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Boy Scouts' Annual New Building Code Legion Show Was rhe FIRESIDE!Narberth Babies on,Final Concert
A Great Success Show at Y. M. C. A. Season To Be Held
Minstrel Show Next Passed by Council
Open to Public at 3.30
Next Week
Friday Night Petition to Pave Streets IS Elm Hall Packed to Hear E. ~Ii,,- ,1"811,'I't" Uilli~ Ita,. a- It,'r

Local Talent p. m. Feature 0/ K anlival Choral Society to be Heard gllesls 'O\'er I his ",,,,'k'l'nt! :\1 iSH Bet I~·
Big Event in Elm Hall R_e_ce_iv_ed _
• II
HII 1'.
.J. i:-- y,...;
Saturday Night iii ~l oon', a lid
Th,- !llin",lrel "h,,\\ -ta!!,'" loy Ih,- ('hl'"l"r
~I r.
"ij:rht-, I\a..
rold Harr, of
and ~Ir. The }{arlli\ul ill fldl t'-\\ lll~.
Followed by Dance Tltj~ :llIlt'lldi' 1 hllildJlq.~ ('(lilt, fllT
ItI,'a I Lt,!!ioll Po~1 la'l Friday night \\ a.' (lougIHl" '10-(11"<', of Ot rm:lutnWll. tt'rda,\' aftt'fllOOIi tb,,' door ... of :lal' Y,
tltl' Borough (If :"adH'rth "a..;, l':t~ei(>(l \1. ('. .\. "11I-IH'd "II tl", !!ll,\ ,,~t ntb,r :\llI~i,· of a lig-lJt,-r :lIId IIIHf(' jlupular
all that ,'ollld hp ,],-,in',]. Th" hons..
A!!aln ~·t>u \\111 h,,\,' th" 1'1"""ur,, of I •.\" ('lillIit'd :If :1"1 ft',,",u!al nH'ptin.g la..:;,t I-:~ 1 P, "f "'",,,bi<1,- l'\·t'r h,'Jd in :'\arhprt II. rh,- 1"",1 ii, dlJlra, t"r thall 1hal ',f l'a,,1 t·OIH·I'rl~
\\'lIS I'a"k,'d' \, Ilh all "Illhu"i:l-t i,- uudi· ~Ii,s "IIg'11I1:I
• \\ltIH'~:"ilq.~ your :--:'t·OI\I ... III tht'ir nllllual ~1"1"la~' IlIg},\. A JlllIlI1>,'r of I'lwn!!p" \\ til ft'atllr<- \1", t'h'Oral ~'I{-idy I'r"
I'n,',- alld Iht' "how \\ I'nl "fl' a, "IlI',I<lth- _\ '·P.. '-III,'rlllill,'d a f"\1 of hl'1' frJt'lId' d""orat,d \\ith hlo ....- "III' h,'ld all tllat
Ii,'r hirlhd:ly, .\pi 11 '-)t1l, l~~~:L .IllY Iwarl ur po('ket-Itt"d\ ('(Il1ld dl'~If(',
::\IJinstT(-1 ~how \I h"'h h,,- "I\\ay" gn':tl III t llll"'trtkt 1011 :lll a IHITt of tht' l
g-J:llll t(1 ll(' jlrt· ... t·ll t \·d l1( Xt Ra.turdllY
Iy a" "otrld l,e "xp,','I",]' till
Iy 1'1"a",'d th,' ('''lIl1l1l1ltlt.\. Ilt'\\ nrdIU:Ult O
(', alld t"lrll'tl'r r\llt'~ for :IJld th(' ('ro\\d \\a:-l ill a HUt' hUllIllr tlJ~ll1.
\' \\t' fort·tm~l, ('latl'II('(' lA'llg \\H~
11 ha" oftt'n h,-,'II -"1.1 of Ih""" fin' "llIlt'j'11'01l lla\ I' he'(,11 madl'.
~II-, Ch"rl,", II,,:-t 1<: sJlt'lIll'illl! \"Il~'1l tilt':" foulld that t'~ll 11 l,tt~Jth Tilt, St·ll, t:OII'" t lIll!:t"l \.aril 1y Pllllugh

th,' hll offhl' p\"'lling. .\11 wIll, h'-ard

~11C~\\l.\ gi\t'I' \1.\ thl' I,ll.''''' ill tll(' Jlast '1'1", "tli,·::tl 1",hiJ,."t j"JI of till' 111'\\
hi ... l'gold"ll 1t~ll(lr" :Igrt't'.r \\Itl\ liS "'{'l'!' ('Jill in .\It lallt [t.' ('It,\'. \\:I~ g'l\ lug U\\:I.\ II !,ri:I'f', 111t' lllit'r ':-1 t .. pl,'a"'I' till' lltll~t ('t'~I1I(1poli:tn 11lHIl
fh'(' Yl'ilr~ that thl',' \\t·rt' won' ilkt' tlldlll:lh t' \\ ill l,t' II all".. ITI PIIT .1
11(1(',:lIlH' 11l{lrl' illtt'lI"'l'. lillt' .. !'i tht, Ii:JIII'- t'l,l I', tht' t'II1JlhoSIS IH,.',I':': Oil tlll'" 11g-ht-
that II \\a" \\",11 worlh Ih,' I'rwe "f
prof(,s~H)tlld tll:111 .llll:ltt'llr sho\\~, hl' TO\\II" t1t'X~ \\('('k. It 1S a I"",·. pl:lllllt d 1
'.If th(' nil I 11("'(1 cl:olI :llul ~ Otl i!l't I t - t I Illu:--.ic'. Thl~ !IH~ l'l'I'1I dont' at t lH:
Hdllli .. ~i,(llI. It iH alw:I~'h J!ratif.\ iug to
II ('aUH' t 11(')' \\ t'f(' ~lI .. I'P.\', stll11('th ing 10 h",,- pr"!",r,·d "II "lIthonlati,,- IIr
Th,' 11I"lIthl." 1I11'pl:ng- (If Ih.- "'(1mI'll" gll('':''~ tht.' ('orrp,'t \\('ight (If 11 halll aud 1''1"to,;t (If In:lll~' tlllltl\\t'Tl'o uf our IG-
I Ill' I'"hli"ity 111:111 to ha\,' hi, 1'1"i'!!1I0
(U,lillg '('veT)' B1ltlut", "1ith-ollt \~.tits Ii, I". ,'xl'laill,llIg- th,- ;'ll!"ifk" 11"(- of Ih(- you gt't it; he thl' lUJg't',:",t pUJ(·ha'<(lr I:tl 1t111 .... il·al tlr~:llJi/.:trioJl,
-Iwa,ioll's "0 ably fulhll .. d. .\nxilllJr,' of th" :'\"rb"rth Tl'n"i~ ,\",
frOtH 1111(' Hl't ttl aUtltl't.'r. gUIld jokp-s, 111'\\ nih''', :llld thH t'h •. Ilg't·s frolll tht'
TiJ('T(' art' "l'n'r:l! I hilll,Y}; I h:d rl' -"t'iJllill" \\J11 h" Ill'Jd :1I thl' JHlllH' of al Oil,' hu~,th and you gl'l a 1'11" ~llrdl'lI Th .. '·"I1,·.. rl \\ ill l,,' pn'Sl'lI t1',1 a~ thl'
lal,,,,t ,."ltg''' \\ "II r"lId"I,'d all,1 wond,'r old old luall('I',
quirt! t'xld:dning- ahollt 111(' . . 110\\, tlllt' ~I,rs. "'. 1>. H. E\:ln _, :!tI!I l'ri,'" :\ Vl'., I"'"... You g .. t :l 11 11111 b .. r \\ 'Iii .,,,dl II :gll ~"iI",,1 .\lldJtori'"I1. II \".-ill he
1'()~1 Ul111':".
.\lIoth,'r f"r\\ar<1 ',t'I' ill Ih,- malt,'r $I.UU I'llr,'ha'l'. and thl' 011,' \\ 110 dnlws' :1" ::I-t "all",rth "I'I'I'Ilr:llI('I' of till'
Itl Ih,- fa,·t, Ihat Iht' al'ltll">< !ll"d., tht'!ll Oil }'ri<l:ly, .\pril :!II, HI:!:!. ~Ii-mlwr"
This :"par's IH'rt{lrJll:lll('(~ prunlis(l':" to of TlIt111 iIllpru\"PlllPllt \\ as taken \\'11l'11
t"o r"ali,ti,', III th,' fir."1 pIa,·", Frallk kill.II~· 1101,- Ih,- I'll n 11::;" of tlntl' 11l Ihird rh" Iupky IIUlllb,'r gopl- a J11:tt', E\(,ry-' -r~:llIiz"JtI"lI tillS ~('a'OIl, alld the 81lp-
. he h,'tl,'r thall p\ "r 0\\ ill!! 10 thl' fad
thHt \\t h~l\P IIIon Iltl.\~, S\llnl' ('xl'{'l
1 l
rt'I~ldi'IIT" fit' POrt..·t and
a\ ('lIlit" I,n'" Iitt'd to ('<lull"il a I'(,ti
Frt'z !!a\ I' a \\olld.'rflll It'nditiol\ of
t 1It' IJH't1tal al1~1 phy~it'al :tllglli .. ,h l'HlI~('(1
in:-:tf'ad of S("(·tHlti 'F'rid:IY, so :ttoi not to
.• 1Ii1id \\-ith Ih" \\'01111'11 '" ('Hrniliullil~'
hody's doillg it.
.-\lId 10<1a.\· lit :1 1', )1., Ih,- B,d",''',
I"'r! ,!JOI\ IJ by our lo"nl I<>W1Jsfolk at
:1.1,. '·III1I·.-rr \\il1 IlIdi'·IIIl' tu the ofti"l'r~
!l'lIt \"oi,'"" anti a \\1'11 II"inp,] "hOnl". fioll ":J11111~ fllr tht1 pfl\-illg' (If ]l:lrts of t:rt>\\11 flit :11111 ht"llthy (III :"ar],"rt!J ,II'" dlrt.'.'t"r' \\'ht'lh"r Ih(' p<->ople of
ll.'" aJl 1III pt'cI itllo{'ll t tn hl.S ';1"'('('11 dnr 1'111" Karlll\ a1.
Tilt' t·lIl1l('dllln~. of l'OUnH', get 'olwt1t'r llit· .. t' t\\O ...1rt'(·t ..... TlI(1 I'Ptitloll, ~lgtJ(11(1 all, will Ill' a8"pllIlJi,'d III th,' "I'··lilr. '\.,rl,('rth (l':llly \'11111 Ih,' org'llll.i7.1ltioll.
III;.! tht' :--t't'OJl(! \ ('!"'Sf' ()f lJil'o '"l. IlIg, •• You
an,d h{'tlt'f t'\ ('r~' da ... " :\"" t'xperl(,u('(' It,\· 111"1" 111,111 lIJn-,- lifth~ ()f thl' iull'r· ~lr'. ,Iudlll tHul1<III, of I';":t<hurg-h,' room of the Y. 111. I' . .\., allli ,Il ;.,:(1 11 i" ]lir!!"I,\· 10 1'('III,it II renl Il'sl
'1',,11 lIt'r Ik .. all"t- I ~ ~J1tl,'r," II \\a-
• in 1''''1 "h"\\" prilill" I},pm "I' to hiJ:rh I,,,t t'd !lr0l't'r: ,\ 0\\ 11.'1"", rt'(llH'stl" (\Illn~
\\ hi:--.pprf'd ill :-:lortH' ('l1'C'I(''S tll:l1 hl) Irflcl 1':1., I- th,' gu",' thi" \\I"'k "I' \Ir. B. ,iii \\ill 'ht' r,',,,I~' for til,- d""r- t" "1"'11. 1!Jnt .hb pOJlula r :111.1 diml'ult ~>r{)·
pildl. ,·il t" 1':1\" \\"""llhilll' :1\' I' II Ill' from F. 1.'\ ill!!,lolI. Froll' Ont' hundrl',l to "11'- hllntlr,',J IiINI :.r,II11 !Ja' 1"'(,11 prt'/':In'd. Thl'iru'!u"iou
f"rl,"ott"n I,is Ji"",,, hnt IIt'rish, th,'
W,- E~"\t.x ttl "\arllt.'rtll, :llId 'F'oTt'st frolll t\\t'lIty.lin' ,·hildr.'n, ,ill tlr,-,-,'d 111 1111',r "I' -,-\'t'wl r"liI "qd lilli, fa\orites 11'11,1"
tllflug-1Jl~ IJi'f' M.I('OIl,j \t'r~p \\:IS a lnHS
,r"",n,il'" :0 111" "lI,lill,C! "f lit(' !,r(,~t'lit
tt'rl'ip,'t'~ )1,'Killips. 100, III Ilw 10,·,,1 ('nfd"ri:1 10llig-IiI :01 lh,' I\arnl\ al. b,,~t, 111111 all wilh lh"'r h,,-I 1I.""ll1'r~ a "'r.' illtilllal'- 10U"1I I<J Ih,' progrlllll
You '1-1 b~ and SllIilt·~, \\ill \\I-!t-onl" .'''".11 11,,'lr .111t! I'" id"lItal1~· g'i\''''' evidellce of Ihe
• The (11"1 II! lhi~ ('Illt'ut "ill ht'
Iz,'d lJall:qrht'1 all,1 ~huln Il'ft tIlt' """ ~lIp"l'r frolll ::.i "'I'"t, 111'.
You ('HII't lit' '!llfft' tha:. Ilrdil 1c'lIr·.' \\ llll'h Clarp!IC(l C. ~ice, the
(lnd \'('r~t' to t.hp ;magillation of tllP s ,rr\' If ."1111 lid .. " 'r. Tht1rt1 \\ ill h-fl o\\-n sho",',
a"'''l, ... tof'd Hl.!aill"'t ,ill propt\r·
:J1\\lt t IJlg III .\t'an~ to II •• \.·xlllhittd. :Ill,l t .\II11 1I111~!fal din't''',or has ~t1 hi.l'\ org,a.niza-
:luti il'II(·i.·, hut 11(' \\:IS l1"'i1lg' \t'T~' l'f rtool\l f"r all tli,' f:tlIlily.
t.l'S lfl prfl:IHrtiull to tllt'l)" . . . ii'('. T-hp ani that old. you art' rt{lt1ifl~d ttl IIH\t' tltJlI. .\ dirt'('fur J1P~·(ls lIlust feci yery
ft't'li\'\'I~' till- \\<,11 111\,,,wn P"~·..]I'"logi"l
]H'tltlllll I all,(' :tftt')" :I grt'at elt'a1 of frC'C'klt1s. (Tl)("-~ ,\ lin g",'t ... til,' l,r,Zt· ", II f" ('f hi"" (·horn:. h .. 'tLI'l' ()fTpriug f~l1ni·
prilwiplt, thaI HlIli,·ip"ti<l" I' h,-t,t,'r
di~c'l1"""IOIi h,\ rt ...ddf'lh~ of that )I:lrt of ~Ir. alit! \Ir-, ~:1I11:1l-1 1.air,1 ,,1IJ10\lIl""llor th,' ","st f"".kt '~. hlr ItI"""H 10 :11' :ll1di"UI'(' alld we nrc
'hlln r,,:rli7-alioll. III :llI'\\ ('r t,o luallY
th .. Borongll. "onlp d,.imin!! thaI Ih .. fh,' t'J1g,:q!(~1I1ot.'11!f of tll('L· t1:1l1Jrht(lr .JUlIt' Tht' ),Iptropolitall I.ift' IIt"'llNtllf'(' "'11ft' th:lf .\fr. :Xil·t,' ... p"",tiluate of til(-'
'1""n"", BnIJ.... k \\:l,~:1< ting:J parI \\11('11
f{oroug-h ~!I(1tlld }':I\t' tlit' .... trf'('t lly is tto ~lr. ))""g-I"s~ ('. ~liJJ"r, "f .\d,li~(lIl. (' '11I,,"I1~' \\,'t<- "0 ill 1"1\ -1".1 that th,'.\' ""rl,,'rth l'h"r:l! ~o,·lt·t.v i" not mis-
ht' !Said II('~HIH' Ollt of tlu'" r:lllJ.', .\
,"illg 1,,"1.1-, It \\"" poinl ..,.! oul hy X, Y . g:l\'l' a :'-;,) gould pif,(·t, to ~(J ~ 1,!l·' Id;J(·l'd.
... impl,- slall'!llPUI :I"lally ,·I,'al">' Ih, j

