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By Shyh-Jiann Hwang,1 Hsin-Wan Yu,2 and Hung-Jen Lee3

ABSTRACT: A softened strut-and-tie model for determining interface shear capacity is proposed in this paper.
Contrary to the shear-friction concept, the proposed theory predicts that ultimate failure is caused by the crushing
of concrete in the compression struts formed after cracking of the concrete. The shear strength predictions of
the proposed model and the empirical formulas of the ACI 318-95 building code are compared with collected
experimental data from 147 specimens. Examination of existing experimental data indicated that the softened
strut-and-tie model developed in this study is capable of predicting the interface shear strengths of both the
push-off and the pull-off specimens with or without the precracked shear planes. The comparison shows that
the performance of the softened strut-and-tie model is better than the ACI Code approach for the parameters
under comparison. The parameters reviewed include concrete strength and amount of shear transfer reinforce-

INTRODUCTION The shear-friction method does not correlate well with the
observed failure phenomenon of concrete crushing in the re-
Situations exist in precast assemblies and composite con- gion adjacent to the shear plane. To prevent crushing of the
struction where shear must be transferred across an interface concrete in the crack, the ACI 318 building code (1995) places
between two dissimilar concretes. The highly stressed interface a limitation on the maximum shear stress as the lesser of
is a potential failure plane, and failing to provide adequate 0.2 f c⬘ or 5.5 MPa. This particular limitation in the ACI 318-
reinforcement across such a plane may produce a direct shear 95 building code has imposed an unusual restriction on the
failure. Because of external tension, shrinkage, or accidental beneficial effect of increased concrete strength on the interface
causes, a crack may form along such a plane even before shear shear capacity. Clearly, design methods based on a fundamen-
occurs (Mast 1968). Therefore, the design approach should tal understanding of interface shear behavior would be pref-
consider the interface shear capacities for both the initially erable to the present procedures.
uncracked and initially cracked concretes. A softened strut-and-tie model for determining the shear
A typical push-off specimen under direct shear without mo- strengths according to the compressive strength of the concrete
ment is presented in Fig. 1. It was observed (Hofbeck et al. strut has been developed (Hwang and Lee 1999, 2000). This
1969) that diagonal tension cracks crossed the shear plane at model is based on the strut-and-tie concept and derived to
an angle of 40–50⬚ for initially uncracked specimens under satisfy equilibrium, compatibility, and constitutive laws of
loading (Fig. 1). Similar diagonal tension cracks occurred in cracked reinforced concrete.
initially cracked specimens that contained a high percentage The theory presented in this paper is an extension of the
of shear transfer reinforcement. Final failure was accompanied softened strut-and-tie model to predict the shear strengths
by compression spalling in the region of the diagonal tension across an interface associated with the failure of the compres-
cracks adjacent to the shear plane (Hofbeck et al. 1969). sion strut. In this paper, the theory will first be developed, and
Studies of push-off test specimens to evaluate interface then the precision of the analytical model is gauged by the
shear strength showed that considerably higher strengths were available experimental results. Data from a total of 147 spec-
attained for uncracked sections than for cracked sections (Mat- imens were compiled and compared with predictions from the
tock and Hawkins 1972). More interface-reinforcement per- proposed model and the ACI 318-95 building code.
centage and surface roughness improved the maximum-shear
stresses (Paulay et al. 1974). The interface shear capacity in- RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE
creased with an increase in concrete strength (Walraven et al. This paper presents a new treatment of the prediction of
1987). interface shear capacity based on the softened strut-and-tie
The design provisions on interface shear of the current ACI model. Contrary to the shear-friction concept, the proposed
318-95 building code were developed empirically according theory predicts that the ultimate failure is caused by the crush-
to shear friction concepts. To reinforce against a potential ing of concrete in the compression struts formed after cracking
shear-friction failure, the design procedure is based on posi- of the concrete. The softened strut-and-tie model was found to
tioning steel reinforcement across the interface in order to pro- be successful in predicting the shear transfer strengths of spec-
duce a definite value of compression across the failure plane. imens of various parameters.
Therefore, interface shear will be withstood by friction be-
tween the faces, by resistance to shearing off the protruding HYPOTHESES FOR STRENGTH
portions of the concrete, and by dowel action of the reinforce- Test observations have indicated that the shear failure across
ment crossing the interface. an interface occurs after diagonal cracks have formed in a
Prof., Dept. of Constr. Engrg., National Taiwan Univ. of Science and
Technology, Taipei, Taiwan 10672.
Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Civ. Engrg., Chung Kuo Inst. of Technology
and Commerce, Taipei, Taiwan 117.
PhD Candidate, Dept. of Constr. Engrg., National Taiwan Univ. of
Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan.
Note. Associate Editor: John W. Wallace. Discussion open until No-
vember 1, 2000. To extend the closing date one month, a written request
must be filed with the ASCE Manager of Journals. The manuscript for
this paper was submitted for review and possible publication on May 8,
1999. This paper is part of the Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.
126, No. 6, June, 2000. 䉷ASCE, ISSN 0733-9445/00/0006-0700–0707/
$8.00 ⫹ $.50 per page. Paper No. 20901. FIG. 1. Shear Transfer Test Specimen


