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Lab: Connecting to the Lab Environment

In this lab you will connect to the lab environment and become familiar with the resources
available for the labs.

By completing this lab you will:

• Log in to the remote lab environment

• Open a web browser on the remote desktop to connect to Versa Director
• Open an SSH session to your assigned FlexVNF node
Introduction to Versa SD-WAN

Part 1: Connect to the Remote Training Environment

Step 1.1

From the web browser on your computer, connect to the following web address, or click on the link you
received in your class registration email (if available):

Step 1.2

Enter your login credentials for the training lab and click Login. Your credentials should have been sent
to you via E-mail with your lab registration information, or they should be provided by your instructor.

Note: If you have not received your login credentials, please notify your instructor.

You should now have access to the training portal.

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Introduction to Versa SD-WAN

Step 1.3

Enter the lab environment (remote desktop) by clicking on the vLAB icon. Once the remote desktop
starts, you will be presented with several icons. The following slide describes the icons:

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Introduction to Versa SD-WAN

Step 1.4

From the remote desktop, open the README.txt document on the desktop. The text file contains
important notes for the lab environment. Read the notes to prepare for the labs.

Step 1.5

Return to the remote desktop. From the remote desktop taskbar, locate the Google Chrome link in the
bottom task bar. Click on the Google Chrome shortcut on the taskbar to open the web browser.

Step 1.6

From the web browser window, locate the shortcut to the Versa Director on the bookmarks bar at the
top of the browser window. Click on the bookmark to open a browser session to Versa Director.

Step 1.7

Log in to the Versa Director with the username labuser and password Versa@123.

Note: You may be prompted to change the password. If you are prompted to change the
password, enter the original password of located in the README.txt file
and a new password of Versa!23. After resetting the password, log into Versa
director again with the new password of Versa!23.

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Introduction to Versa SD-WAN

Note: If you cannot connect to Versa director, notify your instructor.

Step 1.8

If you were forced to change your password, you will want to change your password back to the default
lab password. To change the password for user labuser password back to the password in the
README.txt file, click on the labuser user-id in the top right of the Versa Director workspace and select
Change Password.

Step 1.9

Enter the password Versa!23 (current password), then set the new password to the Versa Director
password located in the README.txt file. Confirm the password change, and you will be logged out of
the system. Login to Versa Director again with the password in the README.text file.

Step 1.10

Close the Versa Director browser window to exit from Versa Director.

Step 1.11

From the taskbar of the remote desktop, open the Multi-Session PuTTY application.

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Introduction to Versa SD-WAN

Step 1.12

Open the session to your assigned branch device. Login to the branch device using the username and
password located in the README.txt file on your remote desktop.

Note: If you cannot log into your assigned branch, notify your instructor.

Step 1.13

Type exit at the shell prompt to close the SSH session to your branch device.

STOP! Notify your instructor that you have completed the lab.

You have reached the end of this lab. Please ask your instructor for instructions on how to proceed.

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