Midterm Examination: Name: - Block: - Date

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Midterm Examination _
Name: _______________________________ Block: __ Date: ______ _
Instructions: _
1. Briefly answer the following caselets. _______________________________________________________________
2. Write legibly your answers on the spaces provided. _
3. To be submitted on or before Otober 23, 2020. _______________________________________________________________
(Case prepared by Gov. Jose B. Fernandez Jr. Ethics Center, Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines) CASE PROBLEM NO. 2: RUMORS
Jason, a Junior System Administrator with the Management Information Systems (Case prepared by Gov. Jose B. Fernandez Jr. Ethics Center, Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines)
Department, clocked in 4 minutes and 27 seconds late for work this morning. While he won’t A few months ago, Arielle Cruz, Head of the Sales and Marketing Department of
get fired for it, being late this once means that he will not receive the perfect attendance Mariposa Real Estate, formally announced to her staff that she will be leaving the company in
incentive which he needs to make ends meet, given his daughter’s recent series of order to be able to concentrate on her family. She emphasized that since she will be leaving,
hospitalizations. there is room for a promotion and that she would nominate their two top performers, Mary
It’s not that Jason didn’t make an effort to be there on time. He actually arrived in the and Jane, to the HRMD. In an effort to give herself an upper hand, Mary closes deals with
office five minutes early but was unable to clock in immediately because his direct superior, three big clients two days right after Arielle’s announcement.
Raffy, asked him for an informal project progress report as soon as he walked in the door. Two weeks after Arielle’s announcement, stories about Mary’s promiscuity begin to
As a Junior System Administrator, Jason has access and the capability to edit the company’s make their rounds and quickly become the mainstay headlines of office gossip. The most
attendance records. He figures that since he was unable to punch in only because of his boss, scandalous rumor is that Mary offers sexual services to her clients – both male and female –
it wouldn’t hurt to edit the timestamp on his attendance for today. in order to close her sales. In the face of all these rumors, Mary continues to deliver excellent
Has Jason done anything wrong? work.
_______________________________________________________________ The time has come to promote of the candidates. Based on performance, Mary is the
_ better candidate but both could do the job. Should you consider the rumors? What should
_______________________________________________________________ you do?
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_ 2. Is having an ethical conflict with your employer a sign that Jack should leave the
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CASE PROBLEM NO. 3: MINING DATA _______________________________________________________________
(Case prepared by Kirk O. Hanson, Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, Santa Clara University, USA)
Jack Hall, a software developer for a large online retailer, was growing increasingly _______________________________________________________________
uncomfortable with his company’s practices. While some of his company’s executives had _
been publicly critical of the government collecting vast quantities of personal detail from _______________________________________________________________
email and online activity, the company was particularly aggressive about mining data from its _
own customers’ online activity for marketing purposes. _______________________________________________________________
Jack talked with one of his friends, who worked for a local university, about his _
concerns. The friend asked him three questions: _______________________________________________________________
1. With whom does Jack have an ethical conflict – his company, or governmental _
policy, which permits what the company is doing? _______________________________________________________________
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_______________________________________________________________ Source: Saccocio, Damian. " Short Business Ethics Cases for Use in Class". OER Commons. Institute for the Study of Knowledge
Management in Education, 02 Jul. 2015. Web. 02 May 2020. <https://www.jesuitdigitalnetwork.org/authoring/8730-short-business-
_ ethics-cases-for-use-in-class>.
_______________________________________________________________ 4. What are the main sources of national competitive advantage? Think about a successful
_ product in your country; what are the sources of competitive advantage that explain its
_______________________________________________________________ success?
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