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Investigating Aid Effect of Holy Quran Sound on Blood Pressure, Pulse,

Respiration and O 2 Sat in ICU Patients

Article · October 2017

DOI: 10.17354/ijssI/2017/1


1 377

5 authors, including:

Ali Mansouri Arbabisarjou Azizollah

Zabol University Of Medical Sciences Zahedan University of Medical Sciences


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IJSS_Iran_Shokofeh_Oct_OA02 Print ISSN: 2321-6379
Online ISSN: 2321-595X
Origi na l A r tic le DOI: 10.17354/ijssI/2017/1

1 1
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4 Investigating Aid Effect of Holy Quran Sound on 3

Blood Pressure, Pulse, Respiration and O2 Sat in

5 5
6 6
7 7
ICU Patients 8
10 Ali Mansouri1, Aziz Shahraki Vahed1, Ali Reza Sabouri2*, Hossein Lakzaei1, Azizollah Arbabisarjou3 10
11 11
Msc in Nursing, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Zabol University of medical Science, Zabol, Iran, 2Msc in Nursing, 12
13 Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Zahedan University of medical Sciences, Zahedan, Iran, 3,2Community Nursing 13
14 Research Center, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Zahedan University of medical Science, Zahedan, Iran 14
15 15
16 16
17 Abstract 17
18 18
Introduction and Purpose: Holy Quran sound includes sound waves with specific frequency and wavelength. These waves
19 produce oscillating strands which influence the brain cells and restore their balance and coordination. It also leads in dramatic 19
20 increase in its defence power against disease. Thus, current study aims at investigating effect of Holy Quran sound on blood 20
21 pressure, pulse, respiration, and O2 saturation in ICU patients in Zabol city. 21
22 22
Materials and Methods: This research is a clinical trial of a pre and post group in which 30 patients hospitalized in intensive
23 care units (ICUs) in Zabol hospitals were selected by purposive sampling method. Data collection tools included demographic
24 questionnaire related to the disease, physiological index registration form, Glasgow Coma Scale, and physiological tools. For 24
25 10 consecutive days, Surah Yousuf with Minshawi Tarteel was broadcast for the subjects daily for 15 minutes via headphones 25
26 through mp3 player. Then the physiological indexes were measured two times before and after the intervention. Data were 26
27 analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics including T-test, Pearson correlation coefficient, Mann-Whitney, Friedman 27
28 and Kruskal-Wallis by SPSS17 software. 28
29 Findings: It was shown that mean values of vital signs are different before and after intervention, which is statistically significant. 29
30 The mean systolic and diastolic blood pressure and mean arterial pressure, heart rate and respiratory rate decreased after 30
31 intervention, but the percentage of arterial oxygen saturation increased after intervention. 31
32 32
Conclusion: Findings demonstrated that listening to Holy Quran sound influences vital signs of unconscious patients admitted
33 to the ICU so that it can be used to modify the vital signs in these patients. 33
34 34
35 Keywords: Holy Quran sound, vital signs, ICU 35
36 36
37 37
38 38
39 INTRODUCTION Figures for brain injuries are high in the world, but in 39
40 Iran, due to high road accident rates, these are more 40
41 Coma is the state of deep non-consciousness or lack of abundant. Comatose patients experience various changes 41
42 response to environmental stimuli caused by traumatic including cognitive and psychological changes, physical 42
43 or non-traumatic brain injury (injuries resulting from inabilities, behavioural problems, and lack of sense and 43
44 infections, epilepsy, metabolic causes, cerebrovascular cognition, which have dramatic effects on the patient 44
45 and his family life. Music may act as stimuli for creating 45
diseases, non-traumatic skull bleeding, malignancies and
46 46
central nervous system surgery) [1]. optimal physiological and psychological responses in the
47 47
listener. Great music of Holy Quran is one of the most
48 48
Access this article online beautiful, attractive, and pleasant music which can serve as
49 49
a compliment treatment and alternative for excessive use 50
Month of Submission : 00-0000 of drugs in ICUs [1].
51 Month of Peer Review : 00-0000 51
52 Month of Acceptance : 00-0000
53 Quran is the divine book of Muslims which covers all 53
Month of Publishing : 00-0000 aspects of human life and treatment of diseases can be
54 54
55 obviously one of the aspects of divine verses of Holy 55
56 Correspondence: Ali Reza Sabouri, Msc in Nursing, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Zahedan University of medical Science, Zahedan, Iran. 56

