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Concert by Choral Am erican Artists Women Voters to!ne FIRESIDE Civic Association Arranges
Soc i ety \vas \\ ~ ell Subject of Talk - Meet on Monday
for Chautauqua Series
Received COlll1J1lt m"ty Cluh iHel'tillg at IlOll/c 0/ AIrs. PlllTlty ot

E. C. 'i'o'WIt
\\ et'k. Swarthmore Chautauqua to Give Program
lUr. 10llll BrauN
Chorus and SO/OHt Please :'\.'II,,'rll, Here February 28th to March 2nd
Large . .A udiencc \fr. ,I"ltll Hr,IIIIl.
"I II,,' Tit,' 1I,'xl 1I11','IIIlg "I' Illl' :\"rl,,,rllt II'llt'I" '11l1ir 1.1.\
\rt \11nllll I', :111-1 Iillll"I·lf :t ".dlt'etoT I..""g-II" of "'''"I1'1l \
"I"rs \\ til lit' 1t1'1<1 ~r., "I tIlt'
TIlt' :\:lrllt't1h ('l\it, h:l~ r'lllllTllllllity It)l·tIlTt'f in tfalllillJ.: l"1·htHds
.\ ...... 111 ::ltltl!1
Thp ~£i(l ,rill1t~r ('()IJ('prt pf thl' :":IT' IIf th,> J1:llutllll!" of .\IIIl'ri(·~11l :lrtl~t"". 1I('xt :\lol1da.\" aftPrlu'oll :It ,: till, :If tilt' 1'0\\ II. 111:111,' :111 a~rt·t'IlI(·tJt ~\\llrlI1 tor Y. :\1. C. #\. ~t'(·ft·t:ltil·S. ('IJ1JlIll1111ir."
\\ 1111 tilt'
ht.'rth (,hoTal :--:'Of·ll't~· "hl('l1 \\a .. J,:i\t'll :,::1\" ;1 't 1.\ 1I1t"f\'stlllg talk :It jill' rt·~idl·Ij(·t' (If :\[r-;. E. (', To" II. \ v ...
.!I-(lrl' (·hau1.lllllll:l. ttl "1'1'IITI' tlll'lr pIll "'111'1 ialist "itll tIlt' ~t. l.()lIi~ ('hantllt'r
l:a~t Friday (l\'t'nill~ at tIlt' HIgh ~('ho,d \\~(IJllt II'" (·(llIlllIlllIlt.\ ('llIb JIIl't'tlllg' 011 \11 II II \l!'\ua I 01'1'0rtlilld.\ lS 1lt'11l~ IIf
!.::r:llJl fllr "arlll'lth. (If ('(I1l11l1t·rt·I', and illff,,·tor of ('tlllllllllll
f,'r,,01 Itl lit" '\111111'11 "f ",,,rlt,'rlh "I Ih,' 1)(, . • It'
\\:1$ \\ltll11Ut qnl'!'ltl"11 0111' (If tht· 1It,~t, 1.1"': ·ltll· ... d:IY Tilt, ('Ii:! Ill:! II,!"" \\tli I", h"I" f"r t, Illstltllt"s \\lllI 11:,· \·III\t'r'lt.' uf
it Hilt thl' \ t'T.\ 111· ... 1, Jlrogr:lnl~ t1l:11 ., Pt Ih:lP~ \\ (' :111 :tfl' tolll·hl'd lly thl' I H)lI Ilg' Lt'ag-tll' 1I1l'!'1111/:Io<, h,·}.[in II 1 II": \ " " . Illtl'ft.lllll·.1 "/'\4'1,1] 1.1' ht f fril'lHIl.\
d:I.\:-", fro III 1'l'llfll:If\' :..; .... tll tIl \1 lr· ~l ()l\lHhllfJl:t~
flip ~O{'It't." h:l~ t.\C'r prt· ... ('n11·d ill ""ar . . t"l\ told dl ;1 1"1 tun'." saId ~IT. \Iollda.\'. Ft'hruar.\· l~tll, :Ill I !';'ll·!·t·(·dlll":' 11 ...... 1 t 11 rr I ,1.\ 1'\1 filII;.!.
... IX Ilrtlgr:IIlI"- t\\ 11" I I' ir t'\ e'lIll1g
1)(11111. T'hl' ;Iff:lll/:I'lllt'lIt \\:1'" l'xl·(·lkllt Br,lllIl, "1'11t thIS ,,,, tIll' Iltl'f:lry t-ildt· IIIPlltll1~ IIII't'tlng.... \\11t!I' tilt' LIg'l .. latur·
,la.\, :\1:IIl,\ ft':tllln'~ arl'
11111\1111·.\ III 'hi' "'I'lllllci .]:1.\ thl'n' ,ITI' 1\\0 1'0111'('11 ...
\\Itll :t \\('11 f'l'lt'l·tt·d lln1:lntt' lit' lIr III' fIJ, 11\111111' • . \ftl·! ~otl ha\'l' studH·d I'" 111 "'1'''XiOIi.
tIll' !'1"".'ftOIrI· of till!'! 1.1111:-.. It lo,J a r.\ lltt' Jo':lr:1 (;IO\t· .. :\111~1t':t1 ~l'xtt't. In
• (.hp"1r:l, .. ol(ll~t and ('!l..OTtlH. Th,' ill- ,Irt. tIll .. l()r~· \\111 h:I\I' ll'ss IIlt':llllIlJ.!. ~Its. II. L. Sl'!I\\"rtz, "x ,·tluIII." "h,lIr ,('.I1I1I',",d,'r "lid ~II-. lharlt" II.
\;triet.\ (If ('1If!'ft:tIIlJ1l"lIt th:lt ':tdll'rtll tilt· ('\I'IIIIlC" (If that d:I~. tIl{' It'('tun' i~
r{'eting "f PTtlft,to'l'wT :'\it'{l w:a~ llTllli:lnt Hilt! thl' tt'('hlliqlll' 1I10rl·. .\rt iH :t ltl:lfl. allrl ;1 IIlt'lIl1wr lit' tll(' ~t:lte huard "",ml\\. of \\II11 1(01.1'1. arl' h('lll~ /'1111
h:!s 'It·\t'r I"'for,' h",1 th,' opllrtlllll!.' ,I' gl\l'lI 10,' 11"IIl,'r H. IlIlHlI'rt, Oil Ih"
:lull t'int'it'llt, ~Il\ll ht' eonduc'it'd huih tr:cll,I{'T of }~lJJl),jfJ1J, hut tht' ;Jrtist h:tto: \ (·r.,· J,{Taf·iouMJ.V "IIJJ"'I'lItl r1 til illl .l!r 11l1:lft'd Ilfl rhl 11.rth Iff :t d':ll/:.!h
1' 1I 1(l.\ IlIg, ,llld It \\:lS ,II 1111" \\lt11 tltt"r I t l l l ' l l . ·,'\\'h('11 E:I~t \Il't'ts \rpst."
ort'hl ..... tra and I'horll'" \\Ith prl't'i~i(ln nnd IlllI .. t h.l\l' tllt' l(·t·hllltPlP to l'Xprt':--~ .Ifl .... "" thl':-ll nl('t'till~:" 011 ~t:l1t, :11111 :'\'j ff', (·:Ifol.\ II :\101':-";111, .. II TUI' ... d:l\', Ft'1.
tiollal Ij>.g-islntioH :lnd ller :ll"so~·jatitl!ls III .r~ lith. P(J]it'~· of ('0ll1l1ll111!t\· d"\I'!lI!'II11'I" til'lll lIlt. :Iftt'fllllolJ 111 t11t' final Ii:! \ il"
-."mpa thy.. \\ 11:1 t III' f~,·I;;." tht' ('1\ It· I to a
\ ... sell·latlcl'l 111.I,lt' 1111' .llr.lll:':"· r .]1'\ rrt(,1 ad play :llId :t •1" .
Thp or"hl's1r:l \\hi..1, '''IS ""1111""",1 of
II" I,dd alStt ttl' Ih,' glo\\lh ttf ..\nll'r 'II JI"rris),lIrg afford hn 11I:llly illtima;"
lilt'" 1. I 1"'Il' :11"1"" -111111 1':1 rt.", :111,1 "' Ih,'
Phila,k1phi:l Or<·II1'stra pl:l~'l'rs ,,",1:' :111 \rt III Ih,' l:lsl lift." ~,·ars, "lid c:1JllIJ""s Il1tll th(' politi,'"l an"!:1. I r 1.:1 lI1 1'111'1' H. 11 lltl',d 1111, :l ",t Ilrll'lIt
'1' III' 111'11~ f:llll 11 t ,1.1 .... .. I 1Ill' , 1111_ ,d ,II 1'\t'IlIHJ! tilt' I' II 1II p:! ".\' wtIl J,rIVt> "t'appy
('(llIt:lll1t.11 sl'\I'r:11 lIf llit' fir~t and Ht'(" tit fli" Ildllll'llt·f' of tlit' 1-'rl'I1(·1I anll UPI' E, .. ry 1\ o lila II ill "","I,,'rth 'h,,"l<l lIll." ,I ,llIhJl~ II "pknlls 1',1, \ t f~ 1t \. "~lli' II t
hl.f~('lr \\ lth this Clfg-:llllzatioll, /:1\ ill~ , h' \\ 1'1' k t~ 1 rI \\. tIl 111'" 1'.1 fl' II' "'.
11·rl ... t fllr 1'\ l·f~~h(ld\. (Ill t hI' '11 .. 1 1:1 \ , < I ks.·' a f 1IIIIt'rl.\ Ilf:IIII:1 111111t :11Hlllt t111'
ttllll ,d:t\'('lS (If t1l:lt (lrg-anizatloll, lefl 111;111 111'1111 11. \11.1 \\ i1,II' ht' 11l1'Ilt !Clllt'd
III t I, {' ,I ft t' r 1 Iltlll till "'I') r· ... ,001 "I l t·llt·. II ... t ( rll .... 111 tht' S:ltllfl!:I\' 1':\t'lIll1~ J)0 ... 1.
tll lit' dl'",irt',1. Tht'Y ,,('ft· Jllo... t fallloll+-; Illt'll a .. tht' I't':JIs, ~1I11.'". 'I hn III"ral SIlI'I'"rt alld I",jl' Itl till'
1,\ :1 .. , r: I'~ 11'1 t I rt·. 11 t' I \ I rt ,I 1,.\ 111'
llllfhillg lllilll\
f:l\T(I~lhl" TI'('t'i\I'd III tllP rt'lld111111l /If (;I'ro1;':I' I II TIl'''' :JIlt! (;l'lIr~I' Fullt'r, ;It' :lit· I ... tH'Jlg-tht'll 1hl' :"'oitaft· (1J"~alliz:1 C·!ll'oIrt·Il· ... )):111, TIl~ (·1:1 ...." 1'\ I'f\ ':11 'l"bl'rt' '1'11,· 1Il 0l 1t'11l :llIrl \\(·11 hnlalll·t·ll pfO
I 11.1 11 1.11111\1:1 "'111" flflll·lldl·lJ1.
tht' j. t'nnslstin~ of
\n'J('fiC':llJ FaJlta"'1:1" d:d 1I0t J(lI~l't tit }.!l\t' a gr'odl.\ :1.1111111 lit tiPII, \\ hll·1I m:dJltaius pt'rlllallt Ht ]]t':ll IIltril IIC:. 1" \. :\1. ,,, l:! n""I1, Y. ~I :..:r,ltll (Itlt·!'·.) 11,\ tht' :""'\' artl11llolt' ,'h;lu"
:11"'(1 :1 I ,,'H'I'lt h,\ tht' 1l1l1l!I:tr <'~d:trl ,t LIIHJll:1 I·I1Jlf:11IIo.; -':\1111('1'1 ... of appt':11 III
an arr:IlI-;!{'lJlt'lIt (If ~tt'J1ht'll Pu!'\lt'r'~ ,,1' 1'1:11"1' t41 tlit' \\tlllll11 \\1111 h:t\'t' ~lli' qll:lftl'r .. :11 H:lrri~buq~, and WhH'!1 l!i ,',' \, (lJll' 11\ 11111' lItt' I I:\",~ I~ fl't llnl
Illd Ht·ll H1IIgt'f~ fllllll\\t',J 1,\ 111(· ,11111
popular T1\(.'l(1111t1~. ft'{'I'Jlll~' ('ollt't'11'd in I t't"h'd ill ,·1I111l1111Jg- to tIll' tliP of tllt, ""pr alt'rt 10 s('n'l' th .. llt'sl illl,'r,',ls ,,~. III I th,' "Id _!J1111 l,r"'''l!-. ('hil 1''\I'I.\lIl1r'' old .IIP\ .\Ollll}!. In hflJlg'IIlg'
Itlrl~ IlfgallJl,l'lllli 10 '\'arht'rth, thl' ('1\'lt'
c'ol1llllt'lUOfalJl 11l of th(' lIllP hlllldll'dth 1~lrldt'r of :lrtio.;11l' SIl'('C'Pl"S. "I' \\ol1lt'll all,l 11Ia"kil"].. II ('r,' Ih,' '(}'('1I \\ 110 11:1 \ t' hi t'll al'''''111 (1\\ IlIg til Illf (·!t:1111allqll:l.
III till' 1'\ l'llllI!! of thl' II r ... t ,1 1\, t lit I
annl\t'rs:lf.\ (If thr t'1l1111\(1~l'r'~ 111rth \(J ..... J. F. 1>01l1l('lIy fl':ld a pla.\ t'lI ~t:",' "hainll"", ~Ir-. .1"h" 0 . ~rd1<'r, t1hlllo;"(, \\111 hi' ui\11I t·\IT.\ :I"S,"l.llIll' l,r,,~r.lIl) 1_ "1"'11".1 I,~ '111"llL'l 'ttll'" rl \,"It 1,11',," I ' 11,,1 ,,"ly doillg- all"\\"
Thl' I'J;I.\'lHg (If thl' (lrdll' ... tl:l a", :11'10111' :It!I,1 "'1'111' S1t'f!1lJ1l11H'r, ' , .llId pftl\.'d prt, ... pr\ l's nil t'\ 1'1 \\at"hfu! 1'(1111'\. P1t "'1111 .. I " 111·II\t· . 'IIIIIII~' 1,"1 " :.:'\< I' I" :":Irlt,'rth " sig
j,\ tIlt' "':Illl(' IIt'ffnfull·r.. fp'lll \ I it 1,.\ . '
l':llIillll'lIt 10 ll1t' ('hilfal III tll(' " ~',11l ... 1" h"T 1.J1llll 1'111 dl:IIIl:111l' \\llfk. Thlt; '01111111111:1';11 lll~ 11l111lI'dl:dt'J~' \\ ith :t11 III '. I 11'1'1111'1' .. Yllllr "Illlllllllll'!\ II. 1:1'\ Idll 1\ tll,\ 1·\I·I·11,'lIt "'1·rll' ... lit I'r'lg-r:tllIS tnf
FHllt;Pol,\' \\;1<':' Jlt'rt\·,·11.\· C'll llfliinatl·d :llId ,t! 1\' r :111 111' hl\IIHl 111 1lit· Lihr:lf.\, :llIlllllg II ... tr:1 t l·llairllll·1\ ill tlit' ~1att' \\ h('11 " . II", Illlt'" .I:". tl'''1 IlL" ('h:rlll'llI'1":r
I \t'r :111\ I,rcq)(l!'!('d 11'~I .. l:ltl()1I \\ould ."'It't·1ll
t:PlI," I,\, 1I:llr.\ H. I'\.('{ 'I, .1 ,(lllllIl\Jfl \\i11 lip lu'rp.
\I'r,' ..t1'pC'lin'. I",' I""." ,,1' \. \, :\lillI". ~I....... IJIIl::11I HI'I' 1 t't'r
t\ .... !ll'll:t1ISt. \11. 1""'11'", 1'\IIl'rllllrl"l
:",,~1"'11h h,,- ""\t" l"'ard
1'"I"L,·I." 1'1, r"I'''rl "I' II", :\1"lId".,· I'""f,,r ttl Ill' III IIPI~II"'ltilltl to tlu' hl'st ill11'f 1'11.,"'" \. Y, III :111,'11" lilt IlIdl' (utlllt\, ~l·hlll)l rl':lc 11l·r. r d\ TIll' i'o"'1 IS 11l11l11'fat(', :tllnl1~~i~tn
n h:iTitollt' (If till' 11l1l/.:lItfil-,·nt ~lllltlrotl... \\:1" 1111 111,· ~lIrll.1t'd ,,'!, "f t ,\ .

