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雅思口语分析报告 3


Describe a public building you enjoyed visiting

You should say:
Where the building is
When you visited the building
What the building looked like
And explain why you enjoyed visiting the building

Public building: library; art gallery; science and technology museum; natural and history
museum; modern art museum
A culture vulture: a person who is interested in culture and the arts
“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”: What is beautiful to one person might not be
beautiful to another.

I am an art lover, so I often visit museums and attend exhibitions held in my city. When I
have much time to squander, such as on weekends or holiday, I would go to our local
modern art museum which is in the city center. It was built 50 years ago, so it doesn’t
look as amazing as those built and designed by architectures recently. However, this
museum is my paradise because I could get so much nourishment for my mind. Every
time I step into the museum, my eyes cannot get enough of the work of distinguished
artists that are displayed in this building. I love discovering different culture and their
unique artwork there, so I can be called a culture vulture. To be frank with you, I am
actually an up-and-coming artist. I paint abstract paintings and even if people say my
works are bizarre and cannot be a piece of art, I won’t stop making them because they
are priceless to me. They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so what’s beautiful to
you might be highly unusual or rubbish to the others. Visiting art museum could also
inspire me and give me the power to hold on. I will insist on painting forever.
Describe a place where you can relax
You should say:
Where the place is
What the place is like
What you often do there
And explain why you think the place is good for you to relax

Vegetable patch (菜园);city dwellers; weeds; public garden; private garden; lawn; have
a picnic; have a barbecue; park benches ( 公 园 长 椅 ); a fountain; swings; hustle and
bustle 熙熙攘攘; to be green-fingered(擅长园艺)

As my family live in the suburban area, there is a small garden in the back of our house.
It is the place where I can release all my pressure and obtain a moment to have a breath.
You know, all my daily life and work are circulated in the metropolis. Although it has better
facilities, entertainment places, I always feel stressful and want to get away from the
hustle and bustle of city life. Therefore, the small garden achieves my dream. My father is
green-fingered, he has planted many flowers that have different flower season in our
garden, so the garden is always colorful in the whole year. I usually sit on the bench in
the garden and listen to the wind and birds sing every evening, which makes me forget
all trivial things. I could feel I become a part of the nature. Sometimes I would have a
drink with my parents or friends in this garden, recalling some wonderful memories or
having a great longing for the bright future. Therefore, this small garden is my paradise
for relaxing and living.
Describe a place you visited that has been affected by pollution
You should say:
Where the place is
When you visited the place
What kind of pollution you saw there
And explain how this place was affected and how you felt about the place

污染的表达: pollution; contamination; harmful materials;
污染物: pollutants; volcanic trash; trash; runoff produced by factories;
污染过程的表达:Cars spew pollutants from their exhaust pipes.
Burning coal to create electricity pollutes the air.
Industries and homes generate garbage and sewage that can pollute
land and water.
Pesticides used to kill weeds and insects seep into waterways and
harm wildlife.


Last year, I visited a manufacture factory with my professor for collecting data needed for
the dissertation. This factory is in a suburban area in Wuxi city, Jiangsu Province, it
mainly produces toy cars which are made of plastic. I’ve heard from my friends many
times that Wuxi is a beautiful city and worthy of visiting, so I looked forward to this trip.
But when I got there, I was shocked by the pungent odor. I found there were at least
three factories which sent out pollutants into the air at the same time. What is more, the
sewage was emitted into the river directly. The local people told me this place used to be
a beautiful village with few people and fresh air, but everything had changed since the
government permitted entrepreneurs to sett factories here. You know, I felt about sad
when I heard this news. I think we’ve cost too much for developing the economy. For
example, In China, it is densely populated in the city center, which causes the high price
of land. So most factories are built in the remote areas, resulting citizens to lose their the
opportunities to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life by going to the remote
areas and getting close to the nature. I don’t want to discuss whether it is worthwhile or
necessary to pay such price for development. I am just worried about our future.
Describe a city you have been to and would like to visit again.
You should say:
What the city you have been to
When and who you visited the city with
What you did in the city
And explain how you felt about the city and why you would like to visit it again

文化底蕴:abundant history and culture deposits; historical site or relics; culture activities
like: music festivals; museums
饮食文化:cooking culture; traditional recipes
美好的回忆:have a memorable experience with sb.

