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DEREK VARBLE read Modern

History at Oriel College, Oxford,

receiving the degree of Doctor
of Philosophy in 2000. His thesis
analyzed Anglo-American
Cold War strategy in the Arabian
Peninsula and Persian Gulf.
He also has degrees from
George Washington University
(Master of Arts, 1995) and the
United States Air Force Academy
(Bachelor of Science, 1992).
His research interests include
the Presidencies of Dwight
Eisenhower, Lyndon Johnson,
and Jimmy Carter, and Arab
nationalism in the twentieth
century. He and his wife Amy
live in southern California.


AO D.PHIL. (Oxon), Hon D.
Litt.(ANU), FASSA, Fr Hist S,
is the Series Editor of the Essential
Histories. His wealth of knowledge
and expertise shapes the series
content and provides up-to-the-
minute research and theory. Born
in 1936 an Australian citizen, he
served in the Australian army
(1955-68) and has held a number
of eminent positions in history
circles, including the Chichele
Professorship of the History of
War at All Souls College,
University of Oxford, 1987-2001,
and the Chairmanship of the
Board of the Imperial War
Museum and the Council of the
International Institute for
Strategic Studies, London.
He is the author of many books
including works on the German
Army and the Nazi party, and
the Korean and Vietnam wars.
Now based in Australia on his
retirement from Oxford he is
the Chairman of the Council
of the Australian Strategic
Policy Institute.
Essential Histories

The Suez Crisis 1956

First published in Great Britain in 2003 by Osprey Publishing, For a complete list of titles available from Osprey Publishing
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My wife Amy is the sunlight in my universe and made this
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to my family: Elizabeth, Dale, Charles, Mary Ellen, Steve, Emily,
situation and written submissions should be made to the
Dave, Ann, Sarah, Kathy. Caleb, and Leah. Spending time with
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ISBN I 84176418 3
Dr Robert O'Neill is a scholar and gentleman representing the
A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British finest academic and professional traditions. Bob played a key role
Library in the origin and development of this project. His wisdom and
insight have been a tremendous benefit not only in terms of the
Editor: Sally Rawlings book but in a broader sense as well. Bob is a true mentor; and I
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Responsibility for mistakes or omissions in this manuscript is
mine alone.

In July 1956 Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal Israel invaded Egypt on 29 October. Israeli
and triggered a crisis. Despite extensive paratroops attacked Mitla Pass in western
diplomacy, war soon resulted. Britain and France Sinai, with an overland column joining them
joined Israel in a coalition against Egypt; their a day later. After fighting local Egyptian
goals included capturing Sinai and the Suez
Canal and toppling the Egyptian government. Infantry departing Britain for occupation duty in Egypt,
Before striking, the three nations synchronized November 1956. These and other British and French
their attacks: Israel started the conflict and occupation forces withdrew from Egypt the following month.
France and Britain joined two days later. (Topham Picturepoint)

1948 11 August General Charles Keightley

14 May Israel's creation designated Supreme Allied
15 May First Arab-Israeli War erupts Commander
1949 9 September Britain and France change
31 January Israel and Egypt sign armistice emphasis: Musketeer becomes
ending First Arab-Israeli War Revise
1952 5 October Israel develops a plan (Kadesh)
23 July Revolutionary Command for Sinai conquest
Council replaces King Farouk 22-24
in Egypt October Sevres meetings: Israel, France,
1953 and Britain plan their Egyptian
January Dwight D. Eisenhower becomes campaign
president of the United States 24 October Israel mobilizes reserves
1954 25 October Israel revises Kadesh, in
July Signing of Anglo-Egyptian keeping with Sevres meetings
Treaty ending British 26 October Israel begins emergency
occupation of Egypt mobilization
1955 Carriers Bulwark, Eagle, and
28 February Israel raids Gaza Arromanches leave Malta
April Anthony Eden becomes British 29 October Israeli forces attack Mitla Pass
prime minister Israeli forces capture Ras an-Naqb
September Egypt tightens blockade of 30 October Israeli forces capture
Tiran Straits al-Qusaymah
Egypt announces arms deal Israeli forces repulsed at Umm
with Czechoslovakia Shihan
December Israeli Chief of Staff Britain demands Israel and
recommends attacking Sinai Egypt withdraw 16km
Unsuccessful British attempt to (10 miles) from Suez Canal
bring Jordan into Baghdad Pact Israeli forces reach west flank
1956 of Ruafa
1 March Hussein of Jordan removes Israeli forces rendezvous near
General John Glubb as Arab Mitla Pass
Legion chief 31 October Anglo-French ultimatum expires
March United States and Britain Israeli forces capture Jebel
launch plan to weaken Egypt Heitan and Ruafa
19 July United States announces British and French warplanes
no American funding for bomb Egyptian airfields
Aswan Dam Royal Marines leave Malta aboard
26 July Egypt nationalizes Suez Canal Royal Navy Landing Ships Tank
10 August Britain and France plan to 1 November Britain and France destroy
capture Alexandria; advance Egyptian air force; gain air
on Cairo superiority
10 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956

Israel captures Umm Shihan 6 November British marines capture Port

and Umm Qataf Said via amphibious assault
UN General Assembly votes for Britain and France agree to UN
immediate Middle Eastern ceasefire
ceasefire Lead British elements halt at
2 November Israeli forces capture Gaza City, al-Tinah; resume advance soon
northern half of Gaza Strip, after
and Tor Eisenhower re-elected as
3 November British warplanes strike president
Egyptian transmitters, 7 November Ceasefire takes effect in Egypt
disabling Radio Cairo British and French forces halt
Israel completes conquest of at al-Cap, north of al-Qantarah
Gaza Strip 23 November Eden leaves Britain for Jamaica
Royal Marines leave Malta 3 December Britain announces imminent
aboard Ocean and Theseus withdrawal of forces from Egypt
4 November French warplanes destroy 17 December Eden makes first speech since
Egyptian bombers at Luxor leaving for Jamaica several
5 November Israel captures Sharm el- weeks before
Sheikh; Sinai campaign ends 22 December Last Anglo-French troops leave
British and French paratroops Egypt
enter Port Said; capture Gamil 1957
and Raswa 9 January Eden resigns as prime minister
British and French armada March Israel completes withdrawal
reaches Egyptian coast from Sinai
Background to war

The Suez Crisis

and its military implications
The Suez Canal in historical forced Egypt into vassalage, perpetuated
context British control of the Canal. But strategic
success carried a political price. Egyptian
In 1869 workers linked the Mediterranean independence societies, many espousing
and Red Seas by completing a waterway anti-British attitudes, proliferated and often
across an isthmus at the junction of Africa instigated riots. These disturbances often
and Asia. Since its southern end adjoined the flared up at what for Britain were singularly
Gulf of Suez, this passage became known as inopportune moments, such as the
the Suez Canal. Successful construction of 20th-century world wars. The 1956 Suez
such a vast engineering project depended on Crisis is often portrayed as the climax of
abundant native labor, Frenchman Ferdinand Egypt's decades-long struggle to cast off
de Lesseps's entrepreneurial efforts, and British domination.
plentiful Egyptian and European capital. Other forces besides Egyptian discord
The Canal's revolutionary advantages also threatened Britain's passage to India. In
immediately became apparent. Existing trade November 1914, the Ottoman Empire
routes and supply lines between Europe and decided to join the Central Powers against
Asia stretched around the coast of southern Britain and its Triple Entente allies. Eight
Africa. The Suez Canal, however, shortened years earlier, Britain obtained Sinai from the
these maritime paths by thousands of miles Ottoman Turks. However, this acquisition
while avoiding the southern ocean's provided the Canal with an inadequate
dangerous weather. Suez soon became an eastern buffer, as became clear in February
imperial lifeline: it increased efficiency while 1915 when Turkish and German forces in
offering new economic opportunities to Palestine stormed west to Suez.
Britain's far-flung empire. When the British Although these efforts failed to capture or
government changed the Royal Navy's fuel close the Canal, the shock of nearly losing
from coal to oil in 1912, the Suez Canal such an important asset led British leaders to
became of truly vital importance to Britain's expand their army of Egyptian occupation to
home security. 100,000 troops for the remainder of World
In the decades after the Canal's War I. To ease the threat facing Britain's
completion, therefore, British leaders control of Suez, an Egyptian Expeditionary
made a priority of acquiring shares in the Force, successively under the command of
Suez Canal Company, a French-based Generals Archibald Murray and Edmund
consortium responsible for Canal operations Allenby, battered across Sinai. By late 1918
and maintenance. By the 1880s, when a series not only had Allenby re-established the
of treaties codified the Canal's "international" Canal's peninsular buffer, but had delivered a
status, Britain had a controlling interest in the deathblow to the Ottoman Empire.
waterway. At the same time, British leaders Twenty years later, events again thrust the
pursued an aggressive geopolitical strategy to Suez Canal into the forefront of global
avoid any interruption of Canal traffic. conflict. Hitler understood the waterway's
To preclude such a contingency, Britain importance to British imperial strategy, and
deployed an expeditionary army to knew that cutting this lifeline would isolate
Alexandria in 1882. The subsequent Britain from its overseas possessions and
occupation, which lasted 74 years and allies. After World War II began, Germany
12 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956

therefore attempted to block or even By far the shortest such path passed
capture the Canal. Its first attempt occurred through Suez, arising in the Persian Gulf and
in March 1941, when Luftwaffe bombers running to the Atlantic via the Mediterranean
mined Suez, stopping all maritime traffic and Arabian Seas. By the 1950s, two-thirds of
for several days. Britain's entire oil supply - over 20 million
This aerial strike, while impressive, failed tons annually - traveled this route. Limited
to satisfy Hitler's fixation with fracturing the tanker capacity meant that the alternative sea
British Empire. In 1942 he directed two route - the circumnavigation of southern
armored pincers to converge on the Canal, Africa - was insufficient to meet domestic
one from the North African desert and British demand.
another from the Caucasus. Field Marshal It was in this context that Egypt took
Erwin Rommel, commanding the western control of the Suez Canal in 1956. British
force, in 1942 advanced as far as Alamein, petroleum dependence provided powerful
where German logistics faltered, ending the motivation to respond, even with drastic-
danger from western Egypt. In the Caucasus, measures such as the ousting of President
various Soviet distractions preoccupied the Nasser. As outlined elsewhere in this book,
Wehrmacht, preventing a Nazi drive on Britain had other reasons for opposing Nasser
Egypt from the north. - his opposition to pro-British Hashemite
Thus throughout World War II Britain dynasts, for example - but the Suez Canal's
retained possession of the Canal, a key role as a key oil conduit figured largely in
aspect of victory over the Axis. During the Eden's decision to use force against Egypt.
course of the war an influx of Allied troops Ironically, the Suez Canal's five-month
flooded military bases adjoining Suez. These closure during 1956-57 precipitated a long-
installations became some of the world's term transition to the southern African
largest in terms of manpower and logistics shipping route. By the late 20th century,
infrastructure, making the area a linchpin of only a small fraction of Middle East
British imperial strength. petroleum passed through the Canal. This
After the war, the breakup of the British development, along with discovery of North
Empire, in particular India's independence in Sea oil, rendered the Suez Canal insignificant
1947, diminished the traditional significance in British strategy.
of the Suez Canal as Britain's conduit to
South and East Asia. However, in the
20th century navies and industrial economies Origins of the crisis
became oil-based rather than coal-based.
Britain's economic recovery after World War The 1956 Suez-Sinai War sprang from a
II thus required an abundance of affordable 23 July 1952 military coup in Egypt.
petroleum. Without this strategic resource, Replacing King Farouk were the Free Officers.
Britain's "Great Power" status might end. Their political arm, the Revolutionary
The most important British source for this Command Council (RCC), advocated pan-
commodity was the Middle East, especially Arab nationalism, which envisaged a single
Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, and the Persian Gulf state spanning North Africa, Mesopotamia,
sultanate that later became Oman and the and the Arabian Peninsula.
United Arab Emirates. Various pipelines Governments favoring the regional status
transferred oil from these areas to quo opposed Arab unity under Egyptian
Mediterranean ports for conveyance to auspices. These included Israel, France, and
Britain. Since these overland routes were Britain. Israel, fighting with neighboring
susceptible to Middle Eastern chaos, such as states since its creation in 1948, favored Arab
Syrian instability and the 1948 creation of fragmentation. A 1949 Israeli-Egyptian
Israel, British leaders preferred an all-sea armistice failed to quell violence along their
route for petroleum transport. common boundary. France, facing
Background to war 13

The Suez Crisis begins: Nasser leaving Alexandria after One measure, the Turko-Iraqi Pact -
nationalising the Suez Canal, 26 July 1956. (Topham interestingly, an American initiative - sought
to buttress Iraq's Hashemites by drawing Syria
insurgencies in its North African colonies, and Jordan closer to Baghdad.
saw Egypt as a supplier for Arab rebels and Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Syria all opposed
thus opposed Nasser, who in turn openly an accretion of Hashemite strength. They
encouraged an end to European overseas subsequently formed a rival organization, thus
empires and in 1954 consolidated his control splitting the Arab world into rival blocs.
of Egypt's government. Hostility intensified as each coalition sought
That year Britain and Egypt signed a additional membership. Britain's 1955 attempt
treaty ending the 72-year British military to persuade Jordan to join Iraq precipitated
occupation of Egypt, although Anglo- serious violence, nearly caused Jordan's
Egyptian relations remained contentious. dissolution, and convinced British leaders that
Britain, particularly Anthony Eden who Nasser must go. Apparent Egyptian complicity
became prime minister in 1955, feared Nasser in Arab Legion commander John Bagot
because Arab unity threatened a key client, Glubb's dismissal a few months later increased
Iraq's Hashemite dynasty. Cheap Iraqi British anger towards Nasser.
petroleum, vital to Britain's economy, Heightened Arab-Israeli conflict
depended on Hashemite rule. Ensuing British accompanied the upsurge in inter-Arab
subversion of pan-Arab nationalism was tensions. In 1955 attacks increased across the
multi-faceted, and in each case used its Iraqi 1949 armistice lines. Fedayeen (partisans)
client. With limited success, Britain fashioned from Gaza, Egypt, Jordan, and Syria struck
the Hashemites as an alternative to Nasserite towns and settlements in Israel, while Israeli
hegemony while working to strengthen Iraq. commandos attacked Arab outposts.
14 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956

Prominent among these incursions was leaders began Omega, a plan for regime
Operation Black Arrow, Israel's Gaza raid of change in Egypt. Consistent with Omega, on
early 1955. In response, Egypt tightened its 14 July 1956 Secretary of State John Foster
Tiran Straits blockade. This barrier, in place Dulles informed Egyptian Ambassador
since 1953, denied Israel access to the Red Ahmed Hussein of the United States'
Sea. Nasser also concluded an arms deal with decision not to fund a dam along the Nile at
Czechoslovakia in which Egypt received Aswan. Nasser reacted by nationalizing the
advanced Soviet weaponry, including Suez Canal during anniversary celebrations
armor, artillery, and jet warplanes. David of the 1952 coup. This action ended the
Ben-Gurion, a founder of Israel who became Paris-based Suez Canal Company's
prime minister in November 1955, thought concession for Canal control. Outraged
these actions threatened Israel's survival. shareholders included Britain and France,
Nasser's Soviet dalliance also angered which decided to overthrow Nasser. The Suez
Washington. In 1956, American and British Crisis was on.
Warring sides

Diversity in capabilities,
doctrine, and leadership
Britain against the EOKA independence movement.
Many in the brigade thus lacked current
Britain emerged from World War II with training in the skills that would have
formidable military forces. These withered distinguished them from other military
through the next decade as fiscal crises and forces: jumping from airplanes into enemy
economic malaise exacted a toll in key areas territory. Brigade operations against EOKA
such as readiness, reach, and technology. guerrillas also contributed to the neglect of
Despite overall deterioration, the 16th equipment specific to airborne operations
Independent Parachute Brigade Group rather than generalized ground combat.
remained a key British asset for projecting The Royal Navy, an area of traditional
power to distant theaters such as Egypt. British prowess, could project power some
However, this elite unit had training and
equipment limitations that iron discipline
EOKA rebels. As operations in Cyprus against George
and high morale could not transcend. The
Grivas and his EOKA insurgents kept 16th Independent
Cyprus emergency had largely transformed Parachute Brigade from training, the unit was unprepared
the brigade into a rural Counterinsurgency to parachute into Egypt at the outset of the Suez Crisis.
force, fighting primarily on the ground (Topham Picturepoint)
18 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956

French paratroops drifting to earth in Southeast Asia. Dayan cultivated creativity, initiative, and
In the foreground is a helmeted para adjusting his gear; offensive spirit in all echelons of the Israeli
a rifle rests on his pack and in the midground a standing
leadership. Yet he neglected some essential
para looks in the general direction of the camera.
(Topham Picturepoint)
components of mobility: logistics and armor.
Most Israeli units depended on a
haphazard supply system for fuel, spares, and
the Suez Crisis. For instance, at every other necessities. Such arrangements sufficed
opportunity Barjot advocated direct Israeli for border raids and other limited operations,
involvement in French operations, but lengthy campaigns required a more
apparently not realizing that such methodical approach, as Israel learned
participation was merely a means to an end when invading Sinai in 1956. Dayan's
rather than an end in itself. background caused him to favor infantry
while disregarding other combat arms
including tanks, which he saw as expensive,
cumbersome, and prone to breakdown. Armor
therefore had only secondary importance
Although in 1956 Israel's armed forces were during Dayan's tenure prior to the Suez Crisis.
the best in the Middle East, various Perhaps as a result of his infantry fixation,
deficiencies plagued the Israeli Defence Force or possibly because of Israel's industrial
(IDF), including immature doctrine, faulty immaturity, in warfare Dayan preferred the
logistics, and technical inadequacies. Some human dimension to technological prowess.
of these liabilities had external causes, but But in 1955 the IDF's transformation from a
others arose within the IDF itself. Seeking, World War II-era force to one with more
like France, to emphasize the use of mobile modern hardware became urgent when
forces, chief-of-staff Major General Moshe Egypt obtained Eastern Bloc tanks,
Warring sides 19

warplanes, and other equipment. France Egypt

attempted to fill Israel's security void with
modern weaponry such as the AMX-13. Egypt suffered frequent military setbacks
Speed and a 75 mm gun were important prior to the Suez Crisis; in the 1940s
attributes of this tank, but its vulnerability to humiliating defeats against Britain and Israel
opposing tank rounds counterbalanced these contributed to the subsequent demise of
advantages. By October 1956 Israel had King Farouk and his monarchy. Egypt, like
100 AMX-13s, and a few hundred M4 all Arab states except Jordan, fought poorly
Sherman (76.2 mm gun) and Super-Sherman in the 1948-49 war following Israel's
(75 mm gun) tanks and M3 half-track troop creation. A lack of imagination and initiative
transports. The Super-Sherman's diesel joined with poor leadership to doom Egypt's
engine provided resistance to fuel-tank fires. 1948 invasion of Israel.
France also augmented Israel's military Military leadership improved slightly if at
capability with state-of-the-art Dassault all with the 1952 coup. In both the royal
Mystere IVA and Ouragan single-seat and republican armies, loyalty rather than
multi-purpose fighters. On the eve of the merit determined promotion; those officers
1956 Sinai campaign, the Israeli Air Force with a powerful patron made rank.
(IAF) operational inventory included 16 of Predictably, this arrangement resulted in
the former and 22 of the latter. In dogfights, uneven performance: some officers were
Mysteres outperformed Egypt's new MiGs, competent, but many were not. Field
while Ouragans excelled in air-to-ground Marshal Abdel Hakim Amer, Egyptian
roles such as close air support. Israeli air commander-in-chief during the Suez Crisis
power doctrine fused these impressive and subsequent Six-Day War, exemplifies this
warplanes with Dayan's emphasis on human system's liabilities. Amer owed his position
capabilities. Demanding yet realistic training, to a close friendship with Nasser rather than
a rigorous selection process, and an emphasis to intelligence, charisma, or dedication.
on creativity meant that pilot skill almost Substance abuse clouded his judgement,
always surpassed that of Israel's adversaries, while self-aggrandizing tendencies eventually
especially in aerial combat. compromised his relationship with Nasser.
When mobilized for war, Israel could Amer's decisions during the 1956 Sinai
muster roughly 100,000 regular and reserve campaign reflected his shortcomings. He also
troops. Of these, slightly fewer than half neglected the organization and training of
were available for operations against Egypt. Egypt's military forces.
Israel's geography, with Arab adversaries in Sophisticated Eastern Bloc hardware failed
nearly every direction, required that the to mitigate, and in some cases highlighted,
remainder of the force stay behind for these deficiencies, in part because Egyptian
homeland defense. Since Israel needed to troops integrated complex weapons so
maintain a large military force despite its slowly. More than a year after the 1955
relatively small population, reservists made "Czech" arms deal, Egypt was ill-prepared to
up a significant portion of the IDF. By use its new assault rifles, T-34 and JS3 Stalin
necessity Dayan designated several reserve tanks, SU100 self-propelled guns, and other
units for operations in Sinai. Some, such as advanced weapons despite their impressive
the 9th Infantry Brigade, excelled despite the capabilities. Since pilot development proved
demanding conditions in which they fought. particularly time-consuming, Egypt's air force
Other reserve units, such as the 10th failed to exploit the performance of its 120
Infantry Brigade, suffered by comparison. MiG-15 fighters and 50 Ilyushin IL-28
When reserve units floundered, it was poor "Beagle" bombers.
equipment, inadequate training, and Dayan's Egyptian military forces resembled
scattershot mobilization scheme that 18th-century European armies in that rigid
generally was to blame. separation divided those with commissions
20 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956

from those without. Egypt's middle and Recognizing this shortcoming, Egypt's
upper classes supplied most officers, who leaders emphasized positional warfare. Fixed
typically served a lengthy tenure. Enlisted points, rather than strong leadership, high
conscripts, by contrast, came from the lowest morale, or innovative doctrine anchored
social levels in Egypt. Such stratification Egyptian defenses in Sinai and elsewhere.
caused mistrust and contempt, thus This approach collapsed if Egypt's adversaries
weakening Egyptian forces across the board bypassed these fixed positions and struck
and making offensive operations nearly from unexpected directions.
impossible. Coaxing troops to leave shelter In summer 19S6, Egypt had about
and take the initiative even when they 150,000 soldiers under arms. Nasser allocated
would be exposed to hostile fire requires roughly a third of these - mostly infantry -
rapport and effective small-unit leadership, to Sinai. The rest, including the bulk of
characteristics absent in Egypt's armed forces Egyptian armor, he allocated to northern
at the time of the Suez Crisis. Egypt. The Canal Zone and Mediterranean
On the defensive, Egypt could fight Sea, primarily along the Nile Delta, had large
capably, but counterattacks or other mobile contingents to repel British or French
operations rarely succeeded. When troops invasions. In mainland Egypt troops also
left their fortifications to fight in the open, received training in the use of Egypt's new
they moved slowly and tentatively. Eastern Bloc weapons.

