Comprehensive School Improvement Plan: Islamic School of Louisville

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Comprehensive School Improvement


Islamic School of Louisville

William White
8215 Old Westport Rd
Louisville, KY 40222-3913

Document Generated On October 21, 2016


Overview 1

Goals Summary 2
Goal 1: By May 26, 2017 all certified teaching staff are trained in a professional development program related to the
evaluation, interpretation and use of data by implementing the Data Wise process in order to identify instructional
growth areas 3
Goal 2: The technology infrastructure will meet the teaching, learning and operational needs of all stakeholders. 4
Goal 3: To increase student achievement in math and reading as measured by MAP assessments 6
Goal 4: Students in KG-G5 will be periodically assessed in Arabic written proficiency in order to generate data that will
be used to monitor and adjust curriculum, instruction and the vertical alignment of Arabic content across grade levels

Activity Summary by Funding Source 12

Comprehensive School Improvement Plan
Islamic School of Louisville


Plan Name

Comprehensive School Improvement Plan

Plan Description

Islamic School of Louisville


Islamic School of Louisville Page 1

© 2016 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan
Islamic School of Louisville

Goals Summary

The following is a summary of the goals encompassed in this plan. The details for each goal are available in the next section.

# Goal Name Goal Details Goal Type Total Funding

1 By May 26, 2017 all certified teaching staff are Objectives:1 Organizational $0
trained in a professional development program Strategies:1
related to the evaluation, interpretation and use of Activities:4
data by implementing the Data Wise process in
order to identify instructional growth areas
2 The technology infrastructure will meet the Objectives:2 Organizational $3900
teaching, learning and operational needs of all Strategies:3
stakeholders. Activities:9
3 To increase student achievement in math and Objectives:2 Academic $1400
reading as measured by MAP assessments Strategies:4
4 Students in KG-G5 will be periodically assessed in Objectives:1 Organizational $0
Arabic written proficiency in order to generate data Strategies:1
that will be used to monitor and adjust curriculum, Activities:5
instruction and the vertical alignment of Arabic
content across grade levels

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© 2016 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan
Islamic School of Louisville

Goal 1: By May 26, 2017 all certified teaching staff are trained in a professional development
program related to the evaluation, interpretation and use of data by implementing the Data Wise
process in order to identify instructional growth areas

Measurable Objective 1:
collaborate to adopt an improvement process, build a strong system of teams and meet regularly to analyze student data by 05/26/2017 as measured by a minimum
level of developing on the CMS Data Wise Team Observation Form.

Strategy 1:
Adopt the Data Wise Process - Beginning in August 2016 during the staff professional development week, teachers will be introduced to the Data Wise process, more
specifically step 1 (organize for collaborative work) and step 2 (build assessment literacy). Teachers will also be assigned to teams and be trained using Data Wise
recommended protocols to promote effective data analysis and discussion. Finally, the school principal will make a professional learning community schedule to be
implemented beginning in September 2016. Beginning in October 2016 teams will begin digging into data in collaborative teams and by January 2017 teams begin to
examine instruction and will have the ultimate goal of identifying at least one problem of practice.
Category: Professional Learning & Support
Research Cited: Boudett, Kathryn et al (2013). Data Wise: A Step-by-Step Guide to Using Assessment Results to Improve Teaching and Learning. Cambridge,

Activity - Teaching Training on the Data Wise Process Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Source Of Staff
Assigned Funding Responsible
Teaching staff will be introduced to the Data Wise process throughout a Professional 08/03/2016 11/07/2016 $0 General Fund School
multi-day professional development program. This will begin in August by Learning principal and
introducing the process and focusing on the first two steps, organizing for Data team
collaborative work (step 1) and building assessment literacy. This will leader
continue throughout the first two staff only professional development days
on October 3 and November 7.

