Our Town June 2, 1923

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• Prohi bitive Costs:ManyT~rnOut ForlArdmore Swamped 01"he FIRESIDE Musical Festiva~ At Flower Show Next
Halt Playground i MemorIal Parade I By Narberth Bryn Mawr Tonight Saturday June 9
Bids Are Far !n Excess i Burges~ Metzger f§! Sen- 17 to 0 is Score 0/ SlaughJ~r. and Mrs.~ CalIert)', Harry I Narberth Plays Big Part Roses, Peonies, Perennials .'"
.. .
., 0/ Funds Avatlahle
__________________ 1
i ator Stttes Speak ter Last Saturday Cafferty, Jr., and _\irs. E. A. HOlland'l In Main Line Event
of Woodside Ave., and Mr. and Mrs.
In Spring Festival ~

All hope of haying the playground! The ::\I,emoria] Day Parade plannl'd: E\'ery mlln on Bill Croweil's mon- L. K. Mearns, of AUdubon, N. J., are I Behnen 4,000 and 5,000 persons are A HOME TOWN FLOWER SHOW.
'l'ndy for early occupancy wa.." dispell-' hy the Hnr{l]{t D. Speakman Post ~o. I ar('hs {,f f<'Wat tallied at least one hit the week-end. gul'sts of Mr. and Mrs. 1 expected to attend the elaborate Main .IUSt flowers from your garden and your
,t1 at a mel'ting of thc :i'arberth R~;+3fi6," Aml'rie:in Legion, was a great last Saturday at Ardmore. I George Wm. A. Nagle, of 'Yoodside Aye., at' Line Music Festival on Saturday eve, neigh,bor's garden. He or she may
• ('rl'ation Boaru he1<! on J.lon;iaY 'He. I s~('ccsa. The parade formed in front Fleck got four. Aliogether there were their uew bungalow at Ocean City, X.! ning, June 2, at tbe Bryn Mawr Polo have one flower better than yours, but
lIing, The meeting had been ('ailed to of the Fire 1I'Ouse at ten 0 'clock with i 22 solid blows piled up again8't Awker- J. I Fields, t{) be given for the beuefit of it's awfully nice to win a !blue rib·
receive and c01lsider bids for ~rading, the Burgl'ss and Legion Commander .It man and Ryan. : the Building Fundi of the Sell men 's bon, and even the red and white ones
1hl' fiel'!' ('on,tructing a running track i the head. Following them came the I \"erllon Fle('k! got II homer, Bill ~11"l'. W. D, H. Evan~ IlppellTl'<! at I Churrh Institute.
I arl' to be proud' of.
lind all additiou to the cuh'ert cross-: Borough '('ouneil, the (\'llors, the G. A. HU'l1lphril's tallied a pair of two bag-, the TCllnis Oourls On )[emorial Day,: Thl' enthusia.sm which has been grow- A little from this gnrden and' a little
ing the tract. The bitl,]ers had bl'en:){., the Legion, the Banu, the Legion ;lNS, and George FIE.'ck joined him with a''l'oll'l'allied hy Erte Chaison. i : ing among>'t the members of the Oom- fr'om thnt is what makes any flower
fnrnished 'Coutour and crof"S l"I'ction, Auxiliary, the Girl Reouts, the Junior' another. It was an excellent example : mittel' itself see1l'l.l! to have communi. show and surely Narberth has enough
• nlnns
and specifications drawn up by Community Club, the TE.'nnis Club, the I "f what a good team eun do if thl'y ::\1rs. William Hnrtey was the guest' ea tel] ' It se If t 0 l'h'l I a,! eI· L •
l,ulll •
III ~enera ,
I gardens to draw from. Interest is the
B,t\\'~lrtl O:lInpbe]~, :"f .o\rdmorl', and ~ Fire Company, thot' :'i:arherth High ~l't starte']; and! Xarberth has a good laM week of Mr, und Mrs. James; aoS evidenced hv the treml'ndous tieket prime requisite, and let the flowers
)lid,; werl' subnlitted by R. H. JQhnBOn! ~dIOQI and the Boy Seouts. : team lin,] they got started. Quinn of Xurhl'rt hAve. :sale.' be what t hey may, the weather is the
('0" of Wayne, "'m. E. :-;upplE.'e Co." The ('oursI' of marl'11 was Forest to! Yowell held 'the Ardmoreans to three I .-\n,] then. too, the reeent arrival of I'ame for tbe other fellow, and there
(If Wayne, Kllox·~larialli <":0., of Ard-: I1a\'l'rford to Essl'x to l'rice to Xar·: lonesome singles, aud pitched water· I ~Ir. and :'Ilrs. J. C. ~IcKell, of Ard-' ~liA.'" .Josephine LucehE.'sl', one of the is much t.o ,he learned for all of us
JIlore, llllli ~uburhan Cunstruction Co.,' bl,rth. I
Then \In the Routh Si,]e to: tight ba.1I for the first seven innings. JUQre I{;oau Glauw)'ne, had liS their; soloists. from Havana, has stimnlatl'd liS to t.he possihilitietl of having hardy
• IIf Ll.anen·h. ! (II1l'stnut to "·\'lInewoo,1 to Elmwood Hec·kel at third did some fine work, gnests !:u;t week Mr. and 1\Ir". D. H. interest. heC:lusE.' :Miss Lucchese has, flowers in our gardcns.

