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Narberth Voters ACommunication on A Letter 01 Appreciation

Approve $30,000 An Important Matter
Playground Loan I
Tht' following- 11-11('1' frill)} OUI'
:\: 1'1
Ih'ar :-·il':
,'1 t I,. ", IIlla.,
td' Our Ttl\\ 11· ... frivlld~. is ft'
~:ll'tkd :!"i tit" ~lll'h illt, (l":-,t a:-- ttl
MAJORITY OF 4 TO I REGISTERED Th,' Bll,-Oll!!h ,d' ~arlll'l"lh i .. Illt-~s",1 \\ i'll ;1 ., 11':11" Fll"t' l)t'jlartlJlt.llt
"~trrallt lIlt· ,·III..;t·:-o.t rl·ading.
BY BIG VOTE IN CONFIRMA· Tht' idl':t... 111'1 ""'IIlt.· I art' 1111· -ul'-to-e!atf', 111'<1\1', :illli ('flil·it lit. This [n"l : ... 1'\III1\\JI t,1 a ft·\\ tIl' 0,11'
TORY ELECTION illulltt'fll.v of t!lt' ll:II'~t timely :-,i~'· ('it iZI'IJ~. Idlf I l!;l\ t' Il(l t!l,tdd that it \\"1.1111.1 t:I"t' :I lni .. tortllllt· 'I1WlI T'"
lIitil·:IJkl'. I have r"l'(llltly l'xllt'ri"III'('d til :1\\:I!"'T1 IIltl",1 of 1\ ....
Thl' :'1ll't·;:tI t·l,'c·.tioll llf'ld llll .\1 t1l1.1:1\' Attention! Red Blooded Employers ()Il .\loll'I. •." TrHlrtlill~ la .. t. at 111;1'1' fl'l,ltll·k, III." 11· ... jl](·II/'I' :11 \11. 1~1
to ('lllllirltl lh,· l'la.\"g-r(llllld 10all 11·"IJitt·.[
ill :1 \of,' lit' -l:!~l ttl "!I, ill fa\'I!" of tltt'
\\i:-.h lhat \\,.
\\f'r,' strull~ t,ltllu~h ll1 THE FIRESIDE ElllIWtlllt!
.\\·~'1I1)l'. \\as
\\n~ of ~lIt'h
\·i~i1c·c1 II.\'

t/l lI,d
\,1111·11, :11
tilllt, tlt~ it ...
III" li\l':-O
tli ...
Th.· l;tr;.:\' h:dlot \Va:-- :l :0'0111"1'(' tit sur· E:ll'!l \\111'1".lrollld". toil ;lnd ('aft' Til,\" falJlil,\', hut :I I'l'c"a n"! til d'HIIII lll." 110111(' :1 . . \\"11. Tt'l1 lI,iJllJll'''' aft, r
., .... 1'11111 ofl' t-;dk~' ... hllll.,I~'r~ t'\ t'r\'\\ h.·I'\·. \J r:-. . .\. B. Ho:-o .. is I't'("o\·t'l'ill;.! 1'1'0111
llri~(' alld ;,,'rHtili"ntio!l ttJ 1hO:"'I' illll'r the' Blanll \\a.~ tUrtH't! ill 10 th,. 11,jl·lll!ollt· t'Xt·h:lll:!t' Ly 1I11', our ('01111':1:1.'"
l':,f,'d ill thi:-- Ilt'\\" p!ddit' illlpro\'t·llIt'llt. ~I \'~ Tit II I \\'''\lld ',e a· \\'ol'ih·while :III att:I(·1\. (If grippt1 •
• ~'t'\\ yl·:lr· ... ~irt. was UII tht' ~rtllll1d alld hurl a ... II'I·a111 lit' \\:111'1' 1111 flip Ida/t' . .\Iilld yt,lll.
In :tIl .-,:!tl l'all01:-, "t'rl' (':1:--1. t\\O (If
\dJi"h wl'r'" ,!,,>iI,·,1. ~lallY \lho "a,,1 ~ris~ Ht'ft'll \loranB, i~ ,i~i1 iug flli~ \\"a.~ at lllrp~' o'('ltll'k ill fh,' 1I101Ilitl~--I';:IlI\\otld :1\"11[11' \\:t~ (·(1\·cr-t',j
the-il' yotl':-; :l~~tiJl~t thl' lflan ill .\0\"'111-
('C!lIIl'! E'I'rvllllt, lIj'lIll lhi~ earthly fl"it'lld~ ill .-\hOOllil, 1)a. \\ith :-;11 Cl \\', ill ~Ilnlt' Id:lt't''''! "'1'\1'1':111'1"'1 '!I't'J!. \\hil'lI h:lrl II,tt ht't'll !lnd":I'1l
Yotl'" .. \"~'S 11 ~llIlIda\·. I":lYll1~ l"-I'llt'rt': •
.. lHlr. IHI iI.v tr:dli(·. alld ",hl'll thl' lir~i hll"p /·III1IH·I·,illll \\iI." 11111l1t'. it \\:\ ... tli .. -
thnt a fllll"l.' kllo"!vdg,, of 'Ih,' 1'"",'" HI·~ol\·t· ill .'\iJ!t,t'·"1l I'Wt'lIt\"-t \\ 0
{'O\'c'l"!,d that tll(' ping frO/I'll [I\' ,",olid.
had ('au",t'd thPlI1 tn (·hallg!' tht·ir willd,,_ To hl'ljl lifl":-- 111I1"1:l'11 ht.>al:l r:-l thruugh. ~[r. "'illialll .1 .• 10111''', .Ir.. a ,1",J"uI \\;1:-:

I;.,t'~ li.1,dltC'II---lItJl jll~t !lrightl'll, thi:-, :11 Lt'high l·lli\-l'r~it."l W:IS hOIlH' for Thl' tirf' ,h,' IiITItII·1J : rri\('ll. that
Oth"r, II'h" adlllitl"d th,'" "" .... ir ...·'·oll· \\:1:' of :--111·11 ItI'OjIt1rt;1l1J'" "hl'lI .f
t-ilahll', howt'd til tIlt, '·Xjlfl':-'l"'t·tl will of ~"I'\\ Y t':1 r. St'\·t'l'al day~ lll~t \\"pl'k.
appl'11ITI] tIJI' ltl'ig-llt of fll]~Y ttl aPl'rolll'}1 (']lI:--" ttl Ih,· hllii.IIII~, "" alllll"
tht, lIIajorit.\" Hlld \'oft'd ill 1':lyor. Tilt' ftin'golll;": lillt':~ fllrllll'd ollt' of
tht' IlI:!JI." .\\.\\ Yl :lr's l.!.r(·I~lillg-S Ullt! I'lltt'r ('hi"r ~111'1. hll\\('\I'1", "itll Ihl' utlllll-t 111':1\"1".'".1:1" llidy t·nt,·tl'l!
F'or tlll''''(' rt':t:-O(lll~. til.' l:lrgl' ll1ajllr;t.Y Fi rt\~itl(,
11 lit ollly illdi"iltl't1 I'I"I'''''''IJt l·lItllll:--·ia:-OIlI, \\ i~ht'~ n't·l·i\ ,'.1 h,Y .\llll'rit·:I's hplo\·"tl 1ht\ tlllt nl'll fOllght th(' tl:lllll':-: frOTH t11,· il1 ... ilk. lhIT,'II~' lill1itillg
"(Jill' 'I'll" u" Itl'pd!'l
hut :dstl J..:':I\t' proTlli~1' Ill' :l fillt, ('i\"il' hlltll(Jri ... t:t11d 11,110\\ 111;111. ,l u llll KI'Ilt! 1hl' d:llllagt' til tlli' ll':t~t c'xtt·11I jllI:--:--ild , .
il,·",.. \\'ill .\'011 1"'1,,1
~J1irit lI,t, rutllf'(' Pl" tIll' t',dt·!'!'r;:"l'.
ill ri"k lillJlgS, :t'" lll' 1:1.'· III :It II i:..: 11(llllt' ill 1

'-t'!ltllt!)', \. .• 1.. !'!,t'I':trillg leI lIJ1dl'rgo till' PI'r1lLit III', th,·rt'fllt'I'. IhrClug:h 1111' l'tI]\IIJIIl'" 1,1 "()tll '1'11\\'11 '. ,'I
('otlll(·il will takt, ~t('p" lit 1111('1' 10 i~~lIt'
~t'rilltl~ "! 1t'1':t t Hili \\ Itle'!1 lill:lll." rl ~ultt,d Th,· ~'il'l' l'OIl,!""l.V \I ill h,,]d a ,\'a"h· I'Xprt·ss 10 <'hil'!' ~11l'1 ;Il1d hi~ 1'(1111):111." 1bl' hl·:lrlfl,]t :tlld ... il\l't'!"· th:IIl],"':
th~' nl'(·t'~:-:'Hr.Y h(llld~. alIt! to ht'gill al"1l1:11
""(Irk 011 tlit' pnlt]jng of tilt" lll'op,'rt.,·. ill Iti, d.. al h. iJlc-fllll Hirthtlu\' d:tlll'f' 011 lilt' ('''t'lIing ()f lllYSl'lf :llld fa1llily fill' tilt'ir hra'·l' and l'lli/·il'lI1 ~t'n II"'. \\'\, al'l' '_2hd
Of Ih," "':111.111111 al'1'ropl'iat"d by 1h,' Ht·:td that ~t'I·,)JI" \·t'l"~,' O\'t'r ':tgain~ or' F"('hnl:try ~~Ild.
tn hf' :tli,-p ttl:-:II tl'~tir,'-' lIlld tltl~l thai it wi:l 111,1 t't'qllir,· sillli1.~1
01'.1 i1111 11,·1' "l'I,ro\'"d "011.111.", $:!:!.;;Iltl It i~ IIllll't' th;tll a Bier..' l'ato'sillg wish.
It i~ a litl'r:t1 lllllllll:tlld that :-0110\11" hI' Illi~f('rtllllt' fIll' \':Irllf'rth tel 11Illlrl'('i;llt' :11111 . . lll'II(llt it", 1111""'li~ll ··}III.\· ....
i~ to Illll'l'hH"'l' th,' pr0l't,rt.,·, IJ(1\.\ ill po ... · ~I r. a lid ~I r". T. \' ,"'V Hilt 1"1' 11:.1 ,',.
:-;t·~~i(lll of th,' ~arh"rth PI:l,\"~rolllld dri\·I'1I 1I01111' to 111" h"itrt lIf hv:trt~ (If ~i 11"t'I",'ly .'"0·11':-.
Il('c'lI ~Jll'Jldillg- a {'()III'Il' (If \\t'('k~ at
~'\~SO('iHti(ll1. :In,1 :f:i •.~lllll ttl 111' lp,wd ill ,.\-" r.YI Hll' II l' (rll r ,. i 1 i /.('t1!'o.
.\ I ;,,"t ;,. (·il.'·. Frederic A. Egmore.
LI'I liS lOlli, :It it :t IIlOtlll'llt. YOU 'IlI'n
fillillg 1111.1 1"""lillg Ih,· tr:t'" Ill' lalld.
ot' \.:trllt'rth gt'Jlt'I·:t1ly-Hlld IIIU~l' l"iJ'I'(,j-
Jt i" "XI"'"j,,d Ihllt Ih,' pr"p"rl.'· \\ ill ).,.
lit·al]\·. "lit! Hlt'lI lIf ~:trhl'rt!l who an' ~Ii-- .\il,,"·11 E. \"',,dh:lul i" at ]111 II Il'

rt'adY for n"':'l' a'" atl Outdlltlr ('lIll111111llity
,'IC'\':I't("i ~t1t1;l·il'lItl.,· high ill thl' 1l1hi·
J{·('(·l:I':llioll Cl'ntp!' t"hi~ :-lllllllll'r. .
"'''' ""rid to I,,' 1IIHEW"; OF OT1IER~.
Tht'rt' an' a goud !lIHII,\" ill tht' hirillg
fnHl1 ~l:llt' ('(dlc'g-(' Ol.l :It'I'UUllt tlf ~('riolls
illtll'''. League 01 Women Saint Valentine's
Community Club Notes l,la ... ~-gllod .'\:trIH,!'t'hiall';; all-who ill
('ast illg :thout for 11 .'11 t'l fill tht'ir IIIIt'.
\11'''' \\'. H. I'ark"r, "f ~I .... iou A ...··
ha:-o ,I..!.u!l(' to ('harl(-':-- To-WIl, "iT'
Voters Meets Monday Dance Next Tuesday
1It't'II~, lI~e uf advrti~illg in an
IIlakc' ~itlia. fill' H ~hcHt ,·i:,lt.
far n'" it g()t':----lllit 111(' tl't1uJdt' i~ that MEE'IING FOR DISCUSSION BY MEMBERS 01' TENNIS
CIATIVE AUDIENOE-ATTRAC· ~Ir. 1111" ~II'~. K,'IIIIl·th K. Bu"h,·
If g'H'~ tOil far-nllll'h too fal'-it got':o' ASSOCIATIONS
IVELY DECORATED ha\',' !'t,,"·lItl.\' IlIkl'n po".. ""ioll of OliO COUNTY GOVERNMENT
aWII" ,.111 of \':Irht'J'th. ~o for Ihc tilll')
Ju'iu'g, :-ot0l' it ~ E~l--('X .\ '·('nllt~.
~Irs. ~lllry Hose eollills gil\'(' 1I ,J(,- :--top il ~ .\11.1 thillk. '''hy ill ]Il·a,·· ~Ir,. ('''1'1'1,)1 IJO\\""~ \lill hI' h",t,·,s 'I'h,' ~t. \'al"lltill"" Pall':" ot' Ih,·
Jightf~l] rl·a.1illg of Ih,' pIn." "Th,' 01.1 I ~:nhl'rlh '1'1'11111:-: .\..:.:-;(wiatiflll \\"ill Ilf'
,'II '" 11:1111(' "1111 you 1I0! loeale jU~1 the 'Ii", ElIlIi,'p L. Willillm" "lIlntllill,'tl t" thl' L,',,~,· 011 Fd'l'lIar;y ];;th, at
Llld~' Show~ H"r ~I ..d:d,," h~' .J. ~r. :1t Ilri(l~1' TIlP~lIH\" ht.>ld 1I('Xt Ttlt'~day t'\'Pllill~, l·'l·hrtlilr.v
t,\'I'(" of III:UI 01" 1[1('11 you \\allt, ill ~Hr aftt'I·II()OJl. FtlhrunrY
ht1r hot1u'. :\1.1 \\'ood,..idl.' ('Ollllt.'· I~, at ,,:ltll lIall. ~[(,lIlh,·l's and 1h"ir
~Ih. at ltt'r hOlllt: I'''' "'yuII"\\'oo" An;.
'.. ~.. ;Bnrri". Tht' tlt"lIIp of the J'lay IU"'''O 101'1·th? '\'h~· JJllt ;":HJ'JI\'r tht'J11 ill fnull
hUlllall and h"al't g-ril'l'ing 1l~ Ih" otll"r YOur OWII hOlJlt' tl1WIl-Ulake IT HIOft' 1I11t'. (iO\'t'rJltll('l1ts alld County ('II~ll't:..: will 111' fri"'lId~ are a~kl'd par1ic'1l1Hdy tH IH';lr
pln~'~ I. lid ~I ori .." of Harrit'. i'l'o'I"'I'"l"'-~:IlId li;.:1<t'·11 THEI H 1011.1-- till' suh';!'('1 fell' di:-'(·IP.... ioll at thi:-o tilllP. ill Inilld th,' da\'- TIII's,I'I\', a" Ih,' '1','11'
("'" \\"1',' introdlll· .. d 10 fOllr I,),] ]lnr.I alld dn nt !lis dallct'!" ar(' '1I~111111" hl:ld 011 Frida\'".
it 011('(': ~Ir,. 11,,1'1." .\ . . Ia'·o]" ha~ ,·harg.. "f
"'urkillg c·hUI'WOlllf:l'n 4d' LOlJduJI, who \'·hilt· it i..; trlll' that l"utltt' llu.sill~'~s
Th t' r,'C"f' Il t ... tl,·('l... ..;~ fllI ('a 1II11U ign h~· Tilt, ,·hatlg(' ill tht' "t'gular :-'('hl'dlll~' \\~'t~
Ih,' Yi,it.illg :'\"r~,' llpjlllrtm"lIt of th,' lht' portioll pI·rtaillllq.~ 10 t·lJ1l1l1." IlIatil' to IIICt>t I ht' Ot·t'H:-oiol1-~t. \. al('I1-
'verp l'ujoyillg thl1ir tt':1 lIIllI g't1s:-oil" lillP:-' 111'P ~lllf·k. Illakillg' it J1l'I,p~Sar~" to
('iti~t'J1"" ..\~:-"(I('iatioll wa~ ('olldu<'t{'lt ill this ypar fHllill~ Oil TlIt'~,l:ty.
Eneh hOll~tl'cf of n ,on "lIgagpd ill "'ar, d i :-oprllsr wi-f h ~(JIlIt' t'nlpltt.v,'(':-: 1'(' n'1Ia II· (io\'l'rJllIlt'll t. 1 illt' ':-,

