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Fi ne Speakers At jJlIpilr Reporters l\;'lany 1\1 usicians of "lhe FIRESIDE Citizen "\lould End 'Big Tennis Fair Is
Community Club's Narberth Join Main Narberth Borough Nc)\v C;oing Ahead
l~i n e 0 rchestra At Full Blast
\. EII;.:lalld lIlId dllllght"l Prolloscs [/lIiOIl Ifl"th LO'1.v-
Opening Luncheon Pup Is Report on ExerClses 1Jy
\Jr. . Iall""
1'1' f.~'lI\\IlIJd Y ------------------ 1.1,111""" \\('Illll', rt'tUlllt'll
Grade 7-B 11.1- 1\I"'k t',.IIIl\ a ""'I"r trip III Hlls,'i1.', er Merion l'o'lf)J1ship 1\'atioJltll Ten11is Stars to
• JVarocrtl, If OI/ICI/ Hold Regllia r Rehcarsals Being :'\ .f. rl'tlirlllII~ \ l:! E:t"'!l,rl.
II, 11I!1,,\' Ill:': IIt'\\... :I rlldl \\ !'It'
H fld (/ t A rdJJlorc Appear This Afternoon
First Fall /HcctiJlg I" I ! ' l 1\ I' \ I \\ II 11111111", lIt' 1111 ":1 r! Il'r' II
.\Ir, ,11101:\Ir-. L"",, "h,I"'II1:1I1 "lid
('iti~l,JH:- :
rou hu\"l' flll\\ l.n· ... lIl11ahly paltl your
fllIII il_, ,f ,'I,,-I'I:lt \,,'IIU,' <1"'lIt la'i Th,' 1'1),': t'",,"lr~ FlIH IIf tl,,' :'\nrherth
\\'0 'I Ill' :\)"1' ""11111' ('0111111;": rt )'ort I'rs 111 \":lrht.'11h Itlusll'iulI:-> \\ho hllVl' thu.. taxps; at any r:t1l' .\'011 ha\"l' rt'('('l\ed
'Of '1'1", lUIIlllt'lIlt IIf till' ~lItllrda.'" at \tlanl,,· (·ily.
1I1"'lllllg \\ ill },(. ~(lill~ full
IlIPIl > t'lllllJlllllllt.'
, 1,,1, \\ ;1 s h,'ld I:t - t ,\11 r -...;! 11110 I... ~ \\ " !llllll' I" hI',' r fro III tak"" I'alt ill rl'l"'ar,,t1, of th,' a hill for them. lind .'"ou lI"rt' no douht

Id:l~t \\
\ ...... III·I:ltiClII

ht fill rPlld thPst' \\Ilrd~. 111l1<'88

k. tI", ,,1,,1, I I", r Pili' 1< I':d, \1:1111 1.1111' Orc·h",lra art' :l1r. and ~1r, ,J,",,:~r""nhl.'" >urpriRI',1 at Ihl' -lZI' Ill' II .\
TIIC'to(tln\: :tl 0111' 0" lilt I" \Ir alld \Ir'. 1". H, I-:dgl'Ilon alld "'lllll'\, rdlll, Ilghtllillg- or tllrllndo has
I.. \\"1I1"1I1' .\Tl'~. :\Ir. IlI'org-e. H. AI",I,' " thl'nl, 'b .'""11 nlllays nrl', alld if yOIl arl'
rU(JI1l, ~I I". \ f:tI"ily IIf l'h,'<luIl1 .\"'111"', h'ft \\'l'd '·(llll'ktll.\ \\lJlt'd off (If tilt l
JII~. ()II Til II r ... d:l,\ 1I1llrllillg. (h 1011f'T l:.!th. :\1,., \\'111. 1'. :'\llsh und :\Ir. A, .1. L"o< an old "itizen of :\[olltgolll"r," Coullty
Till' gllt'st .. \\t'll' It'I'('I\('d by 1111' oth CIIII .. tlll'hl r (,,11111'1IU". r'IIT till
~t't'(llid :\Ir. Thllmas Eo }{nutz"11 II ill tnkl' parI
)}(' ... da.' for l'ollllllhu"" OhiO, to attf>lId
yOIl hal"" surl'ly fre'llll'nt]y II ondl'r,'d '''''I' Ihllt l'0rtlCllI IIf our lo,'al topog-
tht\ dpdll"HtiClJl uf tht' 11('\\ I"'tadiulIl at rltl'h." 10 111,,01 at Ha"l'rford :11101 :\[ont-
l('r~ flf tIll' ('lui, a!ld :\Ii ... ~ PIUTt'lIl'l' Ili tlll1(', st'1 hi" foot 011 \lllpri(·:l.
aftl'r llli' '\1'1'1, :IInong thl' viQlinR, and
Ohio ~tltl'· l'ui"'"slt.,·, IIhl'n Ohio Htatl'
IIhy thl' taxI's ontside of :"iarbl'rth art'
hprt. prpsidt'ut of t11p ~tat(' Fptlpratloll. ~t't'Il(," fJ(ltIl Jifp \\('rf' l'1I
it i> hop"d thai :\Ir, Earlt' Marshall
P'll~'S ~ric·hjg-:I11. ~lr, Edgprtotl is un
M' 1I1'lI'h lo\\er than thl'Y arc \\ ithin thl'
II ill d<> likell"js,'. _\ lIumhl'r of other Borough Iilllits. I"tartlng ~'Ilday "l"l'lIing-, tl,,' Fair
Th" l'IUlb r"'>l1I II,IS filkd til "lIpa"lty 1I,·tl'd loy Ihl' H ,,,,-fi'"1 (,f thl' 'l'Vl'lIth nluu lin- of ()hio Htat,,_
:'\aril'l'rtlli"n, hall' 1"'l'n iudtl'd, SOllll' Anthll"yn jo'lInn propl'rty O"lwrH, a' lIill "011111111" fhroughout ~aturdny af·
II- nbllllt "III' lllilldrt'd IIl1d t\\"llty IIl'rl' g-md,' ill th,' .\:lrltprlh ,High Hl'hool.
-l'lItl',1 III tIll' 111ldl's, lind 1111 aroulld Thl' 1'111.'" 1111- IIdl'd ,,'r.'" \\l'lI hy' lima of ,dwln lIill douhtl,'s' j<>in, ~iss you klloll". lIrl' outside th,' Borough lilll· t"lll(oll alld "'Plling--llllIt's TODAY,
:\Ir'. ", :\1. :\Iathl'ny, \\if,' of Dr.
tit" room IIHI' hug" wass"> of ,1ahlillR Il'lIr, IIho hall' 1",,1 lilt11' IIr no stngl' .\nlll' .Il,,·kSOIl, 11"1'11 kllOWII in :"iarhl'rth its, yd they huvl' all the adlllllt~lgl's ;'lId till' higg, >t kind of n hig tilllP is
:\lathl'n,". of ",ell ('nstl,', I'a., \\IIS tlw
gin'lI Ity :\Ir. H,'rhl'rt y",,('II, "hil'h "XI",ril'lI"!' IlI'fllTl'. lIlIt! all along tIll' :\Iaill Lilli' aH II vi we hl1l"e. Th,'y live 011 01 ~Ie:lr {'('ml'lIt prllillisl'd to I'l"l'ry"otl.\'.
1I1in >oloist, IIttenUI't1 till' rehearsal go,st of :\Ir. IIl1d :\11". Ed\\ard L. :-;mith, I h' h I HI'III1'lIlh"r. today's th" ,llIy'-Satur-
IIdd"d 1I,.h 1I11tlllllll1l1 "I,Joring til Ihl' \\'L"n th,' 1'1:1," startl''', thl' boy' ('0] of :\I"rioll .\Il'" 0'1'1 thl' \\('{'k'en,l. rOil's; t elr O\\n may not be in a ig-l
unlhus \\11" :-ot'()ll Ht'Ht~ld lin fllp dO('k at this IIl'l'k, \\ hil'!I \\as 00 l'riuuy ,tntl' of rl'l"tir, but ul"l'rthe1esH nff 'la,v-tltat th,' 1I'IInis dWllIplon of the
S(·(·Jlf'. Mr'. :\latltl'lIY i> I'rl'Hid"lIt of \Vimo·
(h1Ilo:l. Italy, 'l'his "'('PIIP \\Ufo!. foll<l\\(,(] "'·"lIill/o.: illstl'll'! of Thur,day, 0\\ ing s.'n i"l'nbll', and thai is more than ,':111 ('llitl'd I"tal,'s and th,' g-rl'nl play"r in
_\flf'T thl' ~inglng "f thl' ~tatl' :-;"lIg. I,y tIll' ","11 (101111111>11< llrglling with d'lll>is, (:\IIlS""I1' HO"ial Clnh) and r"p
to thl' hllll having- hl"'ll I'ngugetl by 1" sellt,',l tlwt I'!uh lit thl' ,'oll\"('utioll I'e >ai,l of mllll)" of t'h,' rOI"," and strel'ts I,,'rlll on tIl(' Tennh A>soeiution's
"lInil 1"'IIlIsyhania," :\Ir,. Hos'. IIho ('1'Ullt'I'llol" H~ to \\ht,thPT t11p "or](]
IInotlll'r orj.;lllli,.'1tioll for 01'1. 10th, of" Htat<' Fl'd,'ralloll of WOIII"II'R of :'\arhl'rth. TIt !,I'ople pay 11111."
IIIIS !,n',iding for th" first tlllll'. g-r",'I,'tI II liS rOll 11,1 or flllt. ('olllml'\ls thl''' The pprsonnl'l of the Or"hl'stra at half thl' tIlX"S Ill' do. l'nywy'l, Ha~ll,
tit.. t'llIh 11I"llIh,'r-, I'0iotillg- (lut I It I' "pp"lIr,'" hl'forl' thp King nn,l QUl'l'n ('Iuhs" al Ih'adillg, I'a.
"r",,'nt is as follo"< \rtlnlor,' anti similar dOHely built lip
thing-' tltllt .. all I,,' :I,','ollll'lish,''] as I,f ~pain, lind lI>kl',1 for hl'Jp. Th,'
('iu" 110111"11 nn,l tIl(' gn'rll nl'I'd of n King 11011101 ""t h,'lp hinl, so till' Q\lppn .\ ISS 1~I'" k Y :'\utz, of !l"yll'stoll"n, is ,,11""'1<, hal"l'
'I' Yiolin!'__ l\Ir!', Ann.', :\Iis" (,harlott" lIell Iightl't1 ,-,x"l'lIen\
. Eldl'r. ~1i,s GI11I1.vs Hutt,'r, :lll's>rs. Aus
>trl'l'ts, frl'l' gnrbngl' I'olll'dion lal-
(';ub houl"l' a'" a c'('HtTP of fieti"itips. gll\(' C'1,lUlllhus h('r j(l\\p] ... to 8pll "'0 "1)I'!l,llllg II \ll'l'k liS the gUl'st of Miss
till :\[..Il. ('IIIli,'r, _\. P. o",t, Jr.. A. ~1. Strl'"t of 1UO :\lal'l,' .\"l'. though thl'y ha"1' to pay ,'xtrn for ha'-
Intrlldlll'ing :\Ii's llih"rt, :\[rs. Ho>s tl"'t hI' "ollld gl't IIIOII"y' alld 0111 fit his
.J. 1.0'1', .Tallil" :\1,· 1J"rtliOtt , \\'illiaol illg- IIShl's remll\'ed); thl' Iwop1£' are 10 I
-ni,l: "W" nrl' glatl an,1 honon',l to
- hips. H"I',I. IInro],1 S .. huillanll, Loui- "urI' "atl'd, fixl'd alld a""ollllllOdatl'd in IIbou1.
111111' lIith liS our Htatl' l'rl'sid,'nt, lIll's , :\lis' :\[nri .. ('ollill', "f ",arbrook
('(lltllldJlI~ \\Hl" IIp,,1 St'('11 pal'in}! t111'
..1Jio. Ih,' sallll' lIa~- ulld lI1UIIUl'r 11' III' are,
FI"rt"II'P Ilihl'rl." Pllrk, "1'('lIt lust SUllday ill Lan,'a>t,'r,
oI""k of hi, ship all,l l"okillg throll;.(h '(',,110..-:\1 ,'ssr,. I.. \\'anll' \rny, l'a. yPl t'h"ir tIlXI'> arl' ,It'l'idl',lIy 1<'>s than
-'[i,> Dihl'rt snid III part •• , \\'1' (·luh a sp~' glu.~. The lIIull' ulIIl -onll' sail
(;l'rgl' H. .\h"I .. , .\, O. Ikl,.1,'r lilld \\'il half of our,_ Whut iR thp reason it is
\\ Ollll'n "01111' togl'thl'r in 10\'1' to \\ ork "r' apl'roa,",II'd all,1 "olllp1ained of Ill<' li"llI I'. :'\ush. a r t - " " ' g : t di'udnllitage to Ii", ill :'\nrherth, and
for othl'r 1"'01'11'. \\'1' :lrt' till' ,]y-nnllli,' IInkll('" n horrors, hut CQlumhlls told 1.'1IItl'--:\II'R",<. W,'sl"." .J. Ohl alld \Ir. und :\Irs. 'V. B. Ooodal, hn'l' " fiuulI!'ial Ittl\'Rutngl' 10 Itn' in Lower
for"1' to Illllk" l"'l,nsyhnnia a qll'ttt'r thl'llI 10 "i":dl on." _\1] of a ~ufl,It'n Frall,'i, ,\dl'lhl'l"g"r. rl'tltrlll',l frolll a trip to ('hl(·ago. ~ll'rion Township1 PersollalI~·. I know
Stall' f<lr IIl1r .. hildr"n, In all the u lig-ht wn_ Sl'l'n, off thl' stage, ano thl'
Clarinet-Mr. G. B. Tompkins. nolhing nhont thl" r"ason why, not
t'tutl'S Ihl'r,' are III ore thun :!,Otlll,OOO uu,lil'nl'p knew 1an,1 had bl'l'n Ili,eo,er- Frellr1l Horll-~It. G. H. Rtro!. :\Ir. und ~Ir<. E. E. ~Inr.h an,l duug!!- heing a lIIatlLt'lIlali('iun, a statiRtidan
women working for the ~ood of the I'd. ('{)ltllllhus 510011 ou th" ~1I!,po"'>ll Ci>rnPl-~[r. J>'ranl'is 'VI'aVl'r. tl'r ate spl'n,ling the wl'l'k·t'nd in At- or an ell.l'ert ul'rolllltant, hut as we hav(' I
,'ltiltlTl'II, for thl' I'hildrt'n are the great- IllIlia, lInel elaimeu the ,'ouutry for the:
Trul'lIlpets, ;\1 essrs .J. \V ooding ;1 ntl glen, a gooll mu n,v of this sort of p('()ple
I'St a~gpt of the Rtate, \\'hile \\ I' "n- King of Rpain; while near at hand In· II. Duey, li\'ing within our Borough limit>, I
men work mostly for othl'r., we mUM rJilins wprl' I'xnlllinin~ him elo~ely. Trombone-~Ir, Arnold Lynch. ~Ir. Rnrl ~fr" SUlllu ..1 I_lIir'l, ~Ii~s would like "ery Illu"h if one or more
not for~et to do !lomethin~ for our· Tn this s('('nt' Columbus wn~ ba('k in' Drums-Mr. Joseph Smith. ' .Tnne Laird nll,l ~rr. Donalel Laird have of thest' pl'ople woul,1 tnke their pen
selves, nnd workiu~ for It Club·hollse Rpniu anr1 sho\wd the Ki)J~ lind QUl'en . ' . rei urnI'd from a wel'k-stny in 'VaRhing- in hand and ad~ise Illt' lind other fel-
of your 0\\ u will gh'" y'oll >trength to the iuhuhilants he had hrOllght frolll . ThiS i< v"ry eneouraglllg • aR 1I begin-, t 011, D . C. low SUffl'rerR .iu>t II hy this C'onilition'
a"l'omplish III ore. " Ihl' strangI' land. Thp King madl' n mg, hut ~I r. Adolph v ogel, the very exi.ts. "'hill' Ihl'y ar" IIhout it, also MiES Miriam Kutz, talented soprano,
•• Many p,'ople do !lot knOll that the ('olulllhnR gO\'\'Tnor of the lIew land, ,'apahlp anel inspiring. lender, hopes thnt .>I.ISS H
, "
I'IITlpttu .
i"tpllart. of PlttS- Il't us kuoll ,,-hnt to think of the pro whose Einging on both Friday and
thp numher Will L,' augmenteil to !i0.; b . . . . . . .
(·lub women tuke ..are of two ,eholar- R. C. S., Jr. II 1 I l'k I . . ' urgh,)s, ISlttnog ~Ilss Dorothv Durhin, position that is going to be ,Ublllitt"d Saturda.y evenings will be a feature
,hips fit f3tnte Coll('ge. That is, th" e wou' I" III enst 18 v~ohlls on, of ~nrhprtlt A\'e. • to th,1' n('xt of the Xurberth
of the Country Fair.
Thl' ,ix ",'"nps from th(' lifl' of (,,,1- Ihl' roll, lln,1 a nUllilher of VIOlas ar,':