Activity - Organizing for Collaborative Work Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Source Of Staff
Assigned Funding Responsible
Teachers will be organized into an instructional leadership team tasked Professional 08/08/2016 05/26/2017 $0 General Fund School
with guiding and modeling of collaborative work focused on data analysis. Learning principal

Activity - Schedule for Collaborative Work Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Source Of Staff
Assigned Funding Responsible
The school will create a professional learning community schedule that will Policy and 07/25/2016 08/19/2016 $0 General Fund School
provide time for teaching staff to meet and discuss student achievement Process principal

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© 2016 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan
Islamic School of Louisville

Activity - Peer Observations Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Source Of Staff
Assigned Funding Responsible
As part of the Data Wise "examine instruction'' step, all instructional staff Professional 01/09/2017 05/26/2017 $0 No Funding All
will be required to perform at least three peer observations with the goal of Learning Required instructional
developing a shared understanding of effective teaching practice staff

Goal 2: The technology infrastructure will meet the teaching, learning and operational needs of
all stakeholders.

Measurable Objective 1:
collaborate to improve stakeholder access to technology resources by 05/26/2017 as measured by a 10% increase on the technology questions of the AdvancED
parent and staff surveys and ISL technology survey.

Strategy 1:
Technology Resource Management - Beginning in July 2016, the school principal will acquire the following resources for the school, a process that will be completed by
August 10, 2016: Microsoft Office will be available on all staff and student computers. A 1:5 ratio of tablets will be purchased for student use across all grade levels.
All classrooms will have an interactive whiteboard device and all parents will have access to an online grading system.
Category: Continuous Improvement

Activity - Microsoft Office Software Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Source Of Staff
Assigned Funding Responsible
All staff and student computers will have appropriate software to meet Technology 07/01/2016 08/10/2016 $0 No Funding School
student and staff needs for word processing, data entry and presentations Required principal and
(Microsoft Office 365 Education) computer

Activity - Tablet Implementation for Classroom Instruction Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Source Of Staff
Assigned Funding Responsible
All classrooms will be equipped with a minimum 1:5 ratio of a tablet for Technology 08/10/2016 08/31/2016 $3000 Other School
student use during lessons. principal

Activity - Interactive Whiteboard Implementation Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Source Of Staff
Assigned Funding Responsible
All classrooms will be equipped with an interactive whiteboard device such Technology 08/10/2016 08/31/2016 $600 Other School
as Boardshare to use during instruction principal

Activity - Online Grade Access for Parents Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Source Of Staff
Assigned Funding Responsible

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© 2016 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan
Islamic School of Louisville

Provide parents online access to Jupiter Grades in order to better Parent 08/03/2016 08/22/2016 $0 No Funding Computer
communicate student progress data Involvement, Required teacher and
Technology, classroom
Academic teachers

Measurable Objective 2:
collaborate to implement technology training for parent and staff stakeholder groups by 05/26/2017 as measured by a 10% increase on the technology questions of
the AdvancED parent and staff surveys and ISL technology survey.
Strategy 1:
Staff Technology Training - Technology training will be integrated into the school's professional development program. The specific training is a result of teacher
feedback during the December 2015 staff technology survey. The training will focus on how to use technology for diverse learners, how to effectively incorporate
interactive whiteboard devices into lessons and how to use Microsoft Excel to track and graph student assessment data.
Category: Professional Learning & Support

Activity - Technology for Diverse Learners Professional Development Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Source Of Staff
Assigned Funding Responsible
Teachers will attend a the Tech, Teach, Learn Conference and will share Professional 06/20/2016 08/10/2016 $200 General Fund School
what they learned both formally and informally Learning principal and

Activity - Interactive Whiteboard Training Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Source Of Staff
Assigned Funding Responsible
An in-house professional development will take place before the beginning Technology, 08/05/2016 05/26/2017 $0 No Funding School
of the school year for all teaching staff. Ongoing support will be provided Professional Required principal
for teachers throughout the year through informal training. Learning

Activity - Tracking Student Data using Excel Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Source Of Staff
Assigned Funding Responsible
All teaching staff will attend an in-house professional development session Technology, 11/07/2016 05/26/2017 $0 No Funding School
during our staff development day on November 7, 2016. On going support Professional Required principal and
will be provided by the computer instructor for teachers that need additional Learning computer
training. teacher

Strategy 2:
Needs based Technology Development for Parents - Beginning in August 2016 the school will implement a technology training program for parents based on parent
feedback. This includes the planning and coordination of parent night events that incorporate online grade training and how to use technology resources to support
student learning. This program will be monitored by perceptual data including the school's technology surveys and the AdvancED parent survey during the 2016-2017
school year.