I'n'-i""111 H:J11 tll'll tli,' fl""-I,I la\\ re hpll'llie>"! hllhy. jlo y'JlI kn"" lh,' III -pil,' of lh,- mllny olht'r attrnr·
..... tTH11l:J1~ Hortlllg}n" 'I~lnl ~JH'u~lillg puh
Shin" "",I I-;park- d'N'r\t' a lot of ~Ii-" ~I:tr.\· F. ('h'111'.1II1 has rl'1urllt'.l hl'ulthil'sl hahy in :'\arh"rth: Y"u li"n' 1\ hi"h lit<' holdi1l/{ Ihe Xurl>erth
lit., ftlJltl~ fill" ""uc'h iIJlpr(J\-('lIhltJlt~ pl:tt,ptl
(.rt.l~ljt for st3f!jng !ht' .... 110\\ ulI-.1 fort' tu 'ri!:-1011 CnlJpg'p, ('lh~ilnl)(,l"~hur~, )'n. "an ,'l'i- him <lr hn thl' IIfl'-rllI'«ll ,It l'III>1i.· III 'II~""""" throughout this
sf'\ l'ff' rth·tric·t iOIl~ 'lPOIi 811('11 n. pIal), Il'r :\.:111 1'. ~I., al th,' K""II\al ,1I:h 1"'llIlh" 1'1 "l(r:lnl ~u"h as the foHn",·
IJlg tllt limited lIundH'r of TPhl~:lSl:tlt.oi l •
::Ilr. alltl ~Ir,. Ut'o. \\'"a\'t'r, 'If ~"ll1t Y. ~l. C, A.
and thaI fllrlh,'r, Ih,' Korongh \\118 nllt III' -Iwllid ill"ur,- a ,·ro\\'d..,1 hOUS<:'for
througli at 't'Op "'pP,"1. ~;\'l'r~'onl' IlIIs
on Huc'h
Huitl that it "tJl.s h('toll'r than IU8t Yt."nr wonH'r~· Wtl(~k"iI'llo(l ill
. ,
an.1 \\(, "XI,ed tlhal futnT<' pl'rf~rm' \loor"l>filwn,
..\\"(1., Spt1llt
:'\ . .J.
Tha,' \\ ill he t'hn',· jud!!,-, I" .I ,,·,dp Ih,' (,horal So.'iely.
Ih .. a\\'~lr[h<-Dr. L~'nns, of th,' I'hila· .\ l"l'ring Song, hy ('il"O Pinsut;,
:l1\('"S \\i,ll slill furthl'r :ul.l' fo the d.. lphia Ill'alth ('oun"!], and I\\(I IHm"'-. :\ Fat Li 'I' Ft'lIl'r wid hiH Mammy'!<
laur,'I,; (If our ItH'a! .li",'il'l<'8 (If EI"· ~Ir". <:1'(1. :\. <:il! h", as hpr lo,"1ll'"t .\11 for 111 ,',-nl,-a ,,1,,-., \II' "f illl' E~,'" lo~' ~h .. r;'l:.t1l «ordon.
this \\l- .. I, ~Ii",~ IIt'll'lI <:J"H .. I~·, of Tio ('lIt""t, pr .. tti,'-.;I, h"~I!lhip,t, fatl"'1, L"\,",, OJ,I ~\n, .. t :-;01'1{, hy.1. L. ::\lul-
HII'll \\',,1,,11.
'l'1t('Tt' \\"('T(' fi 1'1("'11 nlt-lll,hl'r" of 1h .. g:" h""t c1re,.s,'tl lind n),)"1 fr ..",d,-d ,lliI lo~·.
dr"11 in th,' hOl'oug'h of :'\urhl'rlh, \r:a • '1'" •. ,-" from La FOr7A'l dl'1
1'0"1 ill Ihe ~a..1 '111,1 t':1I'h 011" '\1IB
Mi-" L",,1i.- ()lst'II, (If \\'a I t'rl<9o, 111., is Alltl JillJally--<blln't forg-p,' thllt in ill'S: 1110, ~Ii",- '\"tali:tll OonUno,
th" \flli"'l of ~Ir. :111,1 ::\Irs. CI:lrke B. a,ltlition tu tlH' .Bau~· Slum Ih .. houths ~Ialp ('hun",: .-\8h.'H of Rt()..~s, h~' H.
:\loO'll~·. of Ih ...\\'JII .\partllH'III". an,1 <llhl'r f,'a I [II'('S, th .. rt' \\ ill I", n n. (',,11'.
('afi'lpr:II (II 11t.1 ,linllt'l "'1'\,11'", this .\ 1.,111,- t'lo~e Harmony, hy Geof·
('uing. ,Hllc1' duuc'inA" with ~''1oHd JI1ll~~t'. fft·." 0 'Harn.
"'ill 0 ' th,- \\"1"1'. hy .Il'\'lse "'inn('.
I 1..,\" :I Llft]l' ('otlng", hy Oeo.ffrey
OFFICERS _'\Ig-htfull ill (;rllnlldu, hy L. Bueno,
H.,,·il III i\,' 1111>1 ,\ ria "TaCt'1l III notte
Tuesday'S Meeting Election and : pl:II'ida" frtllll II Trtl\'lIforl', ;\Liss Con·
Current Events , ino,

Liltli' D()rolh~·
'-\>hh01t, i years of Tlds iB bht' t,illtl' 01- Iht' y"'1r \< hl'lI' ('ho~al
Fantm'ia from 11 Tro\'atoTe,
l'nll'rt'ain,'tl IH'r Radio If" . , I,.,' nlu~,'I'I'(' "l'r,II, 'nrranged by N.
' ] 'II 1 J many
'{ I I th,' 1l11'1It It'Tl' 0 thl' (ll1Imtlllllv . (Iuh (·J'1f
J oTt
I J' ag'(' alii I ·111(' I lH I'Ill" u · t a t·'1VC
f T!l'n' \'l WI I a so <I 1I"t II MI' av I'V['- are privilege,1 tiO I'ast IIlt'ir \,..11'." t~ 1 \. • 'I)' \ II' "'I· R "
'11<7, f ". '''1) 'R l' i 1111' .. rill . mor "II a 1 o..~ee,
1'1 ,., rilm ,-.1111 lOll ., ',--, ,II, t1('tl'rmill" upon tl1l' ('Iuh offi,.... r' for I 'I' " I' (' t'
lU'rfe<'!' 'J Ih n • 1'1 'I' "-'I I . I' , 1\· .\ IS~ _,ala IR oa 1110.
, D r0
,'1 ,rs,f 111 ' 11 a,
,11' l:tS repl"I\'I"
, " the enSiling year.
' '.rill". .I" ''''lIr Ilisl ,·hlln'·I' tJo hear the
1'\'l'lIin/{. III ,II rom ' '!lstalll ::n<l,n('arby po III Is , :'\('xl Tllestlav
. . hl'ing' the "t't'ond Ill"l't'. (hor,,1 Ih": ,,':lsoll . I:, • :'I:nrberth, \lnu
I "imgra t u I atlll/{ • her, l"he . wIll . lw Tl'·'' illg' in AI'ril , ae.cordiw' .... to th,' h\'--ln\\B'
. a pro~ralll \\<lrth fiuc'nfi"lIlg . , lIlany othPT
11:l,·e OFFICERS ELECTED FOR THE 1)]l'lllhere<! ,IS th!' first l':hlld 10 Sill/{, the alluunl "Il'etion lllllSI tak(, pla(·c. I'
I rOIll
St t·
a 1<l1l
'VIl' O' b I B
','llll P
rolh,'r~., 'rllt' vote JiJs "xpe('(I',1 10 h,- ullu"lIally
,lIt['rt'S:" 10 iJpIlr.