lIIont·y is paid to til" g-irls to support Ci\'i,· .\ssol'intion that the territory
themselves whill' ill ,'olleg(' and uot· lIlll""' .gh·l'n by the f'e\'enth B. Gra,ll' vl'ry 1Il'lI'h needed to givp the proper'
elire'" 10 the college. Boys ha'e nl-, uudl'f the direction of ~fi5S .Tenkills,
tOile quality. There are so many ex- :... known a' the" Borough of Xllrherth"
. !\1Il0Il fT the out-of-fown gu~st~ who' he r('-inn,rpnrnterl in T.."."·",, :l\f~,.if>n
1L,' II orld. appears right here NBr- '!l
\\uys been looked after, now the time hrollght hOllle to liS tltl' importunel' of 1'1.'11 ent atmateur~ along the Main Line, '" '-'lIIrts, lind pllly's ill II ,,'rieR of singles
th-at the desiredllulllher eould be seeured- are here to nttenll thl' wedding of 1<(iss 1'0wn~hip? 1I1l,] ,llJllhlps Illllt"h,',. .-\pp,-,aring with.
has r'OIll" to iook aftt'r our girls. Antl ('ollllJ1hus as WI' ha,l nl"-I'r SI'I'II it 1", •1. Estelle (,ohic to ~[r. Waru W. Weller A.. E. WOHLEHT .
:\Ir. •Til,]"11 will h .. Wnllnl'e .Tohnsl;)n,
if ) 0\1 get your nub-holls(' un,1 k""p forI'.
it open' for th" g-irls, rrnll'lII1>er that "'P
snw C"lUlllbll" a.< n ho~' ,lrl'allling
whieh takes plal'e at SI""'11 o'clock this
I"-I'ning at tht' :-:nrhl'rth Pr"shyterinn To the Editor of "Our 1'111111 ":
lll",tI,,'r """ of till' lll'st players
\lIll'ri'·a. :Inll Carl Fis"her and SlLndy
II hl're the girl> arl' the IH'~'s will fol, (,huITh, lire ~Ir,. W. Welll'T. of Athens, I :Ittpnul''' thl' bllnqllet. helll at th" W .. iner, th~ hoy' wOllder. The matches
low." .
I'n., motlll'r of tht' groolll, :\frs_ G. (JI'IlI'rlll 'Yaynl' Illn 1I few wel'ks ago lIill 1,,, ullll'in',] 1,-," Paul W. Gibbons,
"The stundllrd of II natiQl) is olll~' Boughnl'r and ~Iiss Bertline Boughner, gi'l'n in honor of the :'\lIrh,'rth BlIlI I'r",i,]Pllt "f tIll' I'hilll'klphia District
as high us its women; therefore it is of Hazleton, PII., an,1 :IriSH Retty 1"1'T- ('Iuh, 1111,1 'listelll',l lIith grt'nt pJt>a<url' 1..11\\11 T('JJIlIS .\~"'(H'iatioll. "ho W8S also
up 10 il'sse, of 'Yilkes·Bnrre, Pa. to tit" speakers of the l'\"('nin~, on th"
little sllhjl'l'l of hlls(' hall and the good that. (('"ntinul',l 011 Pnge 4)
l'OIll"R from ,'11'1111 sporblllllnship hoth
to the player llnu thl' ,'omllllinity fiS a
whole. ThiR was an e'-I'lling' well spent

:'\arl'l'rth Illig'ht ha"e been a eORmo-

I',olitllll sell·port town JaR! Thursday
l '.".-:' ": .:'. :.' . : 1..