Britain, France and Israel

contemplate forceful resolution
Preparing for war: plans emerge They proposed alternatives built around
for Nasser's downfall forces with sufficient training, experience,
and equipment. Their creation, the so-called
Nationalization set in motion events Contingency Plan, relied on sea power and
culminating in war three months later. targeted Port Said.
Foremost among these were decisions taken This plan envisaged naval transport of
in London, Paris, and Tel Aviv to attack Cyprus- and Malta-based Royal Marines of the
Egypt. Immediately after nationalization, 3rd Commando Brigade to the eastern
Britain, France, and Israel assessed their Mediterranean, who would then capture Port
military options. Britain and France, called Said and seize key airfields and bridges.
the "Allies" in this context, informally Additional forces would then be airlifted into
decided upon collaborative efforts to the Canal Zone. Entering the theater by sea
overthrow Nasser; a few weeks later they behind this Royal Marine vanguard would be
made these arrangements formal by agreeing an occupation force of three British divisions.
to a joint command structure. Eden's idea and the chiefs' plan, though
Eden's low opinion of Egyptian different, shared key drawbacks. Both
capabilities manifested itself in his public emphasized tactics, focusing on the Canal
and private conduct. Riding on a wave of Zone. A strategic vision linking tactical
domestic support, he mobilized tens of accomplishments to broader success - Nasser's
thousands of reservists, dispatched three downfall - was, at best, a postscript to both
aircraft carriers to augment HMS Eagle plans. Moreover, neither Eden nor the chiefs
already on station in the Mediterranean, and described the rationale for military operations;
advocated rapid deployments into Egypt. He both implicitly assumed that Egyptian
suggested that the 16th Independent nationalization in itself provided sufficient
Parachute Brigade Group capture and occupy casus belli. World and, in time, domestic
the Canal Zone, with additional units to opinion contradicted these assumptions.
participate as necessary in pursuit of broader Perhaps because of these shortcomings,
British objectives. the Contingency Plan evolved through early
Eden's rationale for quick action had August, now addressing political
many sources. Rapid assaults deprived considerations to a greater degree while
Egyptian forces of reinforcement outlining a broader air power role.
opportunities while allowing Eden to Additionally, a psychological dimension
capitalize immediately on a "rally around the emerged in the form of strategic air raids
flag" phenomenon. However, various that sought to decapitate the Egyptian
constraints, including inadequate air- and regime. This facet of the modified
sea-lift and untrained British paratroops Contingency Plan employed bombers to
meant unacceptable risk, foreclosing his strike Egyptian economic, transportation and
plan. Eden's chiefs-of-staff, who included communications targets. In ideal
Chairman and Chief of the Air Staff Marshal circumstances this strategic bombing would
of the Royal Air Force William Dickson, First make additional military operations,
Sea Lord Earl Mountbatten, and Chief of the including amphibious assaults, unnecessary.
Imperial General Staff General Gerald Furthermore, the modified Contingency
Templer, recognized these shortcomings. Plan added a role for the 16th Independent
22 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956

Parachute Brigade, somewhat similar to Eden's the need for landing craft and other
initial concept. If Nasser withstood strategic amphibious resources. Instead of attempting to
bombardment, Britain's military leaders break Egypt through air warfare, or depending
planned to assault the Canal Zone. Paratroops on scant Anglo-French littoral capabilities,
and Royal Marines were to capture Port Said; Musketeer sought to annihilate enemy forces
British reinforcements would then arrive by in ground combat north of Cairo.
sea, eliminate any remaining resistance, and The Contingency Plan and Musketeer
occupy most of the Canal. shared a common political objective - the
Though an improvement on the original overthrow of Nasser - but perceived Egyptian
Contingency Plan, flaws remained. Strategic centers of gravity differently. Musketeer saw
air warfare against a semi-industrialized state Nasser's fundamental strength in his fielded
was difficult. Assessing Egyptian infrastructure, forces, while the Contingency Plan assessed
political institutions, and morale eluded political factors as Nasser's key asset. In
simple calculations. Port Said posed its own targeting Egypt's military, Musketeer by
challenges. Operations in this confined area necessity required a large ground contingent.
negated British mobility advantages. Also, Port Superior experience, training, and doctrine
Said lacked support facilities - docks, airfields, all served as formidable force multipliers for
and so forth - for a major military endeavor. British troops. However, all-out conventional
conflict between Nasser's forces and British
troops meant that Britain still required tens
British plans evolve: the origins of thousands of troops in the Egyptian
and concept of Musketeer theater to have any chance of victory.
The requirement for enormous ground
Thus a few days later, Britain's Task Force forces influenced British leaders to pursue
commanders - General Hugh Stockwell, Air more seriously their earlier tentative scheme
Marshal Denis Barnett, and Admiral D.F. of coordinating operations with France,
Durnford-Slater - rejected the Contingency which was strongly interested in unseating
Plan, proposing in its place Operation Nasser. France could supplement British
Musketeer. Musketeer matched Stockwell's manpower to a point where Musketeer
military sensibilities, envisaging large, set-piece became feasible. French leaders pledged
battles rather than relying on new, relatively approximately 30,000 troops, including one
unproven techniques such as strategic parachute division and a mechanized
bombardment and psychological operations. division. In tandem with 50,000 British
Although both plans entailed airborne forces, French support gave Britain and France
and amphibious assaults, in Musketeer their near-parity with Egypt regarding troop levels.
role paled vis-a-vis the Contingency Plan. On August 11, Britain and France
Their purpose in Musketeer was simply to designated General Keightley as Musketeer's
secure infantry and armored landing zones. overall commander and Admiral Jobert as his
Musketeer air planning stressed tactical deputy. They established headquarters on
considerations such as close air support and Cyprus, a natural choice because of its
interdiction. French General Beaufre proximity to Egypt and its three airfields
advocated an intense two-day air supremacy suitable as bases for combat operations. Allied
campaign, after which the RAF and French consultations throughout August orchestrated
Air Force could focus on Alexandria, the the movement of men, machines, and
centerpiece of this new operation. supplies from Europe to the Mediterranean.
The abandonment of Port Said marked Despite this coincidence of interest, serious
another major departure from the challenges remained. France, especially Jobert,
Contingency Plan. Alexandria, a large port preferred Israeli involvement; Eden did not.
with few geographical constraints, appealed to Collaboration with Israel entailed serious risks
Allied planners because its facilities lessened to Britain's Middle East positions. Another
Outbreak 23

point of disagreement concerned Musketeer's President Dwight Eisenhower and Secretary of State
preliminaries. French leaders advocated John Foster Dulles in Autumn 1956. A re-election
campaign occupied much of Eisenhower's time during
transparent preparations, whereas Eden
the Suez Crisis. He and Dulles opposed british and
favored secrecy. His subtlety probably resulted French plans for attacking Egypt. (Topham Picturepoint)
from the influence of the United States.
American pressure for a diplomatic
settlement carried more weight in London better. But they also thought that the
than Paris. Eisenhower and Dulles distrusted liabilities of military action outweighed its
Nasser, particularly his Eastern Bloc dalliances. benefits. Eisenhower suggested giving Omega
Thus they favored his removal, the sooner the more time. Moreover, he was campaigning for
24 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956

a November re-election, and so hoped to Eden in particular fretted about schedules.

avoid the distraction of a Middle East war. He hoped to explore - nominally at least -
American influence also contributed to every peaceful alternative, yet an armada
the most vexing aspect of Musketeer, an steaming across the Mediterranean during
issue eventually causing its demise: the diplomatic talks weakened his commitment
challenge of reconciling diplomatic timelines to bona fide negotiations. However,
with a complex military schedule. Extensive Eden lacked the luxury of time, since
lead times within Musketeer meant a Mediterranean weather typically deteriorated
significant delay between Britain and France in late autumn, precluding most amphibious
deciding to invade Egypt and actually and naval operations. These countervailing
invading. Beaufre, who helped plan forces - diplomatic delays versus
Musketeer, initially estimated this delay at meteorological urgency - trapped Eden in a
three weeks. This interval later shrank by a temporal nutcracker.
week, but remained large enough to cause
anxiety among British and French leaders. Dulles and Eden conversing. (Topham Picturepoint)
Outbreak 25

Revise replaces Musketeer methods for attaining this goal in Revise

radically departed from Musketeer. Strategic
Interestingly, a solution appeared from bombing replaced amphibious assaults on
across the English Channel. In late August, Alexandria and a subsequent overland
Barjot proposed abandoning Alexandria and campaign to Cairo as the British and French
restoring Port Said as the invasion site. instrument to destroy Nasser. Keightley
Although this shift reduced the scope of outlined Revise thus:
military operations, thereby diminishing
the delay between deciding to invade and Phase I: Britain and France to gain air
actually invading, British leaders and even superiority
Barjot's subordinate, Beaufre, at first Phase II: A 10-day "aero-psychological"
disdained his idea. Barjot's rationale for campaign to overthrow Nasser,
proposing this radical change remains combining strikes at transportation,
obscure. Certainly one factor was his communication, and economic
interest in establishing a role for Israel, with centers with an assault on Egyptian
whom military connections blossomed morale
throughout 1956. Conflict centered at Port Phase III: After Phase II toppled Nasser,
Said rather than Alexandria made Israeli Anglo-French airborne and amphibious
involvement much more feasible. Also, forces to occupy the Canal Zone
compared with other British and French
leaders, Barjot showed less interest in The enormous political dimension of the
toppling Nasser than in capturing limited
Suez Crisis became evident on September 8,
objectives and using these as diplomatic
when British and French leaders approved
bargaining chips.
Revise. Stockwell and Beaufre despised this
This notion rankled Beaufre, who feared open-ended plan, but Eden and others saw
that an ambiguous blend of politics and Revise as superior to Musketeer. Civilian
warfare might undercut the Egyptian casualties would be fewer and the campaign
campaign. For Beaufre, nagging questions smaller, cheaper, and more flexible,
attended Barjot's proposal. When would giving political leaders more options
hostilities cease? How long could forces be in their ongoing diplomacy and military
sustained in the Canal Zone? What if preparations. Another factor favoring
post-combat diplomacy failed to produce Revise was the fear of intelligence leaks
the desired outcome? Furthermore, unlike regarding Musketeer preparations. These
most others involved in strategic planning, considerations tipped the balance in
Beaufre understood that Britain and France favor of Revise over the objections of
needed the Suez Canal more than Egypt many military commanders.
did, meaning that their negotiating position After abandoning Musketeer, Britain
vis-a-vis Egypt suffered if Canal traffic and France immediately established Revise
ceased for any reason. Invading Port Said schedules. Initial timetables outlined an
carried the significant risk of interrupting October 1 D-Day, but, just as had been the
Canal transit. For Beaufre, therefore, Barjot's case with Musketeer, political necessity
plan seemed counterproductive. forced several slips of the Revise D-Day.
Stockwell shared Beaufre's reservations Several bureaucratic annoyances remained,
about a Canal Zone campaign, but such as UN Security Council involvement.
Keightley soon warmed to the idea. In early Eden also lacked a defensible pretext
September he proposed Operation Revise, for invading Egypt. By late September,
fusing the earlier Contingency Plan with D-Day was on indefinite hold. Britain and
Barjot's idea for invading Port Said. France began preparing the Winter Plan,
Although Musketeer and Revise shared a a scheme for maintaining long-term
common objective - Nasser's downfall - the Revise readiness.
26 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956

Israel builds Kadesh might be used for potential attacks on Israel.

Finally, Israel sought to destroy through
Although Israel remained outside Revise, conquest Gaza's fedayeen training and
provisions for invading Egypt predated the support areas.
Suez Crisis by several months. Preparations Dayan's fascination with encirclement
began in 1955 when a small Israeli prompted an "outside-in" approach to
reconnaissance patrol, Operation Yarkon, accomplishing campaign goals. He planned
scouted the route to Sharm el-Sheikh, to capture distant objectives first, and then
assessing eastern Sinai and its suitability for shift to closer targets. Thus Dayan designated
mechanized movement. Planning intensified the 202nd Paratroop Brigade, under the
after Nasser's September arms deal and his command of Colonel Ariel Sharon, to initiate
decision to tighten the Tiran Straits Kadesh by parachuting into northwestern
blockade. These developments prompted Sinai and cutting Egyptian supply lines,
many Israelis to advocate pre-emptive attacks facilitating attacks on al-Arish and Abu
against Egypt. In December 1955, Dayan Uwayulah. Dayan also planned a
recommended capturing the Tiran Straits. simultaneous paratroop attack near the
His government rejected these suggestions, Aqaba Gulf, targeting Sharm el-Sheikh and
which languished through mid-1956 despite Ras Nasrani. Finally, Israel would hit Gaza,
frequent boundary clashes. the objective closest to Israeli territory.
After the Suez Crisis erupted, Nasser Dayan wrestled with Kadesh mobilization
responded to Musketeer preparations by schedules, the timing of which posed several
shifting forces from Sinai to the Delta and challenges. Mobilizing at an early stage
Suez Canal Zone. This redeployment simplified Israel's preparations, but also
presented a golden opportunity, so Israel telegraphed its intentions to Israel's
resurrected earlier plans for increasing its adversaries. Therefore Dayan opted for delay,
security vis-a-vis Egypt. In this updated deciding to mobilize the IDF only a few days
operation, Kadesh, Dayan carefully before Kadesh began.
articulated Israeli doctrine, stressing air
superiority, mobility and encirclement rather
than attrition. At the outset of the campaign, Collusion at Sevres
Israeli warplanes were to destroy Egypt's air
force on the ground, then shift to close air By mid-October, Dayan's plan for the
support missions. conquest of Sinai had matured. Soon,
Once ground combat began, Dayan however, developments elsewhere forced
predicted that waging "one continuous Dayan to reconsider Kadesh. After resisting
battle" would result in fluid situations, for two months French efforts to include
propelling Israel to victory. On the battlefield, Israel in their anti-Nasser coalition, Eden
Israeli forces had an edge over their Egyptian changed course, probably out of desperation.
adversaries owing to their superior initiative He required a plausible excuse for launching
and training. Dayan identified "dominant Revise; covertly teaming up with Israel was
positions of tactical importance" as key perhaps his only short-term option. Winter's
centers of gravity, providing Kadesh an over- approach and deteriorating equipment
arching theme - the conquest of Sinai - and shrank the window of opportunity for
four narrower objectives. The most important military operations. Waiting for spring
of these related to the Aqaba Gulf blockade, jeopardized the possibility of any action
which Egypt based at Sharm el-Sheikh and against Nasser.
Ras Nasrani. To open the Tiran Straits, Dayan After deciding to collude with Israel, Eden
planned to capture these localities. Dayan established specific arrangements through
also targeted al-Arish and Abu Uwayulah, late-October tripartite meetings in Sevres,
bases in northern and central Sinai which France. Here Britain, France, and Israel
Outbreak 27

outlined responsibilities for their Mitla, only Sinai's eastern gateways - Nizzana,
forthcoming military campaign. Britain and al-Qusaymah, al-Kuntillah, and Ras an-Naqb -
France asked Israel to provide a reason for were subject to early attack. These constraints
attacking Egypt commensurate with Revise. allowed Israel to abandon Sinai if France and
Israel, fearing retaliatory raids by Ilyushin Britain reneged on their commitments.
IL-28 "Beagle" bombers, in turn requested Finally, Dayan changed the role of the
Britain and France to destroy these jets. IAF, which was no longer responsible for
British and French representatives agreed, in securing air superiority now that Britain and
part because Revise Phase I already outlined France were partners of Israel. The air force
the destruction of Egypt's air force, including missions shifted from strategic to operational
all bombers. The three nations agreed to this and tactical: air cover, close air support and
sequence, also known as the Sevres Protocol: interdiction in Sinai. As aerial operations
west of Sinai might provoke Egypt to bomb
October 29: Israel attacks Egypt near the Israeli cities, Dayan prohibited them unless
Suez Canal Ilyushin jets attacked Israel.
October 30: Britain and France demand Dayan then assembled four Kadesh combat
Israel and Egypt withdraw from the Canal groups, deploying them along geographical
October 31: Upon the ultimatum's lines. Responsibility for the northern axis - a
morning expiry, Britain and France initiate corridor whose hub was al-Arish, adjacent to
Revise Phase I the Mediterranean and linking Rafah with
al-Qantarah - and Gaza rested with the three
To accommodate these altered circumstances, brigades (two infantry and one armored) of
Dayan revised Kadesh. He established a Brigadier General Haim Lascov's division-sized
catalyst to precipitate British and French Group 77. Colonel Yehudah Wallach's Group
involvement by threatening the Canal. 38, also division-sized, operated along the
Although the earliest, pre-Sevres iteration of central axis, stretching across Sinai from
Kadesh unintentionally filled this mandate Ketziot to al-Ismailiyah. This force, the
through attacks in northwestern Sinai, strongest of those in Sinai, had four brigades,
Dayan shifted to west-central Sinai at Mitla two infantry and two armored.
Pass. He probably hoped to convey an Since only the 2nd Egyptian Motorized
impression to Egypt that Israeli action was a Border Battalion defended the southern axis,
raid rather than a full-blown invasion. which stretched from frontier outposts near
Dayan also modified schedules. Pre-Sevres, the 1949 armistice line through Mitla Pass to
Kadesh plunged straightaway into Egypt with the city of Suez roughly 322 km (200 miles)
full weight and force. After Sevres, immediate west, Dayan expected minimal Egyptian
attacks no longer matched Israel's interests. resistance. He also understood its purely
Rather, disguising intent became paramount. political function, so allocated it a single
Thus Dayan attempted to portray Israeli brigade, the 202nd Paratroop. His only goal
mobilization as a preparation for attacking was to threaten the Canal at minimum risk
Jordan. Israeli forces, especially armored to Israeli forces. Despite the significance of
formations but including even the 202nd Sinai's Aqaba axis, Egypt deployed few forces
Paratroop Brigade, were to limit Sinai here. Therefore Dayan assigned responsibility
operations until Revise Phase I. In addition to for this area to a reserve infantry brigade.
The fighting

Crisis becomes war

War in Sinai expedited military preparation, ordering

all-out mobilization despite the risk of
Kadesh in motion: 202nd Paratroop alerting Egypt. Surprisingly, these drastic
Brigade v. southern axis measures succeeded in attaining a high level
Israeli mobilization began on October 24 as of readiness without sacrificing secrecy. By
the Sevres talks concluded. Dayan at first October 29 most Kadesh units had reached
authorized a partial mobilization, which their Negev staging areas.
proceeded in an almost casual fashion. Kadesh commenced at 03:00 pm that day
Mailed notices alerted reservists to report when Israeli Mustangs attacked Egypt's Sinai
for duty at various staging areas, while communications network. An hour later the
requisitions went out for support vehicles. 202nd Paratroop Brigade entered Egypt with
When this experiment failed, Dayan the politically significant but militarily
marginal assignment of "raiding" Sinai,
Lieutenant Colonel Rafael Eytan commanded 1st thereby triggering the Sevres Protocol.
Battalion, 202nd Paratroop Brigade, which parachuted Sharon's goal was in western Sinai, but his
into west-central Sinai at Parker's Memorial on
29 October 1956. Eytan and his men held off Egyptian
brigade assembled at Ein-Hussub near Jordan
attacks until the remainder of the brigade arrived some to preserve secrecy.
30 hours later (Topham Picturepoint) This unusual deployment fooled Nasser,
but also imposed significant hardships on
Sharon. Before invading Egypt, the 202nd
Paratroop Brigade traveled southern Israel's
primitive roads and trails. The brigade would
then face many miles of unpaved Sinai
tracks. Sharon's planning assumed access to
hundreds of front-wheel drive French trucks,
which unlike rear-wheel drive trucks could
negotiate difficult terrain. Shortly before
H-Hour, Sharon learned that his brigade had
but a fraction of its original vehicle
allotment. Undeterred, three battalions of
the 202nd Paratroop Brigade entered Egypt
in mid-afternoon, 29 October. About half
Sharon's contingent of 13 AMX-13 tanks
survived the journey to Sinai. As these forces
slogged westwards, the 1st (sometimes
designated the 890th) Battalion, 202nd
Paratroop Brigade, passed overhead aboard
four four-ship cells of Douglas DC-3 Dakotas
with Gloucester Meteor escort, their
objective Mitla Pass.
Rather than a traditional "pass" - a low
point adjoining higher features - Mitla is
multiple defiles through the Jebel
The fighting 29

Heitan/Jebel Giddi massif. From east to west, onwards, hoping to keep to his schedule. He
these gaps are Heitan Defile, the "Saucer," ordered all functional vehicles to attack
and Mitla Defile. The 1st Battalion initially Themed, 30 miles southwest. Slower units
planned to jump at Mitla Defile, the area's could catch up when possible. Sharon's
most defensible terrain. However, aerial obsession with speed during darkness was
reconnaissance indicated Egyptians in the due to two factors. Egyptian military pilots,
vicinity, and Israeli anxiety about dropping preferring visual flight rules to instrument
paratroopers directly onto an enemy navigation, posed little danger at night.
strongpoint compelled changes. The 1st Moreover, Sharon hoped to reach the 1st
Battalion would drop near a crossroads east Battalion before Egypt reinforced Mitla Pass.
of Jebel Heitan at Parker's Memorial and
march to Heitan Defile. Early Israeli action on the Central
As Israeli DC-3s approached the and Aqaba axes
Memorial, nearly 400 paratroops leapt into While the 202nd Paratroop Brigade
twilight Sinai skies. A quick landscape survey approached Themed, along the Aqaba Gulf
while under canopy indicated that rather the 9th Infantry Brigade attacked Ras an-
than jumping at the Memorial, they had Naqb. This isolated outpost along a
actually parachuted three miles from their confluence of desert paths a dozen miles
intended drop zone, and five miles from west of Eilat had twofold Kadesh
their ultimate destination, Heitan Defile. significance. One path veering northwest
Subsequent investigation revealed that a from Ras an-Naqb screened Sharon's flank.
navigation error caused the mistake, which Another path followed the Aqaba Gulf
had deadly consequences for Israeli forces. towards Ras Nasrani and Sharm el-Sheikh.
Upon landing, the 1st Battalion marched These locales, the ultimate objective for the
through darkness for two hours. When they 9th Infantry Brigade, made Ras an-Naqb an
encountered small slopes, battalion ideal staging area to advance in their
commander and future IDF chief-of-staff direction. To capture this outpost, the 9th
Rafael Eytan, confused by the poor visibility, Infantry Brigade employed typical Israeli
halted a mile east of Jebel Heitan. His tactics, striking from unexpected directions
battalion then entrenched. Here, under orders at night. Patrols used natural features to
to avoid combat, Eytan coordinated French facilitate movement and bypassed Egyptian
aerial delivery of mortars, anti-tank weapons, positions by traversing rough terrain. By
recoilless guns, and jeeps. These came via a midnight on October 30, Israel had seized
Nord Aviation NordAtlas 2501 drop on the Ras an-Naqb while sustaining no casualties.
evening of 29 October. The paratroops, While the 9th Infantry Brigade fought
bivouacked within minefields and barbed wire near Eilat, further north Israel's 4th Infantry
and repulsing several Egyptian probes, Brigade, under the command of Colonel
awaited Sharon, who had assured Dayan he Josef Harpaz, attempted to gain lost
could reach Mitla in 24 hours. time. Kadesh directed Harpaz to storm
He was overly optimistic. Poor logistics al-Qusaymah, a border outpost near a key
caused serious challenges. The 202nd intersection, one hour before midnight.
Paratroop Brigade sputtered westwards as Multiple paths converged there. Control of
more and more vehicles succumbed to the one protected the 202nd Paratroop Brigade's
relentless desert. Egyptian fortifications en northern flank along the southern axis.
route also held up their progress. At dusk on Another artery, this one a paved road, led
D-Day, the brigade attacked al-Kuntillah, a northwest to the Abu Uwayulah Hedgehog,
plateau outpost 19 km(12 miles) from Israel. home to Egyptian fortifications and key
Al-Kuntillah's defenders followed their intersections in northern Sinai. The 4th
orders, retreating into darkness without Infantry Brigade's primary obstacle was
resisting Israel's attack. Sharon pushed terrain. Southern commander General Asaf
30 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956
8 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956

formations, the paratroops advanced into Said. One day later a marine and armored
southern Sinai, assisting in the capture of force entered the battle, fighting several urban
Sharm el-Sheikh, the gateway to the Tiran skirmishes against Egyptian irregulars. That
Straits, thereby relieving the Egyptian night, November 6, reinforcements - some
blockade of this passage. Israel also attacked arriving via helicopter - reached the outskirts
northern and central Sinai, where armor and of al-Qantarah, 40 km (25 miles) south of Port
night operations secured an Israeli victory. In Said, where a" UN ceasefire halted their
the north, Israeli forces encircled key outposts, progress. Britain and France stopped their
allowing the subsequent conquest of al-Arish Egyptian operations because of overwhelming
and Gaza. In the central zone, the fortunes of international pressure.
war ebbed and flowed for three days at Egypt's Political developments also ultimately
frontier fortifications. Israeli tanks pressured reversed British, French, and Israeli military
these points on several fronts, forcing their accomplishments. The United States compelled
abandonment. Israeli forces subsequently Britain and France to leave Egypt, and Israel to
advanced across Sinai, attaining all their goals. withdraw from Sinai. In November 1956, UN
Egypt was then in retreat. British and peacekeepers arrived in the Canal Zone, soon
French bombardment triggered this replacing British and French forces there. Four
withdrawal, which Egyptian President Gamal months later, a similar transition occurred in
Abdel Nasser directed in order to avoid a trap. Sinai, where Israel yielded to international
Nasser correctly thought that the aerial troops. Egyptian boundaries reverted to their
onslaught heralded a British and French pre-war configuration, and Nasser retained his
invasion: after bombing Egypt for over 100 hold on power and the Suez Canal.
hours, Britain and France committed ground
forces to the war. On 5 November, paratroops On the road to al-Qantarah: a British Buffalo tank and
from both nations attacked the northern Suez troops of 3 Commando Brigade assaulting Port Said by
Canal Zone, capturing some but not all of Port sea. (Topham Picturepoint)
The fighting 31