ill Phila., several IIltlnths ago. heavy. •
Bob Edgar Again President-Sched- I --- Th(' J1Inill spt>llkl'r of Iltl' n.fttlrllOon THE PRESIDENT OF THE U. S,
ule and Rules and Regula· I ::lIra. A. C. 'I'\\'l'e<l, of 1\lolltgo nl\l'ry \dll Ill' :\Irs. George Bl'an. :\I~. Bplin APPROVES
tions Adopted An'" I'lItt'r'lll,in",1 hl'r hridge ('Iuh Oil is all 01,1 frientl of Ihe nllllnlUllitv
: T,lt'sdn)' eVl'ning. : (,luh, an,l is :l1\\'uy" h(arlily ",el<'om(>-(l.
By John Van Ness
Edgar, of Xarberth, WHO', 'Hl'r lalk will hI' a~ IIslIal 011 ('lPrrent
ut 11 lI\eeting'
'I'he ': "rs.,Tanle~ D nr\ 1II e, of tl,e ('I()m-
"I ThoS(- \\ h" "rl' furt 1I1l111e ('uough to
'fbI' tbird pl'ri<>el "f thl' Int('r.Churl'n: mnnit~· Qluh, will gi\'e a f['SI11llll- of' li\'t' ill :'\Ilrhprth at th" awakening of
BOIw'!ing Leagul" galli'''' end,,(1 on Fri·: th(\ repent pro"ee<:1'ingsl in' the' Ritale; kprilll-r,
du)' nJiJ!,"ht, April 61h, in a tie-, when 'I !..l'gUsllltnrl', unll ::Ilrs, T, Xopl
tlll' Mc1lhodisls \\'On IWO Ollt of three I will ~in/{ se\'l'rnl Flon~s.
~'lml'B fl'om the Pre<!byterian&, Both I
tl'anas put up exel'!lent gnmftl, the ALL ON Et>GE
Pl'\'~h)'terians making the highest tennl
score of the BB!lson in tbe seeond
~lIllle, scoring i!l5 J1'Q<ints, ~a.reT 'Was
Otcour. . . . .



Rtephnn THy and William Buskley, is
l'repurin.g f'Or the :.nnu1l1 senior play!
on April ~O. i
, To know
how good a cigarette
really can be mad
you must try a ~
HOWARD'S deliver - aD1
p li,ce - aD1

A Co-operative Oommunity Journal Th I're nfl', l",si,j"s, t h,c Ropholllorc, The Brightest Spot in Narberth
Ilrall\atk ('Iuh. Carcrl:ne Rohini<on.:
O,.-n,," and publlah,," "very Saturday by
the Narberth Civic Auoclatlon. I'fl'<i,],'n,l; (~llltrll'" Halllilton, viC!'
By Collum Righter A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
"fl'~iol"llt; Kt'nIN!f,1 Kenne, s('('rclnry 11- -1
8l:BSC'IUPTION PRICE, One Dollar and ,",,1 tr,'n,<urer; the .Junior Dramn'tie'I
I--Ifty C"nta p"r y ....r In ad.-an ..e AN AID TO PROFANITY
Cluh, Arthur Quinu, prl'si,]ent; CharlC's
Jla\\ ]C'y. vi,'(' Ilresiden\: V<aiah \"'cin· ('!tI'11' ('ollum ha< tIl(' (;out,

tr:luh, ~('t·r('tar.'" :"11111 1rt"HSllTPT. ull·d th(" ~Uflif'r8 :lwful pain,
t." F'fl.<hman lJramat,ie Cluh, ~fury Ham, klays home, I'annol :';", uhout
. .
iltnn, I'I'l'sid"nt: r"arliline BII~"\. "i,·1' \-:\'('n \\'i-th II C·IIllf'.
. '" , JlrC'~idt'\llt. :llld ),f':lry })nyIlf'. srert't.nry lIt· sits in any f'·al".\~ ('
by "CoBurn Righter" for advising our customers to
,II1d 1 r,'asun'r. ClOSt' hC'"i,lC' the jj rt'.
~Oll\l' othl'r ('Iuhs nre IhC' R.wli(, When Aunt Fo:'Y', •• ) ou 're I,,>tt,er, measure their lawns prior to ordering garden hose.
Philip Allt'e LtvlngRlon. Editor "!uh, \\,ill:'l!l1 :\fali1l, pr('~i,ll'lll; I"ll·. de'ur,"
RlIlplt ~. Dunne. Trl'nsurl'r nlt'r Swnrt7,. ,'i,·,' pr",i,I('nl lln,1 "I'hi .. f l'n<'11' g-url{h'. . . L-,r~"
However, we still ~lieve it to be the conect procedure.
"IIt'rator.·' nn'] l'l'wi, :\f,,'~fal'ken. ""," BlJ,th nrthrilil' f,'''1 arl' \\'rapp",1 We have some very good hose of the corrugated jacket
('orn'spon<!ence for the Editor shonl,1 r"tar~'; tl1C' i"',i,'n,'1' Cluh, hpadl'd hy All in han,hagl' ,,'hitC',
he sent to Post Offiee Box !Hi6. Remit, kind, and we know that it will give you service. We
tanres for ad"erti<ing, subscriptions find l'alnwr i'\\'nrI7. ns nC'ling Pre,idcn.t; Tllt,y hnrt him Sf) hadl~' he
memher<hip to Box 58. Ih" B"t.:ln~· ('Iuh. nf "hkh ,Janet Arm· '('anll:ot .Ieep lit ni:rht. ST. MARGARET'S MINSTRELS se1l it in any length you wish.
Onr Town i< on salt' at the nepot strong is pr,'si,lelll, \\'ill1 Sllra Brookl'. SWNlring ,gllil"" '1II illl['etu<
news,stun,l, a 1111 at the store of H, E. Yi"e l'rl'"i,l"nt: LOlli"C' H<>hin",on, s("("·' ?llid tI,e tllro(', of (;"u1. Announcement; is made that under BERGNER HARDWARE COMPANY
Davis. rt'tar.,', all'] :\foo!('.'lhn ?llillN, trea"urer; /' B-1,," :111>1 "1>-11'" :<lId "rh('r no circwnstances will tickets purchased
Entrr('cl DR RP('(H141 c]nSR mottrr. OC'tohrr tl,,' Bin]o~' f',]uh, with Aklhn 1;:111Ih things from speculators be accepted for ad-
15th. 1\114, lit th~ I'ost Offi"" ot NlIrberth.
Penns)'lvlIlIllI, lIlId"r th .. act or :'<lareh 3. as prt',id('lIt: Ell'HIIOr L,·",is. vil'e·prl'",i. Huhhl .. Idil hl'l~' "'1t, mission to either performance of Nar-
lS.9. ,l"n.l: \\-:tlt"n ('ut,h hn', ",errela ry, Hn,l berth-via-London on Al-ril 25 and 26.
Edilh Higl'ln\\', IreHurer. Thi$ cluh \\'hih' WI' shllil prohahly fart' fillt" 1923. Not eV'en Fred Walzer can ~==================================.!
OL'R TOWN will gladly print any giye< "ht'alth lalks" llllHmg its othC'r an, 1"lInpnsonml'n. I ,;,t I'II " ' " "allnot 11,1 I change that ruUng, The chief purpo:>e iiiF================================~
ne1US aboftt allY subject which ;s of nl'tt,-ltles. 1 log-Plhl'r ngrl'e w'ilh lInr Hon. Fli,'k' In holding the price down to the small
interest to Narberth folks. Copy TIt(' \\',,1 far.' ('luh, ,leYoting itSo<'lf· Stlj{'S, . . '1'1 Ie- IHo"l lInpnrtant
. itI'
ling sum of one dollar is ';0 afford the mul-
is due Olt Tuesday of each week, at I'ri'"'il,,,]I~' 1<> safl\ly l,ropagnn,ln :rt thl"?lf
6 PAl. Late co f'y received Wed- ,re"enl tilll", ha." !lol y,'1 ell'l'l{'d 'I'
lIe(day evellitlg will be printed onl.v otli('(\.~. I
. on t gomC'ry (\ ounly I la.- 10' I a~' t I tat .II titude the opportunity of enjoying
1'1 n,o t ] lilY" ont' J.un,.rl" I I years ag-o , without undne burden the most spec- Ice CrealYl Titne
"" us. . tacular minstrel pageant of our times,
it space is still available. l'rOft1"I:-,or Pt'lllll~ppa(·l';f'r irs :lcting and the wiles and SIlare~ of the ticket Warm spring days make ice cream more popular
!'r",i,I,'nt .. f Iht' stlllll'ni ('flnlleil, \\'ith ]11 ('(IIIIH'.('t.j·Otl witll 11;)litPnf'~:'o of ('llil agencies should be rebuked' by the
SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 1923 j)nr..,thy t'""s, ItS ~1',·rC'tar~'. Thl' Ath· drPIl to,,~ard thpir p.lft'nIH (an t:'xl'itillJ,.': public as they have lJeen by the man· than ever.
l .. ti .. :\",)('iation ,)r ·1 hI' H·hool i~ :lrguull'ul "onl·t'rllin~ "hi,.jl \I':,;; henrd agemeot. If these ->llick sharpers were
EMERGENCY PHONE CALLS h,'a,l .. 01 h~' \\'illiam l'I"nr, with }-'"lwl'lI a fe,,- days lLg'0) we ,l,'sire ID set ()lIr·, allowed to have thOll' way, it would Do you know that our Cream is made every day,
Fire, 350. ~"1I11 n" ,'i,·,· prt',i,]ellt: Frank 1','ah-o<l.". ,,'If <l{)\nl for llil I inll' a;; nlll' \\'ho. '" probably come to paf.'-I that our local right here in Narberth?
Polire, 12;;0. "','r<'l:lr~'. :In.1 ~[r. l'(>nn~'p''''kl'r '1'; a ('hil,l lle"C't" !!,l\" hi" ~,'at. til hi, people would be deprived altogether
or Ardmore 20.
1rflHRlIrPT. I" at Iwr III . a ~ t reC'.! 'Ill'. I I 111'\'l'r IlOt,h '. of the great privilege which .was pre· We have many delicious flavors, absolutely fresh.
Frall,'is ~lllyth in 1'1·....., i,I,·lIt of t,he ,'rl" 1 u, til Sl'e I '111I 'I'I':ll·llIllg
" t·ur II pared for them, and instead smart city
\r.. hit(.,.tul'a] ('Juh. ,,-illt Hohert ?II,.· ,trnl' tl"'rl'- I 'ut it >li,l :It hnllle. . alecks would have come out on the
Kil1l\.on. \ il'l' prr':-.idt"1I1, :\.1111 En\ily Narberth Tour which was said to be in
MANAGEMENT, ETC., OF You'll Taate the
L;lndi:--:. :--t'('rl)t:lr~' an'l tn"a~llr('r. \\'h.,· i... it the fr,·,I, I'Ollntr~' C'go,;:, prospect a.nd which \7aS reported to