1 International Journal of Scientific Study | October 2017 | Vol 5 | Issue 7

Mansouri, et al.:

1 Quran, and it is task of the doctors to manifest its effect [2]. (systolic and diastolic blood pressure, respiration rate and 1
2 In Quran therapy it is always emphasized that essentially heart pulse rate) [7]. 2
3 the Quran is very effective in treatment of people with 3
4 different medical problems. One of the most beautiful sounds is sounds of reading Holy 4
5 Quran’s verses with its special order, which is raised as one 5
6 Recent advances of medical sciences and improvement of the most wonderful aspects of miraculous Quran [8]. 6
7 of care services increased victim survivability statistics, Calming effect of listening to Holy Quran on nervous and 7
8 but these improvements have not guaranteed the patient’s tense individuals is so that 97 percent of these problems 8
9 full recovery to the condition before the disease. Thus it is reduced. More interestingly, these positive results were 9
10 causes hospitalization of patients for long times in ICUs. obtained while many of these people were not even familiar 10
11 On the other hand, hospitalization is a stressful factor. with Arabic and did not understand the meaning of the 11
12 Patients hospitalized in ICUs confront many stresses. It verses. However, they felt calm by hearing the Qur’an 12
13 is estimated that 30 - 70 percent of patients experience verses due to the physiological effects of the Quran on 13
14 14
severe physiological tension [1]. Heart pulse rate often rises their nerve system, because it has been proved that the
15 15
following tension, and arrhythmia is more probable. Some human nervous system positively responds to sound stimuli
16 16
of the physiological responses that are repeatedly observed with regular ups and downs [9]. In Iran, several studies
17 17
toward the tension include increased metabolic rate and have been carried out on the effects of Quranic sounds 18
19 consequently increased body temperature, increased cardiac on patients in various fields and positive results have been 19
20 output and cardiac contraction, followed by increased obtained. For example, results obtained from the research 20
21 blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory rate [3]. by Ilderabadi et al. (2003) for investigating effect of Holy 21
22 Quran sounds on vital signs of patients before heart 22
23 Drugs such as sedatives and analgesics are widely used surgery showed significant differences in heart pulse rate 23
24 to control the stress of patients in intensive care units. and respiratory rate in intervention group compared to the 24
25 These drugs are expensive and have many complications, control group [10]. 25
26 such as weakening of the respiratory system and even 26
27 death. Some studies have shown that the continuous use Since hearing is the strongest sense of the five senses 27
28 of sedatives has delayed the separation of patients from and it is the last sense that stops working in unconscious 28
29 mechanical ventilation and has led to an increase in patient ICU patients, and due to the limited research works in 29
30 care costs [4]. Nowadays using complementary therapies this field as well as attention to the culture and beliefs of 30
31 in medical system is highly emphasized, so that these the research location, effect of the Holy Quran’s sound 31
32 therapies are known as a psychological factor aiming at on blood pressure, heart pulse and respiration, and O2 32
33 developing comfort in stressful situations [5]. Music therapy saturation in ICU patients in Zabol University of Medical 33
34 is one of the complementary therapies. Music therapy is Sciences hospitals was investigated. 34
35 a complimentary therapy which improves recovery and 35
36 well-being of patients through increasing stress threshold 36
37 and eliminating negative emotions, regulating internal MATERIALS AND METHODS 37
38 processes, creating comfort, and raising immunity and helps 38
39 Current research is a clinical trial research and research 39
in the psychosocial, physiological and emotional integrity
40 population included all patients hospitalized in ICUs in 40
of the individual during treatment and disability [1].
41 hospitals affiliated to Zabol University of Medical Sciences 41
42 Many studies have been conducted regarding music therapy. with inclusion criteria. Inclusion criteria were as follows: 42
Results of these studies agree on reducing anxiety and 1. their families were consent to participate in the study. 2. 43
44 Consciousness level of samples was between 8 -10 based 44
creating comforting state. However, evidence on anti-
45 on Glasgow Coma Scale. 3. The hemodynamic state of 45
anxiety effects of music on physiological indexes such
46 their body was stable in terms of water and electrolyte 46
as heart pulse rate, respiration, and blood pressure are 47
inconsistent. Findings by Han et al. aiming at investigation (this condition was confirmed by the patient’s therapist).
48 4. No hearing impairment. 5. Not receiving continuous 48
49 of calming music effect on physiological indexes and 49
anxiety of patients under mechanical ventilation indicated intravenous sedatives. 6. Not hospitalization for more than
50 one month. 7. No history of brain damage. 8. No case 50
51 that music caused reduction of blood pressure, pulse rate, 51
and respiration [6]. While Bodge et al. in their study aiming of diabetes. 9. No case of cardiovascular disease and fat
52 embolism. 10. Lack of drug addiction. 11. Lack of Otitis. 52
53 at studying calming music effect on physiological indexes 53
and pacification of patients under mechanical ventilation 12. Lack of skull fracture or bleeding or surgery in the
54 54
found that music had significant effect on calming patients, temporal region. 13. Entering the study at least 24 hours
55 55
but it lacked any significant effect on physiological indexes after stabilization of hemodynamic symptoms. Exclusion
56 56