Simhoni ordered Harpaz's brigade to seize operations lasted until sunrise; the brigade
al-Qusaymah by dawn on 30 October. Even then entered a deserted al-Qusaymah, on
before leaving Israel, Harpaz knew the schedule and basically intact, where Israeli
difficulty this timetable presented. Only tanks joined them. On a pretext that the
front-wheel drive trucks - a fraction of his 4th Infantry Brigade was behind schedule,
fleet - could negotiate sand. With most Simhoni released the 7th Armored Brigade
vehicles disabled, the 4th Infantry Brigade's from dormancy at Nahal Ruth, violating
troops struggled to keep pace. standing orders. Simhoni was to commit no
Harpaz flanked al-Qusaymah, his pincers armor until 31 October; doing so revealed
developing from northeast and southeast, the breadth of Israeli operations, and might
then converging on Jebel al-Sabha, key trigger all-out war.
terrain east of al-Qusaymah. The northern
arm used a road, but the southern column 202nd Paratroop Brigade and the
bushwhacked in darkness through punishing battle of Jebel Heitan
terrain. Egyptian forces at al-Qusaymah While Simhoni violated Dayan's orders, the
numbered two battalions and two companies 202nd Paratroop Brigade advanced, at
armed with machine guns, mortars, and midnight reaching Themed. Although this
half-tracks. Most occupied Jebel al-Sabha. outpost functioned primarily as a police and
Although the southern Israeli pincer arrived customs detachment, its larger garrison (a
several hours late, Harpaz's attack proceeded Sudanese company), better armaments, and
according to plan. stronger defenses vis-a-vis al-Kuntillah posed
At 03:00 am, 30 October, the 4th Infantry a more difficult challenge. Minefields and
Brigade hit Jebel al-Sabha's dual hills, and terrain channeled attacks towards its
Egyptian formations soon collapsed. Mop-up defenders. Sharon struck at dawn despite
34 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956
The fighting 35

of Umm Shihan, Jebel Dalfa overlooked each well. To some extent Yassa understood
ridge, so Yassa placed his artillery regiment al-Dayyiqa's significance but he inadequately
there. He also dispersed infantry patrols defended this key position. Manpower
along his periphery. constraints forced him to guard the cleft
Numerical disadvantages, in which with one platoon. Having neither armor nor
Simhoni outnumbered Yassa four to one at artillery, this unit attempted to destroy, not
the Hedgehog, constituted a fatal liability, defend, the pass, but its efforts failed. As a
however. The challenge to the Egyptians of 7th Armored Brigade reconnaissance team
holding their positions against this approached, Egyptian sentries blew a bridge
manpower became apparent on 30 October, just south of al-Dayyiqa, detonated charges
after al-Qusaymah fell at dawn to the 4th strewn among its walls, and fled.
Infantry Brigade. Two Israeli pincers - Their efforts to obliterate the pass made
infantry from the east and armor from the Israeli transit difficult, but not impossible.
south - converged on Umm Qataf in After struggling amid craters and fallen
advance of the Kadesh master schedule. boulders, the scout team emerged near
Dayan planned to move against the Abu Uwayulah. Apparently, in planning
Hedgehog at least one day later, after al-Dayyiqa's defense, Yassa assumed he could
Revise Phase I. However, Simhoni's rash summon air power to blast hostile forces
decision to reinforce the 4th Infantry Brigade threading through the narrow defile. Such
at al-Qusaymah with the 7th Armored assistance failed to appear that day, although
Brigade compromised this timetable. Having explanations remain elusive. Perhaps the
committed his tanks to battle, Simhoni Egyptian air force ignored Yassa's call for air
assigned Major Izhak Ben-Ari to probe the strikes; maybe his incapacitation prevented
Hedgehog while cautioning him to avoid him from requesting support at all.
daytime combat. Clearly, however, the 7th Armored
Brigade's success at al-Dayyiqa weakened the
Israel probes the Hedgehog: Hedgehog. Israel could now hit both flanks,
30 October placing Yassa's successor, Colonel Saadedden
However, Ben-Ari's reconnaissance soon Mutawally, in a dilemma. Should he continue
became an all-out attack against Umm Qataf. massing in the eastern Hedgehog? Converging
Joining Yassa's 18th Infantry Battalion in Israeli pincers persuaded Mutawally to do so.
defending this position was much of the He thought that the greatest danger to his
17th Infantry Battalion, having recently position would develop at Umm Qataf. In
traveled five miles from Ruafa. Yassa himself addition to the 7th Armored Brigade's
fought, but a trauma brought on by his afternoon onslaught against the Hedgehog,
preparations for an Egyptian counterattack the 10th Infantry Brigade, Colonel Shmuel
forced his medical evacuation. Egyptian Gudir commanding, also attacked. Gudir's
forces nonetheless easily prevailed; artillery lead elements stormed and captured Auja
and anti-tank fire claimed several tanks, Masri and Tarat Um Basis, outposts east of
shattering Ben-Ari's attack. Umm Qataf.
Others in the 7th Armored Brigade had Mutawally's conclusion, however, showed
more success that day. South of Abu his relative ignorance of the Hedgehog.
Uwayulah, Ben-Ari's motorized patrol Unaccustomed to his new post, he neglected
scouting Jebel Halal, a plateau anchoring the a grave threat: the 7th Armored Brigade's
Hedgehog's edge, located a gap, al-Dayyiqa, western flanking maneuver. This pincer
cleaving the high ground. By capturing this developed slowly. For 12 hours Major Ben-Ari
pass Israel could capitalize on a key and Israeli scouts, miles from friendly forces,
opportunity. Freed from the confines of guarded al-Dayyiqa while Lieutenant Colonel
attacking on a single viable axis (the east), Avraham Adan and his battalion traversed
Israeli forces could assail the western front as the pass in darkness with their armor. En
36 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956

route Adan abandoned wheeled vehicles as Hedgehog firepower against attacking Israeli
these could not negotiate rocky obstacles. forces. As an Egyptian company in Abu
Accompanying Adan on this treacherous slog Uwayulah shot rockets and machine gun
was Colonel Ben-Ari, who earlier on rounds, artillery and anti-tank barrages from
30 October split his unit three ways. One Jebel Dalfa destroyed a few tanks. After an
group rolled west, attempting to screen the hour-long melee, though, Israeli armor
202nd Paratroop Brigade from the 1st and flanked and routed their enemy.
2nd Armored Brigades assembling in western Ben-Ari deployed one 7th Armored Brigade
Sinai. Meanwhile, Adan's formation led the battalion to the west once it traversed
reinforcement effort through al-Dayyiqa; al-Dayyiqa, placing with Adan the sole
another armored battalion followed. Their responsibility for striking Ruafa. Storming well-
primary task was storming Ruafa, the defended positions atop commanding heights
Hedgehog's west flank. was challenging, and became more difficult
shortly before noon when the 10th Infantry
Israeli attacks at the Hedgehog Battalion, 3rd Egyptian Infantry Division,
Adan and roughly 80 tracked vehicles left al- attempted to reinforce the 12th Infantry
Dayyiqa at first light, 31 October, assembled Battalion at Ruafa. From his al-Arish
on the al-Ismailiyah-Ruafa road, and drove headquarters, division commander Brigadier
three miles east. Here at the Abu Uwayulah General Anwar al-Qadi belatedly dispatched
crossroads, Egyptian positions blocked the
route to Ruafa. Open terrain made defending Occupation duty: British Cpl John Grimwood digs in
this junction difficult, but its proximity to along the Suez Canal (to his left) at al-Cap Station on
high ground allowed Mutawally to employ the road to al-lsmailiyah, 12 November 1956. (TRH
The fighting 37

this unit to the Hedgehog. His decision to Tankers of Israeli's 7th Armoured Brigade reload their
send the 10th Infantry Battalion south on the Sherman tanks in central Sinai. The wheeled vehicle's
entrapment along the right side of this picture depicts
morning of 31 October, rather than deploying
the difficulty of traveling in arduous Sinai terrain.
it immediately to Abu Uwayulah upon (Topham Picturepoint)
learning of Israeli success at al-Dayyiqa as he
had done with the 12th Infantry Battalion, battlefield performance, granted the
was a mistake. Daytime movement left the 10th Infantry Brigade a short respite before
10th Infantry Battalion vulnerable to ferocious resuming the assault. Dayan's third criticism
Israeli air strikes, which demolished several at least is misplaced. Demanding that
Shermans and inflicted heavy casualties. infantry with a small armored contingent
Also, advance Israeli units had already (half-tracks at that) overrun prepared
severed connections to Ruafa once these positions atop strong terrain in daylight with
Egyptian reinforcements arrived. If the only a slight numerical advantage (just less
10th Infantry Battalion hoped to enter the than 2:1) is to ask the impossible. Even the
Hedgehog and augment the 12th Infantry 7th Armored Brigade, with its greater
Battalion, it first had to engage an Israeli firepower, failed under similar circumstances.
armored battalion. Better options for al-Qadi While the 10th Infantry Brigade
included keeping the 10th Infantry Battalion convalesced, the 7th Armored Brigade drove
near al-Arish, where reinforcement of Rafah west towards the 1st and 2nd Egyptian
was still possible, or, if long-range movement Armored Brigade's tanks and self-propelled
became unavoidable, doing so at night. artillery. By noon, 31 October, Israel had
As these developments proceeded near seized crucial junctions at Jebel Libni and Bir
Abu Uwayulah, 16 km (10 miles) east the Hassna; the 7th Armored Brigade then
10th Infantry Brigade struck the Hedgehog, advanced to Bir Hama, just east of suspected
encountering heavy Egyptian fire. Dayan, Egyptian positions. Meanwhile the IAF
ascribing this failure to inadequate devastated enemy armor concentrations but
preparation, poor leadership, and sluggish also attacked friendly forces. Ouragans and
38 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956

Mysteres - assuming that any forces so deep road then approaches Ruafa ridge, home to a
in Sinai must be hostile - mistakenly strafed, lone Egyptian company, the only remnant of
rocketed, and inflicted casualties upon the the 12th and 17th Infantry Battalions, which
7th Armored Brigade detachments that had had redeployed to Umm Qataf.
inoperative signaling devices. A similar story To storm Ruafa Adan partitioned his
unfolded for Adan at Abu Uwayulah, where battalion: two armored groups and one
IAF success combined with IAF friendly fire. armor-infantry composite. He ordered Major
Israeli jets struck the 10th Egyptian Infantry Moshe Brill's Super-Sherman detachment to
Brigade traveling from al-Arish to the hit northeast Ruafa while the composite
Hedgehog as these troops approached Adan's formation struck from due north. To cover
battalion. Unaware, however, that friendly these units, he directed the second armored
forces had already overrun Abu Uwayulah, group to shell Ruafa from a nearby knoll.
IAF planes also struck Israeli armor. Adan also arranged artillery support to guard
his rear against the 10th Egyptian Infantry
The 7th Armored Brigade captures Battalion. Adan's Ruafa onslaught began in
Ruafa and Egypt evacuates the twilight on 31 October. Brill's Super-Shermans
Hedgehog took immediate Egyptian fire. Chaos
East of Abu Uwayulah, the al-Arish road accompanied the composite force, which
angles towards the Hedgehog, traversing a appeared half an hour later. For hours, attacks
broad, mile-long valley. To the south arises and counterattacks roiled across Ruafa ridge.
Jebel Dalfa, site of Egyptian firepower Flames from blazing equipment stores and
including 10 Archer anti-tank guns, seven 57 ammunition depots cast a flickering light
mm guns, six 25-pounder artillery pieces, across the heights. Having already exhausted
two 30 mm cannon, and a handful of their rounds, Super-Shermans striking
northeast Ruafa functioned primarily as
40 mm Bofors and Czech 57 mm guns. This
The fighting 39

mobile platforms for Israeli troops in their Qusaymah Dayan deployed the 4th Infantry
close-quarters fighting with the Egyptian Brigade. Intense combat ensued. French
company atop the ridge. Eventually every aircraft joined Israel in showering Egyptian
Israeli tank involved in this struggle forces with napalm, rockets, and bombs.
succumbed to Egyptian fire, but Adan and his Armor accompanying the 4th Infantry
battalion prevailed nonetheless. Numerical Brigade attacked the al-Qusaymah track
and vehicular superiority, and night-fighting along Umm Qataf's southern periphery.
prowess, gave Adan an edge after an eight- Israeli armor again failed, suffering heavy
hour battle. By dawn, Israel controlled Ruafa. losses and retreating around noon.
What seemed a real breakthrough for This thrust, though failing at Umm Qataf,
Israel merely enraged Dayan, who hoped to contributed to Mutawally's decision to
occupy Ruafa and Umm Qataf by sunrise on contract into the Hedgehog's remnants.
1 November. His wrath was again directed at Facing heavy pressure from every flank but
Gudir, the 10th Infantry Brigade having the north, he abandoned all terrain except
repeatedly failed at Umm Qataf despite Umm Qataf and Umm Shihan. Israeli forces,
several advantages. Adan's assault at Ruafa facing no hostile fire from the Hedgehog's
distracted enemy forces, and darkness southern and eastern approaches, tightened
concealed Israelis approaching Umm Qataf. their siege. Supply shortages complicated
Perhaps most significantly, the 37th Armored Mutawally's deteriorating situation.
Brigade (minus one of its battalions) now Although fighting had raged at the
supported Gudir. None of these factors Hedgehog for only 48 hours, water and
propelled the 10th Infantry Brigade to ammunition were too low for sustained
victory. Poor navigation doomed the unit, Egyptian resistance. Ruafa Reservoir held
which became lost east of Umm Qataf. water during spring; otherwise the Hedgehog
Disoriented infantrymen wandered in depended on external sustenance.
darkness, and when units arrived at their Apparently assuming such arrangements
objective shortly before daybreak on 1 would continue indefinitely, no one
November they withdrew almost stockpiled water. Widespread thirst resulted.
immediately. The deficiency became immaterial late on
The 10th Infantry Brigade's futile 1 November. Nasser's general withdrawal
peregrinations disrupted a night punch that order, promulgated nearly 24 hours earlier, at
Dayan hoped would shatter Umm Qataf. Like last reached the Hedgehog. Mutawally and
Marlborough at Blenheim and Napoleon at his troops had three options. The most
Austerlitz, he sought a flank distraction in obvious, a retreat through dunes adjoining
preparation for a central knockout blow from the Hedgehog's northern flank, had serious
the 37th Armored Brigade. But this attack drawbacks. Foremost among these was the
failed as well when the unit attacked across a risk of death by exposure, as troops with no
minefield without armored support. Lacking provender stumbled across sandy wastes.
tanks - a natural choice to assault fortified However, other choices - surrendering, or
positions - the initial wave disintegrated, attempting to break through Israeli lines at
accomplishing nothing while sustaining Ruafa then withdrawing along the al-Arish
nearly a hundred casualties, including Brigade road - were worse.
Commander Colonel Shmuel Golinda. Umm Once darkness fell, the Hedgehog garrison
Qataf remained in Mutawally's possession. therefore headed north from the Hedgehog,
Fighting resumed at dawn on evacuating before midnight on 1 November.
1 November. After replacing Gudir with Some Egyptians died in the desert, some
future Israeli chief-of-staff Colonel Israel Tal, became Israeli prisoners, while others
Dayan again ordered the 10th Infantry and rejoined the 3rd Infantry Division at
37th Armored Brigades into action at Umm al-Arish. This city, the site of Egyptian
Qataf. Between the Hedgehog and al- headquarters in Sinai, was chaotic during
40 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956

Mutawally's night-time retreat from the troops, numbering slightly more than one
Hedgehog. Twenty-four hours earlier on battalion. Trenches and bunkers studded
1 November, a triple Israeli punch shattered these knolls, while barbed wire, fences, and
Egyptian positions along the northern axis mines impeded assaults against them. To the
and in Gaza. This area's importance as a south, where this broken country flattened,
fedayeen base compelled Dayan to make this parallel minefields stretched nearly a dozen
thrust a centerpiece of Kadesh. Egyptian miles, abutting the northern fringe of dunes.
positions at al-Arish 39km (12 miles) west of Al-Abd deployed a battalion in this southern
the international boundary were unsuitable zone. He positioned the remainder of the 5 t h
as an initial objective for Israeli troops, Infantry Brigade in an armed camp between
which therefore converged on Rafah astride Rafah and the road to al-Arish. Here, in
the junction of Egypt, Gaza, and Israel. tandem with the 87th Palestinian Infantry
Brigade, they acted as reserves, supporting
each flank as necessary against Israeli attacks.
Reducing Rafah and Sharm To defeat Rafah, Dayan employed
el-Sheikh multiple spearheads, with three sequential
attacks over a single night. After crashing
Preparing for combat: Israel deploys through Egyptian defenses, each prong had
along Rafah Salient the same geographical objective, a point
For Israel, Rafah was doubly important. The known as Crossroads 12, 5 km (three miles)
city commanded eastern approaches to the west of Rafah Salient. Converging here
northern axis leading to al-Arish and al- encircled not only Rafah but all Gaza as well,
Qantarah. Also, controlling Rafah meant enabled armor attacks along the northern
domination of the entire Gaza Strip, given its axis, and gave Israel control of local roads. In
location at the Strip's base. Cleaving Gaza blitzkrieg fashion, Dayan instructed his units
from Sinai would give Israel a free hand in to focus on attaining and exploiting a
destroying Gaza's fedayeen. Thus Dayan breakthrough, rather than tediously reducing
designated two units, the 1st Infantry each enemy strongpoint. He knew Israeli
Brigade, commanded by Colonel Benjamin forces could mop up after routing the
Givli, and the 27th Armored Brigade, Egyptian Army in Sinai.
commanded by Colonel Haim Barlev, to Dayan provided similar striking power to
storm Rafah. Facing them was Brigadier each sector. Against the south and its triple
General Jaafar al-Abd and his reinforced swath of minefields directly adjacent to the
Egyptian brigade, the 5th Infantry Brigade of border, he allocated two battalions of the
the 3rd Infantry Division, with its six 1st Infantry and an engineer contingent
battalions - which included some Palestinian responsible for penetrating minefields and
units - along with artillery and anti-tank elaborate Egyptian defenses such as bunkers
batteries and a Sherman squadron. In reserve
and trenches. Dayan positioned two additional
at Rafah itself was the 87th Palestinian
infantry battalions, also of the 1st Infantry,
Infantry Brigade of the 8th Palestinian
in the center. Finally, he designated a
Division. Al-Abd deployed some of his force
battalion of the 27th Armored Brigade to
five miles south of Rafah, where the borders
lead the Israeli advance in the north.
of Israel, Egypt, and Gaza converge.
Israeli patrols began probing before
Favorable topography transformed this H-Hour, although efforts to maintain secrecy
apex, Rafah Salient, into a strong, though complicated their task. After darkness fell
shallow, defensive zone presenting no on 30 October, engineers stole into Egypt,
obvious avenues for attack. Dunes protected scouting minefield channels that Israeli
its southern flank, while 18 small hills in the troops could cross during their forthcoming
salient's center and north provided high attack. As the engineers concluded their
ground and concealment for Egyptian dangerous work, Dayan became concerned
The fighting 41

about high Israeli casualties when Group 77 Egyptians defending Hills 5, 8, and 10.
attacked Rafah. He implemented schemes to Eleven hours after entering Egypt, Pilavsky
attain objectives while minimizing losses. To accomplished his mission. His battalion
distract Egyptian forces, Dayan scheduled his suffered two killed and 22 wounded.
attack to start after Revise Phase I. At dusk, Further north, Israeli objectives were Posts
13 hours behind schedule, French and 25, 25A, 27, and 29. Against 29 (the key to
British bombers appeared over Cairo. Since Rafah Salient) and 27, Dayan sent a
Dayan intended to strike after nightfall battalion, which suffered light casualties in
regardless, this delay had no significance at accomplishing both missions shortly after
Rafah. With bombing underway, he ordered dawn, skillfully using half-tracks against
the 1st Infantry Brigade and the 37th wire-lines and trenches at 29 and teaming
Armored Brigade to attack. Another measure with Shermans at 27. Posts 25 and 25A posed
involved augmented firepower. Preceding more problems. Poor night navigation
Group 77's assault, Dayan arranged for IAF through complex terrain challenged the
and French naval bombardment, but neither 1st Infantry. An attacking battalion sought to
performed to his satisfaction. France's naval sow confusion by appearing to surround
"sprat," as Dayan derisively called it, only hit 25 and 25A but merely confused Israeli units.
Egyptian reserves. Israeli planes, confused in Simultaneous raids on both posts failed
darkness, proved a double liability, when the company responsible for striking
illuminating then bombing Israeli troops. 25A became lost in darkness, instead
An angry Dayan sent these aircraft away. assaulting 25, 50 meters east, just as another
Israeli company arrived. Israeli troops
Attacks at Rafah Salient: 31 October somehow avoided shooting each other.
These forces then stormed 25A, dispersing
/l November
Egyptian soldiers into the night. Israeli
More successful but nonetheless imperfect
casualties were six killed, most from long-
that night were the 1st Infantry engineers
range artillery.
probing the southern flank. Mine detection
and removal in darkness made for narrow, On Rafah's northern flank, Dayan
imperfect paths as became clear two hours originally planned to deploy the 27th
before midnight on 31 October. Lieutenant Armored Brigade at dawn on 1 November.
Colonel Meir Pilavsky's formations of the 1st AMX-13s and Super-Shermans would attack
Infantry Brigade entered Egypt using these Posts 34 and 36 anchoring Rafah's left.
gaps. His lead units sought Hills 2 and 6. Updated intelligence reports persuaded
Trailing units, including another of the 1st Dayan to strike earlier, although he restrained
Infantry battalions, were to capture Hills 5, this armored punch until after midnight, as
8, 10, and 293. Having gained these points, Israeli aerial and French naval bombardments
Pilavsky's battalions would rendezvous with ran their futile course. AMX-13s and their
other units at Crossroads 12. attached infantry achieved more success than
Egyptian fire soon fractured this attack, the Super-Shermans, although both attacks
disabling several tanks; others became lost. started slowly. The IAF's failure to destroy
Individual soldiers threaded through Egyptian gun positions left in place much
minefields on foot, but Pilavsky's challenge resistance to ground attacks. As motorized
was to steer tanks, which he needed for detachments crossed open ground just
subsequent attacks on Egyptian beyond the border two hours before sunrise,
fortifications, through narrow un-mined enemy artillery bracketed them. Incoming
passages. Artillery pounded his battalion rounds inflicted nearly 100 casualties,
including several officers.
as it groped for safe passage. Perseverance
ultimately prevailed. Pilavsky's battalion Conditions rapidly improved, however.
reached a key road shortly before dawn, Infantry encircled and rocketed both 34 and
turned towards Crossroads 12, and flanked 36, opening the way for AMX-13s, which
42 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956
The fighting 43

sped across exposed terrain smashing Infantry Brigade detachments meanwhile

Egyptian defenses. After a three-hour fight covered the withdrawal to al-Qantarah.
and heavy Israeli casualties, the 27th Al-Qadi concentrated his rearguard near
Armored Brigade now controlled Rafah's al-Arish, which meant that the 27th Armored
northern flank, having isolated Gaza from Brigade at first met little resistance. At Sheikh
Sinai. Barlev's AMX-13s and Super-Shermans Zuweid, an outpost six miles from Crossroads
hardly paused, racing for Crossroads 12, Israeli tanks found only smoking rubble,
12 where they arrived at 09:00 am on the aftermath of Mystere and Ouragan raids.
1 November. Now armored spearheads could As Barlev's armor closed on al-Arish, fighting
begin the advance on al-Arish, Sinai's most intensified with a major battle erupting at
important city, while Givli consolidated Jeradi Pass. Here geography assisted an
control of Gaza. Egyptian infantry company contesting Barlev's
Group 77's achievements at Rafah Salient, advance. East of Jeradi a wide coastal plain
though impressive - all goals in hand and allowed attacks across a broad north-south
only a little behind Dayan's timetable - were swath. The pass itself confined travel to a
incomplete since enemy troops and their narrow gap, limiting Barlev's options by
equipment largely avoided capture despite complicating any attempt to bypass it from
chaos in Egypt. Twice during Salient battles the flanks or rear. Attacking on a thin front
Nasser ordered an immediate withdrawal. blunted 27th Armored Brigade's numerical
Al-Abd ignored the first dispatch, but edge, so Israeli commanders evaluated options.
complied with the second, which arrived A minor road angling southeast to northwest
shortly after dawn on 1 November. Despite from southern Rafah Salient penetrated sand
heavy pressure on three flanks, he extracted dunes south of Jeradi Pass. This track offered
from Rafah what remained of the 5th the prospect of encircling the pass; Group 77's
Infantry Brigade just two hours before initial orders entailed such a maneuver.
Israeli infantry and armored prongs met at According to this plan, after Israeli forces
Crossroads 12. Thus these pincers closed on entered southwest Gaza, the 27th Armored
air, al-Abd having escaped encirclement. Brigade's reserves were to outflank Egyptians at
Jeradi Pass via the secondary road as Barlev's
The 27th Armored Brigade advances main body approached from the east.
through Jeradi Pass to al-Arish This plan had theoretical merit. But a
Undaunted by the failure to surround delayed breakthrough at Rafah and logistical
al-Abd's troops, Dayan directed Barlev to deficiencies forced Barlev to abandon
assemble and dispatch towards al-Arish three elaborate maneuvers at Jeradi Pass. However,
columns from the 27th Armored Brigade, he used indirect tactics on a small scale once
each with infantry and artillery support. his vanguard arrived at a defended ridge just
Because of their speed, a dozen AMX tanks east of the pass. Several AMX-13s hooked left,
led; Super-Shermans and AMXs followed in storming its summit. Since Egyptian artillery
two groups. Dayan hoped to capture al-Arish and infantry remained on a steep eastern face,
by nightfall on 1 November. The AMX blocking movement to al-Arish, Barlev
vanguard rolled west from Crossroads 12 that ordered air strikes. These blows, though
morning, leaving roughly six hours to cross powerful, failed to neutralize the hill, but a
40 km (25 miles). In favorable conditions, two-pronged armored assault hard on the
this pace seemed attainable. However, heels of this aerial onslaught broke enemy
Dayan's schedule failed to account for positions, sending Egyptians scrambling west.
Egyptian resistance along the al-Arish road. Dusk, only two hours away once the
During the daylight hours of 1 November, 27th Armored Brigade had secured the pass,
most of the 3rd Egyptian Infantry Division persuaded Barlev to lunge at al-Arish.
was either retreating towards the Suez Canal or A Sherman cohort advanced before accurate
preparing to do so at sunset. Small 4th Egyptian artillery fire forced a twilight halt.
44 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956