O U R T OWN'II ----.-- ,lisplayC'(i in lla\'l'rt' ,r,! .\wnUt' win· include a trill to onr bounding bor-
GREAT RUMMAGE SALE dll\\'s aN' so slfillll? \\ I'll. the rt'UI'IHI ough on a special train, a ticket to
Published Weekly at Narbllrth, Penn, I i, ol,,'iou.-. y"u lila." h'lanll' it "II "n the show and a glass of Lemon Phos- 1!S========================5=========:!!I
sylvania, for April 1St, 1923, Re- II '1'1,,' .~1:lin LillI' all.1 1l1'1"",an' ("-"uIlI\' till' .'I,'rn,,1 ]u<t foil' IIl'ullll. Ifh,' phate at Howard's, all
for $10. It
. fa rIll f'T:-; arp ~o dll:.!·t r lll,t'd ',11"'\"'11'.' t" is hoped that the "'·.....c Association
uired by the Act of AUtrllSt 24
.,' , "r,' hl'lllg'
,'''111' It'd
fl' I
nr t IC w], ,',I pOt" " ,.,' ""v~ LOWER PRICE
1912 sibJ.. a."""rtlll,'nl of :Irli('lt"" for 'thl' 111ll.k,. IllO lI l('.\' tl,,'," pi"k up th,' !or" h , will make proper note in its records
l1I"n"lt'r nl1l1lJ1agl' ,all' til 1)(' 11l'1,j in '\n,t,,·.1 Ihillg' 'fore t Il<'~' "r,· filII of the success which was made in The Radiola Model RC, formerly $207.50, now
]'lIhlishl'r-TIll' :\'.lrl'l'rth f\i\'i,' '\",",0' "Oll,illlll't :<HI wit h I.h .. WynnC'\\'("Hl Pony grown. 'thwarting this diabolical trickery and $142.50.
all'! Dog ~I",\\' to 1>e h .. l,1 <)n the Cloth that, in recognition of the extraordin-
cial i<>n, ~ arlll'rt h, I'a, Complete with 3 Radiotron Tubes WD12, 3 Dry
Xar. i,.1' ;01\01 .\s.hton (',latl'~, \\'~'nn(,wOl>d, >"l"l<'ly for th,· ('tiif.,·al.;oll of Th," ary acument which was displayed in
Ecliwr-I'hilip c\. L!\'ingston,
:\la~' 11;. ('olllmunity Lil tmr.\' \n' ',I ha\'C' it kllowlI mainta.1ning the goo,l repute of our Cells, "B" Battery, Phones, and Telephone Plug.
berth, Pa.
?llr". Hugh f'tOIlC'. of lInn'rfoTtI,' Iltlr f:I\"Orit,' hook is It h:lII·k hook. 1town', it will make every eftort to pro- . Complete-instailed-$142-.50
~IUII{I!!,iltg Etlitor --8;1 me.
. Thou"h C'\'('II tlwt lark~ itlt,C'rel<1 th('s," Vide Joe Kelley with a. shepherd's plaid
Busliltrs>< M'Lnllg'l'rs--1"alll'" ,"h:lifTll:1Il of tlip Tllnlnw,g~ (',0111 nllt t.()('. .
{)wnl'rs-X"rlll'rl h ('1 \'j,.. .\ <sn.. ia tOOIl. allnOUlll"'S tb: till' sail' will he thl' oIa~'s.
coat for his oliO' act, as his wife simply
PrC'si,i<'nt, R"I)('rt .T, :\'a"h; \'i,'(' I'rl'"i, I:lrgr",t ",','r 1,,'ld ill lJl' Ill'lIr Philll,It'I. * won't let him cut' hers down. w,
G. CASE, Manager
phia. T"n" of Ihllu;;ands of arli,.It'~ .\ fri"IIlI ,,-11'11 llOSSI'.-"l" gr,'al 71':11 Tickets are now un sale, Phone Narberth 2282 or 2270-J 226 Haverford Ave.
dent<, ,I, Lons. ~Irs. C. P.
.f'ow!l'r, anll (;",,,rg" .\. ?llahl; ~l'('fe, \\ill 1)(' for :-lalp, :In,} tllp groull,d':-\ ot" and fi('UtJl('U in IIlHtt~r..... of htati~til':o\ 111· -----.-----
thC' ,.,.'at •. ,,'il1 he throw'n "pl'lI 110 .. fornH',3 ns a.t <I'inlll'r t '"Iher J:ight, Fll'nd in Fireside HC'ms.
~llillt' St~~
tary.l'],('11S1lfn-llrdl'h }-.. J)un,"l'; Dj,
t"C',.to~~MTS. E. ('. Hal .. hl'1nr, ~-rrs.'· fll aUI,} \~l' ,1r('~,'
:111cl lltlY· l·:\"t·ry· (lvrry titllP StlJllt~nllP ~---~--~-~~~-~~~-~--~~~---~~~~~-~~~-~~~~~~-~-~~~~--~~~

. R.ohert F. Woo.l. n. \\'altC'r I"tC',·I<hp('k. lhill;': fr"nl a grandfatl,,'r ,."".1, 1.11 pins ,lh~'1. It iJ' 10" hn,l. \V'I' dhl Itot; kilt)\\
Leroy A, King, '\'alt"r .\. 1-',,'(, \\'altnn ,,'ill h .. fllr ,alt': :In :Intomohil(> will w,' w,'rl' snd, :I oIl'\'""tilling- !H'r"ollngl'.:
}.I. W('1I1.7, Holwrt .r. Edgar, \ "",\of,r,' "\. Iin,l it' w,,~, 10 '>lIC' <If Ih,' hoot/HI. anrl .\1101 worst of iii! ',1'" :lr" unn.hl<· to
Miller, A. E. ",,,loiN:. all In:tnl~'''r (If ,'"Iuahl<' pi(',.I'< nf furni, Illl'nd th.e ronllition :tn~', If ,\'(,',j quit
dr:J",iuJg our hr(lath wI,',ll (),ill t':H)-.
(si·;':-l1 ,'<1) Philip A. Livingston, ! tllrt', hdl'<I-llr:II' :111.1 ant.iflt)('1l". ttl Hi."
E;ditor. uothlllg of l'!othiug'. ""ill uC' off,.n"j for \\'0'ul.-In'1 \\'I'!
~\\'orll 1'0' and slI:,sl'l'illeJ ])('f"rp me ~:t]",
* *
.\11 nll'n ..." ohtainC',1 will 11 •• An'l' rig-111 ."IlI"
in th" yehl of
this ;l1st ,lay of Ma""II, ]!l::!;;' lun"'d ",'('r tn lit,. .lgelll·i,·o;; iu IhC' \\'el
Henry T. Nash, Notary Public, f"r,' !.· .. d .. rntion \\'hi"h \\,.re in ,Ieht thuug-hl, if a 1:1<1 hn" ., ,,!t'p·falh,·r th:l"
~I~' (,ollllnis"ioll I'xpin's ~I:tr,.h 7th. \\ I,,'" th,' F",jprati'"n ":IS slarl,.d t,hTl'(' ,I'ne·s nol u,('<·C' 1l1:.kl' him u "Iep··
1,,,I,IC'r "'-"'<, it I Tht·s" t\\"O il1ll,orl1l1l1
1!l~.3, ~·t'l . ag'o. Pt'lr~(In~ "'i~hill~ to .Jonfih'.
'1 u ,,"ti{lns sl1>:\l1 ht' Il'fl for th,· \\'""
:lrti .. I.,s :If(' n'qul'st<,,] to tC'll'phoul' or
CO-OPERATION SHOWS :RESULTS \\'Tilt, ?lfrs. Sioue. mC'n's C, Clul> 10 \\'r""gl,, "\'l'!'.
___ L~\,t ~'r":lr tt'l11S of thoH~nnds of pf>T
AduaT stlclli,'s nnll a1hll'l,j,." are uOll-on, "allH' 10 IItC' sho\\', Th's ~'ear th,' Th,. exqui"il,' "OI,1':ll's" vf 1<)('al.
IhC' only n,eth'ilies "t l,o\\'('r ?lferio" "r"",,] " ,'xl'f'r!f'd to Ill' d'nul,It',!. Th,' "harm;,,·;.'!ls ill fa,'p nf tht, suffl'l·j".g's.
Hig-h 8 e:11I>0 I this ~'ear. Througl] II "nnY '''Id ,Iol-! sh,"', will hC' the finC'st· of thf'ir patrons is hl'yoJld hUl1l.1l1 ('0 III ,
fine form of :<>tud,ellt :llId f:ll'ulty 1'0- in thl' ""lIn'tr~' and Ihl' lid"It,,1 fP11tuN'S prl'lll'nsioll. :"'01 <0 m:lUY \lour, l)('for(,1
oeprnlion fOl<ter"a 1,.\' l'rrfe",nr '(', H, \\'ill 111111,1' hi.'lory in oui,door p('rf,orm, this \I'('nt I·/l prinl \\-" nsk,·d Dr. Ih·
Pennypaekl'r. 'Ille prinei.pal, altnost an('C's. ThC'r,' \\'ill hI' a hahy Rhow, a ward 1'0 gi,'f' II' ,,,,olllcthing for our
e\'er~' student intpTl',:,1 has h",'n organ. ra\l:Iret. n hn1l0()11 ra.·e. n luollsler d':1l1r, Itl'ad, an,l hl ..s" ~'1Jn: {ld,lillonaJly witll, •
ized, ing pu\'ili'on. ear,l h'BtS. fashiOlI sh,,,n Il'lIing us to try fOam!' hone rllnI lit"
.' ]\fQ;;\ an,1 un en.11"", mi,l\\a:,··-a r,.glllar ,·ir· ,ai·,1 ho" \\II1I1<1'n'l la.l,C' it (IS a gift,
i~ OT- rtl~
• * • Twenty-five Million Dollars' worth of New .
Equipment wUl be added to the Bell
"ffl'. William CLolhiPr is ('hair, In nil solellmily WI' qllestion whe'lhrr
man of th,' show, n.s,,;so1'l'l\ hy ~I"s. Hi'r, much gOI;!l is IJC"iug a.,·(',(,nlpli"h,',\ h.':
!)('rt L. Clark, of O''-l'rhrook, anti :lIfrs. our ('otl1rie of estC'em·'·I. lIt-lig-hllls IIlSti,
Alexallr!"r C'. Yarnnl1, of Hav('rfonl. t.ution1<.
The millr\\'lIy eommi'tcc'
We m-k,C'fl 'I'lH.. odota if silt' 1
(',0 ns ifll·s of: had her ch'oke would sl1C' ratlH'r lin', i
System in Pennsylvania this year
~Irs. E,iwiJr Bonson. chairman; ,Mrs, \V, or die ILnd go to Heav·,.n. "Rnlh"r livt'.;
Boulton Hi ",on, !lfr-. );("rlon Dow'ns" of' eours<,," c:llne the 1l1l1l\\'er. So WI';
,Tr., ~fiSl' Elizahet.h Che-ston, Miss forthwilh dOllned· I.wl'l.ty'SeYCII yur<]s: HALF a million miles of new wire, thirty-
of 1('Ilnr}ot.t" 0hC'ston, hIlt" Fiitz-Eugent' of fifty~ix inl'h wUe saek-el<Ylh, and ~
~(lWhfl!rl nnrl ~fil<s Sara Log-an Rtnrr, !'ollrNl. a blll"ltct 0' nshes o,'ct lIur! five new building operations, seventy
'A numher of prominent Main I,in,': ,lome, What 'Ire t,ho SlInd'a.y 8eho"l<-1; thousand new telephones, ten million
men~ irutere!'tNt in horse~' lilt'} dogs; !l'a"hing e'hildren these days anywayt
h:l\'O l)('('n appointeel' on t.hC' nd\'iSGry * * •. dollars' worth of central office equipment
elOmrnittC'e. ThC'se nrc 1;)r, ThollL'IS -G. \\'e rl"lld of n: eitize,n of· B€lrwyn he-
Ashton, W-illinm .r. ('Iothil'r, "'illiam ing . Te-eenl]~' 'killed: .)~' n rc\,(}]ving -such is our program for 1923. ...
So Ellj.., Vietor C. Milt.her, .r.
81nnley erune. And llil 'Our worthy oditorial
Reevc, R. Penn Smith, ann W. Hinck]c Bo~ !s 11 C'honrter lJlemlbcr of Sat, Eve, And all this In addition to the tremen-
Smitll. . , IP~'Ilt. !No. 408, Wandering OrniJtlto,
dous amounts of new plant added in the
The C',xel'lltivc commi'ttee wilihe,s the ~ogiell'1 Legion of the World he wnn no
l'I{'ain LinNR and Delaware Oountv re-
$idC'llts to r~nlize that this i~ 1 ,'their
doubt bear us out wllen we- C'omment
on the 'blood-thirs-tilless of Ame-fienn
last three years, which was more than in
5h~~',' I Should it rain on l!I{o.y 16, tbe birds, After all's ooid ~1111 d~h(.', the any six previous years in Pennsylvania's
fMtirit'ies w1ll be postponed until tIle one thin.g we kn'Ow of where the sup-
foUowing day, ply .exce-e<1s th1) demand )so trouble, So.. telephone history•.
:the only ,thing left to do' ~8 wenrn
green felt hatlll:ong 'wi\lh theres,t of'
.. ,:" .,~~r-~'ODITIO.NS.TO .BELL TELEPHON.E .
There isanenonnous' demand for tele-
phone$etvi~e~ . Twenty~hv~rWUion>dol­
t'ho Democra#c.par.ty. '

