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B-12 Chapter 1: The Ethics Environment Exercise 1.

Name: Aeron Kert P. Pagsuyuin Score:
Section: ABM 12 – Kalaw Teacher: Mrs. Ahllen P. Siscar

The chart may be used for school, church, or community programs. Whenever
applicable, the identity of the groups of people may be drawn from age, grade level,
gender, rural and urban origin, or even religious conviction.
Fill in table by answering the questions below.
Ethical Decision-Making for School Programs

Anti-Bullying Mentoring Community

Program Program Outreach Program
Those people who
were victims of I believed that The people in the
Who will benefit
Bullying will be the everyone will join community will
from this
one that will benefit this program will benefit from this
from this program if benefit from it. kind of program.
ever implemented.
I believe that no I believe that no I believe that no
Who will be
one will be harm by one will be harm by one will be harm by
harmed by this
this kind of this kind of this kind of
program. program. program.

Again, no rights will

No right will be
No rights will be be violated in
violated because
violated since this conducting a
the goal of this
program is aiming community
Whose rights will program is to
for the best that outreach program
be violated by this improve an
they could help since it aims to
program? individual or
especially those improve one’s
who has been ability to live and
bullied and suffer. function in the
relationship skills.

Everyone can Everyone can Everyone can

Who can exercise exercise their rights exercise their rights exercise their rights
their rights? in this kind of in this kind of in this kind of
program. program. program.
G-14 Chapter 1: The Ethics Environment Exercise 1.1
Name: Clarissa P. Julita Score:
Section: ABM 12 - Kalaw Teacher: Mrs. Ahllen P. Siscar
The chart may be used for school, church, or community programs. Whenever
applicable, the identity of the groups of people may be drawn from age, grade level,
gender, rural and urban origin, or even religious conviction.
Fill in table by answering the questions below.
Ethical Decision-Making for School Programs
Anti-Bullying Mentoring Community
Program Program Outreach Program
The mentor,
All bullying victims,
mentoree, Older adults,
children and
Who will benefit mentoring program dependent adults
adolescents around
from this manager and the and their families
the world, will
program? whole organization will benefit in this
benefit from this
will benefit from this program.
kind of program.
Conducting this Conducting this Conducting this
Who will be kind of ready to kind of ready to kind of ready to
harmed by this lend a hand lend a hand lend a hand
program? program will harm program will harm program will harm
nobody. nobody. nobody.
Most of the Most of the Most of the
program presented program presented program presented
are all well-known are all well-known are all well-known
Whose rights will and I assumed that and I assumed that and I assumed that
be violated by this that these are that these are that these are
program? examined by the examined by the examined by the
authority and authority and authority and
violated no one’s violated no one’s violated no one’s
right. right. right.
Since mentor,
Since most of the mentoree, Since older adults,
children and mentoring program dependent adults
adolescents will be manager and the and their families
the one to benefit whole organization will be the one to
Who can exercise
from this law then, will be the one to benefit from this
their rights?
they will be the one benefit from this law then, they will
whom can also law then, they will be the one whom
exercise their be the one whom can also exercise
rights. can also exercise their rights.
their rights.
G-04 Chapter 1: The Ethics Environment Exercise 1.1
Name: Kimberly Claire P. Atienza Score:
Section: ABM 12 - Kalaw Teacher: Mrs. Ahllen P. Siscar
The chart may be used for school, church, or community programs. Whenever
applicable, the identity of the groups of people may be drawn from age, grade level,
gender, rural and urban origin, or even religious conviction.
Fill in table by answering the questions below.

Ethical Decision-Making for School Programs

Anti-Bullying Mentoring Community
Program Program Outreach Program
Younger students
The at-risk or
at school were
underserved people
mostly the students The mentee and
in the community
Who will benefit who experienced the mentor will be
and easily exploited
from this being bullied that’s the one who can
by unethical people
program? why I believe that benefit from this
are the ones who
they will benefit program.
will benefit from this
from this kind of
kind of program.
program mostly.
Nobody will be Nobody will be Nobody will be
Who will be harm by this kind of harm by this kind of harm by this kind of
harmed by this program since its program since its program since its
program? main purpose is to main purpose is to main purpose is to
help. help. help.
This program will
never violate
Based on the
Bullying Program is anyone’s right as it
Whose rights will a kind of program goals to aid the
implementation of
be violated by this that will help victims needed skills,
this kind of
program? and not violate strategies and
program, it violated
anyone’s right. capabilities of the
no one’s rights.
mentee with the
mentor’s presence.
Anyone will be Anyone will be Anyone will be
going to join and be going to join and be going to join and be
part of this kind of part of this kind of part of this kind of
Who can exercise
program can program can program can
their rights?
exercise their rights exercise their rights exercise their rights
since it violated no since it violated no since it violated no
one’s rights. one’s rights. one’s rights.
B-13 Chapter 1: The Ethics Environment Exercise 1.1
Name: Sherwin C. Tibio Score:
Section: ABM 12 - Kalaw Teacher: Mrs. Ahllen P. Siscar

The chart may be used for school, church, or community programs. Whenever
applicable, the identity of the groups of people may be drawn from age, grade level,
gender, rural and urban origin, or even religious conviction.
Fill in table by answering the questions below.
Ethical Decision-Making for School Programs

Anti-Bullying Mentoring Community

Program Program Outreach Program
Benefits are not just
Researchers found
for mentees, but
Parents and in a study that
also for mentors
Who will benefit children would students can benefit
and academic
from this definitely benefit from this kind of
program? from this kind of program by means
colleges and
program. of participating in
No one will be harm No one will be harm No one will be harm
Who will be by this caring, by this caring, by this caring,
harmed by this rewarding and rewarding and rewarding and
program? productive productive productive
programs. programs. programs.
No rights will No rights will No rights will
violated in violated in violated in
conducting or conducting or conducting or
Whose rights will performing this performing this performing this
be violated by this programs as its programs as its programs as its
program? main objective is to main objective is to main objective is to
help or lend a hand help or lend a hand help or lend a hand
to a lot of people to to a lot of people to to a lot of people to
grow and develop. grow and develop. grow and develop.
Everyone and Everyone and Everyone and
anyone can anyone can anyone can
Who can exercise
exercise their rights exercise their rights exercise their rights
their rights?
in every program in every program in every program
listed here. listed here. listed here.

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