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direction inclined to the shear plane (Fig. 1). The final failure The horizontal shear Vh is resisted by the three mechanisms
is usually due to the crushing of concrete in the compression as (Hwang and Lee 1999, 2000).
struts formed approximately parallel to the direction of the
tracks (Hofbeck et al. 1969). It is thus assumed that the inter- Vh = ⫺D cos ␪ ⫹ Fv cot ␪ ⫹ Fh (1)
face shear capacity is attained whenever the compressive where D = compression force in the diagonal strut (negative
strength of the struts is reached. Because the formation of for compression), and Fv and Fh = tension forces in the vertical
struts is at the expense of concrete cracking, the compression and horizontal ties, respectively (positive for tension).
struts suffer from strength reduction, which has been called The force ratios of the horizontal shear Vh assigned along
the softening of concrete (Vecchio and Collins 1993; Zhang the three mechanisms are assumed as (Hwang and Lee 1999,
and Hsu 1998). Hsu et al. (1987) also investigated the interface 2000)
shear capacity using the same strength hypotheses. The soft-
ened strut-and-tie model proposed in this paper, however, is ⫺D cos ␪:Fv cot ␪:Fh = Rd :Rv :Rh (2)
different in many aspects from the softened truss theory sug-
where Rd , Rv , and Rh = ratios of the shears resisted by the
gested by Hsu et al. (1987).
diagonal, vertical, and horizontal mechanisms, respectively.
It is commonly believed that a distinct difference exists in
The values of Rd , Rv , and Rh are defined as (Hwang and Lee
shear-transfer behavior between initially uncracked and
1999, 2000)
cracked specimens. A strut-and-tie action is well recognized
for the former case, whereas the behavior in the latter speci- (1 ⫺ ␥h)(1 ⫺ ␥v)
mens is believed to be governed largely by the shear-slip char- Rd = (3)
1 ⫺ ␥h␥v
acteristics of the cracked plane (Mattock and Hawkins 1972;
Hsu et al. 1987). However, a different point of view, that the
strut-and-tie actions play a dominant role in both the initially ␥v (1 ⫺ ␥h)
Rv = (4)
uncracked and cracked specimens, is raised in this paper. It is 1 ⫺ ␥h␥v
believed that the initial cracks along the shear plane will not
suspend the development of struts, but that they will enlarge ␥h(1 ⫺ ␥v)
Rh = (5)
the softening effect of concrete struts. 1 ⫺ ␥h␥v
In this paper, the concrete struts are assumed to be aligned
with the direction of principal compressive stresses, which are where ␥v = fraction of vertical shear carried by the vertical tie
oriented in parallel with the diagonal tension cracks. The in- in the absence of the horizontal tie, and ␥h = fraction of hor-
clination of cracks varies at different loading stages. The di- izontal shear transferred by the horizontal tie in the absence
rection of the first crack is determined directly from the ex- of the vertical tie. According to Schäfer (1996) and Jennewein
ternally applied stresses. After initial cracking, the changes in and Schäfer (1992), the values of ␥v and ␥h are defined as
direction of the subsequent cracks are due to changes in the 2 cot ␪ ⫺ 1
direction of the principal tensile stresses in the concrete, which ␥v = for 0 ⱕ ␥v ⱕ 1 (6)
in turn are dependent on the strain conditions of the vertical
and horizontal steel. Dealing with the shear transfer across the 2 tan ␪ ⫺ 1
interface, the direction of principal stresses in the concrete near ␥h = for 0 ⱕ ␥h ⱕ 1 (7)
the shear plane is most important in the determination of strut
orientation. Unfortunately, the surface preparation of the con- Eqs. (6) and (7) indicate two extreme cases, namely, that
crete interface will further complicate the problem in locating the entire shear is carried by the vertical mechanism (␥v = 1
the inclination angles of the concrete struts. and ␥h = 0) for ␪ ⱕ tan⫺1(1/2) and that the entire shear is
It is more reasonable that the inclination of the cracks (and transferred by the horizontal mechanism (␥h = 1 and ␥v = 0)
thus, the concrete struts) should be determined as the rotating for ␪ ⱖ tan⫺1(2). This model will be used to explain the
angle following the postcracking principal stresses of the con- strength behavior of the interface shear.
crete. This paper, however, simply assumes that the direction
of the cracks is inclined at the fixed angle following the prin- Macromodel
cipal stresses of the applied loading. This simplification makes
the theory deviate from true behavior, but it greatly facilitates The upper block of Fig. 2 presents a possible shear element
the computational work. for interface shear transfer, and the lower block of Fig. 2
Interface shear problems frequently involve situations where shows the proposed strut-and-tie model. The diagonal tension
new concrete is cast against an existing surface, especially for cracks in the test specimen (Fig. 1) had revealed that the hor-
seismic strengthening. It is realized that the upper and lower izontal interface shear force Vih is lifted up from the shear
blocks in Fig. 1 may contain concretes with different strengths. plane to the top of the inclined cracks. Because of this shifting
In this paper, separate strut-and-tie models are used to model of force, a counterclockwise moment is generated automati-
the upper and lower blocks in Fig. 1. The weaker portion con- cally (Fig. 2), which makes the force Vih transferred as part of
trols the strength of shear transfer across the new and existing a diagonal compression.
concrete interface. The vertical mechanism of the softened strut-and-tie model
(Hwang and Lee 1999, 2000) is chosen as the major load path
SOFTENED STRUT-AND-TIE MODEL for the interface shear transfer. There are two reasons for this
selection: first, the vertical reinforcement across the shear
A statically indeterminate strut-and-tie model consisting of plane has long been recognized as the important element in
diagonal, horizontal, and vertical mechanisms, to transfer a resisting interface shear; second, the steep struts of the vertical
diagonal compression, has been proposed (Hwang and Lee mechanism could be reasonably accommodated by the diag-
1999, 2000). The diagonal mechanism is a diagonal compres- onal tension cracks developed uniformly across the shear
sion strut with an angle of inclination ␪ that is the same as plane. For common cases where the inclination angle ␣ of the
that of the diagonal compression. The vertical mechanism in- steep strut is equal to or less than 45⬚, i.e., ␪ ⱕ tan⫺1(1/2), the
cludes one vertical tension tie and two steep compression entire shear is carried by the vertical mechanism. After the
struts, and the horizontal mechanism is composed of one hor- yielding of the vertical tie, the diagonal mechanism then joins
izontal tension tie and two flat compression struts. the shear transfer, but at all times the horizontal mechanism