'llla1JI~' "f ,oi,·" ", ( iro P" Hilis. His

t'lll I' of tIll' )\1'.11

E,,-I. 111,1 lh,' 10,11 tlL,,1 h,,- 1""'11 l'r"

all. I t I', r rll I,ll 1'111 \ (')''''1 . 1
~(~!I{llll prI1l1'1f1:d, , I ' ) 1t'I,or~c f (Ill (11\
I I 1J:Jr1!l'S bt'lJlt r 7-/l' fliT !-linglt' admisSl11Il,
III I :,.q -II l' CIT ,I ~1·;I ... tlll tit kl·t 1t1 all ~jx
l';l}lt'f. ('ify (·tl11Hr, (·oullt.\ I'd·~(lr. I·dl I "
pr(,RPlltation~ \\('fe l1ramatie' and hi~ {'I .... t·r! 1o :111Ini1 in10 tbl' 1'lIltfld ~tntl's 1pnl
NAllBERTH DEFEATS (TWO OF tl,r. }.II~IIII"'''' Illa'la~t'f. Illllllt,\' 11)":11.11 I"\t·llt ....
il1ft'rprpt:l1iollF. llllli('atpd tlint ht' i ... :1 lll'lf" rl rll~t I'" (lIilli \rJII('lli:1 :llld 1I11'1!
I lit! 101111'11'1 1'
"PHILADELPHIA'S STRONGEST "r I It.\ Ilr":ll'ht'1 """'It":II','-'( :---'ll(ltllt r:l Fllrtllt'f .1 JllforJll'ltloll
ni"hp.l pro,lllC'l of Ih.' It:tliall Op"ra ;1"""", CLUBS ('I'lIfl'n'lIel' fllf ":dlll·:ltirlll. I'Hltl\! n':'~ lal,r,llf tiJl" 1'\I'lIt \\ill 111' :':1\t'11 111 'flip
RI"gP. Ifp \\as 1'"rtl,,"1arl~' l'f1'I'"li\(' 'II ~II' \\'. F, 1"'ln1'f, nrg·lllli-t. nt th,' fdrllohl' tit' TIl\\Il'~" IIl'xt t\\O
Iltl .. liirl't'lllr alld t:IIIIJI "'t'.'lt"lr\
. , liS "()UI"
his Plll'orl' froll! Iht' 0l't'ra "Otlll'llo" ",at'l",rlh H:lI'II,,1 l'hIlTt·h, g""" t\\O St'l
Th" It:lsk,,lh,,l1 fall- 1\hn tllrll"" Ollt t\\('Ilt.,·-1\\0 11I1I1\t11 .. 11Uf 1I~ \,""rId \\';ll.ll'11i11tIJl",
and s!J,O\\'(·d intimatt' kno\\ Ip,lgl' of th" "I :!'tll" ,I' 11", 1""" 0
1:,9t ~:Itllrdll.\- Ili~ht to spp 11lP ~Hrhplth
trauitions of ih" T01p, Th'lR" \\ lw \\,'rl' tcnllb l'luy husk('thnll \\plI' \\,,11 1'1'
1'1", ('lIrr"llt 1-:"l'nls A STRANGE FIND
fortnnatl.' Pllough to h'1\ I' hear,l him pui" h.__ sel,illg th"jr 1''1' oril''S t1pf"(It 'LUTHERANS WIN TWO FROM
lnst .1une :It Ihp nr~"n ~r,,\\r con('l'rt Til"'''''.' :II 111 \. :\1., at tl,,' th(' ,tr""g E. 1'. ('. tl'allls, of (;prlll:lll METHODISTS
,,"II ~ll :1 ... trallg-I' Hull was
in thp Prolog!lI' from Li Pagliul','i, h",l \11'. \\'ltl. I.i' 'ltg,toll, ]IIS
IeI'll. Th" H"g-Ill:lr, ,l"fl':lI"t1 Ih" E
\\I'I.k (Ir

an (lx{'(lllpnt IlpllJOIll"tr:ltion ot' tll(' rallgp \\ t·lItll'. Ih" Oil" ,,1' Ihl' 1IIost illtp,p·lillg 1IIat,'hl's i 111".1" ill :'\al"l,r""k P"rk.. Litl\(' 1'aul
r. ". Hpg-lIl"rH nf1f'r :t -tn-l11iJllltp ... tfllg
of his IIhilitil's \\ l,,'n Ih(,y II~tPIl,'t1 10 ~Ie h.v :I :W ~I -,'oTt', It \\"s th" h:ll,l
of tIlt, ,,'asoll ill Ille ll1t .. r ('hurl'h Bo\\ ~ : \\'ohl,'rt, -Oil ,,1' ~Ir. :",,! ~Irs. J\' E,

,·gt tl',t thnt th" l,"'al- h:l\'e 1111,1 Ihis illg L .. agul' took 1'1<1,'" on Fri",,~" P\'I'II \ \\'olL I,:rl. \\ hi\,. pla~'illg ahout thp t'X·
11im Fri,lny sillg ",li I'ro"Pllza il )Iar" Th"r<' \\ ,II II" :I ":lr" p'Hty :II tll<'
frOm "1.n Trnd'da," "'P hopl' Bill" Y. ~1.. ('. \. al ~ 1'. :\1. Tuesday.. The -en'OIl, alld till"'" ""Illt' throngh \\ilh
ill~, F(o.}.rtJ:\r~· :!nd, hpt\\Pf'n tht' Lutli· 1':I\al10n for a IIP\\ h(Just', pit'kl'tl up
('erpl~" that ~!r. PP Ritis WIll ngnin I,rn"""'" \\'111 go to thp ('11111> H,,"Sl' .tilt! t-he )'ll,thodi ... ts,
t'1;I)lli Tl11~ Lut!: '~ll :ro!l .. bjNd, 1'\ idt'lltl~' n ~Jw:lr l1(\ad.
favor Xarl,prl11 in fhti' future. funrl, an,] thl' 1lt'kl't~ aN' j;; .. entl< . ..ralls startl',l Ollt 'trollg ill Ihp lir-t Ill' took thp lilHl homp, antI his sis ..
And as for :"arhprth's o\\n ('!Ioral /-:"nll' 'lIl,l s"ol .. ,l ,IS poillt-, \tilt tht' t,'r l'atit'1I1'1' took thl· ohjl.'p>t to thp
Ro('iety, it was not (lJ1P hit 0\"I'rRh'1I1ow .. The Ill'all!atil' HI':I'tinJr f'.las.'t \\'ill ~r .. lho,!Jsl- ,'anlt' I iglLt !tal'k "nol \\011 "'hool, all,l ask,',l hpr tPll('hpr ",llllt it
.('d hy thp \\,..,dth of artist" npppnring 1111'I'l Oil "'('.lllt's.l:l." :It I I'. ~r .. at th,' tht' S'-"Olltl glllllP, !till Sllllllp.. .l hadJ,\' IIlight 1,,·. lt \las su),mnttt'tI to nr.
on th(' i<amp program, nirel'lor Xi('p hOlll" of :\!r;;. "". ,I, .'OIIPS, 11J:l :-; . :'\ar· gOIllt'f.\' County. a"d 1o-t thp third, Th.. ~Iptho,li-Is Frallk (J. "p""k, l'roft'sstlr of .\nthnlp·
al,wa~'s has a spll'n,l idly tra in{',l <'IlOr· herth ..\ \"'11111', Do 110:; forg,',tth,' ,l"te. :\1 olltln.\' , lllis-l'tI ('aptnill I~,ilt'.", \\ho ,\:'s UII olo:.!.'· at tb" I"ni\' .. r"il.'" of pPllllsyl
\18,-tl,,;; on" apppnrt',l· a littll' hl>tter I'"h. l~lh, :1 1'. :\\., at thp rpsi,]('u,'p of "hi,. to gl't illlo tlll' galll", Thp Pr..s '''a 11111. \\ho I'x1lrl'sst'tI thl' Iwlipf that
dril1('(1 and had that air of suprPlllP .."n· Th,' Fr,'ll<'h ('1:1" IIH'I'IS on \I rs. E. ('.. TowII . h~'I .. riall- ,till \(.u" in I.. "m stallding, il \\ as '"' all,'i"111 -Ill'arhptl,I, prltha,bly
fidrn('e in itself whil'h mnrks th~' ,lif.. mornillg at th,' i""III' of ~[rs, A. H. ,\ ,'o"di"l ill' itatLolJ to all. Thl' "'orl' \\'as II.S follo\\s: frolll 0111' of th" Ronth ..\fri,'nn tri~H'8.
fl.'rpn"p hpt\\,ppn a \'olulltppr ph'oir and Hoss. I.I'TH I·;H.\);" Th .. s!"'ar h"a,l is a larJrP Ohjl·d,
a ear('lfull~' traine,1 homogellPous phor· CONCERT FOR HOLIDAY HOUSE :"i,It,,'kpr , .... '" 1f;!I !I:l 1111 I'nrrow alltl filll'I~' workp,l.. The t1ll'tal
us, The tonl' quality wns \,pry plPtls" Oil ~at. Il\oruillg, F,·It, 1" a group ,\Ihert .. " . " , . , lOS l.,fi Hti is so .. x""II,,"t 1hat it is pradieally un ..
ing, the ntta"k Illlll rpl.-asp wpH nigh froll1 Ihp Clul> will lp:I\'e on the fI.~!l A1fair Next Tuesday at Metropolitan Zimmer, 1:1:i 11fl W:{ rllsl ..,].. . \lollg Ih,' sid,' it is f'I!\,('rl'd
pl'rfpct and the~" fori"wPt! thp haton Iraill t~1 att('ud t!lp anllnal pxhilhit at Opera House Wpis,", l~S 1~~ 1:\10: <lith rm" of thin, Tt>('nr"l'tI projed.ions,
of thl'ir lpallpr without a wa\'~r, Mr, thp A":ld(,llI.v of Fill,' ..\rts. An artisl Bru .. g-gl'lI1:111 l~" 111 11111 /ill.-Iy poilltt"!. It is sail! that the sav-
R,'hl11'idt displayl.'d II \'oil'e of !!rl.'at will guiJp tl1l' party all,l poin~ Ollt Ih" agl" IIst"l to Slll Ih ..sp points "ith
Ther(' i, lUlIl·h ,,·lwtlul.-t1 for the nl'xt
promise in thl.' !'lolo part of tl](' "~I ill- l11erit ... of \"arious ('all \':1 l'H?R. j~8 fj~l Ii,:; th,' poisolls frolll "('1I0JllOUS serpents lind
\\pek, it heiug for UU1II~' a last oppor-
er'!! 'Vooinog," and both ~liss lrput' spi'h'rs, .. ausinJr :I llllOSt instant ,It'ath
tUllity to il1'!lIlge ill thl'ir fa\'ore,1 pas· ~[ETHODl"T"
Winehl'stJer and ~Ir . <\"1rr ga\"e eviden('e Thp Board of Dirp('tors an,1 thp Exp I:lfl to an~'oIlP strtlt·k. Thpy thl.'l1lsel.... es
of the fine ('apalhilities whi('h pxi ..ts in ('uth P Board hpJd a joinl IIlI·eting 111'
times nn'! hllhhie" hefoTP the Lenten Ht'nl'~- ."." .. ".. Illi
thp organi7-a.tion, The wholp ('horus' forp thl' rl'g"ular lofll'T1J1()(ln s.-s"ioll 011
Sl'(lson takps on its ('lonk, One of the .!('lIkins .......... , ... 1~~ 1," !I:! <ll'rp th .. ollly 1'1'''1'le who knew tbe
lOS :llIti,lotp,
Hpgt~r ,., ..•... , .. 1~1I nn
dpmOIl.",trntl.'d that thl'y are nhll' to last TIII'Hlll1y, l:.!:\ lIow Ihat rplil' of alll'ipnt man lZot
Taylor .. ,." , . , 11,
handle sprious mu;;i('al pWorts and (Hm . 101 illto :"arhrook Park is a mylltpl'y, 3"
cult operatip spl('<'1ions ,,;th ellSll.'. Their] ,Just a rPlllill(ler! Thp "ar,l party for"lay House, 10('ute,1 at ~(\rherth, F . ~Iilll'r ..
it \\'as lI"t ;n a ,lIl1np that it WTIS r>j('kNI
pres('ntation of thp \'ariouR ('horals from; the hpuplit of thp Buildiug Fund is to Wulls "., .
up_ 011 .. thpory is thai it was hrought
"Faust" wa•• the most prptenti(l\I" "f; he hl'l,l nn Tups(la~", F,>lhruary l:1th, at "fiR 0\ 1'1' hl'rp in ('arly ('olollial times hy
a.nything Yl.'t attpl1lptpd, and pX'('('lI('utly 12 p, ~I., at thp Y, 'M, C, A. The I'om· '01111' "xplort'r, wh., ha,1 sep11red it in
TE..UI ~T . \:\Dl:\(l
done, mittl'e haR !'l~lPJllied tl gn·at vari,>ty of 1'.1'. .\fri"ll. It mIght 1hpn have hepn
No a('('ouut of' thp I'on('prt woul,l "0(, prizes, :11111 prolllisps rpfrpshmeuh of
W. I.,
.,,:\:1 tra,l .. d to onp of the Lpni 1.ennpes who
I'Tl'shytprinlls , , 1
eomp1pte withont rdPTen,'p to ~fr. Erl an altr:wti",' ,'hara<'1l·r. Evpr~'oll(, IS ,:iO(J Ii"t'll a,hout hpT(' at that time, and lIa\'e
Baptists .. ,. _ ,.,. "

Bentty, thp piano 1l('('omp."1nimpnt, his slue of' a g<>od timp.. .J ,:::n thlls h,'pn <1ppositptl in the soil of the
~r ethodi;;ts , '
work was eXll('ting and his skill gnvl.' •J .:~:~:t fiR rk .
n finishing t.ou('h 1'0 thp wholp pprform .. Tr:II'ps of I,hl' oriJrillnl Indinn triihes
an('p, NEW SERIES OPRN'S-THE ar,' tlfll'lI tiifl<'o\'"r"11 Ilrtlund thpRe parts~
COUNCIL TO MEET I'artlllllarly :lrrll\\ h,'ads, et('.