Category: Stakeholder Engagement

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© 2016 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan
Islamic School of Louisville

Activity - Parent Online Grade Access Training Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Source Of Staff
Assigned Funding Responsible
This training will be incorporated into the “ISL Back to School Night” for Parent 08/22/2016 08/22/2016 $0 No Funding School
parents on August 22. Parents will have the opportunity to attend a Involvement, Required principal and
session in the computer lab to learn how to access Jupiter Grades and how Technology, computer
to use its basic functions Community teacher

Activity - Parent Technology Resources Training Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Source Of Staff
Assigned Funding Responsible
By November 30 an event will be organized for an after school training Parent 09/01/2016 11/30/2016 $100 General Fund Principal,
from 4:00-5:00 Involvement, school
Technology committee
members and

Goal 3: To increase student achievement in math and reading as measured by MAP assessments

Measurable Objective 1:
80% of All Students will collaborate to meet or exceed 50% of their norm conditional growth percentile in Reading by 06/01/2017 as measured by spring MAP results.

(shared) Strategy 1:
Curriculum and Assessment Alignment - Teachers in kindergarten through 5th grade will meet monthly to address Common Core standard gaps or overlaps
Category: Professional Learning & Support
Research Cited: Bloom and Webb

Activity - Vertical Alignment Training Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Source Of Staff
Assigned Funding Responsible
At the beginning of the school year instructional staff will participate in Professional 08/04/2016 08/09/2016 $0 No Funding School
professional development to begin the alignment process for Common Learning Required principal and
Core reading and math standards. administration

Activity - Schedule PLC Time for Vertical Curriculum Alignment Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Source Of Staff
Assigned Funding Responsible
Teachers will meet bi-weekly to work on vertical alignment of Common Professional 08/22/2016 05/26/2017 $0 No Funding School
Core standards in reading and math Learning Required principal,
teachers in

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© 2016 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan
Islamic School of Louisville

Activity - Administration of Common Assessments Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Source Of Staff
Assigned Funding Responsible
Teachers will utilize common assessment data from math, reading (MAP Direct 08/22/2016 05/26/2017 $0 No Funding School
test in fall and spring) and writing (common writing prompts in fall, winter Instruction Required principal,
and spring) to determine which standards students have done poorly. instructional
They will then implement formative assessment practices to target those staff in grades
standards when taught. KG-G5

Activity - MAP Assessment Training Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Source Of Staff
Assigned Funding Responsible
All administrative staff and classroom teachers will complete online Professional 09/05/2016 09/23/2016 $1000 General Fund School
professional development on Destination PD, the NWEA training site. Learning principal and
Administrators will be assigned roles including data administration, teaching staff
assessment coordinator, technology coordinator and system administrator
roles. Classroom teachers will be trained in the proctor and instructor
roles. Arabic and Islamic Studies teachers will complete proctor training.

Activity - MAP Student Goals Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Source Of Staff
Assigned Funding Responsible
After the fall and winter MAP assessments the school will hold parent- Parent 10/18/2016 05/25/2017 $0 No Funding School
teacher conferences to review student achievement reports for math and Involvement, Required principal and
reading. Each student will have an individualized MAP goal that aligns with Academic classroom
student performance by RIT band. Student achievement of goals will be Support teachers
monitored by classroom teachers and students will be provided support in Program
school and at home for parents with resources available on the school

(shared) Strategy 2:
Standards Based Grading - Teachers have already implemented standards based grading from KG-G4. There is a wide range of understanding so there is a need to
clarify expectations and create a more consistent grading program for KG-G5.
Category: Professional Learning & Support
Research Cited: Marzano

Activity - Revise Standards Based Grading Policies Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Source Of Staff
Assigned Funding Responsible
Before the beginning of the 2016-2017 school year, the administrative Policy and 07/11/2016 08/03/2016 $0 No Funding School
team will work to clarify expectations and increase consistency with Process Required administrative
standards based grading across all grade levels (KG-G5) team

Activity - Gradebook Setup Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Source Of Staff
Assigned Funding Responsible
At the beginning of the school year teachers will set up their grading Policy and 08/08/2016 08/08/2016 $0 No Funding All
system using Jupiter Grades in a session to ensure standard based Process, Required instructional
grading practices are consistent and there is accurate communication with Technology staff and
parents and students school
Islamic School of Louisville Page 7
© 2016 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan
Islamic School of Louisville