. ;'

i LOOAL ANJ? TltE" 01 'cour••, ".

mnnently or' from time, to time, includ· ORGANIZATIONS T.lepbolul..
deU"8r -....,

ing therein sueh sections of the public WELFAiBE FEDEB.A.'1'ION OF US? plaoe - . . . ,
THE TOWER PHILADELPHIA I highways as, in its judgment, the puh·' 1288 tim..
IiI' safety nn,l (\onvenience may 1'1"
A oo-operative Community Journal OF BABBLE The Welfar£' Federation of PbHn,le!' 'Iuin', within whirh no vehicle shnH be The Brightest Spot in Narberth
Owned nnd published every Saturday By CoUum Righter phin" which inrlud£'s mosl of th£' charit- pl'rmitte<l to "tand for a longl'r pl'riod A Drug Store in the MOIIt Modem Sense of the Term
by the Narberth Civic Association. ahlt' orgllnizlltions of I'hilnd£'lphin, is of tilll" thall i.. IIl"'l'''Sllry to permil
lI,hout 10 ,'omm~nl'e a ,Irh'e for funcls. persons to ellier or Irn\·e l'xpl"flitiously
HU B~CRI PTION PRI CE SATIS VEBORUMI Tltls organization is to uppwach the Ih,' saJIIl', or for artiell's of frl'ight or
One Dollar nnd Fifty Cents per year Thl' Hiver of Hhythlll has dried :Jp p,'opll'- of thi, \'il'init~·, IIn,1 it is thought IlIl'rchnn<li"l' 10 til' lon<ll',l IIpon or rt"
in advance, compl~tl'ly. I,,'sl 10 nwk,' II stlltt'Ulent of our po,i, OIfI\'l',1 from I hl' snllle expl',litiously: or
I.-ilhin \\"hi,'h 110 \'l'hiel£' shall lw pl'r·
I\l'n('e thHefor,' W~ ,·an't. ,Tltl' tion in Ihe mnltN.
('"Iumn off swet'll)' "'hill' I\!' lIr,' in hl'lIrt," "ympalhy IIlil\('1\ to ,Ialld 10ngPr Ihan "u"h Ill'r,
Shortage of :Building
Wilh jingling \'('rses or "sich." \., ilh thl' aim of thl' W,'lfart' F",I£'ra ;0/1 of tillll' ,,,. shall h~ dl'sigll:<!(',1 hy Sites in Narberth
lion of I'hilad"lphia. and \\ ish it ""I'ry "'Iul·h ('OJlIJllittt'fI: llotil'P of HJl~' su(·h
* *
!lnt tlti, will, 110 douht, gi\1' a lot uf s'Ie"-t'ss, \\l' think il ollly f:dr lIu,1 jn"l rt'glllatil.lll to IH' g-i,'pll hy ~:Iid ('0111 Narherth's growth hM been consist-
folk" "I('a"url' l(l ~ta1c 111nt \\t' :1ft' 11 lit Illt'lIlltl'n~ of lllittt'p by plaeing ~tllBcl8 or ~ig(Jal:-l :11'- £'nt. This may 'be why our folks do not
renlize there is little availnble land in
\\'ho lou/II-," d",'lar" thaI (lnr "ponll"" II,,' F,'/I('rt\liou and Ihal I!ift, mad" to prnprint£'I.\· IlInrkl'd or in s\J('h Jl111Tltlt r

"'nrherth for home building.

,t ,'anuot hI' u'''d for th,' ,.)larit"I>II' ," saiel "nlllllliIII'L' ,hall ,1""111 prolll'r. Consult U9 aboul
ill a Illt'HHUTl' the purchase ot Rome are planning new homes and we
PhUip A. Livingston .\ n' ,\ or:-.l' lhall 1 hI' 11:--t.'\'l'll '\ ork in Ihi~ \'i/'illit.'", \Y,' 1,,',,01 II con 11 is h,'r,'I,.'" d('~larl'd ulllawfill 10 pl'r new land. or It rnnnot too strongly urge the 8£'leetion
you own propetty
Editor, i ft· h. I I .. idprahlC" ~UlJl til ('nrry prop,'rly tIl(' SII- III;t all.'" 'l'hil'\l' 10 .. tand withill Ih,' tbat you \\'oulll of the building site before it is too
!',\('r\'i(,t'. (·i\ it' :llId dl:lJ'lt:lldt' work T'lllil~ flf all~' ~lll'h zOUPS (·untrary to
like to Becu re 9 Inte,
relurn on.
For Ih(' " ..,',·Ia 1 1"'III'1i1 of Elizah.. l h f this \'il'init~', and :lPIIt'ab 1Il11!4t ~lInll till' pro\ isioll:- (If :Ill," :--t1I,h rq,~'\I1:lti(lIl"', Or. for investment, the purl'hase of
Addr~" all l'orrespondence to l'osb Sec. 3. .\II,\" p(lr~IIJlI firnl or l'of Innd with constantly improvlDg prop'
hr"r;all Wood, th,' Lalin litl,' that hf:- lillich' for it, :llId ill or.!t'!' that tht'rt'
Offie~ Box 966. ('rty vnlues will yield good returns.
I';I~ hpt'li 11 1':-\ t 11\\ I-d Oil flit' allo\'(' salll '~lay lip IlO ,lli ... \lndrr . . t:llldill~ tl.i ...... tati' p11ratioll \ iolnting allY Ill' thl' pro\ i:-ioJls
Our TOWIl i" OIl ,all' at th~ depot .jf t 11 i", llrel i 11:111('C' ~ 11:1 J 1 111' I i:lll}l' tIl :1
l;'.lllfy ~(lIJJ! ilia,\' ht' litt'Tnlly 1ranHlatt'd "t'llt iH llladl' :11 thi~ tillll',
::1''' s·stal1'!. un,1 al th~ ston' of H. L
'" 1111';1 II .. Pr,\' l'l'~' LET I'~ .\1,1. TIlY 'I'll 1:,\('IlI·:.\:-;I,: 'II'" "f T"II llo'!:tr- 1'\'111,1111' for """it
Davis, 'I'I: 1·():,\TIlII\l'TI():-;:-;. ,,"01 ,'I,'r.,· "tl'(,I1-", \0 I", '·0111'1'11'01 1'.1" Suburban Omee Clly om..£'.
Entered :ll"l :"t·l·onll·cIH~:-' nl:11t~\r. Octo at Slation. Narberth, 1214 LoclIst l'treet.

\\,,, 10:"" il oil g'ood allthorily that .\lIti TulH'ITlilosi:- .\S~II(·iatill)1. L(ll,~tl ;:1\\, :1'" likt, 1ll'1I:i1tit>:- :tr~' ('(lllt'l,tihlt', Pennsylvania. PhllRrlelphln,
her 151h, 1!114, al th,' Post OllieI' at Sec. 4. .\11 ordilla,II"'" or I'"rls of Phone. Narberth 1710 Phone, l'l'ruce RGl'JO
t hi' Fed, r:1f itlll of \\"Ollll'!l ':-; ('!ulll" vutl'd Ilrallch,
I'arh('rth, !'(,l1l1sylvullia, Illl<!('r the art ,,'diIlHlIl't' ... iJll'lIl1~istt',d ht'I't,\\itiJ lIt' and
II :1 fll:llI. for \'j, i,-wl'rillll, ;J1'11'r li:--1l'J1 HrYII \1:/\1 r t'UfllllJlJllify J I (l1I~t'.
of ~Iar,'h :1, ISiD. till' "";1 lilt· :1 rl' 111'1"1'11.\ I t'pt'a 1«'tl.
'II)! to a f(,11 \\1,11 ,.]lo,,,n words on II", :\1 a i II I. ill,' !lr" 1I,·h
11 : ...... 1.,1 lhi, !'tll :I"y (If n,·l,do'r,

IIhj,'d frolll o"r old fri,'nd !Jr. Wil· I' ('d ("r(l~:--,
;;1111 \\·iI1ialll~ 1'.1'1'11 III' ill H(\adill~ IT :\1,,;11 1.;11" Citizl'll" .\ ..... 'wi:tf 11111.
o I'R T, 'W ~ <('ill gladly pri III allY l·l·1I1Iy. :\1" i II 1. i IIC' FI'llt'ratillll of (·lIIlTI·llt, ....
w. H. n. 11,\1,1 ..
I/I''1t'S al'olll 'Illy slI/>jcct '1('hieh is of ~1I1111rh:lll _\ "'SIII' ia t jllll,
President of Council. i I
)/1/('I't'sl ,Yorba/II folks
/0 Cop.'J 1':lrhlt'lI' I Frl'lll·h fllr (ill~h) \:0\\ Y, :\1. I'. ,\ ,\ rd !lIOJ"I'. Don't be caught napping when the
IS duc oil '{II C.ido I' a( eacll '1t'cck, at l'Il,\:--. \, '(ILL.
ltlt'\.;. H~ though
{j V:H I.o/t' (;J/,y'l,«t'i,'cd Il'l'd-
'\\1' 111
dill· ...
Il':I\l' tl)\\ll Of
CIlIT NUTRITION CLASSES ~t'l ft'! ;11"\' llf ("111111':1. youngsters come around.
Ilcsday C~'''llillg '1L'ill he prill/cd 01l/,'J 'dl'lll1TIIS ill :Ill l·troTt at di~gl1iHt'. \\'1'
\1111/11\1'1\ lhl'" lllth .1:1,'" til' (),·tlllwr.
W e have some very clever kinds
il space is slil/ a'1'ai/able. ;1\ t' hPI'1I C'ut 111' fllr t 11(' g'U'od of 1he \:lltritilill l·l:I"st' ... l' tIl" IIIlllt'I\\I'iglll 1~l~~.
11ldhit, four t illlt':-- 1111\\ and it i:-II'I all I 1111,1 TI'II, l'tlll' 1111' t I'll 1111 ri II},! tilt· }I:\ ... t
\'\1:1. !l. \II·:TZ(;I·:H. of HALLOWEEN CANDIES.
Cbief Burgess.
SATURDAY, OCT. 21, 1922 '.t'I~r and :-\ldt11.'~ hy :I ItJJl~ ~lIot. :-: hool :-:,.ens() 11 at tht, ('hl'stlltlt\\llid
See Our Window Display.
:'.l'hnol, lIt\ \ t'rfl,rd 1llWII!'ilJ ip. 110\\ 11:1 \'t'
);(l. ~I.:
J,nIEIWE:-;['Y J'HO:-;E CALLS Th,. ('Ohllllll i- :I\\"ilillg "ith \>,II"d IlIl'h·1' ,·hilolrt'll ,,1 I'ra,'li .. ,"I.'" 1I0TlII"! Phone Orders Promptly Filled and delivered.
Fire, 350. :'rl'ath. th .. 1'"l>li .. "tioll of th"l "if \\I'ight. th"1I1<s 10 lh,' ,1I11,\II,'r lIorl; of Call Narberth ) 705
J'olie~, 1250. 'Iud whpn" ilifoTlllation (·oIH'PTnill}.t' 11)(' :!lp Anl11l0TI' 11":llt1l (·I'llter. Tht'SI'
or Ardmore 20
Lllwl'r l\ll'r;oll High ~Chl,ol sun'I'Y' It ,·hiJdrt"1 agT(,I',1 10 fnll,'" Ollt to till'
WEET You'll Taste the
IIt"I"irill;l tl1t' }n.'"illg- of sidl'\\, l'lIrh:--
FORMER OPERA SINGERS NOW . had ollglll to 10.. " iuII'rl'slillg. Par I",,,t Ilf 1I1I'ir "loi1il.\', till' h","tlt rll!<'"

! White's
:IIld ~lJ1tt":'" ~tllnrt ;\\('1I1IP, frolll
NARBERTH RESIDENTS -inIiarly so, "hollld it "lIlunale from Ihl'. t,,"gltl Ihl'llI ill ,·Ia», "lid to rl'porl "t

IludIe-y a \"'1I1IC' 10 ('nil IVa." a \ ('11111'.