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When computing the cross-sectional area of the vertical tie,
it is roughly assumed that the vertical shear reinforcement
within the center half of the interface is fully effective, and
the other vertical steel is included at a rate of 50% (Hwang
and Lee 1999, 2000).

Eqs. (1)–(7) are used to express the force distribution
among the struts and the ties. Because the horizontal mecha-
nism is excluded in the proposed model, the value of ␥h is
always taken to be zero.
The maximum compressive stress ␴2,max, resulting from the
summation of the compressive forces from the steep and di-
agonal struts (Fig. 2) on the nodal zone can be estimated as

␴2,max =
再D cos(␣ ⫺ ␪) ⫺
sin ␣
冎 (12)

If the bearing pressure on the nodal zone ␴2,max reaches the

capacity of the cracked concrete, shear strength across the in-
FIG. 2. Strut-and-Tie Model for Shear Transfer across Inter- terface is attained.
Constitutive Laws
does not participate in the resistance. For cases where ␣ > 45⬚,
According to Zhang and Hsu (1998), the softened stress-
i.e., ␪ > tan⫺1(1/2), the horizontal mechanism of the softened
strain curve of the cracked concrete can be expressed as
strut-and-tie model is also effective in shear transferring. How-

冋 冉 冊 冉 冊册
ever, the horizontal mechanism is not included in the proposed ⫺ε 2 ⫺ε 2 ⫺ε 2
model (Fig. 2), and this will be explained in a later section. ␴2 = ⫺␨ f ⬘c 2 ⫺ for ⱕ1 (13)
␨ε 0 ␨ε 0 ␨ε 0

冋 冉 冊册
An incomplete strut-and-tie model, composed of the vertical 2
and diagonal mechanisms, is proposed for the interface shear ⫺ε 2 /␨ε 0 ⫺ 1 ⫺ε 2
␴2 = ⫺␨ f ⬘c 1⫺ for >1 (14)
transfer. 2/␨ ⫺ 1 ␨ε 0
By lining up the steep struts of the vertical mechanism with
the direction of the principal compressive stresses, the config- 5.8 1 0.9
␨= ⱕ (15)
uration of the proposed model is thus defined by the angle ␣ 兹 f ⬘c 兹1 ⫹ 400ε1 兹1 ⫹ 400ε 1
(Fig. 2). The vertical and horizontal components of the diag-
onal compression across the interface can be related as with f c⬘ in MPa; where ␴2 = average principle compressive
stress of concrete in the 2-direction (positive for tension); ␨ =
Viv tan ␣ softening coefficient; ε1 and ε 2 = average principal strains in
= = tan ␪ (8)
Vih 2 the 1- and 2-directions, respectively (positive for tension); and
ε 0 = concrete cylinder strain corresponding to the cylinder
The failure of the compression strut is defined as the crush- strength f ⬘,
c which can be defined approximately as (Foster and
ing of concrete at the end of the steep strut that intersects with Gilbert 1996)