Chaos for Egypt's 3rd Infantry 12th and 17th Battalions failed because of
Division: Retreating to Suez navigational shortcomings. Mutawally
During the night of 1/2 November, while the himself found safety among local tribes near
27th Armored Brigade prepared to attack the Hedgehog.
al-Arish the following day, al-Qadi's 3rd Mutawally's interval of secrecy exceeded
Infantry Division retreated en masse. Those Egyptian expectations. Near noon on
fortunate enough to survive the carnage at 2 November, Israeli aircraft reconnoitering
Rafah and Gaza scampered west, hoping to the Hedgehog noted its peculiar calm. The
reach al-Qantarah - 160 km (100 miles) 37th Armored Brigade's Shermans
distant along the Canal - while darkness subsequently ascended to Umm Shihan.
prevailed. Thus shrouded, the shattered Finding nothing, the tanks rolled west
division might avoid the Israeli air raids that towards Ruafa; en route they encountered an
made daytime travel perilous. ambush that the 7th Armored Brigades had
Also retreating that night were laid for Egyptian troops. Most of the unit
Egyptians fleeing the Hedgehog. Mutawally's was far west, chasing T-34s and SU-lOOs of
evacuation proceeded according to plan, the 1st and 2nd Egyptian Armored Brigade as
probably because his scheme and these vehicles fled to al-Ismailiyah from their
expectations were simple: escape Umm Qataf earlier Sinai concentrations. However, a
and Umm Shihan undetected. Unaware of squadron stayed behind, assuming, in the
the 3rd Infantry Division's grave situation, absence of contrary information, that tanks
barefoot soldiers from the 6th Egyptian driving west from Umm Shihan must be
Infantry crossed dunes and desert, essentially hostile. Their rounds struck eight of the nine
defenseless but nonetheless seeking friendly
units at al-Arish. In this quest, one battalion Israel captured several Egyptian prisoners after
- the 18th-succeeded, while remnants of the conquering al-Arish. (Topham Picturepoint)
The fighting 45

Shermans from the 37th Armored Brigade, British-Ottoman World War I battle, received
killing its squadron commander and Egyptian machine guns and artillery. Its
inflicting several other casualties. trenches and mines lent defensive strength.
This friendly fire marred an otherwise Along Ali Muntar's eastern edge, a path
triumphant day for Dayan's forces. At dawn linked Gaza City to Beer Sheva and served as
Barlev captured al-Arish, all defenders having the primary avenue of attack for the 37th
withdrawn the previous night. The 7th Armored Brigade, which struck at dawn on
Armored Brigade eventually overtook 2 November.
Egyptian armor in western Sinai, destroying The 11th Infantry Brigade trailed the lead
three tanks and capturing one. Perhaps most Shermans. When Kadesh began, one
encouraging of all in terms of overall priorities battalion from the brigade had dispersed,
in Kadesh, 2 November represented a day of patrolling to intercept Egyptian and
impressive success in Gaza. Palestinian commandos seeking to attack
Israel. Therefore, late on 1 November when
Settling scores in Gaza: Israel Israeli GHQ ordered an immediate advance
conquers the Strip against Gaza City, the 11th Infantry Brigade
Once al-Abd's Rafah Salient collapsed, required time to position its units to attack
severing Gaza from Egypt, Israeli forces the Gaza City-Beer Sheva road.
prepared to overrun the Strip in its entirety. The armored battalion succeeded despite
Attacks from Gaza - an Egyptian "bridgehead attacking without infantry support. Israeli
[across] Sinai," in Dayan's view - had long Shermans rolled past Ali Muntar and
troubled Israeli leaders. Capturing this area Egyptian National Guardsmen positioned
from Egypt meant elimination of the along the road. Upon penetrating Egyptian
bridgehead. Egypt based its Gaza defenses on defenses, these tanks ignored resistance,
the Strip's two major population centers, Gaza speeding directly into Gaza City itself. After
City and Khan Yunus, so Israel directed its overrunning it, the armored team turned
military campaign against these settlements. north, again without halting en route to
Defending Gaza City was an Egyptian engage Egyptian forces. The Shermans and
National Guard Brigade - 3500 troops strong - half-tracks soon arrived in Bet Hanun, a mile
and several mortar detachments. Nearby was a from the Gaza Strip's northern terminus. To
small force from the Motorized Border Patrol. the 11th Infantry Brigade, now concentrated,
A dozen miles southwest, three battalions fell the assignment of destroying the
of the 86th Palestinian Infantry Brigade and National Guard Brigade on Ali Muntar and
artillery units protected Khan Yunus. Against elsewhere in Gaza City.
these two brigades, Dayan sent two By noon on 2 November, Israel controlled
battalions of the 11th Infantry Brigade and a the city, so the 11th Infantry Brigade and
37th Armored Brigade battalion, whose half- armor from the 37th Armored Brigade
tracks and six Shermans had not fought at pivoted south, engaging Arab forces at Khan
the Hedgehog with the rest of their brigade. Yunus. Although this had fewer defenders
The armored battalion's main role at Gaza than Gaza City, they resisted Israeli attacks
was as a mobile strike force, collapsing when these developed on 3 November.
enemy defenses so that the 11th Infantry Dayan, who hoped to capture all Gaza by
Brigade could occupy the Strip and join the dusk on 2 November, favored a faster tempo,
1st Infantry Brigade at Rafah. but logistical weakness prevented rapid
Israel first attacked Gaza City, which, with success. An 11th Infantry Brigade battalion
50,000 inhabitants, was the largest and most was available to advance immediately into
strategically important of Gaza's remaining southern Gaza, but Dayan demurred. This
settlements. Fortified hills just outside the delay indicates his growing belief in armor's
city dominated the area. One of these, Ali importance, and was a justifiable decision in
Muntar, the site of a protracted light of a tough four-hour melee that ensued
46 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956

at Khan Yunus the following day. This battle Israel could disregard the United Nations
had two phases, the first lasting longer and General Assembly ceasefire resolution of
having more significance than the second. 1 November for only so long, and with each
In the first stage along a defensive passing day world opinion hardened against
perimeter surrounding Khan Yunus, Israeli continued fighting. Finally, and perhaps of
armor was paramount. The 86th Palestinian greatest importance, the Sharm el-Sheikh
Brigade was sheltered within minefields, campaign posed operational difficulties.
wire, and heavy-weapon strongpoints nearly Primary among these was logistics. The
impervious to infantry assault. The 37th Aqaba axis had no paths suitable for large,
Armored Brigade's Shermans assailed this mechanized military forces, forcing the
boundary, using their firepower to blast 9th Infantry Brigade, Colonel Abraham Yoffe
holes in Palestinian defenses. The perimeter's commanding, to advance off-road nearly
collapse concluded the first battle phase and 322 km (200 miles) through rough country.
inaugurated the second, within Khan Yunus. After negotiating this maze Yoffe was to
Shermans and half-tracks accompanied the capture Sharm el-Sheikh. The 9th Infantry
11th Infantry Brigade's soldiers who stormed Brigade joined battle early in Kadesh,
gaps in the wire and attacked Palestinian storming Ras an-Naqb on 30 October, then
positions from flank and rear. This halting. Dayan, fearing Egyptian air attacks
onslaught, which concluded around noon might devastate the brigade along the Aqaba
on 3 November, ended organized Arab
defense of the Gaza Strip, although
Palestinian bands remained holed up OPPOSITE 1) 27th Israeli Armoured Brigade captures
al-Arish at dawn, 2nd November.
throughout Khan Yunus.
2) 9th Israeli Infantry Brigade captures Ras Nasrani the
Minor firefights erupted when Israeli afternoon of 4th November and captures Sharm el-Sheikh
security forces endeavored to uproot these the morning of 5th November.
holdouts, but the 11th Infantry Brigade, with 3) 6th Egyptian Infantry Brigade withdraws to al-Arish the
night of 1st November and early morning of 2nd November.
more pressing matters at hand, advanced six
4) 11th Israeli Infantry Brigade and a battalion of 37th
miles southwest to Rafah. Here the unit Israeli Armoured Brigade capture Gaza City on the
joined the 1st Infantry Brigade, completing morning of 2 November, conquer all Gaza Strip north of
Israel's conquest of Gaza after a 58-hour Gaza City by evening, 2nd November and capture Khan
campaign. During its combat operations, the Yunus on the morning of 3rd November.
5) Two companies of 202nd Israeli Paratroop Brigade
11th Infantry Brigade suffered approximately
capture Tor via airborne assault, evening of 2 November.
a dozen killed and five dozen wounded. 202nd Paratroop Brigade reaches Tor on 4th November
and sets out for Sharm el-Sheikh on 4th November,
Operation Yotvat: Israel overwhelms reaching the city early in the afternoon of 5th November.
the Tiran Straits 6) Near mid-day 2 November a squadron of 7th Israeli
Armoured Brigade mistakenly ambushes 37th Israeli
Once the 1st and 11th Infantry Brigades
Armoured Brigade.
converged at Rafah, a single Israeli strategic
7) 3 Para (British) conducts airborne assault at Port
goal remained: the Tiran Straits. Israel's Said's Gamil airfield the morning of 5th November.The
situation as of 3 November seemed quite company advanced east to the Coast Guard barracks on
favorable - three objectives in hand (Gaza, the afternoon of 5th November before withdrawing to the
sewage works that evening.
al-Arish, and the Hedgehog) with one to
8) 2nd Regiment Parachutiste Coloniaux (French)
accomplish. Yet various factors cast a pall
conducts airborne assaults of 5th November: 8:00 am in
over this apparently promising scene. First, southern Port Said and 1:00 pm in Port Fuad.
opening the Straits was Israel's most 9) 3 Commando Brigade (British) assaults Port Said,
important objective. Dayan labeled it 6th November 40 and 42 Commando strike amphibiously
with support from 6 Royal Tank Regiment, while
Kadesh's "primary aim." The campaign as a
helicopters airlift 45 Commando to the city. 3
whole would fail if this goal was not Commando Brigade and 6 RTR reach al Cap when the
achieved. Also, the time available for military UN cease-fire takes effect during early morning of
operations in southern Sinai was shortening: 7th November.
The fighting 47
48 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956

axis, waited until Britain, France, and Israel sited to dominate the Tiran Straits. Ten miles
controlled Sinai's skies before authorizing any west atop high ground, Jebel Aida supported
movement except patrols. Because Britain and both positions. However, closer examination
France delayed attacking Egypt, air superiority reveals that Zaki had little chance of outright
emerged later than Dayan hoped. His Kadesh military victory; realistically he could only hope
timetable - built on the Sevres schedules - to delay defeat. In ideal circumstances, an
stipulated a November 1 departure from Ras Egyptian sea-lift would precede Yoffe's arrival.
an-Naqb, and capture of Sharm el-Sheikh on Zaki, new to Aqaba, knew little of local
3 November, but the 9th Infantry Brigade left conditions. He inherited positions built upon
a day behind schedule. the assumption that Israel would attack Sharm
This delay concerned Dayan, who el-Sheikh with paratroops. His forces included
supplemented the 9th Infantry Brigade with no tanks. Ras Nasrani and Sharm el-Sheikh
a second front in the form of the 202nd were incapable of mutual fire support, and key
Paratroop Brigade, currently bivouacked near immobile assets were divided between the two
Parker's Memorial. Dayan planned to deploy localities. Thus, consolidation meant sacrifice.
these commandos against the Tiran Straits But complete Israeli air domination was
once they arrived in southern Sinai. Two perhaps Zaki's greatest problem. Israel's
alternatives were available for using Sharon's warplanes provided continuous
paratroops: parachuting into Sharm reconnaissance, whereas Zaki had little
el-Sheikh after flying from Mitla - which information regarding enemy movements.
Dayan preferred as the quickest option - or Complicating Zaki's situation, Israeli fighters
advancing overland from Tor on the Gulf of started intense strikes against Sharm el-Sheikh
Suez, roughly 97 km (60 miles) by road in early November. These raids continued
northwest of Sharm el-Sheikh. Anti-aircraft round the clock for three days.
batteries at Sharm el-Sheikh forced Israel to Contemplating these Egyptian
advance overland from Tor, an operation disadvantages may have lifted Yoffe's spirits;
with two preliminary steps: advancing to certainly he needed encouragement as he
and capturing the port. Dayan planned to advanced on the Tiran Straits. The first 160 km
follow this phase with an airlift, after which (100 miles) took 30 hours. Despite efforts to
overland movement against Tor could begin. travel lightly, time and again brigade vehicles
Airborne drops against minimal Egyptian lodged in sand, necessitating muscle power for
resistance began near dusk on 2 November, a renewed advance. Their journey temporarily
and Tor's airfield was captured by nightfall. "eased" - a relative term - once the 9th
Earlier that day, Yoffe's column left Ras Infantry Brigade surmounted high ground
an-Naqb, and trekked for 60 hours across 16 km (10 miles) south of Ain al-Furtaga.
arduous terrain. While en route, the 9th However, encounters with enemy patrols
Infantry Brigade saw few enemy forces. In increased as the Israeli column approached the
keeping with Nasser's order of 31 October, most Straits. Their first engagement of consequence
Egyptians had quit Sinai. Some forces, however, developed on 3 November at Dhahab, a coastal
including two battalions at Sharm el-Sheikh Egyptian post 72 km (45 miles) north of Sharm
under Colonel Raouf Mahfouz Zaki, remained. el-Sheikh. Here a 9th Infantry Brigade patrol,
Nasser intended to evacuate Zaki once naval commanded by Lieutenant Arik Nachamkain,
support became available. In the short run, encountered and routed Egyptian soldiers.
though, Zaki was to hold the Tiran Straits. When the rest of the brigade later arrived at
Egyptian positions in southern Sinai had some Dhahab, Yoffe halted but Dayan, overhead in a
advantages. At Sharm el-Sheikh were an airstrip, Dakota, exhorted him to continue. At dusk on
port, and extensive supplies. Bunkers, trenches, 3 November, therefore, his march resumed.
minefields, artillery, and anti-aircraft guns Meanwhile the 202nd Paratroop Brigade's
protected Ras Nasrani and Sharm el-Sheikh, preparations for opening a second front
while Ras Nasrani also had 6-inch coastal guns proceeded rapidly. After Israel seized Tor airfield
The fighting 49

on 2 November, an airlift began. Through the Rolling barrages, in which Israeli ground
night of 2/3 November, Dakotas and forces advanced behind an air strike screen,
NordAtlases ferried a battalion of the 12th ended Egyptian resistance. Zaki surrendered
Infantry Brigade into Tor. Overland from at 09:30 am on 5 November, six hours
Parker's Memorial, meanwhile, came the before the 202nd Paratroop Brigade arrived
remainder of the 202nd Paratroop Brigade, at Sharm el-Sheikh. Kadesh was over,
arriving at Tor late the following afternoon. although to the northwest of Sinai, Revise
Here the paratroops consolidated, departing the had hardly begun.
next day for Sharm el-Sheikh via a paved road.
After leaving Dhahab on 3 November, the
9th Infantry Brigade again encountered Egypt and France face mobility
enemy forces, this time at Jebel Ashiri and predicaments
Wadi Kid. Using terrain and darkness to
maximize the effects of grenades, machine Bombing panics Nasser so France
gun fire, and mines, an Egyptian platoon seeks to accelerate Revise against
half-heartedly ambushed Israeli patrols. British resistance
Although the Egyptian contingent inflicted Dusk on 31 October found Nasser pleased
few casualties and soon fled, their ambush with his situation. Despite earlier concerns
delayed Yoffe's brigade for 11 hours. Israeli of an Anglo-French attack, he now dismissed
engineers eventually established safe such thoughts. He enjoyed the advantage of
passage through the narrow path, and at fighting on a single front, Sinai, and on
mid-morning of 4 November the convoy favorable terrain. For 48 hours his forces
continued. resisted Israeli attacks. The Hedgehog
That noon, the 9th Infantry Brigade remained intact despite the 7th Armored
arrived at Ras Nasrani, northernmost of the Brigade's success at al-Dayyiqa. Quiet
Tiran Straits strongpoints where Nachamkain prevailed along the northern axis, as yet
discovered that Zaki's units had fled south. under Egyptian control. Meanwhile,
Zaki, with too few men to protect both darkness meant that Egyptian forces could
localities against a large Israeli force, decided move at will, free from devastating daytime
to defend Sharm el-Sheikh and its airfield Israeli air strikes. Although Israel gained an
and deep-water port. The 9th Infantry upper hand that day in Sinai's skies, Egypt's
Brigade therefore marched towards Sharm air force remained capable of strafing and
el-Sheikh 16 km (10 miles) south, en route bombing. Moreover, high morale prevailed
winning numerous skirmishes along the among the Egyptian people.
outpost's northern periphery. Darkness fell Finally, all signs indicated widespread
before Yoffe arrived at its outskirts, but he opposition to Kadesh even among Israel's
attacked nonetheless. At midnight, two allies. The United States attempted several
companies hit and nearly overran Egyptian times on 30 and 31 October to pass UN
positions west of the city, but retreated with Security Council resolutions condemning
heavy casualties after a four-hour assault. Israel's invasion and demanding her
Half-tracks and jeeps soon led another withdrawal from Sinai. The Soviet Union,
strike from the west - this one battalion- Egypt's ally, supported these proposals; only
sized and enjoying ample firepower in the French and British vetoes succeeded in
form of artillery support and air-delivered stemming the Security Council tide, which
napalm - smashing Egyptian defenses subsequently referred the issue to the
around Sharm el-Sheikh an hour after dawn General Assembly. These vetoes met
on 5 November. In tandem with a short-term British and French needs but
simultaneous advance from the east by angered American leaders, who increasingly
another of the 9th Infantry Brigade's suspected collusion between Britain,
battalions, Yoffe had Zaki in a nutcracker. France, and Israel.
50 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956

Sharm el-Sheikh. Prior to attacking this outpost, Colonel Abraham Yoffe led 9th Infantry Brigade across more than a
hundred miles of rugged Sinai terrain such as the distant mountains pictured here. (Topham Picturepoint)
The fighting 51

After sunset, though, Nasser's exuberance Lt Col P Crook and his Tac HQ move into airport
collapsed in the flames of bombs exploding buildings, El Gamil airfield. Port Said after airborne assault
on 5th November 1956. (Topham Picturepoint)
throughout Cairo. Britain and France would
fight after all. Egypt's single front, Sinai, such an
advantage only hours ago, suddenly presented a French commanders, bolder than their
nightmare scenario. An Anglo-French invasion risk-averse British counterparts, proposed
of the Canal Zone could envelop the Egyptian immediate deployments to Egypt. Well
Army in a killing zone - Israeli columns from before Revise, Beaufre predicted an early
the east, British and French pincers from the Egyptian collapse and held in reserve various
west - threatening Nasser's government and schemes for accelerated action. In late
Egyptian independence. October his opportunity arose. On the
Nasser therefore summoned his military 30th of that month, Beaufre suggested
leaders, having already decided upon a sending marines and airborne forces into the
withdrawal from Sinai. Opposition arose from Canal Zone, but warned that this operation
several quarters. General Amer advocated was only feasible if Egypt disintegrated.
remaining in Sinai despite the encirclement Subsequent discussions expanded his plan,
risk. He wanted Egyptian units, at that now termed Omelette, outlining a role for
moment joined in combat, to repel Israel British paratroops, who would capture Gamil
before leaving Sinai. Amer thought Egyptian airfield west of Port Said. Meanwhile Royal
reinforcements might favorably tip the Marines, traveling by helicopter, would
balance at Rafah, the Hedgehog and Heitan occupy bridges spanning Junction Canal at
Defile. Thus Nasser himself had to order Raswa. Additional Canal Zone drops would
Egypt's withdrawal. His directive came as secure Anglo-French control of Suez.
battles raged across Sinai, and dramatically Omelette had limitations. Its shortage of
changed the situation there. His new strategy, firepower - in particular, no armor -
and growing international opposition to probably meant success only if Egypt
continued hostilities in Egypt, prompted mustered no Canal Zone resistance.
reconsideration of Revise schedules. Accordingly Beaufre contemplated
52 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956

circumstances in which Egypt continued to it into Telescope Modified. British fears about
fight. In these conditions he favored an helicopter vulnerability to anti-aircraft fire
amphibious assault, but the allied armada gave France responsibility for Raswa
remained far from Egypt. To save time he operations, for which French leaders selected
proposed that this armada proceed directly a parachute assault. But Raswa's difficult
to Port Said without visiting Cyprus, but Task terrain - small, with adjoining water - made
Force commanders refused. airborne operations quite problematic.
Strategic developments added impetus to Dispersion doomed French paratroopers to
the French preference for attacking Port Said certain defeat, but Generals Jacques Massu
straightaway. Aware that Egypt neared (10th Parachute Division commander) and
collapse as its troops retreated across Sinai, Jean Gilles assured Beaufre that their forces
Beaufre and French political leaders urged could hit a small drop zone. This assessment
immediate action. But amphibious attacks appealed to Beaufre, who wanted a
remained several days off, as the allied significant French role on 5 November. More
convoy sailed across the Mediterranean. So importantly, Beaufre believed that the
long as Egypt maintained some Canal Zone bridges constituted the key objective in Port
presence - meaning at least several more Said. In spanning Junction Canal, they
days as retreating units withdrew from Sinai allowed armor to travel the Canal road. If
- Omelette entailed unacceptable risk. Egypt destroyed or otherwise denied Raswa
Therefore, Beaufre tinkered, hoping to to French and British forces, Port Said
hasten schedules even if Egyptian resistance became a dead-end, precluding any
continued. He developed a new proposal, land-based exploitation until allied engineers
Omelette II, which the Task Force erected pontoons across Junction Canal.
commanders rejected. Their opposition to
paratroop deployments where immediate Above Egypt: Britain and France
reinforcement was impossible continued. pursue air supremacy
Other French commanders faced an equally After Israel invaded Sinai, British bomber
galling situation. The British chiefs rejected wings under the command of Group
French chief-of-staff Paul Ely's request for Captains G.C.O. Key and Lewis Hodges
immediate airborne raids against Egypt, and prepared for battle. Ambiguity surrounding
vetoed other schemes such as Israeli the Arab-Israeli military situation limited
assistance or using warships to ferry marines them to tentative planning, but all signals
to Egypt more quickly. indicated imminent combat operations.
Increasing prospects for success in Egypt, Initial scenarios outlined night attacks
combined with a pending UN General against Egypt's bomber fleet early on
Assembly session, prompted Beaufre to 31 October. On 30 October, the extent of
develop new plans, which on 3 November future RAF activity gained greater clarity
gained British approval. His creation, when British chiefs instructed Key and
Telescope (sometimes called Simplex), Hodges to institute a six-hour alert.
differed from Omelette II only in timing - its Following Eden's parliamentary ultimatum
assaults took place 24 hours before Revise of 31 October, the chiefs refined their
Phase III. Keightley and Stockwell overcame guidance, ordering bombing to begin the
their conservatism and approved Telescope, next morning. Confusion arose among Task
although international and domestic Force commanders. Eden deprived them of
pressure to cease hostilities forced Eden to key information about the Sevres Protocol,
restrict it. He agreed to deploy a day early meaning that they failed to grasp the
while stipulating that allied forces must fight interaction between Kadesh and Revise.
only along the Canal Zone. Was Britain's adversary Egypt? Israel? Both?
On 4 November, French and British Neither? The Task Force commanders did
commanders refined Telescope, transforming not know.
The fighting 53