Th() }'ehrU&lfy 1l1l.\t.'t ill~ of Burough

l'oun"il will he hel" in Elm Hall III'xl MORE ABOUT THE OOAL QUES-
:\[olluny evening, Fl'hrlla ry 1~lht at TIONAIltE
E.. p, C. ~ . llll 1'. ~L
Fiehl Fou! 'fbI.' revised Bu~l<1ing Coup \I ill 1'1'0,11' Sin!'1' puhliAhill/! thp
(loa Is, Goals. Total. ahly ,,...,mp u]l for dist'u"ion at this
nairl' ill "Our 'rown"
forwur,l () 1 1 I
tim\", This amended nr<lillllll<'e \\as ,'n ..
:1 :1 n I tert'd fur Beeond rl.'a,ling Inst mOllth,
:I 1 7 !
Iont owing to the oJljlostion of a nlllll"
o () a I Iwr of rpsiden,ts to thl' proposl'd l.nn
4 ! on \\'oo<1pI1 shlngll'f', it was ref,'rre,)
I ha(·k 1'0 the ('oJllll.litte., on Ortiinalll'l' alld
7 11 Law for further eonsi,)eratloll.
a 4 The bulk of the new series of ordin ..
1 3 anees designed to raise ~l1rberth 's in ..
8 12 Rui'nnec rating were passed In.~t montll,
o and the lIew building co,le, wl\ell com .
[lleted, will be allothl.'r st",p in the
Total. work of Ooullcil to put :\Illrhel'th in
ClasS' "11.."
2 2 6
1 1 3
o 1 1 W ell, Feb. 14th is the
Uf courlle. '"

.\ !,rom:II,-nt "itizcn "all,"[ the otha Telephou .....
deliver - allJ
p\"('ning and tTPatl\d u~ to harmonies
1.267 place-aQJ
du solr "ith tl", aid of n two-fa,·,'oI' 1268 time.
'·ic·trola TI'f'fH,l in (,hilll·~P. {'pOll nlH,1
A Co-operative Community Journal

Owned and published e\'ery Saturday

Talks About Narberth ,idl' w," all "''''l'rpt frunl that thlllls,
:Ind-y"ar-olol nl"'ra Pi-Yung·Fee-Chow.
\\'o,"krful:: On tl,,' o-ther "id,' "as
The Brightest Spot in Narberth
A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
by thl' Narherth Civic Association,
(Conducted by the Civic Association) a !oVt' :-lOng of thl' ~llIll('hu ':01, n·ll1lpTI·d


i,,'- "Ill' Chaug·Tze-.POo. ;\larvl'l·uus::
:-;l'B:-;('HII'TIO~ PltICE
'I'll,' :Il'!·/lIll1l':lllilllt'llf. 1I111l"t of \\ hi('h
Olle Donar and Fifty Cents per year
1/'/10'S 1/' II (I.J ""ull,I,·.\ f"r :rll till' "'''rid Iii", alutlliu-
in ud\"3I1ee. 1;111 IIl1d '·II,.t ir"" kit .. h"11 nll'll"il, 11tHt One of the products of our new bakery is the
I t i~ all ea~y matter til learn who arc the 'llhcns "t' IlllJ! dOWIl tllrt'l' p:lir!-l of st:Jir!'l, Illo\'pd
-"l1llcih. the ~ch""l B"ard. the Buildillg and Lilan :\s~"cia­ liS 'IrIllIg'I'I," 1'",,"1 th .. h:rll tIl t lop Danish Pastry Ring. It is an article which will melt
t i"n~ alld 01 her 'lrganizatillns who keep the \\. heels glling li\in~ roolHo ,\lId tht' \\l'ird, fl'itl'rati"t', in your mouth. Something for those who want an
ar"l1lld and d" all extra hit in order that IIttl' t,,\\'11 may Ii\'l' I f0111ling-ly pnh'lUting tht'lIIt, of tht' ~lI'lg
itSt'lf was ri""11 Ihroug'h IIlld throug-h
exceptionally delicious article. They will be on sale
all r\ g I" l\\'.
I \ut with all n'~pect til tho..,c mllrc ,,1' Ie~~ pr"millellt In
I'\' .. r~· SP'l'lltl'l'1I l",ats ]Il'rh:1!,s, j,~' beginning Saturday.
plllillli,-,'. J'l·,'d~-, f,dSt'tt" w:rib "f :I
\ ari"u,; acti\ itie~. an"ther Ii~t can he written "t' "\\'hll·'" \\'h""
and their Ilame' are all Illl the Ii,.,t oi Ilne "rganizati"n- ·the, "hil'h "ur r,'lIdt-r, "'ill r.'- UYou Can Get the Best in Narberth"
Philip A Livingston I'all n·sl'mldt' ... tht' \·o;t·p of a hOllsP l':lt
:\arherth Fire ('"mpany, \\-hCl~t' tail h~L'i illlld~·prtt'n'tir
Editor. 111'1'1\
The real test "f gllod citizenship, the ,uh~tantial ,upp"rt rOI'ke,! upon,
(,i tho,;e 1Ira\-e i ellm\ s wh" stand read\' at all times. til ri,.,k
You'll Taste the
Addrl'ss all correspondence to Po~b l!wir liH's if Ilece,.,san. to ~a\-e YOur l;ou~e and iurnishing-~. Bill do not Illink fnr a 1Il0lnent then' WEET
Office B'lx 966, They '\llrk \'- itlll,ut p;y and are ~urely desc1'\'ing "i "ll1" ,up-
Our To,n1 is on sale at the depot
i, an." inl,'nt on onr part tn llt'little HOP Difference
1)'>rt- ('hint':H' Ili1lSil o llf ~·t't dirt,~·t all." p:t~.
:Jews-stnnd, and Ilt the store of H, E.
_\ th"u,;;ltld 11ll;lle~. _\Ild ho\\' man\' Illelllher~ oi the 'Ininadl' towa r,1 in "r anything' "I",'
Davis, l"'ldIlP:-it' ill faf·t-for Tt':'ipP·t't gf(':tt·
l'ln' .."mpany :\"t tire tighters. just tl1ree d"llar' a ,'ear \\e
Enlered as seronll-class matter, Octo' Iy. Oriental thing's--"spl','ially ~h,' 1IIn-
c' 'ntrihutllr~.
ber 15th, 19H; at the Post Office :It sil', :'\or :Irt' " " alone in this, An old
Narhrrlh, Plunsy]vania, under the act. I_t'! II' ~('e h,,\\- Ill;\m- are oil the list (Ii til(' real "\rh'l'"
('lIin,'sl' Jlll'lody, you k now. inspired th,'
of ;\Ian'h 3, 18iU, \ '-h, ,_" "iani.<ti" g'l'ltins of lIarri,>t (10,1~' to do GOOD PAINT IS OFTEN CONDEMNED
Ill'r .. !lan'" (lrientait' a la ('hin:lisl' " -
lllll' of tIll' r)lofP l'lU1TllIillg' nJIlllng ('oil
Ol'R TOWN will gladly prillt any for not giving good service when the fault lies in the
tPtlqlOTary ('~)Jllpo:"iti(lJ1so Yt'~. wt' aTt'
tlCWS about all}' subject which is of brush. Too often have we heard people say that they
lIftpTl t'Olll1H'Ht·,t to turn to tlit'Sl' Ill.":;-
intcrcst to Narberth folks_ Copy Silloh :Irall~4'lIllltlt~, 1 have
only want the brush for one job and then to throw $$
I'CHlhlll,'fll II lIt' It'rinnsl.'' tranquil folks r<lr Inany thillg"
is dur Oil Tursda}' of each week, at away. They think that they are economizing, but the
6 P M_ J,lIte copy ,'cceiz-cd rVcd-
Ill' kllllwlt\dgl'.
I 11 \.; t'" (If thl' fal'l that 1111' ~Iat,,­
THE TOWER orhl'r thlln t"ak-\\'ood stands, 1.",,111'>'
lIlIt,s and lalilldry, ~'nr II ratlll'r t,·rri.hlt'
contrary is true. After using a brush it should be
tlcfdllY C'i'rllillg u·ill be prillted onl.v BO:lr,l "ill I", ill -' (Jllr OF BABBLE cleansed with turpentine and then washed out with
lilt'" t 'I f t'\I r (hilt Il(JJH~ thp I('~s trup (h·lintlation of
if spare is still Q'l·ailable.
soap and water. We carry a good line of brushes for
1'11\\ II " 1111 1t'f d:ltt> of tl)JHOffll\\. 1 toit't' th" illll"'ri,,,h,l'i,ilily of an'! ,,,lh,'r"Tll'"

By Collum Righter every purpose and have some excellent ones at a rea-
1111 1'1';,..;\\11 f (If ~t'lld ill.!.! :1 t·nil.'" of t lli1", tn :Igy-old (~hillt'St, t·tl~tlllll~. togpthl'f
~:t it! paper,
sonable price.
SATURDAY, FEB. 10, 1923 t t t t'r til II ith a pidnn' ot' th,' lIig-11l'st ,tra'"
\' "ry Iruly yOIl rs,
)""'uliar i,"'1 it, hll\\' 111111101:1111- His- .d· ?lI'lndariu lifp with ali its "pl<'ndor~
C. H. McCarter, :lnd ~orrt~\Ys. Wt hl'nrtil~' ancl \\~ith OBt'
I-~;\IEHr.E~CY PHONE CALLS lory m:l lI:1gt'~ t 11 ~(1 (1)1 fllr(l\"('T Tf'pe:l1-
Fire, :150. illg- it,,'lf! Thl' glorious I'r,'rog-ati,,' a"""rd r""ollll1ll'llIl,""u to ;\11', ,,-u, \\'l' ,\"
Police, 1250. of a l'prfain hfand (If dt'aT, s\\,pl'f, tPIJ- 1I0t knOll wht'lhl'r th" Lilhrar~' has il "r
tlPT ])llRJI'i(O ('y('r (00111 iIlUt'~ to he \\ itlt.'ly, ""t. Th,' :llIthor is Llllli~l' .ToT/lau ?llihll',
,'ol11!,l"tt'ly, rt'g-lIrdl,'s,ly and joyfull.'- '1'ho~" II hosl' Ill'art" ar,' wpILk shlluld
A TREAT IN STORE Til tllt, E,litof uf "' Our '1'0\\ n' ':
positil','ly not attl'lIlpt it, though, E,','n
1,:ndJ,'" :Id,·i"'t' thTough ."llliT papef ,'xl'n'i,,-d.-thlit of p"'l'litillg- its fl'l-
\\ ('-C'a nOll~ ;I~ wp art'-Il't t ht hnt l

Clt'an, wh,liesoll\t' ,'ntt'rtainn\('nt, nn,) \\ 1I:lt is ht·ill!! d01H', al·1uall.,' \It'ing IO\\":-i to oflit,p in I'nn"illt\ratioll of tltpir
lIalt·1' hl'atl'r I!" llllt au,l hurnrrl a 11011' MARSHALL CO.
iH~tru('ti\'t' prog-ranll' aTl' al\\ays TPcpj,"- 010111', 'lilt t,tlk,'" ahout. tOllanls ha\,' kllowl"dg't' of ho\\' to do lhilll!s. 111101
p,1 wilh intt'n'st h~- II "lIlIllllllllity. (11all- :!Ig thl' :--idl'\\al1{~ put in PfOPPf ('011- IIft"r "I<',-atillg- findillg all lila II' '''"I. ill OUI' ('hristm:ls "r'II'at with tIll' hot
3~11('s ffom :I pig-ar OJll\ nighlt 1I·0!1: l"O
t~lllqua wOl1k is a gTt'at; fplltun' of oIitiOln, ],,,lh ,It-prt,,.si'On,, that hohl wa,t,,1' IIpr of fanlt \I'~th "'UI, writing- Idters
f:lr nff. ullder the spell of this qUl'l'r PHONE. NARBERTH 1661J
to tH"\\\.~paIH'rs ahout
countr~' lit'(" an,1 is " fpature-llIllk,'d a 1111 ,'n t 1':0 n,'''s to dri \'l'S ,11111 ga rag"s '('Ill, :I('('usillg 'f1l1
stor.,' frol1l ;\Irs. ~Iilll 's dc!'l 1'1'11.
for-wanl to for ll\onth'" Iu th,'s,' ilion' that ('nn-,' sharply allli ar" n'all~' ,Ian- of IIlalfpa sa 11(·(1. (lTrOIH'OUS jUdgUH'1l t I

sophisti"atp,1 part,s of th,' ,"ountr~', 'H' gl'rll\l~, l".('1J ill good \\(t~lth(\,T, hut star-t'hant!l)('risl1l, IIloofily au,l Jlra('jil'l"I~'
do not makl' su.~h a hig flL.sS o"l'r an~'­ douhl~' so i" it,y wplIth,'r, Wlw i, ,'\'l'r othl'r lI1i~<1-rl11eanor in th,' aim;nal H,'a,ling last. \\-,· .. k', "Talk" .-\H>out A NEW LOUD SPEAKER
rl',sponsihll' f"r an al't'id<'ll,t to the ('atal.ogup S:lVI' m:lyh('I11, pol~'g:lm,'" :-':arlwrth" WI' uoh'd thl' lU"lltiou of
thing-Dhlll) 'luas, C'irl'u;«'s, or any ,111(' The Atlas Amplitone Loud Speaker leads any loud
othpr I'\'rnt of the kind, :lh'l\ ". thO' Borough or propl'rty own' g-rantl laN·('II.'· :lnd ,t:ludrufT, I't'('uliar: th .. rl' alway.s heillg a nrigM~or who has speaker on the market today. Tone distortion an,i
i~II't it I thl' samr hohhy as hn\'{' you. Thi" may
But p\'('n though 1"" arp in thl' sha· l'r ~
h" so hnt call11idlr WI' do not hpli(',-c
mechanical noises have been eliminated. Musical and
H. R. H,
rlow of a grpnt dty, wr loOok for·
~o\\' th:lt thl' ~arhl'rtli ('horal So- it. Our p"t Iwhhr Ls l'ousu111ing ,'a"1
vocal sounds are reproduced wjth a mellow quality,
war,l with intNt"lOt to a I,)('al l'rol!ralll giving broadcasted reproduction of life-like distinct-
of th .. variety of interests promisl'<l h~' \ ('id.1' has I'uhlishp,l it" intention to ,hip :llnoullts of 1'01,1 Ul1l'.no·kp,1 il"ra-ppl<' ,,-ith
ness. Price, Complete, with Cord, $25
AN ODE TO THE SHINGLE :I t'onsigl1lllrnt of ils songst"rs to th,' lots of IIlIL~tllr,1 011 it. "' .. hal'l' rUl1g
thr Rwarthnwre Chautaqull.
You'll II tlll,ler wh~' I'm singing ":aslprJ! l'f'niteuJiary. why not huudlr' ,loor hl'l1s all arolj.l1d us a 1111 wheu wr
Will demonstrate any evening
TIH' :-':ar'l)('rth l'iv'i" A,.,,;o('iJition has
In thiS' qniet ~ftrhl'rth tU\\'II. "I' thr :-;"hool Hoard :Iud s.. nd thrlll. ull'llli"II ..,1 it WI' rt"'l'i'-l'd 110 pnthu"i· A. W. WARD, Jr.
unrlrrtakl'n to hring this group h,-r(',
But .inst to ,tart ~'Oll thinking- alollg t"o! "'hy 1I0t! ThLs (with a"ti,' grl'l'ting's al Ill!', uothing hut looks
feelinlt th'at ,-omn,unity growth rl"
Th",y'\-r tril',1 to knock Ill" .lown~ ,"oSt hu ""h It' apolol!il's to lion. Henry that 81'1'1U1',1 to l'l',tdl-kl'n tIll' pos.s.ihility
quirl's an ()l'('nsional glimpsp of ,'ntpr- 417 NARBERTH AVENUE Phone 1255W
tainllH'nl of <.thl'r than" homp lIn'''','' Woodshl'lton) "'mdd undouht"dly h" of tlll·ir 'I\\-n"r" 1ll' su,I,ll'lll~' af-
YOllr ('oun{'il-Borongh Counl'i1- lUl'til'ulousl~' ti .. klillg to thl' falll'i,'s "f fli,·tl',1 ,,-ith "i"k stllnUll'11. Th" on"
llnd, a I t hr sa IIlP timp. BOlllpt hing t ha I
Hos thoug-ht it wise to "11~' sUIl,lry ",talI·llart :'\aThitt,s, As for u, rt'STllInsi'ld" for the stntl'll1"llt thaI the
,loes nol rt'quirt' a pilgrimage to Phila-
That :os f'lr III,·-tl\(' :-;hillg'll'- Il('rsonall~', wp ,,'Oul,1 ''<It,· for 11((', w<>r]'] is 11 'Iuppr pia" .. '1:1' un,lt'niahly
de Iph ia or A rll more to sel',
H i.s JH'rdll'ss 10 sa)' that th" finan-
I sha 11 no long,'r st.a~', too, \\", sur,'I," wonld-pr'i\'id"d Ih,,~' r:ght. Big Sale No~ On
cia-I lind artisti(- BIH·"ess of tl1{\ vl'ntur.. \\'oulol g-uarllnt"" to jll(,Jnol,' us :lInY,lllg-
Thp." .. Iaim that I am lowly We have purchased from John B. Simpson, the College Girls'
depl'lIll", strirtly upon thr intl'rrst of t!losp iUC·Hrl'(ll'ah1,1. Tailor, of 914 Walnut Street, a large stock of Skirts Csizes for the
.\ nd I ha t I should hr haullrd;
Xarhl'rth folks, The ('ost will 1)(' rl'a· THE GROWTH OF HEALTH stout and s11m). Children's Peter Thompson Dresses, and Sl1povers,
For/reltillg- that for roofing at a great reduction, and will be sold for at least 40% cheaper than
~onah]l', and ",-pry family .shou1<1 "0- .-\ fig for Lih,·rt.'·~
Thprp'~ nothing quitp so :.!THlldo you could buy in town, Come in and look them over. You are
op,>rntr, lInrrah for a ,'ag-p! PosS'ihly thl'rl' uw~' he as mU"h sick, Wlder no obl1gation to buy.
\\,plI fl',l and '\'1'11 tTl':ot,'d. II(',S alld ill hpalth in the ,-01llIllunj,1y
Hnll {'all it J,r I'm low I," !