Activity - Identification of Low Performing Students Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Source Of Staff
Assigned Funding Responsible
At the end of each MAP assessment in the fall and winter teaching staff Academic 08/10/2016 05/26/2017 $0 No Funding School
identify and list students performing either in the low average or low Support Required principal and
categories. This information will be triangulated with other classroom Program instructional
assessments and student achievement on standards based report cards. staff
These students will then be targeted by a variety of intervention strategies
such as but not limited to parental involvement and extended school

Strategy 3:
Parent Partner Sessions - The school administration in collaboration with the school committee will organize a professional development session for parents. This will
be part of a series known as "Parent Partner Meetings" that will cover topics related to school curriculum and assessments.
Category: Stakeholder Engagement

Activity - MAP Parent Session Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Source Of Staff
Assigned Funding Responsible
On October 14th, the school principal, assistant principal, school Parent 10/14/2016 10/14/2016 $0 No Funding School
committee leader and a representative from the local library will provide a Involvement, Required principal,
hands on and informative training session on how why the school has Professional assistant
transitioned to MAP, how to understand the student progress report and Learning principal and
how to access resources aligned to students' RIT scores on our website school
and at the library (lexile level) committee

Measurable Objective 2:
80% of All Students will collaborate to meet or exceed 50% of their norm conditional growth in math in Mathematics by 06/01/2017 as measured by by spring MAP
results .
(shared) Strategy 1:
Curriculum and Assessment Alignment - Teachers in kindergarten through 5th grade will meet monthly to address Common Core standard gaps or overlaps
Category: Professional Learning & Support
Research Cited: Bloom and Webb

Activity - Vertical Alignment Training Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Source Of Staff
Assigned Funding Responsible
At the beginning of the school year instructional staff will participate in Professional 08/04/2016 08/09/2016 $0 No Funding School
professional development to begin the alignment process for Common Learning Required principal and
Core reading and math standards. administration

Activity - Schedule PLC Time for Vertical Curriculum Alignment Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Source Of Staff
Assigned Funding Responsible

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© 2016 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan
Islamic School of Louisville

Teachers will meet bi-weekly to work on vertical alignment of Common Professional 08/22/2016 05/26/2017 $0 No Funding School
Core standards in reading and math Learning Required principal,
teachers in

Activity - Administration of Common Assessments Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Source Of Staff
Assigned Funding Responsible
Teachers will utilize common assessment data from math, reading (MAP Direct 08/22/2016 05/26/2017 $0 No Funding School
test in fall and spring) and writing (common writing prompts in fall, winter Instruction Required principal,
and spring) to determine which standards students have done poorly. instructional
They will then implement formative assessment practices to target those staff in grades
standards when taught. KG-G5

Activity - MAP Assessment Training Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Source Of Staff
Assigned Funding Responsible
All administrative staff and classroom teachers will complete online Professional 09/05/2016 09/23/2016 $1000 General Fund School
professional development on Destination PD, the NWEA training site. Learning principal and
Administrators will be assigned roles including data administration, teaching staff
assessment coordinator, technology coordinator and system administrator
roles. Classroom teachers will be trained in the proctor and instructor
roles. Arabic and Islamic Studies teachers will complete proctor training.

Activity - MAP Student Goals Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Source Of Staff
Assigned Funding Responsible
After the fall and winter MAP assessments the school will hold parent- Parent 10/18/2016 05/25/2017 $0 No Funding School
teacher conferences to review student achievement reports for math and Involvement, Required principal and
reading. Each student will have an individualized MAP goal that aligns with Academic classroom
student performance by RIT band. Student achievement of goals will be Support teachers
monitored by classroom teachers and students will be provided support in Program
school and at home for parents with resources available on the school

(shared) Strategy 2:
Standards Based Grading - Teachers have already implemented standards based grading from KG-G4. There is a wide range of understanding so there is a need to
clarify expectations and create a more consistent grading program for KG-G5.
Category: Professional Learning & Support
Research Cited: Marzano

Activity - Revise Standards Based Grading Policies Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Source Of Staff
Assigned Funding Responsible
Before the beginning of the 2016-2017 school year, the administrative Policy and 07/11/2016 08/03/2016 $0 No Funding School
team will work to clarify expectations and increase consistency with Process Required administrative
standards based grading across all grade levels (KG-G5) team