冉 冊
the diagonal strut and the interface (Fig. 2). In order to check
whether the failure stress is being reached, the area of the f c⬘ ⫺ 20
nodal zone which bears the pressure must be estimated. The ε 0 = 0.002 ⫹ 0.001 for 20 ⱕ f ⬘c ⱕ 100 MPa (16)
effective area of the steep strut Astr is defined as
with f ⬘c in MPa.
Astr = as ⫻ bs (9) If the stress-strain relationships of bare mild steel for the
where as = depth of the steep strut, and bs = width of the steep vertical shear reinforcement are assumed to be elastic–per-
strut that can be taken as the thickness of the test speci- fectly plastic, then
men (b). fv = Es εv for ε v < ε yv (17)
The depth of the steep strut (as) depends on its end condition
provided by the compression zone at the interface. It is intu- fv = fyv for ε v ⱖ ε yv (18)
itively assumed that
where Es = elastic modulus of the steel bars; fv and εv = av-
as = ai (10) erage tensile stress and strain of the vertical tie, respectively;
and fyv and εyv = yield stress and strain of the vertical shear
where ai = depth of the compression zone at the interface.
reinforcement, respectively.
For general purposes, ai can be determined by analysis of
Based on the simplified constitutive equation for steel, the
the fully cracked transformed section with straight-line theory.
relationship between force and strain of the tension tie can be
For simplicity, ai can be approximated using Paulay and Priest-
ley’s equation (1992) for the depth of the flexural compression
zone of the elastic column: Fv = Atv Es ε v ⱕ Fyv (19)

ai = 冉0.25 ⫺ 0.85

f ⬘c
ᐍi (11)
where At v = area of the vertical tie, and Fyv = yielding strength
of the vertical tie.
where ␴v = externally applied vertical stress acting on the in- Compatibility
terface (positive for tension); f ⬘c = compressive strength of a
standard concrete cylinder; and ᐍi = length of the interface in The sum of the normal strains in two perpendicular direc-
the direction of the shear force. tions is an invariant; that is

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ε1 ⫹ ε 2 = εh ⫹ εv (20)
where εh and ε v = average normal strains in the h- and v-
directions, respectively (positive for tension).
Eq. (20) is used to estimate the value of the principal tensile
strain ε1, which is directly related to the extent of softening of
the concrete according to (15). To avoid overestimation of the
softening effect in situations where behavior is governed by
yielding of all reinforcement crossing the track, Vecchio and
Collins (1993) propose defining a limiting value of ε1, which
can be used in the softening formulations. It was recom-
mended that the value of the ε1 limit be defined as the strain
level at which the principal tensile stress is limited by the
yielding of the reinforcement crossing the crack (Vecchio and
Collins 1993). With this aim in mind, the value of ε v in (20)
is limited by ε yv after yielding.
For initially cracked specimens, the larger the crack width,
the larger the shear displacement, and the smaller the attain-
able ultimate strength. This strength behavior can be easily FIG. 3. Stress Element in Determining the First Cracking
simulated by inserting a nonzero value of εh into (20). Con- Angle
sequently the larger the value of εh, the larger the value of ε1,
and the larger the strength reduction of concrete struts. shear applied in line with the shear plane, and detailed with
Details of the solution procedure are presented elsewhere by the vertical shear reinforcement crossing the shear plane at
Hwang and Lee (1999, 2000). right angles.
The inclination angle ␣ of the principal compressive stress
EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATION of concrete at failure is taken as the angle of the first cracks.
Push-Off Tests with Initially Uncracked Specimens For specimens without additional externally applied direct
stress ␴v , the angle of the first crack is determined according
Table 1 summarizes key parameters of 26 push-off experi- to Fig. 3. In Fig. 3, the normal stress ␴h is taken as the average
ments in which initially uncracked specimens were tested to stress of a transformed section. An externally applied tensile
measure the shear strengths across interfaces. Data includes stress acting normally to the shear plane is subtracted from
those investigated by Hofbeck et al. (1969) and Mattock et al. ␳v fyv in calculations of the ultimate shear transfer strength as
(1975, 1976). All of the test specimens considered in this paper recommended by Mattock et al. (1975), and an arbitrary value
were those made of normal weight concrete, tested with the ␣ = 30⬚ is used for specimens with tensile stress of ␴v (Table

