability. Consider the porosity
tion of the Maxwell-Gamett relationship no longer and F data plotted in Figure 1. As discussedin the in-
holds, however the error resulting from use of the rela- troduction, a widely used method of determining a
tionship is small, even at vug-diameter/cell-edge ratios porosity exponent for the data is to treat the scatter in
as large as 0.9 (corresponding to a vuggy cell porosity the data as if it were experimental error and attempt to
of 40%). A ratio of 0.9 results in an underestimation of fit a line (or perhaps someother functional form) to the
F by only 8% when using the Maxwell-Gamett rela- data using least squares(Figure la). However, the scat:
tionship. ter exhibited in the data for vuggy rocks is usually not
due to experimental error-the data obtained are repeat-
The two- and three-dimensionalnumerical modeling ex- able. Alternatively, the construction of a function relat-
periments described above have shown that the ing m to porosity can be attempted (Focke and Munn, QQQ
Maxwell-Gamett relationship can be used to predict F 1985) but the effort will fail if the porosity compo-
values for vuggy rocks from matrix and vuggy porosity nents vary independently and simultaneously giving a
componentswith a high degreeof accuracy, even when range of F values for a singe value of @ Only by rec-
the vuggy porosities and vug sizes indicate that the re- ognizing the bimodal distribution of porosity in these
quirement of a “dilute” concentration of vugs is not rocks can the difficulty be resolved.
met. The Maxwell-Gamett relationship specifically ap-
plies to spherical vugs, but it will give a good approx- The Maxwell-Garnett vuggy rock resistivity model al-
imation for rocks with roughly equidimensional vugs. lows a better porosity interpretation than either of the
Even if the vugs tend to be oblate or prolate, the predic- previous approaches.The model separatestotal porosity
tion of F is not seriously affected (Figure 2). Hence, the into matrix and vuggy porosity components. The ma-
Maxwell-Gamett relationship can be used as a viable trix porosity exponent can either be known from core
predictor for F of most rocks composed of a porous measurements,or assumedwith a reasonabledegreeof
conductive matrix containing vugs, molds or secondary confidence since the value of mi is usually close to two,
solution porosity. typical of an intergranular pore system. The value of F
as a function of total porosity, then depends on the
Application of the Maxwell-Garnett Vug amount of vug pore space added to the intergranular
Resistivity Model porosity (Figure 9a). Using the graphical representation
of the Maxwell-Garnett vug resistivity model (Figure
Interpretation of F and @data for vuggy rocks depends 9b), the pore spaceof each example can be apportioned
on resolving the total pore spaceinto separateporosity between matrix and vugs. Note that the matrix porosity
components accounting respectively for host rock (or of the two examples having the highest F values is
matrix) porosity and vug porosity. The storagecapacity about the same,while the matrix porosity of the exam-
of the rock is greatly influenced by the vuggy porosity, ple with the lowest F value is about twice that of the
while the electrical properties and the fluid flow proper- other two examples.
ties are governed by the matrix porosity, particularly the
pore throats of the intergranular pore system. The While there is rarely a good porosity-permeability rela-
Maxwell-Gamett vug resistivity model can be visualized tionship for vuggy rocks, there is often a well-deter-
in a useful way by plotting curves of constant $i and of mined relationship for rocks having only clean inter-
constant 4” on an F-q3 plot (Figure 8). The location of granular pores. Since the pore space in rocks with iso-
the resulting grid lines depends on the matrix porosity lated vugs is connected only through the intergranular
exponent mi. Values of mi for indurated rock matrices pore system of the matrix, the permeability k of this
having exclusively intergranular porosity generally lie rock-type should correlate with the matrix porosity es-
in a restricted range averaging about 2.0. Therefore, if timated by the Maxwell-Gamett vuggy rock resistivity
the porosity exponent of a rock matrix is known, or as- model. Example “b”, Figure 9b, should, therefore, have
SPWLA 36th Annual Logging Symposium, June 26-29,1995