hut on" ),,,a,,I,'d Itllll't' thall ,ill th,· \'arh"rlh hy till' follllillg' "n",,"illl"': ~ll 1"'·111('111-111')" thnt lht' IIl'Xt Tt'llJli ...
t'lltl.'· :lIld Jlllt 'Ithl'r:--- til! furlull;..:h, :,"l't ~I r. Jo'I"t<-hl'r \\" ~tit,·, 1"" "'1'," g""
otlu'r". H,'r soil WIlS laq.:,'r, hm\'t'r nn,) 'Ir'. FI"'eh"r \Y. I4lit,·s. ('hnirtlllln, :Mrs. I lallI'" I\ill I,,'h,·ld I"'XI Tl.:'·>II.\\,
al Ihp '111111' tilllp .. r linN of tTndc tt'll 1111' J111'11I1It'r~
l'OII:-,('lltt)11 .to
more g'allallt Ihall 1111\' oth.·!'. Hut itt' H. C, Hoffmlln, ~Irs. lIarr," lIarU,·y, 1·'fO\l;.d.\"
1·\-t·lljll~, Ft·lll'lIar\· 14.
al"(\ fin,]ing' il "",,"tial to "01111. Ih,'
"'as only a (·ftlatUrt·· of her iJllag·ill:l· ~[rs. C. T, Fllrips, )11'". "·m. Li\'ingstoll, nhollt thp {'tllllll~' ('{'"l'b if hl' ,'all .'I,'lId,,·r, 11:",: 1""'11 "".I'pli,'.j \lllh
IlIar!u't for c'Ol1lJlt'tf'lIt :11'(·Ol1l1tallt .... of·
tion. fil'" 111(111, fac·lllr~· \\llrkpr:-; and ~nl(l-srnpn.
)frs. E. C, TowlI, .Jr., ~Ir" .J .J. Cnhrey, posl"'ihi.,- 'lrr:lllg"· tn ht' I'rl':-:"'IIt. ~I r:-... I il'kt,ts and tho:o-c' Jll'l'dillg ('Xl 1';1:-' f\'r
~Udt1('lll~·:l :-,uldit·1' :->-011 WH!" llrtlug!lt ~I r~. '1', H. \\'" !kt'r, ~I r'. R.I. Ilothard. 111('ir fri('lId;o; I'all oblain th"111 IllUlI
:.. Th .. H,-Ip '\'lllll",L '·olllllIJI.~ ill dail\' H. L. ~"'t\\11l'1Z ('0'11111." ('h:dnll:lll, "iiI
da"~ ,'. H. ~Il'lzg .. r. ,·hairliiall "I' Ih,·
to her. llnd for lh',· thi" 1':1JH'.rs prO"t' it. 1I":IlIl-; of ItH:-.iJI(-,..~:-o ~lIh"litlll", "11lI1I1,) ~Ir. :-;tit"" I", lIoahl,·
strangp pail' of "hildle~, IlIot'I"'r alld lIrg-allii'tdi{lll~ atlJldt it. l:t itllllt,t1t ('olllllli1tt't\ t,." C'allilll!. \\ I it ill~
~'r". .10st'!']1 :,\I(,h ('lItl'l't"in"tl 1,,'1' til atl"lId al thl' la'" lIliil,,1t·.
IIIQt!wrl 'tIll tol,'ral"d, l'l1ll'1'taiupd ~f"'('rJlI ('ollll't>ft'lIt worl,l'rs alollJ,; thl' "r l'hOllillg 10 hilll at his h""I(', 15
"uu:-oilt ~Ir~. :-4. rl'. Pf('i:-::~('r, :lIHl ),[r:-::.
thill~S' \'tlllll'll a"PlJll('.
nud filially 10\',·,1 pal'll lIlh,·r. .\ud "lh'll .J'la~",ifi('at.iOlls ltl>4:'lItioll('c1 arr' now H"uil- Thf'rp 11It1:-,t hi' IUHU." al'l' t'hl':-:.tnUf
:,\ ... lIip ("'1\'''1111'' at 11111..11"'"1 oil "'ed· ,,~.
be IpnH'" Ihis worltl ~h,· tn'''''III'l'S hi, al.l .. right ill 10\\ II. J.t i' "{llIr dut,· Itt'."II(.'·, Fphrllltr~' Slh. illl"r,'sl",j t,· klloll' aholll tlll'ir '·""llt.". 'I'h,' 1I111"i,· \I ill I,,· flll'Jlisil""
~to(·k 's ol'l·ht,~tra-·lll:lll whi('h
seari' ·alld '1001l1l,,t, lib 1I1l'IIIOr\, alld hi, :IS a 10WII~llWll to 11I1'1"·t th':JlI-f'onfC:r F"r ill"lall'·I'. do \'011 kllo\l th,' origilla]
tll('!',' j..;
IIH't!llJ, of hOllor.) . witll th"lll. It ,'1111 I,,· a rra11 g"'1. '~olllld 1\0 h(,tt,'r jal.zitlg" ollllit. Ill'l \\ l'l'l! ]IITI'
IliUlllhl'!' (If {'olItI'tit's ill Pt'lIl1:-yl\·ltllia.
~Ir". ('ollin~ hnd 1111111" fri"IIl]S in Ilw Owir ljllalill.--alioll' :til'! if it i" ill Ih" Lt'arn "hout "'Nlr ,·ou"t,· J,:o'·... rn· alld tit" 1,lll of Yal"
a"d ho'\\' l1\all\' th"I'" arp lI"w' ill tIll'
"Cluh, nlld nftt'l' h"r al"I'""ra,"'" toda~·. ,,·nod 10 tlll,p tllt'lIl Oil, do !'o at on(·(I. IIlt,,,t IIl1d "011 11 t.,.' "o''''I~ at t·h,. LplIg'u" For th()~t' \\'110 ha"t' 110t (llItgl'll\\ II tht'
:-:1 at,· 1 "'hilt ·ar,· Ih,' ('oUIII,· "lli""r,? \\,(,11 kl1o\\"11 ~llol't of ~':-O'III'al,illg" \'alt'll-
$.]](' ha:-; a host of n(~\\' OJlPS, and WP (;t~t off :"uur h~glJ lIorse's, if :VOI1 ar~' pf \'" OIllI't1 \. ot f'r:-:: )l1(\et i llg :\1 (iJltln~' 1
"'hat ar .. th,' prill<'i"al ";Iti", aud
\\'i11 'nll h,' gl"d \\·h('11 shp ('OIUt'S Ilg"ill. on tht't11 nud ~('t down on thl\ p1Hnf' of Fl'h. l:~th. :: 1'. ~r.. at :\1.; '\"oo,bitlp 1 illt'~ tlll,lt'r tht' frollt dlHII':-: til' Ollr 1:ld,"
i'0'\'t'r~ of thl' (·HlIllt.,· ('OlllllliZ'\sioIH'I':-O?' !o\"t':' , hOIJIl', I"ill~itlg- tlr,' hl'll ;tlld thl,'11
)Irs. E. H. ~h0I'P goa \'t' a H"sullll' l. f hllllillll hl'lpflllll".-,-alld HJ~LP your .\ \'l'n u .... ·
'\'hat arp lIlt' fu"l'li,,"s "I' Ih,· Pi_· '9111l1Jillg do\\)) to fh(, l'OI))t'r nile! l,idill~
Boroug'lt (;o'· .. rllnll·lIt 'lhil'h hnd ]"'('11 1',·110\1' 111111''''". ' • I!'il'l "tlortl .. ~·; Ih,' ·'·Ollllt.,· >'!,!i"itur; Ih,' -for tho"" of liS who :II'" "till r' a-.·n·
thoruughly studi ..,! at Ih,· In,1 1I1l'('l illg Thi'; i~ 1101 th;' lilll<' for "ittill'g tight ~ri,s Idn Bu('.kmHn. of ',"vnlle"'oo,] l'lIgiIlPt'r; tht' ('III'Ollpr; tilt, ~h('rin'; 1ht'
of thp Ll'ag-u(' of "'ollll'n ,"ot .. rs. Th .. ,\""11111'. pIII .. rtaill,'d Ih" me;lIhl'r~ of IIhl,\' .,·0Ilthfn1 ill ,,,irit hilt a liltIP 1"0
'\\'OIlI{'lI \'oh'I" of :'\arlwrtlt shOUld 1010\\' "rolho""tar.,·; til<' ...·gi"t .. !' of "ill·', Ih,· diguiJipd, 01' IIliddlt, :l~t'd. or rhl'uIl1atit',
(Continue,! Oil Pnge 4) Ih,' Hl·"tlillJ! eirel ... of tIll' 'VOIIIl'1I '" reeorder of deeds; til<' jury ,'I'"I1"i:,·
_. lllnnr thillg" llhout theiT ordillnlll'''' ('onll'llunit'i' ell1lh 011 ~rondaY of In"t to folIo\\' the old ,1"1,· "I"". \I,' kllow
...;iollt'r~ aile! ho:t1,tI of Yil"t'\'t'rs ~
'!:. IllIi! Inws :lilt! thes,' "nll ']w,t Ill' Il'arJIp,] w,·.. k. In' llodition to the T'ending of "'hnt prol"'I'I~' i" "XI'III]>t. frol1\ ta X,"
,d' fill II(1ttl'r WIIV to (·4.. it'llraft' till' treHlIl
~t. \'"kntill'- tllllll to IItt"lId thl' \'111.
through th .. ,Ji"l'llIS"ioIlS at the LeagtH' .FIRE AT DUDLEY AVENUE HOME "qn"'''11 ,"ie·torin," th" g'roup rl'nd all,1
mectillg". all" h~' IdHlt authorit~· j" th .. "uulIty', .·lItirH' J)alH'p flint tht' T(lllllis ."~~tH'in­
diseus5po Chin poetry ns tralls]ntc.l lllx ral .. ox .. ,! f
,~ .. ' ~nrherth wa:-o ill('ofl'0rat('d liS n Hur- tioll j:-- giving IIt'xt TUPl.;c·lay L'\'(\llillg 'at
Pir" I.rok,· oul al Ih(' hO\ll" of :'\. E. ht· AmY' Low .. 11 in Ilt'r II"'" \'olllu,,·. How mall\" ('lInrt~ hn~ YOlll' ('!lUllt\'
::. ough in I X!)5. :-;'"1',111"', 1"~ 1)11.11",' .\ "1'111'" on TIl('" I':lrn II ,til.
"Fir Flowpr Tnblds," find by ArthuT :Iud \\ hat u'r(~ thpy! 1>(') yOU kllll~'
·)Irs. Hnrl'.'· A. .Ia,;oh" hat! ntl"llli"d day lIfi .... lllltll,. II" ,; r",ult of a d.. f·.'p, \Vltlll"", til,' nolpd English IInthorit'· 011 what c'u!"t'g un'" n:f(·rrpd to' thps1.' rl'·
the IIIpptillg h"hl ill Ardlllol'l' 011 MOil' 1 \'t. tlu... '1'1", Ii ..., 1111.1 "lIIouldprpd for ('hill"'~p litpratul'l'. in his volume, "One ~""<'I i ",' "Ollrt" 1 "'ho II ...• th,· .i"dJ,:I''; 1
.lily of the En "tt'rt, JJistrid of thp ,'0\11" hour'. fillall.'· "ntillg its \'o'n~' 111' JIUllrh'(ld SC'\"(llltv ChitlC'-st' p(Wtn~." Thf'
Stllte l"t'dpralioll of ,rolllen', Cluh". HoI\' do Ih,'~' r"~"h'c tlll'ir ju,lJ,:t'shi" 1
throllgh 11 fralll" partilioll lin'] "pr"lId· tll ..... ling n"xt w;, .. k will ])(' JIpld fit thc Th,' :-:ih'('f' ('I'OS' ('ir"l" of .. Kin,,',
"'hilt is th .. l .. ng-Ih "I' th,'il' I<'r1l11 "'hat
.. She reporled on the 110011 ('lIllft'rl'I1l"p ing lllld('r tlit' fllHl1" ot' a s('{'olld !'·tor\, ''''"Il' of ~[r,.s .Jos,·ph Houngh-r, 329 1)"Ilg-"t"r~" \\'ill h"I" a 110111" B,;;".·
'. . ljf 'Puhlip "'elfare whit-h wa" uud,'l' IH'llrllolll. . is thl'i,. "onl p.. n,,"tiolll
~I t"l·jOlt 4-\ Yt.'HUC. 'III Sat'll·t'a.,' IIlPt'lIillg. F('hnmr,\' I",.
l\[r~. H. C. ('oehralle. If yOIl do not possess this know]·
('101,,1, of ,mo!;,' w"n' pouring' forth I!I:l:l, fro"l il.::11 till J:l.:W o't·j, ... k.
The 1'00111 \\'IIS prt't.til~' dp('orate,1 \l'ilh \\,h"l1 Ill<' :'\arhel'lh Fin' Co. arri,·".I.
""1-(", ,'an ~'OU ntfor'\ 10 lIIi~s 1his ('(lok HI·oth .. r" h:l'1' "'n' killd'" "fl"I"'d
,. cupi,]s, Tt'd henrts lind t!owers. Th,' ol'I"'rlllllity of ohtnillillg Ihis. illformn·
Th .. til'l'llI"II, dir"'·I",1 h," .John A. ~lil1­ CONGRATULATIONS Ih"il' "jJj,... to Ih,' (·il·,·i,· I'll" thi' I'''!'
ho~te"s fortlH' n:ft .. rnoon \l'a" ~rrs. ~r. tion? .\11 \lOllII'll ar.· 1\'<'I"om" lI'hl'th .. r
t·r. ~OOIl, lo'·al ..,l th.. ]litltl .. ll 1111 lilt'" iHI"'I:). PI:l1I ttl hu," ~'1l1lJ' ('nl({\ (·:nul.\" :,11"11
F. :\.exan,It'I·, a~sist(,,] by ~(rs. •1. E..
. Bnilly, .Jr., ~lr". Elizllh,·th :-:imun", ~(rs.
whi .. h ""pr...... xtillglli,h .. d hy the US" of
C"IIII"ilman "'alton :\1. \\'plllz 'illd
1l1('IlIIH'rS Ill" lIot.
H"III"lll]"'r Ih .. datp-~rondn". F ..h. "i,·,,·for that \\,,',,1"1'11.1 at thi" '''i'·. :tlld
thf' ('ht'Jllil':l} t'ug·ill-t·. h!'l" th" 'I,,:idll,\' II "liS".
Harrii't Xoell, ]\frR. I. E. Lp("'h, )(I'~. ~Ir:o'. '\"t'utz nrfl f('('l'i\"illg ('ollgl'ulllh·· I:lth, :1 1', ~I., at :11" "·oo,hi,i.. .\\'1'.,
Th" falJ,ih' !lil'll had h... plI ,lri,',,"
,.~. ,'Ve~ley Pau"on Bllih'y, ~Ir~. ,J. Gnrfie]d from thl'ir hOIlI" l,\' th" d .. nse SIIIO],,· tion, "n 11'1' hirth of a ~on. \'arlwrlh.
. Athprhnlt., ~I rs. )1.olan(! G. A Ullg,t, ~I r'. \\"prp :lh(' to l't'tur;1 in H l"hort tillll' SURY SAVINGS CERTIFICATES
c, ·l\r. C. An']ersou IIl1d ~I.r'. C. :-:l'lItOIl. 1II<111'1t r,'lip""d fr""1 PI i,lpnt '!lIng,·r.
.,', . ' .~I1\n~" rtU{l~ts w(~rt? eJltertail1(lc) HIll0JlO 'rhf' tirpnu"l1 clf~t.'r'·ll nu:-:tinted }ll':t i~Cl CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS. .\ r,·,·i",·,] ..ditioll of ,-il"'ulal' X,). I~B
.. wholll w .. \\'ere glud to see, ~Irs: JIIJl1"~ f"r Iht' prol1ll't. aud "ri','",ive JIlann .. r ill
.~,:,ii .·P. Hunt ... r. Presi,lellt. of th ... ¥ (',lia C01l1- i" ill 1'1'!')lltl'lllioll untl will h... "',Iri·
whit·h th ... ~" work",l. hlltt1d til PO:-it11la~tt'I'~ at (lllt('t'''' i:,,<:-,uill~
':::. 'Jl1unity Gluh, and Mrs. Ernest. C]lIrk, Fixed l\:Ieeting Dates. Tn'HSUr)" ~ll,·illgs' ('t11·tifh·atl'l--. The
Chairmllll of thl'ir Erlu('atiOIlIlI COIIIILlll·
PUBLIC LEOTURE AND ENTER Borough Council Monthly-Second Monday Oouncil Cha.mber t·ir('lJlnr will rontalll illforlllntillll l'd.)l-
TAINMENT Narberth Bldg. and Loan Ass 'n !'d:onthly-First Thursday COllilcil Cha.mber I"'rllillg th., issl1!' lIlIll pa~'n1l'llt "f tln'
$::!;;. 1111 , >1;11111,00. awl $J,1I00.00 t"'rlifi""I", ,'.:.
~t"'ANlroAL "MEN FOLKS" MEETING American Legion Bldg. & L'n Ass'nMonthly-First Tuesday Legion Building 11011' Iwillg s"ld at Po"t om,·,·~.
Under Ausll'ices of K. of O. Narberth Civic Association Monthly-Third Thursday Council Chamber
_ .: On Thursday, Ft'brunry 16th, lit S Narberth Fire Company Monthly-Last Tuesday Fire House
(,har1e:, ,. ~an,ly" ,('hnp'JIllln, o\"'r""a, SARAH I.aWIN
:t\'· :.~. lr~ •. ·.the Club Ineulbers ,,"ill·
set'r...tarr for tht' Knighls of Coltllnhus Home and School Associa.t1on Monthly-Fol¢th Thlll:'lldayHigh School
··;::.. :.tnin .for th~ir husbands· nll'\ sweel·
during 111t' \\'or],! War, .who at the t'~ntl' American Legion Post 356 MontlJ,ly"-:"Fourth Monday Elm Hall Raruh Ir\\'ill, \\'ifp of William H. Ir·
c:,i~;"rhcnrt:s. A spenker, who will be esped· pil me... tin~ in .Tnnuary "poke oit the \\'ill. di .. d Oil Hl1l1tluy. Jo\'hJ'lIlIlI'~' fifth,
if.: :.al1y~ntcTe~ttng to these honore'] guests "K. of C. 'Val' Work 0,:('1' There," I !l22 at !t"r honlt·, nos Routh 4 ~Ih St. ":,
,.;:i,>·.hns.:beclI se.cllTed. Mu.ior.J. R Ste\\'lIl't
will ngnill ....ollle to Ardmore on Wp(J· Date. Name of OrganiZation a.nd Event. Place. HO}lr. Phillld"ll"hia. ' .;
1:;';: . :.':l.Uchnr~s will ten of his ne\\'spapt'r nosdny, Fl'hT\lIlry 15, in tne lllulHoriulll POl' npUl)' y"al's )ll's. lrwill, with
iI'~:~;::;''''ork III Franco under ·Oe11e)'IIJ Per~,h·
o! the Woman's C]uh. )Ir. Cliupman Feh. 13 ..•• 1.e:lg1l(' 9f '" OIll('IIYoter" Iwr hllshlllld nll,l duughtt'l' Cnrolinl', reo
'··itlg. .
:. ':Isli.'t 'it -Strange ho.\V IIl11nypeople
WIIS so intcre~ting thllt tho~e ~yho had
honrd bim requested that he be culled
·-to Ardmore n.gllinan<l lire in\'iting the
JI!l!('ting ••.•..••.••.•••• :IJri Woo,lsitlt' .\n·llup ..... :1,(10 1'. ~I.
Feb.. 14 .•.• Tennis Yalelltine Danee •••••• Elm HnIl ................• 9,00 P. M.
F('h. 16 \\'onl('il'~'C. G. Entertainment. Y.M. C. A. .. ~.OO P. M.
sid"tl at 2]5 Esst'x A\,e., Xnrhel'lh.
Mr. and Mrs. Tl'will hnv~ 111filly
'fri(JIl<ls in Nnrberth who are j:(rl'ntly
·4~v.ethti.t· peculiar fMulty {of 1inding pn1)1ic in ge~ernl to heat of. llisexplJi'i.
F~b. 17 Legion and AuxUiary : Elm Hall 8.00 I!. M.
.shocketl to lonnl of ]r[rs. Irwin'8 sudden
('11('('·5. He 18. both instruetive nnel cn~ death .. She was n lllCllIb"r of tho BliP'
'~l1t:t'hingS tha:~ nre non~ of their busi- Feb; 18 .•.. liollleBnkc, J~illg';s Dllli'glttel'sCook .Bro!l,'8tore ••.••.....• IUIQ. A.l\L tist 'Church and of the King's Dnug\1-
teTtilining. 'Other ente.rtlliJiers "'ill be
. . on the .progrillll. . Fch. 22, •. ~rirc COInpnn)' Dnn~('; •••• ; .1~lm ·Hnll .; .•..•.• ; ..•... ,!l.OO P.)[, ~~ .

.. .....
; ~ ': .,',: '. . .
::~ ; ....-..


Of course, " .

,on,,' ~;i.11I111 of th"II' hllld ,h:II"" fllr Telephone.,
OUR TOWN "hil'!l th,'~' hal" paid ill filII.
:d~o pllil1t~: with lIatural :-,nti:--f:u·tiofl,
deliver - aD1
1268 UDle.
Ownp,! and Puhli,h .. <1 el'pr~' Ratun!ay to tht' di"idt'IH! fl'('ortl of tht' Am(lfi-
,·'tli T,'II'l'hllll" alld T"lrgrnl'h (' IIm I'IlIlY, OF BABBLE
by the Xarherth C'il il' As.o .. i:ltion.
\, hif·1J hH~ paid Ili\'idt'lId~ ft·gularl.'" The Brightest Spot in Narberth
SlIh'l'riplion pri .... OTII' olollar nr"l fifty for tIl(' last forl~' y"IH' at rnt .." \'llr~" By Collum Righter A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
cent:" per yC'ur in nlh·nllt'll. illg frtllll $7.;,0 IH'r :-.hllrl· Ilt'f annulll, to
:j;!I.IIO I"'r ,har .. 1" r alllllllll, "hil'!I is th"
OFFICERS OF THE NARBERTH I'l't· . . t' II 1 Lltt' . .Ii, idl'lId-s ht'illg paid
CIVIC ASSOCIATION 'I'I:"t,·rl.,' ill .Iallllary, .\I'ril. .luly lllld '1'11(, ('011111111 :p·\\llll·,dt,dgt' . . IlO pt"t'l" ill
March 31, 1921 (ktuhl'l'.
tIll' II1:1tlt'r tlf h:lrd \\llrk. III fad it
Presiclrnt. .... , , .. , .. Geor~e A. Mah1 '1'1", ,·hart" of tl,,' .\lIl1'ri,·all '1' .. 11"

:d\\':t,,~ 1""'11 0111' IIllaltl'flddt' t'I1:-"
Joseph H. Nash
, .Augu,tus J, Loos
Mrs. C. P. Fowler
Bo . . toll
ill oil
th .. Sto"k
I,; xl'!la lIges of
ntld fe~
tlllli ttl j.l1 t in :"\ixtt't'fl hour:-- :t da~·.
\\·ht1tlIPr \\ t' had nll~·thill;.! to dn or lIot.
\\"l' ha\·t· rt'c'l'iY('d :i l~llIllllll1llit'at inB
Trrasur('r ,Miss Maizie J. Simpson frOlll L ..\. P. who IHlll!-1t:" Ill' :Ill l'iglltt't,t1 Are you thinking of Building?
Secretary Rohl'rt J. Edgar l'I'llt IJl:,rkt·t qllotatilln ... IU\\'I' 11t'1'1l fang-
hOllr :-;.(·}It'dlllt'--lH' :O:l'y.!iI ll(lthillg, how·
Jig :1111\111.1 $117.ll ll 111'1' ~har('. Jt is Really, one of the very first considerations is your ground: Location,
Diredors, to sel'\'c until 1923: Mrs. 1'\'('1'. ahollt tIlt' t illl" tal"'t'll ofT for
~1·lIt'r:lII.\· r("glll'lll'd ill Iill:llw;nl ('irc,It·:-\. Street Improvements, Restrictions and Price.
~obert F. Wood, J. Garfield Atherho!t, 11I11l'h--thi:-, (llHi . . .~illl1 i ... indl'('d 1l10:.:t
:1:-< ollt' of till· standard ill"l':"tml'llt
1. A. :\[illcr, C. Lawren.. e Warwick, llnfnrfulllltl' a~ the ('t)illllln (':llItl01 draw We have for sale several very attractive bUilding sites and the prices
:"t 01' k:-: tit' til t' l'olllt t r~·.
A. E. "'ohlcrt, Philip A. Livingston. illl t'lligt'llt ('''I\l'l:l:-ii(lll~ frnlH g-I"u:--~ fig-, are right. The best locations in Narbetth are naturally becoming scarcer
Dlr"dors, to scrve until 1922: J. J. lIJ'ps. all the time, It will prove a good investment to bUy now, Stop in and
Cabrl'y, Wnlter A. Fox, H. R. Hillegas, talk it over with us.
C. II. .\. Chain, W. H. D. Hnll, Harry :-':Olllt' .\"(':ir . . ng-fl \\1' Wf'ft' ill'·itt'r1 to
'1'111' \':ll'lll'l"lh HlIildill~ :tlld Lo:ttl .\'"
A, Jacobs.
1'1111.11' .\, Ll\'!'\(;"T\l'\,
slwiatillll \\ill ttlit'll it ... 11"\\ Thirty·rilir'l
:"-1'l"il'''' :11 EIIII 11:111 1It1 :\lal'l·h :.!Ild 1'1'11111
I'll lI11t il 1\ illl' ill 1hI' 1'\ I'lli ":,:" \\ hl'll
I,,",·h I1\' :I h"l'dll'ar,' (Zrlll1P1l11111 from
('anal DO""r, Ohio. Ke\'''ral thill!!',
illl'llltlitH! ;III Hutllllltdtil('. ligUrt'd ill tlit'
:dl":lir, alld \\(' did IIltt n~tllrll 111 tiJI' B.ea1'te>r
Ill"-\\' ~haftl~ \\ ill lit' ofTt'rl·d ill Ih,th till'
olli ... , IIl1lil 11I'xt dal'. \Yhat th,' Bo,"
.\1.\1211·: .J. :-:1\[1',..;0,\,
:.. IIIII,t alld lOll;.! tt'rm :-\.erie~.
... ·llIark,·d 111'011 o;lr nrrinl1 \loal,l 1214 LOCUST STREET, PHILADELPHIA
\0\\ i,.. . :t gOlld tilll" 11) thilll\: O\"'r
Cashier, ""a I"'I'I~' forlll prop,'r rradillg for the Branch Office at Narberth Station Phone Narberth 1710
yllllt' Hllildill~ and Loan in,,{\stIlIPOt-. us
young. Hillt·t' thnt limp WI" ha\ t' llPt'll
tilt' li . . . c·al Yt':tr will j'\o:,,(' ill Ft'III'II:11'\'

;'\I")::',,th"r thoroughl." intl'u,',1 \I ilh n'"
,~t (j,l :dJ ad\'(lrri . . ill.~ :lu.l rH'"'' item to ,,,,,I
th,' an;,n:tI r"portwill hi' pllhli,h.';'
11I·,·t t<l,,'ar,] th .. Irntlitiolla! '''0l'e all,l
Member Philadelphia Real Eetate Board
P. U. \lox !1(;1i. ", or \·I:II',·h till' Jir~t. '" that thr "aIm'
Ot:r '1'11\\"11 l~ 011 "':I!\' at tilt dll}lOt h"uII,hlr~' "f Ih .. 11I1I"h I"'ri"tl. ":111."
of Vnllr ~to(·k ('all rl':ldilv lip
nell,«t:ln,I, :III,! :tt tIlt· ,tort' lit' II. :E, thpn' !H' Ihn,t strl'lrh it.
,""j 1t1l'1't' tl"llI lik .. h' ;holl 1'''11 that
Da\,'-. a :--lInJ'l':-' II1t1rl' ":;11 Ill' ('ar'rit'll, :lnd
Entt'fLld :IS ..q'('llnd,t·l:l~'"
Illattllr th,',I' ":111 1,(' ~tartl'd at th,' \1:1 ... ·h 11I",·t, \\·Ililf' attt'ndill~ til our o\\"n hu:--illl':':-\.

Reduction All Sizes of Anthracite

Ort"h .. r 1." l!lI~, nt tilt' I'IISt O/li('(' at illg. iu II ''''rt.nill ;\nrh.... th 1111· ...'alltil" ,·,Ii,
.x:lr~pr~h, PI'J111~"I\ :llli:l, 11I1lit'r tilt' nl'! .\ few dldl:tr~ iIlYt·:--tl',1 1111\\ ill thi:" fi,'!, 1101 ~tl 11l1l~ :tg-ll. WI' o\'I'rht'ard :l
of .\["r,·i,. lS7!1 .. !l1'\\ ...... r1 I' .... :111.1 IIt'xl YI':II' :0;1'1' "ltat
hn ... g"l'tJ\"1\ to. Tilt' 't'arJlillg:o; "ill ht'
it rotund.
Coal Reduced SOc per
ll\l't' l'ight TH'r ('1'111. and tbt' }!rll\\ th to th" I"·r.-olln! "1'1','aranrr of Hon.
Ton. Cannel Coal $12
• OUR TOWN will gladly print
any news it~m about any subject
Ill' tlll' .\ ...... twiatillt\ ha ... Ilt,t'll st('all\"; tllP
01.1 :--I'rit':-- h:I'·.' 11I:1111I"l'd alld Ill''.\· ~tell'k
i,...... llt,'1. t:ll,il1g thl' pI:"·,, of 1hl' old. IIlI
Editor of II()l1r Tow11," rPIllarki1J:.!
thaI h,' II'lIl1t"oI III ,h"ot him. \\'hil"
il is tru .. Ihnl "'I' hold "0 f of th,'
that is of interest to Narberth
fo!ks. but in order to meet the
printing schedule, all "copy"
til tht" a:O;~l'ts of tilt' .\~"'t){'iatillll lia\'t'
r,·:",llI'd "'''r $.-1110.01111.
Tilt' ll1t1J1t'.\' p:tid ill ('Hell 1l\onth 11."
th,. ,t,wkh"ld"r, h", 1""'11 "n""ful1\'
.~MI(·('f1JIl~· attt'lltuttc'd
I'dit, this p:lJlI'r and ,'old,1 l'rohahl~'
"Ii"k th .. ,tuflill'" out of hilll with
both h"lId' ti ..d l)('hill,1 U', Yrt 1\1' it
1H"r:-,ollagt\ "'hn
c. P. COOK
-manuscripts-must reach the
editor by 6 P. M. Wednesda.y each
iII JIl11rt~:q.{I''''. JIl·arlv nil 0;1
j,r"pl"rt.'· thHt :vou' ('all "'I't'
known tha~
ill grrat
,hall ,,111':1\'" 'hold hilu
,"!"t('('11l nnd hr' pnrtiI'111arl.,·
week. richt h,'n' at hll""·. Th,' h,',1 f,'atu ...• ,oli,·it OU" for hi, w"lfn ...'.
of Iwill}! intl'rl':--tt'd ill a :\"arhprtlt ..-\R-
s.ll"iatillll, i:-:- that "011 know till' Pin'!" Po~:",ihl:,· :tl1 f'ditor:-\ bp('omr' taq!('t~
till'''' whll arp illtrtl':o;tl'd with tht' ill\'t· t·
for tht l hul1pt!'l of iratI' t'itizl'I1I"· at 0111 1
SATURDAY, fEBRUARY 11, 1922 1Ill'Ilf tlf \"0111' 1Il111l1'\". :Inrl \'011 also t'l'
tlit' proJlt·'rt~· 1111 \\ t'lit·h thl: ill\'I'sttnt'lIt
t illle IIr lIuoth,'r. "'h\' i, it! \\'" dOll't

E\Ir~HGE;\l'Y l'BO:"; ,.:

Fire, ~L)n
i:-- llllldt'.
Hnildillg :llld Luan .\~"'(tf'j:tti()Jl~ Hft'
:--Idlit't,t til (>xlllllinatioTl It,· thl' p('lll1~\'I­
k 110W~ hut wpo St'I~"t' 110t it't'

to that .. orpul ..;" I!,'nt him,,·lf. draws

IJpJ'(' th1l1 if nnvolw what·HO-t',·pr. ('\'PI1 Jraturdoy Jrpecial
fi ... 'anu, with mali"iou" intent Inwar,l
Polin', nll;in Il""artlll""t of H:Il·l!.i"g; a"d t·h,· th .. Dir.."'or of the nl',tim' of thi'
\'arlH'l'th Building" alld Loan A:-,:-\.ot"ia I:lmhl'lIt shl'''t. h .. will rppelll' in hitt .. r,

tioll is al:-Oll l'XHlllill('d Yt'arl\" bv a ('0111-
Editorial IlIitt"l' IIf "t,... kh"ld"r~
thl' :It·I·Olll1t:,,. thl t11(JII(I\~ in thp hank.
IIh'o ,:h,.,·k all
III'~S, in at1~l1iHh of ~CllII and likpwiH'
iHil. \\'ho",' .. r th"t hlood,thir;;h' lui"
~'rf'al1t \VB:-\., fPlIlnill:- to h.. detf'nn'inpd-

aud ~(l'l ull thf' :-it'I'uri1 i(-'~ that t'OVl'r ttll'

how"'"l'r. 1.. t him h.. W'fin' 110W h ..
WELL DONE, NARBERTH! 111:111'. All thi." is ill additillll to th"
('Hrpt'nl a1tC'lItioll gi"ptl p:lf'h 10Hn nt
...'a .. h.." for hi" hip I'0,'k"t-:"th .. l'ditor 600. P e r Pe>u:n.d.
hllr'l" a m"all. but ",.,11 r1irl'l'l"d. I.ri"f'
'flit' 1'!a,"gl'llllUd lUHn has I,r't'll uuthor, tit,· Pi n ...·t"r' ' """,tillg a"d h.l· thr KoH, rnsf'",
il.('d~ ';\101'.' than .,110 ,·(}tl'~ \'Tn' l'a:"t, ,·itllr. \[r. FI<'I,·h"r \\'. Hit ..,.
,11\,i Ito . . :-- t!lllil :~11(1 \\('1'1' I'XIH'ctl'rl. ~1t)1I· \\'hl'lI You ('(lIl~idllr that tlti~ ,-\:-\.~ol·i t·
:--;''''nkillg of hil' pfl('k,'t"-th .. ~' tell i i '
t1,,,,i, " "u",' d"Y ill th,' hllll't'hllld, th,' tiltH 11:\:, 'hp('n ill husilll':-'S !it'll't>n ,"pars,
thld Ih,',.. tim" honor ..'\ wlli'tulnr rC',
"'::ltht'1' Wll~ ill'(:lt'HI('flt, tltl' tfUl'stiOIl that thrllllgh gllo,! tilll"" alld l.a:1 ha,
ht'I'1l !f'"lIding 1I10Jll':," Oil tin.. t :lud Jo'('l"
""ptlll'le, ar.. '0011 to hc rl'll'gate,1 to
hall 11('('11 JIlT' i0l1s1~' :->lllllllittt't!; one hitl' th .. r..alm of 1l"1\-("~.. ntial" hy mllk"r,
at a c·lit·:I'.\· i ... l'l\ullg-h 1'111' II 10:'" t .-\lIlt'1i IIl1d 1Il0rtg-HJ!t':- and htl:- 1I1""('r lInd a
!Irfl}ll',·t.," ('IHIU' h:)f'k 011 it.... hnnd~t ~"OU "f mil'" al'pal'''l. .\nol \\'h~- lI'ot? lla"
('a li~. Jilt h t' fll('t' of t IIl'St' t'ond i t inll~, OPPOSITE STATION
will hllYI' to ('l)nf('~'S that r'art' hu~ hc('n lIot th .. prill1l' "alls" fur Ih .. ir lIeel'~sity
thl' n· .. ult... 11I11:-,t ht, fpgardl'd H:-- \";(:U-
lI~t'd ill it~ Illallagpn1('Jd _ right fronl h,'"u ,u pp''''''I''!? At !£'n,t nominally
tlt'It'lIi. It is a di:--ti.wtiOIl ttl li\'(' in
it, ,tart. Thnt ,a Ill" "are i, h"ing .. x' 'o! y,.s, 1l0minnll~' so.
~()' "lIlhl'r tilt' "01t' W:l:-- ;; to 1 ill
III I 1'1·i:"l'tI tl)tla~' h~' it . . 11r(,:-'l'llt Board of
fa\'(lf u!' t11t' projl'l·t; ill }o\·I)rllary. \\illl I)i rl't·t or:,. That word ,. lIolllillal"'" hrl'"d"
tIlt, (lPi'tll\ullit~' til' :r sohl'r /'oOf.'I·'irHI \YhPfl' 1':11\ "0\1 nnd an it1\-P:,tlllt'llt oIollbt. Whal 11'" arr l'",p..~ial1~' int .... ,
tholl1!ht, t)lt~ ratio iJlc'n'a:--l',,;, to ;"'j ttl 1.
I.,"; thull
11111 hallots """" ('a,t llgaill't
Of . ('ours.. , X;l l\'l''''' pr",'i<>ll,I.,·
h,' ,t:;l'tl'd for a I"rg" or 'Illall
of 1IlOIlP'"
!,'tr,'ha"..d fllr Olll: d(lll"r a month) that
(Ollt' ~hHr(' pan Ill'
",1,,01 iu au,! II'hnl IU' l'arti"11111,1.,' want
to kUII"', is who ,pil1,"\ Ihat lllara"'hino
,·Ill'rr~· in th .. '1I0W hank on \Yonc!."icll'
$2.50 Weekly
\UIt.1I1I to" I... illlpI1l1·uhk. .\n.l all ,hi, ",ill ""1'" (I\,'r "i,'ht ""I' ,·,'nt. nnd ~'l't .\ '-('II UP. deposited at interest until 'it cqualled $200, then investcd, was the
Y01l th:' ah~-ollltl'l,"' ill"pstlllrtlt foundation of Andrew Carnegie's fortune,
jll t111' midst. of a dt'pt'(':--;..;itlll wilit·h !ri\t,
IIIUI,t·...: h()u ... ~'hold~r \\ ar\' of a.1l'. ill- th"t ':'\"I'I,,'rlh B"iloli;,g lind 1.""11 .-\"' \\. onrh-ddt' ~\ \·1'1111(' n'lIli nils us-w(' SaVIng first, then wisely investing, always to one certain end-SuccesRl
,·rt':,I .... ~.'d l'xIH·I1:-o.t'. • . :--1)(' i a t i 1I1i ,\ ill ?
hal''' ofll'n 1'01111"1'('01 wh .. l.hl'l' Il horSt··
:--:tor·k (':til h .. withdrawll :l'1 any IIltl ( l t - OJ;eI1 your accOunt here, Make additional deposits regularly. The
Out of this a"hi"\'''1I11'1I1 oth",' (Zoo", ,hoi' is hllng on II 1'0r<'11 pillar a" nil
f:lill~:' lIHINt (·Ollit'. It i~
alway:" tl!u:--. ill!!. nud th(' 1I1fl.rt'st YOI1 will ·rPI·pjvt.' compound interest and your deposits will qUickly mount up.
"u,h1l'1I1 nf good hll'k or n~ a wl'npoll
Lt·t. thl' 111'111 who "a:-i 11Ilhi.HIS l't"a:-it' to "ill I", a, lIInl'!1 "ud I'tl',~ihl,\' mOrt' Ihan to ('01111 1
in haJtd~- in rt }1('lling ,·bitors.

li:t'l' f(',ll'-,-progrt·s:" btlg"pt,.. pr()grl':"~. if tht' :o'HliH) HtllllUJ1t of UIOnt}'· had hp('n If th .. lnttl'r i, th(, ,·a,..,·
WI' "hnll e\'rr
~IW('(':"'S pl'lHhu es l-ipirit aurl frum tlh~ Pl:t illto a sl\I'illg' bank.
...:tOt·), r11I1": tn 1lIIlturit;: it
But if thc
"in )In.\" ~·l)ll
fllHIH\('t it-n ntl thfJrl' i~ good rpn~on for m~r .rrinn With~ nub wrusl aInmpnny
. . . pit'it Il\'t'r,\·thing {'OtHt':". Bt,>ftH,q.rh fin:IIl' ollr reR'H"'I~\\'.. ""1',' ki"kl',l h,I' a
t·ill~ is more thun hnokkttt·.pinJ.!. t'1\';t' 0'·"1' (ligllt 11(11' r·t'tlt.
hOI'~p-~h{)(l Ol)('('-on thp Lnnc'u:;;tt'r Pikl'
pri tit' i;..; Illtlrt' f lUlU ('on~'I'r:-oat iOIl. :---:uppo:-,p ~·ou nt'('ll anrl
sotH(' 11l0tH1Y
h,·t 11'''''11 BOWlllllll A""11 UP nml \\,\'lIl1l',
W"ll "01:<', Xarh"l'th: hall' h"t'll l\ ,t".. kho1,l,·r for l\ 1I1111lb.. r IIlIod HOIl<1. •
of :"~'HI'''' nntl ha\'p paid into thl Assn. l

l·iatiotl mort' 1II01lt'\" flllrill1! tho:--I' Yl'ar:.;

BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Ihll1l ~'''H 1'1''1l1il'" ,;t this tillll'. It ""r, 1'. X. Z. Illak," holt! to '1u,'r~' a, 1'(" Thp wnJtI-' UJ!I'I'l'lIlflut h,'tw£'1'1l thp Anthrncite Ilt1rlf'fR nnrl operators exptrp~
WISHES SUBSCRIBERS AS gard" what killcl of tuha,"'o th,' C"IUllIlI .011MAnCH :1t"1. ('nl,,", tl\l'Y ,.,... ·t t"g-"th.'r, th .."" I, n IIk .. llholl,1 of II wrUIKI':
1:1illl~' WOII ~t pn~" ~'rlll_, til withdraw from or ~r:-;PFIN'SIo:". If tlli~ hnpIH'IlR, nn pxtI"'U ton 01' two of eonl itl your ("pUnr
PARTNERS thl-" .\:" . . (ll·i:,tinn. II1It "Oil ('nil hnrl't1'" 'llIok,·.', "'"II, 11',' art' just ahout the will gotVl' rOll :1 IIlII!'" l'oll1fortnble tpellng.
what ,"ntl"I'l'((ui,'I'. Plltti'lI~ lIJl ,"ollr :-;tlll'k :0;:\1111' as tit" rt'~t of \'11I whpll it t'OIU(":,
III'ldy .\llIth"II~ h", "'lit thl' llistri,·t ", "oll"t,'rnl nll,l "tl~'ill(Z ~ix Il1'r '·I'llt. to that. Oa ~'IIII\lIIl~-, 11'" prou,II~' ill'
~[allllgl'l' 01' I h" B..11 '1"'I"l'holll' ('"Ill' illf(lf(l;o't, ",hilt" ~"'Otl nft' r(\('piving pight Il!l;!uratl' a pa,'I...1 of Hl'rh.. rt Tarrytoa
P[111~- Pt' Pt'Ilt1!".\'h-allia out pt'r:",ounl it'l· I t'f' ,·t'I1t Ill! :"tlur o-r811al in'-l'stlllf'Ht. ,"ixlllr". Thi" la,I' u, 1I11til Thur,daY 27 Yards 10 Pblla,
ti'))ru('p 1-100
! f .1'011 hnY" nny 'I''''"t iOlls to a,k II hl'lI I\(' hit hot t 1111'. '1'1"'11 wi' tI rdl
tl'r:-. to teJl'jl}UJIJl' :-;ul.J:·wribt'rs ill hi:-- di ...:- delpbla and SUburbs
"Iollllt thl' Hllilolin!! and 1.0"11 iol'·a. "011'" iUlo two till~ of P. .\. til' ~1)Jltll (lth(\r Ardmorp J(U llt your ser\'lce.
tl'i,·t ul';!ill;{ Ih"il' 1"ln'ha", of th" shan's
(If tilt' AliI( ri('HII 'l't,!tll'hollp and Tl'il'- til Eltn Hall "II Thllr"!tl" """lIilll! :\1"r<'11 "I'oldariat Ilia Id lIg-s all,l k,'l'1' alll'\'I'
I'm I'h l'lllul'u 11.1'. ~lId allol ",1\' 111' th~ llirl'dol''' lI'ill 1", watt'l' tllltil ~atll,.t1:l\· nftpJ'lIooIl. lh-
on,,' too g-I;,ol til 111'11' ~'ou lIilh your that tilrll it IH"t'omt'~' II('C'l'8S:lr,· to la~­
Tlti" 111111'" is iu liul' with the 1.,·,t
l'r~:'! ol"llI.
plan~ for paying Ii IIt'ig-hlwrly', i,it 0'"
th"ught "I' th" tillll".
It i:-o ht'('olnin~ HlOrl' and IIIOt't' t'\'idl'llt I "Ill ~1I,"~: I. Tlli1Jk it Oypr. hilt !!t't :-'aluJ·tla~· ('\'l'lI'Ilg', "'" alwa.\·~ l'i"k Ollt GEO. B. NEWTON COAL CO.
1'1 "I'." day to Ihoughtl'lI] 1"'01'11' that
it i, 1,,1'1' d",imhl,' tltat th,· 1I""r, "I'
IHi:'I~·. at '1hi~ IlI'W ~(lril':o: will h(' thp
1:Ir~I· ... 1 jn:pr"
a plan' whl'r(' pipes and .tohat·t·o :Ii'll
l,allll'lI to Ill' I'lll't of th .. flll'lli,hlllg,.
1~""1:l1l.'- \\"t' t1lafIJl~(l to ~trillg' out this
Jlllldit' uiilititl~' '~('I'\"il'('''' ~hll\JltI lip ill-
tt·,,· . . tt1c! us ill\'('slorl-' ill tht' c·tJlIIpaui.t':-- WHEN WINTER IS HERE I'i'il 1I11tii two o'~I"t'k :--;lIl1t1al' llIlIrll'
...... th:,t l't'ntll~r thl' ~('rvil'(l, •IIg-. sllf"I.;· s('at"d 'nil th,· II'hi1:' "ithill
1', ll<'hillg Ili,taIH'·r, (if th,' loha,"'o jar. .' :'
l'I'I)I.ul,l." the :"trt)Jlgt·~t argullIl'lIt lil· . . /)" ~'"u knOll' \\'h"t llIY h"arl 110\\, j~
in th,' gn·nt ,I ..,irabilily of till' profit, Hllllda.Y-II',·ll-a "hal' or Iwo i, h"Ullcl
singing-. to drop in Oil H Slll1<lay 1ll0rllin<f-or
from ('ontllll'l inl,( th" I'IIItH,' tit ilit ie"
~tll"\,jtttl~ in thl' l"OTlllltunity. rl1luuinillJ.! ill Jllf,,, ... d in Ih,· '],-"111' \\int~r's
l'1lill?, m:l,\'hl' we 'CIIIl iI;,.titule a7, ill'
dtation 10 dillnrl" ~ollll'wh"re. III 1111\' ~illCl' man tir~t kit Ihe need (If ulvn:,.il.;, P()ttery ha!"
that "IHlIllInllt\' fol' IIIl' lJ"n"til of it, Th"t soon WI' ~h:l11 "'r Ih£' hright ero-
('\'I'llt. SlIlIt!aY iR j]n'arillhl\' a duY ,:f
own .. itiz"lIs 'insll·atl or h"iug tukrn b(,l'n in l'Xi!"tl·nce. Each gTIH'rati()n has ma,k impro\,('-
l!old .. 11 opro~tulliti~". A'no ~[0;111n~'
alia" frolll th" ('ollllll\lIlity for thl' hell'" And th·.. g-r.... n of th£' daffodil.
fit ,:f ,t;,,'kholc1"1'9 10(':Itl',i in otht'!' Jlurb ma rkR' Ih" :n1ventbf nlloth .. r pnl'iu't of llll'l1ts in 'manufacture and design, and \\'l' can no\\' ~ho\\'
'I'n nl.~·toll.
of tIl<' ,·olllltn'.
"'" IIndersiallcl thllt Ih,' Aml'I·j('llIl GI'n~' "ki ..s 1IJ'(' hut ('urtnius for g'old you Ca~:,.ern1e!", lkanpots. Teapots, :\lixing Ho\\'I~.
Tell'phollt' Ulle! 'l'e!,'graph Cmuplllly, All 'of wld"h hl'al'''' out to all l'\'t'll
great"r t!cgrel', thl' Irutl1 of the oltl Custard Cups and Pitcher!". :\11 of the~e itl'm!" lit our
llirrl'lly or iurlil',,~tlY, Oll'lIS tit" .. utiI'(' Thl' SIlOW h111I1krl_"' mcadows' green
rapital sto"k of thp.,to,·al Bell- Comi)lIl1~·. 1I,1nge which hns it that Ih" wa\, of stock \\'ere dl'!"ignl'd by \Yeller, of Ohio.
llud abollt !l0 Ill'T (lC'lIt, of nil the other hue; Ihp Irna"greRsol' is 'hnrti, Anti ~o it
so·rnll"tl· Dr!1 Tel"phollr COlllpnllics ill 1>l'a<1 ll'ttvC'S are only the old onl'8 ~O('S",

thpl'nite,1 Strrtes, Thr Alllori<'ull Tell" FalJc-n 00\\'11 to make room f'Or the
. phone and TelegTll)ilt Coni[iany is 'one of new. HOMEB.AKEn DOUGHNUTS
the largest industrial organizations ill
t.hecouutry 1lJlilhns ,0"er,18:l,OOO "hurl"
Bergner Hardware Company
holders; .. ~istrict :M:nnngqr Matlll}\\~s So. let·YQur ht'1\rt kcep on, AdOUf,!hnut salo bldleld at the will
potllt";. out,. wit,h, en"~inbl()pridc that Dciighti:1I ,thCt'ilOw-co,cewl trail; homeQf Mr.J. E. Nidecker,206 Iona
0'-.'-11' ,(5,000 of the (,'ulIlloyees.: ,of ·tlt¢ Avp.. on Feb. 18th; from 2 to 4P~M.. surQly foHows tll'll wiJlt-eJ'. , The 'pr(/~,eCd8nre to be' \ISCll fOf'thl'
". Con~panY. ri.r~,·.regulnI'I)·'payhrg.: ;for. Softzcphynl, will' folIo,,' th'(1 gonlc.
. shutes ot. ~ts . st9c~;. tnkell "J'.ecelit I 'huilding fund ~f i'he, It(}l~' 'rl;ini!r
sU!Jki'ipti~n' plnil~,nlH\ tlllit '. l,IIrt'(lily
, G.a ILuthC'ron Churt'h.· '

. " " .,;. 1,'.·-
. . :.' :/!{~
. ~;"



Narberth Voters ACommunication on A Letter 01 Appreciation

Approve $30,000 An Important Matter To :llt' Editor Ilf "OUf '1'0\\ II' ';

Playground Loan rd'

ftl!!O\\ illl.: Il,t 1t'r frlllll (lJl('
'1'11\\ II ' .. frit'IIlI!oi, i:-; I'l' J)(':I r
.\: rl , Ilh. I', """ ..
~ i 1';

':trdl·t! :1"; ot' "Iwh illtt It:":"t :\:-: t I l

MAJORITY OF 4 TO I REGISTERED Th(, HOlllll:.!,h til' ~:Irlll'r1!l i .. Itll· ... st·tl \\ I'll :t " 11':11" Flrl' I l I'IIHl'tllll,l11
~;Irrallt 1)'l' do ... ,· .. t r t 'H.llillg.
BY BIG VOTE IN CONFIRMA- Th·l' idt':l" 1111 :--"Ilh' I art' 1111
-ul"to·t;atc', 111":1\(', alit! l'flit,it"lIl. '('I,is f:lt'r .. 1\lIt'\\11 10 :I ft'\\ or" otlr
TORY ELECTION i1Illldl',;ly lIt' t!ll' 11111:o-t 1 illlcly :->i~­ ('itizl·n". Iliit I 11:1\,' liP dlolJld that it \\"1111101 t:t1,,· :I IIli .. tol'tlllll' SIII·1t :,'"
II ifit':l1l1··tJ-, I ha\o(' rt·t'I'lltl~· t'xllt'rit,!It'('d til :1\\:11\1'11 11111 .. 1 of 11 ....
Tilt, ~1)1'1'~:d ,'1"1'·1 i011 hl'ld lIIl :\1011.1:1\' Attention! R;ci Blooded Employers ()11 :\1011.1 ••.,·' lI'IHrrlili'~ 1:l:--t', ;It '111:t'I' lI'I·lllt·k, Ill\' 11, .. idl'ltl t' :11 \n" 1~1
ttl (·tlllfiflJ] 1 hi' l'lHY~I(llllld 10:111 11':--11111'.[
ill :1 \ utt' ot" ~~!'I til ""!l, ill fa\·,I!" ,d' flit' \\i:-.h that \\\.
J i ft
\\"1'1' :-olrullg- ~'Ilo\l~h III THE FIRESIDE EII!1woc\d
\\a~ llf
\\:lS \'i:·;.jt"d h,Y :1
:-oUt·Ii pT'I[tllrtioll'" :to..
\\lli,·1J. :tl
IJII! tllll,\O
tilllt· ot~ il ... di ...
tlt,> li\l'~ pf
'rllt, I.:illot \\'a~ II :-'0111"1'(' (If :-:;'111"
];If;.!.\' 1':a1'11 \\111'1'", frHuld,'. ttlil ;iud I'afl' J,uy fal1lily, hilt :lPJl.~Hrt'.1 tu dllllill Illy lrlllllt· : ... \\1'11. '1"'11 lI,illut" .. nr'l' r
,. Frolll oil" t<llk .. ' .. 1:1111:11,.[":" "'"1'1'\'\' hl'rt·. :\11':"-. .\. H. ]ill:"'" i~ I"l'('o\'t'rillo frlllll
pri:--l' aud :"'l'atilkHtioll til tho:"I' illft'r 11lt, :tl:lnll \\:1:0; tUflll'd ill to th .. It'II'jdllll1l' 1·\I·h:ll1gt' 1,,'" 1I11'. tllIl' ('IlIlIP;I;:~'
t,:,tt,d ill ,tlli:-. IIt'\\" I'~ildif' ill1j1ro\'t'lJlI'llt. .\Iv~ T"at \I,>trld i,,' a \\urth-whik :Ill att:tt'k IIf f,.::ripl't'. ,..
, .:"t'\\ Y";ll" ':-- :':'11'1. was Oil thi' gTtllIlJcI Hilt! It:ld II ~lrl'alll 01' \\:111'1" Illl tltl' Ida/I'. .\Iind :'0'011.
Jll :Ill ,-,:!11 hallut:-; \\l'rt' (':I:--t. t \ \ t l 111'
whi"h wl'r'.' "1"JiI,·d. .\r,,"y \I htl ,·:"t '1/ iss 11,,1"11 B. ~1(Jrtlll ,.... , i:", i f i 11 g' this \\11."; :11 tJJfl':' o'I'IIJI"}.; jn rhl' IlllJJJJIllg 1'::1I1\\1I1HI :l\t'lllll' \\11:-- l'U\"'f'l'd

their \"014':-0 :l,!,.!aiJl~t th v loan ill .:\'0\'1'111-

('t1111l'~ E\t'I\'1111I' lIjdlll thi~ l":lrthly floi t'llll~ ill ..\] t tlflll;l, J 'fl. \\ itll :--1I0W, ill :"lIl1lt' pl:ll·t':-> "1'\1'1":t! 1',"" ,11'1'1'. "hil'lI h:ld Illlt hl'I'1I 1,rtlkl'll
bpr. Vott'd ., "1';-'" 011 ~lofJda\·. ~:t\'ill'~ :-- pIlt.' l' t' ~ .
11.\· tralli('. alld \\'h"11 tlil' fir .. ; ho . . t' 1°0\1111'1'1 illl~ \\;1:-- 11!:ldt', it \\:1 .... ,Ii .. ·
thllt " fl1ll<',: klltl\\I"c]g" til' ·th" i,,<'1·: 1:1':-;0]\"1' ill -'il:l·1tl·tl 1'\\('lItY-l\\o
f'O\Trt·d that tll(' plug \\:1:-; frtl/ol'll "11 !"tllid.
To bt'lll lif" ' .. 11111"';"11 tlt':ll:\ f:-l thruugh. ~Ir.
'Yillialll .J .•1011l'S, .Ir.. a ,1"d"lIt
IHld ,"all;-.(·d tht'lIl til t'hall~t' tht,ir minds.
()thPf'" \.. h,) :tdlliittl'ti thl'\" Wt'ft' iITt·I'OIt· ),"1 '.' li).!)Jl"11 " .. t .111.,1 l,nght"Il, thi,. at ('lIi\'l'r:o;it,'", WHS hOlllt' for
Lt'hig-h Tht' tin l \\:1.... of ."IH"h 1I1'III,"rt:oll" Wlll'll tli" lirl'ltltoll : I ri\'I'd. 111:t1 ,t
.\1'\\ \"':11'. ~t·\"t'ral day:o; l:t~t \\"t't'k,
l'il"I,I ... 100""" 10 th,' ,."j,r,",,·,! ,,111 of :I1'1'1':lrt,d I!ll' IIl'ig-llt III' 1'1,1',\' to :l]lflI'O:l('1I ,-111:"t' 10 thl' l11lildlllJ!, kt :111111"
Till' lillt'''; fOfllll'd IIllt' (If
tllP IIIn.illl'it,'· Hlld \'ott'd ill t'a\'or, "Iltl'f it. (·hil·f \"tl('1. hOW1'\I'1'. \\ jIll till' IItlllll .. 1 I'I';I\I·I",\". I,til 11111.,' 1'lltt'I"(',l
Flif llJt'''I' !'t·:t:-:Ol\:-;, tll't' Illq,~I' llla.illf f.'"
llit' 111;111\" y, :!r's cIl·t,ting":" Hlld
\\ i:--hl':oo. 1';'I'I'i\ 1',[ It'" ,\IIII'ril':I's 11l'lo\·I·d tht' IIOUSI', IlIlt :d:--o fought tht' 1\:11111':-: 1'1'0111 tli, ill .. j,I,-. 11)1 11.1 1.'" lilliitill~
lItlt (jlll,\' illdit'alt'd 1"-'t,,,."IJ! t'llth\l .. i:I~'JI, .1()Uf TtI\\ 11" llt'(',I~ 1I111l"l' Firt'~itll'
IlIlt also gn\t' prolll;:-'I' of a fillt, l,j\'i,' ltIlIIJUf!:--t HII" 11·1(11\\ !11~IIJ, .llllill l't'lld· thl' dall1:l,l.:,t' ttl thl' 1":1:-ot l'Xtl'll1 po ..... ibl l
it"IlI'. \\'111 ~."JI h,'I,,! •