TABLE 1. Experimental Verification for Initially Uncracked Push-Off Specimens

Vi h,tes t /Vi h,c al c ACI
f ⬘c fy v ␳v ␴v Vi h,tes t ␣ w0
Researcher Specimen (MPa) (MPa) (%) (MPa) (kN) (ⴗ) (mm) General Simple Vi h,tes t /Vi h,cal c
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
Hofbeck et al. (1969) 1.1A 27.1 350 0.47 0 167.1 38 0 1.27a 0.94a 2.39
1.1B 30.0 332 0.47 0 188.0 38 0 1.39a 0.99a 2.84
1.2A 26.5 351 0.94 0 222.8 38 0 1.24 1.07 1.60
1.2B 28.9 332 0.94 0 218.3 38 0 1.15 0.97 1.65
1.3A 26.5 350 1.40 0 245.1 38 0 1.19 1.17 1.52
1.3B 27.1 332 1.40 0 238.3 38 0 1.14 1.12 1.44
1.4A 31.2 350 1.87 0 303.0 38 0 1.17 1.20 1.81
1.4B 26.6 332 1.87 0 285.2 38 0 1.22 1.31 1.76
1.5A 31.2 350 2.34 0 311.9 38 0 1.09 1.21 1.87
1.5B 28.1 332 2.34 0 308.3 38 0 1.16 1.32 1.84
1.6A 29.8 350 2.81 0 319.0 38 0 1.07 1.27 1.91
1.6B 28.0 332 2.81 0 316.4 38 0 1.11 1.34 1.89
6.1 27.4 332 0.47 0 178.2 38 0 1.37a 1.01a 2.69
6.2 27.1 332 2.81 0 276.3 38 0 1.06 1.22 1.67
Mattock et al. (1975) EIU 28.0 364 1.05 0 407.5 39 0 1.25 1.12 1.40
E4U 26.7 339 1.05 1.38 354.0 30 0 1.24 1.13a 2.13
E6U 28.5 351 1.05 2.76 227.1 30 0 1.33a 1.07a 3.21
F1U 27.9 361 1.58 0 512.3 39 0 1.31 1.35 1.72
F4U 28.8 367 1.58 1.38 427.7 30 0 1.07 1.16 1.44
F6U 29.3 352 1.58 2.76 398.9 30 0 1.18 1.34 1.88
Mattock et al. (1976) M1 28.9 352 0.47 0 169.3 39 0 1.28a 0.93a 2.41
M2 26.9 364 0.94 0 218.3 39 0 1.23 1.05 1.50
M3 27.6 361 1.40 0 247.3 39 0 1.19 1.16 1.48
M4 28.7 352 1.87 0 254.0 39 0 1.05 1.11 1.52
M5 27.2 364 2.34 0 285.2 39 0 1.11 1.28 1.72
M6 28.5 364 2.81 0 294.1 39 0 1.04 1.24 1.76
Total 26 — — — — — — AVG 1.19 1.16 1.89
COV 0.08 0.11 0.25
Yielded vertical tie per analysis.


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1). Since the specimens were initially uncracked, εh is set at specimens with low steel percentages in the range of 0.5%,
zero in the calculations. In Table 1, the general approach except for those specimens with externally applied tensile
means that the depth of the compression zone at the interface stresses (Table 1). For specimens with applied direct tensile
ai is calculated by the program BIAX (Wallace 1992) for the stresses, the reduced ␳v fyv and the reduced ␣ angle are reason-
stage when the extreme tensile steel reaches yielding, whereas able measures to produce satisfactory predictions (Table 1).
the simple approach employs (11) to determine the value of
ai. Push-Off Tests with Initially Cracked Specimens
Table 1 compares the measured strengths with the predic-
tions of the proposed model and the ACI 318-95 building Table 2 presents the push-off tests with initially cracked
code. Accuracy for the analytical models is gauged in terms specimens tested by Hofbeck et al. (1969), Mattock et al.
of a strength ratio, which is defined as the ratio of the mea- (1975), and Mattock et al. (1976). The effect of the initial
sured to the computed strengths. crack width w0 is included in analysis by introducing
The softened strut-and-tie model reproduced the test results w0
with reasonable accuracy. The average strength ratio for the εh = (21)
general approach was 1.19 with a coefficient of variation
(COV) of 8% (Table 1). The average strength ratio for the It is well known that the roughness of the shear plane will
simple approach was 1.16 and the COV was 11% (Table 1). create a vertical separation between the two blocks in Fig. 2,
A more conservative and scattered prediction was obtained which activates the vertical tie for shear resistance. Eq. (21)
from the ACI 318-95 building code (Table 1). converts the initial crack width w0 totally into the horizontal
Analysis showed that the vertical tie yielded only for the slip and thus neglects the beneficial effect of the surface prep-