the highest permeability, while examples “a” and “c” oomoldic parts of the formation so that F can be ob-
would be expected to have similar permeabilities, but tained, then the Maxwell-Gamett vug resistivity model
lower than example “b”. Note that the permeability es- can be used to estimate permeability in a relative sense
timated for these examples does not correlate with the from commonly available log data. A quantitative esti-
total porosity, but only with the matrix porosity. mate of the permeability can be madeusing the correla-
Permeability prediction in a relative sensecan be made tion equation shown in Figure 1Id.
using the Maxwell-Garnett vug resistivity model, as
long as the pore geometry of the real rock is consistent MOLDIC POROSITY
with the model. It is not necessaryto know the actual
value of the porosity exponent of the matrix, it only Moldic pores result from the dissolution of individual
needsto remain relatively constant. grains or particles forming pores which are grain-sized.
As normally used, the term “mold” may refer to pores
Data from the Khuff reservoir, North Field, Qatar, de- of any size resulting from the dissolution of fossils, oo-
scribed by Focke and Munn (1985), can be used as an lites, pisolites, etc., which may be much larger than in-
example of permeability estimation. Their data are plot- tergranular pores in a finer grained matrix surrounding
ted in Figure 10. Two types of pore systemswere iden- and connecting the molds. Microporous grains are par-
tified: carbonate rocks with primarily intergranular tially dissolved or altered matrix grains which contribute
porosity, and rocks with predominantly vuggy (or to the bulk porosity and tend to remain water saturated
oomoldic) porosity. Three permeability classes were due to the large capillary forces associatedwith the mi-
identified: k < 0.1 md; O.lmd -Z k < lmd; and cropore structure. In this paper, the term “mold” is re-
k > 1 md. If it is assumedthat the m; values of all the stricted to matrix-grain sized pores. Thus, the pore ge-
rock samples are similar, then the permeability can be ometry of surrounding matrix pore space must be con-
related to the matrix porosity estimated from the sideredin modeling the effectsof moldic porosity on the
Maxwell-Gamett vug resistivity model. Inspection of electrical propertiesof rocks.
Figure 10 shows that, while the permeability groups
overlap considerably, the center of the lowest permeabil- Modeling the effects of moldic and microporous-grain
ity group (k < .Olmd, circle symbol) corresponds to porosity numerically is more demanding than modeling
the lowest matrix porosity, the middle permeability the effects of vugs since the entire pore structure must
group (.Olmd < k < lmd, plus symbol) relates to an be included in the model. Evaluation of large three di-
intermediate value of matrix porosity, and the center of mensional grain structures with our resources is pro-
the highest permeability group (k > lmd, triangle hibitive. We have modeled two dimensional hexagonal
symbol) is consistent with the highest matrix porosity. grain packs with moldic porosity and microporous
The considerable scatter in each group is due to the grains. Unfortunately, to have adequatediscretization of
broad permeability range defined by eachgroup, and the the pore throats to avoid discretization artifacts, requires
lack of petrographic information on the degreeof isola- relatively large pore throats such as depicted in Figure
tion of the vugs and on the nature of the matrix pore 12. The resulting two-dimensional porosity is unrealis-
geometry, particularly the role of microfractures which tically high, however, the electrical effects of additional
could dramatically influence such low permeabilitiesand moldic porosity or microporous grains behave qualita-
affect m, . The influence of the matrix pore geometry on tively as predicted by the Maxwell-Gamett relationship.
the permeability of these rocks is still strongly sug-
gested. A hexagonal unit cell of circular grains is shown in
Figure 12a. The shading patterns illustrate the potential
A second example of the potential of the Maxwell- distribution. Current streamlines are depicted by solid
Garnett vug resistivity model for permeability predic- curves betweengrains. If the central grain is removed, a
tion is given in Figure 11 for oomoldic carbonatesfrom moldic pore results as shown in Figure 12b. The current
anotherMideast field. Porosity, permeability and F were distribution and flux was determined for both cells by
measuredon core samples.The data are given in Figure the finite difference method from which F values were
1la. The correlation betweenporosity and the logarithm calculated. The F values are plotted as a function of
of permeability is poor, as it is for most oomoldic and porosity in Figure 12~.The m value associatedwith the
vuggy carbonates,and is not statistically significant at change in F with @(m = 1.2) is greater than that ob-
the 95 per cent confidence level ( Figure 1lb). On the served for vugs (Figure 2), however it is still less than
other hand, the correlation between the matrix porosity, that due to changesin intergranular porosity alone.
as estimated from the Maxwell-Gamett vug resistivity
model ( Figure 1lc), and the permeability is statistically A strategy similar to that used for vugs can be used to
significant at the 95 per cent confidence level ( Figure evaluate the electrical effect of varying moldic porosity
1Id). If porosity and resistivity log data are available in large (100 cell) numerical models. The influence of a
from water saturated or flushed zones for similar moldic pore or microporous grain on neighboring cells
SPWLA 36th Annual Logging Symposium, June 26-29,1995