International Journal of Scientific Study | October 2017 | Vol 5 | Issue 7 2

Mansouri, et al.:

1 criteria included: 1. Critical change in hemodynamic In addition, research findings indicate that there is no 1
2 symptoms, 2. Patient’s death before tenth day. Finally significant relationship between age, gender, marital status 2
3 30 ones were selected from research population using and Quranic background of patients with vital signs and 3
4 random sampling, and sample size was specified using O2 sat after intervention ()(0.05<P). It suggests that Holy 4
5 the formula. For 10 consecutive days, Surah Yousuf with Quran sound has influenced vital signs and O2 sat in all 5
6 Minshawi Tarteel was broadcast for the subjects daily for patients, even those with no Quranic background. 6
7 15 minutes via headphones through mp3 player, and then 7
8 the physiological indexes including systolic and diastolic 8
9 blood pressure, respiration, heart pulse, and O2 Saturation
10 10
were measured by means of a physiological index register Results of this study show that there is difference between
11 11
form in two rounds, including the first turn five minutes mean values of vital signs before and after intervention, and
12 12
before the playback of the Quran and the second time this difference is statistically significant (0.0001>P.) So that
13 13
immediately after the completion of the playback. mean values of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heart 14
15 pulse rate, and respiratory rate decreased after intervention, 15
16 Data were collected using demographic questionnaire 16
but O2 saturation values increased after intervention.
17 related to the disease, physiological index register form, 17
18 Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), and physiological tools. Many studies have been conducted on miraculous effects 18
19 Demographic questionnaire related to the disease included of Quran verses on treatment of physical and psychological 19
20 items about personal information of patient, Quranic diseases and adjustment of human health [1]. Findings of 20
21 background, and information related to the disease. the current research showed that listening to Quran divine 21
22 Biological tools included Mercury barometer, Stethoscope sound is effective in reducing vital signs and increasing 22
23 and stopwatch. consciousness level of unconscious patients in ICUs. 23
24 24
25 It should be noted that GCS is the main tool for Shirvani (2012) in a study entitled “Investigation of Quran 25
26 measurement of consciousness level of ICU patients which sound effect on vital signs and arterial oxygen pressure in 26
27 is a standard tool and its validity and reliability is confirmed. unconscious patients admitted to ICUs” concluded that 27
28 In order to increase reliability of bio-physiological tools, 28
the Quran sound stabilized the vital signs of patients and
29 these tools were calibrated by a medical equipment 29
increased arterial oxygen pressure, which is consistent with
30 engineer, and then they were used. In order to analyse 30
our research findings [11].
31 data, appropriate to the measurement level of variables, 31
32 in addition to descriptive statistics, inferential statistical 32
Mirbagher (2011) compared music and Quran sound effect
33 methods including parametric tests (pairwise t test) and 33
on anxiety and vital signs of patients before abdominal 34
non-parametric tests (Spearman correlation coefficient, surgery, and found that both music and Quran sound had
35 35
Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxon and Kruskal-Wallis) were used positive effect on reducing blood pressure, pulse rate, and
36 36
by SPSS17 software. respiratory rate as well as anxiety level of patients, and
37 37
38 Quran sound is more effective, which is consistent with 38
Findings current research findings [5].
39 39
The data of thirty subjects were investigated in this clinical
40 40
trial. Mean age of them was 42.36 at 8.04 consciousness Although the research on effect of the Holy Quran sound 41
42 level. Majority of subjects were male (70%), married on vital signs is limited, Majidi (2004) studies effect of the 42
43 (76.66%) with Quranic background (70%). Findings also 43
44 showed that diastolic blood pressure, heart pulse rate, 44
45 and respiratory rate followed normal distribution. While Table 1: Investigation of vital signs and O2 sat in 45
46 diastolic blood pressure and O2Sat did not show normal patients before and after intervention 46
47 distribution. Variable Mean±SD Statistical P‑value 47
48 Before After test 48
49 Findings indicated that mean vital signs (systolic and intervention intervention 49
50 diastolic blood pressure, heart pulse rate and respiratory O2 sat 97.35±2.38 95.63±1.75
Wilcoxon <0.0001 50
51 rate) reduced after intervention compared to before Test 51
52 intervention, which this mean difference statistically shows Systolic blood 114.25±13.03 131.14±13.67 Wilcoxon <0.0001 52
53 significant difference (0.0001> p). Findings also showed Diastolic blood 73.13±8.58 78.56±9.10 Pair‑wise T <0.0001 53
54 that mean O2sat increased after intervention compared to pressure 54
55 before intervention, which this mean difference statistically Heart pulse 75.87±9.07 89.61±8.86 Pair‑wise T <0.0001 55
56 Respiratory rate 15.15±1.65 17.66±1.61 Pair‑wise T <0.0001 56
shows significant difference (0.0001 < p) (Table 1).