t ' pon openl\lg
. tl Ie l'd
11 s tl 1 e I'e(r"a
1:1111 Boartl becaml' afflicted with spinal
\ ' " - : to the old tl'nnis

jazz rdrigeration. . For huilding _]:l;j WaH lJl

. grounds.
Thl' Burg-l'ss. ~lr. '·:.rl I:. :.j,.! '.
. t l'o(I ll('{'l I 1loY (' Onlnlan.er
I, Illil'!'m~ ton
, out of hl's eIO\'en

Fr (' t Z, the field \\"e,lnesday.

~ c,hauces.I'
Bryn ~Iawr failed to put a team on'
The Xarberth'
. Eastmead, of :'i:E.'W York.
.:t. . \\'(,n I\('r way into the sE.'ntiments of the '..... I
.,~ ea t r~· f el' 0r any. qu~l'fi
'Philadelphia public. Hl'r marriage lust rl'fjulred, .lust so you hvc In ~arberth
. antulllll to Hilynor h
Adolfo C'anIS<1, of or thereahonts and brin~ what flowers
'I ca t'Ion IS

;el'l of "ulvert the bids ran from $1,40 ,a n, I openel] tho~ mee t'mg. II C reamn . d eu., aggn'~ation journeys to Bala-Cynwyd :'Ilr. O-eor[!e
,- H. Gifford, fOTlllerl)' of: Phila,h'I!,hia, their :lImost instllnt Fl'p' yOll ha\'e !J('tween cleycn und olle 0'-
to "'401l0.
or Fur gnilling the field thev " th" 1'1'01'11' that thiS . WIIS the first tlU1t' . todaY. . ,- 1'('r th ,spen t D e"ora t'lun 1) II)" Wit
,_'ar . 1I ' IIwtllln. . th c In
. t cres t soar,f t anu" tl lelr . c]oek .
varied from $11,](ii to $:l4,OUO. l' or, sinel' the war that ~arhcrth has had' Ardmore i ~rr. anu ~1rCl. Edwaru S. Huws, of meetillg hert', were the suhjl'ct of much ('ome bll('k und see the show between
"oll,trul'ting a ]6 foot running tra..!" a dcmonstration of her military 8trength' rho a e, DUlJll'y A\-e. ills many ;\ar1Jertll fripn,~ly maniiestation. thre(' a Ill] five in the afternoon, or
thl' figures ran from $13li2 to $4200, :11,,1 Htrl'SSl'd thl' neee!<!'it\" of a mem.: Ill'n\'er, If 0 0 :l 0 (I, friellds were glad to see him. TIl(> arranl!{'lIJent of the Polo Fields h'l'tween sl'\'en and nine in the evening,
nll,1 for a 12 foot tracK. from $8]2 to. IIrial tI:I\'. Thl' Honorabl~ Flet"her W. Wciland, 211 0 1 2 3 ], \\'ill be parti"ulnrly fortunllte. III the a.no J,rol,al,l~' he su~prised at the quan.
';':;0110. 011 the wholc job the \'ariution: Stitl'H, . Senator from ~lontgoJ1ll'Tv \Inrra)", S8 0 0 2 2 2; ~[r. and ~1rs. Hohert TowlI, of Xar- C'l'nt"r of the Fielcl, a ]argl' platform tlty and the qunllty of the flo~nrs