having only intergranular pores can be determined by Gamett vug resistivity model can be used to estimate
modeling three cells separately, then as a single three- the permeability of vuggy rock samples.
cell unit (Figure 13) and comparing the results. Only a
small difference exists between the sum of the currents AKNOWLEDGEMENTS
of two cells with only intergranular porosity plus one
cell with a moldic pore and the three cell aggregate We appreciatethe suggestionsand commentsfrom our
model (Figure 13b). The difference is attributed to the colleaguesW. D. Lyle and J. F. Gould during the prepa-
discretization requirements which have exaggeratedthe ration of this report. Marina Frederik contributed her
size of the pore throats relative to the size of the moldic skills to programming the three-dimensional finite dif-
pores in two dimensions. Hence, it is possible to treat ferencecodes.
large multicell two-dimensional moldic porosity models
as simple series/parallel resistor networks in the same REFERENCES
way multicell vug models were treated.
Aiken, C. I., Hastings, D. A. and Sturgul, J. R., 1973,
Physical and computer modeling of induced polarization,
The F-$I relationship for varying moldic porosity can be Geophysical Prospecting, v. 21, pp. 763-782.
determined using large multicell network models.F and
Q,were calculated for a one hundred cell model having Archie, G. E., 1942, The electrical resistivity log as an aid
only intergranular porosity (Figure 14a),and for models in determining some reservoir characteristics, Transactions
of the same size containing from 5 per cent to 35 per AIME , v. 31, pp. 350-366.
cent cells with moldic pores (Figure 14b). The F-q rela-
Focke, J. W. and Mums, D., 1985, Cementation exponents
tionship is given in Figure 14~. The increase in poros- (m) in Middle Eastern carbonate reservoirs, in SPE 1985
ity due to the addition of 35 moldic pores is small rela- Middle East Oil Technical Conference and Exhibition,
tive to the high porosity of the two-dimensional hexag- Bahrain, SPE Paper 13735. QQQ
onal grain distribution (Figure 14a).The slope of the re-
Herrick, D. C., 1988, Conductivity models, pore geometry,
lationship between porosity and F, given in Figure 14~
and conduction mechanisms, in 29th Annual Logging
(m =1.2), is the same as that for individual unit cells Symposium Transactions: SPWLA, paper D.
(Figure 12c).
Maxwell-Garnett. J. C., 1904, Transactions of the Royal
The explanation of the low value of m for 2-dimen- Society, London, v. 203, p. 385.
sional moldic rock models is similar to that for vuggy
Rasmus, J. C. and Kenyon, W. E., 1985, An improved
rock models. The formation of a moldic pore increases petrophysical evaluation of oomoldic Lansing-Kansas City
the porosity and the conductancewithin the pore, how- formations utilizing conductivity and dielectric log mea-
ever, the resistance of the entire model is governed surements, in 26th Annual Logging SymposiumTransac-
mainly by the pore throats which are unaffected by the tions: SPWLA, paper V.
porosity increase. Winsauer, W. 0.. Shearin, Jr., H. M., Masson, P. H., and
Williams, M., 1952, Resistivity of brine-saturated sands in
CONCLUSIONS relation to pore geometry: AAPG Bulletin, v. 36, pp. 253-
The current distribution and formation resistivity factor-
porosity relationship of a specified pore system can be ABOUT THE AUTHORS
calculated solely from geometric considerations using a David C. Herrick is a petrophysicist in Mobil’s Ex-
finite difference solution of Laplace’s equation and a dig- ploration and Production Technical Center in Dallas,
ital model specifying the conductivity and distribution Texas. He received Ph.D. in geochemistry from Penn State.
of conducting and nonconducting phases.Models con- He has worked for Conoco as a research geochemist, and for
taining vugs which are isolated from each other, but Amoco in petrophysics and petrology research. For the
past five years he has been engaged in petrophysics re-
electrically connectedthrough the intervening intergran-
search and technical service for Mobil. His research inter-
ular pore space of a porous matrix, can serve as good ests include resistivity interpretation as a function of port
approximations of corresponding vuggy rocks. To a geometry and mineralogy, nuclear magnetic resonance lab-
good approximation, the Maxwell-Gamett vug resistiv- oratory studies and log interpretation, and capillary proper-
ity model can be used to apportion the total porosity be- ties of reservoir rocks.
tween vuggy porosity and matrix porosity for real W. David Kennedy’s research interests are centered
rocks. Despite being developedfor a dilute concentration on the application of electromagnetic theory to problems
of vugs, the Maxwell-Gamett vug resistivity model arising in petroleum exploration and production. His aca-
gives a good prediction of F, even for vuggy porosities demic training was obtained at Georgia Tech, the Univer-
as high as 40%. Since the intergranular porosity of the sity of Texas at Dallas, and the University of California at
Berkeley; his degrees are in Physics and Geophysics. He
matrix controls the flow of fluids through the rock, an has been a researcher with Mobil Oil Corp. since 1988.
estimate of the matrix porosity from the Maxwell-
SPWLA 36th Annual Logging Symposium, June 26-29,1995

im b’ololl Porosity

(4 @I
Figure 1. For non-Archie rocks, F-4 relationships are nonlinear (in log-log space)
and R, cannot be predicted from a knowledge of @(a) an average m is determined
with scatter in the data treated as if it were due to experimental error; (b) m values
are determined for each sample seeking an m-4 relationship.

vug: radius = 6
(4 (d)

-horizontal elipse


vug: radius = 12
W (e)
Figure 2. Vug and matrix unit cells. The
matrix has uniform intergranular pore space,
porosity = lo%, and m =2. Circular and
elliptical vug radii are in finite difference grid
units. Areas in figures (a)-(f) between
equipotential surfaces are shaded to indicate
the absolute magnitude of the potential.
Gradations in shading reflect the potential
vug: ellipical (15x7) vug: radius = 14 gradient applied from top to bottom of each
(4 (0 model.