3 International Journal of Scientific Study | October 2017 | Vol 5 | Issue 7

Mansouri, et al.:

1 Holy Quran sound on reducing anxiety level before and important for paving the way to acquire professional 1
2 after angiography of coronary arteries [8] and Ilderabadi independence. On the other hand, providing Holy Quran 2
3 (2003) determined the effect of Quran sound on the level sound is a low-cost technique which needs no use of high 3
4 of anxiety before heart surgery, and showed that the people and special human resources. Thus, holy Quran sound 4
5 who listened to the Quran had lower levels of anxiety and can play significant role as a nursing intervention in care 5
6 more normal vital signs than the control group, which is of ICU patients. Patients, their accompany persons and 6
7 in agreement with the findings in the current research [10]. families collaboration , health care providers , health 7
8 educators are suggested to give further knowledge and 8
9 Keshavarz (2009) in a study entitled “Investigating effect information about Quran and spend more time to listen 9
10 of Holy Quran sound on the physiological responses of to Quran to decrease their complications and pains(15). 10
11 premature infants admitted to ICU” found that the number In this study, it was shown that Holy Quran sound can 11
12 of pulses and respiration decreased in the intervention 12
be effective in improving and stabilizing physiological
13 group compared to the control group by broadcasting 13
indexes (blood pressure, heart pulse, and respiratory rate)
14 14
Holy Quran sound. This result is also consistent with the and O2 sat of patients, and since critical changes in these
15 15
results of our study [12]. indexes in ICU patients create adverse vital conditions, it
16 16
17 is suggested that Holy Quran sound is used beside other 17
Different results are available regarding effect of music on medical methods in ICU. Using social networks are medias
18 18
vital signs. According to Nilsson (2008), music stabilizes which use toward teaching and learning of lessons and they
19 19
vital signs [13]. Wallace (2001) found no change in blood can use for teaching Quran inpatients in the all ward into 20
21 pressure and pulse and respiratory rate [14], which these hospital which they are useful for teaching and learning 21
22 differences may be due to difference in the way of selection the Holy Quran (16). 22
23 of patients and variety in environmental and cultural 23
24 conditions. Research findings suggested the fact that 24
25 listening to Quran sound influences reduction of blood ACKNOWLEDGMENT 25
26 pressure, pulse rate, and increasing arterial oxygen pressure 26
of patients. Administrative supports of the vice president of research
27 27
in Zabol University of Medical Sciences, the assistance of 28
29 all patients and their families, management of hospitals 29
CONCLUSION affiliated to the Zabol University of Medical Sciences and 30
31 Health Services, and all those who collaborated in this study 31
Sound of Holy Quran as a mystical music, after its are highly appreciated. 32
33 expressive miraculous dimension, affects human mental 33
34 and psychological states. Therefore, given findings of 34
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10 10
11 How to cite this article: Mansouri A, Vahed AS, Sabouri AR, Lakzaei H, Arbabisarjou A. Investigating Aid Effect of Holy Quran Sound on
12 Blood Pressure, Pulse, Respiration and O2 Sat in ICU Patients. Int J Sci Stud 2017;5(7):1-5. 12
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14 Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared. 14
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5 International Journal of Scientific Study | October 2017 | Vol 5 | Issue 7

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