was from :!,14,2\in to $:\8,540. Jnas- (' oun t y, waH t h e nl'X t slll'a'er, k H'l' l~iehl1lon,l, cof. 0 0 1 ] (I b"rt~1 "\\'{'., ('lltl'rt.·II·'ll',1 1·.I".t \\'e"k 1 ' 1 1 '
' 'nil he l' ] ]
aee, . 0 n tIllS, . t h e f ort)" frolll our " "ardens.
. .
much us the board has IE.'SS than $i.OIlO c'lIrried hi, audil'nN' b\' storm as usual \1...Ih·rmott, ]h 0 0 ]2 0 (I h"lIor of :'Ilr. and ~1rs. John ~I. A. ~p!llb('rs of the Philndl'lphia Orchl'stra Hay(' the r111ldren gather w11d flow·
;Iyailab!t it was illllH'rath'e t·o rl'jN·t but spl'eial <'mphasis ~houl<1 he placed: (jriflith. rf 0 () 0 0 0, Hiehards'On, of B:t1a. Mrs. Riehar<lsoll.1 ~"ill be nrrangl'd, allcl h:u'k of them, the ers an,1 arran.ge th:m, the early ye~s
a\l. th" b\ll8 :11\11 walt uJltll lahor eOIl· I1pon his rpndi1ion of thc poetry ('ulI. lIl'llller'on, 3b 0 0 3 3 0' before her re"ent <'Iojll'ment, wa, ~Ii" hun,lre,1 Illemhers of the ;\arherth are t!l(' ones 11\ whIch to create an lU-
dlt~t11" :]fl' IllOI'l' f:\yorable.. "l'rnin!! the Flag. ~Ir. Stites did 1II0T!', ,·onnors. e 0 () 2 0 II, Ethe]wyn \"all<li\'l'r. of Cynwyd. <1j(1ra I SO"iety will be ranged in tier('(1 lere,t in the things that gro,,' ana also
'lhl'rp are nltont 3.(10(1 CUhlC yards ~f to tl'lICh Xarberth I'l'<1plc the proper Hyan, p 0 ] 0 3 (I, rows. In this way, thl' sonn,1 will SOllie resp('c·t for them.
eut all,1 11. 11 1111
. "ulll" \'lIr<ls
• of
. fill • 11\ r(lVer(l)H'C f -Of tl ""1 .
Ie I ag 111 t .
PH 1111 11 U 1(' , ~roorl·. rf 0 0 0 0 (I, ~Irs . •Tohn Curtis. of ;\ar!Jerth' ".'Irr\' "'1 11111'forln \'o']llme to the ."u(II·' ... The Rwt'epstake Prize nnd thl' SiI-

.:' '. thp W~JTk ]JroJl'l'll'd. an,1 (.oll'I.,h'rah~n of his spel'ch than ('ould ha\'e been, .I!nrlt-y, e
was !!1\'CII .to a pllln ullll>er wlll"h Slllt- (Olle
ahle matl'Tlal m,l
I b y all 1lOur ' s Tea(l'lUg 0 f lpTln
tIe ' t " ' I reg{), "
he <llI.,".ped on thl', I'd wor,!. He pai,1 ;.pec'ial honor to the i .\\\,·kprmall. p
II, A\,('., has rl'lurned from Pittshurgll f'ne;. sl'ated in th{' s('ats and l,oxes \'l'r CUI' j- a nl'\\' feature this year. and
0, where she slwnt the past wet>k .
0[ l/..
' Sllrr<lUIl(I'lIIg th
I 'tl t
. e amp I! lea reo
The the I'ellns\'lnillia
silloists. also, will be heard to excellent is hoping' thnt there will be much k€en
Hilrti.. ultllral 80eiety

