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Arranged by : Group 2

Elsa Amelia Lumbanraja ( 7202520006 )

Gomgom Situngkir ( 7202520008 )

Mario Pakpahan ( 7203220001 )

Lestari Hosana ( 7203220003 )

Alexander V Tarigan ( 7203220004 )

Nadia Annisa ( 7203220006 )

Michelle Vania ( 7203220007 )

Nur Indah Qur'aini ( 7203220011 )

Novita Sari Hutajulu ( 7203220014 )




Praise and gratitude the writer ascribes to god the almighty who has given his grace, his
life and his grace and his health sustenance so as to bring the Critical Book Report to completion:
"Si Anak Badai". It was meticulously organized and received the help of numerous others and
thus facilitated the production of this scientific text. To that end we also give many thousands of
thanks to those who helped and contributed to this writing.And I would like to say thank you to
Ma’am Esa Setiana SE., MSi., Ak., CA as the lecturer that always teaches us and give much
knowledge about how to practice English well.

We realized that this task of CBR was far from perfect. If there are many flaws and errors
in this assignment, we apologize for our real knowledge and understanding and therefore look
forward to constructive criticism and advice from our reader to complete our task. We hope that
the task of the CBR will be helpful to everyone who reads it. Thank you for your attention.

Medan, October 6th, 2020

Group 2


PREFACE ........................................................................... ............................ i

TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................. ii

CHAPTE I PRELIMINARY ................................................................... 1

A. Background .................................................................................. 1

B. Aim ................................................................................................... 1

C. Formulation of the Problem ..................................... ................ 1

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION ............................................................................ 2

A. Book Indentity.............................................................................. 2,3

B. Book Summary............................................................................................4

C. The Advantages and Deficiency of Books ....................... 5

CHAPTER III CLOSING ................................................................................... 6

A. Conclusion ..................................................................................... 6

B. Suggestion ...................................................................................... 6

REFERENCES ...................................................................................................... 7

A. Background
A critical book report is a report that aims to find out the contents of the book, but
focuses more on our evaluation (explanation, interpretation, and analysis) of the strengths
and weaknesses of the book, what is interesting about the book and how the book's contents
can affect our way of thinking and add to our understanding of a particular field of study. So
that the critical book report is a process carried out to find the strengths and weaknesses of
the book. Here we will review a fictional novel entitled "The Storm Boy" by Tere Liye.
Every book that is made by a certain author has its own advantages and disadvantages. We
can find out the feasibility of a book if we do a review of the book. A book with more
dominant advantages than its disadvantages means that this book is suitable to be used and
used as a source of reading and general knowledge for the general public.
Often times we are confused about choosing a reference novel for us to read and
understand. Sometimes we choose a novel, but it doesn't satisfy our hearts. For example, in
terms of language analysis and writing style. Therefore, we will review a fictional novel to
make it easier for readers to choose the right novel reference.

B. Aim
 Give a brief description of the story of a novel to other people who will read it.
 Helping other readers about the strengths and weaknesses of the novels they want to read.
 Provide input to the author of the book in the form of criticism and suggestions on how to
write, the content and substance of the book.

C. Formulation of the problem

What are the weaknesses and strengths of Tere Liye's book entitled "The Child of the Storm"

A.Book Indentity
 Title : Si Anak Badai

 Author : Tere Liye

 Co-Author : Sarippudin

 Editor : Ahmad Rivai

 Cover : Resoluzy

 Layout : Alfian

 Publisher : Republika Penerbit

 Publication Year : 2019

 Print : First, Agust 2019

 Number of pages : iv + 318

 ISBN : 978-602-5734-93-9

 Dimensions : 13,520,5 cm

 Weight : 359 gram

 Price : Rp.70.000,

B. Book Summary
The novel Si Anak Badai by Tere Liye tells the story of a boy named Zaenal or often
called Za who comes from Muara Manowa village. He and is friends are trying to defend their
hometown which is about to be evicted because a port will be built. Why is it called "The Storm
Boy"? This is because their lives cannot be separated from the sea, the nickname comes when
they go to sea to catch skipjack tuna, now in the middle of the high seas suddenly a storm hits
their ship, Za and his friend Ode were even almost dragged by the storm but were finally able to
save themselves and came the nickname "The Storm Boy" for their gang.