HOP Difference
r"l~ular illll'r"al" til Ihr lI('allh ("'lItl'r
Sollr,',' frlllll \I hi,,1t w£' itllagin,' il will.
* t I hI' \\'eighl'-d Hlld I1H~aI"UTP(1.
Till' ('t,utll'il' (If t1H' Bnro\lg-h of ~:lr- I
Th~rl' i, 110 IllhL'r I','r,oll who i.. 1,~lt,'r
The rC'port Oil thp~t' weiJ.{hing-H,~ ,"11,,\\",'. . Ilt·Jth do(':-; (lrda ill: Ii:~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~;:J
.. apabl~ or mll~1' fittl'd ttl ,~raft, a ,'Olll-. Ihal th,,"£' t,,'£'I,,1' chil,lrl'll gaill('d allY'
Section 1. '1'1".1 Oil 1I('rS of pfCIp"ttirs r
'Il,I"'Ultl\'et J"('VJ('W of th~ sltunt'tln, We'
• h pre f r<lIn I • POll111 IS t £ I ,'II'-J poun(.,
I \\ I"
ahutting- 011 both ~idf':" of ~tnHrt a\'l~'
lI\1t'. frolll I)udlpy :\\'('1111(, 10 ('onway
'all illlllginc no gr£'ater "ollr£'utration of I '
UTlug' Ih (' !"oUlltlllPr. ilia k·lll~ a t0tal of Plods on night and day, adding to the bartk accounts of
hp. alld tht~:-' :trt~ ht'r(lh~" r('-
" I
"ffort thnt whIch h£' wtll .put .UpOIl )iI';:a poun,},;. l\liss H('I£'II Coil' Carter,. depositors in our Savings Department.
tll~ SUhJI'~t. Etc., ~tc. Ad lIlfinltum.
,!lIirl'd 1" I","
"ilhill Ihirl~- (:1111 <la~'s,
of th,' Hl'alth ('{'nll'r i" espl'.-iallv w£'l1
from Ihl' dal£' of "erd,'£' of uoti,'l', l'ide- Twice a year interEst is credited to every account
* * * pIPasl'd with I hI's£' gain,. in \'iI'\\' ~of th£' in our interest-earning .department, and many are
walks, "lIrhs :011,1 gnll('r" ill "onforl11'
.\11,1 this ollght to ha\'l' SOJ\1£' \It'arin'~ fad tlllIt all of 1h (,ltil,lr~n w('re nlor.. enjoying the benefit of its service.
It.\· "itll t'xi:o\titl~ ordil1atlt't·~.
n onr salllr~' h"ing doul>l£',1. If il dol'S' "r ll'ss .. ~riously unclcrweight at Ihe hc- Let us open an account and put compound interest
I',. w(' "ill 8i1llpl)' go altl'ad anti J"l'. ;!inning of Ih .. illltl1lnl'r. Sec, 2.
11\\ IIPIS tll
Fu i Inl',' Oil I Ill' I'" rl of:;-;;:v
t'o llply \\ ith tht' }lTt)\ i~ion~
to work for you.
'\'f,il,' ollr r,,"ignatiou for tI", 1\\,('11' tit Thc Ilealtit work in the ).[ain Lin~

t ill1(l. l-l,'hools, this ~'(,llr, will not he .-onfincd

of :--;",'1:011 1. sh,d1 ju,lify th(' B<lrough
.\llthorili .. - til ha\'{' 1111' \\'ork done,
mlyr tlrriol1 mUlr nuil mrust Qtompnng
to Ihe unMr·\\'cight "hil,lr£'n. All the ARDMORE NARBERTH BALA.-CYNWYD
Hilt cll~tillg all light·spt'akiug a,i,}P. {'h:ITJ!iIlJ! tilt' .'Xp<'ll"('S ttl 'the D\\ Ilf'r~,
d,ildre-n of th,' 1'II'Illentary s('hools ift
the I"choo,1 pJ"l',lic-anH'nF is hl'coming ,\ith all :o<1,lilion of len p .. r ,' .. utUtII,
th£' Havl'rfor,1 T'ownship, an,l in Ihl' r_.:~
qllit£' s~rious. Since the Narbert.h ~i.!'l :r PPIUtlt.\·, t~olh·l,ti"lt· ill slIf'h Ill,llln<'r
I.o\\','r Ml'rion 1'0\\ nsltip, \\'ill ht' gi\'l'lr
i-:,ltlt'nlional lll\'l'st.iglltor has unl'1trlh,',1 It~alth inslrul'!ion this ~·ear. ·and they
as I It£' Ia ". 11 ir£'rt". MARSHALL CO.
faels reg:lfllillj! Ih£' pau,'it." of our High Sec. 3. :\11 ordinances (lr pnrt, of
II ill hI' wl'igh£'d at ell-finitc int£'rntls.
:-;"hool ~I'hol:lr'i. thl' ptohll'!H l!l'ars ,0111 or,lil1nl1""s in,'on,isl~nt wilh the pro\'i· CONTRACTING PAPERHANGERS
tioIl, Auel. 1'\'('1' r£'n(ly to iUllugurat<· siot!> of this or,lilllllll'l' hI' "ntI thl'~' an'
IIIO\·£'meut,.. fm lite good of this our in, 11l'r('hy rt'lwnl,"1.
imilahle Borou~h. w£' sugg£'st stopping Th£' Ladips' Ai,l Rori£'ly of the Holy 1',Is-,£',1 this !lth ,1,,~' of Ocloh~r,
Ih~ :-;e\\, Building I'rojl'd instullt<'t and Trinity Lutheran {~nrrh will hold 1\.11· ln~:2,
t'uli"ting the unqualifi~,l support of othl'r ('Ilk£, s"lp on Ih~ Lawn fronting W. H. n. HALL,
('ook Bros. President of Council,
11l!1 Fllrrl'"t .,,\'('., Oil I"aturdl\~-, 0<'1.
\ tt .... l :
Our r.'a80Il for Ihis i" oh\'ious. Th~y (,Il.\~, Y. ;-';OEI.,
TIll' n·c>.'llt {'~I kl' 1"al(' \\";1:-- \'C"r:-' HUt"
At. th£' hn\'c IWCll ,,0
j!I'IH'rOUs at odd tim£'s, ill
", ssfll1. althongh a nUI11'hl'r "f laic'
Sl"'J"('tar.\' of ['bull"i1.
offeriug port inns of their plll,'e of husi·
'Ollll'r" Wl'rl' ,lisal'l'l\illt~c\ as I'vl'rythillg
'-\l'pro,'£'<1 Ihi .. \(Ilh day of O.-tohl'r. •
n£'ss to hI' use,l in Ih£' interest of Cuke l!I::?~,
"a., ,li~po,,£',1 of early iu the dny. Whi1,'
1";<1l'S nn<l so forth, thnt we imagine GAlt!' B. ~rgTZ(H;R.
Ihose in rharg£' will likely haY~,.n l;l~g{'J" Ohief Burge:s,
shl' they would rendily agr£'r to hudng the
sllpply it would he well to h£' on hand
High' Brltool ..ontlu('\el1 in t.hl'lle sal1ll'
,·ady. •
i<l£'nhicnl prNllisl's. It wow,\ sutely ('las .. ifi£'t! Ad\'l'rtisellll't1ts Pa.\·
hl' in tlte ,'£'ult'r of thillgs and no lnis·
~O. 21~
tuk£'. Near th£' Bright£'st Rpot, White's,
l'ltl' !lads Emporinm nnd ot.h£'r plnl'es "To Enjoy Things"-
whl'rl' tit£' H. S, studl'nts ute pro\1('
10 tuke Ih£'ir post grndualt' "our"l' ill
HI'gulnting th£'

TO GET things, TO DO things-these
of puhlic hig-hwnys three proper desires of man are alI-
now very low priced
A prolllin£'nt ~i£,)1iiln millionnir,'
"lattered up to our front door t 'otht\r
* *
ill the Borough of Narberth hy VI"

ties for vinlations,

inclusive. "Temptation 111 the inette-
hkular trllffil' all,l prodding penal, ment of a natural desire· to go beyond
the bound set by God." Adam, Christ,'
Y can now get this famous hot-water
, heating system for your· garage at
most unusual prices. Just as ARCOLA warms
The COli Ill' il of the Borough of Xur, aU men were and are tempted along thousands of homes while saving fuel, so
(,\'l'lling in his perambulnting sltow-
h£'tth does orclain these, three lines.
('ase und Inid <10\\'11 th£' Luw t.o us in ARCOLA Garage Heater will warm your
no ultr,£'rtnin terUts r£'garl1ing snndr,\' Section 1. The term" vehicle" whrn The Men's Bible Olus, Presbyterian
hl'r..innfter us£'d in t.his ordinnnee shall ChurCh, will study the lesson, "Jesus •
garage at lowest cost.
.. thank, 'allis" tltat still exist on
lI'pply to allY rOIlVeynnf'£, whet.hcr: Tempt&d,'" Sunday at 9.45, A. M. All
:s"nrhl'rth highways aft£'r tlighHal1. Right now we can offer you ARCOLA Hot-Water
" For thl' six IntlHlrl',l nltd thirty,s£'conl1 hors£'drnwn or' propelle;l h~" £'l£'dril,ity men invited. Come and help us. Garage Heate.r "t<these remarkably low prices.
tillle, why 'n 'I'll doesl1 't. the Boron;;h (II' motor fuels. Compare them'\!fth the price of any other garage
fix '('m'" he interrogated,
* * *
Sec. 2. Th!' Committee on Poliee and
,Health of th£' C'..oll11 l'iI of thl' Borough!
ARDMORE heater on theniarket.