Letters to the Editor I 'Ill lJ1ostl~' pl~lt-rd on hig-h.

FOf if you '\'f.l e\'('r notit'cd,
III wiut .. r \\'1'11 hpatl"!.
B,,"t lin, for a :-;'I'g-,,:
as t h,·r.. u."(',\ t-o hI'. hnt for SOIllO rl'a'
SUII Ollt' tlo(~ not hp·af !i\O llltlC·h ahout
The Lower Merion Tailors _
You'll fin,l 1111' IWXt t!lr ~k~', it, PC'opll' who w"rr hrought up in
t'onntry rowns ofh'n rellwrl, on thl' La1i1es' and Gents' Suits and Overcoats Made to Measure
REPLY TO ScrKOOL LETTER TIll' food i~ quit<, tash' at Twpllt~·,
prJ',"inpnt ph,,'p that sil'kl1l'ssl's use,1 to Mason and Hanson Exclusive Woolellll- for Spring and Summer
Thl' "Bu hh1<·" s"~'s I 'm u'rfnl th :rd HI"I FII irmoullt A "l'nup, Th"n are now on display in our Store
I f onl~' for n'proof, 11I1I'p in th,' life of thl' ,'oIll1llnnit~·,
To rhl' Editor of .. Our Town": - ng-ain, th" pla"p is \1'1'11 h"atptI lind
III the Inst. Wpl'k's is-sur of "Our Bnt if ~·ou ',I tr~' and pro\'r IU(>- Ill:~IStS a hang'·np Li:hrary as well :1' A I'hil'f topic of con""rsation us,',l
Town" you prin!l',l a IpttH whiph I .Tll"t put. till' on ~'onr roof. ge",d t'igars, '1'1", ,utll, IO"1Il g-ra," in I", tlll' "oJlllition of t.his or that I"'T-
Narberth 1749,R
thl' offing-, \\'" fawn~~' wp ('lttl h,'ar ~()11 who hall :-:0111(1 (lhwa~i\.
had ad,lrt'ssed to ?III'. C, H. Moe,Oarter,
phairUllln of t.he Rl'hool Boanl. ! ',1 thrill Il ith thoughts of ,er\'irl'- tIll' IIll'talli,· elan)! of thosl' gl'eat., strp] Tn thoR<' ,lays thl' work of nursing 102 FORREST AVENUE Opposite Elm Hall NARBERTH, PA. ...:.
Dl'spitl' the f:wt that thp R,·IHlol With pridl' of ]w(luty glow- doors, Our hag- is alrt'ntl,\' pa,'kl"l. \\'p si,'k 1'1'01'11' wn.s <lonr hy ncighbors,
Boa 1',1 had issurJ a statpmrnt which But ('IIU't hplp calling t.{) you: wi'h Wl' ('o(:nltl tnk,' our nolf dllhs ilIon.!! IUnst of whom hl1,1 np\'l'r h:lll any "pl" fffl§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ml
WllS llnhli-she.d in last week's pap,'r, "Oh! plrasl' don't 11't. me go!" th! '!IJ.{h, hut on ~(l('olld ('onsidt.'rH1 illll ,'al training ;n Ihl' ('arl' of S'i"k ])('(>p]I','
~Ir. MCCartH'S rrply to my eommulli("l- il is hartll), Illl>~sihip to pr:",ti"r pnttin).: Thl' "olllnillnit~, "el'llll',l full of suffering I
Heating Water in Winter
lion WqlS so Ihorough tha t it would !'\,'rm ~till. in 11l~' tl'ars I'm hl'art'ning: Ull tlu' lipnlofPtp floor of :1 prisull (Ourl'i- a 1111 t.hl' thought of ,lispasr srrlUl',1 to.
We have had' many inquiries regarding gas bills in
h' IIII' only rpturnillg a courtrsy to I'm ,nr{' ~'ou '11 sprak a wor,1 der, fill th(' nil', <
winter-where water is heated by gas. Water in winter
puhlish the rt>ply. Of wi"dom to ~'our Coull,'il, :\~ to\\'tI~ prow in siz,C' an,] }lPoplp has a temperature sl1ghtly more than 60 rlr of its summer
I :UII""hillg- " "np~' of ;\Ir. ;\1,'- That thl'Y ,]0 naught ahsurd. With thl' BOllnl (and ns) ,l,:~p,)sl',1 sp('I1,l ll'sS timl' ill tllik ahout pe..,.ona1· temperature. No matter what form of fUel is used-more
fuel must be burned to heat the same quantity of water.
('artrr's !t'tt,'r for this purpoSl·-·if lit in this I'('ry dl'li~htfnl,I)~ ,.(·,.tful :lffllir. an,] hll"1' wi,ll'r .;~·.. rt'sts, thl'~'
If we are to raise the temperature of the water from 70
your .ilHlg·mpnl l'oinei,h's with minp. (It hns !>l'rll said thut norm:d man, 111:1111/(''', II ". "I '
',( ueat,"na I Progralll, hI" arr not f>0 l'onsl'ious of I'a<'h oth~r',
degrees to 140 degrees, or 70 degrees in summer, and from
W. A. FOX. 'tuiZ7.ieal of stfiti~ti"s; rrsistant to fads , 11'" 1,(" I "J' "tl1 gar Ian, Is " f prllnl' II ) os nffairs. HI'IIl'1' si"kness lJl:1~' Iw c"n- -10 degrees to 140 degrees, or 100 degrees in winter, an
II II ,I hal'llellrd to argument alit! orator)', s{lms llllll ,nlll fl'owl'rs eoul,l thl'll dall"1' excess of 30 degrees, we may readily see the proportion-
<'1.11 rllTel)' rrsist the hrart.appeal of sider:!!hl)' pre"all'nt ill llll'!<r timl's with- [' ate difference in fUel consumption in winter in excess of
Mr. \V. A. Fox,
Nallberth~ Pa.,
Dear Sir:
' 'I
I' I,~' tllIlll" ,'erse. ., (\~'
tl ., f I'sthl'tjl'nlly ":doll/{ poppir,1 I.anks of ou t peop Il' rl'a I"17.11111: 1't •
le mISSIon a Let hI'" to soft, I'ugllgillg m:ul!i(' pipl'd
this worthr (1) effort att.aill fruition- h
H 1 '" I I "
ollie nil' ~l' 100 -,'SSO('lUtors
Rtill it har'll)' spems ns if sicknrs... :
: I

that of summer.
for whil'!l purpose it is Tesp.e,·tfully " . h 1 I I ,werl' s·o l'011llllnll liS it uSl'd to be, ex·; GAS
Replyillg to ~"our Il'ttrr 0 f .falluary 11 g-rN'JUIl 1'0 es alll Sl'nn' a s-pn.rl'1l··_. 1 ' .' I
. ,In''l'('ntn,1 to BOTOll.,h C01111 nl'l ) I 1 1 I \\. 1 . ,eel}t 111 e:lses \\" 1(>1'(' S 0111 I' If'pll1emJl',
31, I Ihc-g to st~lte t.hat. you \\'1'1'1.' ,'.or· c"-' • ,
_ . ,
",' ,
u ar y ~1Il1f as.
, t I '
l' 18\'r Just .dlS' ( .
I 1f l '

hke 1I1flUI'Il7.1l gl'toS a 1101<1, For OIll'l
rL'etly inforlllerl re-gnr<11U~ the Board s .' ~ • . ",. 01':1·
'} . 1'" our Slxtl'ent
f" 1 r t- HInd floatJllg I 1 h
,rraSOIl., ppop I' cn ,I P YSIClUnS moT": ' " SERVICE. w'-

interl'st ill the matter of sen(ling h igll T1» 111 a spllsm (l

. . , uproarIOus .nllnth·, ('011,'. l'rompt Iv t,lall 1 formerl' ". Th eY a \'0 id! A sizl' nn,1 t~'pe for rverr home, factor)', hotel

. s~holam ,jo the Lower l\[erion TIMELY TOPICS tl'lIt[llatlllg'
I f th 1I1 our h11111111 \: 's l'1"1' th{' S["'''' many Sl'rIOllk~ 111111'SSl'S ns the• rl'!<ult
' . . •
or club-sol,1 on easy t"rms.
High f'leil'O'ol, nlld at itll regular meet- 'ae I.' 0 'I' \\,ort .\' 'SSO(-U1tnrsso
I' ' P ar··,of rl'hl'v1U1t '., ' ,
wrong c,ondatJOl1s hefore
ing held Monday night last a fo rl1111 I ru-y". d I \1 as, poor' rogrlllll, OaT . Hot Wa.ter service in the home should mean
ISIl't it '1lIl'pr thnt so mallY pl'ople p , i thl'Y b(,l'ome dangl'rouoS. Also people
resoIUltioll was pllS'Bed agreeing t,o selld do 1I0t kn.ow ().f what metals our Amer· Togram,. , I nre more. f'lIluhnr "nt . II the In\\"" of an abWldant supply of hot water at every hot
··t.he senior high school pupiIS,Nlllsist· water fa.ucet, morning, noon or night, winter or
. i<'al1 moner is mllde~ They cheerfully . * * * . health. They • ' .
ntoid many disMses' by summer. To secure this service requites auto-
· -
ing of the 10th, ll<th 1111(1 12th gradNI.
.. .' h"'1 rya~' ns hil,l'h as 7:5 - celtts to s-e.c l! f h'
- M'SlCU ',"alton EJ11wellt7., hy vIrtue
I' . 11 ."
reJ11oymg. ,jhe causes, matic . regulation-water heated to'a predeter- ... ......,.
to tlle above mentioned H1gh' Be 00 0- . .lS' e< 'ltorla >. transpoTtlllg II1fluence, • mined ·tempera.ture-,-then the fuel. cQliilumption ... '.:'
. •
at t.he eonimeneentent of the t:ill terll'
I (l1Io\'jr,' ihiI'f. wh'en th"'"
~J go to n $2.00 ollght to have no difficu \ tv -whahw\'r' ..1\fany f .~mhll!8
' l' 1 t If'
6UPpollC<0 )1' a ex· shuto'ft' untllhotwater is ~awn-the fUel . ,:
i023.. Ol'itnl1 RecitiI1 or a reILlIy entertaining f~r n sp~eiul we~k-day. train ceptional iuteI1ig~n{!~, W'ouMformerly automatically. turned on.- -"
The_ lJower Merion District' wa~' 'ittJ-euU1ateur "show," nnd the pro· of three pnrlor NlrS und, lI. club _snwkl'-r have we.lIs . of drmlpng VI"ll·ter l-ocnted._' A"t.....;;~ic
romp.b1Y .
informlod' ot the 'n£ti~)I1 of ~1'1l1ll ;<Il."s, I'SUVer Oollection,'" they from III'nrlbenth to A r .ll)10re aud .vice~ver, I'I ose t 0 all. enr th. t 01'1 I' t '_ liild wero eare~ .. StotQeTlI'pe
P . . just as CheerfUll,"Y drop-' in .a dimei • • . . . '\. I' th Wh . . th . GWJ Hot Water" Service Is Automatic
our Bon~d, .and we .shull a"'-:.lit· theii- 9n; for the !tole purpose of CoR-trying our ess l~ mnny 0 er ~nys. ,:e~. ~y
fornll~1 replyllta;ting tile tl'.rmlland.l'oll' Wisell.cre. Senior Hil{h Sehool pupils' to their new got SIck t.1Iey looked n .It lIB a mls,._
t If a. thing is- _done With heat-GAB does it better. An Auto·· -: . :-1.
Cutions .M outlined _hy them t.o
our Den of Lenrning II-t Lower Merion-..,.nnd fortune wh'ich eIould not be .helpt'd. -The mattc GIi& $torag" System fUrnishes plenty ·of hot water, at no
grea.ter expe11ll8 andnoJ1e of the mUss or worry of coal.· How
'~6ard' when ~e were ill session with SUPPER baek. Nmv we think of it, sueh II "ommunity is ~rl1duaUy learning 'that much work a.nd worry you doing in an atteDlpt to~ve-lf
t~em.. , . . . t.rain wOI;M serv.e us quite nicely too, dii'ense is,lal'gely preventnble. a.nytJiing~ poi!il1ble dollar or so per month on your hot water,
. ',-

.. ' .In. thelU,enntimll the Superhltellde:nt The !IIen.'s aible Class of the PreS· on Tueifd1a-ys nnd Fridn~·8. Those arl' service? .
'of tli(l Lower Merion Dilltridt and J>rin~ byteriBnChur-ch are to hold an Old; tho days ,,'e visit Ardmllreto have our PhojIe Ardmore Ii and ..ask us without obligation to you to
.'ci !1) ,:WilBon of . o ur _School are, baking tushio'ned 'Newl!lngill'ndBake,d aean, S~Ol!8. shined:, 1'0.11: ori relnth'cs, 'buy two N.rber~ 871-Y
p Ardmore. 188·,) send our, representutive. t9" tnlk over Gas. Hot Watt)t
. . _. . SerVice for you.
:,$~,,~;tl!~ ..:d~~i,!fu.,;.tl.!1Jt.J.~_e!,~~,lV1I!)L~_,E~ ~~rtJr t1.t}~leQh~~~~oil_tuesdQY _e.,:e ll; ~ozeri eIalnBandthen:eome -home and VERL PUGIt
, <ielay:: in~~kiiig, aU rieces8~ry _l1rrlinge· lng,·Foo'i-uary:-'2.O:1;li;· ~-::Y-II-rlC:t1iis":"aii:~e''liilFtlle.m-\\;~'-mI4i1Ct1i.e-e}ilm~'-'ofcourije- -,,> '..-- ...' ."'--"c~---~~':----;"~-'-~~" C~·
· menta. :::-,-_ :,~'. :'.> .::., ." .. ' :. 011 . your ecllep,din' ~nnd watch fOr an; 11<Ot"iherelnhvee:.·'
, n~gl1r~ing. tli" .dn:~e'of: FebrU'~ i~ n:tiuileement in neitt 'week;s issue. .. • • .•
. . ' '... "E~ecti:icial(loJ1~r .
Eleriri~Repal.. aBel ApPUlalul••
....:~~ bB.~):ie~·n 1IXeajjy ,tl1e·-!-l)w~f1d~t. , : " S p o o k i n g of.clams,Nl1rb~rth should . .,..... ,'.. .
A.'.IU~§~"~S~~~~§~~~iE5~·'~,'1~S[§~§§~·2·~-§· ~'g":-S"-S'~~§§~§~
"ioti,:_Boai_d:,',' --.IlS" d,ate' tor' tl~e. Sen'd'~n,:Fires~a:eI~ems., bY··.a}!., qp,_ O_d.en. tal"lt1u8i~ ai.:G,ril7u~. :,A~~~
_ Nubertli. :Pa. - -. . . .
• dick••
- Ardmore, ......, ._.". .\'
. .. . . .'.
; : -.'
.',. ; .. ,
~ .. '.'"
..:." '. ...
:., '
. :",'
'." : -, -

