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University Institute of Engineering & Technology

Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra

Time: 1 hour, Total Marks=15 Course: B.Tech (Mech. Engg.)-7th sem
Sub: Mechatronics Sessional: 1st Subject Code: ME-403
1. Define the following terms. ----(3)
a. Open-loop control system
b. Close loop control system
2. Convert the following number. -----(4)
a. (1100.1011)2 ---------( 12.6875 )10
b. (10.625)10 -----------( 1010.101 )2
c. (B3F5)16------( 46069 )10
d. (101011101.011)2 ---------( 535.3 )8
3. With diagram, discuss the principal and working of suitable sensor used for linear
displacement. ---------(3)
4. Determine the Boolean expression and find the output if A=0, B=1, C=1, D=1, what will be
output X if all input are as shown in fig. -----(5)

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