Jot ullder propl'r sUI"'T\'lSlon, an,l a Civil "':Ir Yl'terans aud called to the i -: ~ ,:ltl\'nntage. Miss Luechese will Foing (,AlmpetitioJl for this and similur
large portiou of the l'Xl'l'IIS'P nl:lY hl' attention of 1he nu<1i{'Dre the aXiom: Totllls 0 :\ 2i 13 3 ' Last Satu.rday afteruoon 31 Girl solo numhl'rs and duets with the other prizps in thl' coming years.
• saved. ,that a people in the right cau t b ' Narberth 1 ' I' S' C· D R" tl Th~ eXI'l'n,l's of the flower show are
The Heereation Boar,1 are kl'I'Jlly diS'1 rlefeated. no e! h Scouts went on a ~ike. They trayele-d: sO.OJst, : l!fI1or ITO e ItlS, Ie oper· 1I0t great nurl a /iilvcr olIl'ring to be
appointed at the ohstaeles they have I 1'1' n compll't'on of the sp eeheS>,! Heekel, :\1-,•........ ~ 1 ~ : ~ ~~;:l' ~h~s::~: aoutside fit~e B;rou~11 ntl~tb:~Ito::~UE.'st
of Mrs Stunlev G /,.olll'f'fe'l at the ,~oor
should crJ\'er tbe
met in carrying out their plllns, l,ut;. 0 I I' i J): .k·le sS 2 2 1 2 0 eamp r an coo - I - I' • • • • nmollut.
t.hev, fl.'el that it i, !tptt{'r to dl'lll.\' the I(,Ight curloads of peopl<' left to pa Y : V!"ck , ed their suppers. After ,]inner )lr.' Flagg. Ohairman of t'he Main Line \ f t th t h Id
,. e d . . .. , ..... 2 2 0 0 () H . h' I A '1" f I co 'I' i new ea llre a s ou prove
than to 1Ia\l' thl' work done' h omu~e to t h OB{' f rom among us w 110 1 J) \IS
.. "roJ'oct
. : fell gloriouslY that our country might
.. ' ]!J <> 2 8 0 0 aws came out WIth IS truck and a i\UXI wries 0 t 11' ... eamen s nstltlltE.', 1I{).th In
freezer of ice cream, which was, of the ushers.' who will handle the brge h tl
. t eres t'111~ au,! e d uca,,>Qna
1 'h't f
. t'
I WI']1
III a shp-shod "'8Y.

I '
[!i\'l'. A firing squad of eight men eom·
G F] k If
, .........• -
e c , . . . . . . . .. ..
4 4 2 0 o ·
course, thoroughly enjo.yed by all. A audience on Saturllay evelling~ hu.\·e
,I' ex II ISO
many var1e les 0
. I
B H m I rf 1 2 0 0 0 peoll1es IY eommetela I1:rowers.
,manded by C'l1ptain 'Sparks fired three . . n p mes, .. . pleasant part of the day's outing was been chosen from Xarberth, and are I tl .(, 't R . tl
, p, tTl( k 2b 0] 5 1 I . II ,e ommulJI y oom In II.' Y.
; \·.olleys OVl.'r each gra\'e and the bugler <I ., •••••• • • the ride home after a song fest urou,nu Messrs.•J. .1. Cabrey, head uFher, Dr. '[ (. \ I 'Id' , k f t t,
NABBERTH MEN A'T ANNIVER- hlew Tan.~. BI rns I' 2 2 5 0 0 ,'. . ; . HI! IIlg a \\ ee rom 0' ..1).
There was a gratif.ving I , . ,
T ' .. ~ the rllmp fire Hurrv Hartle)· R 0 Claypoole Walter .
'i owell p 3 3 3 O· , • ,. ., " For ]i-t of e1as~es nnd the prizes, see
assemlblagoe from :Narberth on this oc- ,
Diehn , ss. ,........ 0
, -