TABLE 2. Experimental Verification for Initially Cracked Push-Off Specimens

Vi h,tes t /Vih,calc ACI
f ⬘c fy v ␳v ␴v Vi h,tes t ␣ w0
Researcher Specimen (MPa) (MPa) (%) (MPa) (kN) (ⴗ) (mm) General Simple Vi h,tes t /Vih,calc
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
Hofbeck et al. (1969) 2.1 21.4 350 0.47 0 131.4 39 0.25 1.18 0.92a 1.88
2.2 21.4 350 0.94 0 151.5 39 0.25 1.03 0.95 1.16
2.3 26.9 350 1.40 0 187.1 38 0.25 0.96 0.95 1.14
2.4 26.9 350 1.87 0 222.8 38 0.25 1.02 1.09 1.36
2.5 28.8 350 2.34 0 289.4 38 0.25 1.16 1.31 1.73
2.6 28.8 350 2.81 0 308.6 38 0.25 1.15 1.38 1.85
3.1 27.9 345 0.10 0 53.5 38 0.25 1.05a 0.40a 3.47
3.2 27.7 392 0.42 0 115.8 38 0.25 0.97 0.69a 1.67
3.3 21.4 350 0.94 0 151.5 39 0.25 1.03 0.95 1.16
3.4 27.9 325 0.94 0 229.0 38 0.25 1.04 1.07 1.76
3.5 27.9 292 0.94 0 256.6 38 0.25 1.00 1.18 2.20
4.1 28.1 456 0.47 0 156.8 38 0.25 1.20 0.86a 1.73
4.2 28.1 292 0.94 0 218.3 38 0.25 1.24 1.06 1.30
4.3 30.0 456 1.40 0 282.5 38 0.25 1.35 1.30 1.69
4.4 30.0 456 1.87 0 311.9 38 0.25 1.31 1.38 1.87
4.5 23.4 456 2.34 0 294.1 38 0.25 1.33 1.62 2.06
5.1 16.9 350 0.47 0 113.6 39 0.25 1.16 0.94 1.63
5.2 18.1 350 0.94 0 155.9 39 0.25 1.17 1.14 1.42
5.3 16.5 350 1.40 0 180.4 39 0.25 1.27 1.44 1.79
5.4 17.8 350 1.87 0 177.1 39 0.25 1.06 1.28 1.63
5.5 18.0 350 2.34 0 225.0 39 0.25 1.23 1.59 2.05
6.3 27.4 331 0.47 0 71.3 38 0.25 0.58a 0.43a 1.07
6.4 27.2 331 2.34 0 205.6 38 0.25 0.86 0.98 1.24
Mattock et al. (1975) A1 27.5 366 1.11 0 267.3 42 0.25 1.30 1.20 1.26
B1 26.9 366 1.11 0 231.6 42 0.25 1.14 1.06 1.12
C1 27.5 366 1.11 0 225.0 42 0.25 1.10 1.01 1.06
D1 27.1 366 0.66 0 173.7 42 0.25 0.96 0.81 2.38
E1C 26.6 358 1.05 0 329.7 39 0.25 1.11 1.01 1.16
E2C 29.1 360 1.05 0.69 347.6 39 0.25 1.21 1.09a 1.48
E3C 27.4 364 1.05 1.13 267.2 39 0.25 1.04 0.96a 1.30
E4C 26.4 349 1.05 1.38 251.8 39 0.25 1.06a 1.00a 1.45
E5C 27.8 361 1.05 2.07 197.2 39 0.25 0.99a 0.89a 1.50
E6C 27.5 352 1.05 2.76 138.1 39 0.25 0.99a 0.80a 1.95
F1C 29.1 346 1.58 0 369.7 39 0.25 0.99 1.00 1.24
F4C 26.9 354 1.58 1.38 313.9 39 0.25 0.99 1.11 1.08
F6C 28.7 357 1.58 2.76 300.8 39 0.25 1.08 1.25a 1.38
Mattock et al. (1976) N1 28.9 352 0.47 0 102.5 39 0.25 0.81a 0.60a 1.45
N2 26.9 364 0.94 0 173.7 39 0.25 1.05 0.90 1.20
N3 27.6 361 1.40 0 213.8 39 0.25 1.11 1.08 1.28
N4 28.7 352 1.87 0 256.1 39 0.25 1.14 1.21 1.53
N5 27.2 352 2.34 0 261.7 39 0.25 1.11 1.27 1.58
N6 28.5 345 2.81 0 265.0 39 0.25 1.02 1.22 1.58
Total 42 — — — — — — AVG 1.08 1.06 1.57
COV 0.13 0.25 0.28
Yielded vertical tie per analysis.


