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5 Saree @4) So REVIEW QUISTIONAIRE IN MISCELLANECUS MANUFACTURED MATERIALS AND SITUATIONAL PROBLEMS IN FIELD 71.) The numberof specimens required in he submission of Concrete Hollow Blosks or testing a) 3pes b) Apes an —t) pcs 4) 2nes A 2) satis basis in casting length ofa regular plato be uses n bicgeconeucton ‘est pla =) toot ple . rr a G) load pile bad. pads F “ d) batter pile eG oe food 500 pat 4) Ailes beating concrete racw soc should have an induidva ength requirement of —— a) allel SAB MPa Get — Gea ihn 0S Saray D) atleast 890 Pa + teen an ¢) atleast 250 MPa Fin (ood beay Cahill — rae d) atleast 30 MPa a average - B60 4) A thousand of tons of steel bar ‘Stockpile ini a bodega for its used in Teinforcing concrete structure, as a requirement it has to be tested first, prior to its incorporation inio th ‘work. The result of test reveaied that said reinforce steel bar passed the ‘specifications of both the yield and tensile strength ‘requirements, but however, it failed to meet ‘requirement in variation in weight. What will you do? : 2) ees the ste bas and not fo aiow fo use an secure a copy of Mil Testing Cetcate 2} ‘coordinate with the planning and design so that necessary adjustment in ‘spacing of steel bar could be possibly made one ofthe above 5) Araiore sts bar is consered tbe undersized if a.) italed to meet tensile requirement b)) by measuring the cross-sectonal area ane 6) itfaled to nieet variation | mass 4.) bymessuring the diameter ofthe ba itself <8) _Which of the foising is used to determine the bearing capacity of concrete pigs A) teste ae b) oad test ans ©). Calfornia Bearing Ratio 4) nane of the above £7) Ir the submission of quality sampies in accreted laboratory what document Shouid be prior to its receipt that contain information ike kind of mater, quantity presents, datoufextacton te. a.) Status of field test performed —b) worksheet ans ) summary result of field test \ sample card i. ©) Which of ne cloning not te dutyesponsbity of maertsman a) Conducts materials survey for probable sources of materials, 1) Prepare design mixes for concrete and esphait mixes, ans @,) linear measurement at @}) S20 that al testing equipment are maintained and calibrated <9) A steel sheet pies has been driven ina river conl rovelment, however, te sid males were not subjected to testing butyou wantfo check the qualiy, asa Materials Engineer what wil you do? a) Conduct test for zinc coating ) secure acy of Testy Ceticate ans 8) sian sanpiotrtesieresurenent 4) pneet te above rid! ae Ving 6. TS ols. te ths CEM SOG mafyyfPPH rele» J Oe Ca i Gin LE ELM Ree ea Y \ p80 BO bs rage 20 OS xe thea nck , < PF pls” 57 dton o— jack aught ein ~? 10 j@alibeationoflaboratortesting equipmentshoulé be conducted alleast onae a year, g every two (2) years as drectedby the Materials Engineer dt) any ofthe above 22 11) Ina project construction, when does the materials Engineer ofthe contractor usual a) Project Inspector Project Engineer of DFWH Materials Engineer of DPWH 7 -) Project Engineer of contractor the construction of DPWH projects quality controls the responsitilty of DPWH Project Engineer DPWH Materials Engineer Contractor both a and & 13) In a bridge construction, provision offriing:isincudagpin the contract and the Project Engineer should direct the Contractor to use what class of concrete and appropriate cement content ®) Class A @9 baasim? & Class B @ 8.5 bacsim? Class C 95 baasim? Class A@85 becsin* 14) hats the required length of RSB'sampovr quaity tt a) 1.5m/ 10,000 kgsiszelshioment b) 1.5m 1,000 kgslsizelshipmnent <®) 1.011 10,000 kgsisize/shipment 4) 1.0m/1,000kgsisizelshipment 18) Whats te aque sates specimen fo, Gt: sheets a) 303 of 60mm x 50mm Ax) 598 of 6mm x 60mm ©) 3pesof70mmx 70mm @})_ none of he above 716) What kind of paint that has a reflectance or beads? a) Latex Paint b) Enamel Paint -£) Reflecorized Pant 4) _Siver Finish (Aluminum ) Paint <1) AL 15,000 igs RSB how many semples shat be submited for Quay Test? reporting ae a .) 2 pes. 1.5 m sample Dui is x2) ap Eonar aap 7S A) 4) 3pcs. 1.0m sample BF Tee strength oft wie in gadions ( ay BE ity) ans, i, a) 2758104137 NPa b) 228104137 MPa 7) 4137 10 586.1 MPay ¢.) above 586.1 MPa ‘59, The gabionggocieszegyanging from 7" 4} Bete 00 mm I-Uhn 9% qb), 100mm to 200mm: c ans ‘c.) 200mm to 300mm ) 300mm to 500mm 0.) The of gabions is cc) 3.05 mm diameter f Metiaic coated ans, -4}, both a&b L © Dede KOO» ety

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