Adding to their discomfort, Egyptian The night was not a complete failure.
MiGs unexpectedly intercepted high-altitude Bombers eventually struck Almaza, while
RAF reconnaissance aircraft. Already wary of additional sorties raided several other
daytime operations with MiGs aloft, British Egyptian bases, including Kabrit and Abu
air commanders opposed such sorties after Suwayr, both home to MiG-15 squadrons,
this incident. They now wanted night and Inchas, an occasional Beagle base.
bombing only, since Egyptian pilots However, British bombing inaccuracy
depended primarily on visual identification. yielded disappointing results. Follow-on
The chiefs agreed, but warned that daytime photographic reconnaissance indicated
missions must begin if Egyptian bombers hit minor Egyptian damage, prefiguring an
Israel. At Akrotiri half a dozen Canberras ineffective four-day bombing campaign.
went on alert to attack Egypt if this Low-altitude daytime multi-purpose fighter
contingency arose. strikes employing visual targeting techniques
Revise Phases I and II - air supremacy and attained more success than the hapless
an "aero-psychological" campaign - Canberra and Valiant night attacks.
commenced 13 hours after the Anglo-French
ultimatum expired. While Nasser planned British a n d French m u l t i - p u r p o s e
Sinai's reinforcement, seven Cyprus-based fighters destroy Egypt's air force a n d
Canberras and eight Valiants from Luqa, Phase II targets Egyptian m o r a l e
Malta, flew to Cairo West airbase, 30 km Multi-purpose fighters operating from
(19 miles) northwest of Cairo and home to Cyprus and allied carriers were well-suited
several IL-28 Beagles. At last the Beagles, for an air-supremacy campaign against "soft"
which had flown recent sorties against Israel targets - parked Egyptian aircraft. Such
and elicited from Ben-Gurion a near-phobic fighters proved ideal in conditions requiring
reaction for their ability to bomb Israeli bombing accuracy. Before dawn on
cities, appeared doomed. 1 November, dozens of carrier-based
However, as British bombers approached Seahawks, DeHavilland Sea Venoms and
the African coast, Eden learned that Chance-Vought Corsairs and land-based
American nationals were evacuating from DeHavilland Venoms and Thunderstreaks
Cairo near Cairo West. Horrified about with Hawker Hunter escort flew to Egypt.
potential American casualties, Eden ordered As the sun appeared in the east, these
the Valiants to return to Malta and diverted planes strafed their targets, which included
the Canberras to Cairo's Almaza military the bases RAF bombers had attacked the
base - home to MiG-15, Meteor, C-46, C-47, previous night as well as Kasfareet, home to
and IL-14 aircraft - which the lead jets Vampire squadrons; Fayid, home to Meteor
struggled to identify and hit with their and Vampire squadrons; and Dekheila, near
bombs. The complexities of high-altitude Alexandria. Although most Beagles had
night precision attacks with "dumb" escaped to Upper Egypt, Syria, and Saudi
ordnance meant many opportunities for Arabia, the fighters, bombers, and transports
failure. For instance, these circumstances at these bases suffered cannon and rocket
amplified the effect of atmospheric attacks. Nasser realized the magnitude of this
conditions such as wind and temperature, defeat, which destroyed the vast majority of
resulting in less accuracy. Although Phase II Egypt's operational force - roughly 200
planners had identified Radio Cairo, a key planes - but his enemies did not until the
pillar of Nasser's government, as a primary following day. Canberras and Valiants
target, Eden removed it from British lists returned to Egypt that night, again raiding
because of concern over civilian casualties. Cairo West and other airfields, seeking to
No one in the British command structure destroy an already vanquished adversary.
realized that Radio Cairo's transmitters were This successful 36-hour campaign meant
far from populated areas. difficult choices. Anglo-French forces could
54 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956

initiate an aero-psychological campaign per Aero-psychological efforts give way

Revise Phase II and damage Egyptian morale to aerial interdiction
by striking refineries and petroleum Multi-purpose fighters meanwhile attacked
installations. Other enticing Phase II options tactically and operationally, attempting to
were Radio Cairo and leaflet dispersal. minimize resistance to Revise Phase III. Targets
Millions awaited distribution by British included armor and trucks capable of
bombers. Alternatively, Anglo-French air reinforcing the Canal Zone and infrastructure
forces could fight tactically and operationally. on which these reinforcements could travel.
This course had appeal. Strongly negative Allied planes pounded depots across Egypt.
world reaction against striking Egyptian Seahawks and Westland Wyverns flattened
targets primarily civilian in nature showed the Huckstep Barracks, an enormous vehicle
risk of a lengthy strategic campaign. concentration near Cairo, while other
Keightley and the Task Force commanders warplanes attacked military materiel at Al
chose to bomb a range of targets. They Maya Barracks.
abandoned oil facility strikes. Unexpected Various limitations prevented all-out
Middle Eastern developments forced infrastructure attacks, since Revise depended
Keightley's hand here. When Revise began, on some infrastructure for movement.
saboteurs destroyed pumping stations along Unnecessary for Phase III, though, was a
a key Iraqi oil pipeline. Raids against bridge connecting the Canal Zone with
Egyptian oil facilities might trigger Dumyat, 48 km (30 miles) west, which
additional retribution against British provided a western reinforcement route for
conduits. But Keightley pursued other Phase
II activities. With pamphlets in Cyprus
awaiting dispersal, and bombers capable of
carrying them based nearby, leaflet
distribution seemed easy to implement.
However, aircrew resistance and technical
challenges soon forced Keightley to abandon
the leaflet program. By contrast, the Phase II
dalliance with broadcast propaganda -
disabling Radio Cairo - was more successful,
although it too fell short in many ways.
Eden's reluctance to inflict non-combatant
casualties slowed this initiative, but progress
resumed when British planners learned of
Radio Cairo's desert location. Since strikes
could begin at once without fear of civilian
deaths, 18 Canberras attacked the transmitters
at high speed and low altitude during
daytime. No ordnance hit the complex itself
but one bomb struck an antenna, disabling
Radio Cairo for several days before
technicians succeeded in erecting another
mast. With a monopoly over North African
airwaves, the Cyprus-based Voice of the Allied
Military Command warned Egyptians "we
shall bomb you [wherever] you hide." These
clumsy exhortations accomplished little.
Egyptian listeners considered them nothing
more than enemy lies.
The fighting 55

Port Said. Therefore on 3 November many emerged. Eden had earlier canceled strikes at
planes struck, yet failed to drop, the Dumyat Cairo West airbase, allowing Egyptian
span, which resisted attack after attack. Beagles to scatter. Some fled to Syrian and
Finally a swarm of rockets crumbled enough Saudi bases. Widening the war beyond Egypt
masonry to sever the road. Egypt's rail repelled Eden, but some Ilyushins remained
system presented another enticing target, at Luxor. Its distance from Cyprus perhaps
since this web transported soldiers and contributed to failure on the night of
weapons throughout the Canal Zone. 2 November: Canberras attacked but
Particularly successful were raids near inflicted no damage. Britain unwisely
al-Ismailiyah. On 3 November, Canberras continued night attacks even after gaining
broke all regional lines, marking one of the air supremacy. RAF bombers relied primarily
few tangible bomber contributions to the on visual targeting, a technique that worked
war. A day later, Valiants and Canberras poorly at night. Subsequent night raids also
flew their last Revise sorties, attacking failed, leaving Luxor's Beagles unscathed
Alexandria. Fittingly, these were a diversion; until 4 November, when French
Keightley hoped to fool Nasser into moving Thunderstreaks rocketed the airbase,
forces to western Egypt. Phase II ended as it destroying the bombers.
began - a sideshow to more consequential
military developments.
These Egyptians in French custody were lucky - French
As Britain and France shifted to vehicular soldiers in Egypt often followed a 'no-prisoners' creed.
and infrastructure targets, one deviation (Topham Picturepoint)
56 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956

Boots on the ground: Revise Preceding the airlift convoy over Port Said
Phase III were two dozen ground-attack aircraft. These
and other French and British planes loitered
Telescope Modified: Paratroops all day, first pounding drop zones, then,
capture Gamil, Raswa, and Port Fuad once paratroops landed, responding to
Brigadier M.A.H. Butler, 16th Independent air support requests. The airlift convoy
Parachute Brigade commander, and the meanwhile droned towards Egypt, splitting
687 "Red Devils" of the 3rd Parachute two hours after leaving Cyprus. En route to
Battalion Group (3 Para), Lieutenant their Junction Canal objective, the
Colonel Paul Crook commanding, formed NordAtlases peeled away from their British
the first wave of Telescope Modified. After counterparts, while Hastings and Valetta
waking hours before dawn, 3 Para left pilots tracked a smoke beacon marking their
Nicosia aboard obsolete Hastings and drop zone. Clear and calm weather heralded
Vickers Valettas. Soon their armada - 32 ideal jump conditions.
strong plus a Canberra B.6 to mark the British and French paratroops had several
drop zone - joined a French contingent of objectives, foremost among them seizing
22 NordAtlases operating from Tymbou Canal Zone territory before hostilities ended.
airfield. Aboard these transports were As United Nations ceasefire talks were to
Lieutenant Colonel Pierre Chateau-Jobert resume on 5 November after a four-day
and his men of 2e RPC, a small British respite, the issue figured prominently in
contingent, and a French special forces unit. Anglo-French political and military circles.
For Ely, Barjot, Eden, and others, placing
boots on the ground provided a valuable
British paratroops patrol Port Said after the United Nations
cease-fire. Sporadic violence erupted in the city until Britain
bargaining chip in subsequent negotiations
and France withdrew in December 1956. (TRH Pictures) concerning the Suez Canal's future.
The fighting 57

Red Devils aboard their transports 5 November 1956. as the Allies planned to occupy Port Said
That day they flew from Cyprus to Egypt and just after indefinitely, protecting its water supply against
dawn parachuted into Port Said. (TRH Pictures)
Egyptian sabotage was important.
Finally, Telescope Modified focused
Related to this objective was an interest in on the potential advantages of Gamil's dual
probing Egyptian strength in and around Port airstrips. British occupation denied them
Said. Prior to Telescope Modified, Butler to Egypt while allowing their use by
informed his military superiors that 3 Para Anglo-French planes. However, Egypt's air
could, in a single day, capture not only Gamil force collapsed before 5 November, while
airfield, but Port Said's harbor complex as Gamil's limited size prevented its use by
well. Securing this prize eased British and most RAF planes. Gamil, therefore, lacked
French logistics by allowing cumbersome much air power significance.
armor and lorries to offload directly at port. Gamil's long, narrow profile -
Events may have vindicated Butler had his Mediterranean Sea to the north, Lake
entire brigade attacked on 5 November. Manzala to the south, and little intervening
However, constraints on the space available land - allowed only two drop-zone flight
for tactical airlift at Cyprus limited the Gamil paths for Hastings and Valetta pilots: east or
assault to a single battalion. west. Both options had disadvantages. An
Another significant objective focused on eastern approach subjected their vulnerable,
infrastructure. Near Raswa lay the municipal low-flying planes to Port Said anti-aircraft
waterworks, on which Port Said, built on fire, while a western approach meant staring
brackish swamps, depended entirely. Seizing it into a rising sun.
provided leverage against the city, which Britain Once over a drop zone nearly five miles
and France could use to their advantage. Also, west of Port Said, 3 Para exited their aircraft
58 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956

ABOVE Operation Telescope Modified: French BELOW British Red Devils in Cyprus.These paratroops
paratroops in their Port Said drop zone, the parachuted into Port Said on 5 November opening the
morning of 5 November 1956. (Topham Picturepoint) ground phase of Operation Revise.They seized Gamil
airfield but darkness and Egyptian resistance prevented
capture of Port Said's harbour (Topham Picturepoint)
60 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956

B Company attacked Port Said's sewage Sixteen km (10 miles) southeast, light
works. Structures and foliage in and around Egyptian resistance and narrower French
this complex offered cover for Egyptian objectives than those of 3 Para allowed for
snipers who fought for an hour before more rapid success than at Gamil. Three
retreating to a cemetery nearby. units parachuted into Raswa, and each had
Port Said's graveyard, though less different goals. 2 RPC sought the Port Said
defensible than its sewage works, waterworks, while a special forces detachment
nonetheless provided some protection, was to capture at least one of Raswa's two
forcing B Company to arrange air support, bridges. The (British) Guards Independent
and again slowing British progress. Bulwark- Parachute Company went a different
based Seahawks joined the fight; their rocket direction, probing the Canal road and
attacks drove Egyptians from their cemetery causeway, a crucial artery for southern
redoubts, but additional strongpoints lay exploitation. By necessity this scouting
east. Notable among these was the Coast mission was to be geographically limited.
Guard barracks, a formidable structure Otherwise allied aircraft, assuming troops any
housing many armed Egyptians. distance from Port Said must be Egyptian,
To avoid storming this defensible might attack them. But even a short
position in the face of withering enemy fire, reconnaissance offered valuable intelligence.
B Company again arranged air support. As All these units faced the challenge of
Eagle-based Wyverns approached at low hitting a tiny, triangular drop zone with water
level, Egyptian fire downed the lead airplane, (Lake Manzala, Junction Canal, and Suez
whose pilot parachuted to safety. However, Canal) bounding every side. The drop
other Wyverns survived to release their zone's size - a few hundred yards per side -
1000-pound bombs, blasting holes in the necessitated accuracy so that troops landed on
building and inflicting heavy casualties terra firma. To mitigate anti-aircraft fire against
within. B Company subsequently withdrew, the NordAtlases during their low-level runs
despite these punishing aerial attacks. over the drop zone, Corsairs and Seahawks
Nearly a full day of fighting depleted British flew suppression missions which succeeded in
ammunition stocks, necessitating re-supply that anti-aircraft fire downed no transports,
before any additional advance. although nine planes sustained damage.
D Company, 3 Para, arrived at Gamil the To enhance concentration the paratroops
afternoon of 5 November. Conceivably leapt much lower than minimum altitude
Brigadier Butler could have dispatched these regulations dictated. Their technique
troops to the Coast Guard barracks, with generally worked, although much heavy
instructions to continue B Company's equipment missed the drop zone. Minimal
advance. Also available to fight were A and C time aloft meant fewer shots for defenders
Companies, currently defending terrain of firing while the paratroops drifted to earth.
little value. However, embarking on such Upon landing, the paratroops used local
operations required time; paratroops needed terrain as cover while units assembled their
to assemble equipment, consolidate units, and equipment and quickly overwhelmed
prepare weapons. As dusk overtook Gamil, resistance at the waterworks, cutting Port
Butler decided against further offensives into Said's supply. The special forces unit
Port Said. Concern over D-Day bombardment meanwhile marched to the Raswa bridges.
contributed to his caution; a few miles' Their running battle with nearby Egyptian
separation from the assault beaches provided soldiers damaged the eastern bridge,
a safety margin. B Company withdrew west in rendering it inoperable. However, French
the late afternoon, establishing defensive forces seized the western span. A potential
positions at the sewage works. Clouds of chokepoint now lay in allied control.
biting insects and a ferocious stench made for Thus by mid-morning both French teams
a miserable bivouac. had accomplished their Telescope Modified
The fighting 61

Reinforcing success: French paratroops in their Port Fuad late morning, when 2 RPC accomplishments
drop zone, the afternoon of 5 November 1956. (Topham became clear, Chateau-Jobert arranged another
scheme - afternoon airborne assaults into Port
Fuad. He sought to protect 2 RPC's eastern
goals. Their breakthroughs were due to flank by occupying the town's salt works
many factors including experience. Also, directly opposite Raswa and, if this move
Anglo-French air supremacy allowed an succeeded, hoped to capture the whole of Port
interesting command and control technique Fuad. Both goals lay within reach. Air support
for coordinating operations. While fighting and fierce French assaults transformed the
raged, French commanders circling above in fighting at Port Fuad into a rout. Air strikes
an airborne command post observed troops annihilated Egyptian troops attempting a
and terrain, allowing integration of battlefield cross-Canal retreat, leaving only isolated
tactics and air support. Another important snipers to resist French occupation. Although
reconnaissance mission was underway as paratroops spent another 12 hours eliminating
well. British paratroops aboard two jeeps resistance, by late afternoon on 5 November
raced south, scouting the road to al-Qantarah France won the battle for Port Fuad.
as far as six miles beyond Junction Canal.
Surprisingly, the road could support an allied Britain and France seek Port Said's
thrust - no mines and only a few craters immediate surrender or an
marred its surface. Furthermore the jeep accelerated attack
patrols noted no Egyptian presence there. This fact probably figured in Egypt's decision
Success at Raswa allowed aggressive to consider surrendering Port Said as well. In
follow-on paratroop deployments. If 2 RPC late afternoon, Port Said military commander
encountered heavy resistance at the Brigadier Salaheddin Moguy requested
waterworks, French commanders planned to immediate negotiations. Moguy, a recent
reinforce their initial drop zone. However, in arrival at Port Said, knew little of high-level
62 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956

requested a full day to contemplate these

terms. Butler granted Moguy four hours and
proposed an interim ceasefire for that
interval. Butler wanted a truce to facilitate
evacuation of wounded paratroops. Moguy
agreed to Butler's ceasefire and left.
While Moguy attempted to contact Cairo
for guidance, allied commanders considered
other options for Telescope Modified. Perhaps
Butler's post-parley report indicating the
remote odds of an immediate Egyptian
surrender fuelled their interest in accelerating
schedules. By dusk on 5 November, the allied
armada lay offshore, its early arrival a
function of more speed than anticipated and
good weather. Thus Phase III could begin
immediately rather than waiting until the
following day. British Admiral Manley Power
proposed one possibility: Sycamore and
Whirlwind helicopters were to transport the
3rd Marine Commando Brigade to Gamil,
allowing a link-up with 3 Para and subsequent
advance on Port Said, nullifying the planned
amphibious assaults.
Beaufre, fixated as always on rapid
exploitation while tending to discount
attendant risk, suggested two ways of seizing
General Jacques Massu commanded French paratroops the Canal Zone. First, he suggested dawn
during Telescope Modified. His forces fought well, airborne drops at al-Qantarah. Now that
capturing all their objectives. (Topham Picturepoint) friendly forces held Raswa, al-Qantarah
exerted a magnetic appeal to Beaufre. For
Egyptian plans or local forces and their him, the southern terminus of the Suez
capabilities. Did Nasser prefer a fighting causeway constituted the next logical step in
retreat to al-Qantarah, or perhaps a battle to allied operations; its occupation bypassed
the end at Port Said? potential bottlenecks that might delay a
Moguy did not know, but buying Canal Zone break-out.
time through negotiations opened an Beaufre also proposed diverting French
information-gathering window. He also marines from Port Fuad to Raswa, thereby
hoped to persuade the allies to release their saving them several hours' marching time.
stranglehold on Port Said's water supply. From Raswa, the marines could advance
Additionally, he thought that a temporary south along the Suez causeway and assist in
ceasefire would provide his troops some capturing al-Qantarah, or relieve 2 RPC,
recovery time, and preparations for arming enabling that unit to participate in other
the local population could continue as well. airborne operations further south. According
In the ensuing talks Butler, Chateau-Jobert, to Beaufre, Stockwell agreed to drop
and Massu outlined allied terms: Port Said paratroops at al-Qantarah, only to renege
was to be placed under an immediate curfew after Moguy rejected allied terms. Details of
and all local Egyptian forces were to their conversation remain nebulous.
surrender their weapons and march to Regarding other proposed modifications,
Gamil. Moguy, pursuing Fabian tactics, however, Stockwell stated his position
The fighting 63

clearly. In no mood to modify Revise so of surrendering. He attempted to cashier

extensively on short notice, and unwilling to Moguy and promote a battalion commander
shoulder additional risk for questionable in his place, although confused command
gains, he vetoed these ideas. and control arrangements limited the
Among other factors, attacking at dusk effectiveness of Nasser's order. Moguy,
diminished allied fire support, a notable sensing the importance of continued
liability since those units assaulting Port Said resistance, rejected Butler's terms at
- marine commandos and paratroops - were 09:30 pm on 5 November. In response,
"light" by nature. Also, although night Butler proposed an hour-long ceasefire
fighting concealed the movements of extension; Moguy, who benefited from
attacking units, rendering them less each additional minute of ceasefire, agreed.
vulnerable to defensive fire, Port Said's No further extensions followed; at 10:30 pm
streets and alleys were difficult to navigate in the truce expired.
darkness. In low visibility, local inhabitants, After the Suez campaign, some
with their knowledge of this labyrinth, had participants condemned Butler's decision to
an inherent advantage over attacking forces. participate in a ceasefire, contending that it
Furthermore, regarding Admiral Power's undercut allied efforts. These critics alleged
proposal, helicopters had never before ferried that pausing operations at a time when
troops directly into a combat zone. Gamil Anglo-French forces possessed momentum
itself lay in allied hands, and medical and initiative curtailed opportunities for
evacuation via helicopters was ongoing, but further battlefield success. This criticism is
enemy fire from its periphery still rang out
flimsy, since Butler halted 3 Para's advance
periodically. Using a novel technique in
for other reasons well before negotiations
adverse conditions presented more danger
began. Also Anglo-French forces at Raswa,
than Stockwell was willing to accept; he
having by and large achieved their objectives
announced that Revise's existing timetable
and lacking manpower for additional
would stand.
offensive moves, had assumed a defensive
Nor did Stockwell want blurred lines mode by mid-afternoon.
demarcating allied amphibious zones in
Port Fuad and Port Said. Thus he rejected Preparing Port Said's beaches for an
Beaufre's plan to insert French marines imminent Anglo-French assault
directly at Raswa. His decision typifies a As fighting resumed in Port Said late on
key difference between the Task Force 5 November, certain facts were apparent.
commander and his French deputy. Most importantly, despite wavering at times,
Stockwell favored existing plans; their Egyptian forces withstood allied paratroop
methodical construction and underlying staff landings, avoiding a rout and ignominious
work reduced risk. Beaufre, by contrast an surrender. Their success belied Brigadier
opportunist, saw plans as merely a means to Butler's earlier optimism. Judicious
an end, without much inherent value. For exchanges of territory and time by Egyptian
him, altered circumstances or assumptions soldiers cheated Britain and France of a rapid
provided adequate justification to jettison tactical victory. Thus, Egypt deprived its
part or all of the original plan. adversaries of a logistical base at Port Said
As Stockwell and Beaufre argued, back in from which to advance on al-Qantarah and
Port Said Moguy contacted higher al-Ismailiyah. 3 Para's failure to capture Port
headquarters at al-Ismailiyah. Britain and Said and its harbor on 5 November forced
France wrongly believed that all lines of Britain and France to proceed with Revise
communication linking the city with the Phase III, with all its implications for
outside world were gone. Nasser, lacking casualties and damage.
details about Moguy's parley but apparently In fact, the depressing prospect of shelling
aware of the ongoing talks, had no intention a city of roughly 200,000 inhabitants
64 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956

prompted a brief British consideration of Egyptian coast aboard Suvla and other
alternative invasion sites near Port Said. Landing Ships Tank (LST). This invasion
Gamil presented an attractive option, since force had been at sea for nearly a week,
Egyptian forces could not contest a landing having sailed 1,609 km (1,000 miles) from
there. However, offshore and onshore Malta during those six days.
minefields, the absence of suitable harbors, After British and French forces parachuted
the increased distance to break-out zones at into Port Said a day before, local weather
Raswa, and the general uncertainty involved deteriorated, roughening the Mediterranean
with a last-minute change of plan compelled to a moderate chop, but conditions remained
Stockwell to oppose shifting to Gamil. acceptable for amphibious landings. While 40
For all their failures, the airborne and 42 Commando entered their ungainly
operations yielded some benefits. French "Buffalo" Landing Vehicles Tracked, Fleet Air
paratroops now held key parts of Port Said - Arm and Cyprus-based ground-attack aircraft
its waterworks, airfield, and southern exits - rocketed and strafed northern Port Said to
and controlled Port Fuad. Moreover, despite discourage Egyptian soldiers - whose numbers
Stockwell's decision not to land marines at in the city had risen to three battalions - from
Gamil, 3 Para's occupation of territory west resisting the imminent invasion.
of Port Said prevented the possibility that Once this aerial attack ran its short but
Egyptian forces might produce enfilading fire intense course, allied destroyers fired
during landings north of the city. barrages, pounding not only Port Said's
As dawn approached on Tuesday beach, but also a 100-meter line of wooden
morning, 6 November, smoke hung over Port huts immediately adjacent to the beach.
Said, partially obscuring views out to sea Although missing the roar of the allied fleet's
where 1000 Royal Marines from the 3rd largest guns - those aboard cruisers and the
Commando Brigade prepared to storm a French battleship Jean Bart were absent -
three-quarter-mile-wide beachhead these salvos nonetheless struck to good
immediately north of the city. After waking effect, igniting several huts and forcing
at 04:00 am, Lieutenant Colonels D.G.
Tweed and Peter Norcock and their
As Port Said burns on 5th November 1956, French
battalions, 40 and 42 Commando, Royal paratroops guard a key objective, the town waterworks.
Marines, took position half a mile from the (Topham Picturepoint)
The fighting 65

Egyptian soldiers within to abandon their Furthermore, British contact teams on top of
breakfasts and flee inland. Cabinet- the buildings could observe Egyptian
established rules of engagement for this movements and direct air and naval strikes
invasion first limited gunfire to those guns onto areas of resistance.
4.5 inches and smaller - thus reducing the While A and B Troops advanced inland,
fleet's firepower by a factor of 10 - but then, an unwelcome cascade of random explosions
late on 5 November, prohibited any naval and stray rounds showered the 150 marines,
bombardment. The Royal Navy as flames from beach huts detonated
circumvented these restrictions through ammunition caches in and beneath these
semantics. In naval parlance, blazing shacks. Enemy fire from positions
"bombardment" meant "firing at targets," west of Sierra Green also erupted
but another option, naval gunfire support - sporadically. Despite this cacophony, A and B
"firing over friendly troops at targets Troops succeeded in overrunning the beach
dangerous to those troops" - allowed British huts, and soon reached a coastal road
destroyers to fire landwards while adhering separating the beach from northern Port
to the letter, if not the spirit, of their orders. Said. During their advance, marines in the
lead wave moved inland as quickly as
Royal Marines hit Sierra Green and possible, bypassing any resistance remaining
Red, and establish bridgeheads: in the swath of territory linking Port Said
6 November with its adjoining beaches. Speed and
After waiting below decks for nearly an hour, mobility were watchwords for 42
the first invasion group, roughly a fifth of 40 Commando during H-Hour and beyond, as
and 42 Commando, plunged into the the unit sought to punch a narrow hole in
Mediterranean aboard a dozen Buffaloes. enemy defenses, then exploit this opening
These armored amphibians wallowed south, by a rapid southern advance to Port Said's
propellers churning to power them and their strategic prizes - bridges, roads, utilities, and
20 passengers through and over the early other key infrastructure which not only
morning chop, itself roiled from intermittent ensured control of Port Said itself, but also
sniper fire. The burning Casino Pier facilitated a break-out to al-Qantarah and
illuminated the boundary dividing Sierra Red points beyond. Advancing on a broad front,
and Sierra Green, assault beaches for 40 and or pausing for clean-up operations, delayed
42 Commando respectively. The conclusion this process, so the Royal Marines avoided
of last-minute strafing runs indicated a these techniques.
temporary lull in supporting fire; 40 and 42 While A and B Troops executed blitzkrieg
Commando were now alone until they could tactics in northern Port Said, others in 42
establish bridgeheads. At H-Hour, Commando approached Sierra Green from
approximately 07:00 am, half an hour after the sea. A Landing Ships Tank shortage
leaving the relative safety of their Landing forced these follow-on units - C, D, E, and F
Ships Tank, Buffaloes transporting 40 Troops - to attack via Landing Craft Assault
Commando made landfall at Sierra Red. (LCA) which, unlike Buffaloes, lacked true
Ten minutes later and some distance amphibious capability. Therefore, marines in
westwards at Sierra Green, A and B Troops, this second wave exited their craft 50 feet
42 Commando, lumbered ashore in their from shore and waded through breaking
vehicles, squinting all the while to see their surf. As they did so, sporadic enemy fire rang
first objective: tall masonry buildings out, but the diversion that A and B Troops
immediately inland of burning wooden huts. had recently provided, together with earlier
If captured, these structures offered multiple naval and aerial support, meant that the
advantages. First, they functioned as a follow-on forces suffered less than they may
potential linchpin for strong defensive have expected, given their lack of defensive
positions at the bridgehead periphery. protection. With 42 Commando's full
66 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956

weight now pressing against the bridgehead

periphery, A and B Troops stormed through
the masonry towers, spilling onto a road just
beyond. 42 Commando had attained its
initial objective - a defensible foothold - and
further exploitation could commence. Half a
mile east, 40 Commando had similar success
reaching the beach and preparing for
subsequent inland operations.
Marines in this assault wave had a
profound advantage over their counterparts
in 42 Commando: after leaving their LSTs, a
dozen specially outfitted Centurions from C
Squadron, 6 RTR, lumbered onto Sierra Red.
In contrast to partially armored Buffaloes,
which provided their occupants with only
limited protection, these Centurions were
invulnerable to sniping and other small-arms
fire common along the assault beaches and in
northern Port Said. 40 Commando made
good use of the Centurions' defensive
attributes and of their offensive firepower as
well. After two Centurion Troops (eight
tanks) drove west to join 42 Commando,
40 Commando and its attendant armor
embarked on its first objective: clearing
areas adjacent to Port Said's harbor. If
40 Commando succeeded, additional marine
and paratroop landings - via helicopter and
ship respectively - could commence.
Although 40 Commando cleared a helicopter
landing zone immediately inland of the
port's western breakwater near a colossal
statue of Canal visionary Ferdinand de
Lesseps, any prospect of rapid victory receded
once the marines traveled some distance
down a road paralleling the waterfront.