ril·k HHIlg-~, :10" lp' 1:1." tll at hi:-: hOlllt' ill

~I'irit 1I1 111 .. futurt' Id' tht' ('1l1t't"Jlr>"I', PI'fJllit Ill', fht'I'I'fllf(', thrllll/.:h till' t'1I1:11I111" p1' "0111' '1'11\\11". l"
\'I'lItlllll'. ~. ,I .. l'I"'I':lrilig III Illldt'rg-o 1h('
('olllwil will tnkt' :--tt'p" at nll1't' 1tl j ... :--III'
.. t'r-illll:-- (l1't'ral'.1111 \\ Ii 11,11 tin:lll.'" I't :--ult I,d 'I'IJ .. Fir" (·"IlII'"II.\' \Iii: hold" "·a,.h· ('xprt'~S to (·hil·f .\'11(,1 and 1Ji~ ('0111)1:111.\' 1IJt, }q·nrlfl·!t :11It! .. ill"I·II' tlt:llil, ...
tht' TlI't'.('~:--Hr~" "(llld~~ :lIld to IIPgill adl1:t1
"' Iii, d,'at h. I jllg-tllll Birtllda," dalll·t' 1111 tilt' ('\'t'llillg of Illy:--,-'}f ;IIJlI f:lI11il.," flit' thl,jr 111':1\'1' :llld t'lli/,jl"" "';1 r\ It·I'. "'1' :lfl' ~~Iad
v;ork tHI flip ;.!radill~ Hf tlit' 1I1't'lll',.t,\·'
Hl'ad tilat .. t·\"tll1'/ o\'('r llgaill~
\Iof:..;t' of F','ltrl1itry ~~lId, to lip ali\' .. t'. ",q tl':--tir~', alIt! 1rll~t that if \\i~1 l\l·t 1'l'(llIirl' ~illlil.ll
Of th,' :1'.111.01111 ""propriat"" loy th ..
ordi IIH!lt'P H I'l'ro\'('d :\1 linda,\", $:!~.;)lIU It i:-; 111 II I't' tli:tll :l nll'rll putolsing wish.
It io"'; a lill'r:t1 t I'lllIJI:tlld that :-.hlluld hl' lIli~fllftll1l(' for \"nrllt'l'lh 10 :tJ!l'rl't'intt' :llld "'l1l'Jlort il", Illl .. t'!i .. h "hl'~"",
i:-o to 111II'l'ha:--l-' tIll' prtlfl,'!'t.\', flll\\ ill 1'H" .\Ir. all,] '111'''. T. :'\o,'v HJllkr 1",,·,·
:-'t'~:"i(lli of th,' :\"arilt,rth l'la'yf,.::fIlIlIHl ,lri\Ot'll hOlllt' 111 tIll' h··;tft lit' hl·:tft~ of :--;i lilT !"t.,,,, \' lI!l r ....
111'c'lI !'lIl1ldp' (If
.. pt'Jl,lillg"
a \\t'llk:" at
t'\'I'I',\'1I111' Ill' HIll' t· it i/.ell:--.
4·\sso('iatillJ1. nlld ~7,,-lllfl to Ill' 11"'I·d ill .\! :Illlt :,. I'i t.". Frederic A. Egmore.
filiillg- Hlld Ip\'t'line thl' tra(·t IIf In1ld. Lt,t lIS ]ouk at it :1 IJlOlllt'ut, YUU 1l1t"n
Ill' .'\;Irlll'rth gt'lIt'l':tll."--alld III(I~(' :-<pt:t·i·
It i,. "'11.. <'1,,01 that th,' I,rol"'rl.,· \lill 1,,·
lil':I11~', ,\'(lll Illt'l! (If :\:Irlll'fth whu an' :\Ii" \il""11 E. :'\""']!J1l1ll i,. at JIlIIlI"
I'Pud\" fur U""I' n'" :III Olltd"or
Saint Valentine's

Hp(';I':ttioll ('t'lltpr (hi:-- :--l1l1ll1l1'f. '
,·(t'''°:ttl'd :-olltlkil'lltl.\· hi~d.l ill tht' 1"1."1'
""" ""rid tll I", 111 H EI<.:-i OF OTHERS.
fl't'lll :---t:llt'
'l1ll,'gt, on :1t'('OtIllt uf :-«'fiOllS
League 01 Women
Commonity Club Notes
Tllt'!'1 :trt' :I
1'la"~--~11(1I1 :\:trlll'rthi:llh nil-who ill
tOasting :l1lollt for II t'll t'l fill tlll'ir
gtlud IJl:IIIY ill thl' hirillg

\\'. H. "Ilrl,,'r. of .\I"rion A, ,"
.~1'1\1' til ('harl('~ TU\\"I1~ Yir-
Voters Meets Monday Dance Next Tuesday
IIt·l~d:..;, 1llak.' \I!>ie of ad\'rtising in an


loff(lrt til :--1·,'UI'I· tht'''l. rhis i:-- liUt) a~
t:l)" :t .. i1 gOI':---ltlit thl' tl'ouJdp i:-; that
ginia, for n :--hnrt ,-i:.-it.

'11r. "n,] :\Ir,:. K"IlIll'1h K, R1I7,h.'·

If .t.:1I1':" tOll f:tI'-lIll1l·h ttlO fur-it !!-,Ot',"\
IVELY DECORATED "\\,,,. "JJt lIf ~"rlo"rth. ~o for thl' tim" hllY~ r"""lltl\' tak,'n I'0s,·s,.illn of (\OU
IH,j lI'g, :--101' it ~ E:";~l'X .\ \0('1I1~().
Tilt' \";I1('lItll1l";-' 1)<111("(' lIt" tllt'
~f,rs. ~lary HllsP. CoJlill~ ).!avp a ,1<-. ~tl)l'it~ .\lld thilik. '\'h.'· ill h"l"· ~II':-'. (':11"1'1111 Ih'Wlll':-:' "ill ht' ho:-..1t''':O;
! ~al'il(,'rfh T('lIl1i:" .\""~(wiatilill \\'ill hl'
Iilrht£u] I'"nding llf th,· I'llly ,. Th" 01.1 "ll',: ll:IlIl(' ,·,,11 ~'OJJ JJlIt ]')('ate just tIle '1lis, ElIni,'"L. 'Yilliallls "lItl'l'tainl"] tIl tht' L(':qSHt' Oil Ft'hr\l:tr~" 1::th, nt held Ill'xt TU(':'oI(a.V' I'\-elliug, F't'l'fltar.y
Lllct~· 8how~ H!'I' ~Il'd:",," iJ.,· .l. .:'II. type of mall (II' Illt'll you WHl1t, ill .:\aro nt hridJ!t> TlIP~d:l\" aftprnotlll. Ftlhrllnrv
h,'r hotlll', :1]., \\'oo.l,id .. _\\l'. (·Ollllt~· I~, lit EIIlI 11,,11. .\I"IIt1,,'rs and :hvir
.:..._c_ Bllrri ... Th,' thl'nll' (If the pIll." \\a,. '" h.'l'tll! ""h,'" liot ~:Il'1lt'l' tht'lII ill frulll ~t1L, lit Ill'r h"IJI~ "I" '\'~'Illll'wo"d A,· ..·- frit'lId:-. nft' H:->I\I'II 1':l1'1it'1I1Hrly ttl 11(':11'
.hnlllan nlld h!'lIl't g-ril'l'illg 'b th .. otl.. 'r Ytlur 0\\ II hnllll' tllwlI--·-mali.t> IT 111 0 fl' Hill',
(;o\'t'rJllllt'nt;o; alit! Coullty (1 0 : 1 1'1:-, will Ill'
phl~'S alld ,1 orip~ of Barri,'. j'I'"sl,,'rllll,,---,,"d li<.:III"1I THEIH load-- flit' ~lIh.i('I'1 fill' di:-'I'II~... illlJ at thi:o; tilllt'.
III ,"i
11,1 th,' <lll \'- 'I'IIl'.cla \'. a,: tIll' T"II'
!Iis d:tll(~t'~ an' '\1"'11:111,· h(:Jd oil }"ridav"
("'1' ''''T<' illfmd\lcl',j 10 fOllr ,,1,1 h:lI',1 :1/111 do it :t t 11111'1'" \I r,.. Jlllrt.,. .\ . .I:\co)" h", ,·harg" of
Thl' rl'l·t'lIt ""11 1·'·I'"..d'1l 1 (':lIllj1uign 1.:'" Tilt, ('hangt' ill 1 ht' J'i'gillar :,,('hl'dlllt' \\ :·1:--
,,'orkillJ! c·hllrwoll1PIl tlf Loudoll, ,,110 \\'hil" it i ... trUI' tlwt :""Olllt' husilll''-S
tl)(' \,i,.iting ~!lrs,' !J"l'artllll'nl of tl)(' tht) Ilortitlli 1H'l"tH!lllllg to l'lIlillt.\, Illade to IIIt·t't tht' o,'c·:t:olilll1-~t. \"oall'll-
,ve~tl (·njoyillg tlll·ir tt'a :I11'd ~ClH:-,iJl. liIH':"" lIl"ll. :--l:lI'k. II1:1killJ! it 'It'I't':"''~:lI'~" 10
I 'it i7.('Il~' .\:";~(lf.'iHt iOIl \\"as {~Ol1dll('tl'd ill :illt"s thi:o; .'"l'ar fallillg" Oil TUt·:-od:l~".
Eu('h Iltlastc:.ld uf a :-:011 "lJgllgPc) ill \,"al'. di~lH'lISP with H) 111\' 1'1I11'11l:"t,('~ JH'r;n:lll" \"arht'rth It:," the' foll\\ in~ ('Olllllliftt't':
0(1\'('1'11111 t'll t.
~11 rt'IIIt'lldlt'J" 1h:11 ,III' IIl'\.t Tt'[lll:"
hat 0'''' lwa,to',j \1'0"" th"" all th,' l'lltl.," ;Illd 1IIIt IItlll'r:-- III! fUIllll1gh, )'('t
~IJ'''. FI"trlwr \\'. :4tit"s, l'hairullln, 1\Irs.
.\Ir. FI,'I"hn \\" ~tit,·, Ita,. \l'r.'· g'"
[lnlll'" \I ill I,,' hdd 111"1 '1'1:1·>11\ \.'
oth('r~. lIt-'r 9\111 was largttr. IlraYt'r und at th" ""11" tillll' lither 1ini's of trade to, 1"11 II:'':.," ('llll:-O('lltpd to tt'11 tilt, IIII'BllIt'r:--
more gallllllt th"\1 1111" oth.'r. B\lt h,· H. C. Hoffl1lan. ~Ir". 1I11rr.'· Hartl".", '.'."1) iJJ!!. y,·I'rlla,." I ~.
nr(\ fintliJl~ it (':'!ol('lltirtl to (·u11I1I tlli'
"'us only :t c'rt)atllft" of her illlagilln- ~ITi;. C. T. Faril's, ~Ir,.. Will. Livingston, ahout thi' COllllt.,· COllrt., if h,. ":11' \Itllllbt·f ... 11:1\ I: 111·t·1I "'llipplil'd \\ ith
IIJar!{t't fOI' l'tlllI!wtl'lIt iU'('C1t1l1taJl1~. of
~fr", E. C. '1'0\\'11 •• Jr., :'<[rs .J .J. ('ahrey, pO:-l:-:ild." arrallJ!t'" to ht' J1fl)~t·lIt. :\11':'- . I i(·kl'ts alld 1htl~t' IIt'I'dillg I'Xt ra:, fllr
·tion. fil-t· IlIPII, f:,t(·t lin" "(IJ'k{'r:o; nlHl Kultl.Stllf'n.
.\1 r s . T. H. \\'Illkn, ~I r,. H. .J. Dothar;!. II. L. ~:>('h\\HI'ti'. ('lI~llIl.'" t'}l:Iinll:lll, \\ill t Ilt'ir fril'lItls I·:tll o}llaill tht'lll I'IOlt)
.:.. :--iulltlt~Jlly a :"oldic'r :-,tIlJ WH:-o I"'llllg!lt Th,' 11,'111 \\''';It'',L ,·,,jUIIIJI.' iu dltih'
,'. H. ~1,·tl.C"l'r. c-llairlllOlIl tlf tht· ElllI·)·
to h('r. and for th'" dav:-o thi:, 11:l')l'r'~ pro\'t' it. IIt':lds of h\l:--illl":~ 'l,hstitull'. ,hOllld \lr. :--tit",. I", 1111"101,,
"trangl' I'llir of "hildle", mot'hpr a\ld t:t i II f11t'1l t ('~)Ju III i f t ('I', 11.\ "a 11 illg, \\ I! till;.!
ol'J!nllil.atioll ... adlldt it. 'III'" .IO'l·I,h ~:"h ('Jlt,'rtaiJl"" h,'r
JII'Otll('rI(':-l~ :-;011 to)t'rafl'd, t,tlltt'rtaiIH\d
to att .. lid at th .. Ia,.1 11,;nllt ". III" phouillg tu hilll :It hilo\ hllll11', 13
~t"\"I'I:tl l"OIIlIIt'tt'ltt w(lrk('r~ along tht I'oll:-=in, ~lrs, ~. T, Pf('i~~('r, aull :\Jr~.
aml 1;1I1111~' fo,· .. ,j "lll'h o t11l' r. . \1101 "h"\1 Tlltll'p 1I111:--t ht' IIHlII.\" lhilq!s \\lIlIlt'lI art' ( 'hl':--f II lIt a "1'11 lit'.
c·l:t ....~ifi('ati()ll:-- 111.('lItiHIJt'd art.'), IIOW HyniJ· " .. Iii" ('I"'aJllla ttl InJl,·h,·oJl on '\'('.1.
he Il'an'" this "orld ,Ill' tl'I'''''UI'l'' hi, intt>rc'stl'd tl' kilO\\' ahclllt thpir ~'(lllllt~'. Th" lJJIIS;" \I ill I,,· fnr"i,i,,'d 11."
alol" r;ght ill tll\l II. It i,. \,our dut,· II 1':."'r1:1y, F('hruar.'· ,':\th. ~to('k'~ ()f«'ht'~tl':t---th:11J whil'lI tltl')'r' /'oj
sCHrt' Hli"tl ].OHII('t, hi~ Jllt'lIl11!"\" Bud hb :l~ n t(J\\"Jt~lIJ:ttl tn 1111't't thl:llI-t't1I1t't:r For ill:-;tnllr'l', do ~"Oll kll(lW tIll' original
nll'dliis of Illlnor.) . 110 lIt-ttt'r .iazzillg outfit }>t't\\"I'11 111'1'1'
with tht'nl. It ":lIl I", arrallg"11. :--oulld Jlilllllht l" (If
l t'oll"ti('~ ill PI'llll~\·h·Hl1ill •
1IIr,.. Collill' hlld n'II,,,· fril'l"h ill th,' Lt'arll nhollt \"o,ur t'OIlJlty g-O\'PTn- ,,"01 I li,' I -I,· "I' \"'1"
• c th .. ir '1l1ltlifi,·"ti(lIl' and if it is ;n th .. all,1 11O'W '"1111" th .. ,.,. "r,. llO"" ill th,' .Fur thn:-..., who ha,'~' Jlot outgl'lI\\ 11 tllt,
{'luh, alld II ft"I' h"r :lJ:I"'al'a\l,'p today, \\'0011 to tal(ll tlll'HI tlfI. do :-on at nUt'('. 1III'lIt IIIHI "011111.'" "Ollrts al t'h" Ll'aglle :--Iat .. ? Whllt'lIl'" th" "0 II II l\' oHi,·,'r,.! ! \\'1'1'1 knuwn :--pol'f of ":",I!('u]{illg" "alt'll-
:-:hp ha:" a host of Ill'W OTlN';, ·a.lld We; nl't nff your lli~'ll htlrse~, if YOII ar~' flf \'·OBlt'li \"ot(,f:O; 1I1f'('ting, ~[nndH:'·
\\'hllt ar" th .. priTl"ipal d;lti .. ,. alld t illl'~ 1Il1d .. r thl' frollt dtllll":O; tlf 0111' bd\'
. will all he glll,l whpll ,.1,,· ('Ol"l'S a).!" ill. Oil thp1I1 ':llId ~'tlt down on thl' i111111(, of F,'''. I:lth. ;1 1'. 'If., al :11:; ""oo,bi",, Iltl\\'t'r;o; of 111(' C'tlllrlt,\" ('Ollllld:o;:"i(Jl}('r~~ 10\'(':"0' hOlllt', ringoillg ll1t' \.t'll ;Ifl.l l!i(,'11
~fr.-. E. II. ~hol'P goa\'(' a HI'sump ,f hUlllltn 1",II,fu]III'.---:llJd H~LP YOllr .\ '"('IlllP.
\\'hllt ar,' th,' fu"di,,"s of th .. Ili.,- l·llUlling .10\\11 to tht' 1'(II'1)l)r :Illd Jljdill~
Borollgh (;OV"rIJI\I('llt \I hi,·h h",l b""1l f .. IIII\I- hUIII:III, • Irid "ttorll'·."; th .. I·OUlIt." ,:oli"itllr; tl,,·
thoro\lghl~' stlldil'd at th,' Iu,t lJ'l'l'ti\lg -for thn~H' of 1I~ \\ho art' still 1'1 a .. t,1I4
Thi,. is nol 11)(' tinl" for sitting tight 'If i.,,,
1:1a RlIcklllan: of \V"nnl'woou l'llgilll'pr: thl r'OfOtlt'f; tilt' ~ht'ritr; tht'

of thl' !-"ag-ue (If "'olll,'n Yoti'I'S. Thl' "Id~' yJJllthfJJI ill ,.pirit I,"t n littl,' ton
,\\"I'JlI1t'. t'lltt'ftnil1t'd tll() Jl)p;lIht.'rH of prothoTlotlin'; th .. r,·).!i,.tP'· of \I ill" th,'
WOlllell Yot"rs of ~arl ... rth shoul,l kilO\\' digllilil'd, 01' llliddlt, ag-t111. til' rllt'lllilaf It'.
IContilllll"] on Png-e 4) th .. ]/"ading Cin']" of th" ',"om"n's recorder of (lep<ls; th,' jllr~' """lllli"
\..~ ·nlnny things ahout thl'ir ordill;JIH'C''''' III follllw the old ,.f.,·I" I'lnll, \I,' kilO'"
('()llllnullit~' Cluh on ~rolldll" of lr"t :-:iollt'rs :Iud lUIlIJ'c1 of YiTP\,('r:-.!
anll laws [111,1 thes,' "all ,I",,,t Ill' I"arllpd ,d' 110 twttt'r \\'II\' to (·t'll'hrn11'· rh., (toud
",,·,·k. ]n nildition to the r'eading of
through thp ,Ii"c:uss;ons al the L"Uglll' FIRE AT DUDLEY AVENUE HOME "QIli"'11 Yil'lorin," thi' g'roul' read an,1
\\'hllt I','opl'rty i,: ""I'tllpt frolll til""
and h,· what allthorit\· j,. Ih .. "1111 II t ,.',
";1. \'nl""tl",' t';"" 10 ntll'llll th .. ":11-
Jlwetinlrs. 1·t1tin(' Dallf'p that tht' T(\nlli~ .\:o"~tlt·ia·
discussed Chinese poetry liS trnnslate(l tn x rl;11' fi , , ' , 1 / ' .
Nllrhl'rth was illl'orl'orat"l\ liS a Hor- tion i:..; giving III'Xt Tl1l'~I'la:r l)\'l'uill\r at
Firl' lorok,' (lilt at th., hOllle of ;\'. E. I,.,· .\1l1~· Lowell in Iwr Ill'\\' "olum,· . ITo\' llI:111V l'lIUrt~ ha~ Your t't111u1\· 1·:111I Ifa 11. ...
.:. ough in I SiI,'. ;';'lIed],o~·. 1f1~ I )lIdk~' _\ \"'lItW. Oil TlIt',.· "Fir Flower Tnhll'ls." on<l by Arthur :Inri" hat lI'l't' thp\,! I);) YOU kll()~\
~Irs. 1I1,rr.,· A. . Jlll·"h, had alt"II,I"d da.,' IIft .. nlooll, a, II J'",.ult of a dpf,'~· \\'h"le~', th" not"d ":llg1i,h auti,,'rit'· on ,,'hat l'll:-,PS lln' n:fprn'd to' thl':"o·t, 1','.
the lIl .. pt illg hdd ill A rdmon' Oil ~I 011- 1\" tlnr. Tl,,' Ii n' hlld '1I1Oltldi'r!'d for I'hi,,,',,, litl'nltllet" in his volume. ,iO nc HOME BAKE
"I",,·t;,· .. '·OlHt,.! \\'hll aI'" th,' jll.]g,·,,!
,tuy of the Eastl'rll District of the :-UIIJ.(' hUlIr.. , finaJl,\' l·ating its "'ny 1IJ1 1I11l1rln'd ~{'\"pnty ('hil1l~~(l POtlll1~." Thp !low do th,.~, rr~l'i"e th .. ir jlldgpship!
Stall' F",lt-ratioll of "'0111 .. 11',. (,lui",. throngh a. frlllll" I'llrfi! ion lIn,1 spn'llel· TlIl'"t ing Ill'Xt "';"'1< ,,,ill hI' hl'I<l fit th~ \\'hat i,. th .. ]l'Tl!!th of thdr to'rto! "'hal
TlIt' ~ih"t'l' ('1'0:"-:"0 ('irc,lt) IIf . 'I'i,,~·:-"
She reporte,l on the 110011 rOllferl'lIc'p ing undt'r ttl(, flour cd a s('('olJll :---tOf'" ""n,,' of '1[r"s .Jos"ph HOllng]"r, 32f1 !>nllghl»r," \\'ill h,d,1 n lfolJl., B,,:.,.'
is th .. i r eOllJl,,·tI,.a tiotl ! ~:ltql"lla,\'
of Pnhli,' \\'"Ifnrp whi"h was ullcl"I' hf'drooJll. ' :'<f .. "ion _\ '·1'111"'. .1111 1I1pI"Iliug, l"phrllury )'0/,
}frs, H. C. ('o"hralle, If ."011 do not possess this kllowl- ln~:.!, fnH/I !1.::11 till l:.!":HI (j·t,!tlt"k.
':" ('loud,.. (If "lJltd\~' WI'!," pouring forth
llll!.!f', (':til ~'()u nffonl to miss this
The roolll was rrl'ttil~' ,jp"oratl',1 with ",h"n th,' ~:lI·j,l'l'th Fil'" Co. ilrrh-,·c]. ('ook I1mtl,,·r,. ha'l' ',·r" killdl,. ,drl'r"d
.·]li,ls, rl'd hpnrts alld /lowe,'s. Th,.' oi'l'ortnllily of nhtllillillg this infoctlla·
Th .. Iin'nll·lI. e1in'.·t"" h.,' .John "\. ~Iill· CONGRATULATIONS tllt'il' unic'l' to thl' ('i,'('l" 1'01' thi:-- II"!""
tio'll,1 .\11 \roml'lI arl' w('I"olJl~ ,,·lli'lhn
hostE'SS for the nfterllooll WI;,. ~rrs. 'II. t'T, :-00011, 1(H':lt('d till'
F. A.exaucil'l', assi,t,'d h~' ~frs. •J. E. ,dJi('h w ..rl' "xtinl::lIi,.h .. d hy thl' Us(' of
hiddpll finllh':-O
- I 1III'mit('I's iiI' 110t.
"Ihll, Pl:ltl to huy "nul' "a)iP, (':llld" :,11.1
pil'~ for flint W('(:I\.'I'IICi at th'i!>i Sa..II~, ;11111
BuiJl~', .11'.. .\Irs. E1izllhdh :--iIJlUIl,., ~lr,.. thp (,hpllIil':11 ('Il H illl' ('''Ill'''illllllll "'"Itoll M. '\',,"tZ 111101 I' 1I"lIll'llll,,'r thl' dat ..-~roTl,la\', 1",11' Ih,· 'I,,:id,,~' 11""",,
Hllrri"t ~'l{'l(, 1Ifrs. I. E. Lpp"h, .\frs. :\Ir" \\"'Iltz ar!' r<·,'"i"illg ,·ollgrnlllh· 1::lh.:1 1'. :'<1., lit :\1:; '\'ooc]s;,i"
Th· fal1lih' \I}li"h' hud hrrn ,Iri\"'n
.:~... 'Ves]l'y Panboll Bailey, .\Irs.•r. Garfield fl'01l1 tht>ir horllf' h:," tIlt, tI('n'~e ~1t1(Jkl'
I illl'" lin 11,<> hirth III' a >(HI. "lIrhel·th.
Ath/'rholt, .\11'''. ](.olalld G. "\lIng,t. ~Irs. \\'1'1'11 nhp to r,'tnfn ill n !o'hort tillj(' SURY SAVINGS CE~TIFIOATES
~r. C, Alldl'l'soll aud ~frs, I'. :-i"lItOIl. 1I11lJ('h TP}.jp\·pd frolll 4'\ i,JPllt dRngpr,
~Inn.\· 1:ft}(}~ts w(··rp Ptlt(lrtaiJlPcI. among Thf' Iir(aIHt'IJ d(''''('r\'t' UJ)~tiJlt('tl pfai!'w CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS. .\ rl'vis,'d (',Iilioll of ";rl'ul:ll' ;\'''. I~!I
whom we wpre glnd to SP", ~frs.•Jallll's • for th{' PI'Ollll't :tlld l'fl'I'I·ti"ll manll(lr ill i,. ill pr"p:ll'lliioll lIlld will Ill' oli.,tri·
_P. Huu((\r. Prt'si,leut of thl' ~I,·dia COlli' whil·h th!'~' workl'd. hlltptl to l'o~tma~1t'r~ at (Jtll"t':" i""~ni.llg'
n:lUnity Cluh, au(I Mrs. Erllpst Clork, Fixed Meeting Dates. Tn'asury ~:a,'ilig-sJ ('prtifh'atl':-:. The . "~