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TABLE 3. Experimental Verification
Vih,test /Vih,calc
General Simple
Number and f c⬘ ␳v ␴v ␣ w0 Aver- Aver- Aver-
Row Researcher specimen type Loading (MPa) (%) (MPa) (ⴗ) (mm) age COV age COV age COV
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
1 Walraven and Rein- 31 initially cracked push-off 17 to 48 0.1 to 3.4 0 39 0.1 1.21 0.12 1.16 0.18 1.70 0.19
hardt (1981)
2 Pruijssers and Liqui 3 initially cracked push-off 38 to 44 1.7 0 39 0.1 1.18 0.01 1.10 0.02 1.95 0.04
Lung (1985)
3 Pruijssers and Liqui 13 initially cracked push-off previously 43 to 64 1.1 to 1.7 0 39 0.1 1.38 0.09 1.18 0.08 2.24 0.14
Lung (1985) repeated shear
4 Frenay (1985) 20 initially cracked push-off previously 47 to 68 1.1 to 2.2 0 39 0.1 1.54 0.13 1.29 0.16 2.54 0.19
sustained shear
5 Mattock and Hawkins 6 initially uncracked pull-off 34 to 37 0.3 to 1.6 0 52 0 1.42 0.06 1.09 0.17 1.47 0.24
6 Mattock and Hawkins 6 initially cracked pull-off 34 to 37 0.3 to 1.6 0 52 0.25 1.36 0.03 1.04 0.19 1.34 0.23

aration. Because it is on the conservative side, (21) is used in fect on the interface shear strength. It is worthwhile to note
this paper. that the vertical shear reinforcement of specimens in rows 3
For initially cracked specimens, the externally applied ten- and 4 of Table 3 did not yield at failure per analysis using the
sile stresses pull only the vertical shear reinforcement, not the general approach. However, if the previous loading causes
concrete near the interface. Therefore, the ␣ angles of those yielding of the vertical shear reinforcement, the ultimate shear
specimens were still calculated per Fig. 3. Satisfactory results strength is expected to be lower due to the residual strain,
were obtained for the softened strut-and-tie model, as shown which will enlarge the softening effect of the concrete strut.
in Table 2. The aforementioned situation will probably occur for speci-
The statistical results of the predictions of Tables 1 and 2 mens with low steel percentages or high externally applied
indicate that the softened strut-and-tie model is equally reliable tensile stresses.
for both the initially uncracked and cracked specimens. It is
thus concluded that the shear-transfer behavior between the Selection of Critical Zone
initially uncracked and cracked specimens is the same. The
strut-and-tie actions are fully developed in both specimens, A cracked region is observed in the vicinity of the shear
and their failure modes were the crushing of compression plane after diagonal cracking and eventually leads to failure.
struts near the shear plane. This cracked region will be called the critical zone. Mattock
Rows 1 and 2 of Table 3 present the initially cracked push- and Hawkins (1972) reported that a typical height of this zone
off specimens reported by Walraven and Reinhardt (1981) and was observed to be about 50 mm for a ᐍi = 250-mm-wide
Pruijssers and Liqui Lung (1985), respectively. Again, the soft- specimen.
ened strut-and-tie model was successful in predicting the test Compared with the above observation, the critical zone of
strengths (Table 3). a single unit as stated in Fig. 2 seems too large. The most
Row 3 of Table 3 shows the precracked push-off specimens important parameter for the configuration of the proposed
previously subjected to repeated shear loading that were in- model is the inclination angle of the principal compressive
vestigated by Pruijssers and Liqui Lung (1985). The repeated stress ␣. By preserving the angle ␣, the interface shear can be
shear loading alternated between zero and values varying be- transferred through multiple units (Fig. 4), if the vertical shear
tween 46 and 66% of the static ultimate load. Row 4 of Table reinforcement is detailed in multiple layers. The interface shear
3 presents the precracked push-off specimens previously sub- transfer is believed to be more natural with a smaller critical
jected to sustained loading that were tested by Frenay (1985). zone because less redistribution of shear is needed.
The shear stress level of the sustained loading varied between Test specimens in Tables 1 and 2 with at least three layers
40 and 82% of the static ultimate load. of vertical shear reinforcement were recalculated by the pro-
The softened strut-and-tie model yielded conservative esti-
mations for the test data reported by Pruijssers and Liqui Lung
(1985) and Frenay (1985), rows 3 and 4 of Table 3, and even
more pronounced conservatism is obtained by the ACI 318-95
building code. It is noted that the specimens tested by Pruijs-
sers and Liqui Lung (1985) and Frenay (1985) were made of
high-strength concrete ( f ⬘c > 42 MPa). In high-strength con-
crete, a significant portion of the aggregate particles will frac-
ture during cracking of the concrete. It is suspected that the
inclination angle ␣ of the principal compressive stress at fail-
ure for high-strength concrete is smaller than that of normal-
strength concrete. By using ␣ = 30⬚ in rows 3 and 4 of Table
3 instead of ␣ = 39⬚, comparable estimations in line with rows
1 and 2 of Table 3 will be obtained. The above argument is
only a supposition; experimental evidence is still required.
By comparing the test results in rows 1 through 4 of Table
3, Walraven et al. (1987) concluded that the load history, such
as previous sustained or repeated cyclic loading, had little ef- FIG. 4. Selection of Critical Zone