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© 2016 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan
Islamic School of Louisville

Activity - Gradebook Setup Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Source Of Staff
Assigned Funding Responsible
At the beginning of the school year teachers will set up their grading Policy and 08/08/2016 08/08/2016 $0 No Funding All
system using Jupiter Grades in a session to ensure standard based Process, Required instructional
grading practices are consistent and there is accurate communication with Technology staff and
parents and students school

Activity - Identification of Low Performing Students Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Source Of Staff
Assigned Funding Responsible
At the end of each MAP assessment in the fall and winter teaching staff Academic 08/10/2016 05/26/2017 $0 No Funding School
identify and list students performing either in the low average or low Support Required principal and
categories. This information will be triangulated with other classroom Program instructional
assessments and student achievement on standards based report cards. staff
These students will then be targeted by a variety of intervention strategies
such as but not limited to parental involvement and extended school

Strategy 3:
Implementation of Instructional Techniques for Closing Achievement Gap - Throughout the school year all teaching staff will participate in a book study. Teachers will
collaborate to incorporate instructional strategies and activities to meet the learning needs of all students.
Category: Professional Learning & Support
Research Cited: Lemov, Doug

Activity - Teach Like a Champion Book Study Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Source Of Staff
Assigned Funding Responsible
Beginning in August 2016 teachers will start a comprehensive book study Professional 08/03/2016 05/26/2017 $400 General Fund School
of "Teach Like a Champion" by Doug Lemov. Each month teaching staff Learning principal and
will focus on one chapter of the book. This will be coordinated through the all
principal staff newsletter. Teachers will be expected to provide monthly instructional
reflections that will be shared with all staff. staff

Goal 4: Students in KG-G5 will be periodically assessed in Arabic written proficiency in order to
generate data that will be used to monitor and adjust curriculum, instruction and the vertical
alignment of Arabic content across grade levels

Measurable Objective 1:
collaborate to implement uniform written assessments in order to generate student proficiency data by 05/25/2017 as measured by ACTFL presentational mode rubric

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Comprehensive School Improvement Plan
Islamic School of Louisville

Strategy 1:
Design and Implementation of Proficiency Focused Written Assessments - The principal will collaborate with the Arabic instructors to design a series of Arabic written
proficiency assessments for KG-G5. This process will begin during May of 2016 and will be finalized by the beginning of the 2016-2017 school year in August. This will
include professional development during Arabic instructor meetings about the proficiency levels established by ACTFL, how to design written prompts to be given in
intervals throughout the school year and how to grade them according to the ACTFL proficiency rubrics. The principal will also work with instructors to determine an
assessment calendar and establish data analysis goals to be used in Arabic instructor PLC meetings as well as a meeting schedule for the 2016-2017 school year.
Category: Professional Learning & Support
Research Cited: Data Wise (Harvard) and ACTFL

Activity - Assessment Design Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Source Of Staff
Assigned Funding Responsible
Principal and Arabic instructional staff will collaborate to design a series of Direct 05/02/2016 08/10/2016 $0 No Funding School
grade level written assessments that are aligned to the ACTFL proficiency Instruction Required principal and
standards. Arabic

Activity - ACTFL Proficiency Professional Development Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Source Of Staff
Assigned Funding Responsible
School principal will lead a series of professional development sessions Professional 05/02/2016 12/16/2016 $0 No Funding School
about ACTFL proficiency levels as well as how to incorporate them into Learning Required principal
curriculum planning, instruction and assessment.

Activity - Organizing for Collaborative Work Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Source Of Staff
Assigned Funding Responsible
Teachers will be organized into an instructional leadership team tasked Professional 08/08/2016 05/26/2017 $0 No Funding School
with guiding and modeling of collaborative work focused on data analysis Learning Required principal

Activity - Schedule for Collaborative Work Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Source Of Staff
Assigned Funding Responsible
The school will create a professional learning community schedule that will Professional 07/25/2016 08/19/2016 $0 No Funding School
provide time for teaching staff to meet and discuss student achievement Learning Required principal