SPWLA 36th Annual Logging Symposium, June 26-29,1995

C= 0.0204 C= 0.0350 C= 0.0204

Ct= 0.0758

C= 0.0760 Figure 4.2-D vuggy rock model

Figure 3. Comparison of the sum of the with 35% vug-bearing cells
conductance of two matrix cells and one
vug-bearing cell with the conductance of
the combination.

N. -.
F IO: m = 0.37 F (2D) 5o
a = 14.6

.Ol .l 1 F (M-G)
Porosity Figure 6. Comparison between F values determined by 2-D
Figure 5. F-4 relationship modeling and calculated from the Maxwell-Gamett relationship
for varying porosity, for models with & = lo%, 20% and 30% and with q$ varying
rj= lO%,m=2. from 0% to 40% in 5% increments.

Matrix orosi = 10% Matrix porosity = 20% Matrix porosity = 30%

100 2.5



F(3JJ) F(3D)
0 i 0
0 25 50 75 I 0 5 10 15 a0

F (M-G) F (M-G) F (M-G)

(a) (b) (cl
Figure 7. Comparison between F values determined by 3-D modeling and calculated
from the Maxwell-Garnett relationship. (a) @i= lo%, (b) @i= 20% and (c) @i= 30%.
9” varys from 0% to 40% in 5% increments in each figure.

SPWLA 36th Annual Logging Symposium, June 26-29,1995

vug porosity (%)

5O lo 20
: 3040
F 100 \ 10 __ ::
- l
matrix 20
*: porosity (%) 30

0.01 0.10 1.00

Figure 8. Graphical representationof the Maxwell-Gamett relationship for mi = 2.0.
Example of the division of total porosity into matrix and vuggy porosity: for F = 46.2,
@=25%~#i = 12%~$y= 15%.

looO- loQ0,
&modal Pore System Maxwell Garnett Model

vug porosity (%)

1°- matrix: m=2 ‘\

1 1 \
0.01 0.1 1 0.01 0.10 1 lo
Porosity Porosity
64 (b)
Figure 9. Interpretation of the F-@ relationship for rocks with a bimodal
vug-matrix pore system.

F 100

+ 0.1 mdckel md Figure 10. Relationship of matrix porosity
to permeability for the Khuff Formation,
1 North Field, Qatar.
0.10 (data from Focke and Munn, 1985)

- lo-
SPWLA 36th Annual Logging Symposium, June 26-29,199s

log k = 8.8@ - 0.094

Mid-EastOomoldic Carbonates fl* = 0.44 .
Sample No. $ (%) k(md) F @ii(%)@IA%) .
1 12.9 28 105 9.1 4.1
log k . %
: 20.1
21.4 60
35 14
58 12.0
10.3 9.2
4 222 30 132 1.2 16.2
5 17.8 &2 279 5.1 13.4
6 23.5 49 12.7 124 .
I 21.4 130 30 11.5 4.1
8 26.5 228 26 18.0 10.4

I 0.1 0.2
(4 Porosity

log k = 0.1 O$i+ 0.53

log k

0 I
0.10 0 0.1
Matrix Porosity
Figure 11. Application of the Maxwell-Gamett relationship to permeability prediction
in oomoldic carbonatesfrom the Mid-East.

Intergranular Porosity Moldic Porosity

(4 (b)

F . (4
m= 1.2 -4

Figure 12. Potential and current distribution in unit cells
with intergranular (a) and moldic (b) porosity and their
F-e relationship.

- ll-
SPWLA 36th Annual Logging Symposium, June 26-29,199s

current = 2.22
moldic pore -1

current = 2.42
Figure 13. Comparison of the current streamlinesin intergranular (a)
and moldic (b) multiple-cell finite-difference models.

2-D Grain Model 2-D Moldic Porosity Model

(a) (b)

Figure 14. F-qbrelctionship for 100 cell moldic porosity models.

(a) intergranular porosity; (b) model having 35% cells with moldic
pores; (c) F-4 relationship for varying moldic porosity showing the
Maxwell-Garnett [M-G) prediction.

- 12-
._,,.,.” ,.*_

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