.. ~' ."""NT 11'1 ,P£N~5-VLV~NI"'~1919-19a2

....... ·····.i~
:~s: i~ 'one~Yeat. is··our . effort 'to·
, ",,"
Mr.. Adolph' Stein, whO.,s ileell.···



,,:,:.~f~~"'~~:'1!"·~~:>: :··;··.·,<:~~·~"'?~~~'(;;1:;:~~'"'}i~('!~''E~~'.'.: ....:. ;'~;;~. :?";",
'" "

I 'itA


of tilr ClU,urdtrs Main Line League

~s~~E!A Nfl11S
. r ....t ...oto....y'Tb.. ST. MARGARET'S OATlIOLIO (Continue<1 from P6ge 1)
.t..e 0' I .. sIze ID tbe
Eatlre World.
. . . .topl.,...-ContiDuo... 10 A. M. to II.Sf!
P. M.
Sunday mMSOS at 7 0 'clock and 10 n.'lmell W('fe:
: 0 'dock.
First vi"e ptPSid'eut, i
On first and third Sundays I G.l'(ITJ~r .B/trr, Balu·Cyuwytl; .-eeond
PhU... P.. : tbe late Mass is a High Mass, followed, \ It'e pTl'SHleat, J ..F. HarTelt, ArdlUJ(}re;:
_ _._ : I,\" benediction. : thiTd \-ire,pTesideut, Hollie R. Talone,
. Daily :\fass at 8 A. M. ,BTyu :'Iruwr; Be-rn'tnry, 'Clwr!es C. Shoe·
PROGRAM ma kt'r, \\'Itync; treaSUTer, Jesse E.
Lt'\\'i", Berwyn.
'1'11(' Te-pTe"Cnta'tri\'l'B of tbe 'ariO'us
,.Iuhs pTl'"C'ut "'ere: ','''·ayne. Rtan Hunt; I
Bprwyn, l'hin Pyott; BTyn "InWl', Bill
II· ABILL Of DIVORCEMENT" I Montgomery Pike, NaTbeTth, was estab·

. lished 1682. HeTe William Penn wor· H<>~('rs and RJollie Tul<llle; ArdmoTe,
I shipped, as well as many other ,noted
.Tim H..II IlIla ,r. F. BltTrett; X lIThe,rth, Desirable lots are becoming mighty scarce.
: FTiilnds. One of the historical spots . f Will l'rowell; B:L1n·Cynwy,l, Ge<Jrge,
AS POSSIBLE TO 10.00 A. MoO : First·day
is open for worship every
Tht' ""ll<',lu(' m~ 1Ld'.pte,1 foIl.,w,,:
(Sunday) morning at 11
If you are considering buying a lot, prompt
0 'clock. :'II ay I!I-Xarbl'rth at Wa~'Il(', BI")'n
1.-.111. 11.45. '.411, 11.10 P. H.
First,day School is held every FiTst· :'Ilawr at Be TW}.,I , AT,lmoTe at Bah,· action will save you money, as ground values
day (Sunday) at 10 A. M. in the Meet· ('yllwyd.
ing House. Anyone desiring to ·attend !lr1ly ~(i~\\'aYIIl' lit BTyn ~rawr, Her· are certain to increase.
Narberth Taxi Service eitheT the adult class OT tlle young peo· wyn at Bala,-CYllwycl, :\aTherth at .\Tfl·'
~ pIe's class will be very welcome. more.
• Patrick F. Donabu• :'.[ay 2!l-Bala·CYllwy,1 at \\'aylH',: We recommend the purchase of lots in the
Bryn :'.[awT at XlITherlh. AfilmoTl' lit'
Open Day and Night Phone 1633 THE PRESBYTERIAN CHUROH Ikrwyn. following locations at prices from $2,000 per
Rev. John Van Ness, Minister.
,June 2-Berwyn at Wayne, BIJ'n:
I'M_uwl' at ArdmoTe, !\~l'beTth at BallI.'
i lot up.
~!l'"tinl."" {<lr .\pril 1.;: ,TUIIC fI-Wnyne ~It ATdmol'e, Bala' i
!l,.t:i A. :'I1.-"'un,1a~' Reho"!. 'CYIl\\,yd at BTyll l\faWT, Berwyn at·
We Carry a Full Line I
Ii 11.110 .\. ~I.-Puhli" W.orship, with. X~lrh;Tth. Anthwyn Road - - Anthwyn Farms,
DAVIS' SHOP ('l'.rlllol~ ~"1 ~,I.'(, thPI~lI" "~hp Dl~ieat-i{)n: .Tullt' 16-BTyn ~·r:lWT at \\' llynI', 1
~~;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;E;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;~;:;;;-==;:;;;;;~IIof " ( hild. Ilurlll!! tIllS me·('otll1.g' the, Bn]a·.('\"llw\·d at BerwvlI. A r<!lIIlOre at