ChnirulUll of thpir EI!Ul·atiollnl COIIJIlItI- t,il'r'lIlnr will f·olltaill illf'onll:1tillll l'lln·

tel'. PUBLIC LECTURE AND ENTER Borough Council Monthly-8eeond Monday Council Chamber
c'I'f1lillg the iSt"IH) :lilt{ pn.,'"ultlnt ()f thp
TA.lN'MENT Narberth Bldg. and Loan ASB'n Monthly-First Thursday Cou>1cil Ohamber
Jl::!.'.IlIi. $1110.110. all" :\,1,0011.00 ,·('rtilic:lt .. ,
American Legion Bldg. & L'n Ass'n Monthly-First Tuesday Legion Building 1I0W Ill'; "l! sold nt 1'0'1. Ollic('",
Under AU~'ices of K. of C. Narberth Civic Association Monthly-Third Thursday Oouncil Chamber ;~', '

:.:::... ·.On Thurs,]ay, F,'hruory 16th, S lit ('llnrlr,: ,. SnnIJ~' " Chapman, 0""1'''("11''
Narberth Fire Company Monthly-Last Tuesday Fire House SARAH IRWIN
..' ·.P. M.. tile Cluh' ll1elllhl>rs will ('Ilter' ,:el'rl'lar~' for tll .. Knig-hts of Co}ntllhns Home and School Association Monthly-Fourth ThursdayHigh School
,..'.' ·tain for' their husballds HI"t sweet· Rarllh Jrwin. wif!' of William If. Ir·
)'.:hoort,S. A speaker, who will hl' psp~l'i.
during Pd' ,yorlel \\'al', who at the <,Oin)· American Legion Post 356 Monthly-Fourth Monday Elm Hall
~jl meeting in .Tanuary "1'0](1' ou the will. dl<·d tIll kUlldll)', P,'ln'"llr.\· fifth,
r', '. ·~Uy Intl'restIng to these honore,1 ~uests : 1!'~2 at h('r hOIlIt', 110S ~uth 47th St.
"lC of C. "'a r 'Vork 0,·1'1' There"
~::.,: . h.lls, been seenretl. .\Injor.T. R Stl'Wlll't
will IIgain rOllle to Ardmore on 'V,:,]. Date. Name of Or~anization and Event. Place. HOllr. Ph ilao1f-l,~tia. '
;:.: ... ::~ichnr,dswill tell of his Ilew"plll'l'r Ilesdny, F ....b rnary 15, in the allllitorillm }'or 1llIII'V Y"lII'S ~.[rs. lrwill with
~:·~,:,..>)Vol'k III France 1Inder GeneTll] Persh·
.. ,
oj Hili Woman's Cluh. .\h. Cliapm:lu F,.h, 13 .••• LellgUl' of "rOlliI'll Yotprs her husbaJll') aill] rIuught(,1' Cllroli'ne, reo ~~
,'i:,'··mg lJIel'tillg •.••..•.•••..••. ;11;, 'Voo<l,.icl" .\""""" ... , ;::.00 P. M., sid",) at 215 Ess,'x :\\'C'., :\'nrlwrth. "'/
!+..,:.< ..... \\'llS so interesting· thnt those who had
hell rd· him r~quested t·ha! he he culle(l Fe'b. 14 .••• Tennis VlLlentinc Dance •••••• Elm Hnll •..••....•••...•. !l.00 P. M. .Mr. n.n() ~Ir~. Irwin hn.\'.. mfiny
frrp.n<lN ·111 . ~n.rbcrth who are lrrl'ut)y
0 •• "1.
'~'\, '::I$n)~ it. strnnge h?", mnuy people to A.r<lI;lOre n.p:nin all'] llre iu'-iting the Feh. ·16 \\i olJlen 'l( C. C. Entertainlllent. Y. M. C. A. . __ .. 8.00 P.:r.r:
shocke,] to IcnTlI· of <Mrs. Irwin's sudden
J"'+:,h~ve . . tMt peculiar faculty of finding public .11I gCII('rnl to heRr of bis expl1ri,
Feb. 17 •••• Legion and Auxiliary ••••••• Elm Hall ••.•.•.•......•.. 8.00 P.M.
(,lIce8. HI' ill both ·iust1'lu'tivc Rhd of· <I,l1nth. Rho was II memhl'r'of the Bnp-
i;: 4)ut, thingsthBt are none of their busi· Feb. 18 •••. HOllIe Hilke, Kilig'sDalfglltersCobk Brol(.' Storr .•.....•.•. !UlO A.:r.L till.! 'Churoh nlld of the King's Dn~g\i­
b,1': ;i. . . tertlliniug.Othcl' cllt('rtninel's wilibe
(,:ness. ou the pro~.l'al11. Feh. 22 .•... Fil'cCCllupnu)· Dallce .•••• , .I~hn Hnll , fI.OO P. :\t. tel's.

....:::" .,1
-.'.' ',. .."' , '~ . '. '."


Telephones, DC course. ".

S"III" 2:1.111111 of fh.'n, h,,11I ~haJ't's for
OUR TOWN whil'll th.,~· hn\!' paid ill filII.
:d~lI poinl:"., with
IIlltural ~Hti~fa(·t iOll, THE TOWER 1267 deliver - aQ
place - &DJ
Ownf',l and Puhli"hpd p,"pn' Saturllnv to th .. dil'id,'lId 1'1"'01'<1 of th .. Aml'ri· 1268 time.
by thf' ~nrb('tth (,il it' As"o~iatioll. . I':ill '1't'lt'phOllt' and Tt1lcgraph ('nn1I'ullY, OF BABBLE
\\ hil1h ha:-o paid dh·jllpllll:-i regularl,'" The Brightest Spot in Narberth
Suhscription pri"f' Oil.' dollar allci fifty fol' th" last fOl't\' ,'I'HI'S Ht rat .., yary· By Collum Righter
('ellt" per yl'1\T in a,!\'an,"'. iJl~ 1'1'0111 $7 ..,11 I'~'r '":-:hllTt' ptlT nnnUl1l, to A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
$\1,11" 1"'1' ,hnrl' I" I' nlllllllll. whi"h is thl'
OFFICERS OF THE NARBERTH 1'1""""'l\t riltl', di, id"lll!'l'\ IH'ill~ paid
CIVIC ASSOCIATION 'I"" , t .. rl,l- ill .Ia Illlll 1',1' . .\pl'il. July antI
Thl' ('011111111 :ll·!,;,ul,;dt'.Ig(':-- 110 p('('1" ill
March 31, 1921 ()t"f oht·J".
Th., ,·h" 1'." of tl", .\ 1I11'r;"" II '1'.,1.,· Ih,' 'ltatl"I" "I' h,,,.\ \I "I'k. III fad it
Presio('ut. George A. Mahl
' .. , . Joseph H. Nash
Augustus J. Loos
Mrs. C. P. Fowler
;11 "II
th., ~t(... k
l'hi!:ldt !l'hill.1
Ex .. haug.'s of
!la .... :11 \, a '.!'i 111·t'll 0\1 r un:l!1l'ra hit, t·lI .... ·
tqTIJ til j)lIt in :--i:..:lI'1'1l !tour:" a da~·.
"hl·thpr \\t' had ntly1hilll! tll do til' nnt.
\r(, ha,·.' rl~(·('i'·l\d a t'otltlllllllil'at inn

TrcaslIr.:>r :Miss Maizie J. Simpson Bn... tor\ :llld "'H!"llillj,!tOI1, and r(~-
ffOll1 L ..\. P. wllo IHIH~t~ ut' :lTl l'i~.d1tt't·1I Are you thinking of Building?
Secretary Rolwrt J. Edgar !'I'llt .ha'·p hl"lt'll rallg·
1I1:Il'kt,t ljlllltntilHI"
hllur .... I·hptll1lfl-·~hf' :--:1,,":'1 1l1lthillg", 11t)\'··
II~ "1""1101 $11;.1111 1"'1' shan'. It. is
Dirpdur", to sel'Vc until ]923: Mrs.
~ohert F. \\"000, J. Garfield Atherholt,
ils (1111' of
lillHIH·ial rir('lll~
t"·t·r, ahollt thp I inll' ta kl'T1 off for
11l1lI'h--tlli:, nnlt~illl1 i ... illdl,pd mo!'tt
Really, one of the very first considerations is your ground: Loca.tion,
I;;tJeet. Improvements, Restrictions and Price.
I. A. ~lillcr, C. Lawn'nre Warwick, 1IIlfor111I1Ht;' H~ thf' ('nillll1H (':1111101 draw We have for sale several very attractive building sites and the prices
A. E. \\"ohlert, Philip A. Livingston. .. t llt'k:-: tlf 1ht' t'0111l1 ry.
illtt'lligt'llt ('nll('I\I:-,ion~ fflllll !!I"o:"':-i fig· are right. The best locations in Narberth are naturally becoming scarcer
lYir,'l'tors, to ~prve until 1922~ J. J. ~W,.B. & L. SERIES IN MARCH lIl·('S. all the time. It will prove a good investment to bUy now, Stop in and
Cahr('y, \\'alter A. Fox, H. R. Hillegas, talk it over with us.
C. II . •\. Chain, \\". H. D, Hall, Harry :--:'0 II H' \'t·:iI· ... HUH \\1' \\"t\ft' ill,·itt'.] to
"I'llI' 'arll1'rth BlIil,Jill~ alld Loan .\ ....
11',: hal"~\\"nTl\ ~t"lTltIPllIAtl
A. Jacobs.
1'1l1LII' ,\, LI\T'\(i,<I'\)\'.
";Il('i:ltilil! "ill 0llt'li it . . ~H'" Thirt,,":.thir'l
;-"'t'rit·:-- :11 Ell'll 11:111 1111 '\(art·h :!lld fl'illli
• "("·1'11 11ll1il JJitl~-;i'I) ·UJl· '·'·t·nilll.!" \, Itt'lI
('Hllnl Do\"pr, Ohio.
~('\"t"fal thillg".
illl·llidilll! :\Il Hutllllillhiit'. Ii.~url·dil\ tilt'

Editor, }It'.\\· l"harl'~ \\ ill lll'~ olrt'rl°,) ill hoth 1lit'
:dT:lil', and \\ t' did 11 lit I"t~tllrl1 to 111t\ , :El.eal.1ior .
"tli<-" \llItil "t dav. \\'hat th .. BII's i
:\I.\IZIE .1. ~I:\[['''':\)\'.
·llol"t :Inri IOllg tt'flll :-;('rie~.
~ll" i ... a g·oHd tillh' til thill}..: O\·l·r
rl'lllarl\t'd upon
1I ..
lli tr nrri"1l1 wu:l]ll 1214 LOCUST STREET, PHILADELPHIA
Cashier. -"'"'I·,'I~' forlll propl'r rl'atlillg fol' th" Branch Office at Narberth Station Phone Narberth 1710
.\'11111' Bl1ildilJJ,! alld Loan inYl'~tlll("nt, a:-i
YOIIIIJ!. ~illf'(' that tinu we ha"t' 1I('I"n ! 1

,hI' Ii"",l·nl '.":\1" will (·It)~(, ill }'l·hrWIl"\·

:-" lj,; :dl ad\·t1rt i ... ill.:': :lnd 1ll'\'" itPIlI 1u :t It ogl.t h.'r t hOl'olll-(h I~' iUll"ll'<I I\" it h n"·
:II,,! Ih,' ,,1I'1I11:,J J'I'I'"rrl\ill I,.. 1'1I1>li"h,';1 Member Phll.delphla Real E.tate Board
P. 1I, Box \ltili. " .. d t<lwur,1 Ih., II'1I<1itional srope oncl
:t' ot' :\[Ilr.,h til" lil'st. ,0 thllt the I'allll'
OLr Tt)\\"l1 I.": PIl' -:ti,· :d th,· dt'lH't l"l\ln<l"r~' of thl' 11I1I,.}1 pl'ri"d. ~["\I~'
llf \·11111' ~10(·1, t':ITl rt'lidilv lit' lIhtainl'd.
ne\\ ... ..;,t:1Jld. :111,1 :11 flit' .. 111ft.' of ]1. E. :IIHi 11101"1' th:nl lil't·h· :->'ho\\ '·l~ll that th.,I't, h .. thnt ~tl'"tl'h it.
DUI"', :l fl'\\ :--h:1 n'", 111111"" c'a'll 1w (':1 r·rit'd. HlId
E:trprl,d :1'-; .. 1'(·1111,11·1:1..;.... lllattl1r
tlo'.'· c·"" I,l' ,t"rl"d at th., :\[:lr,·h 1I1.,.'t, \\'hilp attt'ndilltr 10 nllr own bll~illl':-~
in n ('('rt.ain :'\a~lH"rth TlIf'!"f':lllti1(' t,di-

Ort,'!>"r 1.1, !l114, at 1 ht' I'.lst Ofli<-l' at
~:)r~Hlr!h, l't·IlII~\·l\:I'lia. IITldt'r flit' nd
i Il~.
.\ ft'W dedl:I'·:-- il1",,:--tPt! 1111\' ill thi ... Iii-I' Hut :-,fl lOTl~ H:!O, WI' o\"(}l"ht'ard II
All Sizes of Anthracite -.
Of :\Inr"i,. Pi;!', . ~l't' \\ lint it I·.lt lIlld, IIls11'rt'd g'"1'lIt 14'111:111 ill /.!tlld
.... ·rip ....
:'Hl"lIil!J!s \\ill JII' I'i\lll\ll,d sp.",tll,·I.,,,. a~ki\ll-( dl't" ii, 'IS Coal Reduced SOc per
(·ight ('\'111. Hnd tlit\ ~I"tl\\th III thl' 11l'1":--(lllal aflI'Pal"aIH~.l"l of Hon.
11\1'1" JII'I"
Ton. Cannel, Coal $12
• OUR TOWN will gla.dIy print
any ne1vs ihm about any subject
of till' .\:->:-,ol·iatiIlTI ha~ IWI'II stt'ad.,"; till'
11111 ~I'rit,~ 11:\,·.· 1I1litUl't'l! HIl\l ll('\\' :-otlle!,
j ...... lll·d. taking tlil' plUt'I' of flit' Illd, Illi'
that h.,
it is trill' that
of 'l()llf ''"1'1)\\"11,''
\\,,,"11'<1 t" sh.",t hill\.
1,,,ld Itll f('ar of Ih,'
that is of interest to Narberth
Colks, but in order to meet the
printing schedule, all "copy"
fiI tllt"l :l:-O:o't'ts of tht' .\s""lH"iat it/II ha'·t'
rC"1C'h"d ''''''1' $.;1111.111111.

'I'llt' IlIPHI'.'" )'aid ill
st.",kl,,,loI.'r, h", 1"'1'11 I·al'"fllll."
I'fH'll IIlflllth h.\"
.l!rac'l'full~~ :ltt~'nl1atl'd
IIl'r:-,ollltg\' \\ hl!
.'<lit;, this p'lIwr alt<l ",,,dd 1'1'0\'al>l."
"Iic'k th., ~tllflins" ont "I' him with
I",th han<1, til'd b.'hinI1 liS, "I't h" it
c. P. COOK
-manuscripts-must reach the
editor by 6 P. M. Wednesday eacb
ill'·I' . .;lt'd in Ill\lrtj.!:I~I''';, Tll'arh' all 0;1
'arhl'rtll 1'1'0"'1'1.1' tlnlt ."011' ('a" '.'..
knll\\'l1 tha' WI' shall alwal'" 'ho]<I hilt,
tit ~rl'at l',tl'l'lll unc1 bl" partic'lIlarl~'
week. rillllt h,'n' at h,,,,,.'. Thl' hl',t f .. ,lllll"t' solil·it Oll~ for his ",.,11"11"1'.
of Ilt·illj.! intt'rl':-,ttld ill a :\nl'hprth ..\~.
~lll'i:ltioll, i~ lhnt ~'Otl kilO\\, thl' llinl("
Pll:-:~ihlv till ("ditor~ bf'('Otllf' tat'~t't:,
tilr'" who nr,.l illtl"lI:"otl'd ,,,,ith thp iTl\"(, ... t-
for till' 1,'ullt't~ of iratI' l'itizpnr\~ Ht (lIlP
SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 11, 1922 !lIPId of \·our IIlOIIl'\", :llld vfllI :tl~() "'1'1'
till' prnpt·'rt.\" OJ] \\I;it,~, tIJI: ill'-t'stllll'llt
till,,' 01' all"th.,r. \\'Ii~' i, it? \\' .. <lOIt't

i:-. Hludr'.
Hllildillg' alld Lliall .\~:-Otlt"i:lti()T1~ :trt'
.... ullit't·t ttl (,X:lIllill:ltio!l 11,- thl' Ppnlls,'}-
that if
to that
noti"l\ rig-ht
what-!'Hl·t;"l,·pr. ("'PH
""I'I'IIII';lt l!l'llt hin".'lf, <In,," 5
Jraturdoy Jrpecial
firl':trTlI.~ \\ i1h nln.1i(·i()l1~ intf'nt to'W:ll'll
Polin', ]~,jll "a,,'ia ])l'l'lIl'tll1l'llt of B'lI',kill~; all.! t'h,'
thl' Dirf'l'1or of thl' ]),,"t ill I' IIf thi,
:"\arht"rtlJ Hl1ildill~ :Iud I~oall .·\~""1J4·ia·
lalll\'I'lIt shl't'l. hI' will rl'pl'lIt' in bitt.'r·
t i011 1:oi abo t'XHlIlill(,d "(':nlv h,· a ('oTll-

I"ittl'" "f st'lC'kh"I.!.'r~ ,,1;0 .:I",.·k all
t}l(> :U'('OUllt:-o, tht\ lIlCIIIt'\- in thp hnl1k,
nlld :'1\(\ all tht\ :-'t'f'lIl"itit'~ that ('o\"er thl'
l"al1'. All this is ill atlclition to thl'
nl'~~, in uttJ,.!l1i!o\h of
illi1. \\'ho.'I'l'r that blllod·thirsty wis·
~'rf'ant wa~. f(lJlluill."; to h\' 11etrnu'iTlpd-
howpI'pl'. I.. t. hi,n hI' W'lln' how hI'
~flul and likp\\·i:,(, ill

1'1':\l'lw~ for his hip I'(wkd-=-thl' pclitl)r 600. P e r P o u n . d
(·:tI·C'fll1 nttpBtioll gi'·Ptt pt1rh loan nt
hllrl, II lII"an, hut " .. II dirl·ptl',l, l'I';,'f·
Tilt' j'la."KJ:ul1l1d luau ha~ h~t'll uuthor- th., lli,r.·..!'''·,' IHt'l'tilig alld h." th(' Holi·
iz"d~ JIlin', than .;011 \'otp:-; Wt'r,,- ('ust, ,'itol', :\rr. FI.'tl·hl·r "'. ~tit.,,,.
;tlld It· . . :-- tlJall ::00 \\1'1'1' t'Xllt'I,!pd. :--1011- "'"ht'l1 ('ollsidpl" that this .\~~ol'i 1-

.1"1' i, " hllsv d,,,· ill Ih., h"II.-,'h"ld. till' t inn lin ... '11t't'lI ill husillt'ss tiftP('Jl ypar~. ~I,,'akilll! of hip [H"'kt'1"-tl\l'~' tf'11 ""
that tlJ(~~p tilllt' honol"(\f,l waistulnr rt
Wll~ in·t·h·llH·lIf. thl" If\lt·~tioll
\\t:at)h'r that tiJrcllIgh g"o.1 lillll'" IIl1d 1'11:1 has
had Ilt'~'11 PH-\ iOlls:.\~ :-iuhlldttt,d; Olle hile' ht"PIi IplJdillg- l1Jnlll'~' tin·t aud :-;'('('-
Oil c,,'pta .. I,," arl' 50011 to 1)(' Tl'lt>gatp,1 to
at :t (·ht'rr.'· 'i~ t'llllll}:h fur Illn~t .-\lIlt'!"j· tilld III()rt~!Hg('~ IlTld h:1:-' 11f"'(~r hnd n thl' rl'allll of IInll'l's>plltial" hI' 11Iakl"'s
c·aT;~. III til,· fat't' of tilt'St, ('ollditillll:-', l'I"(IJlt'l't~' ('ullll' 11:lt·k on it:-o hands, ~'Oll "f 1l1ll11' :11'1"11'1'1. .\lId wh." n'ot? llll"
fht' 1'1,,,.. llt . . 11111:->1 1)(' rl'gardt.'d as V;t:ll- \\'ill h'I\'" t" I·onf.."", that l'al'l' ha" hl'l'n 1I0t th .. pritlH"l (':Il1Sl' fflr thf'ir Ill'l'-l)~~ity OPPOSITE STATION
Ilsl'd ill it~ tllHI1Hgpntf'ut right froln hl"'11 '"[,I",,'s~I'cI? AI Il'llst 1I011liu:IlIy
dt·rfui. It i:-, :1 di:--tilJC'tinn to li,'t.' in
it- 'talt. That salll.' "111'(' .i, h.-ing I'X' !'iO ~ Ye~, ,lIolllinnlly so.
ll! :\11\ ('IIlIH'}' flit' \'otl' wa~ ;; to 1 ill 'I"t·ispd today 11.'· it ... Jil"t'''''l'llt Board Hf
f:l\"\lr of tht' pl'lljt·(·t; ill F,·llrtlar.,". Willi I )i rl 'to t (lr~. That word "lIulIl.inalh-" llfC't'd:-,
tllp OPlltllltlllity tlf a SUhl'f'\ ~f""llld \"'ht'!"t' t':111 \"tllI find un ill,'p:-,tmt'nt dOllht. \\'hat WI' are psp('~'ial!,\"' intl'r,
that ('all ht, ~ta'Ttt'd fill' :I laT'g-p or ~Illllll pst"d ill nnd \I'h"t WI' I'lnti,·uln.I.,· wallt
thllllg:ht~ tllt' ratio iIH·n·HH· .... tu ;") tit 1.
L(\:",:"l than lno hallot:-, \'\('rt' f';l!'it aguill ... t
it. Of (·pUrse. H;~ Wt'rp pn·\"i()I\,I:--l.'·
rtllltHlut of 11l0lH'Y (ontO

1'"I'l·"a~ ..c! 1',,1' ""," dnllal' a IIlOlIth) tha1

~hHrt\ f'an hc' to kll"w. is who spill.',1 th'lt IlInm""hino
c·hl'rl'~' in t!l(' >110\1' hank on \"oocl,~idp
$2.50 Weekly
deposited at interest until it equalled $200, then invested, was the
1<1""'11 t" I... illtplal'ubk, .\lId all 1hi, will l'IIt'1I 01 .'1' .'i,oI11 1"'1' •·.. 111. allc! ~'l't .\ \"('BllP.