1 0 0 0
Fox, .James Foote, ~Tm. T. TaYlor, H. 4
: '·lIsion. :\Ir. alld ~rg. Llo~'d Drinker, for- R. Hillegas, Robert Edgar, D. •Rhodes, r:l!!e .
. , The offieers of the American Legion L:lce 3:, cf 0 1 0 0 0 merly of ;\arherth, have moved from I Wm. Baili'Y, Geoo. N. Gill, John Miller,
The seeond IInnl\'ersary of tire 111· II f Bo h f f i ' ] HIcklIn, rf 0 I 1 0 0 the.ir home in Brv. n Mawr to Bala, Pa., "'niter Crowe, .J. E. NidE.'cker, Dr. .J. InGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES
't' f B' h l~ . k C '1 . as we us TIU\I1Y 0 the roug 0 CIa Sl
St.1 utHln 0 . IS op ~enTle ·ouncI " hnvl' he en congratulated for the way -_ L' C> I b
1:.. ..,c }em s an
d ". m. S '.. If arner.
No, 2256, Kmghts of Columbus, of Ard". h' .. r . D d Totals 1/ 22 2i I4 2 COWlcilman Walton 1\1. Welltz all" I
. . 'In w Ich "uemorllll ay was obsl'r\'e , • u The program wi I he so varied that
more, was very auspiCIOusly eelebrated' d I"'llrberth 3 0 0 4 0 3 0 5 2-17 f '1 f W The Bnccalaureute Sl'rm.on to the
Tn d ':\1 <>'l' tI I un plans arl' :i1reu(h' on foot to makl' :\ d 0 0 0 () 0 0 0 ()<- 0 am1 y, 0 ayne Avenue, are spend· it will please those \\·ho pref<>r light
on e8 ay evenmg, - ay .-" 11\ \1' next year twice as ·~ood. I ' r morl' ... : .. 0 ing the wleek·end in Spring Gro\'e" mugic, II" well as those who like the ~rn,]uating class of the High School
Woman's Club, Ardmore, with a ban· 1'wo base hlts-G. Fleck, B. Humph. York Oounty, Pa, will he preaehl'd by Rev. Arthur S.
hea\;l'r or more claBBicul style.
quet and danCol'. The auditoriulll was : rips, 2. Home ru,n-V. Fleck. Double Wall~, D. D. The exercises will be
filled to eapacity and' the guests, while i play:-Yowell, unassistC'd. StrucJt out 0 It is Yl'ry rare that an Orchestra of hPld in the sehool nucJitorillm on Sun·
A NEW PLAN I \:U Rurh international fame as the P·hila..
p:lrtalcing of the repast, were most : J,~'-Yowell, 5; Ryan, 2; Awkerman, 1. :Mr. and Mrs, Albert Schell, of :Mif'nt. day e\·elling. June 10th, at 7.45 Q'clock.
v Orchestra, whose members on Saturday
agreeably entertained by the Oouneil's . : Bases on 'balls by Yowell, 1; Ryan, 1; gomery Ave., are recei\'ing congratu- '11' 1 f h 1 A eordinl invitation to attend these
own gl.ee club, coupled with vocal selec- Realizing .thoe latent Uluslea.1 talen I A wkl'rman, 3. Umpire-Lord. WI Inelu( e muny 0 t eo so oQ instru- ('Xereise6 is extendecl to all citizens of ' ..-:.,~'"
.lations on the birth of a boy. t . d' t·,... 'h b t
lions 'by Messrs. William H. KunoC, R. that exists 1II every c,ommuUlty, Mr. men S. IS nee eu uy any 0. er a on the Borough.
Harold McQuayle and Sebastiu Ru- Charles S. Powell, of Ardmorl', Pa.,' : than its Direetor----'in this case, Dr.
dolph. has inaugurated the idea of a School OTHER SOORES Mr. S. U. Delevan spent the week-; 8tokowski, or at timl's, Dr. Rieh. How- Mothers' Meeting.
The toastmaster's chair was ably of Music, where t'otudents who are not Berwyn, 8; Bala.Oynwyd, 4 end in Nal'berth. Mr. and Mrtl. Dele-, ever, on this occasion they will be - A tJll'eting of mothers of pupils of
filled by Mr. Charles P. Hackett, chair, ahle to pay regular conservatory fel's Bala.. Cynwyd!, pa,;, May 2o.-With van are mOVing to Pittsburgh shortly; )ward under the baton of Prof. C1ar- t he upper gTudes und High School will