Activity - Peer Observations Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Source Of Staff
Assigned Funding Responsible
As part of the Data Wise "examine instruction'' step, all instructional staff Professional 01/09/2017 05/26/2017 $0 No Funding Arabic
will be required to perform at least three peer observations with the goal of Learning Required language staff
developing a shared understanding of effective teaching practice

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© 2016 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan
Islamic School of Louisville

Activity Summary by Funding Source

Below is a breakdown of your activities by funding source

General Fund

Activity Name Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Staff
Assigned Responsible
Teaching Training on the Teaching staff will be introduced to the Data Wise process Professional 08/03/2016 11/07/2016 $0 School
Data Wise Process throughout a multi-day professional development program. Learning principal and
This will begin in August by introducing the process and Data team
focusing on the first two steps, organizing for collaborative leader
work (step 1) and building assessment literacy. This will
continue throughout the first two staff only professional
development days on October 3 and November 7.
Schedule for Collaborative The school will create a professional learning community Policy and 07/25/2016 08/19/2016 $0 School
Work schedule that will provide time for teaching staff to meet and Process principal
discuss student achievement data
Technology for Diverse Teachers will attend a the Tech, Teach, Learn Conference Professional 06/20/2016 08/10/2016 $200 School
Learners Professional and will share what they learned both formally and Learning principal and
Development informally classroom
Parent Technology By November 30 an event will be organized for an after Parent 09/01/2016 11/30/2016 $100 Principal,
Resources Training school training from 4:00-5:00 Involvement, school
Technology committee
members and
MAP Assessment Training All administrative staff and classroom teachers will Professional 09/05/2016 09/23/2016 $1000 School
complete online professional development on Destination Learning principal and
PD, the NWEA training site. Administrators will be assigned teaching staff
roles including data administration, assessment coordinator,
technology coordinator and system administrator roles.
Classroom teachers will be trained in the proctor and
instructor roles. Arabic and Islamic Studies teachers will
complete proctor training.
Teach Like a Champion Beginning in August 2016 teachers will start a Professional 08/03/2016 05/26/2017 $400 School
Book Study comprehensive book study of "Teach Like a Champion" by Learning principal and
Doug Lemov. Each month teaching staff will focus on one all
chapter of the book. This will be coordinated through the instructional
principal staff newsletter. Teachers will be expected to staff
provide monthly reflections that will be shared with all staff.
Organizing for Collaborative Teachers will be organized into an instructional leadership Professional 08/08/2016 05/26/2017 $0 School
Work team tasked with guiding and modeling of collaborative Learning principal
work focused on data analysis.

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© 2016 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan
Islamic School of Louisville

Total $1700


Activity Name Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Staff
Assigned Responsible
Tablet Implementation for All classrooms will be equipped with a minimum 1:5 ratio of Technology 08/10/2016 08/31/2016 $3000 School
Classroom Instruction a tablet for student use during lessons. principal
Interactive Whiteboard All classrooms will be equipped with an interactive Technology 08/10/2016 08/31/2016 $600 School
Implementation whiteboard device such as Boardshare to use during principal
Total $3600

No Funding Required

Activity Name Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date End Date Resource Staff
Assigned Responsible
Tracking Student Data using All teaching staff will attend an in-house professional Technology, 11/07/2016 05/26/2017 $0 School
Excel development session during our staff development day on Professional principal and
November 7, 2016. On going support will be provided by Learning computer
the computer instructor for teachers that need additional teacher
Identification of Low At the end of each MAP assessment in the fall and winter Academic 08/10/2016 05/26/2017 $0 School
Performing Students teaching staff identify and list students performing either in Support principal and
the low average or low categories. This information will be Program instructional
triangulated with other classroom assessments and student staff
achievement on standards based report cards. These
students will then be targeted by a variety of intervention
strategies such as but not limited to parental involvement
and extended school services.
Schedule PLC Time for Teachers will meet bi-weekly to work on vertical alignment Professional 08/22/2016 05/26/2017 $0 School
Vertical Curriculum of Common Core standards in reading and math Learning principal,
Alignment teachers in
Schedule for Collaborative The school will create a professional learning community Professional 07/25/2016 08/19/2016 $0 School
Work schedule that will provide time for teaching staff to meet and Learning principal
discuss student achievement data
Organizing for Collaborative Teachers will be organized into an instructional leadership Professional 08/08/2016 05/26/2017 $0 School
Work team tasked with guiding and modeling of collaborative Learning principal
work focused on data analysis
Gradebook Setup At the beginning of the school year teachers will set up their Policy and 08/08/2016 08/08/2016 $0 All
grading system using Jupiter Grades in a session to ensure Process, instructional
standard based grading practices are consistent and there Technology staff and
is accurate communication with parents and students school