Nrms of llIr QllIurrlIra ii'~§§§§§§~§§§§§§~§§§§§§§f,if

Bunday mlLsses at i 0 'clock and 10!
o'clock. On first al1l1 third Sundays'
the late MaRS is a High :\Iass, followed:
1,.\' henediction,
Daily :\Iass at S A. :\L
The Home That Would Suit You
is surely described in our complete list. The following are a few samples of
properties we are offering at this time. By giving us a call on the 'phone
:\Iontgomery Pike, Narberth, was estab· we will be gla-d to give you complete information about any of these
lished 1682, Here William Penn wor· properties.
,hippetl, as well (\S Illuny other noted
Friends. One of the historical spots 'f Montgomery Avenue-Brick and frame construction, 6 l'ooms and bath, hot
America is open for worship every water heat, immediate possession, $7,500.
First·day (Sunday) morning at 11
Masons Plasters 0' clock,
Price Avenue-Stone and frame residence, 8 rooms and bath, all improve-
First·day School is held every First· ments, newly papered, $9,000.
January, 1923, has come and gone. Februaryordi-
narily has 28 days, and this is an ordinary year. ,lay (Sunday) at 10 A. M, in the Meet·
ing House. Anyone desiring to attend Wayne Avenue--Brick and frame residence, containing living room, library,
Before we know it March will arrive, and then Spring dining room, kitchen and laundry on the first floor-5 bedrooms an-d bath
is just around the comer. either the adult elass or the young peo·
pIe's class will be very welcome. on second and third floors, all improvements, $10,500.
In anticipation of an active building year, we have
added considerably to our line and propose to carry a HOLY TRINITY EV. LUTHERAN
Essex Avenue-Convenient location, hollow tile construction, large living
large stock of the following materials: CHURCH
room with open fireplace, 5 bedrooms and bath, hot water heat, etc.,
BlIil<ling Limr :'.Irtal Lalh $10,500.
I'last''rill~ Hair .\tl:ls Portl"n.J (· .. mo'lIt, Grry Rev, W. E. McLinn, Pastor.
PI;lslrrillg ~'illl'r .\tlas Porllall,j I'('mrnl, \Yhilr H"J,;III:lr pTl':l"hillg' ,l'n';"rs ill 1". :\1.
Essex Avenue-Corner residence, 8 rooms and bath, all improvements,
.\In~olls Hydralt', ;'II·11i. klg's .1"r.-"." (;r:\\',,1 ('..\. 11,111 oil f'lll11!ay IlIorllillg, Fl·h. 11
garage, high location, near school, $12,500.
AI .. II Limr, with Hnir I~ar ~nllil
al 111.4.,. SI'TlIbOll 'hy the pastor Oil
AI<'(1 Limr, \\ ithollt hair Hollow Til.. , '""-Ii "I'll ".\ll EllliJ,;hll'II'>'] l·lldt'ri'Jtallding.' ,
Narbrook Park-Corner residence, central hall plan, hardwood floors, open
\Yhit"ro('k, Bnnn.. r Bran,l ll.. xlrr ('onl·rl'l .. ('olul1lll"
f'ullday N"hool "'s",ion, lin' alld posi·
fireplace, tile bath, large lot, $13,500.
<'akillrd l'ln"tl'r, 11111·lh, hags n.. lroit ~tl'rl H:Iso'llll'nl ~ash lil'l', :11 OA:i A.:\1. :\Ir. R. ,1. Htau~rh·
(·alt-in .. tl l'la,ll'r. ~:ln·lh. hhl" Fllll' 1.iuing, t<lll. Rllpt.
Montgomery Avenue-Hollow tile residence, central hall plan, large bed-
('ornf-T Bpad, ''''-'''P/2'-~I' Tl'rra ('(Jtt~ Pil'tl
E\'PlIi,'1! :-:t>T\'j(,PS at ~.::II, with song
rooms, every improvement, 2-car heated garage. $15,500.
Bl'y j:\ :\.\HBEHTH l'j'\'i1'P ttl i.-t5.

S.'rlllon hy tlil' p:lstor Oil "A Look

Several new homes, nearing completion, containing every new feature in
fllr :-';ah-a.1 iou.' I (~(joll l'-illJ,!ing 11~' tho
house construction; large living rooms, open fireplaces, tile baths, hot water
l'hoir. ,rith \'iolin :Jlld qTg-Hll ·Ilt'l'onl-
heat, large closets. These homes vary in size from 6 rooms and bath to
:. 1:[ II i !lIeu t.
9 rooms and 2 baths. All are detached. $11,500 to $19,000.
:\Ir. ()Wt'll Ndllnidt will sing :1 .• 010.
Qome to tllis spiritual :lnd '"Iliritl'd
Desirable lots are mighty scarce, We know of a few, well located, in a
""t>f\-j('t You arp \\'C'],'OTlI('.

restricted location. Attractively priced.


Rev. Gibson Bell, Rector.

Rev. Robert Hutt, Associate Rector. REALTOR
PRESCRIPTIONS SI'T\'il'rs QuillfjUagl's;ma f'hl!lll.ay,

F ...h. 11th:
~arberth OBrrce City Office
lJol~' 0ommunioll lit S A, :\1. At the Station 1214 Locust Street
WE ARE PREPARED to compound your prescrip- :\Iorn in.g l'rap'r :It 11 A, ~1. ,1'em6er Philadelphia Real Estate Botlrd
tions just as the -doctor orders them. Only the best oZ Prinmry anrl' Imtermr<liatr Dppar't-'
ingredients used and our checking system eliminate" mrnts of ~e
Chureh s .. hool
.0 4:i A. :\f., und the Senior Department I:
~l't atl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
any possibility of mistakes. I at 10,1:) A. M, i
1'. :\1.-EJI\Yorth Ll·llgue.
i.45 P. l\r.-",~prmoll hy t hl' Pastor.


