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DE LEON, Claudette Patricia Ann C.

SPCM 104 – B

Audience Analysis for Informative Speech

General Topic: The success of American mass media and entertainment


Specific Topic: The evolution and success of Disney through its Disney
Princesses franchise

General Purpose: To inform the audience of the success of American mass

media and entertainment conglomerates on a global scale.

Specific Purpose: To explain to the audience that the evolution of the portrayals
of the protagonists in the Disney Princesses franchise contributed to the success
of the Disney Princesses franchise.

Thesis Statement: The Disney Princess films, which have adjusted to the ideals
and norms of the current society over the years, ultimately contributed to the
success of the franchise and Disney itself.

I. Demographics
A. Number of students per college. All the students belong to CAS
and they are all under the BACA program.
B. Age. The students’ age ranges from 19-22. 71% of them are 20
years old.
C. Sex. There are more females than males. Only 15% are males
while 85% are females.
D. Academic Standing. 77% of the class are sophomores.

II. Psychographics
A. Knowledge. Disney Princesses are well-known among the
audience because watching children animation movies like Disney
Princess films are a part of their childhood.
B. Beliefs. Most believe that Disney Princess films is one of the most
successful American mass media conglomerates today.
C. Attitudes. The attitude for the topic may be influenced by the fact
that American media is widespread in the Philippines.

III. Occasion
A. The time that the speech will be presented will lie between 8:30 –
10:00 in the morning. Noises in the communication will include
physiological stress like sleepiness and hunger, psychological
stress like nervousness and anxiety because the audience will
have to perform on the same day as well, and other noises.
B. The location will be at CAS B06. It has soundproofed walls,
whiteboard, and TV so visual and sound aids are options.

IV. Adaptation Plan

A. Key aspects of the audience. I will use the fact that the audience
grew up watching Disney Princess films to connect with them.
B. Establishing common ground. I will say that that the success of
Disney is incredibly evident
C. Building and maintaining interest. I will build interest by asking the
audience which is better: older Disney Princess films or the
current ones?
D. Building credibility. I will build my credibility by telling the audience
that I am an avid Disney fan and I grew up watching Disney
Princess films. I will also tell the fact that I have a little sibling to
establish that I have watched all the Disney Princess films, even
the current ones. I will also present reliable sources during the
speech for the information that I will be presenting.
E. Audience knowledge. Since the audience is familiar with Disney
Princess films, I will cite data and examples relating to some
specific Disney Princess films.
F. Audience beliefs. Since most believe that Disney is one of the
most successful American mass media conglomerates at present,
I will reiterate this statement and explain why this is true by citing
reliable sources to further strengthen their belief.
G. Audience attitude.
H. Use presentational aids to enhance audience understanding and
memory. A PowerPoint presentation will be used to stimulate the
interest of the audience.
I. Other strategies.

DE LEON, Claudette Patricia Ann C.

SPCM 104 – B

Audience Analysis for Informative Speech

General Topic: The success of American mass media and entertainment


Specific Topic: The evolution and success of Disney through its Disney
Princesses franchise

General Purpose: To inform the audience the success of American mass media
and entertainment conglomerates on a global scale.

Specific Purpose: To explain to the audience that the evolution of the portrayals
of the protagonists in the Disney Princesses franchise contributed to the success
of the Disney Princesses franchise.

Thesis Statement: The Disney Princess films, which have adjusted to the ideals
and norms of the current society over the years, ultimately contributed to the
success of the franchise and Disney itself.


I. Introduction
A. As a child, I get giddy when this comes on the screen. [Slide 2].
It’s impossible for these characters to be unknown. I bet there’s
nobody in the room who does not know these girls. [Slide 3]
B. There’s a lot of characters and films that Disney has released
throughout the years, but Disney Princesses never really got out
of the spotlight.
C. As someone who grew up watching Disney Princesses and has a
little sibling that continues to watch Disney Princesses, I feel like I
have personally witnessed how Disney Princesses evolved
through the years.
D. For the audience, which is better: the older Disney Princess or the
more recent ones?
E. For us older audiences and have watched older Disney Princess
films, we may have some bias towards older Disney Princesses.
But for younger audiences, they may have bias towards the more
recent Disney Princesses. How Disney portrayed these newer
Disney Princesses contributes to not only the success of the
franchise but Disney itself.

II. Body
A. Disney Princesses franchise is the most popular and best-selling
entertainment products [ CITATION Gou12 \l 1033 ]. [Slide 4]
B. Since Snow White in 1937 to the latest Disney Princess film, the
Disney Princesses have undergone subtle developments in
appearance, attitude, relationships, and cultural heritage that have
expanded the function of the Disney Princess as a contemporary
fictional character [ CITATION Gui13 \l 1033 ].
1. Disney Princesses have increasingly become more
independent, diverse, and more realistic [ CITATION Gui13 \l
1033 ]. [Slide 5]
2. Disney continues to develop princesses that
anyone can relate, from which any person can understand
in a positive way [ CITATION Gui13 \l 1033 ].
III. Conclusion
A. Disney Princesses continue to be relevant not only to us but to the
younger audiences because of how the characters evolve to fit
into the norms of the current society.
B. As viewers of Disney films, we will continue to be observant in
what we watch, and we will continue to gravitate towards
characters that we can relate to.
C. In the end, Disney’s magic lives on. [Slide 6]

Goudreau, J. (2012, September 17). Disney Princess Tops List Of The 20 Best-
Selling Entertainment Products. Retrieved from Forbes:
Guizerix, J. (2013). From Snow White to Brave: The Evolution of the Disney

Time: 2-3 minutes

Visuals: PowerPoint Presentation

Slide 1: All-black

Slide 2: Picture of Disney castle intro

Slide 3: Picture of Princesses in the Disney Princesses franchise

Slide 4: Pictures of Disney merchandise

Slide 5: Pictures of comparison between Disney Princesses

Slide 6: The magic lives on.

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