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© 2016 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan
Islamic School of Louisville

Interactive Whiteboard An in-house professional development will take place Technology, 08/05/2016 05/26/2017 $0 School
Training before the beginning of the school year for all teaching staff. Professional principal
Ongoing support will be provided for teachers throughout Learning
the year through informal training.
Assessment Design Principal and Arabic instructional staff will collaborate to Direct 05/02/2016 08/10/2016 $0 School
design a series of grade level written assessments that are Instruction principal and
aligned to the ACTFL proficiency standards. Arabic
Parent Online Grade Access This training will be incorporated into the “ISL Back to Parent 08/22/2016 08/22/2016 $0 School
Training School Night” for parents on August 22. Parents will have Involvement, principal and
the opportunity to attend a session in the computer lab to Technology, computer
learn how to access Jupiter Grades and how to use its Community teacher
basic functions Engagement
Administration of Common Teachers will utilize common assessment data from math, Direct 08/22/2016 05/26/2017 $0 School
Assessments reading (MAP test in fall and spring) and writing (common Instruction principal,
writing prompts in fall, winter and spring) to determine which instructional
standards students have done poorly. They will then staff in grades
implement formative assessment practices to target those KG-G5
standards when taught.
Vertical Alignment Training At the beginning of the school year instructional staff will Professional 08/04/2016 08/09/2016 $0 School
participate in professional development to begin the Learning principal and
alignment process for Common Core reading and math administration
standards. team
MAP Student Goals After the fall and winter MAP assessments the school will Parent 10/18/2016 05/25/2017 $0 School
hold parent-teacher conferences to review student Involvement, principal and
achievement reports for math and reading. Each student Academic classroom
will have an individualized MAP goal that aligns with student Support teachers
performance by RIT band. Student achievement of goals Program
will be monitored by classroom teachers and students will
be provided support in school and at home for parents with
resources available on the school website.
Peer Observations As part of the Data Wise "examine instruction'' step, all Professional 01/09/2017 05/26/2017 $0 All
instructional staff will be required to perform at least three Learning instructional
peer observations with the goal of developing a shared staff
understanding of effective teaching practice
Revise Standards Based Before the beginning of the 2016-2017 school year, the Policy and 07/11/2016 08/03/2016 $0 School
Grading Policies administrative team will work to clarify expectations and Process administrative
increase consistency with standards based grading across team
all grade levels (KG-G5)
Peer Observations As part of the Data Wise "examine instruction'' step, all Professional 01/09/2017 05/26/2017 $0 Arabic
instructional staff will be required to perform at least three Learning language staff
peer observations with the goal of developing a shared
understanding of effective teaching practice
Online Grade Access for Provide parents online access to Jupiter Grades in order to Parent 08/03/2016 08/22/2016 $0 Computer
Parents better communicate student progress data Involvement, teacher and
Technology, classroom
Academic teachers
Islamic School of Louisville Page 14
© 2016 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan
Islamic School of Louisville

Microsoft Office Software All staff and student computers will have appropriate Technology 07/01/2016 08/10/2016 $0 School
software to meet student and staff needs for word principal and
processing, data entry and presentations (Microsoft Office computer
365 Education) teacher
MAP Parent Session On October 14th, the school principal, assistant principal, Parent 10/14/2016 10/14/2016 $0 School
school committee leader and a representative from the local Involvement, principal,
library will provide a hands on and informative training Professional assistant
session on how why the school has transitioned to MAP, Learning principal and
how to understand the student progress report and how to school
access resources aligned to students' RIT scores on our committee
website and at the library (lexile level)
ACTFL Proficiency School principal will lead a series of professional Professional 05/02/2016 12/16/2016 $0 School
Professional Development development sessions about ACTFL proficiency levels as Learning principal
well as how to incorporate them into curriculum planning,
instruction and assessment.
Total $0

Islamic School of Louisville Page 15

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