j(Saying Ro." Tpxt, Psa. 107:2. AII-
th"lll: "In Thy 1Ily~tcriouB Pr~encl',"
The "Rainy Day"
The Rexall Store Lorl'llz. QUllrt!'!: ".Just A I,ittll' when sickness or misfortune causes unexpected
Rev. Avery 8. Demmy, Pastor. , Clost'r," Kirkpatrirk. expense is easily passed by those who have a Savings
'I Everything in Drugs" Church Notes Account here.
Phone 1620 We Deliver srrviN's fur SUllday. Fl'h, 11, 1922c Th,· Offil'ial n<>ard will mee't :\f,onday The time to start your "RAINY DAY" fund is now,
0,:10 A, l\I.-l'raYl'r Hen-i,'I'. at 8 1'. M. and the way to make it grow is to deposit something
nAil A. l\1.~Bilhle f'ehool. Thl' Iml!irs' .\i,! ROl'il'ty will hold regularly each week-no matter how little.
11.00 A. :\I.-Mornin,g Worship the'ir IJlrding' TUl'iHlay r\'!'ning at the
i.OO P. ]\1.-Young Pl'opJe '8 :'.Il'etinl!, Churl'h.
Come in today and start your Account.
i .4il P, :\I.-E \"1' n ing \\""rshi p, The l'ra~'l'r :\ll'l"t i Il~ ",' I' r:" '\" eolllrs<lay, THE MERION TITLE & TRUST COMPANY
N a r be r t h R egz·s te T
~1'T\'ic'l' will I'onsist of six four·minute I; P, lIl. .
talks by r('lprl'seutath'es of liS many or·
. . galli7.ll,t.ions ':lS folloll'" I' TlIp Relntion
of Ihe (,huren lIuII Bihle Rchool." "The ..,~
TuJoLine., lOc per i..ue; 5cforeachadtlitionalline
C:===============================::!J Men's Class a 11,1 Our X I'W G'h u rr h, " t'j;';
New Series
I " The Chur('h in the Honll'," "The (C<lnlinued from Page 1)
. ACCOUNTANTS I LAWYERS : ,oung Pl'o]1ll' a nd the Chur('h," "The
Go~tsball, H. K. Pubtlc Aceountant. 303 (;lIroy, John. 211 EMSex ave. Phone 124l5·R Churl'n and thl' 'Men of the C'ommun.
Conway Ave. Phone, Narberth 1667-J. PIlUa. address. Lincoln Bldg.
Kelm. H. C. Certified PUblic Accountant, ,,;t1te•• rJ..e}cJler w. 413 Haverford ave. ity," "The Mis",ionllry Spirit in the
, . •
Thr A>'l'<oC'ialion ha'l 110 troll.hll' in
pl:.... ing this lIlonl'y nn g'oo<l mortgagrs Plans for Next Winter's Coal
202 Dudley Ave. Phone Narberth 3OO·W, Phone 3.~·W. Phlla. address. Crozer Bldg. 'l1] ,h" ",,'<1 th,' propl'rtil's an<l appli,'at'ions are
(':1 rl' ully ronslo "rl'l
I Ily a <.' omnll. t tl'l' 0 f Every bouseholderplease
Doran 1Iiotor Co.• Ardmore. Pa, )Idlonald, John. Narberth phone. 1281l. , C urc 0 es
See display advertisement In this lasue. 1533 Chest. st., Phlla, Phone Spruce 3138.' \\'"dnl's<l8y, Foh. 14-:\[icl'\\'eek pra~'. the Dire-ctors who rxnlllinl' en'rything fill iQ this important
Narberth Ouare. Phone Narberth 1033. 1IIEATS. E T C . ' II II I f tl I' t"O '
See display advertisement In this Issue. Wm. T. lIlcIntyre. Pbone Narberth 663, ,l'r "rrVil'l' at S 0 "'Io,ck, (~on<1urte<l hy ((,rong I,V '" orr 'I' a.pp lI'a • no IS.
Donaboe; .Patrlck F. Phone 1633.
8ee displaY advertisement In this Issue. Ihe PMtor.
::See dtsplay advertisement In tWs 'Issue. Hlgbland Dalrleo, Inc.
"lInsiolerl"! hy . thr
Thursda~', FI'.hruary I,;th, the ?\Ien 's r..l'!ors whlo l'tthl'r pas", 'or rrjl'l'l the
"'a n.
I'ntirr BOHrll of Di· \
BAKERY See display advertisement In this Issue. A!fsol'iation will mrl't lit thr home of
"'bite'. Swe..t Shop. Opposite Station.
See dleplay ad"ertisement In tbls Issue, l.cwo, Fann)' H. Ptano .tl'!acher.
StudIo, Y. ~l. ·C. A. Bl<tg. Phon" 316·J
, .,Ir. W' J
mfll' 'l! F. T f
... l:'c..
22_ ."...~I'X It is \'I'ry imp o rt:lIlt that Ihl' As~ol'ja'l
.-\\'rnllr, nil'! Dr. Elim A. E, Palm.; tion havo a nllmJher of storkhol,lrrs
. 'lllist will R[ll'ak on I I What's Doing in
\\'110 arl' llot horro\\','rs in or<l{'r to ha\'(' ,
T HE coal shortage for our citizens has been
very serious this year; operators' agree-
ments with the anthracite miners expire in
)Iulon Title & Trust Co..Phone. !'larb'th398 Simpson, Hllrr~' A. :!O;; A,-on Hood. thl' \'V~1l'111." n onl'" "olll'ing in pa·('h month fhnt elln' the spring and the conditions next winter may be
See display advertisement In this Issue. Pholle, NarJ,>erth :!:!1'3·J. h" 1;llInl'd 10 th"s!' !ltol'.kh1ol,It'r" who' equally bad. .
BVILDERS T)·~on. Warren R. 200 .Woodblne ave, You will flnol Ihl'''1' uwrtings help·
Bottomo. Oeo. W. Phone, Narberth 1256-W. Phone Narherth 1:!0'2-W. ful, anI} VOII will !>I' \\'('lcoll1lJ to all nr!' horrowrn< I'ithl'r q,~, putting III' th,'ir The Narberth Civic Association has some plans
::See display advertIsement tn Ihls Issue. OPTICIA·NS " . stot,k liS 1·"Jlah'r:d or horrowing on a
Thos. A. Kerrlll'an & Son. t-enton. Carl F •• 1631 Cbestnut Bt. thl'sl' srrvicl'!l. which may be worked out to insure Narberth's
See display advertl8/lment tn tbls ISSlle, Spruce Ti!l7, Residence, Wayne, P a . : : fir"t (lr sr!'ond IlIortplgt' on thrir h<llllr:<, anthracite supply for next winter. In order to
Sband. Alex. C., Jr. Phone No. 1710. Palmer, H. E .. 20Il Haverford Ave, Pbone! ,I B.v ha\'ing a larg.. nlllll'l",r of 9t,il'k.
Narberth Station. 301-J. Prescrtptions filled and repairing.' THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH develop such a plan it is necessary to make a sur-
Smedley, Wm. D. &; H. T. Phone 600, lentma)·..r. JOBel.h. lli06 LQcust st., Pblla. 'holders it 1I1·SlO inc'rensl's th!' horrowing
::See display advertisement In this Issue. "AINTING I vey of our requirements. Will you please co-oper-
.' rapacity, as the Association, on 1I1-,'ount ate by filling in and mailing promptly the blank
CAND1', ETC. SewboTII'. Wm" &; Co. 212 Woodbine ave Rev. John Van Ness. Minister.
Davlo. H. E. Phone 12tH-W. Pholle Narberth liliS.W. : 01' Hs standing ill the Community, can printed here?
See dleplay advertlsemeut tn this tssue. Sce display advertisement In thts tssue. nlll'avs borrow moueV from tht' Banks
Walzer, l"red. M,,{jtin~ fM Feh. 11: ' . '
CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS 11i Winsor a"e, Phone 124i.J. at :thout fI\'e per rl'nt. and reloan it I-\\' lltl t size 1lnthral·it., do you ],nrll ill your flll'[(a ..e?
Jenkin., Chas. L. P lPERHANGING ' 9.45 A, l\l~Bi,hlel"('hool.
103 Dudley ave, Pbone 1684. '
.\laroba.U Company. ContractlngPaperhanl["
I 11.00 A, lIf.-'),I'orning WorshIp, . Ru)· I on first dllss mortgagrs nllll makc for
it stoekholders over 8 per rent.
COAL AND COKE I ers, 300 Prlee Ave. Phone, Narberth 1661·J. I jed: "The Widow's Oil."
Narberth Coal &; Building lIlaterlal Co. PHOTO PLAYS , In Buildin~ an,l Loan Assnciation" :1 ::!-\\'hat "ize allthracite do yOIl hurn for othcr purpo'sps?
See display advp.rttsemenc In this Issue. "Arcadia." 16tb and Cbestnut sts., Phlla, 4.00 P. l\f.-.Jumor Entll'a\'or :\Iel't· I'S "I'tally nhraSSl1rv th(' Boor,l of
Ne,vton Coal Co. Phone Ardmore 104. IS <11 I d tls I h i ' c- ,- " ..
See display advertisement t'n thts Issue'. ArdmClre ee' sp ny aver ement n t ls saue. mg,
Theatre, Ardmore. Pa. i.OO P. l\I.-Iutl.'rmedinte and Srnior Difl,,<·,tor·!l' he rOllsen'ative and lanl' e
· DENTIST8. See display advertisement In thls lsaue. the funds (If the Assoeiatiooll with thr
Orr l Dr. A; L. 101 Elmwood avo Ph. 398.W, PLUMRING. ETO. End()avor ]\fee-tinge. . :I-HoI\' l1lallY tOilS allnuall~' for ~'our furunel'1 ..
Pnlla. Pholle Filbert 42152 Keith Bldg. Cook Uros. Phone 302·J. ~ 4" l' 1\I E ' W ]. S h utmost c.'Ire. and the Board of Diree-
Or. J. Scbembs. Jr. Pl!one Narbertb 816·W.. S"e display advertisement In thla laaue. I. a . .-.v('llIng ors up, ,u· tors of the Nallbel'th Building an<l I..oOlIlI 4-Hol\' 11l"u~' tOilS 1II1I1I1a.11)' for other purpo"es? "
B,,·m. Cor. Grnyllngand. Wllidsor.l1vea. W.u. B. B. Phone Narberth 1602-J, jiJoet, "The Sel"Ond Wior,1 from the
Offlee Hllllrs :T,uelJda)', ThUl'sl1a)'; Satur o ' !lee' display ndvertlsement In this IS8ue, ASRocin.tion is considered one of the
day '9.80"". M. ,u·ntlll5.80.P. M•.• Monday, PR'INTINO Cro!Wg: ' thou ,he with me ;)-How 1Jl~IlY tOilS ean your bins accoml1lodate?...." ......." ......".,
" t
\"eaues d'ay.rF Id sy, 6 P .....
"n til .
8• P ...... YI In t· P A P 0 B' . in Paradise,'''' most efficient and h:lfd working Board"
Ur. H. F. Mcnalree, 209 Haverford ave.. .., v Irs On, . . . .' ox 1166. d Phi] d 1 h' d h •. G-Would rou he in favor of havin~ your cntiro suppoly
Phone, &i4.R. Bours: II A. lIt.• l5.80 p. 'M: High grade printing Ilod ·engravlng. Ohurch Notes nroull a eel p 10, fin a\'e 'ueen
Evenings by appoltitment.· RADIO' most Buceessful 'in the manllgt:mcnt of ,le1i\'eretl lit olle tlme between April jst lind September
Ward. A. W. PhooeNarberth l2l5l5.W. The Prnyer MC('ltin~ next '\Vcdnesday
DBUGGI8TS , l'.adl o. 0 utilt s an d 8 UPJI'11ell· I've-ning wm,be held at .the home of the IIffairs of the NaIfuerth Building 1st? .,.", , ",.., ,." ..,." " " '", '", - "",..,
Howard's. Phone 126i. . .. '. .ilEALE8T.&TE .' R d"''' V' N 108 G l' nnd Loan Assocwtlon.
· 8eedl!lplay .advertisement In thlsillaue. ''-rItBeh; 8. '0. Pbone ..2152"W;. ev. an !'.l'll. an l ' S J ' l , . ray,ulg
&,alll. Ltn.e. Drili" 8loreil•. Phol\e.16.."O. ..Seedlapl! in' thlJlssue. Avenuc. All· nrc inviJted. BlothShort Term nudl Long TeTro- i - I f arrangements eould ,be lIlnde, would yOIl be in favor of
, see' dISplaY·lII1VertlsemeIit.lnthlJ.lsaue.· .Jcmea; Geors... A":' Phol\e Narberth' 819'J. .' S. erl~ W'l. '11. be openc..d Thursooyeven· having. ):our entire. supply delivered, paying for it in
. .... ' . '. . . . . Sileo diSplay. advertisement tn· thls lalue; Th.e W-omeu's BiJbl.e Cla.ils '\'\'111 . hold' monthly installments between April 1st lind Oetober 1st 1
. ' .... 'ELBCotnICIA:NS . . ~a:"lt, 'Ilober& J •. .I:'hllue,Narberthl710; , . lng, hfnreh 16t, nt EIIrt Hall; from 7 un·
cil~~.w.·Q.. plione89IbW.;· '. " . •.. Moneyfor.Flrst ,iln41:Se~oildMorl~alrei . . it businees andi~ocill.l meeting at the tB 9, and if you nre unable 'to wtten,d
See' dllipllii advertlaement In' tbl8 lasue. . . '·'UEonEATloN·. home of Mrs. H. K. Gottshall, 303 Con· ..........................................................................................., " .
p,II,b,. VerL,.· 314' Grl1yllng ::A\,enl1li!' .....• lieereadon ·1l00tit.· No. ··!l:Forreat ave , .. . . . . ,the meeting nrrnngements c.nn !be mndc .
Nar, phone, 871·Y. Ard•. Pbol\e, 168·J.. See dlspl!ly'ildvettl8ement .Inthlalaiue. I"Sy. A,venue' ncJDt Tnursday o.fternoon. Signed , ,.;" , , """
. . .'. . .. '. .. ....• . :... .1lIDINOAOADEHY' '. '.. ,nth .any of the Directors, arid espeei-
· , .. ". . IIARDWARE··... . ,.. .navI·dOcl.IiII;.Beltilo.·D. t ...'or.rack. ..R.ldlng lei' ally With M.r. Le.Heh at the Mor.ion
Bersne., ·.n.rdWare.. Co., .:nlB:avertord ave. B ddt B: r t III l b ' . Address ..,.,." ;, " .
Bee.d18play advert1sl'D,le.nt In thll 18SUe. .80na, a.,!,,;..osea.o reo Teep On' NARBBBTHMETHODIST Title and Trust Compnrty, or Mr. Ho-
III kUn H 203'n: f . 41 A Narberth ......,.. ... .. '.
. See di 1'···· d at~ere or '. I v:e~uI8·ls· . .
8.p ~a1a ver I! l1!ent.n t a .ue.
.' ...•..•.. JiOOFING ETO'
Gara~1\ltiGlill<t7 00.' Pholl&. i2l5s~ W.
.. EPISCOPAL CHl,JRCS: word at hiB'..Dru'" Store, to take eare of
... The identity of the signers of these questionaires will be
.1~SUtU.NOJ!l Se'!!.. c,llaplar, Itdvel'tlilemiilit In'. lhll.IIllue. tho new shares for you. held confidentially by a committee of three, and the infor·
DowmaD, Samuel·P. ( L l f e . ) 3 U l t e r ; i JoJu!.;.L·, 248·lona ave. Phone 661'J Rev. Arthur S. Walls, D. D., Pastor. matioIi wi~l not be U8ed commercially.
116 Elmwood JIve; Pbone 6l'i3-W. .Sbbp,·246 n:';verford ',ave;:' Phoil\\ 122l1·,l
T,,"otter "roa. (Flre,.etc.) ' . . ".'. ".>8ROJi:~KEB8. ' .
.... 2jl9 Woodlilde·ue. PhODe 1262.R. ,,(lood·.WevBboe Repair 81101»; Si1l1d~y, FeQ.l1: ' I T wons BOTH WAYS Mail the Blank to
Campbell; Frank D•. Automobtle, Fire, etc. conata".&IDe, .D•. 0;..!l62, :a.yerf°rd ave."· . 1)45 A.' M. -:"Bilbl S b\oJo.1 .--,,-,--
, . .... 4 Stuart ave.. Phone.8lllI-R. . . .l:'boDIl Narbert!l).71Jl1~:W, . .. . . • .'. , . . ... _9 e . . . . . . .'. . .. '. OOALOO~TEE
,=;:,-"~·:":,,:c..'7~~""~~~;~:"-tNviiii''SI~-:,,;,,,-,·j",,-.~~,,, ... ~:"",.:.=,,,;,".~:~~Sn~B8:,._:.·, :.' ......~-'-: ..:...',;~ ••.".ll·.g,~.~~,}iI.~~!.~0I!' ."~t: .tho.. Pastqr•........ c~.~~8ti~s.llrove·· that ptAt'riilge.. is n
.' .. '. . ·",iIDda ~ o~"oPJ:er: .: (l~;' .~.:: .,: '. ' . ' : tf':·· AntiJ1,ein. "~Yotir 'pgli("So-,Shlne;" -prev~~.,tlv~·. 'against' .slit-cISo;' 1c Bll,id"Ml'i!~ ,
N=!~~~~o;:be~~~':~J1..~ ... -NAlt8£RTR;;Ctvic:'A$SOCIATION' ..~.".,
., . . '·:.:··s.;:~~:lat~:;=!~::·.t~~.:~~u~;.: ;~~l·~~~~r.~~~~~~~; .,u,::;: "~~~~.~'. :Qu~r~~tr'c,o . '~\VIl8. Lov~, "'G~~i8~"'~ ··:~~19d-Mr.::GW~: "'And •. . ... ,.•'~.PA, '. '.
,'.al~IJ>"_~' .,.. ;.:.:' i=t!r~~:ytb.. ·.Ha~m~~l~~~~~·!l~~· .. "8.00 .. p, ... :MJ,-Prepni'atory. .. ~eD1Q)er$ i 8to:tJ~J8:'alsp 'pIOYe ·.that.· 8~icia~' iii, n:
:..!.:.,.);.,:. ';i-:~t,f:':!, 'i.~~:,-:·~,··; ...:' .'. ~CI~:·.~:~, ~ :,:'::s;.~: ..•.. ~. ~~·~~d:!~~~t~~· ~'~J,iI .....~~<.: oirtdj::: .. :.;...:'.... ':.:..,:.:'. ::.,. :..:,., .• '.. ".':::, pmekl~lV~~ :#fuB~t .. :ma~g~~,/ .::;.';'. :..~===:i=::::;==='::" =:..
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\(-I:1t;" 1111 1,0\\"('0(} their hllllc1~ and ~1litl
. tb,' (ira"" tlll'~' afl' tau).!ht hy ~Iiss
the Health Council of Lower Merion 1\
T,\wn,hip for their ro.operation during
INCOME TAX FACTS : Mrs. Howard Longstreth, C. H.
Lurldingtom, Mrs. Georg" C. 8tout, ~rs.
lite sllle of Christmas Seals Illst year,l H('venue oftir-erH are visiting e'o'ery Harrison K. Caner, Jr., }'Irs. Philip .'re 01 I.. SIze .. tile
. ~1..J::lI\('". ·Ph,· oa" buagry t,ot had bUre World.
The pupils themselves were responsiltle, ('ountv ill th" I'nitp,l I"t1lt("8 to ('llstner, MrR. Franris Dupont. MrR.
! 1.1,\'1'[ IH'I'1l to tht' kin·dt1rg-:lih>ll.
for the sale of $lflll.OO worth of the: taxpa'y"r, in tl", pr,'parat,ion of th"ir <'harles Gilpin, Mrs. Elli, Gimbel, ::I!rs. PI>.topl.".-ContinunU8 10 A. M. 10 II.a.
W" 1Ia\'" fouad a Ill'\\' iat"fl·,.,t ia the P.M.
"eals. The ,bann"r W[lS presented hy ;'"'on1(' tax r"tllrn", for th., VpllT I!l:!:!. \\'illium B. \fount, )OIrs. Phillips .Jen·
gl'llt'Jllll~ :1 ....." l"i:--taIlC·(' of tht' ('ollt'gc l ~('to
t.h'llIt'llt :\1'('1111"" (Irk ~dl(hd: (,\'pry w'eek
~[r'. 1.. (""Ill'r \\Ci,t"r, hea'] of th" lnfortllllt'i'oll "'~lI,.t'rJIia~ th,~ ~latl' of kins, ::I!rR. H. E. \[arst01l, ::Ilrs. H. A. PhIl••• P ..
"WHO" MYSTERY AT LIBRARY ,Jllllior H,',! ('ross \\'ork of tbe ~Iclin tht'lf arri\':J1 alltl th,' I,"'ati"n of tht'ir L"man. \Irs. George B. EnlliR. ~Irs.
\\',' I,a\,' " ,.1:1" ill lIlt' Itlliian llrawll
Liae. 'tllIi,',.", nl:l.'· I", tI,lttain,',l b~' writing the !-:o\\in B. (larrigues, ::Ilr,. Hl'1"n I'u· PROGRAM
\rllrle :1111\ \\ llt'll tIll' ;Ittil'it':-- aft' till
General Appeal to Find Unknown Per· Th" al'p.'aran,'" of I'r"f"sstlr Happy ,." IIpl'I or of intprnal rp\('nue for th" I<lski Innc>, ::Ilr" ('Inrn .\'bhott an,1
i~IH'11. rltl' g-irl .... :trl' p:tid 11.\' tht, ~':lrd
frolll ::11 til li.-) 1·('llt ... :tt't'on:ill~ t~l t!J1~ ill the ~lain Linr ,,'hools is 0 definite di$lril'l ill whidl th,' taxpa~'rr lriv,'''. ,~Iiss Laura B, ~Ial,'y,
son-Wizard's Owl Won't Say
a Word part of thl' h"allh I'rogram now heing F"rIlIH f"r tilillg r,'tllrllli of iad'ivi,lual ;\ f,'atllfl' of thp ('vrnill~ \\ ill 1<" the
dilli"lIlty of th,' ,tit...J1.
\\", f'·"1 d""ldy illd"j""o\ to tl,,' ""'1 ""aol"I'I",1 }I('n' by ;\Iis' .\uhYII Chitlll,. II('t il\.<'"ul(· ftlr th" ~"'ar In:!:! an' lH'iug altendall('e of the I'hilaol"ll'ltia Hurp
.\ my,t"fy bas ,"'\"('10l\(',1 at t1l<' :--;«r
'b,'rtlo ('0ll1111Ullit~· Library. ;\s u,ual il
fait· FI'dl'r:ltioll for rt'l:t" illg thj~ HII:lrd til' th" 11I1<'r·~t,,1<· PHiry ('"uuril. with "'Ill ttl taxl'".\','rs \dw lil,'d fJ'tUfIlS f"r O"ild in full B!el!lb.'rshil"
tli,' "o'''!,''r:Jtiou of th,' Health ('''UII' Ih,' y""r 1\1:!1. F"ilufJ' ttl re",'i,e a I'Tl'si,]"ut, ~Ir>. Doroth.,· .lohustone
\\ ith their "God'. Country and the·
llf till' :111\i,·ty ;lItl'IIII:llIt UJioll thl' lill:ln'
('('uh'rM Hround all lluknll\\ n persoll 11:11 Hold!' pf lllJr .\gl'IIC·.\': ;tlld for th£' "il "I' I.tI\\I'r ~I('riou TtI\tu'hip alld thp form, how"\'er, ,ltI"s uot r"li"\',, the Bas"l"r.
\,IIO:--l' HP('ft'f (tt:ti\"itif.':-; ha\"(' ju:-ot lIt.' ::Ilr. ~i']lIey Ho\\" t:lXl>!I.\','r of his o1<lig:ltiou to iiI<' a r,'· Berwyn, hilS 1<"1'11 III list a.-li\·" ill :lr·
\lrH. ,Tohu ,1. ,J"y('(', .lr.. of Woman"
I'll 111!l'r:tt 1,111 of k,udII'll :q.!(·lll·it,~ "..II,,01 authorities.
,'onll' ;11'l'ar"II1. ])ili~"lIt ill'luiry hll" lllrlllll-:.h \\ 11l'11I \\1' :lrt' lIt III~ hl'lllf'd ill l:llId. !4111H'rilltt lllll'lIt of tht' HadnuT 1urn and pa~' tbl' tax 011 tillll', Oil or r:dlg-ing- for u rt'l'pptioll to hl' tc'lIdt'ft,,1 l