ill th,' lIJitist of' a dl'prp:--si'HI whi,·1J !"j, (. "lit! lh;· al.:-,oll1t('I'\" ~aff' ill,·pstIllFtlt fOWldation of Andrew Carnegie's fortWle.
11Ink,'1'" hou",('hnlcl(l'r wnry of an~' in· That ':""r1,oorlh H"ildi;,~ all,1 Loall As· '\·olld:-:idp ..\\"('11111' fl'Il1ill\ls 11",,-\\,(' SaVlng first, then 'Wisely investing, always to one certain end-Success!
('n,la~,t'd \lXI'\·Il:-.P. ~lll·intitill \\ ill!
hal'l' oftI'll pOllcl"I'!'d wl",th.,1' II horSt··
(lilt of thi, ,whi.'I'''II11'lIt "thl'l' l!o"cl :--:toc·1\ 1":111 1II} wi-thdrHWIl at an" 111('(lt· 0llen your accOunt here. Make additional depos~ts regularly,· The
sllop is hlllll! Oil a ['oTt'h !,illal' a" all
t:Jil1~:o' Illnst ('0111('. It i~ alwH\":-' thl1~. iIH.!. Hnd tlI(' illtt'r~,,~t
"ill 'r('('pj\"l' \"oll compoWld interest and your deposits will quickly mount up,
1'111 hlt"l1H of g-ood hlf' k or a:o: n \,"P:\ pOll
l . . t,t rb,· 1I1'l!J \\ho ,,:1:-, (tu.hitluS ~'('a;oi(O to "ill I", '" III II..}, ,,".1 \";,,ihl~' 11I0!"t' thall to f'Cllllt) in halld~' ill rl'pt>lIing YbitorH.
lUL' t' f(',lr----prllgrp:-i~ h(lgPt~ pJ'o~n':--'" if tht' :-,a 111 (' :l1l1t'ltlt1t of mOIH hnd hl,(,tl 1

[I' fhl' Intt,,1' is th" .. a~ .. , we "hall (>1'1'1'


~llf'C'\'~s prctiu( \.~ :-ipirit

~I'irit ('Yt'rythiup ('01111:':". UnfOll}!11 fill:lll
Hlld froltl tht' l'"t illlo a Slll'illg' hUllk. Bllt if th('
,t()(·k ruo- t" lIIutlll'it:: it will pa.l· ,\""0"
1"('~Pl1(·t it-and t.hf're i:-;
our r(,R'H'(·t---'w~ \\prl'
J,!Olltl ft'n~On for
ki('ked h~' H
m~r _rriou IDUlr nub IDruat (tlom,pauy
l·ill~ is 1l1(lfP than hookkt"'l'ing. l'i\";f' ll\·t'r piu'llt 111'1' C·i'llt.
h or,sl'-sh lit} OH"('-~()Il t 11 t' 1.. :I tl('H:-,tPT 1'i kt'l ARDMORE NARBERTH BAL,,-CYNWYD
pri'},' i:-: 1lI1ln~ than f·oJl~·t~r:-:atioli. :--:'l1ppo~t\ ~~OI1 litOI'd SOtllflo tl101H1Y nn(l
I 'I·'! ""1'.'11 Bmnllnn A 1'('II11" nll<l \\''''1111'' II,
\\'.,11 """l', Xal'h('l"lh~ hUl"t, h"l'lI II stol'klrol.1f'r fnr a IIl1mhf'r \I 111,,1 HOllc], .
of ."'t:lar~ alltl ha"I' puid into thl' .As~lI·
t·iatioll mort' IlIllllt'..'" dllrilll! tho:--l' yt-'Hf:~
BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY tllnT1 ~·(·'1 I·t'quin"l at thiH tillH'. It ,'('f- 1'. x. 7.. IlIal(I'~ hold to 'lll,'r~' Il' 1'". . Thr wn~p :l~I'('f,'IlH'nt he.t~\'.-;:;-~~·I',t·i~(. AnthrIH'U(,·liltn('r~ nnd op~rotor8 p.xptt:P~
\\:tSHES SUBScrRIBERS AS t:tilll.,· WOIl't ll:l~' ."011 ttl withdraw frotH gal"ls what killd of to)>lll"'o thp COIIIIIIII ,nn ~1.\n('H :ll~t.'''nl.,"" lh~' t... t·tnJ!:.·th.'r. th<-I''' Is tlllkl'lIhool\ of II WrHII{J~
or~r:-;PE~SIO:'\. ]1' thlt' 1111Pl'l' I~.', on (lXII'a tOll or twn {I( eoal In YOl1l' C't.~llllr
PARTNERS thl' .\~ ...{lt'i:ltillT1, hilt \"on ('an Ilorl'nw
",'h:lf '·1~1I !"{'l"lin'. fllJtti~l:! np YOllr ~to('I,
'Ill"k",. \\',,11. 11'1' 111'1' .in,t nhout the
S:llIlt~ liS tlh' I"('st of \'111 wht ll it ('OlHt·~ l
will Ilh·t· )·UlI n 1II11!'" ('umfo!'lllh {' f(\(>lIn~.
t" Ihat, (lll ~ronda.I·, WI' !'rou.n,\" in·

1l1'1>!)' ~latllt'\I" has ,,'ltt tit" Pi,tl"i,'l :\... I'oll:ltl'r:d Hlld Jlllyill,!! ~ix pt'r ('Pllt.
:\lauagl'l' of th" I!PH 'I'"I"l'holll' ClIllI' llllt\rt':.;t. ",hil(\ ~'OIl :tT"f~ 1"(\f,pi\"ing toi:,!ht ,,"glll'Htl' a, I""'ket of H,'rl>,'!'t 'I'areytoll
l'al1~' "I' 1"'lIl1syhalli,,· Ollt 1'1'1""llal 1"1, I ~'T" {'l'nt ll,n ~'lllll' o-d"iill:d ill\·t\~tnlf\l1t. :l1ixtnl't'. Thi~ last, \IS ulltil ']'h\ll'~dal'
l"'1)rtu't" J-IOO, 2; Yards In Phlla,
11'1':- ttl telt'l,hollt· !'il1/l:"",.iht'r~ ill hi:-- di . . If .\"1I1i hu\"" all~' lJlIl'~tioll:-' to :l:o'k \\ 11<'11 lit' hit hottolll. Thl'lI 1\'1' drift
delphia and suburbs
tl'it·1 Ur;.,dll;..t tllt'ir pUl"l·ha:-,i' of thp ~hal'es :lhllllt thl' Tll1ildiltl! :lll.l 1...0:111 idC'a. POltlP illlo two tin~ of 1'. ,\. 01' 'Olllt' otlwr Ardmor.. 10·' at your sen'lce. .
I,f tIll' .. \III.l'i"ali '1'1'1<'1,1,,,111 "11'\ TI':." t" Ellll Hall Oll Thllr,<l,,\, PI'I'lIilll-( ~lnr"h prlll(\tari:lt nIHkillg'~ 1\lId kpt'1' allll"t' \.,.~nswel's the burning 9uest~'
g-!":! ph CHIlIl'n II.", ~II<! all'] aliI' of Ih .. ni"I,,·tol" II ill I". watl'r 1I11til t4at\ll'll:l\' :lft!'!'lIooll. 1-\\' ~"'~~'~
Thi~ 111(1"(1 is ill lillI.' with the 11(' .. t Clllh'" 10fl glitd tu ht'lp ,\"011 with ronf lhat tiIH(' it IH"('(JnH'~ Ill'("l'SHHI"\" to la~'"
th,,,,~ht IIf ,th .. tilllt's. 1'1'1I'1<l"1l1. 1'I:lJ1~ for pa~'illg a. J1t~i~hh()rl~" , (l'TI
It 1~ 11('(:oJlling- mOI·t· anel !I101'P ("'itll:1tt TUIll :-,:1'·:-': '·Thi:d\ it O'·t'I·. hilt !YI'1 :O-'ntllt"dn" t)\"('I1:JJf.T. ,r(, alwa"~ pick out GEO. B. NEW1'ON' COAL CO.
.'1 "r,\" da~' 10 thllllllhtl'1I1 1"'01'11' thaI
it i:--, "1.'1'" d\",;jnddl' that lh" ll~('r .. of
bU",I', at 'thi, lit'\\" ~('I'jt':-' will lw tilt.\
b rgt·~t I". t'r"
:l pl:u'\" whtort· ,lil){'s :Iud t'oha('(Oo l\rc"l
kllo\\ II to .1.(' pnrt of the fllrni."'lhillJ! .....
l· ... ·ulll.v \\"t.' IHanngt' ttl strillg- out this
HI7 SANS031 S'TltEET, ...
1'lIloli.· IIt'ilili.,,' ",'1'1 i."" shollld I,.. ill'
tl'l' · ... tt,d us ill'-('HtorH ill tht) ('OlllJHlllil'''' WHEN WINTER IS HERE I'i"it 1I111il t",o o',,],II·k ~Illlclll\' lilliI'll'
th:,t J't'lItlt'l' the ~f'I'Vif·t"l. ollg. sat'.,,,, s('atl'e1 nil thl' \I'hil;, "ithill
)'llll,ahh' th,· strllll"."t a 1'''11 11I1'11 t Ii." I'< a,·l1illg 'c1i,tall""of tl", t,d",,·,'o jal',
fJ" kilO\\, what Ill." 1I<'art TlO\\" i"
ill th .. gl';'a t .It'siI'll hilit ~. or'''\h,' I'rotit'
~lIl1clu.\'-",.. II-a "hap 01' two i~ h"lIl1d
from l'oll,llIC'liug' th .. I'uhlil' IItilitil's' Ringing. to drop ill 011 a SlIwla,\"' mOl'llinl!-OI'
~l'!"':;t·f'~ in th~l eOlHtllltJ1it~'", r('tlwining in It,..·,,,,'<! ill lh .. rll'l'llr lIillt,.,·'S I'hill? lllraill, 1Il11"'l(' "'(' CUll in"titllt.· 1111 ill'
that 'l'UllIlJlllllty for tIll' 1"'Il .. fit of its Th"t S"OIl 11'.- ,hall ,,'(' thl' bright I'TO' dtat.ion t;, tlillnl'r 1;01111'\\,1",1'('. ]11 all\' ~iI1Cl' m;111 tir"t i,·lt the need oj \lll'n~il~, 1'1Ittny hu"
own l·itizl~IIS 'insh'atl of hpi'llg tukt:'n . l'vl'nt. SlIlIday i~ illv'lI'iuhh' II tlilY ,:r been in existence. Fach get1l'ration has ma.k imprO\T-
111111.1' f1'olf,' tl1l' l'OllllliUllity fur- tIll' 1"'11,"
!!ol, 11'11 0l,po~t UII it ies. A'II tl ~fr';1 dny
tit d' ,tnl'khol.lers lo('a!,'d ill oth.. r purts
.\",1 th" g-r"l'll of th,' c1affotlil. marks thl' 'llh'('nt of nlloth('1' pal'kd of
Tnn.. ~·t(lIL
men!s in manufacture and design, and \\'1: can no\\' sho\\'
of tit .. '·uulltn:.
''',' ulldel'siund thut the Amerit'all 0,·".,· skif's un' b\lt I'urtni\ls for golll you Cas~erllk". Heunl'ots. Teapots, :\li:'(ing Bowls.
'fl'l"l'houl' uud Tpll'graph COlllpUII~'. 01105, All of "'hi"h h"IlI'S Ollt to all f"'I'11
.lil">d!Y 'or illtlirl'l'th', O\l'IIS the (,Iltin' g'rl'ut,'r d,'grN', the tl'ulh of th.. orc! Custarrl Cups and Pitchers. All of these items in our
TllP. sllOW hlall1(('t$' lIIeudows' grecn
('apitul "to"k of th('.t"t'al Bell Cu llL)lu 11,\"'. adag" whidl ha~ it that tIll' "'II y of stock \I'de <I('~ign('d by \\'eller, of Ohio.
and uhout !l(I.I)('1' "('lit. of JIll til(' oth('r hue; thf' l,rtlllsg'I'l'!!sor i, ·hlll'll. And ;" ir .. i
sO'l'all"ll Bell '1','11' ph 011 " COlHl'lluil's ill ])1'1111 1l'1l\'l"s nro ollly the old onl'S gol'S.
thl' lrnit('d Stlltl'S. Tht:' AIH(,l'ic'lIil 'felt'· Fallf<ll r]o\nl to IIlllk(' room fur the
pholll' u\lllTelepTuph Company is' OJl(' of HOME BAKED DOUGHNUTS
th... lurg\?st industrial
thI'COlllLt,r)' and haR,.o"el' 18:I,OOO'lOhllre· Bergner Hardware Company·
holders. District .Mannger Mlit]I( So ]et ."'0111' h('art kl'('p 011 singing, , A qoughnut sale will be lLeld at the
. points out withen'i'ialile pride that D('lig-ht i'n th(' &11 \> \\"·('Ov 1'1'",1 trail; home of Mr. J. E. Nidceker, 206 lona
o\O!?r 75';900 .0£ the (,lIlployces of the AVP... OlI Feb. lSth, from 2 to 4 P.M.
Rprilllr sllrcly foHoW8 tlt'C, wfllt<er. ' • The prllc~eds nre to be used f(}t the
CO~ll\lai1y:.nreJ:egullli'l~· 'pn~·iIri .. f6r
. sJ1-nre~ of Its - stock, tnken' unller r.e'cElIit Soft z~)lhyn'! will follow theg'alc. I huilding . fund of. the lInl~' ;rrinit)·
',sU1>se,riptioi1lilllns,c nnll thnt .nlrl'lllly G.a ,I L.\ltheron Cbnrl'h. .


NtOlS of tilt C!lllurtllts

I\hil'h will not only enahle the society
to u""()lllpl;sh what it hilS undertaken,
hul will, ind"ed, he a \'ery titting pre·
parnlion for thp joyo'us Ellster day
CBES'lWtrr.BeL ••Ib SI
Fla_IPholo ." The-
RICKLIN'S ",hi"h follo"'s on April 16th. .Ire 011.. ID Ibe .
~1"lltJ!olllt'ry Pikl', ~arherth, \\"n~ ll:oitah, 1'],-11", nol" Ihut the t!ll~' of 11l1'!'ling
has I,,','n ,·han!{l'cl frolll ~londay afl!'r' Pb.lopl."a-ConUDuoua 10 A. M. I;' I ••••
1i,h1'0 1Ii.<;~, 111'1''' \\'illiam 1"'1111 \\or, P.M.
I ,hipp,·d. Il~ wl'lI a", ll"'Il~' other !lot"1! nOOllS to ThnrsclllY lIIorllings. in the
I Fri'·lId,. Onl' of thi' historil'al spots of hoI'" that tI", latll'r tilllP will be more PhU... P~
.\lllt'l'il·U j ... 0l't~1I for \\or~hjp {'\'l'ry "oll,'ell;l'nt to th,' 1II1ljol'ity,

Hardware Store Fir,I"L,.,· 1:-;lIl1d"."1 1I1l1rllilli! al

o'clock. First·,lay 8 .. hool hp~ills at III
.\. ,\. \'isitors I'ordialh' in\'it",J.
Th,' Fi I'sl·,]a\, ~l'ho()1 . is )\('1<1 I','cn'
Fir:-;t,day morlli'Jlg nt tt'll 0 'l'}o(·k. 'Th(lr~'
II Tltl' allllulli diTlJlPr ulIllt"'r dirt.'t·tillll
of the' :'Ilpn ',.. ('Inh is ,d,pdnl"d f"r
F't'l,rll:lr.v :!-lth. Plt"'a~p f('l'\crvc this duto
1'0,. .\11 ~aiut, ('hllr"h. .-\ lIIore d .. ·
lail"d lIoli,'" II ill apl"'1I1' in II lall'r

ep FEB. 13
• I i., a I'lass for adllits as 11'011 as 1'01' i:-isllt\ !lllwI"'l'r, tbl' ~Pt':Ikl'r of the c\"L'n·
iTl~ Illa.\· Ill' HlIlltllllll't'I) at thb tilll('. u:-;
"1,;1,11'1'11, alld 'I'l' aI',' \el',I' gilld to ha",'
A NEWCOMER IN NARBERTH ASKED US IF aJly()nt~ who i~ iJ1tt'rrsted in kllo\\ illl..!.·
!lIllI''' ahllut nur ~(Jl·it't\· of "'ril,ltd .;, HIl,l
He\'. H"I",rt :\01'\\'00'1, H,·,·t,,1' of tl",
\I"I"o,.i,,1 ('IIIII,·h of ~t. I'anl, OYl'r· HHer Own Money"
Ib,' FI'i"lIdly idl'lls ,i;it with 1I~. l,,·ook.
TOOLS. CERTAINLY WE DO! Rev, R, F, Cowley, Rector. Rev, John Van Ness, Minister.
A8 P0881BLE TO 10.00 A. M.. 11.00, '.01,
••JII. 11.411, ''-411. 8.80 P. H.
\f('l,till~:-' for 1·.. ,,1,. I:.!:
1-:"1'1\' '''''" 011 :-;""d:l", at ; .\. ,I. !1.43 .-\. )l.-~nnda,· ~,·ho,,j,
La!" ~Ia-" Iii .\.}f. .
.:\1:1"':-1'_"' 011 h·ol\' .1:1\....;. n.;~lJ :111,1 ..... :;1I
11,1111 .\. \I.---,:'Ilo!'l;illg' \\'ol"hi!,. 'I,. .
\':111 .\I':"'l \\:ll !,rl'adl a __ 1'rliIOIi III ('0111-
The old residents lmow that we have sold Keen Kutter .\. \1. \\,,','kda."~ lit '- E"""illl-:' d,·"11
products for the past 12 years, and that we still handle a
t illll'" alld othl'r
t; lilt'S.
:"1'I'\"jn's at rq.:t1lar
1111'1I11iratitlll of till' I,il'thda\' 01' ,\llra·
i!:llilLilll·nll1. ~llllil'('t:·· UiOT\' to (tIlt! For Permanent
and l'eal..'e Oil En~th." '
full line of these products. HOLY TRINITY EVANGELICAL
4,1111 I'. \I,-"IlIllio,. End,''''''',. 'I,"'" Satisfaction
7,1111 II. JI. -~t'rlior Elldl'H\Or ~Il't'l
If anyone p"efers the Sargent, Stanley 01' Corbin Hard-
Dr, S. D. Daugherty. SYllodical ill;.?
. ware and Building- supplies. H. Ricklin has a complete stock Superintendent.
P. ~1.---llltl'n)ll'di:lt(' Ewl(':\\'oT

of them. ~1'l'\'i('{'~ :-'lIl1da\' a1'tl'fllllnJl

io tl,,' Y.
,r. (', ,\.
Jllll .... il·.
.1 P. ~,.
I', )1. --E""lling' \\'''I'shil''
tilt'lIlt': " I~ it pll:,,~ihll' to ftlrg-iyc

Church Notes
Smedley Built Home
~1'l"Itllll1 1l.\- 1)1'. ~lIlith.
It 1:-' \"l'ty gratifyillg- 10 rt'l'urd that
Church Notes.
Tlltl EX('('uti,ol' ('llllllllittl't\ \\ill Itll'l't
11\ I'r ;f.).)[I,OII wa ... l'Ollt ri!lutl'll to the
\".,,1' /·;"sl H,·li"f \llIrk Oil l"st :-'ullday,
at till' hot1lI' of :\11'. I.lOlli6 Fr:llll.::. l:.!p I,." thi:" 1'lJlIgn',!.!:ttill1l. This i:-. "llpplil..'d
Phone NARBERTH 1661-J 1,;IIIIII,",d A,·,'nll.,. 1111 F"h, 16th. ('hl'i ... ti:lllit\·." o\dditilll1al ('olltl'illlltioll:-i
\\ i II Ill' fI:l,pi "l'd t olllorrO\\" .
. I-:Ic",tioll III' ('11111','h IlIli rp 1''' lIill h,'
h,'ld Oil Fl'h. li l th, illst,·"d lit' FI'l>. I~th, Tht' ('(JJI~I't'g:ltiollal l'ra."I'" ~Ll't,tillg' COOK BROS.
MARSHALL CO. as ori,!.!illally plaUIlt·11.
Th., ('a!",·hdi ..;t! ('1:", """,!, 1'\1'1',"
Tll>llr:"ll:i:'-' t"·('l1ill~.
\1111 I", h,'ld III'xt \\',·.IlIl's"a,' e\'(~nillg,
,.\ Illust dt'light 1'111 Illl:.;illt'~~ IIIt:'t ..t lllg'
:ill.I sllc;al II erl' hl'Jd I'" the J ntcl'llIedi·
'Itt' C. E. ~tlt"it,t,· 011 :rhur~:I\· t'\"l-lIintT
Contracting 'Paperhangers ALL SAINTS CHURCH Ill' I"st \\""k. Th~ g-:UII'" w"r,,' ill dl:lrg~
(I'rol,·,t;l1lt Jo:l'i"'IIp,,1 of )1i"s Ruth U,,"-..-\.
silllilar busi' Jobbing promptly attended to
JlI'SS Jlll'cting and sll('ial \\t're ht'ld l.v
th.· :--I'llior C'. E. :';'"'i,'I,' 1",1 'l'u""cl,,;'
! N;cht Phone. Nnberth 617

300 PRICE AVENUE Narberth. Pa.

Rev. Gibson Bell, Rector.
Rev. Robt, B, W. Hutt, Associate. 1"\'llillg ullder til.,
1)1'11'1' ~talll.
dii't'l,tioll lIf ~I;',
II D..,. Phon•• N ...b ••tb 302 J

~l'r\ il't's fllr FI'I)rH:-lr~' l:2t11, :--:1 ')It 11:1

;.!t'Silllll :--\lIndH~':
"',1,1 ,\, 'I.-II,d," ('Oll""IIIJioll,
TARCO MENTHO COUGH SYRUP UNPL~~~A~~A~OUCH ~',t'l ,\, '1,-'I'hllr..J, t-'<'I,OOJ.
l1.ll11 .\, '1.-~IOJ'IIillg' I'ra,""I', :-"",
Rev. Avery S, Demmy, Pastor.
SOLD ONLY AT '"011 I,,' HI'\'. ni1"on lkll. :"('r"j('t':-O, Ft'llrtJal}~ I:.! tu I~, IH:.!:.!: Painting and Dlooratlng
of Army _d Navy A.. ociatioD
\','nit,: ,'"""""" ... , H, \\'"od'\\:II',1
H"n"di"it" ..... " ,II. ,\ 1,·x. )[atll,,'\\',
~unda'y, !I.;;U A . .\I.-l'ra~·l'r
~I.~.; ,\. ~I.-:-:ulld"\. :-;"llIlOI.
:--\l'l'\ it·e.
212 Woodbine Ave., N.,.berth, P •.
Phone-Narberth 1620 B"lI"didHS " ' . , .. , .. ,.,,. ,.f. Bartlh~' 11.UU .\. :'I1.-)IIII'II;IIi! Worship, :-'\'1" Phone, Ardmore 143lj W N.rberlh 1768 W
Olf,·rtoriurll. ,. H,' is wat"hillg 0' VI' InOIl hy Ih<' pastor 011 th" th"!lIp: "Our
l . . rap! " ..•...........• ~l 1'lult,1:-l.--o11 H Threefold .\Ieasul'l' of ~tl'wIII'Jshi)J." _..... -
ChurCh Notes 'I"'xt, Luk,' Hi:.;. Huw lIlu,'h Oil est
Dollings' Supervised Investments I
Thl' 1'I'I',<.idpnl of thp \\'oml'n's ,\)n';'
"i ... ht'~ to makl' all urgt'nt :lppt... :tl
thou unlo Ill)' Lllrd? Talk to childrl'n 011
"Tl1l' C hinuJlIali alld His ~l'Vl'll Coin:"."

i fllr:t gn1ntlll' JlullLbl'r of \\(lrkl'r:--. Thj~ ;,00 p, }1.-YuUIlg- l'I'0i'il' 's 'll'd·
For many years we have been serving thousands of investors in
the safe investment of their money.
Investment.s can be made in multi:r-1es o~ $100 and pay 7 per cent.
llr~aIlizatioll ha:"llndl!l'takt'1l 11 "I'r1aill
:lJl\ldlllt of work for t1lll ('hurt·h, alld ;,4,; 1', )!.-E""lIin;.: Worship.
spiring ~ulJg ~t'r\·i(·'tl. u:-,iug' ltynlll:;
111' GARAnteed Roofs
For further information, phOne or write lI'ill nllt l'0ssihl.'· I'll' al>lp to ",''" I''''t ,.
• it \\'i(hin th,' tillll' sl""'ili,'d, Hnl,·,s thn:' l·hoo:,,(ld 1)\' thl' audit'lll·t'. ~l'l'IntJll b\'