with )'" '

,The,ollly, thing \\~C can .d'~ is to g~\"l' ,of Nnrherth is h!'t£'by aut:horized and i ARCOLA
For 1 car . regulator and Hard coal $ 82.00
IllS comp!:lIltt undue pu'b1~cI~Y. Winch cmpo\V£'rl'll to ndnpt regulations c1l'siglt.:
garage 4-section wall Soft coal $ •
is done h"rewith. Now, It 1S squarely rlting in the Borough, either per·

Committee ilf the Women 'Il ('. ARCOLA with }
For 2 car regulator and Hard coal $ 97.00
* * * Auto Licenses WEEf( OF OCTOBER 23 -garage 8-section wall 'Soft coal $
for 1923' I Concert Orchestra
i Every Evening and Sat. Matinee ,
Come iri and see this wonderful hot;.water heater
while you can get these low:prices. \,
I " :i
I cnn Sl'cure 11123 Iil'Cn!leK for
Monday, Tue~d~y '., Wednesday- ' [ 'COOK BROS.
~'ou promptly '1;1:'. ordered, ea'rly.,

'FRED-WALZER, 1:~!~~!e~~t~~~~~~:I.
. . • .. ':PENN.••
Nuberlb.30Z J'.:.'. ' , '. ::
.r~sUec:, of theP~ace, ' . ,NatioI1U~e:a. huriie~ne'. " "
Pho~e 1257·J .~'.
...,.:,-;....-.;..,.,- ~---...,....,.;,.......'"""""'" ............ Thursday and Frlday
Founded on ,Tennrson's famous,•.',
poem. cast, of 20,000. . ..
:, " ...

...... " ~ . .... \: ~., . . ... "'.':
' '.......
. -,., .. , . '.": ..

. wlllk·along Montgomery Pike. Former· exillting indebtedness of $54,000.00.
Pi tillS lit ltJr aUptrr1}rs RCADIA"".
Jy, thl3 weedll which grew to a great

\\cuther and there WIIS a smull gully $165,000.00.

Montgomery Pike, Narberth, was estab. ()v,'r ~'hi~'h II few boards hlld been lai'~,
3. The amount. of the. propos.ed in-
hl'iJ.:"ht, were very objectionable in wet creaso in the honded hidebtedness of
said School District is in the sum of

4. Tho percentage of the proposed

A i
. CIiEsTNur,Bd."" SI.
.lre-ol .... _
. . . . . Wo..ld.••y.-COadauo... 10 A. M. 10 II.'.

A mi,llion men iished 1682. Here 'Villiam Penn wor- i ~()II"tltlltlllg a very dallgerous eondl' increase in the bonded indebtedness of
,hipped, as well as many other noted I ti,,". In winter, the 1Il1id wns vpry said School District, computed upon the
Friends. One of the historical spots of ""'j' :IIIl 1I0W a
I I II f h' It I bllSis of the last preceding assessed val·
" t IS as, WCIl untion of taxable property therein is

America is open for worship every tak"11 "urt' ufo Jt i~ hoped that I\'e !lIuy 4.9058+%.

have turned to r' (Sunduy) morning at 11 hI' abll' to havl' a si,ll'\\nlk Illid the
5. Aftor said proposed increase in the
hnlan,·f' of thl' distanf'e 10 Wynnewood indebtedness of said School District
Flr,t-day :-;.. huol clo, .. u Jurin!:: Jul~ .\\'1'11111', \\'hi"h I\'onld 1,1' greatly np' shall have been made, the total amount
lid ,\ugust. I'n"'latf'd by all I\'ho hllv,' to I\'ulk thut of the then existing indebtedness of


<li,lall"" along lil,' I'ike.
said School District will be in the sum
of $219,000.00 and the percentage of the
Til., "oll~rcgatiolls arl' stell<1il~' grol\" Raid totnl amount of the said then ex-
ing, d,"' to th,' ,'x"f'lh-nt ilia II Ill' r in isting indebtedness of said School Dis-
WEEK ep eeT. 23
"The Dust Flower"
\\'" i"il Ihl' ,,'f\' i,"'" arl' l'Ollllud~J hy trict, computed upon the basis of the

Cigarettes ~ullday 1JI118ses at 'i 0 'clock and 10

'I ',.joek. On first alld third Sundays ~I r. Ikll alld ~Ir. JIult. alld he,.ausl' of taxable property therein, will be
Ill' Inte Muss is II High :\11I5S, followed
t I", Ii III' "Iusi" hf'i IIg 1''' t on hy :\1 r. 6.:; 114+%.
:-;"r:l 1 t. I t is 1"'1'1'<1 Iha t IIlllfe (Il'ople
last preceding assC6sed vlliulltion of

0. The proposcd increase of bonded

AS POSSIBLE TO 10.00 A. M.. 11.08. I.ot.
I.JII. 11.•11, 8.10 P. M. '.tII.
-a firm verdict for
,.,. benediction.
\\ ill ",,"till1ll' 10 ,'011"', a, till' ~"f\'i,'" indehtcdness is for the following pur,

' ... I JJaily :\[IISS at 8 A. :\1.

i:-- of :-,uc'h a c·liaral·fl'1" :IS til :--atisf\·1 po~es, no.nlely:
1'1 '" \'''"1' "lid 11,,1 <1i'l,k",,' tl,,' II,OSI "a;" In orde~ t~) huild, equip an.rl furnish Ii
BAPTIST CHURCH OF THE . i s,.hoo] h\lllrllng, on the lot, III the Bor·
. superior quality. EVANGEL

Rev, Avery S, DeulIllY. Pastor.


TI ... ~1""tg"""'I.I' ~,'h",,1 1,"-. a II.'\\' joining

. 'I' I
oll/orh of l'\arherth, Pennsylvania, ad·
the present Public School
11,''', !t';l\ 1', II", "I'lIt rl' ot' \;Ir) ... rl" I'r""1 B"iJding on the en«t, and bouadEd on
the norlheast hy !llontgomrry Avenue,
,1/ \\ lit,,', :-;\\' I,,·t :-; 1"1', I:; :1I1l1 on the south hy Sabine Avenue.
111 r,'lft'''' IH'fllrt' 1'\ ,'r.,· :--t'r\ it,t'. an(l to provide fOT,· pay, nnd refund Ardmore, Pa.
:--\('I"\"it'('S, ~tll)(1:Iy. (kto}H'r :.!:!:
cxi-lillg telllporary indehtedncss in the
!I.:W ,\. ~I.--I'rayl'r i-'"rl·i"I'. "um of $):;,O()O.(lO. Sedans for immediate delivery.
!iA,' .\. :\1.-·-i-'ulldn.v :-;"1",01. B\' orller "f the Hoarrl of Directors Other models at the Show
11.110 ,\, ~I.- ·~I()rl1il1g \\'or"hip, 11
of 'the S,·h"o) Distrif't of Xarherth,
'",trat"" talk 10 l·hil<lro'l1. :-;,'rlllol1 b~' :\r"lItg-OIll,'r~' ('onnty, Pennsylvaaia. Room
Artll1ll' S, Walls. 0: D .. Past:Jr. 45 E. Lancaster Ave,
lilt, p:t:--l0f llll tIll' fht'lIlt': I'Tht' J)I",'.alll- c. HOWARn Mf'CARTEH.
,'r alld His Hel·ord.·· (;l'lI. ;~;::!lI, Presillent. TEI.EI'UO:-;E: ARDMORE 171
~\llld:IY. (hot. ~~: HEXHY nOSE,
I,flll 1). ~1.·_-YoulIg- J'l'tIJllt· 's .\J\'l,til1~, .
!' ,.-, \. \I. -- Hi I.),. ;-"'h",,l. Sl'l'rct<lry. Open in Evening
1.1' . . ;-.011 ill I, I.if t ' Pr"ldl'IlI:-;," \0 . . ::
Ii p(I \ .. \1.- .\I'l! !I i II:': \\"lll'",hil" :--;','1 !
" ('u!"t 11)11:-- :11111 II : l l l i t.. III (Jill I ,i ""S, ••
1111' "(;ou.!· FIll' \"1l111ill:..:. . . . II".
I.,,! by gTOIII' ::, :,OIls .... \'t'rn:1 .\la1th~·, TAILOR
\ 111111 III, ,I (I rt'll t :1 II t 1 :\1;1 r\ {' :/111 ~, •
l;'II1;lill, Cleaning. Altering, Pressing
'1 .:' 1ty t Ii,' Really-made Suits and Suits Made to
7.. 1.-, I'. .\1. ,.:, t'lIlll ~ \\' H, .. 11 ill. I\l' r '. l '!IIII'll",