Avon Road - - Anthwyn Farms,

I :-;''''TlIUIl'lIt "f IlIf:lllt RaptiJ<m will be' XaThe;t'h. . .
Oleaning, Altering, Pressing
,·,,1<'1'1':1,1 "d. :,".1 Ih,':'" will he spedal ,IUII(' :!;!-'Ya\"ne atl B,J1a"CYnwyrl,
11111''1,' h~' :I (·hi·ltlTl'lI', Ch(}rus from the' Bt'TW~'1l at Ard'rrI~OTl', )\aT,\lPrth u:t H~'Il;
Haverford Road - - Anthwyn Farms,
Ready-made Suits and Suits Made to Order .IIIUi"T tll'!'aTIIIIl·J1t. 1'he1'1e will aloo :'IlawT. i Wynnedale Road - - Wynne Farm,
• S. N. PRAGER 1,,· a ·~,·t·II"'Ill'!t" fill" ("hi.J,]T"n (In "Hu' ,IUlll' ;1l1-\Vayn(' :Jt BeT\\,YII. Bala··
211 HAVERFORb AVENUE II ""11' II l'._s. (·."II\\'y<l at :"a1'11>l'rth, A!tIIlloTe· at BTyll' Penn Road & Sabine Ave., - - Wynnewood
Abo...e Am. Store 1". :'II, -.1 nil lilT En,l,':\ \'oT ~[eet - ~rawr.
We call for and deliver
ill~. .hily 4 (A. ::'If. )-.\rrlmore at Wayne','
, ... ling and T.nll 1'. ~1.-"'l'lIifJr :"HI In(erlllRdiote XaTbeTth at Berwyn, Br:'11 :\I:\wr at.
For Bow
Pocket Billiards
Elld"·,, \ liT ~[I'O'lill~.
7.n P. :'I£.--E\·"lIill~ \\",orship. I-'uh·
.Iuly 4 (I'. l\£.)-Wayll(l nt XaTherth. ROBERT J. NASH
'. ~'. ~ 'tI'tcorne to the
. No. I Forre.t A v e . '
._~~ C. L. PARKE
'.iPI·t "f ,,'TIlI"": "'I'h,' \'isj,ull fTom the: Bt'.T\\'}'n at BTyn 1\f~lI\'TJ Bula-Cynw~·d·
I To!, of th" T,,\\'t'T.'·
Ohurch Notes.
at ATl!!lUOTl'.
.Iul.\" H-Bn.'11 Ma\\T at 'Va.vnc, AT,I·
City ()flrrce
X"xt ",,,,JIL,,,.,Ia." .\'t·ning tilt' A 11m",] lIlore at NarbeTth, Bala,Cyllw}'(1 at
Every Spring t here i s a .......o
-'" rtag of Congregntioll.'ll ::\r.cp·ing· \\'Iill be held, B('T\\,'.·II.
e. .. . '
cars and late buyers are obliged to wait al Willdl tlllll' Ih,' flllllllemi r,'ports of ,Tuly 21-'\\-lIyno at Bahl·('YIIW~·,j. At the Station 1214 Locust Street
for a long time for deliveries. all f1hllnh l",aT,I, aud orgnnizatlj,ons B"rwYn al ATdl,llOTe. Xlll'!WTth at Bryn,
Why not anticipate this condition by. will 1>e pT('IS,·nt('d. 'fhe I\nnu~Ll ele,~·, "f;I,"":. . AIember Philadelphia Real Estate Board
ordering now? ; lion of Truste.l'S' will also be held. I ,Ju]y ~S-Wnnle at Benn·n. Bala·'

~~~~~~ At thR·of 1:!J5It R'.II1I13)", t,,,rnty·two' i!\fu WT. at

,Spn-il'e lar~~ at'e~dod ~mmu~@ Cym~t1
II! N~erth, A~mo~~B~ul~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
and ; \\'ere Plll~licall." .wl'll·omed jnt~ the j Au!!'Ust. 4-Ardm'Ore at Wayne, BT~'ui ,--_ _- - - - - - - - - - - - .
memlH'Tslnp of thIS 0huTrll, eleven of :.:'IIawr ail. Buln·Cynwyd, Xarberth at
,\y,hom Wl'n' h~' ,. l"onf('R"i{)~1 of fnith." I Bpn'·yn.


TI<"moTro\\', .\I'Til ].';. ha;; been de·' Aug-ust 11-\Vllyne Ilt XaTherth, BN·
"ig-n',l'tl'.'] a" "lhllllaltl' SUIHla."."
Sbow Room, 45 E. Lancaster Avenue n\()\'('ment fnT I h" I'r""putJion of l'ruelty I A~dlJl()Te: .
Th("\\,yn al Bn'n },!awT Bala·Cnlw\·d lit
' ..
Formerly ~f
Cricket Avenue, Ardmore April Bc;lrgains
is conducting her bUSiness at
• No. 6 East Lancaster Avenue, Regular 25c tube of Klenzo Dental Creme given
Ardmore 171 : to Animals shoul,1 TPl'l'iYe 111(' hearty. Aug-u~t l.g-Bala-l'.\·nw~·,1 at "'ayne,'
Ardmore, Pa.• away with every purchase of our regular 35c tooth
endorsemellt ()f lW('T;> fril'nd of animal i BTyn lIra\\'r at NaTbeTth, .\rdmoTe ot
·Iif,~. ~[r. \'all :\pss will l'pp,ak of this Bl:rWYlt.
Bay Rum, 50c bottle; now 39c.
I in the ,,"1"11101' t·.. dJildTen w-mol'row; Au~ust 2V:::-Wiyne lit Bn'n ~rnwT-: -'HOWARD C. FRITSCH' ..",
Thos. A. Kerrigan &' Son

Rubber Gloves, $1.00 quality; now 69c.


II morning. Berwyn at &In-Cynwvd Xarhl'rth at
I " , Justice of the Peace I Cadet Walnut Tops, Pound box value 60c; now 49c.
: ATdmoTe. Superior Absorbent Cotton 50c package; 39c.
Building and Contracting BAPTIST OHUROH OF THE , REAL-ESTATE
! SeptNlIhl'.r 1-BeTwyn at \\aYl1l'. . ' ,
Other Money Saving Bargains.
Homes For Sale Or Rent
EVANGEL BTyn :'Ifawl' at ATdmore, XaTIlPTtl; at' Fire Insurance-Best Comp81Ues
Plans & Estima·tllS
Furnished For
: Se.ptemfher 3 (A. ~L)-WayiH' at' Rev. Avery S. De:nmy, Pastor.
t Bula·Cynw~·d.
Phone 1'r49W-215 Haverford An.
. . ~ .\TdmoTe, BeTwyn at :\aTheTth, Bala:'
. ~. "
Alterations & Repairing
R"T' i,"'''. I-'UIIlIa.\·, "\pTil 1.i, 1!12:l: I Cynwyd at Bryn M.Lwr.
The Rexall Store
Write. Phone, oall n..!;.> .\. ~L~"un,l:l\' :->ellOo1. LaTgel f'eptC'lnbcr 3 (P. M.)-Xarbl'Tt'h at , 'Everything iil DTugs"
," .
429 BROOKHURST AVE. 'll.lId ill!,'n,,,I.iltg' ~[l'lt IS aud "'omen's' \\'a)-nE', ATdmore at BaJa·(lyn\\'ytl. BTyn. Phone 1620 We Deliver
elns",e". M'll wr a I. Berwyn.
] Lon A. ~r.-~rornil';r WOrRhip. Mu, •
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : "ir hy thl' E"angl'l (~uart("ttc. SeTmon -----
i I", the Pastor. I
For Permanent ! • ,.00 1'. ::\L-'Ynull';'( PC:ople's Society.
: 7.45? :t\L-~vellillg Woorsll,ip. Spe· i Arrival The easiest way to have a beautiful lawn is to use
Satisfaction cial :MuJ,qic an,l Rong Servir.e, with 01"1 6,22 A. }'I.-Mail from all points.
\,g'1I1l, Pian'o ami Yioli.n, assistcn by Mr., 9.00 A. M.-Lo.:lil mail from Paoli.
Michell's Evergreen Grass Seed. It produces the best
.B \1Y 'A : Palten witlJ OOTUpt. i IDA,; A. M.-Mail from all pQoints. results.
I Activities of the Week I 12.45 P. M.~{ail .from all points.
I Tues,ja~·. April T7Ih--White CI'OSS at Stop at our store and you will see a full supply of

Smcmcy Built Home

1.:lT P. },f.-M:ril fTom all p'Oints.
I 10.:l0. :'Ifi"",iOll niTI'll' Rwl CTusad('rs at :1.:10 P. }'f.-Loenl ilia il fTom Paoli: Michell's Products to satisfy all your needs.
:!.:'lO. Topi,'," ~outh Americn." :lUll 'Western Mail.
, W{'(IIlPSOIlY, April l~th, 8.00 P. M.-

WM. D. & H.
I :'Ifi,j·wpek l'Tllye-T Mceting.
Thur",I.a\", April 19th, 1i.:l0 r. M.-
4.37 P. }'f.-:'.fail frolll all points.
6.16 1'. l\L-LJCJlI lIIail from Paoli. H. RICKLIN
-' i .\.nllual B:~llqUe.t of Men'l' Association. Departure

BIlI.L PUON." NarbeTth 1256-W

Rpl'akI'T, Dr. Raynmll<1 "r.
\\"('8t. Sub· 8.44A. }'f.-Fol' 'all poinUi.
jel·.t, "The Dilemma of Liberty." 1.00P. M._FoT all poiuts.
GEORGE W. BOTTOMS' Oburch Notes 1.20
P. },f.-IJocal to Paoli.
P. },f.-For all poiuts.
A $10.00 Payment . "~

'. . En'n-oll.(' is l'lS(H'eialh' invited tl() the

-Contractor arid Builder- rRUIHIIlY' Enn·illg' HOllg 8erviee 'lith aT' 4.20P. M.~Local to PlIOli. .Brings a Ranger
t gau, Pi:l.Il>O, Violin". allll t.he E \'o,n gel 5.55P. M.-Ji'or all point3.
420 Rocktlud Ave, Narb.rtb. PI. 1Quart,clte :I.!<SL"ted. by ~rT, Patt.en with Sunday IDOYS.and Bicycles pair
.:" ,'. .' ICornet. . _ .
Mail nTrives 7.10 f.. M.
Mail elol'es for all points 5.45 P, M.
llD up as naturally as
bread ,and butter. .
DA.RRY . B.. WALL t HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN Nothing can, beafthe
Plumbing, Gas. Fitting. OHUROl! TOO MUCH TO EXPECT famous Ranger Bicycles..
They're the best on the
." and Qeating. M. E. McLinn, Pastor. "But ean't you and your huSband road,inappearance,sturdY
·N~~i:)I:i~~t0I 'PA live happily together without fight. build, up -to ~ ~e - minute
SeTvlees, SUllday, ApTil 15, 1923:
Sunday Sehool and Bible at
' '. . ,
·equipment and speed. Effective April 12th
A'M: "No, not 'appily." Our Deferred Payment Plan

9.45. · l 1 l a k e s . I.t ellllyfor, ever~ boy CHUTE CARRY Serd.c-e at 11.00 A. M. "ThAt Smith 'boy who used to work (an<i. everygJrl) to ellJoy a Egg
'·.Even·)·ng Sc"Vl'ce at 7 30P 1.1 Ranger. tblssumm,. e. r...The In- Stove , .. $14.50 $15.()0
· •.... ~. . Tb• . . • . •
"F 'th f Ab for Vonu wants to hire out to me. .Is ltlal pilYQ.1ent . is $.1000, with
,~,...,rnll1g , . orne:
.'hiJ.m." ,.11.1.0 rn.. he sJ """
t -J'd " , ' ' ' ' . mont. hiy paymelitlt
' f $10,v·
ftO ('1;)1' . ·Chestnut. .
. , . "Steady!. If he waa nn)" steadier
0 -
. $2.50 a w'eekl 'to complete the . Pea' ", 11.50 12.00
· Ei\:euing Theme: II'Tb(3, Sinless Sa· he'd 'bemotionliclls." purchase .. prlce. ' ., Buc~wheat .. :........
9.00 9.50
. :.;;,,~~f., . ~', ~'l.;.r,... Coke ... ; .•......... , 9.00
, /.;.i·,'.:· .•. Um.. ·\\!;.>.t,<;,
" :'.
"iou·r."· '. '. . '. .':DiDN'T:MINDIF SHE DID Fortho$.e:
. . ,'who'
. live'near.
. ' '.
" ··:·MIL"f}AtlD·tirtE~· :.' ·~Aln\~B.~i1~TB<>D~ST . . .~.':-~, .' . ·cthiten:2:e':~~~ToWD'~~. : 25·cents:a ton. dis-
7., ~.·,.:, ;S.:'.,· ,·.8'~.·' "'·" B.b .,:¥ .N': ·' ~.:'·.Ne".· '1it'.;:",.·':!M·.$ : "T.: '~ · ,~:.E'w·.·,.·.' .~ :'.·.' Bev. Althur
;"' .•. :'·R'.A.,.,"',' .. .•R.:
·.·.·R::,::.14.··,.· ..'.',,·,..E
..:,:.·.··..'·.,::',:· ~I8Q()~tL:~~OH'
. ' ... "
· .',. '.....
:s. ,Wa.n.;.:p. ]).,
'. . ':. . .M:i1~i,·W~;H::1fO:~e
. ' '..' 'you
Pastor.· '. t '·"F···
t~ for:
h,Utty;, a~ar~ Do>..
thnel';:, .
befng'pressed bc,es:that be puic hased On ~lte:
tl" ," Oh . .. " "
plan ofd~ferr~cipayments~