Port Said's sprawling waterfront, including

numerous basins and wharfs such as limited
port facilities at the Fishing Harbor and Casino
Palace Hotel, and larger quays further south at the waterfront, Egyptians offered fierce
the Inner Harbor, meant that 40 Commando resistance in their fortified enclaves.
faced a complex clearance task. Adding to this
challenge was a row of buildings along the Helicopters enter the fray:
waterfront. These structures, some massive and 45 Commando searches for an LZ
reinforced, provided ideal defensive positions As the first such occurrence of this
for their occupants. At other areas in and phenomenon raged at a police station half a
around Port Said, Egyptian forces engaged in a mile inland, at sea on the decks of Ocean and
fighting retreat - slow, organized withdrawal Theseus 45 Commando prepared to reinforce
in the face of superior firepower - but along their counterparts in 3rd Commando Brigade
The fighting 67

using helicopters. No military force had ever 45 Marine commando aerially assaults Port Said via
used helicopters to airlift troops directly into British Sycamore and Whirlwind helicopters based on
HMS Theseus and Ocean, 6 November 1956. (Topham
a combat zone, so this experiment
represented a historical milestone, and its
novelty showed. Equipment and procedures With their tiny capacity and awkward
each exhibited severe shortcomings. In fact, internal configuration, Sycamores and
well before helicopters landed at Port Said, Whirlwinds of 845 Naval Helicopter
or even lifted off the decks of Ocean and Squadron and the Joint Experimental
Theseus, participants in this mobile Helicopter Unit (JEHU) provided inelegant
innovation faced numerous challenges. platforms for transporting ammunition-
68 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956

laden troops, who found themselves jammed Theseus were only a few minutes' flying time
into a small open-air cargo bay immediately from Port Said.
aft of the cockpit. Long flights in these Once airborne, another challenge
contorted positions could well have induced appeared, in this case affecting passengers
severe discomfort among passengers; and crew. Conditions at Port Said on 6
thankfully for 45 Commando, Ocean and November included fluctuating and
The fighting 69

indeterminate front lines, dozens of burning Commando. These pioneers of modern

buildings, and an ever-shifting pall of smoke warfare only just survived to recount their
due to the wind. Into this chaos flew a deeds. The helicopter's confused aircrew
Whirlwind, having lifted off from Theseus offloaded Tailyour at Port Said's sports
shortly after H-Hour. Aboard was Lieutenant stadium, still firmly under Egyptian control.
Colonel N.H. Tailyour, the commander of 45 In the resulting barrage of small-arms fire,
dozens of rounds struck the Whirlwind
before it escaped to safety with Tailyour
aboard once again. Now obvious to crew and
passenger alike was the need for a cleared
and easily identifiable landing zone; after
beating a hasty aerial retreat, they selected
an area just south of Sierra Red. This landing
zone, situated just southwest of the de
Lesseps statue and near the Casino Palace
Hotel, proved far more hospitable than the
sports stadium, and the airlift of 45
Commando was on.

40 Commando facilitates
reinforcement of Port Said
Near their landing zone, 40 Commando
began to learn the cost in time and resources
of advancing along the waterfront. Having
suffered only minor casualties in smashing
Egyptian resistance at Port Said Police
Station, the marines slogged southwards,
perhaps unaware of the difficult firefights
that lay ahead. Preliminary assessments
indicated that 40 Commando might secure
Port Said's harbor within a few hours of its
assault landing at Sierra Red, but these
proved overly optimistic.
In fact, the arrival of afternoon found
the marines quite a distance from the
harbor's southern end, instead besieging
Port Said's Customs House in an effort that
proved useless until Centurions arrived and
pummeled the building with short-range
fire. 40 Commando soon encountered an
even greater tactical conundrum upon
reaching Navy House. Within this imposing
edifice were over 100 holed-up Egyptians.
Even flat-trajectory Centurion fire failed to
dislodge the enemy. Greater firepower in

Wrecks blocking the Suez Canal prevented Britain

and France from using quays in southern Port Said on
6th November slowing their drive for al-Qantarah.
(Topham Picturepoint)
70 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956

Because wrecks blocked the Canal south of Port Said, Sierra Red and Green landings when British
British forces offload troops and equipment at locations amphibious vessels reconnoitered the
such as the Fishing Harbour; ill-suited to the task at hand.
harbor's northern end. Their dispatches,
(Topham Picturepoint)
along with reports from the destroyers
that steamed into port soon after the
the form of aerial rocket attacks blasted the amphibians, foreclosed landings at Port
Egyptians into quiescence, but dealing with Said's Inner Harbor, situated well south of
stubborn Egyptian resistance at Navy House the Canal mouth. British planners preferred
and other waterfront locations cost British landing here because of the Inner Harbor's
forces casualties and time - a commodity in superior facilities and the proximity to
short supply later that day during their break-out zones south of Port Said.
desperate race for al-Qantarah. However, north of the Inner Harbor,
Time-consuming sieges also deprived various unobstructed landing options
follow-on forces of port facilities necessary existed. Foremost among these were the
for rapid debarkation, although this Fishing Harbor and the Casino Palace Hotel
combat-related delay was merely one of wharf. With some improvisation, including
many challenges that faced them. Dozens of the use of a sea wall as an unloading
capsized Egyptian blockships littering the platform, both proved suitable for LST
harbor impeded Royal Navy operations. operations and, by mid-morning, a stream
This fact became clear shortly after the of men and equipment left their vessels and
The fighting 71

entered Port Said. Among arriving forces 42 Commando fights through Port
were additional 6 RTR Centurions: first, Said and 45 Commando exploits
tanks from A Squadron, then, roughly an helicopter mobility
hour later, from regimental headquarters During a rapid southern advance,
and B Squadron. In their race for Raswa's 42 Commando routed from the golf course
bridges and al-Qantarah beyond, armored any remaining Egyptians. Following its
spearheads from A Squadron suffered an establishment of defensive positions at
embarrassing setback when soft ground at Sierra Green during mid-morning of
the local golf links provided inadequate 6 November, 42 Commando immediately
traction for continued movement. expanded its bridgehead, leaving D Troop
Earlier on November 6, the golf course to handle any resistance. While D Troop
was a staging ground for unsuccessful searched masonry flats and burning beach
attacks against 2 RPC at Raswa, as Egyptian huts for remaining Egyptians, 400 marines
forces retreated towards al-Qantarah, in five troops (A, B, C, E, and F) used Port
hoping to escape British marines pouring Said's road network, particularly Shari
ashore at Port Said. Despite numerical and Muhammat Ali - a major north-south
material disadvantages (the attackers had thoroughfare eventually reaching the
armor and self-propelled artillery), 2 RPC Inner Basin lock and Raswa bridges.
repulsed these disorganized offensives by
directing Corsair strikes against Egyptian
Port Said's Arab quarter after the United Nations
formations. Therefore few enemy remained
cease-fire. On 5 and 6 November shellfire and airstrikes
to harass 6 RTR Centurions as they sank ignited this area, most of which subsequently burned,
into the greens. displacing thousands of Egyptian civilians. (TRH Pictures)
72 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956

Along Shari Ali lay their objectives, and adjusted by employing Centurions of
within a few hours the marines accomplished C Squadron, 6 RTR, which rolled ashore at
them all. C Troop halted at the edge of Port Sierra Red. While marines dashed across
Said's native district; their goal was to prevent intersections, Centurions laid down
partisan movement from redoubts in the covering fire and provided a mobile screen
Arab quarter to other areas of the city. They of armor. In addition to the challenge they
also maintained 42 Commando's lines of posed along Shari Ali and nearby roads,
communication and movement along Shari irregulars also obstructed British forces
Ali. Next along this road, the marines elsewhere in Port Said. Responsibility for
encountered the city gasworks and golf pacifying the native quarter and its
course, the latter astride not only Shari Ali, innumerable insurgents lay with 45
but also Shari Fuad el Auwal, Port Said's other Commando, but this clearing operation
main north-south artery. awaited the marines' arrival from their
These roads converged just north of the quarters aboard Ocean and Theseus. They
Raswa bridges. As 40 Commando sought to traveled by helicopter.
use Shari Auwal as its primary axis of Having located an acceptable landing
advance to the bridges, by capturing the zone south of Sierra Red, Tailyour now
local golf course, B and E Troops of 42 transported his commandos. Four assault
Commando helped both themselves and a cells, each with 120 marines aboard
fellow unit in 3 Commando Brigade. A and 22 helicopters, arrived in succession. Once
F Troops faced minimal opposition in the marines landed, inbound Sycamores and
seizing the gasworks, allowing A and B Whirlwinds airlifted their equipment and
Troops to continue their advance to Raswa. ammunition, while outbound craft carried
After linking with Chateau-Jobert and his allied casualties to Theseus and Ocean for
paratroops they established blocking treatment. During the operation, one pilot,
positions at the municipal electric station his craft out of fuel, crashed at sea. It was the
and awaited retreating Egyptian forces. E only loss for 845 Squadron and JEHU during
and F Troops stayed behind, occupying the their November 6 airlift operations, and
gasworks and golf course. proved insignificant to the broader campaign
As 42 Commando attained its goals one at Port Said.
after another a far different pattern emerged Once 45 Commando had its gear, the
than that occurring along Port Said's marines advanced on foot along the coastal
waterfront where 40 Commando fought road, at right angles to 40 and 42
fierce pitched battles against Egyptians in Commando. Almost immediately after their
buildings. Objectives themselves - mid-morning departure, the marines took
municipal utilities and the golf course - fire from an unlikely source. An Eagle-based
posed little challenge for 42 Commando, Wyvern attacked, inflicting over a dozen
but moving between these objectives casualties. Faulty procedures, in which the
exposed the marines to snipers, who even offshore Joint Fire Support Control
disabled a Buffalo. Intersections posed a Committee forwarded targeting coordinates
particular danger, since Egyptian riflemen to aircraft without consulting British air
could simultaneously pour fire onto these contact teams in Port Said, contributed to
crossroads from four directions. The marines this incident.
Portrait of a soldier

Israeli commandos

Israeli commandos participated extensively Jewish guerrillas again struggled against

in the 1956 Suez campaign. They crossed the foreign occupation. The Zealots, a radical
Sinai Peninsula, fought at Mitla Pass and faction espousing apocalyptic beliefs and
assisted in Israel's conquest of the Tiran dedicated to ending Roman rule through
Straits. In fact, the enduring IDF tenets of violence, launched surprise attacks against
speed, surprise, unpredictability, and small- Roman soldiers and Roman sympathizers in
unit leadership arose largely from these elite the Jewish community. Their goal was to
forces and their mid-1950s successes. plunge Palestine into anarchy and, in the
Unconventional warfare dates back to the ensuing chaos, seize control. Such activity
early years of Jewish military history. In the helped precipitate the Jewish War, 66-70 CE,
2nd century BCE, the Maccabees led a in which Roman legions sacked Jerusalem,
successful insurgency against the Seleucid ravaged much of Palestine, crushed Jewish
dynasty threatening Jewish religion and resistance, and initiated the Diaspora which
culture. The Maccabees used bases in the lasted for the next two millennia.
Judean wilderness to ambush enemy armies Early in the 20th century Zionism spurred
operating in Palestine. Years of hit-and-run European Jews to emigrate to Palestine, then a
raids eventually broke Seleucid will, leading part of the ailing Ottoman Empire. Palestine's
to an independent Jewish state. Two feudal chaos and long Islamic tradition - and
hundred years later, during Roman consequent hostility towards Judaism -
domination of the eastern Mediterranean, compelled these migrants upon arrival to
form secret paramilitary groups such as Bar
Giora and Hashomer. These covert societies
primarily guarded Jewish newcomers; in this
capacity they escorted Jews traveling in
Palestine, sought to resolve by force land
disputes in favor of Jewish claimants, and
protected Jewish outposts against brigands
and gangs. These paramilitaries operated
defensively for the most part, although at
times they operated offensively, for instance
raiding villages hostile to Jewish settlement.
With the onset of World War I, Ottoman
security forces attempted to destroy Jewish
commando bands; Hashomer and Bar Giora
never recovered. Both had disappeared when
Britain attained a Mandate over Palestine in
the early 1920s.

In response to the Arab revolt of the late 1930s, British

Captain Orde Wingate formed Anglo-Jewish Special Night
Squads, training their members in hit-and-run tactics,
emphasizing speed, surprise and audacity. Here Wingate
inspects troops during African service. (Topham Picturepoint)
74 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956

For the next 15 years, British troops the challenge of nation-building contributed
maintained order. In 1936, however, to this trend. Unfortunately for Israel, such
Palestinian gangs seeking to undermine skills ebbed at an inopportune moment.
Britain's Middle Eastern imperialism Palestinians, Jordanians, and Syrians, whom
attacked Jewish settlements and British the 1948-49 conflict had thrown into
government buildings, set ambushes, and destitution, occasionally infiltrated across
incited urban riots with the aim of armistice lines to rob and plunder. These
destroying British authority and forcing activities soon merged with the guerrilla
Zionism into retreat. Violence associated tactics of Israel's neighbors, who abandoned
with this Arab uprising renewed traditional conventional warfare, instead kidnapping,
Jewish emphasis on commando forces, and planting mines, and killing as opportunities
also prompted a paradigm shift within presented themselves.
Jewish military circles. Defensive strategies Numerous Israeli retaliations in the early
lost favor as a more offensive outlook 1950s, which began poorly in Syria in May
beckoned, laying the groundwork for 1951 and soon deteriorated to abysmal
fundamental regional changes. levels, illustrated the sorry state of Israeli
Soon after the 1930s uprising engulfed commando capabilities. A failure at Falema,
Britain's Mandate, British Captain Orde Jordan, in January 1953 galvanized Israel's
Wingate arrived in Palestine. After two years military leaders to adopt a different
of observation he trained Jewish groups in approach. In August 1953 they resurrected
the Counterinsurgency tactics he had seen in Wingate's ideas, forming Unit 101, an elite
the Sudan. His proposal for "Making His group named for the "Screaming Eagles" of
Majesty's Forces Operate at Night with the the United States 101st Airborne Division.
Objective of Putting an End to the Terror in Ariel Sharon, a precocious fighter who had
Northern Palestine" resulted in the creation recently left military life for academic
in 1938 of an Anglo-Jewish amalgam pursuits, gained responsibility for assembling
Wingate branded the Special Night Squads. this formation, if such a term applies to men
In keeping with the tenor of the times, who deliberately flouted military customs
these units, which totaled about 100 men, and courtesies such as salutes and uniforms.
embraced offensive operations, seeking to Several recruits displayed eccentricities of one
fight behind enemy lines. As their name form or another, but Sharon transformed
implied, the Special Night Squads also sought these quirks into potent military capabilities.
to dominate the hours of darkness. Careful Meir Har-Zion, not yet 20 when he joined
intelligence, keen awareness of terrain, Unit 101, is a good example. Har-Zion spent
superior conditioning, and a flair for the much of his youth exploring the Israeli
unexpected completed Wingate's formula for countryside; these sojourns provided
success in low-intensity conflict. For a year, excellent training for his subsequent career
his squads struck villages suspected of as Israel's most skillful commando.
harboring radicals, assassinated militant Arab Training near Jerusalem, the irregulars of
leaders, and intercepted gangs bent on Unit 101 practiced demolition, long-range
attacking British or Jewish targets in Palestine. patrolling, and other techniques for seizing
Wingate left the Levant in 1939, but Special the initiative despite small numbers and
Night Squad soldiers such as Moshe Dayan limited firepower. Israel's small population
perpetuated Wingate's commando legacy. relative to that of its neighbors and its
Although Israeli forces fought well in culture of placing extraordinary value on the
irregular warfare during the first Arab-Israeli life of each Israeli soldier precluded the
War (1948-49), IDF special operations commandos from engaging in attritional
capabilities declined after that conflict ended. warfare, thus limiting their tactical options
A lack of elite units capable of complex, and forcing Sharon always to consider
dangerous missions, and distractions such as potential casualties when planning raids.
Portrait of a soldier 75

Israel's experiment in special operations at close range before Arab sentries detected
first failed. The unit killed Arab soldiers and them. At the moment of confrontation,
civilians alike in disregard for the traditional Israeli troops immediately struck into the
conventions of war, culminating in a non- heart of enemy defenses. This concept was at
combatant massacre at Kibya, Jordan. Israeli variance with standard offensive tactics for
leaders reacted by changing Unit 101. Dayan storming fortified positions: spiralling
combined the group with a paratroop unit, concentrically through trenches from their
forming the 202nd Battalion in 1954. He periphery inward, methodically neutralizing
apparently hoped to leaven 101's roguish resistance en route.
spirit with a dose of discipline, at least Firing short, aimed bursts from their
regarding the laws of war. Conversely, he standard-issue Uzi sub-machine guns, the
sought to inculcate the remainder of the IDF commandos sprinted inwards, engulfing the
- these paratroops being his test case - with command center in a deadly crossfire.
special operations tactical skills. Additionally, Destroying a fortification's leaders typically
the Israeli general staff ordered Sharon to paralyzed the entire garrison, who either
focus on military targets. milled about in a daze, making them easy
This he did, commencing a nearly targets or, better yet, cowered in their
three-year span during which the 202nd trenches. Such behavior made the
Battalion (and later the 202nd Brigade) commandos' next activity - demolishing
conveyed through violence a message to every structure in and around the
Arab governments: Israel will punish your strongpoint - much easier. Through this
security forces if they fail to control borders. phase of battle, both sides had often suffered
Assaulting targets such as police posts and only light casualties. However, Sharon then
military barracks posed special challenges for unveiled his piece de resistance: a
Israeli commandos. Concealed behind a well-placed ambush, transforming a
trench-and-wire labyrinth and minefields, skirmish into all-out slaughter.
policemen and soldiers at these positions Commotion associated with buildings
enjoyed the advantages accruing to collapsing and large quantities of TNT
defenders, and often had heavy-weapons exploding drew into the fray Arab assistance
support and reinforcements nearby. from nearby posts and villages. In the 202nd
Sharon surmounted these difficulties by Battalion's early years, these reinforcements
assessing his adversary's combat tendencies. invariably blundered towards battle with
Since Arab armies made little effort to little foresight and even less planning. Israeli
develop individual initiative among lower gunmen waited along their path. Intelligence
ranks, soldiers invariably floundered without gleaned from prior nocturnal reconnaissance
strong leadership. Moreover, surprise often indicated which terrain along likely support
elicited reflexive reactions in Arab routes provided optimal ambush conditions.
commanders, who typically dispatched help Taking cues from Hannibal at Lake
before assessing the situation. Like Wingate, Trasimene and Frederick the Great at
Sharon noted that darkness attenuated Rossbach, the commandos preferred to set
firepower's role as a force multiplier. At night traps atop hills or other commanding heights
the killing range of modern weapons shrank bounding narrow axes of movement. While
by orders of magnitude, regressing combat to some detachments moved against the raid's
conditions prevalent centuries earlier. primary objective, other Israeli commandos
The 202nd Battalion therefore deployed on both sides of an ambush zone
implemented several exploitative tactics. along the length of the confined area. Such
Commandos always operated at night, and arrangements provided formidable strength to
enhanced the element of surprise by firing the ambushers. After depleting their supply of
only upon discovery. Their objective was to grenades and ammunition on hapless soldiers
approach strongpoints within extremely below, the ambushing force withdrew to
76 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956

Israel, heavy enemy casualties and wrecked Israeli assault near Kalkiliya, Jordan, is
fortifications in their wake. instructive.
Sharon's reprisal tactics exceeded his Here the 202nd Brigade launched a major
expectations even during experimentation in raid against Arab Legion fortifications.
1954, when nine major raids in Jordan and Sharon, by now a servant of repetitive
Syria humiliated those governments by tactics, proceeded in his usual fashion:
demonstrating that they were incapable of attack, dynamite, ambush, withdraw.
defending their own territory. This impressive Attacking and dynamiting proceeded
debut was merely a prelude to even greater according to plan. But commandos setting a
success the following year. Israeli paratroops trap for Jordanian reinforcements soon
added Nasser to their list of psychological found themselves ambushed. After probing
victims. Their February raid against northern and locating Israeli blocking positions,
Gaza, which smashed local authority while troops of the Arab Legion turned their
killing dozens of Egyptian police and soldiers, adversary's flank, cutting withdrawal routes
darkened Nasser's mood to a point where he to Israel. Only by resorting to massive
embarked on a ruthless cycle of violence with artillery and air support did Sharon extricate
his eastern neighbor. his paratroops from their predicament, and
Equally influential regarding regional not before losing 17 of Israel's best
and global politics was Israel's attack against commandos. It was obvious to Israeli
Syria in December 1955. In keeping with military commanders that tactics that had
Sharon's modus operandi, three groups of earlier kept Israeli casualties to a minimum
Israeli commandos operating at night now provided no such protection.
struck strongpoints along the Sea of The 202nd Brigade was still licking its
Galilee's eastern shore. Four other wounds from Kalkiliya and earlier setbacks at
detachments simultaneously set ambushes Husan and elsewhere in Jordan when the
along anticipated Syrian reinforcement Sinai campaign began. Perhaps recognizing
routes. The extensive mayhem Sharon's their ragged state, Dayan deployed the
paratroops inflicted on Syria elicited paratroops to a front where he expected only
stern condemnation from the United light resistance. Such was the irony of
Nations and a good portion of the world Kadesh - when outright war finally exploded
community as well. late in 1956, those soldiers who for so long
By 1956, however, rising paratroop casualty had functioned as Israel's spearhead and had
rates portended the end of raids in which borne the brunt of its shadow war against
commandos operated with impunity deep hostile forces now played a supporting role
inside enemy territory. Nietzsche noted that to reserve units. Moreover the bulk of the
war makes the victor stupid. As the Middle East 202nd Brigade's casualties occurred at Heitan
slipped towards general conflict in the Defile, where Sharon, pursuing a useless
mid-1950s, his observation gained a corollary: objective, ignored the tactics that made his
war enlightens the defeated. An October 1956 commandos so effective in the first place.
How the war ended

Britain and France

abandon Revise
Poor Allied leadership at Port operations had become a mere academic
Said results in lost opportunities exercise, convened a mid-afternoon
conference of senior leaders. During this
Various miscommunications plagued the summit, they arranged for al-Qantarah
allies during their invasion. Soon after 45 and al-lsmailiyah airborne landings on
Commando suffered friendly fire in northern 7 November. French forces were to parachute
Port Said, Stockwell and Beaufre learned of into the former at dawn, while British
Egyptian interest in negotiating. They left airborne troops assaulted the latter a few
their command ship Tyne aboard an hours later.
amphibian, which, for unclear reasons, Forces capable of capturing these cities
ferried them well south of friendly lines, to before the ceasefire took effect were in fact
the Suez Canal Company offices. As bullets available in Port Said. In addition to 2 RPC
cracked around his head, Beaufre correctly at Raswa, French forces on the ground
concluded that surrender rumors were included three commando units, an AMX
premature. Their amphibian retreated to the tank squadron, and the 1er Regiment
Fishing Harbor, where Stockwell subsequently Etranger Parachutiste. The latter, after
debarked. He wandered around Port Said landing on the morning of 5 November,
until well after nightfall. His decision to consolidated French control of Port Fuad and
spend the day incommunicado rather than destroyed pockets of Egyptian resistance at a
on board the Tyne, where updates from his police post east of town, inflicting nearly 100
superiors and situation reports were available, casualties. 45 Commando was also available
remains inexplicable. Beaufre made a to participate in a southern advance. All
similarly unfathomable choice. He lingered in afternoon these marines moved west - rather
the French zone, talking to French than south towards the important objectives
commanders at Port Fuad and preparing for - clearing snipers from the notoriously
subsequent Canal Zone operations. dangerous native quarter and seeking to
Had the Task Force commander and his rendezvous with 3 Para. This task had little
deputy been aboard the Tyne rather than value beyond a narrow tactical one.
engaged in courageous though aimless Revise's overriding strategic aim was to
peregrinations, they would have learned of advance to al-Qantarah, not to secure each
dramatic political developments. While 3 and every building in Port Said. A few units -
Commando Brigade picked through Port perhaps a troop or two - could have cordoned
Said's maze of snipers and strongpoints, off the native quarter by establishing
Eden conceded to intense domestic, roadblocks at key junctions, while the
American, and United Nations pressure. majority of 45 Commando screened allied
British ministers chose to accept a ceasefire, armor south of Raswa, available in abundance
effective at 02:00 am local time on by late afternoon on 6 November. A
7 November. Early in the afternoon of Squadron, 6 RTR, having survived the
6 November, they alerted allied HQ at treacherous terrain at Port Said's golf course,
Cyprus, and a few hours later directed joined 2 RPC and 42 Commando at Raswa
Keightley to halt offensive operations soon. Bridge in mid-afternoon. B Squadron and
One hundred miles south, Stockwell and regimental headquarters, both of which
Beaufre, unaware that planning for future landed via LST at the Casino Palace Hotel,
78 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956