"Ht'I';llI:"ot' 11(' )... 1\ \ d ~It Order

cigarettes '1'/111 : hl'lili , ''\In;,,·I,'- 1\" .\:!
Reasonable Prices
!','rrt,nrl,' • ~I:I t 1. ) II: ~:C.
:-;"., I .\ I. I
,~,Illl I'. ~r... \\'l'oIl1,',d;t.\'~~1id
\\ ""k :\1 i .. ~ Huth E, l'n':oi~t"lt, ~tll'r;lJlH, S.N. PRAGER
\lis.- ~lary E. \Iad··"lls, (·""tralt,,. 211 IlAVERFORD AVENUE
thl' ('hun'h, ,'olldu"ll'd 1.."
: 1,1' pltstor. ~II, E,h'''rd B, :-;tan],-.". TI'II"r. " Meats, Groceries- Ahove Am. Store
We call for and deliver
If you aft"' 1101 \\(Jr:"hil'pill~ (,lSI" .\11. .Juliu, Br"ssl'ln,;III, 1I",s".
I;.j.', 1'. ~f.-Ep,-""rth LI'''gllt', Ll'aol,'r
and Provision•
,dlerl', ~'ou arl' iU\'ill'" to j"iu "ilh U,
1L-~cfY-- p
... ".... ::. ~. III thesl' services. ~Ii" .\kth":1 l,al,,1>.
~1.-E\·t'llill~ \\ or~lI i p.
'.~ ;- .,J.) p,
rl'II11, "('lIi1dlik(,IIt>~~ ,..... , (·hildi~hll(·N:"o."
Phone, Narb.rth 663 GEORGE W. BOTTOMS
\"th"llI- ," II,,\\, Lnnl.: \\'i11 Th"u 223 Haverford Avenue -Contractor and Builder-
Rev. John Van Ness, Minister. F"rgl'l \Il'!" (1'f)Il"g-prl By th,' (,hor Narberth Caralle BuilJinll a Specialty
for Ol'lo},l'r 22: BH~:"oO ~(Ilo-·;Th(, Puhlican," ( '-:1n '-------------l1420 Rockland Ave, Narberth, ra.
A. ~1.-:-;IlIl(lav f-;.-!IOOI.
!lA.; AI) ,jp WaiN) :\Ir. Rra."lulan,
Rainey : J)epa.rt men ts. . "Pra.,·pf it:-- a H:lttl('·groulld I ' "'ill Ze:n.1i:D1ayer's
11.()0 A. M,-:\Iorning Worship. f'er· h t ' tht> :ootntl,\" Ill'xt "'('dIH1SdH~' 1'\"(lnillg
Wood : 111011 themc: "Stu'mhling' Bloeks.·'
I 4.00 P. 1\1.--.Junior C. E. ~feetillg.
at ~.1I0 1'. :\1. KI NDERGARTEN
Reope:n.ed. Sep'texn.ber 18, 1929
Coke 1 i.OO P . .tiL-Meetings of the I"tl'r·
! medillte an,1 two Hellior Rocieties.
VANIA 125 Windsor Avenue
.,45 P. M.-J<:veuiug Worship. He- COUNTY OF MON'!'GOMERY
ports of the rlplegutps to the \'Ilrious ELECTION NOTICE
"oufl'reuces of last SIlIllUlcr. For :~~ea:; ~eD;:~~~:h~fS~:~~ I
'We eun now meet any demand for coke. ei t her uu t or
stove size.
Church Notes
~ext :\Iouday ev!'ning the Deacons
Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. I
Pursuant to a resolution of the Board
I' Listen In!
Do you hear the concerts every evening? If not,
"u,1 their \\ ivcs \\'ili lIleet at the homc of School Directors of the School Dis-
trid of the Borough of !'nrberth, :Mont·
I just phone for demonstration.
Come in and let us tell rou something of its lIses. of _\lr. and Mrs. 'Villialll A. M(:'Clille.v, gomery County, Peunsylvania, unani- Radio Outfits. $18.50 to $600.00.
. 2] 1 Halllprlt'n A\'cuue. lIlollSl'y adopted at an adjourned regular Also complete line of parts for those who wish to
;-' .
BUY IN NARBERTH Xext WNlne'rlay l'velliug the Allnual·. meeting held the 26th riay of Septem-
make their own.
~leeting of the ehurl'h will he held for ber, A. D. 19:!2, notiee is hereby given I'

m •
h l'
~', e e ef'~JOn 0

BOllnl and OrgIlUi7.Utioli.

o " t 0 h pr '''J '11 h I
to all electors of the School District of
F:lder~ and Deacons. the Borough of Narberth that in order
I here will also he verhal reports from to' obtain the assent of the electors of
thl' presidin/or ofiicer of eaph Church, t.he School District to an increase in
. the ~um of One Hundred Si~y-five
I' tl' Thou/illnd ($165,000) Dollars ln the
417 Narberth Ave.
A. W. WARD, ·Jr.

Narberth, Pa.

." ~. '1') I' ° lSI'f\' p, III 11" bonlled indebtedness of ~aid School Dis-
('hur"h us 'l'empen,u('e f-;llurlH~·. trict .!,.. ,,'''''''"ull''mlll''....N1l1l1l'"'m''III''''''OII...IImllllllnlllm.. ''''''nflmlllOlII'..,IIlU'"111QIIlI'IIUllllllmllllllUlllllllllllUlIIlIllH'''lI1ltllt"mlll'"llllnmllllllllllllll,nn1I1111111l11n,"IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.II'IIII
Phone Narberth 375 ~1'h{' llJelnher:-;. of tile l'rufllp ]{oJ! ,"ere' .~
. PUBl..IC ELECTION ~111mllllmlllllm ,1II1111ll1Iillllllll,mlllllUlIlllllltllmUllIllIUIl1ll1ll11llIIUIIllTlllnlO,mnmlllllllllll'lII11llllll11llnlll1ltllnlll1ll1l1llllUlllllllllnlllllmnllUIIHttUIIIIIIUllmllUUlIlllllllm;r

:.:iven a wOIl,It'rful parh' at the Church. wiII bo held in BIlid School District at i . i .
, 'I I .
.a"t "HII' a\' lIfterlloon, h\' t.he Ruper,
't.he place time and under the same I,,:
I t" "d d b I f th -
"TJh e R a II0 W.e ' en St ore ".'II
;: . The Best Place to Buv
" -our
.,. Drugs '. .
'1Ilt....lltlellt, ~lr •. HOI'lIr'e 'WaullulakPr, regu a lons
holding of as .
provi e elections
municipal y aw inor said!

~Irs. Tbe~1' tot~ ~

We are ready to serve' you at all times. anti her ns.i.tlluh, Mrs. McHoRe, lind School Dis-triet o n ' 'I
Make our stores your stores. A. C. Broll'll.·· litth' TFESDAY, NOVEMBER 7th, 1922 A FuB Line of Dennison's Novelties, Colored Crepe h
Main L~eDrug Stores
. Between the hours of Seven o'clock A ! H
hUlllanit~· UpOIl ~.= _:I
PHONE 1620 nre ahout the mo"t marvelous hIts of, 1\£. and Seven o'clock P. 1\£. I Paper, Cards for Parties, Etc.
ARDMORf, NARBERTH this terrcstial sphl'rt', being the day and time fixed by law .I.,:":I:._...• !_ _ .._•.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.111111 the~' ('ntainl)" had II
Inst MOllllav. Including
glorious time for .holding the General Election at the :.
the mother" polling place In the said School Dis-
Largest Line Yet of False Faces and Masks 5

. b fi . . "trict and beiD<l' the place of holding

~I ollt. ft~· were .preRent. Every baby! thc 'municipal "elections for the Mid i!
111 till" (·ongregalioll ~hou)(l he enrolled DiRtrict, when and where each duly H
i~ ~i
MARIE LADUE PIERSOL, Soprano, formerly Primll Donna
ill thi ••Iepartment.
. . .
'qualified elector 'of said School Dis-
Bible Class held a busi·. trict Il}ay vote or against the pro-\ H
. : posed lnerease of lDdebtedness. '!
fQ~ ,•
Da"7)·8' Shop ;=1
of the Bremen Opera, and Soloi~t with the New York Symphony.
Or('he~tra, the Hpartanhurg Music Festivlll, Apollo Cluh of Boston
ill'S" meetJllg an~ scclllI at the bome of 1. The amount of the last preceding B it
",and numerous othor organizations, and
BVRTOX PIERSOL, Baritone, formerly of the Royal Opera, Borlin,
Rl'\', allu :\lrs. 'all :-<c..~ last Thursduy, asseB'8ed valuation of taxable property ~i
. afternoon. Iin said School District is in the, sum 'of
$3,363,aoo.00. .. I i! 226 HAVERFORD AVENUE
'The Oldest store in Town,

the BrenH'n Opera, and Soloi~t with the New York Philharmonic,
Xew' York Rymphony IlIId Chicago Symphony Orchestras, HOLY TRINITY EV. LUTHERAN i 2. T,he total amount of the eXlstmg 'I H
'indebtedness of BIlid School District is h H
WrLL I:"STRUCT A LIMITED NUMBER OF PUPIL8 CHURCH; in the sum of $69,000.00, of which $15,-
• •
000 00 is to be refunded lee.ving 6. then I~tIIIIUtnIlUlllllIIlllllllll"lIIIIHUltIlIllIUIIlUlllllllllIIllII"lllljllmll'''"tlIIn,lllIlI,IIIII1fIl,"llnIUllltlllllllm'II'U,","I1,nll,,,n"I'"111 1l1ll1l1'lllllllllllnll't1UIiIIl""OIJIIJIlllll1nl""I1l'"lllmU"IIRUllll~i
11 !;

at their Xarberth residence. Special rlltes for 10cIII "tudents. Dr. S. D. Daugherty, Acting Pastor.
:. ," Telephone Xarhcrth 2291 for appointment.
;'., :
~l'r\ it'l'S Sunday IIlllrtiing in tbe Y. . :.~'
i""......._ ...._"ll1mll'... 'to..I ..I....III"""m"nllll'""',,"""".IIIIl'I'I"lllOl111l1ln'lIOlIunll""'IIl"....,"'"Il1I'IUIItItII""l1I1UlllJlIllll1mmlllll"IIl'llllllrulllllllllllnll'IIIlIlIfIIlIIllIRllllnull"'n...........

and Term
SOc Down
'"._:rrnllll,lIIlmll'lInIINllllllllhllllllllllllnllllllllllmmllllllllllllllllll11l11l'llllllllUlllumlllllllllllllll"ltllllll'IIl'IIUIHIIIII'II'lIlnUnlltlm,"nll1llllllllllllltllll'"lnnllllllltllll'tfllnlnUlllllIMlllllllllmlllIIIIt1' :\ I. .( ~. .'\ .

:' L· t d dUr t d S j; , ~~~~;l~r ~:~~:~e~l t ~.4;jo.:~ ~~. 1\1. 11

IS e an ,n IS e ecurities bougbt for cash .\.11 welcome, ,:.r: ,~
Church Notes
l It or carried on conservative margin
l !
The Ladies' Aid will meet at the
'h'ome of Mrs. ]\filler, ,Brookhllrst Ave., The best artificial light to be had at
I _

Established 1872
115 South Third Street
& CO.

Wcd. evenin~,
Wy...,,,,,d Avo. "d
Oet. 25th, at 8 P. M.