', ...... ' , , . . ' .....
:countwill'be:allowed .
for," :cash·.·on delivery
"'. . .___ .' • ' . .1 leen...,- .. ()1' mo. '.' ;. Jio....;.nor
',:,"eJephOD~:'::Qrri :~wr·882. .•.. Su~daYI' Apl'il15: . even' toretilrnity','J .'
i~;"i2"·!iE·'$i:"i5.'ii!!"'~':"'~>$:~'e$~'~'~'i3''5.'iiilia'!$":ii'iii',~rl .9.45.;A,M•...:,.Bi'l>le School.' ".. "
I,';' , '.; ......, ..... ' '.".':" '.' .' il.p(r·A. ¥.~1'mon,·II·:tring8 Jm 4.. '" PATAI.:MmAPJiOB·;:
..... '
mer tmining e,amp, an,} it should. be well NAR'BERTH' ---
,. ~AII'.rING Q.I.AztNG
pn.troluized, There i:; no bettt'r training DECORATING JOBBING
for hoys, outsid;(' of the hom~, than BEAUTY SHOP . . .
the ~c.out tra.ining they reeeive at Camp I Sl'ientific Cnre of Faee and Scalp' • WILLIAM IEWBOR8'1 CO WDll TUBES IN STOCK
Delmont, '''here they hnn' tw('n1y-four'
Hall' B6bblng
Marcel Waving
Phone 1600-Y
P• d D' inti' .Ig a. looratlng Eveready "B" Batteries, 22%-Volt, Large . $1.95
profl'tll'ional il1J8truetors in ~llture, Residential Appointments 212 Woodbine Ave., Narberth, P •.
Rheostats . .70
study, Athleties, A'lUlltks, Woodcraft: 211 Haverford Avenue Pno"I,Ard1ilOrt14311W Narb.,lhl16BW
SPRING IN THE CHILDREN'S an,I' oth"r l\t'li,iti<'s r"quire<l! hv th('! 1.. .. I Sockets . .80
: growing hoy.
: nls(I wort.hy of atl!·nti"n.
The di~dpliJH' th~re is 1
Aerial Wire (100 feet) . .65
Th"sl' of you who finl} it. ,. impos. : 8E=~~~R~:~~I~:D8 Raymond Weis•• Proprietor I'
A.. W. \NA.RD, .Jr.
~pring is snrpl)' (',llIling! Fl·~.
.~ t ,'(lU' ~ibl,," til ('11m" on l'ri,!t1y <'"veiling. WORK PROMPTLY DONE GASOLINE, OIL', SUPPUES RADIO
'1 h b' k .\prit ~1I11,. will Ill' "hIe to gpt a good A. J. HERRSCHAFT 417 Narberth Avenue Phone 1255-W
foulld 1h" PUSSV-WI .
:Ind I>el,ellt.ll th"Ill,
\.J1\"SI .y th I' I roo, night', :llllU"'IIH'nt l,y glling to AnI·
lllll pr t·e ell v,'''', , . .
. 318 Dudley Ave., Narbe.rth, Pa.
III II T<' th,' follnwill'g night. f'atllr,}av, L ;.. ..I Telephone Narberth 1633 '
the.' ilu\)
. rpd 'fhorns" f Bk IIU k -enhh
k h lI.g'·
rt t
.\JlTlI ~bt. whl'r<, tIl(' hllys rt'l't"l\ thelr'
'. .
.... _
6tll'klJ1g up. hpII Hll' t.OO 00 ~I •
. l' "' ,how at tIl!' 1'alal'" rht'ntrp. bv r('qupH1.
huu! for l11·vpati,·n.s. here wus It ,lJlt' .' .
.' 'I ] \ T.h(·y aT .. ' t ' "'l'1I kllown In pr",tlll('lng
phlllt WIth bust ve"r ~ ell\'(~s ll"OnZei Order your coal as far ahead as possible and state the size 7011 prefer
•I 1 . I t ' gOlld ,ho\\, that thl"- ('ould tTny .. 1 all,
hy 1he wi Ib\('r all' I own lJl t Ie. e.en er,
. • I 'k k'
O"l'T :\["lItg"lll<'rY and 11l'lJIWlIr<, ('oun·.
, MARSHALL CO. a.nd your next choice.
While coal will be Bcarce, everyone will be suppUed.
tllis n~lr's hud" ('urI,,, ul' It e Ittt'IIH .
. ti,', alld l'a"k th,' l,ou8<t's. ,hut, of CONTRACTING PAPERHANGERS
]",fore t.heir ,'vps are opell. An·d 1I0W, . .
.} h h ('lIl1r,,·. dUTIng ""holll tIme, thal would
jUl't t.hp last f<'w t av'. t "V av'p Op"I,' . . PHONE.NARBERTH166IJ
h . h,· 0111 III tIll' 'I1I("t 11111. so all they ask 27 ya rds In Pblla-
ed t.h,·ir
.' ""<"S.. allil al' 1thl'lr1
" hi
ue coJlpp"
!' 1 . " fllr ' tlll'IT IIwn "omnlllmt\' . 10 '
tllrn .
out 1.- , Sprur.. lICK. delpbla and Suburbs
ne88 IS turn,',1 up I" t 1(' sun. ..", 1'v . at your sprvtce,
Ar,'mort' IO~
Includlnll one • t
. ., ., . good alld _Hong alltl ,;,hIlW th"lll that
hut ('t rtJ;lInlv
1 spTlng l~ (OOll111lg" ttl thp . , ARDMORE.
""\(Joel., .. ."UII :lpl'n·{·J:lft· tlH'lr ('fTort..... nn~c "~ant,

It. is ('1O'J1l(illj!; ill .i1l~"1

t hp "allll' way
to h.. l\, tIll' ",,·out. 1ll1l\'('IIIl'lIt alollg.
Thl'Tt' \I ill h .. a tI"II<'e aft,'r Ihp show.
The "Rainy Day"
a!' thp Ghi\(lr('II'" <"<inwr. t\,r t1l<(' IH'\\' '" 1'11111(' \,rl'\IlITl·tI to 1'a, (' II go",1 tim('. when sickness or misfortune causes unexpected CEO. B. NEWTON COAL CO.
'books th.ut "-('f(' hloomillg' t,here .. 1\ expense is easily passed by those who have a Savings l\IAlN OFFIOE: FRANKLIN BANK UUUILDING.
la5t wepk are not all that ure to ('ome.
Account here.
:F'oltr more hll\'l' arri\'l',1 sill('(' theil, The time to start your "RAINY DAY" fund is now,
and will hi' T('Ill,ly wh,'n ~'Oll reJl,1 thk: CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS and the way to make it grow is to deposit something
And ...·'"('11 Inor" nre "1ill in hUll lit. th," regularly each week-no matter how little.
Two cente per word it e&IIh aecom,
panlel adTerU.ement; otherwt.e, IITf
Come in. today' and start your Account.
1ft'S! ~'Oll "UII't T"Il1,'m!ler :111 tnat cent. per word.
W('T(' thpT,' last ",(wk. hl'.rl' iJi a li."t or' ARDMORE NARBERTH BALA·OYNWYD Do you remember the old high-wheel bicycle, the
them: AUO'1'ION SALE horse-cars, the quaint styles of dress and other relics
which were in common use within the memory of most
Arabian ~iWh.t".
. Absolute sale tit au <'li<lll 011 prprniseH.: of us? Who would want them back? Civilization iIi
(YIoU oug-ht I.... know wlwt th11t
~ ":l'r garag-p. 1sx:!-1 feet. "orrug-at('(]' our day is going forward with smashing strides. We
irol'. \I ;u<lo",' ,·a .. h sid(', ,Ioor in bade I are proud to know that in our business we have kept
A thletes AI1--C~llttp.
(A hook ab-out athldics with tllJlny
~lItur<lll.'·' April l-1th. :i.:\O P. ~!. slllll"". '.
H "U r~'
kheltoll. \"ynnowootl i
J\(lll~t.1 nhO\'l' 'Yillds(lT.
SAVE 1]%% on coal fully abreast of progress and have done our share to
eliminate many of the discomforts of bygone years.
(Hnve you r("llc} 1'rl'n:<lIrp blun,}l
________________ (2i·p) i1

1'his is as f{OOO- '> If you were to stand

Boy Explor('rs in Born('-o--~1iller.
(.hl",t Ollt 011'11 WTY ex,';tillg.)
FOR SALE-\\·,·J.(·r I'ia,,">!a. 6.; 1I0t".
iJI('}udtill-g' 111 u.:--i C" Ttdl:--. and ("a.hriIH.'t,;
nl~o \';1 flull"" plt:t'\'S of fllruitur(' in ~o(}d 1
T ESTS have shown. that
over-coating an old frame
house with Portland· Cement
one of the new gas
ranges alongside of one
of the earlier makes you
Btly 's Pr('srot't-Bank~. ("tlJlditioll. I'rit·(' $17.).11(1. (;;t!l :\'nr.;
(Teals thp BtJory 'If M('x;co.) stucco effects a saving of 13 Y2'* would be surprised to
Ilerth 1f;-1·~·H. or :w:~ \\'o"d,id" .\n·nlll'.
Boys of St. Timothy'I8·--Pie.r. on coal. Add to this the sav- note no point of similar-
I ~i·,·)
(A School story.) ing on painting expense and ity between them. In
Carpers of Danger fin,l Darin~.
few lines of manufacture
LOST-April -1th, rO:lIld pill. sapl'kre, the continual little repairs that have greater strides been
. lIlI<1 l'p~lrl:<. H,'w11l,1 if rl'tuJ'!Il·,1 to permanence eliminates. made than in the design
(1'plls 011 the thrilling tILings a 211; }'OTl'st A,·pullp. (2i.l')
and construction of gas
·hoy lI1Iight do wh",'1 he growB up.) I
Children of Ancil'l1Jt Britain-Lamprey. I FOR SALE~~hil(1's ('rib. H(':!sonnble. be improved .on for general
Many old homes cannot .
No. 2036. 'AIl ·Eua~~lCab.
ranges. The new models
are marvels of conveni-
(How thev lived and pIa "ed' just r Ph <111<' _"ar' 'T h er·tl I '('lll J ,- )
(:.,-p InPt Gas Range. Delivered

as w(' do.)
" I J. -..
appear~ce, general comfort. and connected wlll're ~he gas ence, cleanliness and
JIll.. Is In.
Home RadiJo. '. i
G.A:RAGE SPACE 'or re'llt in pJ'li\'ate
But permanence and upkeep $7.50 down: $7.00 a month economy.
(Tells Ibll' aoout ;'ac1ios very simp-
garagl'. 5'14 1)u<llI·y .-\ \'('11 U(', pholle saving can. be added at small The preference of the housewife of today is for a
ly.) : ~al"bl'rth 1:!1.)·.T. (:.!i-p) cost. Ask your building ma· gas range finished throughout in white or gray enamel.
How the WOl'ld il'l Housed,
How tID,e World is Cloth('(1. 1-------------
'FOR SALE-"'alllut h'drolllu suite. Ii-
terial dealer how. Another featUl'e which is making ;a striking appeal is
the regulated cooking device whic.h enables you to place
(1'hl!ll.e bwo go with "How the I
,brary 1~lhlj{l, 2 fire, ide chairs. kiteh"l\ the meal in the oven, set a dial, .and have the cooking
World is Fro," which we already
~Ia VI'.
ItfIJh)" lind 2 chnil\', "ollgolculIl rug (Gold
They will Ilnswer lots of jSe'al) !1,,-12. Call liS ('nrly as possihle.
quest,io!ls for you.)
"AT'LA'S completed without any further attention on your part.
Come in and inspect the new gas ranges.
Japnnes(' Fairy Book-Ozaki.
,2:n ~arbert.h A\·l'·lIu~. (2i-p)
·PORrLANDCEttENJ Counties Gas and Electric Company
(Such fantnllitic Japane.sey fairies!) F&ESH EGGS for sa!l·. 4it Brookhun.t •• ~ Stilndard b9 wlziclt all otlzel' makes are measurtd..
Li.ttle B1aek Samho Ardmore Bryn Mawr Wayne
A \"('ollue. (27 -I')
(You 'ye rl"lld it, but your little FOR RENT-Seeollll shJry apartmen1.
brother maybe h.llIln't.) :i large I'l>oms and ;-), 102 Gray'ling,
Little- Yam of OIld Philadelphia.