French marines churn ashore unopposed at Port Fuad Brigade, which debarked from their LSTs at
6th November 1956. French paratroops captured this city the Casino Palace Hotel wharf. Nor did
a day earlier (Topham Picturepoint)
Gibbon receive orders to continue his
southern advance. Neither Stockwell nor
also advanced to Raswa, arriving some hours Beaufre was in a position to issue such
after A Squadron. Since none at Raswa orders, since both remained ashore, unaware
understood time's fleeting nature in light of of the pending ceasefire.
the imminent ceasefire, break-out operations While Gibbon and his men entrenched
proceeded slowly. A Squadron's Centurions south of Port Said at al-Tinah, the lead
and 2 RPC paratroops began a leisurely elements of 45 Commando and 3 Para west
advance along the al-Qantarah road, requiring of the city were separated. Déjà vu comprised
a few hours to cover 16km (10 miles). the dominant motif for these airborne forces
By nightfall these units reached al-Tinah, on 6 November. They again struggled to
a small Canal station. In line with standard overrun strongpoints they had occupied, but
procedures, Lieutenant Colonel T.H. Gibbon, then abandoned, a day earlier. Staging from
A Squadron commander, halted his column their sewage farm bivouac, the paratroops
and established defensive positions. Gibbon, stormed the cemetery and coast guard
rightly reluctant to advance his armor at barracks, occupying both areas without
night without an infantry screen, did not much difficulty before noon. East of the
know that thousands of troops capable of barracks, their progress slowed. Here the
supporting such an offensive now occupied coastal road split, one prong heading north
Port Said. Among these units were the to Sierra Red and Green, the assault beaches
1st and 2nd Battalions of the 16th Parachute north of Port Said, while the other branch
How the war ended 79

veered south to the native quarter. Situated Centurions lunge for

at this fork were several obstacles, including
a medical complex and a police station. In
al-Qantarah and establish
these buildings the Egyptians used superior a defensive perimeter
cover and advantageous fields of fire to
mount a spirited defense, thus preventing Halting at al-Tinah on the evening of
3 Para from continuing towards Port Said. 6 November apparently stopped the progress
Air support, so useful in annihilating other of A Squadron, 6 RTR, the British unit
Egyptian fortifications, again comprised the nearest al-Qantarah, until daybreak. Gibbon
Royal Marines' preferred instrument. and his Centurions expected to bivouac at
However, intense air operations elsewhere in least through the night in defensive
the city prevented the RAF and Fleet Air Arm positions there. When Stockwell returned to
from striking the coastal road buildings with the Tyne at approximately 09:00 pm that
immediate and overwhelming force. Similar evening, however, he learned of the ceasefire
interruptions continued throughout the that would take effect in five hours. He
afternoon, again delaying 3 Para's advance. therefore ordered Gibbon to advance on
The increased danger and difficulty of night al-Qantarah immediately. Four hours elapsed
operations against a shadowy partisan foe before British troops began traveling south in
postponed their rendezvous with 45 a chaotic procession.
Commando until the following morning, Some units of the 2nd Parachute Battalion
7 November, after the ceasefire took effect. Group (2 Para) clambered onto 6 RTR
Centurions, forming the vanguard of this
advance; behind were engineers aboard other
A British Centurion amidst devastation in Port Said.
tanks. Trailing the armored column on foot
During Revise, Egyptian partisans fought from in large
masonry buildings such as the structure on the left, was the rest of 2 Para. Darkness and craters
slowing the British and French advance. (TRH Pictures) along the Canal causeway, together with the
80 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956

confusion caused by mixed units executing off large-scale Egyptian attack. For nearly five
an ad hoc operation, combined to prevent days, 2 Para and 6 RTR defended the southern
the motley British formation from reaching perimeter, enduring sporadic, mostly
al-Qantarah by 02:00 am on 7 November. annoying small-arms fire and the uncertainty
Instead, that early hour found the lead that Egypt might attack their positions at any
Centurions and paratroop passengers at time. Their replacements came primarily from
al-Cap, a Canal station four miles north of the 29th Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division,
their objective and 40 km (25 miles) south of which left Britain via troopship during Revise
Port Said. Here British paratroops entrenched Phase I. The 1st Battalion Royal West Kents
in darkness, with a small contingent - two arrived at al-Cap on 11 November and served
platoons - protecting their narrow front line. a 10-day stint in defense of British positions at
Further back were Centurions of A Squadron. al-Cap, at which point the Royal Fusiliers,
Once Egyptian forces in al-Qantarah learned then 1st Battalion, York and Lancaster
that Britain and France had halted their Regiment, protected the al-Cap front line at
advance and intended to respect the roughly one-week intervals.
ceasefire, they established blocking positions Responsibility for Port Said patrols fell
between al-Cap and al-Qantarah, less than mainly onto another brigade of the 3rd
half a mile from British front lines. Infantry Division, the 19th. Port Said posed
With Revise now over, British and French higher risk than al-Cap because its buildings
forces faced two challenges. First, they needed and large population offered endless hiding
to defend their al-Cap positions; second, they places and a willing pool of potential
hoped to maintain control in Port Said, where snipers. Port Said's most dangerous district
civil authority had disappeared. Protecting
al-Cap began in the early morning darkness of
After United Nations Emergency Force troops entered
7 November, and expanded once daylight Egypt in late 1956, Britain and France withdrew all forces
illuminated the Canal Zone. British armor and from the Canal Zone. Here, British paratroops await
anti-tank weapons assumed positions to fend their departure from Port Said. (Topham Picturepoint)
How the war ended 81

was the native quarter in the northwest, A contingent of United Nations peacekeepers, including
which 45 Commando had partially subdued these Yugoslav soldiers, occupied Sinai in the aftermath
on 6 and 7 November as Revise came to a of the Suez Crisis. (Topham Picturepoint)

close. However, many partisans hostile to

Britain and France remained, biding their UNEF, a group of international peacekeepers,
time to fire upon exposed soldiers. After 3 sprang from Canadian foreign minister
Para and 45 Commando rotated from Port Lester Pearson's early-November proposals.
Said's front lines, the Royal Scots stepped Attempting to buy time, Eden agreed to the
into the native quarter breach. Less presence of UNEF in Egypt, hoping that
dangerous but hazardous nonetheless was bureaucratic intricacies would delay its
patrol duty in Port Said's other districts; the creation until after Revise ended and Britain
Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders and the and France had accomplished all their goals.
West Yorkshire Regiment shouldered He underestimated the momentum
responsibility for this task. propelling UNEF, which a UN General
Assembly resolution brought into existence
on 5 November.
Peacekeepers into the Canal Two days later, another resolution barred
Zone and Sinai British and French troops from participating in
UNEF. After contentious debate regarding the
For two weeks after the ceasefire, British and composition of this force, UN resolutions
French forces attempted to maintain order allocated to Denmark and Norway
and their positions in occupied Egyptian responsibility for replacing British and French
territory while awaiting the arrival of the troops along the occupied territory of the
United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF). northern Canal Zone. Approximately 200
82 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956

Danes and an equal number of Norwegians financial weakness, was particularly telling.
separated the combatants in late November, In Britain, currency reserves plummeted
the former deployed at al-Cap and the latter during early November, accelerating a trend
patrolling Port Said and Port Fuad. By that threatened profound economic damage.
December, hostile forces remained in contact Exacerbating this grave situation was an
along only one seam in Egypt: the Canal Zone oil crisis in Britain. Canal blockages forced
south of al-Cap. On this axis, Israeli troops tankers carrying crude from the Arabian
along the Canal's east bank faced Egyptians Peninsula to steam around Africa instead,
along its west bank. To a greater degree than
his British and French partners, Ben-Gurion
dug in his heels regarding withdrawal from
territory captured during the Suez-Sinai War.
Whereas France and Britain viewed their
Canal Zone occupation as an expendable
bargaining chip, Ben-Gurion saw Sinai as a
buffer shielding his nation from Arab
attacks. Therefore he resisted mightily
international efforts to expel Israeli forces
from Sinai and place peacekeepers along the
1949 armistice line. Eventually he relented,
although only after securing UN and
American commitments to ensure freedom
of navigation in the Tiran Straits. In March
1957, Israel completed its withdrawal from
Sinai, and UNEF took up positions between
the belligerents. From a territorial standpoint
at least, the status quo ante bellum now
prevailed, four months after Kadesh sent
thousands of Israeli forces into Sinai.

Political ramifications of the

ceasefire and subsequent

The 7 November ceasefire showed that Revise

had failed. Britain and France did not topple
Nasser, nor did they seize the Canal Zone.
Their forces controlled Port Said and Port
Fuad and the northern sector of the Canal
Zone, and they initially hoped to maintain
this occupation as a bargaining chip in
negotiating the Canal's future. But world
events undercut their plan. Heavy American
political and economic pressure against both
countries, targeting in particular Britain's

French paratroops who had attacked Port Said on

5th November withdraw from Egypt, December 1956.
(Topham Picturepoint)
How the war ended 83

an expensive and time-consuming By mid-November Eden's stamina

diversion. Destruction of regional pipelines collapsed. Balancing the conflicting demands
in Syria further constricted the flow of oil of his cabinet, the Labour Party, the United
to Europe. Consumption soon exceeded States, and the UN proved more than his
supply, causing widespread economic body could tolerate, and he therefore
dislocation in Britain. Rationing alleviated decided to convalesce for a month in
these shortages to some extent, but carried Jamaica. During his absence the cabinet,
an obvious political price. with Lord Privy Seal R.A.B. Butler and
84 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956

Chancellor of the Exchequer Harold Israel learned from the Suez Crisis similar
Macmillan in the lead, chose to withdraw lessons to those of France. For instance,
unconditionally from Egypt in return for Israeli leaders decided that the capacity for
American aid to save Britain's faltering independent action was paramount for
economy. The cabinet's decision came on survival. Depending on other states for direct
3 December. By this time, Eden was a mere military assistance - such as destroying
figurehead, as events soon showed. Upon his Egyptian bombers - was too risky, because
mid-December return, he retained power for those states might renege on their
only a few weeks. In early January 1957, commitments. The Suez War also reinforced
Macmillan became prime minister, and Israeli tendencies towards striking first. By
Eden's three-decade political career was over. keeping Egyptian forces off-balance and
Whereas Macmillan decided to confused, this approach worked in Kadesh,
reinvigorate ties with the United States after and Israel applied these lessons 11 years later
the Suez Crisis, France came to a different during the Six-Day War.
decision, concluding that neither Britain Surprisingly, Nasser emerged from the
nor the United States was a genuine ally. Suez Crisis a hero both in Egypt and abroad.
After all, Britain wavered during the war's Although Egyptian forces fought with
climactic moments and the United States mediocre skill during the conflict, many
obstructed French efforts to occupy the Arabs saw Nasser as the conqueror of
Canal Zone and overthrow Nasser. France European colonialism and Zionism, simply
therefore parted from its NATO colleagues, because Britain, France, and Israel left Sinai
pursuing an independent path that and the northern Canal Zone. In 1958,
included the development of its own Nasser took a dramatic step towards his
nuclear force. pan-Arab vision by linking Egypt and Syria
Charles De Gaulle led this shift in French in the United Arab Republic. Pro-Nasser
policy. After a long period in the political factions elsewhere in the Middle East, such
wilderness, Revise and its resulting political as Iraq, attempted to emulate his ideas by
and military strife within France propelled overthrowing the status quo leadership.
him into a leadership role. Despite Nasser's new-found stature as a leader of
confidence and belief in his own destiny, world importance lasted about a decade.
De Gaulle failed to stem an anti-colonial Egypt's crushing 1967 defeat diminished his
tide of which the Suez Crisis was just one stature considerably, and probably
manifestation. During the Cold War, French contributed to his death at the age of 53 in
colonies in Africa and elsewhere gained 1970. The United Arab Republic proved a
independence in droves. Algeria, which disappointment, and at the turn of the
prompted French interest in toppling millennium pan-Arabism lay in tatters, the
Nasser, left the French fold five years after Islamist movement having replaced it as the
the Suez Crisis. Arab world's most dynamic force.
Portrait of a civilian

Destruction in Egypt and Gaza

Most wars affect civilians. The Suez Crisis to the 1948-49 Arab-Israeli War. That
was no exception, but its impact was one- conflict, which accompanied Israel's creation,
sided. Apart from the inconvenience of fuel forced hundreds of thousands of Palestinians
rationing, this conflict barely touched the to flee their homes. Many refugees sought
home front in Britain or France. Widespread shelter in Gaza. Formerly under British
mobilization disrupted daily life in Israel, but Mandatory authority, after the 1948-49 war
its civilians suffered neither casualties nor Egypt administered this territory.
property damage. Communities in Egypt and Most refugees, including those inundating
Egyptian-controlled Gaza, by contrast, bore Gaza, expected to return to their homes at
the brunt of the war. Fighting raged in their
houses, schools, and markets, leaving death
and destruction in its wake. Eden attempted to minimize the destruction Revise
inflicted on Egypt, but bombing and artillery fire resulted
For those in Gaza, the Suez Crisis was the in much collateral damage such as Port Said's Abbas
latest in a string of misfortunes dating back Street, pictured here. (Topham Picturepoint)
86 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956

war's end. Events proved otherwise. To make attacked Gaza. Several battles erupted in its
matters worse, Egypt granted neither self- cities, particularly at Khan Yunus and Gaza City.
determination nor citizenship to these Incomplete records render a precise accounting
displaced newcomers, who lived as subject of civilian casualties difficult; a reasonable
peoples with few political rights. Furthermore estimate is that the fighting killed or wounded
Gaza's infrastructure was completely dozens, perhaps hundreds, of non-combatants.
inadequate to support such a large population. The indiscriminate firepower accompanying
Egypt, which wanted the refugees to return modern urban warfare made such casualties
home, had little incentive to improve living almost inevitable, despite Israel's decision not to
conditions in the Gaza camps. Nor did the target civilians. This tally also neglects the
Palestinians themselves want to expend time psychological strain associated with nearby
and energy developing accommodation they combat. For civilians, death or injury could
expected to be temporary. The UN, recognizing materialize out of the blue at any time while
this humanitarian disaster, formed the Relief fighting continued in Gaza.
and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees Also disruptive was the upheaval
(UNRWA) in 1949. UNRWA improved life in accompanying the Israeli invasion of Gaza.
Gaza somewhat, but conditions deteriorated Some Palestinians ransacked UNRWA
when Egypt began attacking Israel from Gaza. warehouses, complicating food and medicine
Predictably, its inhabitants were caught amidst distribution to needy refugees. While
escalating conflict as Egypt and Israel launched holding Gaza for nearly five months,
raids and counter-raids against one another. moreover, Israel, like Egypt before it,
Such violence helped push Israel and Egypt governed the territory as a police state. Israel
to war in 1956. That November the IDF would not countenance Palestinian
autonomy, leaving Gazans to chafe in
oppressive conditions. Nor did Israel
Israeli forces withdraw from Sinai after a four-month
improve living conditions, and the refugees
occupation, March 1957. (Topham Picturepoint)
continued to languish in primitive camps.
Portrait of a civilian 87

With Palestinian nationalism in its People's war: the aftermath. Egyptian leaders dispersed
nascent stages - maturation remained a few thousands of weapons, including those pictured here in
British custody, among civilians in the Canal Zone with
decades away - resistance to Israeli
instructions to use them against enemy soldiers. (TRH
occupation was disorganized and sporadic. Pictures)
But the humiliation and despair associated
with Israel's conquest of Gaza planted seeds for a popular insurgency against European
among Palestinians that later resulted in colonialism, while Britain and France saw
anti-Israeli sentiment along with widespread that group as the basis for a popular
support for unlimited statehood. Israel insurgency against Nasser. Whereas Nasser's
contributed to these explosive trends by ploy succeeded to some extent, the British
devastating territory it occupied during the and French plan for civilian exploitation
Suez Crisis. Israel's stated pretext for collapsed in utter failure.
destroying most infrastructure before Nasser saw Egyptian civilians as a weapon
withdrawing from occupied land in March of last resort. Although he preferred using
1957 was to prevent its future use as a properly trained and equipped military
staging area for Arab attacks. To many, forces, if circumstances deteriorated he
however, this destruction appeared to have planned to transform non-combatants into
no basis other than spite. combatants. In this scenario, Egypt would
The Suez Crisis affected civilians in Gaza, wage a "people's war" against invaders.
but Egypt suffered even greater destruction. Troops were to jettison all military trappings
Not only did fierce fighting rage throughout - uniforms and the like - except their
Port Said and elsewhere, but non-combatants weapons, and disperse incognito into the
also became unwilling pawns in a larger population. They would then lead civilians
political struggle. Nasser, Britain, and France in resisting Anglo-French occupation.
all used civilians to advance their own ends, For Nasser, the advantage of a "people's
placing the Egyptian populace directly at war" was its obliteration of lines demarcating
risk. Nasser saw Egypt's civilians as the basis military and civilian spheres. With this
88 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956

distinction blurred, British and French devices were available on street corners,
soldiers faced dilemmas: who is our enemy, offered to anyone hoping to resist the
and under what circumstances are we to use imminent invasion.
deadly force? Nasser understood the delicate Probably just a small percentage of Port
political nature of allied operations in Egypt Said's civilians participated in hostilities.
and the intense public scrutiny they Nonetheless their "people's war" had
entailed; these conditions exacerbated for significance. Relentless sniping forced Royal
Britain and France thorny questions Marines to seek armored protection when
regarding proper rules of engagement. moving along city streets, hindering their
If British and French troops aggressively advance. Armed civilians concealed
countered the popular insurgency, many themselves inside Port Said's buildings; the
civilians, even those not involved in the threat they posed slowed the progress of
"people's war," would die. High civilian soldiers engaged in clearing operations.
casualties would increase pressure in Britain, These delays prevented a rapid allied break-
France, and abroad to cease hostilities and out from Port Said. When the 7 November
withdraw from Egypt. Moreover, such UN ceasefire took effect, British and French
casualties would persuade more Egyptians to troops had not reached al-Qantarah, the next
resist occupation, again expanding the city south of Port Said. After the ceasefire,
conflict in Egypt's favor. Egyptian insurgents continued resisting
Alternatively, if Britain and France occupation. They sniped and threw grenades
cautiously countered the "people's war," at patrolling soldiers, inflicting a few
Egyptian partisans could attack with near casualties at a time and providing an
impunity by hiding among crowds of additional incentive for Britain and France to
apparent non-combatants. The resulting leave Egypt.
British and French casualties might provide For Nasser, the Egyptian people had an
the impetus for those countries to abandon unambiguous role: resist invading forces,
Egypt. Essentially Nasser hoped to replicate delay their advance, and swing world
in microcosm the asymmetric strategy of the opinion into line behind Egypt. In Anglo-
Algerian revolution, still in its preliminary French strategy, by contrast, Egyptian
phase at the time of the Suez Crisis, but civilians constituted a paradox. In some
nonetheless showing promise as a way for a ways, the allies, especially the British, sought
militarily inferior state to vanquish its more to minimize the suffering of the Egyptian
powerful adversary. people. Indeed, concern over potential non-
When British and French warplanes combatant casualties forced Eden to abandon
attacked Egypt on 31 October, 1956, Nasser Alexandria as a bridgehead for invasion.
implemented this philosophy. Realizing that an While planning the Egyptian campaign,
invasion was imminent, he directed all Mountbatten and other British leaders
Egyptians, soldiers and civilians, to resist fretted that attacking cities would stigmatize
Britain and France. Expecting those nations to them as "murderers and baby killers" and
attack Port Said, he distributed assault rifles and injure Britain internationally. During Revise
grenades, instructing recipients to use them to Phase I, in which bombers struck airfields,
harass occupying forces at every opportunity. Eden repeatedly modified target lists to avoid
Most Egyptian civilians were unfamiliar hitting civilians. Just before British and
with sophisticated military technology, French forces stormed Port Said, the cabinet
limiting somewhat their effectiveness as limited bomb and gun size for aerial and
partisans. However, civilians could easily naval bombardment despite their knowledge
master basic munitions such as grenades. that such restrictions might increase British
On 5 November several weapons shipments losses. Although some military commanders
arrived via rail in Port Said; pallets of disregarded these stipulations, the
grenades, Czech assault rifles, and other restrictions illustrate palpable British concern
Portrait of a civilian 89

- political, moral, or otherwise - at the Perhaps recognizing the contradictions in

highest levels for non-combatant safety. British strategy, and at last understanding the
Yet the very success of Revise rested on political repercussions of a terror bombing
terrorizing Egypt's civilian population. Phase campaign, Eden eliminated many of Phase
11, which Keightley hoped would form the II's more aggressive tactics. Aircrew resistance
crux of allied military operations by forcing a and technical challenges undercut other
regime change in Egypt, attempted to coerce aspects of the aerial offensive. However,
Egyptians through a bombing offensive. RAF many bombs still fell on Egypt, inflicting
planners who designed the "aero- scores, perhaps hundreds, of civilian
psychological" campaign had full confidence casualties in Cairo and adjoining areas.
that disrupting daily life would compel British pilots, operating unfamiliar weapons
Egypt's people to topple Nasser. Air strikes systems and steeped in an "area bombing"
against communications and transportation
networks were to be the mechanism for French soldiers in bush hats placing a mine along a
paralyzing Egyptian society. barbed wire fence in Algeria. (Topham Picturepoint)
90 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956

culture rather than in precision tactics, often flying debris filled the air. Civilians wishing
placed ordnance on unintended targets, to avoid injury or death from this deadly
killing or wounding non-combatants. mist had two choices: stay indoors while
International pressure and an awareness that hoping no shells landed on top of one's
Phase II served to rally, not destroy, Egyptian shelter, or evacuate the city. Understandably,
morale led Keightley to cancel Phase II soon many chose to flee, especially those left
after its awkward inception. destitute from fires consuming the native
Port Said, unlike Cairo, escaped the quarter and other areas, but they had
ravages of Revise Phase II, but bore the full nowhere to go and, even if they did have a
weight of Phase III. As fighting shifted there destination, no way to travel except on foot.
on 5 November, its residents, even those Groups found themselves milling around
who demurred from the "people's war" southern Port Said since that sector seemed
against invading troops, found themselves in the least dangerous.
the crossfire of a ferocious two-day battle. Another detriment to civilian life in the
Especially vulnerable was Port Said's native city arose out of its isolation during and after
quarter. Wood shanties fed fires resulting Revise Phase III. Port Said, with its hundreds
from artillery and air strikes. Strong winds of thousands of residents, depended on
began the afternoon of 5 November and outside provisions for survival. On D-Day
persisted throughout 6 November, fanning this supply network collapsed, with most
the flames that eventually burned down metropolitan roads impassable and the Canal
much of the native quarter. As tens of and harbor closed. For three weeks, civilians
thousands of Egyptians lived in this area, the in Port Said lived hand-to-mouth. Having no
conflagration left many homeless. organized relief plan, Britain attempted some
Port Said's civilians absorbed another scattershot assistance to limited effect. As
blow on the morning of S November when grocers exhausted their inventories, many
French paratroops captured the municipal inhabitants scraped by on starvation rations.
waterworks, severing the city's water source. UNEF's late November arrival somewhat
For the next 12 hours, water remained eased the city's supply crisis, although the
inaccessible, impeding food preparation and return to normal life occurred only when the
other aspects of daily life. How long the Canal reopened in April 1957.
allies intended to strangle Port Said by Taken in its entirety, the Suez Crisis
denying its residents water is unclear; during inflicted profound hardship on Arab
negotiations on the evening of 5 November, civilians. Although Britain, France, and Israel
British and French commanders agreed to hoped to avoid this outcome, such
restore the water supply. devastation was predictable. Combat in
D-Day, 6 November, intensified the populated areas invariably leads to
combat in Port Said. Entire blocks, widespread destruction, and civilians usually
particularly those along the waterfront and have neither the means nor the ability to
beaches, succumbed to air strikes, artillery, protect themselves during the fluid urban
and naval shelling. Throughout the city, battles that characterized this form of war.
Conclusions and consequences