Za is the son of a sub-district employee named Zul, his mother Fatma is just a housewife
who works as a tailor. Za has 2 younger siblings named Fatahillah and Thiyah. This family life
deserves to be used as a role model in today's family where assertiveness is needed in educating
children but there should be no violence, for example, like Mamak when giving orders to Za and
Fat to measure Wak Sidiq's clothes, initially they refused but Mamak with a firm and serious
speech was able to her two sons to comply. In addition, this family also teaches how to
appreciate Mamak or mother as people who have many services in a family, whose duties can be
multiple but can be done without the slightest complaint, such as washing clothes, ironing,
cooking, washing dishes, cleaning the house, and Mamak is still able to do it. to earn extra
money by sewing.

At first, life in Manowa village was fine, then an envoy who admitted that he was from
the province brought news that he would build a port in their village, obviously the villagers
refused. Even though the residents were initially given the lure of a new place to live, they still
refused. It was the captain who was considered a village elder who dared to voice his refusal to
make the provincial envoy go home with a heart that was both upset and revenge. The problem
got even more complicated when the captain suddenly ordered an arrest because of a case
involving him in the past.

When it was difficult without the Captain as the village elder, the residents could only
surrender to the fact that their residence would soon be evicted. Even when the only school in the
village was torn down, no one was able to do much, making the children cry because their school
was evicted. But not for the "The Stormy Child" gang, they were trying to find a way to thwart
the plan to build the port. Until finally, with the solidarity and burning enthusiasm of the four of
them, they were able to bring evidence that could save their village from eviction.

C. The advantages and Deficiency of Books

Many things are the advantages of this novel. First, the plot is not easy to predict.
Second, the characters of each character are described in an extraordinary way. Each
character has their own characteristics and strengths.

Third, from the contents of the story itself. Many things can be used as lessons from the
contents of the story in this novel. About the love of parents, especially mothers, about the
simplicity of a family, about a sense of friendliness and high cohesiveness, like to help help
and even though they sometimes fight but they don't hold grudges and there are many more
lessons in each paragraph.


Tere Liye is always able to make her works look flawless, including in the novel Si
Anak Storm. But when I first read this novel, I thought that this novel was not as interesting
as the other Nusantara Children Series. I don't know, or maybe it was my bad mood at that
time, haha. But after reaching the end of chapter 3 I started to find the "gong" of this book.
In fact, I immediately thought that I should finish reading this book in one sitting. The first
drawback was overcome.

The next drawback is technical. There is one typo that I found in this book. It's on page
229 “kali ini mereka tidak sibuk mengolokku, melalinkan...”.

A. Conclusion
The novel Si Anak Badai is suitable for all ages to read, because it
contains life values such as:
 Dutiful to parents
 To be responsible
 Forgiveness
 Mutual cooperation
 The importance of friendship
 Be honest
 Be brave because you are right
 Confidence
 Confronting strength with tenderness
 And so forth

With a fun storyline, easy grammar and exemplary value positive, this book is highly
recommended for families in this era. The way of writing some of the satire is also quite
teasing the top officials in this country about the timeliness: "His name is also an important
guest, it must be late. If he has come a long time ago, it doesn't matter ”(page 80). As for the
intelligence of government people who are misused and are pro to group and personal
interests only for the sake of money and power, not the interests of the people.

B. Suggestion
Si Anak Badai is suitable for reading all ages, whether still children, adolescents and
adults, so that our insights and views are more open to things that are likely to happen in our
country. The spirit of struggle, solidarity, clever tactics, determination, and aspirations of
these children can be used as examples and role models for the children of the archipelago
With its fun storyline, easy grammar and positive exemplary value, this book is highly
recommended as a reference for today's family reading. An alternative for children to
replace excessive interaction with electronic devices.

Tereliye,2019.Si Anak Badai.Jakarta,Gramedia.

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