".,lg''''ry· Pik,
any price is·now within the reach of all
Years of experiment, res~rch and constant improvement

IIm"'lI "'lI .: ': : '~':':':lI ':~:': '~':'~:'~:":'~':':': '"': ': ':':~':'" " " lI " ~ '~ I:~:~'~'~ "'" "'U'" ' ' ' ' II ~:b~ib~o~;e~u~ec:~tor
by the experts of the Welsbach Company have resulted . :,
in this lighting marvel-No. 7104 Welsbach Gas Light. :" r
• 11ll11"""IUWlIU"I,,"IIllIIIIII~IIl""""11IUIIUlIIlIHIIIIt.:nlllllllUI1I"1Il111I1111111ll11Il"1Il1111ll1111l11"'"I"11I11l11'III,tt,,",,'"IUUmtlll'".,m'I'IIIItU'"IIIIIlU:"llllt'''IUlnlllliUlIlIlIInUmIUm::m:::::::..., Rev • . •. ' . • ,
Assist.ant Features of Superiority: .. .
(l)·,Imprpv~~.adjUs~ble Bunsen burner reduces' amount of gas"
. ;. used, butjncteases speed its flow, resulting in brilliant il1llmi- of
nation'; ,(2), Weli:lba,ch "Re1J;ex" upright mantle; which gives long
. :wEiSBAOH '.
s~tvice'.Withotitileteriora·til\g .. ($ ).Depcridnbles\llf,lightirig . 'uttaelllllcnt,
whiclnvorks ,l>Y .0.. gentle pull of, II. ehtiili, nnd, when tho light is not in use,
.',..,.. >, ,: .:.. ~'. ~: .': '.' .," '. : :.~ ::::.:. . '. " ':' ",',\ ~. '.: ','.' :" .: ,,' :,:: I, '. , ' . , .' : " "..... ' ' ; ;.".... .";' •' 1
".::': . s~pp1ie8.'a ti~y,glow'thnt le:11ls you 'Ill the fL'dure in the darkest room.
. ~ : but ar(3' fl6~d lil)(m;.t~eir: mf!ri;tS,a.loile.:· Some.rtel~cha,nts, '. A ·eoiiipl~te :mo~etll,'l1ght' {4) 'Beo.utlfu.! flowered .' shade' ,of: finest glnils\\'ufc) designed 'to harmonizc
, makeaPta¢tj.~e of sharPly' ie<iucing aseasoii:abl~artiele ' in every: respect. , In, with tho most deCbruHve llud .. tl\steful sutro\ll1dings.(Ii) A grnceful light
stalled on. your·celllng·. or which harJiiQnizes with ,the lil\e~ of the fixture.
. ',' tq ~drawtrad~:~nci.make up ·th~ lost ptofit on, ,the re~t lilde-:wall I1lttute. readY to
tlgh~ on th~se speem}
." :of th~ 'Bt4ck.~:tlt, is~.trtiis.n(thatth~:PubIic' does nof:,,.. ,elIsy', termll
ll8t!'···nOWN AND
., . ,'
is6ci: Ii Deginto Bi'ight~ Up Tod~y.:
,; know ',the.. '¢erchllndise;·'sn.d': it j~: ·th~refore' :--',: For the· convenience of our eOl1sumers, we are, 'without extra eharge,
.",'''' .riec~s&~y ,to; ~~r)pli 'iii stores :.:w4~r~-~ t~~::s19g~~.'J)¥ :):'.
,? light
COtlSllicuous by its -absence.· \:: "
arp l"l)

thillrg~ writtl'Il fliT t1l.'111:

\\"",·1 tho~t' (luI. :I1Jd gJ\ I' thl'll1 olliy
Ihi" ('oulltry Fair haR 6v~r been
llIany iuft'rioT, f'oIJlIl'!ic'PTHling
ill );Ilrl,l'rlh, :llId \\1' douht if it will
('an't WI'
• \"('1' hI' dUl'li":lI,'d for-wl'll,
GB.aa - MeG-ole'

.. I, ~
1708&1710 LudlowS! PhUa. 0
We solicit your work in thiR lint" a" we ha H ; -
oae of the best m~n in ]~h'ilat1e1phia in l'harg'\' nf Ihi" D"l'arlll1~nt--
1';\'aIIR, :'1101 .I,.lill "'illt' alld .Jim D:lr· Bell Phone, Sp,uce 38,06 ond 3S-117
a poli,'y of gjvin~ "USlllll,,'r" \\'h:II fh,'y I'ay for. aod "'l'lIlg th,,1 tl",,, t!('t it. :J!
what \\t', lind 1lll'Y tlll'III""I\.· ... \\:l1l1. II fair l'hargp,
\ ill,' :111 I .. Id I'. T. Harllrllli \1('Killil'" KCYllone Phone, Ro"e 70-5.
til hlIH\\, til drllll); "r'. ttl Ii,.· hy,'"
S. S. Wenzell Machine Company
lila)' Tl'l'l) \ l ' r :If'tI'T all tlip work th,'y
I )Clll 't t Ilill k I 'Ill }.:.(·t 1 III:,..:. t 1111 Illllr:ll.
h:I\I' dlllli' til l l l l k t ' thl' '·'air a :-;l1l·(·t·O;:~.
'1'}II'TI' i... .111 .... t :1" 111111·11 ,";1 t i .. f:I" t ; I 'II II f
GARAnteed Roofs 5000 Parkside Avenue. Philadelphia
CHILDREN'S CORNER '111 ,klll:llJrI fllr :1t!\I'lllllrl' ill "Ttl\ll Illlt tlH'Y \\ ill 111'\ t'r Ill' tilt' sallj('~ Hell Phonl'-- Bt'llllllJ1! ....d fi7 K"ystlllll' Ilbtl!JI' \\'1'''1 111,PI ;

\\'ilhllllf .!,qd.t, t'l!III\t1t'ntioll or :11:;

III .J 111,\' 111 I' I :,,11 ,,1' ,t ,,1111 J \\ :1" (I J lelll' I

~\\:ft :llJd lIi~ ~Iptnr t·.\·(·ll·" ;IS tlH'rp
I .. III , . , 1I\l1l~ 1.1l.·hlll\;lr :lilt! his ~tl'l\d IhiJi~ lil<t, ~ kit .\011 ,,',11 Itli~s the' 1',:11
Tbe NarberlhElectrkalSbop l \\'1' are 1I111.'· )11 \lilllltl'''i 1'1'(1;11 ~:Irllt'rtlt,


\\itll illljH" .111,1 It"I'llida1illll'', (III ~I}I "t' tiH' Hl'''t.'' TII:tf 11k bllt'r h:IIIIIl'II~ (1f' ;1 lift, tillil' if .\.111 f';lil 1(1 ,. f"I,,'rt
1If /':I,E('Tl{!CAL CO:'oJTRACTOkS , ,

~~ifil. \\ ill, III 1d \\ rltll' II I II j d' I II r ~: II ;.!.II .. I': I, ... II' t'·"'1 t " :11 1":1 'I 1'111' t 11 t· 1";11 r .!"
tt"II111 r iI \\.,'" 1,11l"I,d Soot'" Order your coal as far ahead as possible and state the siZe you prefer I!
" I , I,ll' ,I I'I lin I i II I ~ II I I' '·~l· .. ~ion.... \IIII'I'II\lr. ,\011 ,\:11
We repair•• ell and install anything
sati ... t:II'llllll :111,1 1'\"\1'11 11,11111'''. Thl'~ 'I It.. j';1 \ ' I. \\ and your next choice. : I
I,' t '1'111' ;1" \ If!tjt0rtllllll it ... to :11·'j1Jirt· 1':lr~lI illS t 1I'If El~l'\ripal. 01,] hOllse wiring a specialty. While coal 'will be scarce, everyone will be supplied.
1' 0 1111\\. iilll Illd, JIll fill I 1111;111'1.\. \\ I'al "1'''1 Illd 01" t'1I .... ' . l'llt IITI'
\\ III 1111t f:H t' :1 11l'r111:11l1'1l1 I'H,k
A,k ahout 0111' Ihree-payment plan, in
ill;.!, tIlt' 1.1':llll!flll q!d Ellgl, ... h "l'r,pl ' I 'oJ ,I'" :1 t'1' '11! rIg!. t 111 ~'" r\ I O'!' 11;111~', ,'It .""11

\\ 111l'h. nt tlit· Id,r;lry. 111:11,,\,:,\ thl'1I1 lo11k It h (lld.\· \\!I.·II Ih,·.\· :Hl' all II.'" tllt'1l1 'If disg-u ... t \\ itll .' llllr"wif that \\ ill IH'" t'r
(':udin;.:' fixtllrps. Phone 1633 or 3!l5W, II
... ·1\ I'" t ldlf thl'.'· flltg"! thl·ir Ill;tlllll'!S. ,'Olllt' "fl' \"'''.' 11I1 \\ ill. if ~'Il11 1I11"S 27 )'nrll~ in I'hUa·
fully :1" !Irllud :1" IllI'.\· dl''''l'n I I,
,1(lhn 1),,1:1\ :III, tl·l1. :--oll l,j' :\1 r. Hill! ,llld lrl;lkl' tht· rt':!I!t-r f"rgl't Iii ... , till'" 1·':1 i r I HOWARD C. FRITSCH Rprlll"e 1-100
Ardmort- 10-1
drlphla nn,l >'lIunrl",
at "our
niH." :It
~IJ". F, :'\. Ikl:l\:lll, Ill' 111,\ \\'Ilodllillt' J \ I' 111111;11 i 1'1'" l·rloll,!:Il. ('II i It! rl'lI .... .\lId ,!Jllik hll\\ tilt' k tis \\ ill I tllp,\
Justice of the Peace .\ UP\lOH E.
.\'·P.: \lIllt' ~11t·1·.I. t11\' ,··It·'t'll yt':lr IIld HIHd{ \\'I·,'k i . . . l'Olllill;.!. . .\1 tht' Jii'!':lr.," ;111 tIlt"' fl·;111111 ... thnt :Irt' "('illg .. t:I~I'd REAL ESTATE
d:lllghl,'r or \11. :I lid \Ir", lIugh H. it \\ III lit' II·ll·llr:ltl·d 011 FrJd:t.'". " " " I ' I l l fill' i111'if .·..;pf,l·ial lllnlbt·IIIf't1tS. ;llId
>;1'" •. 01. I~; ,'h",llIul A\"·.; Hit:l I-'llIlk. hl't' 17th. 'I'llI'll thl'rl' \\ ill Ill' :--011'1' t1lilll( of t1il' 1I111 .. il', :111" tlit' IH':1I1'JIs, Fire Insurance-Best Companies
1l1Ilrt~. !Ill ..... ihh· 111011' Idl';I~\Ir~d,JI', lllOr:il and tilt' JillJlI'lIrll. ;llld tlll' pink 11'111011 Ave.
Illirl"I'Ii. d:tllglill'" of \!r. '" \11'". 1 ·liarl.'~ Phone 1749W-215 Haverford IIIAIN OFFICE: FRANKLIN RANK BVVILDINO.
FUIII<. of ~~:\ IOlla .\v".; \I:<ry Blodgl'll, j:;illg- ill thl' fllrnl 111' ;( di:>\.!:I.'" IIf 11lIld" .. :Id(' Hlld till' IlIlt dogs :alld th,' hilt I'llI' 1417 SANSOlll STREET.