51' far fHilt·d to rt'\'l'al 1lie llnIlll' :lud I'"bli .. :',·hool', :111.\ \Ir . .10s,,!,h Huff. I,,'for,' \!:In'h 1.1. I!I:;:;. Th,' £I;,rul', to '::I[r. Salzedu (Iud tl,,' harl' eus(,l1IltI". \lAIN PRODUCTION 8TART8 AS NBAa
A8 POS81BLE TO 10.00 A. )I .. l!_OO, I.M.
"ddn's, "f tbal I,,'rsoll, all,1 as a la-t Tlll' 1:,·1\ (·ro ...... \ u r ... ' i . . :1 trl'wI'll: Ill .... -1I1"'riut('I,,I,,"t tlf Ih,' H:I\'l'rftlrtl To\\n· I)lj".\ f"r tiliug r"t"I'II' of u"t iuronll' Auyoll" in :'\:Ir1<"rth \\1,,, ha, IItit a}' I.~II. 11.46, 1.46. 8.110 P. M.
n~ort flit' lillrar.,· HtaO' (irc no\\ lI:--ill~
Ill']ll: ~l'rHllgh hl'f 111:111.\' flll'lId ... " I ' . . hip :--:'c·hools, 11:1\'(' ht't'n :ll,ti\'e ill :-,u}l' :<:,-,,11(10 :Ind If'S~ :llId 111111 for iilinO' ,., re- fl'<'l( IY pllrt' I !'
la~H'c til' k pt!" Illll~' 10] !'l.1I I I~'
I',til<-"" I,uloli,·it~· ill t b" h"l'e tl,at 11:,\ I' 1,1'1'1: :l,h:v til k",'1' Ill l tlll' Ill':tllh JlOltillg filt' Ilt':ilth \\ork and in ('1111 tUfns of l]I't illf'o!l\l' ill t'\,·(,SS ,;f :l'.-l,11 ,r IIII ,'alliug' at ( 1 Brotll('r,. ti,,, 'I1l'lro'
Hllyhod.'· \\ lin kllo\\ S HlnH·hod~· ,,110 It ' l l f k·,IIIII· .... :lltll t}ll'.\ :111' !1';lrllillg dlll·ting- tll(' Jlr(l.~ra1l1 ill till' "I·hool .. 1111' Ili:l.\· lit oht;lilll'tl 1fil~1' ('(1III'('lllf~ of ill- I'" I'Itau 0 pef:\ If "U-",.\1 rs. FI""I"i- H . For·Bowling and
miglot ,b,' at tlo" hottom uf all tbi, ,., Ilf,1l'r 11111" for lort,:tld';t~t ill-.ltl':ld I!ef tllt'ir (·h:lf!!t·, c~ ','1'11;1 I 1'1'\'('11111' :Ill' I IlI'Jlll~'
' I 1'0 II "I' t OfS, Hak('f. t rp:I:->IITt'r of tlip Holi.l:t~· HOllRl', Pocket Billiards
\\ ill ~t(·p fllf\\ard :Iud llHlkC' l\IHI\\ II tilt' "I·furr· ... :Irt' ft·qll·.!l'd ld' ('\('1',\' !-iill:,:l l , f.; ~..ri .. s F. I., ~r. lIa\\l,ills, of .\Ttlm(Jr~,
come to the
.,t' 'ldr" 1':\\'1,\ I·h,j.\ "IICI 11:," lI:l.! .' 1I;ljl}l." ,\ fcd4' <I 1·:l~(·lId;lr.
\1I 1' .... 011 \\ !Jo,,(, IIt't 1111 IlllIt' fur l!I~:.! \\:1'" lllll~('r \\ host' dirt,(,tion till' cdfair hn~ Rf:CRI:ATION ROOM
Thi~ afl':lir l.t'Jltl.r . . "'ldiT('h' in tLt, ,',,,, ,., r :'j,1\\. ,;111 loll' :1 . . 1lI:lll 1II:1k 1'\\11; (If "it :11l'] KIIO\\ ~t·,lgt'.

"1.1l/1l1 "I III'tfl' or "llll .... l· ;..:.ros .... 111"111111' ht'pll planUl·tl. No.1 Forrest Ave.
. , I'."';' i,,·L:n·! tilt· ,l,til'l I 1'.11 "hir·ll '1'1111:-0 ht' \\ IIII II:s 1'11. f), C L_PARKE
Childl'l'a', J)l'J,al'llll"III--11,,,t ",,·,,\":ll , I,' !lH' It/lolr, .lllst :1 . . tht,.,,, ,,'lITt'!' I"rllTll Hf';l:tll I.i\ ill;..!. t ·,dlt·gt'. \\ :1" :f:.-"IIHtI llf II\Ol'l' :111.1 (11' 1'\ I'r.\· IlIaT
.\ . l' \ I' \ k "!,111 I..
the 1.1lrary tfe.11ll \\ Ill' I 1111 IOU'~ ttrl' 1'1". "'1"'< IJ~ rlllllll: I" ,·r.\ }II'~ t 11 jHI"'-h t ':'- ri.'d I'I'r",ull \\ llf ..... I' Ilf't i 1I,'III1I.· W:.IS
)0<111<..1\ fn'p ot (·h:II;!P
lIhollt HII difT,'r"nt ,.lliJdfl'll.
I'Hl·b \\t't'),
1- :;",
\\ :11
.. ,'Id
IllltJi \\,' h"I'" il "!I" ,;111, hilln,wlt' l'rot"t'ssor
tIlt' r<lOl11 a1ltl ntlt .\1101 ill <l droll ,,,I,lft·.. ,
110\\, :+;:.!,llllll

or llIOTt'

~.-I.II(I(l flr
"host' gro:'4S
stlJd~' of ARDMORE Cullinan's
ill :.'\('1\' York a 11);111 "tykd ,I"hll .\1 "I" .. r . J, ,t,,, ,r. til Jligll ~(·hooJ tILl' IIl ... fl'lI('fillrl~ ~,fI fl/(· form ... \\ill gn':lt-
tia, who I,ml,,,hl.\' klltJ\\R 1",tt"1' th:dl II j(' 1\' :lld ill III:IKill~ :1 ""rrl'l·t rt'tUt'II.
. 1 r .: Ill, gir1s.
\ :I
(In." li\'ing" n1;111 hfl\\ til 1l1aKtl illlt'lt .... t
"t' ;.1.' .... "'1·1 :1!" F:lirlr~ \\Ilil·ll 11\{' ill Oil IIt',Ji t Ii
1 I ft'll:
iug hooks Cillt! lllag-aziup..: f of 1'11;(
Daily Deliveries Between
1",11 io lise brig-ht ",,1,,1',,01 ink and \\ h.\ :
h"w to lIIak" ,illll'le illllRlrlllioll- tll1>1
,\ I" 11' I k·, . . Jllll','!I'.
:..: 1 II \\.
I . 1111 ii' :\ I i 111'1 :11 :\ 1: It -
Yil:lllIt II. Concert PHILADELPHIA and
Ill,!!.'·" \. '11
f:l!'lt'ill:ltl' ('hi!llrl'll) <tll.l l'\('11 C'}I:It'111 ;111,1 \ I, ,r ,'hl'I'I, .. }11111\ ;111,1 \\'~lflli.
OtlllrHl adllHs; 110\\ ttl ill\'t'llt JlIII111· ... ',r.
1I11d ,iddlt'": lio\\ 10 1,,11 a 1all' :,,,0\ I·',,· ":. r.'
:111.\ ~1J~;I' ~11J..:;1 r \\ 110 tll..:>!,
,\ 11 i:..:. 11 .... 1·11 \ I~ II !I f i" l i 11;11 111 :1 fl'I'1 III :'rd Hittl'I. :'\Ir~. 1. l.:lytnll Ht·~i .. t('r.
CONCERT ORCHESTRA i LeeVeR PbiI8d~lpbi. ],30 P. M. Shorp
Hliorn n 1l1or:tl ill l':'\B('tl." tlit' rigId \\(1," 1l,:lk·· ., ':If (·hl'l i, .. 1':lIk :11\11 f:l:tt'n .\ pll ;Iddl·" ...... l'lJ!lqdaillt'd 111;il 1PH 1I1:11l.\- 1,],,1 'IllS. K"'"lt:tlt I~Jl"lttoll. \Ir,. lll'ar~' ~.
Every Evening and Sat. Matinee, Ardmore\Offie. Phllad.lphla Olfi<e
',\"1 60 N. 10th Slr..t
PRICES NEVER CHANGE : Phon. Ardmore 783 ".
ill nppt':il to a ,·hilt! ';- iIU:q:ill;!tI'11l :~ll'; drl'll III lli:-- ".wlll'lil 11·lldl'.! to -.;t'l,'< t :'\ltrllt~flllIl'r.". ~Ir ... l;l'nr~I' H, P,,"·kard, K.y•• on". Ra•• 1980
_:1 1!! ',.' ;...:!'!,I til 1'\tr'l,d :1 11l·111ill~ Bell. Filbert 6556
~llld il, ..... II, ~irs. L . .I. ran,·o,,-!. :\rIR. \Y. H I'lIr
illl "fl'st '. 1 'tll 1 ;1 ~IH lJI.l \\'1 q 1':111 11 iI/III \l~ Monday and Tuesday
Jt jR :--aid ll~' thllS(I who 11:1\ t' llt't'll 1(' ;I!'''' i ~,.;t ,
.illrlty 111' 1'1~l'il . . shplIl.! f;t1\I\ IIjl,rt' pr,l"
1,,· 1'1\ f ""II, 'I[r,. I-'1'l· .. I:llloi :\ .. 1\ },,,Id. ~ll's. D,,"
:\t.1w York aud ('Iainl to h:I\'e ~H't'll "it~1
their (l\\11 ('."1'''. that this \\OIl,it'ft'l1
:111' .'
,\ I' 1..1 \ I' (I <0;' "111"
t :t·:t I I,T:II.III.'''', ;111,1 t h:1 t tht't't' 1.... 1111' i,,1 .1. :\"fT. :II". ll. ::I!. :\,,\\hul<l. ::III'S.
~ll"'l' \::f'lll·il'~ \dlll 11:1\1' ;I .. k.,d ,1.'IIl:lll!1 ('lIl1l1~h fill' I l:!"i",i4'all~' illl·li l l,·d .\. K. (;r"~"r". ~Ir". 1>. H. l-'i11"r, ::Ilr'.
"East Is \Vest"
Cleaning, Altering, Pressing
llwn . .John .:\1arliJi l:t \\i/ard slIIlH' ":1.\' II.. " \\ !'l'ft IlI'lIt qllt, .. tillll'"
.lIt' 1It'llr." .1. l.oaC:lllaid. ~Irs. I.. (). LIIS-Oll.
.\ "illig 111/l1l\,' 111 al''-!'I''I :Iil \\ h" Wednesday , K('n"~· .. mnde Sultv and 8ultK ~llld ... 10 Orfh'r
h,' is), lill, ill tl ... frollt hall of Ill' ;,1< .. 01,· 1:1 J, i Ilg t 11:1 t flll'lll clf 1'1111 1';1 t fIll.
n I.!ft';tt 0\\ I. "hil,lt solt'nllll~' :istt'lls tll HEALTH WORK CONTINUES YI'f ill lItlll'r (·.ll1"~ lilli' hl';lrs 1111\\ tIll'
"The Real Adventure" 211 HAVERFORD AVENUE
:<11 tl",t I' ,:lid I<~' all II,," childr"l1 \\ !", ~r""l ""'.I"rit\· "I' th,' >Iud,,,,,ts "r,· Let Me Arrange Your ./\ hO\'e Am. Store
go lli,'r,' :111.1 1,,:1 Iii III ' I ' It,· 1'110\\' \\ i"d Other :Main Line Towns Follow dlofl ... ill~ LlI .. lld· ........... tudic, . . , :IJld ~tlill~ in Thursday and Friday We cali for and deliver

tht',v \\HII1. ,\11.1 tlll'~' !'on," th;1f If .\ I"; Narberth 1'(11' IIUllkkt'I'l'ill!...':". :--~I'II11gTaph." :\lId WIRELESS OUTFIT "THE PRIDE OF PALOMAR" ,i
:l:",k that o"} (l Ijlltt ... tioll do\\Il~tClir" ;llll! fYIll'\\fi1ilq..!, L. N. WIGHT With Marjorie Daw and FOiTest
thell rUII III.stairs, just :t .. qllit·l{ :\ .. ~'1I1i
(':tIl, to .JuInt ~Iartill ltiBl~t.'lf. III' \\i~1 \\1.
)'1 '",,\',1 1 : ... 1111t
Id' st:-k. "Ill,! ;':Itlll"lll'''' TIll' 1·11:111"""'; :11"" th;tt hnth til' tll :--1'
Call Narberth 1664-R Stanley I COOK BROS.
th"n 1,,11 yOIl th" an-\\.'f ttl \\ IJ:J! "Oil ':/1,1.
:111,1 liidt' llt'h:lld thl'
th(lir g-111Ilt'h.\' (·xi .. t,
lilllit to thl'
1,\ l'ft lotH',
of l'll'ort
1~ :1
1'1 I,ft'"".. or H:lI'P~' ri\'t's to, "TILL WE MEET AGAI~"
& ra - M'Ginl~'O
a~k"d th(' tI\\ 1, and that if ."tlll-I,"t 1'11'1'. l','l' :Iud \\\1111- Ht II~tll!h('1' cd' I'r,dl'...; .... ~fllI;d
\\'11:lt ~
S~! PhU!: ~
YOll dOIl't kilO\\' hin)! \'11 thnt :tfl' IIl'I'c)l'll.

that's antlt}"'r sttlr~·.

'1'11(' ~rl':I1 !l1:1 [ 216 N.l3 tj\ With Mae Marsh
:.'\o\\' this .John ::Ilartin print" <I .I ... "'1< !':';.!l' thl' fir~t Ili~h "I'hlln] hoy or .i(lrit~- of ~-olln:! )'1'1'11\(' IIlIl~t go info
Jobbing promptly attended to
Saturday Matinee
lightfu] \l1<t1ltltly Jl\(I~azil1(' fnr <'!Jildl'pn ;:irl \\ 1~11 r'olHI'S along ~llld a:-.k hilll or "oll1tll('r";,I1. f:l,·jor.'· or f"rm work. ,\11,1 B.n 'hone, Spruce 3S-96 ond 38·117 I Nllrht Phone, N.rbntb 6117 .

('nJle,], ",Jcdln ::Ilartia', Bnok." It ('(l-t- hl'r ',\ l: n Prllt'p"sllf H:lPJl~- i .... YI.t tqo 1J1:11l." .\·tll1ll~ pl\OP11' :lrC' :-tlldy- Keys10Dc Pbonc s Rice 70-54 Pearl White in "Plunder" I Day Pbon., Nerb.rtb 302 J

ill~ "':t"I~h' GARAnteed Roofs , I

$.I.IIC1 " ~'par alld tl,,' l.ihr:tr~: It",] Ilot }':I1·" .. "lllr HallPY i~ flit' rapid firf' 1('("
,.I,.. ri,·"1 },rall' h,', alld lIot
~·('t hC'l'H ;ddt' to Hllhsl'rihp 1',;r it. ~(l\\ 11111'1 1111 ;,:olld lJ(,;t1th (IntI halll'illt'~s, Hp :tn' g-O)II~ III roT 111:11111:11 ;tlld tPI·.hlll(·:l1
Jll'fl"~ th" IlIysll'r~'. ~flJIIl' unkllowll j ..