Representing the R. L. DOLLINGS COMPANY. l:-i a 11111('h grputtlr ('o,opprntioll Oil till' thl' p",'to'r 1111. . . \\'h"'.' thl' Father'",
part of t111\ JIlP-lIIhl'Y':'. 1I.'a I't \\' as Bl"Yk "II. ..
HENRY A. SMITH Narberth, Pa. ,\- a llIalll'r of flll'!. p\,,'rv womnn ;n \\'"dll.',d"I', "'.1111 I'. \i.-:\Ii',iou:II\'
Investment Bankers, th,· pal'i'h i, a nll'11I1)('r of th~ Allxiliar,l', 1'1''',''''1' .\1;·.:ling, I"II1>j",,!, " Th,' 01:1
alld il i, l':Irn,·,tl~' hllpl'd thaI ('lid, "O~pt'l :tlld ~llllh'l'lI Fanning ill ~\lleit'llt
1421 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. nlll' will nrl'allg'l' htlr pllg-agpl1lt'lIt:-: to 111IIia.
, The story of :--iUIH J[ig~ill'
'Phcne: Narberth 1667 W, I ill,']nd" Thnl'sday llIorning.s in thl' Par· IltlttOll1.
Thlll'"I",·. "'.1111 ('. }I.-\Ionthl" ~l.l't'I.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' I'i~h t
i sh h,l'\JSl', d nl'in'g Ih,' np,t '" 'I' k.-, ill~ or' th·t· )It'll's .. \~:-Iot:iati()ll·at tlll~
jlllll\(' of " ... 11.,1'\'1' ('. K,·illl. :!II~ llu,Il,·\·
.\\"', :-:1'1'"l<l'I', I) ... F. ~\. SI"l'h"lIs,,,;,
Philadelphia's II
Thpl'l' i;o' a IdH\·t' Hild It \\"t'!nllllt.' tu
:i11 \lho \lill j"ill with II' in th,"" ,'1'1'
\·ices. •
Taste is a matter of
tobacco quality
. R II' ~!
Rev. Arthur S. Walls. D. D. Pastor.
'Ve state it as our honest
heliefthat the tobaccos used !IA,; .\, ,r.-:-;I1I:,]"\· :-:,·hooJ. 1\011. 1". Sold In Narberth By '. ~

in' Chesterfield arc -of finer \\'. ~t;lt~" :-:"l't. ' "
quality (and hence of better
taste) than in any other
1.1.1111 A, ).1.-:-;"1'1I1011 1>.... !hl' Pastor,
"Heal Prnvl'r."
4,1111 1'. ~L-,'"uiol' L"Ilg'lIp,
cigarette a t the price. IU·I ('. '1'-)o;I'"ol'lh Ll'aglll'.
Liggett fEJ Myers Tobacco Co. ;.4,; 1', )1.-:-'I·I·lIIon I,,· Ihl' l'a,t',I',
'l~·il·odt·tlltl~.·' 01' "TlIp :\'('\\" Birth."
'If Church Notes
Th,' Ladie.s' .\id ~, ... i.·t" will II,. "",
glll·,t of :'11·1'.<. .\I'thul' :-;. '\\'alls. Ill. th,'
pUl'sunugt\. ;~J-! ESst.lx .. \.\'l'lIlH', at t·lll\i.r
l't'L.'"1.dlll" Hlt~ptitlg' 'L'tll'sdlly c\·l'llillg. 1"'\,11.
14th. Th,> Ladi",; aI''' reqnpsl.,·c\ to '
I>rillg- th"i:' I>al>.... I'i"tu)'(' 01' l'i"'ul'l'
II hl'lI " "h ild.
Th ,. Ollj,- i" J Boa I'd will hoi,] t h,' i I'
r('~lIlal' 11\1)111 h I," nll·diu;.! on .-\I.onda....
", ~ ,"'\'r'niH:': at tht.' ('hu1"(·II.
YOI1;' l'I''',\'l'I' .-\l,·,·tiug'-\\·edu,·",l.l .... (; ..\lU,};:I: ('()I,I,t~CTIO:l: (II' l.'ltCITS.
t'\·t'llin~. Ii Gropp Yln,-s. :.! $3.00
) n")UWlll'l' 'Pink). ElIrl,\',
:.: t ..-\~l1Wllnl (Ht'd I. :,\lld-"WllSOIJ.
CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR NOTES 1. Brighton I Hed). Earl)'.
~" 1 l'olll'ul',l (I'u!'l)h", )I(,],."u,;on.
Pres'byter1a.n Church 1. :"ilugllm (\\"hlte), )1t,j,seus'lU.
1, ,,"OI'Ul'lI (lIIue). Ear]~',

"esterfield Th,' ('lIul("t h"ld I,\, th" l'Il'nior Ell' 12 nl'd flll'rUII ts. Perfection. 2 Yl'aI'8,10.00
t) Goosl'hl'rrll's. 2 ~'PlII'S . ' , ' •• , .. ' •• , 3,00
dPH\'Of ~Ot·itlty ('lIIllP t;, a f'ltJ:-'t ~tllldH.\·. 1
a. Downing ("'bilish Green).
F"h, ;;. Thl' willll,'r, ,1'110 Ill'" Crtptaiu a, Hou~hloll (Pall' Heu.I,
Dorolhy Bottolll~. I'll t~," )I.l,u·tin. 1.Inhlt' n DewlJcl'l'!es, Lnl'rellu ,.:, .. , 1.00
Huuey, ~Ia.hl,' Kirkpatl'il'k, Loui,!'}'ar, II llasplJer,'ips. l'I"'rb"arlug St, negl9,l,OQ
CIGARETTES ina. B,'tly ,Joue" In'lll' "'inl'hes!!'r lind
1.,0(,; Smith of Tenm H, Uf(' 1I0W ill 'inl'
II Rhubarh .,.,." ........ ',
100 Asparagus. 2 ~'l··nrs ,.,.,
' .. ],00
, .. , ... 3,00
for [l ,hanqu"t 10 1)(' ~i"t'll for Ih€'1ll l,~'
of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos-blended Ihe losers, TIll' ,laIc will h(' anuoune,'c!
"rbe eutll'e collection tOI' $20,00
Inler. The ('onlt,,-t W[lll Iwtwe!'n jj\", '1'bI9 collection wlI'l gl"e satisfaction. and
It 1,111 abulluaut suppl)' for all average fo.mlly.
t!'allls of the Hl'nir,r, Ko"i~h" [lnt! con·

.~is,te,1 of tr)'in~ to (10 the 'hest work.
Othor points were gained by new nll'Ill'
bers, attendance nnd making visits to
other societie,." . At the monthlv mee.t, OVERSHOEJ'······
i'll,lr,Feb. 8, the. game of miss'ionlIr!es FOg'BAn,'WEATBE1t . ,.' '.
,,~s played. The sitleled by Donnld , We Oatl'y a1'uJ1IJhe ., '.
Holfman won,. T1).e winnt'rs. being Mable
Kirkputriek,' RobNt !lIa,cKinnoll' alld
DOD,lI.ldMurphy. FO.8S :\[i~chl'JI; of the
losers" ha'd high seore fo~1Jis ,side.
.. ' ;. . ~ '" .' . :" .



tial! (·hara(·tt·r Building- oJ",1!nllizutillll :\arlwrth l'o~iti"" '1'1'1111,1,·

.I(IohIJ Rall\·1111.rt· ill "TIIl' Lotl1!"i Enter."
~\\atllrillg" .\ IIlIa tl. \(·il~oll. (tJill'I'1I
T~e.NarberlbElectrical Shop
News 01 the Lower .;,,-t Iwll't'1I1 'IS 1'0"i"l<' to (',·,·ry
Itdll}, hll~·. \\0111:111 :11111 ~irl of tllp .:\laill
~1,·.\lIliff,' ...~'
F. :\10,,1'1'"lIti \\,,,,1,·.,' HUl'r.'·. lIar"ld
Li",,') ('''II,,·tlV: I'uk .. a ('hu" ....: .. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS
Merion Y. M. C. A. Lilli'. 1);HIl:-o ll11"P hC'I,tl hid for furthc'r
1:(" 1,IOPIIII'lIt Ill' IIlIf \\ ork Bud tt grttd1l111
( . . ..... H"lir
n. .\Illt 1 1111
Thi', i.- " lir-i Tlln '0/1 th,' ~[uill L~,,,'
Hllrl ollt' tlf tIll' ill· ... ! I'il,tlln':- ('\'t'r 111:111,'
WI' I'Pjmir. SI'll nnd install anything
i111'rl':!"i1' ill tl\1' l'xtt'lltion of uHr HI'r- 1I,·,·k .. 1 . (i. 1\,·1" EII,,·t ri"al. 01,] house wiring l\ ~p~dalty.
I,,· .\lnr,h·,i: :'\,·i1u",' ~lltllrdHV. ]0'<'10.
,in'. \\'t' ill\"itl' ho bt' (;"uj---Hi,·kli". ::; \Yard, ~; Turm"i1. .\slt about llur thrl'c pa~'ml'nt plan. in-
l~, a rip 1"11:lrill:..: \\·(' ... tl·1'1I dralHJ~ of lht'
nll\' \\ 1II11\' ill""
ARDMORE BRANCH SHOWN IN 1I'r"stt'd ill t11i:-o :-""t 'of \,"ork 11'l illqllin' 4; :\lc.\lIlifl','; 11.,.. 1,,·1. ~; ~Iutl,,,"; p,.- "lu,ling' fixtllrl's. Phone 1G33 or 395W.
ill10 fht' \:tlll(' aIJd 1I11'rit" of o\H lJJ()\"l"
TUIII .\1 ix t;'·llt·. Bill'" .llIllt, .. ill •. Bar
ANNUAL STATEMENT _\lItonin,~. Foul:-o--Hil·ldin . .J out of ~lIthil1g.'· .\llllt'd nttr:lt'1 inTI lIIatillt l ('
1111 lit :1.... \\t'li :1'" ntfl1r . . llg-~I,~tioIlS.
III: 1\l'lIs, ~I "lit Itt' I::. ~;lh .. (;illil! .. " tllIly: •. '1"\\ 'Jlkk, t" Illkll'. litUt' :--tlll'.·'
()1I1' spring l·o:I!" .... · in IIlillill"'y \\ iii 1'''1' ~1,·.\lllitl"'. H"f"!'t'e- Bar,·f",,;.
'lpl'll 1111 TlIllr . . .[lI.'·. ~\'llrlli-ll".'" ~Ild. :\1:1-
dH!l'r Tllll ... in \\ It II lta ... I ..... t:tldi~hl'd hl'l'·
ACommunication For Bowling and
l--,':f H~ a 11 1lI ... t t·tlllllll't"lIt 1 II:-ot rt\l'l or. A R.ESOLUTION
\\ ill hi' ill (·hl'I"J!4'. (,roup:"! \\ ill Illl't't in Barometer (l'lIlltiUlit'd fruul Page 1)
Pocket Billiards ,,'
our _\"i ... (ll·i:ltiull Building, :111 I I 111111111"1'11 tIl'" )
_\rdlllofl'. \ ('Ollllllittl'(' 1't1I1~i ... tjll" Ill' \11· ..... ". \\ hl'll .'""11 h:l\·,· :1 .It>i, lor ~()II'I'tITlt'- yuu
1'\"I'n~ Tlilll·1' flldll 111.1111 til l:.!.llll ill ~1"hlL . . . . . . . . . :\tl,~'1
H.. difl'l'. L-;·jtl·h Hlld \\I:trr~'r. itjl;lllilll.,.i Illll ... t til j it. :Ind \,1'01111'11.v tuo.
corne to the
t ), I' "11111' II i II;"';•. :111 (I fr'llil 7.\ II' t II ~1.llll i It II ig", "" ~ It h
: ~ 11.1: .-,
111 draft ;1 J't· .. olllt!llll (,)1 th,' df'llth uf \\'l'I'k~ gu lik liJ,.::1I111ill).!· \\ht'll tht'I't,
tIlt, I" ('Ill II g. .\ 11 flllll'r ~ rOlll1 \\ ill IIlt'l·t 1.0 \\, 1111 11th .....,~"",; 7 ('hnrll'~ E. Prl'~idl'llt i ... lItI \'iI'· 1·1I,·.·It'!II· 1'(lItlillg" ill. ~a\'IIlg-:-­
ill thl' Katllrd:I" (']Idl HOl, ... t· tit \\'11"111',
1'\',.l'y Thl1,. ... da.~· frll111 :.!.lItl 'tt
-Lilli .. Oil \1 ,':lll
....••• :.! .....
\, r. 1'11':11111'1'. bltl'
llf thi .... 1·ll:JlPllIlY. Ilrt''''~'l1tl'd thl' fn:]q\\ \l:--l' thl'JjI:--el\'I':"o lip \\ itll grt':tt rHpidit.". RECREATION ROOM "
IlIg: \\ lJ il·h \\ :" Iln:lllil1lllll",i.,· :tgl't'" I hTI,rt" .... al\\IIYs I'old to IJIIV Blltl t'II(1'\
TtII':--j!:ty. Ft.llrtl:lr.,· ~'"'ilh. our ~111'illg Ill}.dl. jill 1II111 ................. oll\ to. to pro\'illt' f,:r rhl' littll' nl;t'~' Hilt! Ilig No.1 Forreat Ave.
tl rill ill Iln' . . :--III:1 kill): i~ . . {·IH'llllh,11 ttl 111'· 1~OW. till ~Iil h .)
B" it !'t·-"l,,·d, I,." th,· :\a,I"'1'111 Fir.. 'JI"., lI- \\ "II. Y"II 1,1I0\\' 1111 tlti., Of
~·III. '(')Ii ... ~J'lltll' \\111 JlH'Pt 111 thl' .\~. (,ITatl':-l dail,\' I a II I..:,l' , 1.-,1 h. ~ol d," c. L PARKE
(·OIlIP:lII~·. il: IIIHlltJI1y 1I11't'lillg i1~:--I'III· l'IIlH~I' \'1111 du.
:"'.(11';:11 ilill Hnilditl,!!' I"';'r~' 'l'tll· ... ,ll1." frolll g !l·I'S. J,kd. tlillt ill II,,· d"alh .. I' ~rr. ('liurl,'- Tht' '[(,nIlHI illll I i,:.:ht 1I0W. {If Till':
7.llit to ~I.rtll ill thl' t'\ ('llitl~. 'I'hl· ... I' Lt·:l ... t dni:\' rangt'. IIIl ~l ... t, :: dt'gTI'I~. :\ .\HBI·:HTlI I·:.\II'!.()Y \[ 1'::\'1' EX
E. I\: rt.':11I11·r. :l ('h:I,tl'l' 1111111111'1' :'1111 1"11'
t\\11 l'I.~lr ... t·:- atrOl"l] l \:{·1·111·llt Cll'portulI· II, lil·i,·I1I'."· fill' Illllllth • . :1 {kg-I'l't, .... ,·'II.\:'\(;!·:-ltlllil.1 I,,· di"·I1" .. d atll.1
1I1:11l~' YI'~II'''' !1t'l''''i,II'llt of thi ... l'tlllll':1II~',
it it· ... to \\ 1111"11 :llt.l i.: 1"1 .... \\ ilil. Illll 1'111.,· Preciplta tion ;1 gfl':lt 11l"'~ 11:1 .... hl'l'll ",ll ... t:lill.·.i II" hI'" "'jll'"III 1 1I11't,till~ 111' Ihl' Bld·IIU;.::1J ('tJlIlll·il
til 1'!"I':11, thl' r !"llrillJ,.: hal ... ~11I·1
g-1I\\ II .... Illit :t1~11 \\ 11l!ld ! i I,.· III 1H'I'(lIIII'
11101'1' I·tli I' i('11 1 i II 11~ I' :ll't fit' 111 i II i 1I('l'y
T,d:tl fill' 1111111111. ::.1-1 jIll·hl, ....
t; I"l':ltl· ... t ill :.!-I hIJllr:--, llil :!""th. I.ll . . illdl.
Number of Days
f:llllll.'·. II i ... frit'!ll[". 1 II j ... 1'.,11111:111< :111,1
\\ ;1....
OI",J1:l1l::ttillll'" \\ith ,\hit·h hI'
:lllcl ... (·t t
I" I·r.\' '1'\
t' 11 i Ill!

fr( HII :--1" I II tIl 1 t'li.

tllt' '·111114l,·il Challlhl'r

I III tlll' l11illg
Thos.A. Kerrigan &Son
,yit h ;:~ "c'~rl'l':-: III' ht'Jo\\. :!!I.
illld dll· ..... lllakll1g.
~It., \"t'ar l~j~I \\'dh 1ll'l'l·iJlitatiulI .111 ;1I('h or ilIon' .....
:\11'. )\.n·;IIIII·r. dlll·ill!.:, Ii; ... ~fi \·1':11'"" 1'1' i:", :t ,·it:t1 j"'sllt'. . \I'lloillt a ('()t11ll1ittt'I' Building and Contracting
\\'hilt- \\:1'" a liard ll1t'II1IH'l'ship. ha ... a:\\:l.'·~ 1II't l
li frill' (If thl'!'I' IIlt'lI ttl :11""111 to tilt' Jlli)!h1~'
li!ll' ill ":;1'1111' 1:,· ... ,",,·, '. il :l~ n
1:Il, I!:": ('1"ar. 1~; ,·I"I1<1~·, J:l; partly ,·I"lId,\'. ti. flit'lld of tflc~ j·ll1lll':IIl.'·: ill ":.\'llIpnth.,· illll'lJrtalll t!t·rnil:-l flt" Ilrill~llIg t(J~t~tht'r Homes FOr Sale Or Rent
\\ Lt']I'. Ihl' Ill:lll:l~t'lllt'!lt (If I,llI' :\:",sllf·in· 1'1'1'\ 1I ilillg \\ ill/I. Ilorth WI' ... t. aud H(·(·ord \rith :111 l'l·o:,.P·t, ....... i,·,· 11111\ / .. 1h,,>.;,' .'·:Irhf>fth JlJI'1J ~\'h() ;1J"l' out of
till/I f"!'1 I 111'1 III ;':1;":1',1 \\ if II 1111' rl'IH1rt Tidal o.;fllt\\"f:I:1, l-t.:~ iJIl·IH':-. 1IIt"lt~ 111 il'" !d·ll:tlf: ill 1 hi' ;1I·lll1i ... it j'Jll l'IIIIIIIlYlllt'l!t:llli I t hll"'I' \" a rllt'rt h JIlI'1I Plans & Estimates
of \\ lid, t11l1~t·. HI·I·tlrd .... ho\\ that dill'· '1'\\ II ('1'1' :--t'lrIlIS (11'('111'1'1'11 11III·ill~
... C"
gi, I' t1lt'lIl 1'lllplll.'·IIICIlt. Furnished For
:llld i IIlfll'l" I 1l11'lIf Ill' it:-- 11I'0\1('l"t y: i 11 \\ 1111 l'all
ill'~ t1l1' ."1':11' I.l~-i olilrt·r.·,t1 J1t'J'~OIl'" tlr/" 1IllIlIth. Till' 0111' 1111 the 11th \\'l~ t}J(' 1ll''1l1i:-oitillll :11:1! 111011l'I'JII/:It:'1I1 III' i'..; .\lId \'on 1IIC'Il \\hl! :11"1' Ollt~ .\ \\ord Alterations & Repairing
\\t'II' flll'lIlhl'I'" 111' ,:hl' .\ ...· :...Ill'i:lt iOIl. ()Il :lttl'IIII",1 Il~' .... tnlll~ IHlrtht·:t:-,tt'rly WilHb. 111 .'·1I11~· .\!1 t1l:11 11l11l"I'I':'"":lr~"" l'rldt' lIf
fir(l.fjgh1ill1,! "quil'lll"I:!; 11'lld.lI~ :' hl·lll
Pt'I'e'!ld'I'!" ::I ... t ...... -ill Ill' tiJt'-';I' had lll:ltk :"'}Iif!ill~':: to Illlrth\\I':--t. 1111' IQlrOilll'lt'r \ ollr'" HIII ... t I.. · thl'!I\\'11 10 th., \, iuds. Write, Phone. Call
illg- hlilld :11 t'rittt':!] t illll'!" '\ ;lhollt
'1111\ :~il'!l (Ill' 1ht, "lJlllilltl:llll'I' ~)f lht'ir f:l1lill~ 10 tIlt· 11,\\t· ... t IlIlillt ~ill('(' ~lal'l·ll. j)11 1I1,t rllr~I'1 111:11 ~ Tllt'I'I' art' Illt'lI
\\ hi/·h fhl' /'cIIIl I'll I'" \\ould II:I\'!' 11/'1 II
_\ ..... lll'i:ll illil 1IIl·lllllt'r ... !Jil'. Tilt· ... 1' fig-lIrt'''' l!tl-l. Thi"i ... lnrlll \\,a'" l'I'I'('I'ded h~' :,
I't'iHlrt ;":1 II III 1.:'" (1\ t r 1h't't'lIl'lit'r III :lil1 ifl:] 11IIlnl' 11:110 1111 tht' Ilig-ht llf
lllt:1 II JI' t II i 111111'11' t' 1t:-- "e',,' iC'I' ! II t lill hl'l" th:1l 1':111 ht'lil ."1111. YIlU JllU:--t
1'1 !lllllIl II it .'-: \\'(11"1.;, II~ tIl i 1111'1 '\ I' : 1 ~ I t I j'I': 11, 1'111 :1 II'! .. ~ ;1 II' ."1111 r '11\ :11 i Ii c':1 t i U II:' .
.: I :--t, I ~I:';ll.til :1 II 1'1 :.!.:l ill ;:1 III t' 111 h,·r... ll i)1 t hi' lIlt il. ( ) I I ! hi' :! .... t h, :t "'1'\ ('1'1' h:i/-
"'C' r'·!,·l' 111 t 1J I' 1'111111111111 it y:\ I'II .. t t' ri Ill: It ,':111 III' :111":111;':1'11.
1"'l .,"1':,1' 1~1~1 p1' l'I'J' (·I·IIt. 1:lrl! . . 1·1 il:. "'IlI,\\ f:tll;llg" :Iltllll ... t ,\i~hlilit
~J1fl 1'1' ... 1 ;11 tho I·Olllp:·llly· ... :tfT:lir: ...
:- jIll: >I \" ~ t:lt " II tIl i... l'l I:. III I': i I ill t h:l t II:t'· ... l' fl.!, (·In . . \. lIll ::fj Iltlur .... Thl' 11;11".1
\\ hi,·lJ 1>[II·O!lra~\,d lhl' :It'l i, I' 'lll'llllll r·
'1'111,; :'\ \" HE 1:'1'11 ).: \lI'J..() Y \11'::'\'1'
E'\I·!I.\:\(iE ,."" alld Iov all 111"""' HOWARD C. FRITSCH
OIJ r·.\i l'IIIIH'I':--h .11 t '1,:1.111 111'1' h:I'" :llllliit I'll 111l·1t·!" ... Itll\\ 1·,1 1114' \1"'lIa] (']I:H:tt'ft'l'i:"o1 jl· ....
"'~liJl tIl (·OII .. tJll;tl.\, i 1Jl'l'f':! ""'I' flll·ir "Iflltl ... ...ltHlI]d lit· ... turtl.1 illlllll'di:·ltt,I\'. 1'1l11'1' Justice of the Peace
liS ,hl·ir g'll:tl fill' 1!1~~ :1 lHinllllllll1 (If 1111tll'r "'1I1·h l·llll.J i1 itlll:-. it ... dl·l,,(, ... ~i(l1l 1.1' .'\1 r . .'\!l·r Igl·\'. III" "'ulllt' li\ (. "i~,' tll'sig"n
1n protl·l·t li\·('~ and l'flllH'rfy ill thi ...
],:.?Pli 1I11'IIIIt4'r~ Ily (ll·l·t'mJIt'1" ;:1:-1. ()ur ill:': 11111.\' ... 1,gltt. \\ l'l't' :!It II: •.,· ...
, il·inity. af l',j IIV hllll, II ('hnir,
tilt, LI't t \\ (I REAL ESTATE
nH'll1h()r~hil' is Iliad,· HI' 111' Hot (Il1i.'" \\hl'll tIll' 11,1':111 tl'Il!JII'r:ltlire \\H~ hl'I,,\,·
]1lf'1l and bll\'s. hut :"11"'0 tlf \\IIlI1~'l1 HIIII 3:! dl·gTI·I· ..... a;"::l!II ... t III dn.'·"" ill .I:llI~1ltI.'·.
I1io.; 1I~1'ld i ... 1'0 1IltlL!.I'r (III tllt' whl'I': Jrt"llt'!''',' l.f' :!l'pt>\lltl'll---HIlII gl't going-! Fire Insurance-Best Companies
:111 I \\t' 1111'1:1"TI \\ ith hi ... f:tltlih"" :111(] lli ... Th,' 1111'1'1' lilt It that I·tlll ... titlltl' thl'
gil'l:"o. Of tl;(' S4(1 Illt·lIll1,·r..; n't'l rdl,tl fill Phone 1749W-215 Haverford Ave.
frirnd",. lIi~ 11111l"'e' \\a" ill ;'1'.11'1' :Ill.] ('ollllliit tt'I' Illll:-t lit' dl,(,jdl'dly 1111 thl'
Th'('f'III).l'r ::1:-01. ::.J.~ \\I'rl' 1111'11, 17.1 The Co.ope~ativ') Observer,
1, l' \\ :1'" j' I't'j :11'," J til 111 t'c'l 11 i .. (;, ld :1 .... f.' \\' i I lit - 1 11 :I t I~ t II I' III:" t I 1111:1 I j Ii I': 11 i (It I .
}HlY:-O. ~-I7 \\tHII~'TI :llld 71) ~irl .... T1H' a/' The Weather Burean. TIlt' ut' 11'('Jl ill this
th:jtip ... of thl' "1':11' .... llll\\ l·d :111 inl'n':t:--l'
Il'loll :Irl'. \tld. Ill' ;f
J(~>(II.\·I-:II, That :h- 1'I'-":'l1i"l1 1..,
h:l \ I'
1'/1111;:":'11' tht'ir .:"1/".1 I"I·,J I,}ootl ill
0\"1'1'fht' 1'1'l'\"i'(,llS Yc·:lr. 1\lIlill;.! lhe'
"PHI' ]:.! 11iO'I'fl'lIf I·dw·:ltioll:tl I'I~IIIS lllt't
NARBERTH GIRLS LOSE TO BOYS "'I'I":I'! 11]l/'1I 1 L(, III illut" ... of th I'" llll·l·t ";11- In I,"-I, Tlli- I·:X,·II.\,:'\(;E thrrrlll!ll
111 . . Il,·,·t' ...... "1' (:lll'1 :It I' 1II t lit, flllll'~l HHII
iTl.~ :til.! :1 I'.')'." ... t·llt til \I rs. 1\'[I':llllt·!'. We Also Sell Ready· Clothes
~I'l""lnrl\' for tt'lt or 11101'1' ~(' ...... itlll~, with Tllt· :IJlIlJll:il Hllltlllll'r :.!.:IIIII' of 1111' Chas. V. Noel, 1i1,'rall.'· .. 1i g lr t "11 ' ' t h " I"" 01 a 1101 Work Called For and Delivered
n tOl:tl·I·t1r,dlllll'lIt 111' ~.)li. allrl :Ill at- I \\ (I tl':! Ill" \\ :I!" till' h(, ... t :llld IlIllst ,·x Secretary. , . 1'l"il-:'i1t I 'I .. 1 III .1 rk :It'..... t JI:I t is t'lI-
1 f'Jld:lIlf't' ot' .-,,~It.-). III additillll to tlil':'I' Call Narberth 352-J
,·:til1~ ill IIl:lIl."\\11('11 tllt' I It 1."'"
yt·ar.... tl'l":I1t~ .... 011 ,. ':~lltl'l"lh 11111111' ... dllt' to 1hl'
fhl'n' WI'l'e' t·Olldl1\·tt·d 1~1 difl't'rl'lIt "'I'lll'l,d ~ ..... lotlillt~
t1)(' }.!irl ... :.!.i. Ihlr
to l·11 il r 1"'(1\ IqlT ::' it!
i,t'i :,:.:. 0:1' I 1I :t<'C'llllTlt 215 HA VERFORD AYE.
:llld (\lltl'rrtiliIlTlllllt Illt'l·t- ;II~ th" tir,1 half th" I!irl, :t1I,,\\·,·d th,' clf j'jllllllfillil" I rl·\·:I!lill;! ill tilt' hou~(' _-\I,o"e American Store
illg~. with :l tot:d llttt'lld:lIH'I' of 1).- hflY~ Lut fuur gll:il:", fill' :l fll1:d lit" l'rll~T:llll k of ~llIllcla\'. F'l'h. 1:~: \\ i 111 \\ II ~ (II III' r I." ('011 JlI'I' tt'll.
:lolil. !lllring th,· y"ar th"I'I' \\/'1',' ltiti I'i!,!ht, \\hilt- tht'~"" I'I'~istt·l'.('d }~ poin1s.
~II'1111:ty. Fl-11. 1::, H l"\';·iJll! 1'111' 0111'
i{·ll ))1' \\:1 :
( .
()llr()lIJIl\'lIt~ in grouJI:-- in \\ hi(·1I rt'lig-i-
ons in.trt1<·,ti"n. "y \\'a.'· of Bihl ...'tndy,
Tilt'll all thl' h".\'·s ('JIllIl}.!t·" Jln~itillll'" alld
I'alll(l hal·k ill thl' ~t'('olld half :--0 :-olI'flll~
.1:1.'" 0111.,·, "Thp ~ht'ilc" :.! !"ho\\'s. 7
a"d !I I'. \1. .\lat;""" at ~.::II I'. ~1.
~I':-otilJlI. ()Ill'
ld' this. ;..\l~­
\\il] 1,(' ~lacl to rt'-
Harry E. Palmer
~tOJ'~' tl'lIin~ nn(l g-rol1Jl di:-'I·I1 ... ~i()t1 "':I!-l
J,!:i\'Pll. Th/,., tlltnl attl·ud:lllt·!' ill 1ht':-t'
thl'\" tlll'lll'd it illtlJ :I ,·it·ton·. _\I II I 0 .... t 'I'll' ,tla", F,·1t. 14, l)'l,ti" Fal'llull1 ill I·(·i\·". :llld tl'I':tt :1'" 1'lllllidt'Jlfi:ll, BIl,'" OPTICIAN
1.")1l· pt'I':--IlIl:"o nttl'lIdl'd lht' g·HlJlt'. Thl' WI'<lni's"a~', Ff'i,. ill {'orilla 1 iOJl rlo:11 "it 11l'l' 1·llll'lo.'''''t'r~ or
gr()ul'~ ~llld othl'r rf'ligi'II\1~ lll.'t·ting:-, lilll"ll}1 W:I'" 11:' foll"w:-o:
.. Il""i1- \\·itlt;"."
tllo:-1' ~t·t'killg· 1'llqdll.'·!Ilt'lIt. .\ddl't's:-,
207 Haverford A venue
I.). ~hir~,'y )'ln~(J1l ill E\,('11 ns Evr." Ii