A transitional conflict

As 20th-century conflicts go, the Suez Crisis most successful aerial mission was the airlift.
was temporally and geographically limited, Paratroop and helicopter operations at Mitla,
lasting a little over one week and confined to Gamil, Raswa, Port Said, and Port Fuad all
northern Egypt. With the exception of achieved tactical objectives, although in
Egypt, casualties were light: 189 Israeli, 16 Telescope Modified constraints on airfield space
British, and 10 French dead. Egyptian losses prevented unlimited success. Given the
have never been precisely tabulated, but ineffectiveness of Revise Phase II strategic
consisted of approximately 1000 civilian and bombing, basing additional Hastings and
1650 military (650 at Port Said and Port Fuad Valettas in Cyprus would have benefited
and the balance in Sinai) deaths. Anglo-French efforts. Helicopter assault showed
Despite its limited scale, the Suez Crisis promise as a technique for transporting troops
indicates the evolution of military affairs, into small landing zones. British success in
representing a transition between World War II ferrying 45 Commando to Port Said prefigures
and more technologically intense conflicts of extensive use of rotary-wing aircraft in conflicts
the Cold War and beyond. Particularly such as Southeast Asia and Afghanistan - a
important is its role as a bellwether predicting staple of modern warfare.
future Middle Eastern styles of combat. Desert Close air support and interdiction also
landscapes allowed a higher degree of mobility succeeded to a significant degree. At Raswa
than that attainable elsewhere, and air power on 5 November, for instance, French aircraft
flourished in a setting where ground targets annihilated Egyptian forces attempting to
had few hiding places. This pattern of extreme engage British and French paratroops. Also
mobility and air power dominance reached a on that day, Israeli fighter-bomber attacks at
climax in Desert Storm, but had its roots in Sharm el-Sheikh's fortifications brought
central Sinai, where in 1956 armored brigades Yotvat - and Kadesh - to successful
teamed with Israeli warplanes to pursue and conclusions. Without this aerial support,
destroy Egyptian formations. Tanks outflanked Israeli ground forces may have required
Egyptian troops, forcing them to move or face several more days to accomplish their
encirclement. Once in motion the Egyptians objectives. The following day, Anglo-French
suffered merciless Israeli air strikes. air strikes at Port Said's Navy House and
Air power's magnified effectiveness in arid coast guard barracks enabled Royal Marines
conditions is also evident in those situations to advance along the harbor and establish
where Egypt attempted to reinforce sectors landing areas for British ships. However,
facing Israeli attack. If they hoped to escape coordination and target identification
destruction, units moving to assist their challenges meant that close air support also
countrymen could move only at night, and frequently inflicted friendly casualties. This
needed to find protective cover - sparse at best issue has plagued air forces since the dawn of
in Sinai - before dawn. To operate in the open air power, continues to do so decades after
during daylight meant heavy losses to Israeli the Suez Crisis, and is probably inevitable
strikes. Air power played such a crucial role in during fluid engagements where friendly and
the Suez Crisis that a short analysis is enemy forces are in close contact.
appropriate. Transportation, reconnaissance, Interdiction sorties, while facing fewer of
close air support, interdiction and strategic these challenges, were also susceptible to
bombing all influenced the war. Probably the unwitting attacks on friendly troops. As in
92 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956

the case of close air support, fluid campaigns their advantage with maximum speed. This
presented the highest risk of friendly fire. philosophy echoes blitzkrieg, a style of
Nonetheless, interdiction assisted in limiting fighting that European armies pioneered
Egyptian reinforcement of Port Said and during the world wars. Another established
eastern Sinai, and hindered Egypt's general form of conflict on display was urban warfare.
retreat towards the Canal Zone. While campaigning in the large population
Strategic bombing was the least successful centers of Port Said and Port Fuad, British and
of the aerial missions. Revise Phase II and its French forces struggled to differentiate
aero-psychological ambitions proved an combatant from non-combatant. Egyptian
abject disappointment. Eden and Keightley irregulars could snipe with near impunity, and
bear responsibility for misjudging world then melt into the surrounding civilian
opinion with respect to a strategic bombing crowds until another opportunity presented
campaign against Egypt. Eden's decision not itself. Hiding places abounded among the
to strike Radio Cairo shows that he had some thousands of metropolitan buildings and
inkling of the public relations implications homes. Germany had experienced similar
of hitting targets in civilian areas, but he difficulties at Stalingrad, and after the Suez
failed to grasp how the world might respond Crisis comparable experiences would vex
to the sight of British planes raining bombs American and Israeli forces in cities such as
on Cairo. Also, RAF weapons and skills were Hue, Beirut, and Mogadishu. As Britain and
unsuited to the task at hand - disrupting the France learned, no tidy solution exists to the
Egyptian economy and damaging morale Urban warfare riddle. Fighting block by block
while inflicting minimal civilian casualties. means casualties, but also requires time and
The RAF had no tradition of pinpoint perseverance. The hectic pace of Telescope
bombing, and in an era before precision- Modified and Revise Phase III made few
guided munitions high-altitude night attacks allowances for these factors.
against specific targets were quite difficult.
In general, the Suez Crisis' outcome
Under these conditions, ordnance dispersed,
exemplifies the connections linking politics
as happened during Revise Phase I Canberra
and conflict. British and French leaders
and Valiant raids on Egyptian airfields. In
recognized the synergy of these elements -
the end, relatively few bombs fell, and those
hence their decisions to delay war until
that did mostly missed, leaving the Egyptian
exploring peaceful options, and to use Israel
air force intact and Egyptian morale strong.
as a stalking-horse for their own ambitions -
The Suez Crisis' role as a transitional but at last failed to understand that military
conflict is all the more interesting in light of action ran against prevailing sentiment
the fact that many concepts central to this among their allies and throughout the world.
war dated back decades or more. Dayan Therefore, when Britain and France initiated
approached most objectives indirectly, Revise on 31 October, they operated in a
emphasized mobility and creativity, and confined political space. These restrictions
reinforced success. If Israeli troops attained a soon forced military action to cease, leaving
breakthrough, he exhorted them to exploit British and French objectives unrealized.
Further reading

Barker, A.J., Suez: The Seven-Day War Katz, Samuel, Soldier Spies: Israeli Military
(London, 1964) Intelligence (Novato, CA, 1992)
Bar-On, Mordecai, The Gates of Gaza: Israel's Kyle, Keith, Suez (London, 1991)
Road to Suez and Back (New York, 1992) Love, Kennett, Suez: The Twice-Fought War
Bar-Zohar, Michael, Ben-Gurion: The Armed (London, 1970)
Prophet (London, 1968) Lucas, Scott, Britain and Suez: The Lion's Last
Beaufre, Andre, The Suez Expedition Roar (London, 1996)
(London, 1969) Lucas, Scott, Divided We Stand: Britain, the US,
Clark, D.MJ., Suez Touchdown: A Soldier's Tale and the Suez Crisis (London, 1996)
(London, 1964) Luttwak, Edward and Dan Horowitz, The
Dayan, Moshe, Diary of the Sinai Campaign Israeli Army (New York, 1975)
(London, 1967) Marshall, S.L.A., Sinai Victory (New York, 1958)
Dupuy, Trevor, Elusive Victory: The Arab-Israeli Neff, Donald, Warriors at Suez (New York, 1981)
Wars, 1947-1974 (New York, 1978) Sharon, Ariel, Warrior: An Autobiography
Fullick, Roy and Powell, Geoffrey, Suez: The (London, 1989)
Double War (London, 1979) Van Creveld, Martin, The Sword and the Olive
Henriques, Robert, A Hundred Hours to Suez: (New York, 1998)
An Account of Israel's Campaign in the Sinai Westwood, J.N., The History of the Middle East
(New York, 1957) Wars (New York, 1986)

Figures in bold refer to illustrations al-Dayyiqa 35-36, 49

De Gaulle, Charles 84
al-Abd, Jaafar, Brigadier General 40, 43 Dhahab 48, 49
Abu Suwayr 53 Dickson, William, Chairman and Chief of the Air Staff
Abu Uwayulah 26, 29, 33-38 Marshal of the Royal Air Force 21
Adan, Avraham, Lieutenant Colonel 35-36, 38, 39 Dulles, John Foster 14, 23, 23, 24
aero-psychological campaign 54, 89 Dumyat 54-55
air power 91 Durnford-Slater, D.F., Admiral 22
British 16, 41, 49, 53, 55, 56, 60, 92
Egyptian 27, 32, 53, 55 Eagle, HMS 9, 60, 72
French 19, 39, 41, 49, 55, 56, 60, 91 Eden, Anthony 8, 10, 12, 13, 21, 22-23, 24, 24, 25, 26,
helicopters 62, 63, 66-69, 66-67, 72, 91 32, 52, 53, 54, 55, 77, 83-84, 88, 89, 92
Israeli 28, 41, 44 Egypt 25, 51-53, 57, 63, 77, 84, 85, 85-86, 87-90
Alexandria 9, 11, 22, 25, 55, 88 arms deals 9, 14, 88
Algeria 17, 84 British occupation 11, 13
Ali Muntar 45 troops 19-20, 32, 33, 36-37, 38, 40, 43, 44, 45, 48-49,
Allenby, Edmund, General 11 54-55, 59, 66, 80
Almaza 53 Eilat 29
Amer, Abdel Hakim, Field Marshal 19, 51 Ein-Hussub 28
Anglo-Egyptian Treaty 9, 13 Eisenhower, Dwight D. 9, 10, 23, 23-24
Anglo-French alliance 21-24, 25, 26-27, 49, 51-52, Ely, Paul 52
56-64, 77, 80, 81, 82, 87, 88, 90 EOKA independence movement 15, 15
air supremacy 52-55, 61 Eytan, Rafael, Lieutenant Colonel 28, 29, 32
Aqaba Gulf 26, 29
Arab-Israeli War (1948-49) 9, 74, 85 Farouk, King 9, 12, 19
al-Arish 8, 26, 27, 38, 39-40, 43, 44, 45 Fayid 53
Arromanches 9 fedayeen (partisans) 13, 26, 40
Aswan Dam 9, 14 France 7, 8, 10, 12-13, 17-18, 19, 41, 51, 84, 92
Auja Masri 35 marines 62, 63
paratroops 58, 60-61, 61, 64, 64, 78, 82-83, 90
Baghdad Pact 9 troops 16, 17, 18,54-55,89
Bar Giora 73 see also Anglo-French alliance
Barjot, Pierre, Admiral 17-18,25 Free Officers 12
Barlev, Haim, Colonel 40, 43, 45 friendly fire 91-92
Barnett, Denis, Air Marshal 22 British 72
Beaufre, Andre, General 16, 17, 22, 24, 25, 51-52, 62, French 60
63, 77, 78 Israeli 37-38,41,44-45
Beer Sheva 45
Ben-Ari, Izhak, Major 35, 36 Gamil 10, 51, 51, 57-59, 57, 60, 64
Ben-Gurion, David 14, 82 Gaza 8, 9, 13, 14, 26, 27, 40, 45, 46, 85-87
Bet Hanun 45 Gaza City 45, 86
Bir Hama 37 Gaza Strip 10, 40, 45-46
Bir Hassna 37 Germany 11-12
Brill, Moshe, Major 38 Gibbon, T.H., Lieutenant Colonel 78, 79
Britain 7, 8, 9, 10, 15-17, 82-83, 92 Gilles, Jean, General 52
paratroops 15, 21-22, 51, 56-61, 56, 57, 58, 59, Givli, Benjamin, Colonel 40, 43
79-80, 80 Glubb, John Bagot, General 9, 13
Royal Air Force 16, 22, 52, S3, 55, 79, 92 Golinda, Shmuel, Colonel 39
Royal Marines 9, 10, 21, 51, 62, 64, 65-72, 66-67, Grimwood, John 36
77-79, 91 Gudir, Shmuel, Colonel 35, 39
Royal Navy 15-16, 65, 70, 91 Gur, Mordecai, Major 32-33
troops 7, 8, 21-22, 36, 59, 70, 80-81, 87
see also Anglo-French alliance Harpaz, Josef, Colonel 29-31
British Empire 11-12 Har-Zion, Meir 74
Bulwark, HMS 9, 60 Hashemite dynasty 12, 13
Butler, M.A.H., Brigadier 56, 57, 60, 62, 63 Hashomer 73
Butler, R.A.B. 83-84 the Hedgehog 33-40, 44, 49, 51
Heitan Defile 29, 32-33, 51
Cairo 9, 25, 53, 89 helicopters 62, 63, 66-69, 66-67, 72, 91
al-Cap 10, 80 Hodges, Lewis, Group Captain 52
casualties see losses Huckstep Barracks 54
ceasefires 56, 62, 63, 77, 78, 79, 80, 82 Hussein, Ahmed 14
Chateau-Jobert, Pierre, Lieutenant Colonel 56, 61, 72 Hussein, King 9
Contingency Plan 21-22, 25
Crook, Paul., Lieutenant Colonel 54, 56 infrastructure, attacks on 54-55
Crossroads 12 40, 41, 43 Iraq 13
Cyprus 15, 21, 53, 55, 56, 58 al-Ismailiyah 27, 36, 55, 77
Israel 7-8, 9, 10, 12, 18-19, 22, 25, 26-27, 84
Dayan, Moshe, Major-General 18, 19, 26, 27, 28, 29, commandos 73, 73-76
32, 35, 37, 39, 40, 41, 43, 45, 46-48, 74, 92 Israeli Air Force (IAF) 19, 27, 32, 38, 41
Index 95

Israeli Defence Force (IDF) 18, 19, 26, 74, 86 Yotvat 46, 91
paratroops 27, 28-29, 31-33, 48-49 Ottoman Empire 11
reserve units 19
troops 18, 19, 29-31, 33, 35-36, 37, 38-39, 40, 41-43, al-Qadi, Anwar, Brigadier General 36-37, 43, 44
44, 45, 46-49, 50, 86 al-Qantarah 8, 10, 27, 40, 43, 44, 61, 62, 71, 77, 79, 80
al-Qusaymah 9, 27, 29, 31, 33, 39
Jebel Aida 48
Jebel al-Sabha 31 Palestine 73, 74
Jebel Ashiri 49 Palestinian troops 40, 45, 46
Jebel Dalfa 33, 35, 36, 38 Parker's Memorial 29, 32, 48, 86-87
Jebel Giddi 30, 33 Pearson, Lester 81
Jebel Halal 33, 35 Pilavsky, Meir, Lieutenant Colonel 41
Jebel Heitan 9, 29, 32, 33 Port Fuad 61, 61, 62, 63, 77
Jebel Libni 37 Port Said 8, 10, 17, 21, 22, 25, 51, 52, 56, 56, 57, 58,
Jebel Wugeir 33 59-72, 66-67, 68-69, 71, 77-79, 80-81, 85-90, 85, 88, 90
Jamaica 10, 83 Power, Manley, Admiral 62
prisoners 39, 44, 54-55
lean Bart (French battleship) 64
propaganda 54
Jeradi Pass 43
Jobert, Admiral 22 Radio Cairo 10, 53, 54, 92
Jordan 9, 13, 27, 74, 75, 76 Rafah 27, 37, 51
Rafah Salient 40-43
Kabrit 53 Ras an-Naqb 9, 27, 29, 46, 48
Kasfareet 53 Ras Nasrani 26, 29, 48, 49
Keightley, Charles, General 9, 16, 22, 25, 52, 54, 55, Raswa 10, 51, 52, 57, 60, 61, 63, 72, 78
77, 89, 90, 92 refugees 85-86
Ketziot 27 Revolutionary Command Council (RCC) 12
Key, G.C.O., Group Captain 52
Ruafa 9, 33, 36, 37, 38-39
Khan Yunus 45-46, 86
al-Kuntillah 27, 29, 31 Saudi Arabia 13
Sevres Protocol 27, 28, 52
Lascov, Haim, Brigadier General 27 Sevres tripartite meetings 9, 26-27, 28
Lesseps, Ferdinand de 11,66,69 Sharm el-Sheikh 8, 10, 26, 29, 32, 46, 48, 49, 50
losses Sharon, Ariel, Colonel 26, 28, 29, 31-33, 74, 75-76
British 59, 69, 70, 72, 88, 91 Sheikh Zuweid 43
civilian 25, 53, 54, 86, 88, 89, 91 Simhoni, Asaf, General 29-31, 33, 35
Egyptian 33, 37, 38, 41, 60, 77, 91 Sinai 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 19, 26, 27, 28-29, 32, 43, 46, 48,
French 88, 91 49, 50, 51, 82
Israeli 32, 35, 37-38, 39, 41, 43, 44-45, 49, 91 snipers 72, 88, 92
US 53 Soviet Union 14, 49
Luxor 10, 55 Stockwell, Hugh, General 16, 16-17, 22, 25, 52, 62-63,
Macmillan, Harold 84 Suez Canal Company 11, 14, 77
Malta 9, 21 Suvla, HMS 64
Massu, Jacques, General 16, 52, 62 Syria 13, 74, 76, 83
Al Maya Barracks 54
military strength Tailyour, N.H., Lieutenant Colonel 69, 72
Britain 15-17, 22 Tal, Israel, Colonel 39
Egypt 19-20 tanks
France 17-18, 22 British 8, 17, 70, 71, 72, 79, 79-80
Israel 18-19 Egyptian 18
mines 40, 41 Israeli 8, 18, 19, 28, 37, 38-39, 41-43, 45, 46, 86
Mitla Pass 7, 9, 27, 28-29, 32 Tarat Um Basis 35
Moguy, Salaheddin, Brigadier 61-62, 63 Templer, Gerald, Chief of the Imperial General Staff 21
Mountbatten, Louis, First Sea Lord Earl 21, 88 Themed 29, 31-32
Murray, Archibald, General 11 Theseus, HMS 10, 66, 66-67, 67, 68, 69, 72
Mutawally, Saadedden, Colonel 35, 39, 40, 44 al-Tinah 10, 78
Tiran Straits 8, 9, 14, 26, 46
Nachamkain, Arik, Lieutenant 48, 49 Tor 10, 48, 49
Nahan Ruth 31 Turko-Iraqi Pact 13
Nakla 32 Tweed, D.G., Lieutenant Colonel 64
Nasser, Gamal Abdel 8, 12, 13, 13, 14, 17, 19, 20, 21-22, Tyne, HMS 77, 79
23, 25, 26, 32, 39, 43, 48, 49, 51, 55, 63, 76, 84, 87-88
Nizzana 27, 33 Umm Qataf 10, 33, 35, 38, 39, 44
Norcock, Peter, Lieutenant Colonel 64 Umm Shihan 9, 10, 33, 39, 44
United Arab Republic 84
Ocean, HMS 10, 66, 66-67, 67, 68, 72 United Nations (UN) 8, 10, 25, 46, 49, 52, 56, 76, 77,
oil 11, 12, 54, 82-83 81, 81-82, 86
Omega 14, 23 United States 8, 9, 13, 14, 23-24, 49, 77, 82, 83, 84
operations, military
Black Arrow 14 Wadi Kid 49
Kadesh 9, 26, 27, 28-49, 52, 91 Wallach, Yehudah, Colonel 27
Musketeer 9, 22-24, 25, 26 water supplies 39, 57, 64, 90
Omelette 51-52 Wingate, Orde, Captain 73, 74
Omelette II 52 Winter Plan 25
Revise 9, 25, 26-27, 32, 35, 40, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 63, World War II 11-12
77, 82, 88-90, 91,92 Yassa, Sami, Colonel 33-35
Telescope Modified 52, 56-61, 62, 91, 92 Yoffe, Abraham, Colonel 46, 48, 49
Telescope (Simplex) 52
Yarkon 26 Zaki, Raouf Mahfouz, Colonel 48, 49
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The fighting 59

with several objectives. A Company assaulted hour of landing, 3 Para captured Gamil after
Gamil's control tower and western end, B suffering a dozen casualties.
Company attacked the east, and C Company The battalion advanced east towards Port
sought the airfield's center. Air contact teams - Said. Egyptian tactics soon became clear:
observers who arranged aerial and naval Egyptian troops fought and retreated using
support - accompanied these three units. defensible terrain to cover a methodical
Under canopy, all British formations came withdrawal while avoiding annihilation in
under fire. Before Telescope Modified, air set-piece engagements. Once 3 Para brought
strikes silenced some but not all Egyptian to bear their superior skill, Egyptian forces
resistance at Gamil. Equipment limitations displaced to another area of strength. Along
prevented British paratroops from returning their line of retreat lay strong defensive
fire until they landed. Fortunately for Britain, zones which they used to good effect on
inaccurate and sporadic Egyptian fire had little 5 November.
effect and 3 Para suffered very few casualties. During skirmishes that day, distant
Once on solid ground the Red Devils Egyptian SUl00s attacked British troops.
commenced combat operations, employing These vehicles fused a 100 mm gun's punch
Stens, medium machine guns, three-inch with a tank's mobility, making them effective
mortars, and anti-tank weapons. Cargo against Anglo-French forces, yet difficult
limitations for the side-loading Hastings and targets even for fast-moving allied aircraft.
Valettas meant that the paratroopers had After leaving Gamil for Port Said, the
little heavy equipment and no artillery. Later paratroops took fire from an unlikely quarter
that day, 3 Para's minimal firepower of 10 when French aircraft strafed B Company.
impeded progress, but available equipment Having survived this friendly fire,
proved adequate to capture the airfield.
Anti-tank weapons allowed rapid clearance
A British para at Gamil airfield, 5 November 1956,
of four concrete pillboxes, and within an during Telescope Modified. (Topham Picturepoint)
Warring sides 17

participation in Britain's withdrawal from based warplanes, but, like Britain, had
Palestine a decade earlier, was militarily limited amphibious capability. This weakness
conservative. He avoided risk where possible owed more to materiel rather than personnel
and made decisions only after careful - French marines had adequate training and
analysis of available information. personal equipment to assault enemy
Stockwell's zest for armor owed in part to beaches if suitable landing craft were
Britain's impressive main battle tank, the available. As in the case of Britain,
Centurion. This vehicle, which dated from deficiencies in littoral operations meant
World War II, weighed 50 tonnes, and its responsibility for power projection rested
heavy gun and thick armor made it a primarily with elite French paratroops,
powerful force in intense combat. These including the Foreign Legion and Regiment
attributes also made it slow and awkward. de Parachutistes Coloniaux (RPC).
Port Said's urban setting provided an ideal A legacy of fierce engagements in Asian
Centurion environment, whereas the jungles and other theaters had sharpened
relatively open terrain south of Port Said men and equipment to a hard edge while
favored speedier, more agile tanks. imparting a sense of fatalism that intensified
their bravery. These warriors knew how to
fight fluid battles against an elusive
France adversary. Their ruthlessness dictated a
"shoot first, ask questions later" code, while
The Suez Crisis found the French military their resourcefulness allowed them to
over-extended. Since World War II France campaign for extended periods with minimal
had campaigned in vain to retain far-flung logistical support. Into battle French
colonies. Liberation struggles in Southeast paratroops carried a lean but effective
Asia and North Africa proved especially collection of weapons, allowing for both
burdensome. Dien Bien Phu alone cost effective fighting and mobility. For example,
thousands of casualties and vast quantities of French paratroops, unlike their British
supplies, although defeat ended France's counterparts, could fire their weapons while
military commitments in Asia. under canopy, a useful attribute when
This was not the case in Algeria, however, assaulting enemy territory.
where a protracted war flared anew, pitting Apart from these elite forces, French
Algerian Muslims against European colonists. ground troops were competent but not
As each side pursued unlimited objectives - outstanding. Since French doctrine
Algeria sought complete independence while emphasized mobility at the expense of
France insisted that Algeria was inherently shock, tanks such as the AMX-13 were agile
French - the conflict intensified in the but thinly protected and lightly gunned,
mid-1950s. By 1956, tens of thousands of precisely the opposite of their British
French troops were deployed in North Africa. armored counterparts. Rather than engaging
Thus the nationalization of the Suez Canal the enemy's main battle tanks, French
presented France with both a threat and an commanders preferred campaigns of
opportunity. Fighting in Egypt meant movement in which encirclement was the
diverting resources from Algeria but also main objective.
provided a chance to destroy Nasser, who An architect of this doctrine, General
supported the Algerian independence Andre Beaufre, was France's best commander
movement. Destroying Nasser meant attacking during the Suez Crisis. In his position as
Egypt, and although France had some ability Stockwell's deputy, Beaufre articulated a
to execute such an operation, in other ways its clear, tactically sensible plan for attaining
capabilities were inadequate to the task. Anglo-French objectives. By contrast,
The French navy could execute advanced Keightley's deputy, Admiral Pierre Barjot,
tasks, such as inland air strikes from carrier- seemed lost in the political complexity of
16 Essential Histories • The Suez Crisis 1956

distance inland using aircraft carriers (naval absent. Night sorties, which constituted the
aviation) and battleships (gunnery). bulk of British bomber operations during the
Amphibious strength, however, proved Suez Crisis, further diminished accuracy
lacking in 1956. Littoral capabilities were since darkness forced crews to rely on
particularly important because attacking instrumentation rather than on visual clues.
from the sea was Britain's only realistic Nonetheless General Charles Keightley,
invasion route into Egypt. Armored, tracked commander-in-chief of British and French forces
landing craft were particularly scarce. These during the Suez Crisis, thought such bombers
vessels, which propelled and protected alone could attain victory. This assumption
troops as they assaulted defended beaches, owed much to Keightley's belief in technological
were critical to a successful invasion. and doctrinal innovation, combined with his
Recent Royal Air Force (RAF) additions feeling that air power represented a politically
were two long-range bombers, the inexpensive path to victory.
twin-turbojet English Electric Canberra, and Whereas Keightley favored strategic
the four-turbojet swept-wing Vickers Valiant, bombing, his subordinate, General Hugh
the first of Britain's "V bombers." These Stockwell, Task Force commander for British
warplanes could carry either nuclear or large and French ground forces during the Suez
conventional payloads, the latter more Crisis, preferred more established combat
appropriate for the Suez Crisis. The newness arms such as armor. Stockwell, who gained
of the Canberras and Valiants meant that the Middle Eastern experience through his
RAF had yet to establish effective bombing
techniques, especially in the unfamiliar
Generals Hugh Stockwell, Andre Beaufre. and Jacques
Middle Eastern landscape where radar
Massu review and congratulate French paratroops at
beacons and other targeting aids were Port Said. (Topham Picturepoint)

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