P]"\I'II, tl,,' ":lughll'r of \11'. :llId \Ir", l.!llf1d III 1'1';ld alld tl\\ II. ('01111' in alld "'1'1', f('(', alit! ('\'l'ryt hill).!.
\rilli, E. Illoolg"lt. of 11I~, (;r:l.\ lillg '·:'·t'ryhndy IllIil,t ~ \ 11110:-t forgllt Illl!'
of thp I,j~gl' .. t fl';dltrc'~~ ,\ttt'nl jill!
HARRY Bo WALL ....------------------------ . ---_. _.... --,
,\VI'.; 111'1"11 (·ulhl,,·rl. Ih,' t"11 ,"":lr-old Plumbing, Gas Fitting
daughll'r of \11', alld \11'". HII"~"II _\. OpeNing- L./incheoJJ '\'l'Tyhn,]y~ till hoth 1''''lIings will "I'
and Heating
('lIth"I,,.t. of );orlh H'I(' 1<1:1 11,1 HO:ld;
\'irgitlia Ey"', lell-ypllr-old dallght,'r of
\('Olllinul'd frolll Page 1) IH'"r \Ii"" Ilor"thy Lilliull SI"ffl"tl :llId
\liR~ \lirianl 1'"11.. Iwo 1"lentp<1 sillg- NARBERTH PA
The only way to earn money is to
min Franklin said,
~ave it. As Benja-
\( i", I'rs. ,\ lid wh"t'" J"Clr" \fis" Rtoffll'ft i" Phone. Narberth 1802-.1
)Ir. lIlId \Lr", AI""rl B, I';yrr:; 1~;\ tillll ' .. ;lc·hi \ ('J1II'lIls Pi
\"oo,bi,I., .\\'t'; \:;d" ill \\'o]f, Ihirt'·I'II. a('('orrlillg to );".""a ~f('!\r"in. th" ,·,,1,,· "A penny saved is a penny earned."
"rul",! arti~l, Ih" ,,','olld lIIoRI lwallti· PAINTING GLAZING
son of \lr. and \Ir~. E. T. Wolf. ~1~
fnl girl ill ,\nH'ri,'". all,l whil~ w" ha\'l' DECORATING JOBBING The way to do this is to buy at H. Ricklin's. and you
EIIlI Tprra"I'; Ih.' Ihrl'p '!:lughtl'rs of
\lr, til"! \II'" H. (1. .\ulIg~l, Kathryll. a lI't Iward whal :\-li"~ \l1·.\I"in h:ls to WILLIAM NEWBORII CO. will see that you get more for your dollar there than at

(.I,,\·elt. Adpll', Ililtl', lIlId P"gl!~" Iplt, of ":ly :I "Oll I it, thl' fad i, Ihllt )Ii", any oth~r place.
40H J)u,lI"y Avt'.; BUlh ('ook, 11'Il-yl'ar-
Klitz "otll"" \I'r." do,,· 10 ht'ing till' Painting and a.aaratlng
old ,laug\:tl'r of \( 1". L. >;. ('ook, of
., ~I"'ond "1'1'olld I'rl'tli.'~t girl" ill 212 Woodb'ne Ave., Narberth, P •. Your attention is called to the Perfection Oil Heat.el·S
,\lIIer;"II. Bolh IIt"~l' ('h:lrlll,illg, alld, Phone,Ardmore143&W Narberlh1758W now in demand. Ask our price, and we are sure of
1~~ Wintl~or .\\'1'.
Hpe('inl llIenlioll is dUl' .\rIple AUllgsl, lait'lIt"d ."oullg ladi,,>, ha\'e ('OITH' ont making the sale. •
h~"lIu"P shl' \\'11" 1101 dnulllpd "y hpr to ~"rl,,'rlil 10 I'nll·rtain tht' gn.'st~ ,.t
srant nith" Y~~lrs. and spctns to havl?
tlon~ her rl'lI,!ing aR ult,l<'r,lan,lillgl~' II"
tltl' ('oUlllr," Fair :IS Ih"ir ('ontri"ntion
to thl' 'l'1'11I1i, .\~"H·iation, all'! if il is
afl"r Frida.,' night "hen ~'ou 1'1',1<1 Ihis,'
Nalbcnh Taxi SClvicc
Patrick F. Donahue H. Ricklin
Ih~ older onPR.
,,~ warll ~'on that :-Ialnrc]ay l'\'pnillgi
1 ('anllol hl'l" a bit O\'~r
,till n'II1lJills :lR ."our la"t nnd filial'
Open Day aod Night Phone 1633
the li"t il"~lf. So h~r., il i" agaill. all
th~ HOllor·IHlok" ill ordl'r of Ihpir \,01'- opportullil.\" 10 l'1I,ioy this trPllt. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;
.\lId ,Jolt 'I forgl'l Ihp snakp ('harll"'!'s r
-- (:lthPT alld HOII, })ou~ln:-,s ~far~h. ~t'll· For Bowling and
Bl'n.d hy:
1. >;101')' of IlIl1l1killll, ran Looll. 'i. ior :llId .ll1l1inr, :l1Ie! 111l' lalt~r tlH' Pocket Billiards
cOlne to the
Only One Kind of Tailoring-
(s~l",'1 ion~ 'lIl'! pil'lurps.)
2, Hobin Hood-his hook, Tapplln. ;.
Yon,q..:."t ill th" "'orld, or lilt' Tril'k
Wiz:lrd, or the Fortnn~ T~H~r :\n,! all RECRJ:ATION ROOM The Best
Ihl' JlIIII,lr"d :In,] On" \Vontl~rs of thp ~o. 1 Forr~t Ave. La,lil's' IIntI GI>lIts' :'\I'\\' Fall and Willtl'l' Suits and
:1. HiI' Yall Winkle, Irving. ;, C L. PARKE
4. "T
orkillg 111)' \\'ay a rOllJll! Ihe .\gl> l'xhi"itl',] for Ihe l<'ir"t an,l Olll~' O"I'f('oats Ma(h· to l\II'Hsure

world, Franck, 7. Tillll' ill tll(' Borongh of Narh~rth. Ihis Our IIPW lim' of Mason & I1ansoll Exclllsi\'e \Voolens
:i. Hero-ta.l.·s frolll Ih~ F:lr );orlh, ,"'ridlly "\'l'ning, un'] Raturdny uft~r, arl' in. Come in, look tlll'lIl 0"1'1', ~I't prirl's. You are!", 7,
6. Biography of a grizzly, Rpton-
n01l1l 1111') ~\'pning, on Ih~ grounds of,
Thos. A. Kcrrlgan &Son 1)11(11'1' 110 obligation.
Narh~rth 1749,R

Building and Contracting

Homes For Sale Or Rent
The Lower Merion TaUors
Plans & Estimates
Furnished For
Remodeling Pressing Relining
• Alterations & Repairing
Work Called for and Delivered
The L~~lgue will meet at Write, Phone, Call
of \!rR, Romaine Hoffman, 102 FORREST AVE., NARBERTH, PA.
Od. 2:lrd. at :I P. M.
\Irs, H('rMian Rl'h\lartz, Oounty: IM:~;;;;:;;;;;:;~;;;;:;;;;;:;~;;;;:;~~~~~~;;;;:;~~I
"hairlllllll, will uc],lre9S this lIl~eting. anrl
thoRI' ",h,o ha\'e h"IITl! h"r lIlust ad mil
-ht' wastl';; 110 tilll~, arl h~r lItt"rnnpl's
ar" 1IIWll~'~ ~xI·~ptlillgly worlh whi1~,
)Irs, ~('\I\\ artz will talk on party or·
galli7Altion, the I'oming "lpl'lioll lIUrl,
(·al1l1i,lat,,;;. and also oUllin~ the ,lutie;;
of '·onllllitt .... W.lJml·n. All members arl'
I'arnl'stly urgl'd 10 !IlP pres~nl aud,
brill~ a g\l~st, as the above sub,ied;; Each Bell Telephone subscriber is connected
m\l~t llP of great inter~Rt to all Yot"r;;
at th .. Jlr~spnt time, immedi'at~]y pr~·
to the local central office by wires - two
p~,ling thiR November e]~eti()n. l\ I'or, tiny wires.
These wires pass through a maze of cables
and coils, through delicate apparatus that •
must be kept in careful adjustment.
And that isn't- The end of it, for there must
be apparatus to connect each telephone here
with any other Bell Telephone in the nation.
The job of building and maintaining this compli...
OLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS .cated equipment is done by twC>'n5ted men -men
'l1wo cents per word It eaab 'accom-
who think in terms of never failing service.
panies adTertlaement; otberwlae, aT'
Theirs too is the task of installing new telephones.'
and of maintaining them. .
In addition to their knowledge of telephone con-
struction one outstanding quality characterizes these
men-they are imbued with the spirit of courtesy.

SOME GOOD furniture for ~llle, l'heap,

;z;;:~~~ =:::j~~ When they come into your home or your office you
find them anxious to do their work quickly, effici- j
Phone :'\arherth 6!i!i-.T. (2,,,)
endy and neatly.

1140:1. They want you to feel that should they return-at'
some future day you will welcome them.
For they know, as do all Bell people; that counes, pa'Ys. i 'J

with 1111 .use of
No 01Jjel'lion ,to
Ave. (2·r)
a chill],
·FO.T Permanent,
····BOY.. ·~:···
, ','
i'.. .... ,

Dlscncc Manage,.
smGdlcJQulk.UOIllB i ,: .";,~'


, ' ,
: ~~ ... ~,.,,~.::~, ...._',I., _~' '__.._' '.,
..':: .
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