totnlf'd for thl' \'I~II' l,6.'H\. (;irls Position Bo"~ tll(' Eliitnr. Box !HHLJ (Over Post Office) .. ,
Thur-rl:ry :lIld F'1;,]U~', F,·!,. Ili.17,
Th£lrf' W4'rl' ::~.j:j-4 Ul"l"'S of thc' "ari· ~1. )<'0 \\' h'I' . F.. , H,:('ld,' PRESCRIPl[{lNS FILLED AND REPAIRING
on;. ph~'~i""1 fl'<lturl", i!1<·luding gym- L. ~'" i I.h )<'. "'" rd
na.:-i11111. llfltntoriulIl, alld U"'t' of Rhu\'I'r ":. ))"thard (' Erdmall
hHth~ rilld lnd,t'r r . HlllI.... 4~-I:-o\\ illllning:
)e:-,:--oll:' \\"1 r(\ ~i\'\'Il--t1Jis dOl'S lint 111·
('1\11](' nlll:-~ ill~tn}(·tiClll Hlld Ilt'lp ~i\"I'11
quilt, fr"qu'·lItl.,· oth"r thall 1I11d"r ]'I·gul-
]l. Bottom
T. FO\\]I'I'
~. ('
.\1. !\irl'l'al,',·k . (; . . . . . . . . ~I,·.\uliff,·
Tilll~ (If 1t~lr-, ].') Illill-ut,·,.

Narberth Register HARRY B. W,ALL
Plumbing, Gas Fitting
Two Line., JOe per i..ue; 5(: for each additional lin.
nr 1,'"ollS «,111',)111",1. Our t \\'11 Bo\\'lillg )<'owl,'r. 7; :--:mith: 7; 11""1,1(', 11; W"r.l.
AI1t'~·~ Wl'I'P 11 lit ttll!'. l':"opl'l·iaJI.,· "'ht'l\ i; ]\.1l111ZI'J1.~. FOlll:--. IIt't·ld.'. ~ olll (If and Heating •.
WI' ]'('1111'11'''''1' tlial lh,'" 1'''lIld 1,,· "'TV 7; F,,\\ 11'1'. -; (lilt (If 1:2. J(l'ft·n'I' • .\1 r .... &CCOU.NTANT8 MEATS, ETC. NARBERTH PA
littlt' USt'd 11\' 1111 11 oHt~idl' tlf tht' t'\'f'I~" J)I:1"1I:11 ~:Il'g-:tlil. GoU.hall, II. K. Publlf' A.... ount.nT. 303 Coner. Bo....rd 1", Poone, tzU.
Sbe d._Play advert,.emeDt in tbt. t_u.. Phone, Na.rberth 1602-J
in}! htlnl'~. :..s.)~ ~allH'S show con:-:id('I'- Conway Ave. Pbone. Narberth 1667-.1.
Kelm. U. C. cerUned P'ubllc AccouDtant.
nhlC' u"','. TllI'rl' \\ I'ft' '"'i,;::H II:--!':' of tIlt" %02 Dudley av-. Pbone, Narberth 100-W. Jackson. Anne, \'Iolln Instru ..tlon,
Pool Tahh·s. 0111' :--ixtl'I'1l dOflll,itol'\"" FEB. 6. 1922 Tt'll~I'IJon~, :"arhertlJ 31U·J.

AUTO)IOUILES. 1... 011"', "IUIU,' H. l'lUllO IP8.l"lwr
room·.. . for lll('l1 W('I'(' ('OllstUllt!y in l1S'(, " ..rbertb Gar.... e. I'lwll~ Narberth IG33.
C. A. Bldg. Phone. 316-J . STudio, 1'. ~1.
hy trall:--i.'ltt:-:, 1I~ \\'I'll n:-. h.y ll;hpl' ]111'11 ]11 a 100-1'1.,· I'la~"'d "olll",t, :\ar· ...: •.•• I1I .. pln~' nfh'prti"PTnPut
;\iOTAR\' PlJUL1(;. in thtfl t8811P.
nwuv fJ'flJl1 1JOtlH' who WI'rt' f'laY· hl'rth <iir];oo 111 .. t til 1hl' .. trollg ",,\Idllgtllll Sorberth Bu. Line Garoge, 107 Essex Ave. oIell'..rlu. 01_ H, 111 Narbertb ave. -------------
l>ee dl,play adn'rtlsemcnt In this Issue, .
ing . ill ClUI' C-Ollllllllllity l"('\"t'I'ul \\ I'(~k:-'o th p h~' :t ..... 1'1']'(' nf l'II'\'PIl to l'ig-iJt. Th., Pbone. U6.AI.. OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED
AUT(l.\tOlJILt: SElt\·lCE. , Slmp,oll. Harry A. 232 ESB"); Ave.
ot Hl()lIth~. In addition til htl'~t' rOOlll~, :-01'I'lIlId lInlf \\"as I'~lt th'I' lI\illutl'H hv ()onahlle. l'atrlek.... 1'hone 1(\3:l. UNDER BACTERIOLOG.CAL CONTROL
1'\tOIlf', Narberth 636.
4.) rf.lOIIIS 1110rt' ill I'ri\'Htt' hOIlH':-\ "II ,'1'1'''1' "t' thl' tilJll'kp('l'l'r. Irllt ::'\a~­ See display ad\'ertlseuwnt In this losup. T~'oon, Warr"n n. ~OO \\'oodblne Ave.
",rrtl lllHllro pn:,:l\' :.H·(·('l"~ildl' til blltll h"lth "011101 "ot fillrl Ih,' haskd al all BAKEBY. PIJUIH', ~8rbprth l~O:?",,''\''''.
Hllci ,,""lnt'i) 1hroug-h (ll1r ·HooBl
In arld'itioll to th,· ~t"aol\'
durillg this pt'riot!.
:\" 1'],"1'1 h I'o-it iOIl _-\ iring-tOil
Betty Sweet Shop. Opposite station.
See dlaplaY advertisement In tbls Issne.
S,'" 111'lllur
Palm..r. Horr~' E .. 207 Haverford Ave.
al1n'rtl.pwpnt In tbls lIIsbe.
Pallteurlzed Milk 1
DANKS BrynelO~~'kCeru"ed WEST PHI LA.
'USf' of ltook~ nlld nuq.!Hzillp,,; Hlld lIt'w~­ ~.I. V\lwll'r F' O. Filll·kl' )Ierloll Title &: Tru.t Co, Phone. Sarb'lh 398 FpouJIl. t..:arl fl'. &06 Ea.ex ""ye. }#DObt:t. 6'~ .
adl1r(>s~. Chp~tnllt (Pedrfalle SocIety) OVERBROOK
pal'l'rs ill 0111' H"a,]jng nOO"1 alld l()l,li~·. 'I':. :\/'~dh""1 "" F :\r. GI'l'(''' See dlspl8;)' advertlRemenl 1n tbt8 1".U't'J , Phlln. HI.11 st.
Zentmayer. Joseph. 1506 Locust St,. Pblla.
:"SprUCl' \'7!lj
0\'('1' ~III hook, "'('1',' I,onfl,n'd froll! I':. J)othard I' .1, ~Ill,1 RVII.IJ1':RI' PAIST.l'O(J. . Speelal "Gue..olley p MERION
0111' li"rnl'~', ffll' lH,1tI1' Tt'a,lilll!. Fn'- 1). Rott"III' :--:. ('. . . . . . J). H,,<"·'·~ Boltom•• Geo. W. Phone. Narbertb 12l16-W, S .... borll'. "·m.. '" <'0. 2-12 W'oodblne Ave, Milk WYNNEFIELD
See display advertlsement In this Inne, Phone. Narberth 1i5,<l- W.
fJuentJ~~ pPT!'loual inlp!'\'iews ('OlH'Pfll- T. Fo"I,'1' .. , u. H. l'lri"h ;;hand. Alex. ('" Jr. Phone. No. litO. .(Robertll· & Sbarplellll' BALA.CYNWl'D
\1. I\irlq'all'i,·k .. (; H. Larlll'll Sl'e display advertisement In tbla leeue.
ing (,lllJd(l~'IJ1"nt.'.lodgill~ :llId r-lInr:lI'll'r l'arberth Station. , Walzer. l'red. Dairlell) NARBERTH
proh!!'llIS l\t'r" hrl,l. O"I'H,iolllll ~o"ial (;oal~-Fml1,,1', .-,: Fi""k,', :1; ~[. ;;medl.,\·. "'ro. II. '" H. T. 1'\101W. tlOO. 1t 7 Winsor a'Vf'. Pbone. 12"7~J.
f"vl'nt!" w~rr plljny,'tl II.\' tl!f' 1I1('lIIht'r~ nrt'('lI. Fotll~-n1"I't'Il.:~ llut of ]~.
See display advertisement In tble lesue, .·,\PERJI.\S(;I:-;G. Ci!eam ~ttermllk ARDMORE •
CANDY, ETC.' BO~'d, lIoro<'e S. :l1a )I"etlug House Lane. Tab.e and Wblpp'og WYNNEWOOD
of 0111' _\~~o,'iati(J1I lIl1r1 tlwi r fri"II,b. Hdf'l"'l' . .\Ii" "·,·il. D..vl •• II. E. PbQne. 1264-W. I'hnllP :~:\fl. . Cream.
Ollbtalloling a1l101l~ tl""f' mig'ht Ill' llll'll' See dl.olaY advertlllement In tbll '."ue. )Iaroboll Compnn~·. ConTracting Pnpel'hang-
tiOlll'd th!' I1alIo\\',,"'1I l'artil'5, 0111' CABI'ENTER.'l AND BUILUEBIol ....,. :lOO Prle.. AYe. 1'hone Narbertb 1001-.T,

HOlll.. 1':l1rllt .\ullual {'ir"us, Our ~[oth­ lenklna. Chaa. L. PHOTQ PLAW!>
pr nnc] PnllghtrT an,l aFthrl' all'] ':-;011 102 DUdh;y Rve. Pbone. lr.Q4 "Arcadia," 16tb aoct Che.tnut .t... Pblla
COAL AND COKE. See adverUaement III tbl. I•• ue.
Banquets. During thl' ~'l'ar WI' (:0'01'- Till' ::'\,nl,,'rth Hoy, ]o.-t to tlll' 1"'1"1'1,·
Conk. <" P. Phone. Narberth 3711. - PIANO TVN'~G AND REPAIRS.
('mtl',1 with r'hur"hl", "i"i,' :11111 othr'r
s,'rd,',· ol'gallizatiolls ot' Ih.· ~Iaill L,nl'
Prt'p tl':lJlI h~' n ....
- I·Of(· (If
lll'rth' 1".1 at Iialf ti1l1/'. 1ol-7, 1'111 l",t
:!~~-:!1. ~ar S"e displaY advertisement In tbls Isane,
Newton Coal Co. Phone, Ardmore 104.
Plano Tuning and Pla)'er Planoe. 45th and Parrish Sts.
Georg" Abele. Pbone, Narbertb l25li-J.
f'Ollllllunitv as "PllortUllitil" \\,l']'r at'· th"ir 1'."1' for tl1l' huskl't. Sel' display ad'-ertlsement In this Issue.
DENTIST8 Cook Bro.. Phone 302-J.
~or,ll"1. ..\ C'OllSl'J'\'a t h'l' "st ilila t I' tra,,'rl On. Dr. A. L. 101 Elmwood avo Pbone. UI-W.
upnn Hf'(,OUllt!"i of J.lISV Ilu\':-,. nncl rlnys Phlla. Phone;- Filbert 4%6:1. K..lth Bldjt.
See display advertisement In thlll Inue
"-all, H. B. Pholle, Narberth 160:l-J, .
110t sO ],11-"', ,hows th~'rl' ":"1'(" at IC!l~t. t>r••J. Schemb•• Jr. Phone. Narbertb 316-W See advertl.ement to tbl. 1•• 0,.
50.000 ,lifff'rl'nt IISI'S of our HlliI,]j II:!
tluril1~ Ihl' yl'ur,
Our finull"i:Jl ~t.atl'IlIPllt "ho\\'s thnl Narberth Bus line
S. E. Cor. Grayl~g and Windsor
Om..e Hours: Tuesday. Thursday. Satur-
day, 9.30 A. M. until 11.30 P. M'l' Monday,
Wednesdl\Y. Friday. 6 P. 111. unt I 8 P. M
Fritech. H. O. Phone. S62-W.
See adverU...ment tn tbl. luue.
Na.b. Robert oJ. Pbone. 606,
Narbcnh Taxi SerVice
PatrIck F. Donahue
OUI' totnl pOJltrnl·t('ll ()1)j.lratill~ d'i~hllr~t'· Dr. n. F. McDuft'ee, 209 Haverford Ave. Money tor Flr.t and 8econd Mortgagea

.... ,
hll'llts nllHlunt to $Hl.~;\(I.RS. $!:l,~S~.J:1
Wl'rl' pl'ovid,',' for Jr.,' illlf'l'IIu] rurnillg'~.
Garage omc", 644-R. House, 327-J, BO)lrs: 9
A, M.-5.30 P. M. Eve. by appointment.
8lmpeon. "amea C. 222 Eun ave.
Phone. 636. or H20 Cbeatout at.
A uihoriud Taxi Service. by Certifi-
cate from Public Selvlce- Commls- ... '.":

Howard", Pbone. 1287. RECREAT.ON. 1100, dated November 16. 1920.

1111\.1]1' up of ,n"'l ill'm~ as nl('mlwrsllip
{l'r", n Sllln 11 fl'l' ,·11II1·1!'(',] for thl' \I'"
107 Essex Ave., Narberth qpf' lHlIIIllla.v adverUllemeJ'J' In tbhl ,uue.
Re<'reatlon Room. No. 1 Forreet Ave,
T ad meets all trainl.
I ~raln Line Drug storea. Phone 1620. S"e dlsI/lay advertisement In tbla Iasue.
of spp"i:11 I'l'ivill'g'p, IIlld T1'lItnls .from Day and Night Garage Ilee display advertisement in tbls Issue, R.D.NG ACADElIIY. Store orden proIDFtly called for and
Da,'ld Odella Belmont Track. Riding lee-- delivered. Baggage caU.ed for and
rOOI1lS, Thr halnnrl' of 0111' PXPI'II~(,~ ELEV'l'RHJ1A1'iS . sons, Sa(l Ie Bo.rses to hire. Telepbone
'nrf' pTl1\'i<1I',] for h~- I'olltrihtition~ lllllCh·
Storage of Cars t
('aoe. \\'. G. Phoul'. 3!15· W. l'arberth 1211i, . dellv.ered. Freight dellvued.
'" lip hy fril'llIls of our '\'ork. \y cure . ~l'e display adverlls~men.l In this Issue. UOOFlNG. ETC. .
Gasoline and Oil at All Times Pugb. ~erl 226 Ioua ;'ve, . Ga....-lI.cGlnle:r Co. PboDe. U68-W. Open Day aod Night Phone 1633
!'OTI'~- to say thut ",ith t~1' "losr ot' th('
:'-l'nr WI' al'l' short. of ahout :1'1.;;00,00 of Phone 1243
Nar. Pbone, 6liO-W. Arl!. Pbone. 18'-J,
I See adverU.ement lu this luu.,
Ml\ler. "obB A. %41 IODa ave. Pbl/D., 611-.1
llfi\'ing' tlli. hnlunl'l' on hand.' It is Wm. ~lorrl. ('lirUe•• Pbone, Narberth 16311,R Sbop. 146 Ha".rtord a"e. Pbon.. UII.oJ
our 1'00istuut uim to 1l11lkf' Ihi. Chris- See display ndvl'rtlseml'nt In this issue, 8BOEIIAKBBS BELL PHONE. Narberth 121i6-W
lIARDWARE, Good W.... Shoe Sbop,
Bergner Hardware Co.,. 211 Havllrfor!l Ave,
See display advl'rtlsement h~ tbls· Issue,
Rlcklln H. 203 Hli.verford Avenne.
Conotantlne. Q. 6. 252. lIaverford ave.
I'bone. Narberth '1706- W.
CLASSIFIED- ADVERTISEM.ENTS See dlsillar advertisement In tbls Issue, Proger. S. N .• 2111 Haverfbrd Ave. -Contractor and Builder-
Two c~nte per wQrd If cub ac~om. Cotter's Meats Bowman. Bamnel P. (Life.)
116 ElmWOOd aYe: Pbone. UI-W.
Sl'e display advertisement
Tbe above departmeot anoull! be or tDt
In this Issue.
Garatlff Building a Specially
paille. advertleement; o.tb.erwiee. he
,cenb per wor!!._
lTotter Broa. (JI'lre. etc.)
209 Wood.lde ave. Phon.. U63-B.
gre&teat Uee to the community, tbe list oon·
talns the name or every pror••lonal maD. 420 Rockland Ave. Narberth. ra.
Campbell. Frank D. Automobile. Fire. etc. tradeaman, m.chanlc, .hopkeeper. eto••' wb.
A Quality For' doe. or caD In any way aene' bls tellow-
~;' :' . WAN'1'EX>-Sl11n11 'roncb in good {'Oll-
(litioil~rh;OIie Xllrhert,h 126I-.r. (I8-p) People Who
'4 Stuart Ave. Phon". 3115-R.
UI88 Z"ntmay"r's ··Kln(l~rgarten. and who I. pro......I". .noug"
to add nam.• ·to lI.t ot Reat.t.r,
Aa It IIi dlllloult tor tbo.. ooDtrlbuUq
Want The Best
. .
Cor. Essw( and. Windsor Aves.
. .UWYJ!:B8 ~
their time and errorta to the ptodUOtlOD
"Our TOWD',' to'p.noDaIlY .ellb.r .. now ·.r
0' RaYIIIODd Wei••, Propriet~r .
Ol~:r. "nhD au Slais: .ave. Phone; lU'~.
hand gas TRnge~
. ( 1811) ·I'hll., addr..... " LhiClOhi' ·Blcllr.. '
Intenlew_all 811011•. It"'qulcl· be.most· be~
tal :If tb•• Dot 'DQW fDun4 ID:tb.·.·prblt..
.•"t.;,- Fle~her '''W. '4,. Ba.,.rtord a.,.. IIstwou.t4·...Dcl In • m.moof.tb.lJ' _ _ . 'SUPPLIES
Elgin 'wrist .•:
phone: ;:Nar: ..
. (.18-~)' I!:===:::::=====~
~bonll.IU~W Pbll" ad4~. ern.r :BIde.
. 'LIOHTnfG nX~d
'.ClDon.ld· "llhD: .Marb.flb '. pbODt. 11...
'.• lU' ·Che8t, ·.t.._·Pbn~ PbonSi·Spruoe· .u.~
a4dr_ pbOD. D1UIibirti 'au4,.bll8hl. . . . . .
prot.utoM for lIallb•• Tbltl: Win oOat\.. til•.
. low.: 10' cient. hobl..,..·for·I)lD_:
tor .aolla44IUolial U... .
Telepljo..e· N~b.n~1633··

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