'-\\,pnue. Phone 1iOli·W. (~i-p)' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(Tells .about a little girl who liived I
- "in to-WQ1" when Philadelphia I
Borough 0'£ Narberth
was nil made of the quain.t,lWr-
'row, windling streets that ~ call
Done Promptly Bala.nceSheet--December 31, 1922 Narb.erth Register
nl1eys now.)
Boy's Khlg A!'tIDur-Lanie~.
(Another King Arthur book with
Bates Reasonable
W. 1\1. Hubbard Oash
ASSETS. Two Line.> IOc per iuae; 5c lor each tUltlitionalline ..
225 Hampden Ave. Phone 668.W! Current Ae.('ount $ 1,500.00
General Aeeoullt 271.i2 Uott.hall, H. K. Public. Accountant. 803 \1188Zentmayer'. Klndercart.,.
The Moo.em VikdJIg-Boyeser.
(All thrilling as any of the old
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - i ~ l,7iJ.72 Conway Ave. Ph6ne. Narberth 1667-J. N. W. cor. Essex and Wlndlor avea.
Narberth SU·y Ardmore Illl-," :, . . Kelm; H. (J. CertUled PUblic Accountant. LAWYER8
Lower Menon Towll~hlp Board of I1oolth-Qlsh Advalbcc 50.00 20'2 Dudley Ave. Phone Narberth 8OO·W.
Viki'IIJg t:tlJes. )
Oreg'On Trnil-Parkrna.n.
VERL PUGH Taxes Receivable i AUTO:\IOBILB8
Gilroy., Jobn. 211 Essex a'e. Phone 12411· R,
·Phlla. address, Lincoln Bldg.
(Pionool'ing' in the north·west. ) Eleetrica.l Oontractor I Du(' from Golledor-Year 1919 ...... $ 140.83 Doran Motor Co.,· Ardmore, Pa. .
See dlaplay advertisement In thll I.alle.
Stites. Fletcber W. 413 Haverford ave.
Pbone 872. W. Phl\a. addre88, Croser Blda. ...:.,
I -Year l!~20 :ISIi.36 Narberth Garace. Phone Narberth 1683-
Otto of the Silver Hand-Pyle. Electrleal Repairs and AppUancel . See display advertisement In this t..ue. LIGHTING FIXTU.RES
(The robber·barons of the midxltle S14 GrayUng Ave. 8 Cricket Ave. Ii ~1"Donalci, John. Narberth phone, 128R.
Ullco\]l"C'ted TaxeB-Y('llr 1916 71.57 A"'TOMOBILE
• 1533 Cbest. st., Phlla. Phone spruce 8188.
.ages.) Narberth, Pa. Ardmore, Pa. , Donabue. ·P..trlck F. Phone 1638.
-Y.ear 1919 -148.77 See dllplay advertisement tD tbll t88ue. MILK AND CREAl\!
Pinooeb il()-l()n llodi. . ~.. IUghland Dalrtetl, 100. ~.
-Year 1920 8i9.07
ara - Mf;Gin1e .
(Italian tale for younger ehildr-en.) BAKERY See display advertisement In thl. lssue. ., :
-Yea.r 1921 1,306.17 White's Sweet Shop. Oppoalte Statton. :.,
Sinopal th~ IndJi,an Bo~'-Sc.hultz... GI218N.13tJ\S% l:lIie dtsplay advertisement tn thll ".ue. :\111SIO
-Year 19122·' 5,943.86 Loo., Fanny H. Ptano tClacher.
{SIi~pa.1 is a red",'ddnned "rean
BellPhoDI, SPllice $B·IUI and 38·87 8.649.44 BANK8 StUdio, Y, M. C. A. BidG'. Pbon.e 816-J.
boy".) Ke)"loDe pMDe. R.ce 70·14
~ler'oD Title a Tru~t Co. Pbone. Narb'th 1198 NOTARY PUBLIO
9,1 i6.63 See display advertillement in tbll I..ue.
Sleepy Hollow-Irving. N.... h, Henry 1'., nt Nllrllertb Station.
(A fascinating legend of our own GARAnteed . Roofs Liens on Properties BEAUTY PARLOR l>hone. Nn~bcrth lil0.
N ..... berth Bdluty Shop, 211 IlI1\',;rfor<l Ave. 8hnp80n, Harry A. 200 Avon Road.

Hudson river oompany.)
;enpniid lmprovern('.nt Assessm.e-nts . 7 ,52!!. il.i ,HN' <llspln)' n,lvortl1!clI\~Dt iiI this ISMU". Phone. Narberth 2:!83·J,
Sink1ng Fund-Cn.Bh Balances nl'LD'ER8 TY80n. Warren R. 200 Woodhlne ave.
Travel Storielt- U .... Phone Narberth 1202-W.

NO(). 2--Nl()rristown Trust Co. . ................•... :21.:n Bottom8, Geo. W. Phone. Narberth 12ll6-W.
Retold from St. Nich.olas ~ee dl8plaY ildvertlsem'enl ill thl. leaue. . OPTICIAN8
(Take8 you soorywise all over the
'NQ. 4---West End, ·TrUll't 00. . .•................... 1)93.20 Tbo.. A. KerrtJan " 80n. Fenton,. C..,I F., 1631 Chestnut st.
No.' 5--WestEnd Trust -(J{)• • • • • ~ . 2,8:i5.J:3 See display advertlsen;lent In tbl. t.lue. Spruce 77$l7•. Reatden'ce, Wayne, Pa.
world.) Shand, Alex. 0., .Jr. Phone No. -1710, Palmer,.... B., 209. Haverford Ave. PbOM
Two y,ears Be-fore the Mnst-Dara. Nc. 6-'CentralTrust and Savings Co . 1,131..1-0 Narberth. Station. -301·J. Pre8crlptlOI\s' Ailed and . repalrlna.
4 ~01 13 8medley, 'WIIl, D. Ii n, T. Phone 600. Zeotrnayerj Joeepb. ,11\01I LocU.t lit.. Pltlla.

.,$3.25: . "a~Jisburo;··
(A Ilplendid sM·swry.) ,/. See displaY advertlsemellt in thll Isaue. PAINTING'
Uncle Re.m.U&-Hal"l'is.
(Aild B'rer 'Rllbbit and B'rer Poe-
InVltlltory-Equi.pment and Supplie6
Stenm BlaUer ••.•••••.•..••.••.................. 1,200.00
Uavle. If. E. pbone 12M·W..
See dlsplav tbla tuue.
Newborlr, Wm., a' 00.' 21~ Woodbine ave.
Phone: Narbertll 17ll8:W. .'
See dlaplay advertl.tiement In tbl. IllIue.
... '.

Teams an.d· Equi.pment •....• , , .•. , . 736.00 J \Val&e~ ·...... ed..' .

sum and a:lt) The .State Capttal' OARPENTER8 AND BUILDER8 117 winaor ave. Phone 124'(·J.
TooIB nmd Supplies . 151.10
Voyagesol Dr•.Doo1dttle,-!»fting., Jenldnl, Cllla... ·L, .... : PAPERHANGING
Fee~ .....•••.••....•••.••....•.......•..........
(Gro~.upchi1dren wil1liketDLis,
'. too~)
Wee Ann-Phi1liJlfl.
$2.90 Elizabethtown Street Ma.intclIJlnee Material •......... '
'Office Ful'n.ituro Bnd Equipmelit , .......•.
. 103 DudleY ave. I'hon,·1684·!Uar8haU- (lompanjo. Contractlnlr Paperhana.
NarbertbO~al a BulldlnJ lIiaterlal Co.
en, 800 PrlC!9 AVe. PhOne, Narbertb 1661-3.
See display li,dVllrtlIll!Dlent.ln thlll lssue...Ar\l8dI.... 16th and. 'Gheatnut Bt•., Phlla.
(A 'li~rn;ling st'Ory about a little Books and StataQllcry •...•...................... 50.00 .Neldon (lilal Co•. Phon~ ·Ardmorll llH. . See dtspla)'. advertl.tiement In thle lasue.
'2,481.65 . See. dl.tiplay advertl.ementln tbt. lalue. PLUMBING, ETO•
. girJ.)- . . . ".. ·DENTI8T8. . Cook 01'01. pbone '302·J.
....:.: .. . :.. . . 'Orr' Dr. A:i:l0i EIDllvood 1lv.. J;I)i;8I)8-W\ SeedlaPl:! ,advertlBe~ent, In tlila 1."Il.e•
'1'Otal AllBeJts .•••••••.••.•...... , ••....•••...•• , •....• , •••. 1\0'2'5, 710.8!,I ·.phll•• PhOlle.FUbert 4~2,' Ketth~ldlr.Wsau;'dlLl' 'la' Pdhon·t.~&rbertb 1602 .~:;
. Dr J Scll.emh. .Jr.' Phone Nat;berth·.3~6·W. . ee BP..'1 a .ve:r ....ment la ...ue.
· '. '. f .'Li''0 'b'll • .'
. E xel!flS Q '. a 1· tIes oyer Immed1UteA88~ts •• , , •.• ".51.362.8 1 . S.. E.:CQr.:Gfayllnlr ilJld:"Wlndl~r
_.-.~-~ .. ()fIl~' Honre: 'rnll8 da7.'rhuradq, .~tur· 'LlvlolrlJtou,.PhlUjl ...... P, O. 'Box 966.
~IlINTING. . .'."ea.· . :"
. "'. " ·da)'dl;80;·:&.;··)t· tlntn G.8Q p~. ~.i}IOnpdal" .. ·1IIgh.rade 'prlatbilr;
$83,07';l;7 '., Weo~eildal;' Jrrlda)'. S·P•. lI. unw 8· ....; "':"~I"

. . . .....' . . . ..
..... ,~ ~...a.: . Dr. ·K. F;' l'leJ)U«ee,··.2Q9·Havt!rford'·.aVll. . .:. ,.... ,'. .' ~. 0 .. : .. , .
. '. . . .auA.D,a.,uo. ... . . . - . : Pltolle,~6U.B/··Hour!l:·9·A .•. M:.,:1l.llOl'. M.. Wardi .... W.·.PhoB,a·N.ak-betth ~:w.
Tax88'<n'eipJ!.f.d~iU,eoiliector·'" . . ' .lll:v.enl,lllrlibt .a~poIBtment;. . . . : ·BaQloO.utfltl·aad ·.SUPIIUeI, . . . . .
. •. .... ' . ' "y']" ..•. '11.7.5 . '.: . . ..:. paOOGl8c'iIl' .. ' : ' " . . '. aEAJ;.:J;8TA~B... ".
' . - etlr'.!l18; >- '.; .. ,..' . .
. lIo_d'••·; PhODi :1281','.: .'.':.' .. , '. FI'I$.eh;···H.fJ;·.. Phone _,'W.' .... .
.·-:'Yenr 1001 -'. ;. ..• .liL2'l ..see d~laY 'adYeJ:"-,ilmenthi I...ue. '. See dIBl'l~Y advelltleemellt'bi tb.. lulle.
. Cnne,.(J. :U.· Pbon.e 1620,... _ . -. .N..b> .lIObet& J. 'PhOD"iiNarb~rth"1710.
" -Year 1922.; .•..... ; 40.68 . . 'l:lee dt.pIay·. ,dyeI:,tJ.aement.. ln .thlj"pue•.. : ltWney. fOil. Firat. anet llCOlld Mortaagel.
. . :, . :i . .~ $ ,73.7.0,'." .'B~C'.falCl~N8 . '. .. . , ....' BBO~""T.ON .-
:A::··]kl;ee;~h·.&: ~~i"1&ygZ:Ou*a·~:B.ona . D~o8Lt' ••.; •. ;. . ~> ...•,.•.• '. :';.' .oOO,~- .C·I:..~·Dt7~:M~~AtD thl" .lat!ue;· .~-r';:la~r;~J,'r.tlii1e·JO:'~J"S:~Ue.
.' I:JOa,ne-:-Mei."Wn Ti.tJe &
. _.... .."
TruIJt ·00.· .••••••••••• , •••• ;. ,.••••••• , , ,... ll},ilOO:oO- .Pgli~. P.h:1.- 82..":1 tta:r .• 1I1f P"h""ODn.." "lIlI'",
- .'. . ' ". NIl". ODIi ..I11-.X......rd. ..... •••
.' .'. . BOOFIl!.~~ B:fC.·
O_U41PlD.I., .. 000 ,noune UCIS-W.'
;'I!--' .. ".' , ' ,oO· ·'t·. - . ' , .'., . " '::., '-' ·W·· ': ",' 8ee4~1l.~'4vertlf\minthitlili·IUU'"
<. :". N.o..·~~,a. '~P!O~~~· (~~pl9r4~olXi.o~) ..'.. ··50~~O·O·.'·· . .' ;. ;_.~ -.-e' "~~B:aaftrroi'4 .a'ft. -JlUL'::.·..w ~.JI6ii:~:,t~,,=.~~!m:~·
'. - -.; . . "'''-'-dJlbd~'
- ,l~l.JV~_,,,,,",,,,,oa:.o~_',,","
.h4ll·cJI'lI\.",··. .'.• _On nnn.nn. . . . , .' ':8.8i il"lillt· 4, ea~A!!!!.~~~..!.·
hi .tIllll ~llo . ..
.... ...
" ,.'. .'.. :I?j!t~.
",. ' .... ~ ,' .
- .
'. • . ' , . . ._

.:~:: :.. '.~: ~~. ~ti~~~· di .i~~i,oo;o.Oo~ .' .·.·;:·~~Ii>P.!hO~ ',.,:.,: . . ~~-;-:-:.: .> '..~~:: ..'
~~~: :c• ~. ,~ira.;~...i;~~:.- -'- -- _.,.::'
. '....' '.iN:~': ~~4 Impro:v,e.t ( , l~~O,90!l.OO) '..,' 2MOO.l)()o,.. .,... ",: ·~ _ _II~·'."'·'~~f.(I.,"*i,:,. :,:.... ... :.' ,··n~~ll.:. ~.~1I,"\Y.. ",<,
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