\I,II! lit' llit l
th,' h('alth ,t<llltlard ,,1' tli('
lIation-"i.\p (':ullpaig;n ... idl,1. Tlll' WIt! III 111'1"1,,, IIluT(.' !'kill 'd
it pr<>ha l,Jy
prnon, in :'\arlterth Pfl'sUJ1l"bl~', 11;"
nw'] .. a SOIlIl'] like $4.Cllt to .Iohn ~Iar· ,\ IllI'l il':lll ..... (·hoed (·1Jild. 110\\' Iltling ('olI-
ha~ all
alld farlllPt'S, lI11t
th,· \tOld, kt,t'p('rs a lid 1.\'lli,~ ... li'EWIXG OJ<- ALL KIXDS
FOT Permanent Plumbing, Gas Fitting
dtl"~t": il.\' tllt' ('hild Hp:ilth Or~iln17,n­ I h" tit Ilt''',]S. and Heating
tin's n\\ I and. th,,1 fri,,"dly old bi rd
has p,,~s('d on til,' n,':.:ot ia hi.. 'H.(Il! till:! Ilf \n1f~ri(":I. _\Ill! Prof(~~S(lr Happ~· ('I:u;;.si"i1I.f'dIW;Jt:fllI J~ ~lIlH'Ti(lr in (llll'
hound to .](,hn hilns"lf and thp 1IIag-CI' i . . !1ll'iJ III list Jlopulur dr:I\\ in~·l':lrd. H(, l\('oplt' a \\ :J~'. siu('f' it g-i\
Phone, Narberth 1802-J
t':-- \"(lt111!!
7,)llp haR hegull to "ollle to thl' Lihrnr~', \ ;.. ;t ... hj~h .. ,·1100] HIJdi1tlritlHIS :Iud ,le' i'foad illt .. llig""'·,,, whi,·lt 1<'1"1,, to mal,,. 318 Dudley Ave., Na.rberth, Pa. BUY A
1<11 marked tin th(' wrapl'"r ttl indio
('ute tltat it \till ke,'p lin "omin;> for
tl,e fl'St of this year.
Xow, who ,li,! that, the lihrarian,
li\t':" l·,lllIl1OIl-SPU .... P Il't'tllrt'S (1) hl'alth flu'1H ~(Il1d (·ltlZt'Il....
!J;t!li, ... ill lIol1!'tt'llsi('al phnIS\~s. alld ht:'
dl'I'S it ill "'\Jell :t IllHnJlt>r that hi . . YOl1th~
TLI' grf';lt tltll'd'

10,]"." "t'''IllR t" l,t' f"r ""i"lltifi"

that ,hall ll1ak" youllg 1"'01'1" '-]0"" ,..j,.:
I'll. :j\ldit'l)l'f'~ :lre ill rofH'S of langhtf'f 'er..... r" "f the fad, of <I."1il ... lift'. all']
BELL PaONE, Narbertb 125&-W

~tlldit's Tbe NarbertbElectricalShop Smedley BO·llt "om~ GEORGE W. BOTTOMS

would likc to know. :--;0 nee'] lIf a,k· throllghout th" Jet'lure. Hut the phrases 1I>:IIIU:11 .kill that shall 111 a I,',' th"111 ill' ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOk8, -Contractor and Builder-
~iJlger. :t1l,1 long nftl'r tIll' hfl ath h.a:"" g"llious alld .. t!i,·it'llt ill doillg all kill']s
WM. D. & H. r. SMEDLEl
ing the ow-I, for hl' only S1l~'S, "\\'ho,"
We repair, sell and install
no mutter how mu,'h he know,. }It'l'JI t'\hallstpd ill laughing tlll ll',,~oll of prnl'1i"al \\'oork. Th,," if to that .. an Electrical. Old house wiring a
l 420 Rocklalld Ave. Narbertb, special~y., r •.
.. . . Ask abollt our three-payment plan, In· :
-ti,·ks ill tli(' h"o,\. .-\nd whill' Iii:, \'oi"e he :I,]<1e<1 g"neral trallllng In hlslur~' eluding fixtures. Phone 1633 or 395W. ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . : . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"T:JI'ks with :-:(lUS(' aUll 1I0JlSell~(" his IIIl'] "i'o'i .. s, so that ~"'lllll!! ro]ks shall
AMERICANIZATION WORK (:h~\'t'r \\ittit'i:--lll:-' t-w~'oTn(l a ;-hO\\llT of ~row Ill' illl'l1ig,,"t ,'itiz,,"s, a form of
h ..alth ~!,arkR, "dnl'atiol\ h"" 'h .. ell attaia .. <l that will
HOWARD C. FRITSCH \Vhen you are In need of
Main Line Body Accomplishing Results PrHt't':-,slIr Happy 's pI'O~ranl. \\'hilt~ ill 1I1l'('t the 1\(,.·,1 of milliol\s of yO'lIlg Justice of the Peace
At the llnnual mcc.ting of the Wo-
I'hilad,'Jl'hia, inr-lude,1 all apl'eawlI"e folks.
at the Hadllor High ::;ehool, wheft' he
REAL ESTATE Hardware, Paints, Window Glass
man "S Am"ri"ani7,,"1t ion Bour,}o of A rd· Fire Insurance-Best Companie.. or any article in the house furnisnin!t line go to
more, Pennsylvania, the follow,ing om·
,]elin'red hi, leetllre to all uw!ien"e of
Phone 1749W-215 Haverford An.

two hUll']re'] stUllell.t;;, at 1.~0 a 'clock, RICKLIN'S. You will always find them at right prices.
('en! were eleoded: Presid"nt, ::II rs. H.
H. Baker; Yi('e 1'rosi<1ent, ::Ilrs. .1
TIH'sday "fternoon; the Oakmont High
l"('ho01, Ha "prfon] Town,hip, where he
Howar,1 p('\\'; Tr"Jlsu)'{'r, 1\lrs, "-. T. \Ye ha VI' pnrt'<l 1 ~~,nlln
Plununer; a new R(,l'retary was eh,('te,l
to fill t'he 'o':H'un,·y "aus"d hy thl' fl"
tulkl"] on We,]nes,]ay morning ot 10,45'
o ·,·Ior k; all<1 the
~'lluo: Oil \\'('dlle,<1ny
_·\r<]more .-\ \'enue
afternoon, at
pain 1'. H. )\rmv 1\Inn'<011 laRt
shoes. i<iz,'s ,il/~ to I~, whil'h waR
Thos. A. Kerrigan &Son Ricklin's Hardware Store
B'igwn.tiou of Mrs. ~ackett. :!.:1fJ, \\ lierp he talke,l to the upper
the elltire surplus >to('k of 1\lIe Building and Contracting
of the Illrg('st 1', :-;. (},,\,erllJ1lPllt
Mrs. Palmer C'olhh ar('epte,]. th(' ~e,'· grade students. S}Ill(' (tclll'tradors, Homes For Sale Or Rent
retaryship, a Ill] ::Ilrs. Franklin Page .-\t the last'lIfiJl\("] s .. hoo]. in "Olllle('·
This ~hoe is g'uarantl'ell Oil" Plans & Estimates
Sackett was "Ieeted to BI'r\'e ns P,'r·
mallent D(·lega!t· to the (\oun"il of :-Oll'
tion \\ ith the I('('\ure, there was the
prps('nt<ltion of a hefiutiful hannl'r,
hlllllln'<l l'"r ('('Ill. S'lliid leath,'r,
('olnr ,lark tall. hellow« tongue,
FllrIlUihed For
Alterations & Repairing
einl Ageu('ies, repre)«'nt iug t h'<' Wo· ~\\((f<l('11 to the pupil, of the ;;ehool hy'
dirt alld waterproof. The a('!lwl
man's Ameri"ullization Board of Ard· Write, Phone, Oall
\':lIue of this sh'oe is $6.00. Ow- Office-Phone Cynwyd 889 Will Deliver
moi'e, in the Group of C{llllJllunity Or· ill!! to this tremendous bl1~: w,'
gan~zathlll, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMEhH> ,'an off','r salllC to the pulhli" :.1
Miss Caroline K. M"Elw,'e i, th., sp,"
Two cent. per word It calb ICCow, $2.95. ~
ond D('I e.g-a te, a"pording to the r"quin"

J.laOIPH adverUlemeDt; otberwlae. Ih. l';('Jlll {'orrpd size. Pay post· Order. yoU!; coal as far ahead as poBB1ble and state the me you prefer
lIjents of the By-Laws. and your next choice.
('('OtH per word. IIIHII Oil 1]l'Hvery, or sl'ud mOllr,'
Several c!langHs will he nl~vle in tbe While coal will be scarce,. everyoJl,e wUl be supplied.
Board 011 neC'ount of Tl'sigllation~;
tllC: I!:===================:!.I (lrd .. r, If !'hoes ore 110t as n";'
re,('nlt',1 w(' will l'heerfully re-
work to be taken up this year .'alls: WANTED-Girl to assist in hOlls" \
IlIlId ,"(Il1r JllOIll'y promptly UpOIl ,e·
for memhers who ('-:Ill gh'(' us se ....·r;.]· \\'ork. Post Offi,'(' Box !11I4, 0'[ l'h 0 lit' I request. 27 YDrda tn Phlla·
( I S'l') I delphia aod Suburbs
!bours a week to' help in tel!ehing our <I1l1·W_ Spruc. 1400 at your .ervlee,
older, gradiu:,t ...." of the Kind(·r·; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
garten ond their older' sil<t"rs,-c\'en FRESH EGGS for >ale. 4il Brook· National Bay State Shoe Co. I MILK AND CREAM
A.dmor" 101 Including one at
th~ir broth('rs tWO nl'llt·hcrl<, for "'i!WlIl' hurst A\'enue. (l~·l') 2116 Broarlway, N"w York, X. Y.
we ore forming Clubs \\1Ji~h lak!.' up: _ 7,58 L.AN CASTER AVE.
diffierent lines 'Of ,,'ork, whil'h can 'he: FOR SALE--Dinill'g room >el. Kwel.: BRYN MAWR. B. 1'l1EW'(ON COAL CO.
preB'(mted aB' pilly, ·but IS of an eduro·, lent c·,ollditioll. Call e'o·elling". ~Irs. PAINT·ING GLAZING Teleph9ne. Bryn M8wr 882 1411 SANS'Olll STREET.
tional \'olue. : Emmett, Forl'Sl ApartJll!.'nts. (lS.l') DECORATING JOB'BING
Recently 'ILlI attempt has 'been mnde I WILLIAM IE'W80R8 D, CO
to bring th'e l\futhers together in a
FOIt SALE-Coal range, gOltd C'o1\lli·
. '. . . '. . . ' g'
P I tl . ,... 'd" 0···· tl' I
' . . OE'S
.. 1'1 ng In loor. III '. . " . ''
.. .
~ .... '
cll1'b; this resulted
. ' iu a faulily gather. tion, low price. l)llone 30-1' Narberth. .' . . . .
iJig; boys insisting upon join,iilg the 212 Wocdl:l ne An.;.~."b."tli Fe'. FOB. :BAD,WEA:L'.a.PA
pOl1ty,'babics dOming a8 expected, per. (18-p) Phont,A~dm~;1.14311·W " N,ub,;Ull'i's8w :we.'().&nY.'" Fu111:1iJ18. ,
• • , ' , ' ' 1 ' 0 '

~:~~a~:8;:::~1I i:e:a:~:d:~:~t~~,: FOR SALE-1\Ill,iwgnny carved ll11tique N.!'·RB·.E·'RT",H"," :'. G~.A· " · · ·R· ·'A:G'"E". I·DJ\.V.IS."S.·H:O_·P Chiidren'sClo.hiug,: Sweaters and Knit aoo~s
:Mothers cooked an Itnlian ,menl with li:brnry tUlble; 'bal1 and Claw feet. Top
Embroidered Articles
. h :14 inches bJ' 5-1 in.cheB', Price $25.
macaroni an d mMt balls fiaVIOred W1t .a,v"'.OB.':d '.W"eil.1,·ProW\n.
.' ,: ·e.til,·r " ··Eve- S.Pool_" '
a . there'ls Shortage of Centrepieces, Card' Table Covers, etc.
~:~~ ~:O~h::IS:t.~:~~e~o r~~:B' :~ GAS()LlNE~'()IL~:SUPPL1E~ t:aa"f:~a~~~:~'::U~~~dto wtilt
h d " d"1l\e f W,ohlel't, 26 Nar\:Jrook Park. (18-c) :r
'01, MJ "-

Oifts and Art Goods

. English, II14Idc de)iciJous raUB' FOR
. SALE-Radi.o
, cr~'B'tnl set. RAange EXPERTREPAIRING orderingWhY: not anticipate
DOw? . this condition by
(We also wish articles to sell)
lla"'Qred wrthcar-o.-wny seed. One of' 25 mlle1l. Good oon~i1!ion. Must sell ·T.•l••~oD. Jltuh.~ '18.33 .
the ,Direetors 'lIlllde ooll'oec oo.kc and quickly. ?hone Narberth 1781. (-lS'p) 'DURANT .SPECIALWIITER:SALe OF .,WOMEN'S AND
.. oolf!!e. 'wa~' 811rved to tlhe elden' anll I.;..-.....;.,.~;",;,,;":",-..:;.,;;...;;.-.;.---.;.;.-...;;.....;..- .. ' ;. . ., . . .. '>CHILDREN'SSHOES '..
., ~i1k. to' the' children.
·_ . ··:~ST"*ll: . TRE..·NAgEIt~fJ:~BriotSHO·P-:
, .. '. . WANTED":'"""1Jo rent· privR'te garllige' for
·AnJM.raent-~~fJfser.Je. t~"illi.~w--how'· oti
:, :-............. -' l1"· cai'.-; -··..
'. >the .training 'is'atre'llting,:tbi,CMidren,;. "'.Qui-TowIi." P; O. BoXiJllS; ·.;{.l9;p)
O:~tl6t nill..- l111dlcralike;s' wGre set.· be- .' '.'.
....K,"--eBTe·-·dt :Adt1TeU'-~( ~.'-iilIil,":
.' ':,,·:."-8Xl'''-··~PIYI··~·'"*''G--~
'n " •.~. ~U U .... ~ . " .. ", ,.'..... ' ! . " .. '
. ,:
'thek:~iQ1i11' ~lne ',tot ;t.LiJt~.d" .ft ~ :rin
. "
. " .'
P.....OIt ..... D.ab".:· "". , DoitAN·MOToR ,(:0• .2 'Avoil'Road ,. IlIoVI ·S.dll'" C.II,n·
~q~lr~.r:~'lt'..~s>Y'~n1r' ~nb"~~t '~I8b ~ea:strolier.·. n~iu,on.rble. N.&r~· :'.8Pe..:~i,~,. _ '~~ '; :.~,.',' J&:<
. ,'tQr¢ ··F9B.: laiup; c . . , ":
: Sb,o~ BoGm;.6&,a. L&IlCaitc' ~v.I1" . . .. ,. : ' . '. '
.... . ~."

.'. .4dDiore' l'ii •. . .

.~a1d. "'~e,:.~· betoi':e.', '!"6' blltth 1615''M.· (18·~)I.~.ii!i!ii!i!Si!3!!Bee$e5i~~~~11 'r"

" ,."

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