I’ve been to many cities in my country but the most impressed one and I still want to visit
again is Suzhou which is located in Jiangsu province. Suzhou is a beautiful city with
abundant culture and history deposits. I visited there with my ex-girlfriend when I was a
freshman about four years ago. We spent our time discovering the historical sites or
relics such as Suzhou traditional garden, which is extremely fantastic, and the traditional
Suzhou recipes. I still remember the time when we sat in a restaurant near the Pingjiang
river and listened to the traditional Suzhou music, it seemed we flew back to the ancient
time. I felt Suzhou citizens was so happy, as they could live a life like this every day.
However, with time flies, I broke up with the girl who travel to Suzhou with me. I long for
visiting Suzhou again not only because I fancy to experience those culture life and
activities again but also to recall the valuable memory with her. Basically, I missed the
past time and relationship. It is a little sad to admit I would never see her again in my rest
life because I’ve lost contact with her. I hope I could remember her by remember this city
Describe a foreign country (culture) you want to know more about
You should say:
Which country/culture is
How you first knew the country/culture
What you would do there
And explain why you want to know more about the country/culture


Australia is always a country attracting me to visit and know more about. I first knew it on
my English textbook because of a picture of kangaroo when I was in primary school. I felt
so amazed at this spices, you know, it has a pouch on its body. Since then, I began to
know other animals that inhabit in Australia, such as kola, spiders etc. I am deeply
attracted by Australian ecosystem and local environment. Moreover, when I was in
university, some of my friends choose to apply postgraduate program in Austrian
universities. I’ve hear from them that Australians are friendly to foreign people, they are
happy to accept people from different culture background. Therefore, I hope I could visit
there to verify whether my friends’ words are right. Also, the official language in Australia
is English, so there is no language obstacle in communication. If I were to visit there, I
would rent a car and travel around the countryside with my family or friends to breathe
the fresh air and get close to the nature. You know, there are severe air pollutions in
China. In Australia, I may get away from the smog. It would be better if I could feed the
kangaroo or kola. Basically, these are all reasons why I want to know more about this
活动类 (New)
Describe an activity you do occasionally that is a little expensive
You should say:
What that activity is and how often you do it
When and where you do this activity
How much it costs you to do this activity
And explain why you do this activity

此 题可 以先 考虑 activity 有 哪些 ,比 如: entertainment activity---play computer games;
buy some devices; cultural activity : buy books; join musical festival; see musical opera

I have to say attending music festival cuts me an arm and leg. I used to listen to music on
my phone because it is convenient. But I am addicted to attending the music festival after
I listened it with my friends once. When you are in the music festival, you could feel the
passion and the atmosphere brought by the band or singer. You would dance with other
audiences automatically when the atmosphere happens. At that moment, it seems all
annoyance and difficulties are flung to the four winds. I just love this feeling so much so I
cannot help spending money buying tickets to attend music festival when I am free.
Basically, I would do this once two months. You know, the tickets are a little expensive,
like 30 dollars a person. What is more, as some of the music festival are held in other
cities, I have to afford the transportation and hotel fees, which means I would spend
about 200 dollars on the music festivals each time. Therefore, I only conduct this
expensive activity occasionally.
Describe a tradition in your country (New)
You should say:
What the tradition is
How it has been preserved
What do people do for the tradition
And explain whether you like or dislike the tradition

传统可以从节日的角度入手,我国有很多的传统节日,比如:mid-autumn festival; spring
festival. 可以从如何过节来论述这些传统是如何保存下来的,然后论述寓意来表明是否喜

Celebrating festivals is an important tradition existed in my country for thousands of
years. Today I feel like talking about how we celebrate the Spring Festival every year.
Basically,the spring festival is like the Christmas day in western countries, meaning the
beginning of the new year. Chinese will have about 7 days national holiday to stay with
families or drop by their friends or relatives. Moreover, we would clean the house,
decorate the family with red paper written with auspicious words before the Chinese New
Year’s Eve. What is important is all family members would sit together to eat a fancy
dinner, which creates a sense of ceremony about starting the new year. Chinese people
have conducted these rituals for thousands of years, which help preserved this traditional
festival. I like this festival very much, especially when I was a kid because celebrating the
spring festival means wearing new clothes, which is attractive for kids. Moreover,
celebrating the spring festival could not only let people relax after a year’s hard working
but also contains auspicious implication for the future, which is great.

1. speak at length : 方 法 : reasons; effects; comparisons; supporting examples;
personal experience
2. organizing ideas logically
3. appropriately signposting: 在表达过程中可以表明你的思维发展方向的词汇或者词组
Compare/contrast: in my view there are two main difference
Responding to a point: yes, I agree because…; I’m not sure I agree with that, you
Speculating on the future: I think we’ll probably see a lot of …; maybe there’ll be
more…; it’s unlikely that we will have…
4. express and justify opinions
5. discuss and speculate about issues
6. long pauses
7. repetition

1. Use vocabulary effectively: apply collations correctly;
understand right connotation;
less common vocabulary: a very sunny day=a blistering
day=a sweltering day=a boiling

1. Multiple bits of information: 使用复合句,长难句
2. Tense: part 2 tend to use past tense; part 3 tend to use future tense

Accuracy and variety
1. individual sounds;
2. word stress;
3. sentence stress;
4. chunking
5. intonation
6. rhythm

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