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posed model using two and three units. As shown in Fig. 4, a
slight difference was detected for calculations using different
numbers of transfer units. A single transfer unit is used in this
paper for its simplicity.
The role of the horizontal reinforcement parallel to the shear
plane must also be addressed. In the proposed model, the hor-
izontal reinforcement will not participate in shear resistance if
␣ < 45⬚. Moreover, the multiple transfer units with shorter
concrete struts will also reduce the effectiveness of the hori-
zontal reinforcement. Therefore, the horizontal mechanism of
the softened strut-and-tie model (Hwang and Lee 1999, 2000)
is excluded in the proposed method (Fig. 2).
Experimental evidence of the ineffectiveness of the hori-
zontal reinforcement for shear capacity across the interface can
be found in the specimens used by Walraven and Reinhardt
(1981), Pruijssers and Liqui Lung (1985), and Frenay (1985). FIG. 5. Effect of Concrete Strength on Predictions of Shear
Those specimens (rows 1 through 4 of Table 3) were not de- Transfer Capacity
tailed with the horizontal reinforcement within the critical
zone, but their strength behavior was as good as that of the
test specimens detailed with heavier horizontal reinforcement
(Tables 1 and 2).

Pull-Off Tests

Rows 5 and 6 of Table 3 present the pull-off specimens

(Mattock and Hawkins 1972) with initially uncracked and
cracked shear planes, respectively. In the pull-off specimens,
a direct tensile stress existed parallel to the shear plane at the
time of diagonal tension cracking, which increased the incli-
nation angle of the first cracks. Following the suggestion of
Mattock, and Hawkins (1972), ␣ = 52⬚ is used for the pull-
off specimens.
Because the horizontal reinforcement is ineffective for the
critical zone, there is no restraint to limit the development of FIG. 6. Effect of Normal Stress on Predictions of Shear Trans-
fer Capacity
cracks in the vertical direction in the vicinity of the shear
plane. According to previous studies (Hwang and Lee 1999,
2000), an inclined shear with ␣ > 45⬚ [␪ > tan⫺1(1/2)] will CONCLUSIONS
transfer force through the horizontal tie, thus cracking the con- A proposal for determining the interface shear capacity has
crete in the vertical direction. In this paper, an arbitrarily cho- been made. Contrary to the shear-friction concept, the pro-
sen value of 0.002 is imposed on εh in (20) for the cases of ␣ posed theory predicts that ultimate failure is caused by the
> 45⬚. For the pull-off specimens with precracked shear planes crushing of concrete in the compression struts formed after
(row 6 of Table 3), the additional softening effect due to the cracking of the concrete. Two separate strut-and-tie models are
initial crack width w0 is also added to εh. developed to represent the force transfer within the new and
Satisfactory results in row 5 and 6 of Table 3 indicate that existing concretes, and the weaker portion controls the
the softened strut-and-tie model can handle the pull-off spec- strength. Based on the available test results in the literature
imens equally well. and their comparison with the proposed model and the ACI
Figs. 5(a and b) show the effect of the concrete strength Code formulas, the following conclusions can be made:
f c⬘ on the shear strength predictions of the proposed model and
ACI 318-95 building code, respectively. On the whole, the 1. Examination of existing experimental data indicated that
predictions of the softened strut-and-tie model using the gen- the softened strut-and-tie model developed in this study
eral approach are consistent except for specimens with high- is capable of predicting the interface shear strengths of
strength concrete [Fig. 5(a)]. But a greater scattering is found both the push-off and the pull-off specimens with or
for the ACI Code predictions, with even more conservative without the precracked shear planes.
estimations for the high-strength concrete specimens [Fig. 2. The strut-and-tie actions are fully developed in both the
5(b)]. initially uncracked and the initially cracked specimens,
Fig. 6 presents the effect of the parameter ␳v fyv ⫺ ␴v on the and their failure modes are the crushing of compression
shear capacity predictions using various methods. Again, the struts near the shear plane.
softened strut-and-tie model using the general approach con- 3. The predictions of the ACI empirical equations are con-
sistently predicts the shear strengths for a broad range of the servative for all of the selected test data, and more pro-
values of ␳v fyv ⫺ ␴v [Fig. 6(a)]. However, the ultimate strength nounced conservatism can be found for specimens using
predictions by the ACI building code tend to be widely dis- high-strength concrete.
persed [Fig. 6(b)]. 4. In this paper, the inclination angles of the concrete struts
The performance of the softened strut-and-tie model is bet- at failure are approximated as the first cracking angles,
ter than the ACI building code approach for the parameters and reasonably accurate predictions can be obtained.
under comparison (Figs. 5 and 6). It is therefore recommended However, the above approximation seems to be inappro-
that the current design procedures for the interface shear be priate for specimens using high-strength concrete or the
reformed to incorporate the actual shear resisting mechanisms specimens with a highly roughened shear plane. This is-
as postulated by the softened strut-and-tie model. sue is unclear and more studies are needed.

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