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University Institute of Engineering & Technology

Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra

Time: 1 hour, Total Marks=15 Course: B.Tech (Mech. Engg.)-7th sem
Sub: EPA Sessional: 1st , Code: ME-439
SECTION A (2x2=4)
Q.1 (a) List the following in increasing amounts from the exhaust of an idling
automobile. O2, NOx, SOx, N2, unburnt hydrocarbons, CO2 and CO.
(b) Write the six “criteria air pollutants” for clean air act established in 1970 of
national ambient air quality standards.
SECTION B (Attempt any two questions){2x5.5=11}
Q.2 Explain in brief particulate emission control by mechanical separation and
electrostatic precipitation.
Q.3 Identify two air pollutants wherein odor may be the compromising indicator of
an air quality. What are the limitations of using odor beyond a screen level?
Q.4 Consider a facility in your home town. What three steps could be taken in the
life cycle to improve air pollution emissions?
Q.5. What should be the ultimate disposal of dry material collected by an ESP at a
cement plant kin outlet? What should be the ultimate disposal of wet sludge from a
scrubber on a cement plant kit outlet.

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