man of the eommittee in charge of the can reeeivoC ll.'ssong from eompetent in- 'Il'aiste pitching, Berwyu had no trou- where thoey will nlake their home. ',enee C. Nice, and the Main Line is he held in the school audl'torl'um on
a.lIuir, and witty and interesting talks struetots ut a minimum price. To havl'l hie defeating the Bllla-'CynVl'yd Ameri"::\1 }.1 - - - 'highly gratified that they have such MOlHluy, .Tune 4th, at 3 0 'dock. There
the ad\'antaO'E.' of these lesSlOns, stu·, ,'an Legion team, BoCore, M to 4. Ber· - r, and "rs. Rohert Collins, of " eompetl'llt direetor to eonduct in Dr. wlill be an informal dliscussion of sev.. '.'. ~.
were made by the Revoerend F. 1. Pur· ., \y'1 . I'
fell, Obaplain oOf the Oouncil, and the dents will !be placed in classes of t\\-O "yn hit Winters hard when hits meant, ' I nJlngton, DE.'., arnve,] ill Xnrb('rlh f.;tokowSoki's stead. l'ral im[>Ortant problems connt'cted with
ME.'ssrs. James J. Gorman, Digtrict De· or three mell1lhen'. Those who are runs, and by getting 01I to a gOoOd lead I toouy. (; Thl.'Y will make their home at A nwnl! thl' numhers which the Cho- the transfer of pupils to LO\De '• • ~r~r'
puty; ""hn \. Y L oughney, :'Iluster of ahle to pa'.'
" full Ilri"l'
, ,,;11 receive pri· made the game safe. This victory puts 129 Al(~<lltnut Ave. rus will rendl'r will he, "Come Gentle ion, an(l also of some ne\D.. felltllPes, l·n.
the Fourth Degree; 'Villiam H. Crea- vatl' lessonl'. Instruction will be R"'en Berwyn into a tie with Wayne for first ,,",prin!!." from "The Seasons," by ciden-t to the re-establishment of all
mer, Jr., Grand Knight; and B. .1.1
in v~olin, viola and 'eell.o, the string' place in the league rae<'. Feature.'> were ,~rrs. Hugh B. Speed will leave short- ~radt's on a two-session schJd'Ule. All
Martin, Past Grand Knight. cd llUltruments used 111 (1rC'h~tral ,he hitting ~'f Lewis and n good llItop by Iy for ~1l.'nll>hi". Tenn., where she ex· ((':nntinlll"] (III Pa!!f' 4) l1\oth<-r- illt"l'este,1 are ill\ited to at.
Creamer's Or('lhestra furnished the! work. Hayman of Berwyn and the fielding of pl.'d~ to r('ll1:1ill until tl\o(' Itlttl'r pllrt' 1 tend.
I Since the Main Line Orchl'stra is to Cllrpenter for Bala·Oynw"d. .r
The score: of i \ugust I F'Ie II• I) a \- \\'1'11 b e h!d e on W eunes- -,
On SWlday afternoon, :May 2;, at he a permanent 'organizati'On, .the stu- Berwyn 2 0 1 1 2 ~ 1 1 0--8 Ie.l...I....a D. A. R. ELECTS .Tune '13th, lit 2.00 o'clock. The
Bridge'port, Pa., the third <1('g-ree of. dents found! e.apabl",:~l .. 'have the
,.. "';t:~
Bala-Cynwyd " .0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2--4
'" __, _
Little .Dlllin POQrman', of l\Iontlyolllcr.y·
he r('g'u ar Ill('etillg of t 11' r. Ben"
t "11
en nes \\ I
appear III nex
the OrdJer Wll8 exemjJlified to a class I addecJ advantage of bro'aue'lling thefT ~ "': I wee s Issue. .
Qf 85 menll'bers. After the ceremony, musical knowledl!e, alH1 the invuluab!e Wayne, 7; Kershaw, 6
A Ye., was injure(! Illst week wh.en she jamin Rush Chnptl'r Dnughters AmE.'ri·
R I t' f N b h h Id
j Cornmene'l'ment comes on the nYen ..
luncheon was sen"ed. by the ludies of expe.rienee of pluying in. a larO'e or- Wayne,· May 26.-Bryn Mawr of the
fell (In II broken <loll. She was badoly can e\"() u Ion 0 ,lIT ert wus e
t th Oit CI b Ph'l I 1 I' 'I
. f J
lUg 0 • unl.'
FI tcJ
I' ler
· town an d B'd
INorris rl geport. ehestra. '" .. . '
~I:lll\ LlIJe Lealr-"", fnded! to put a team
),'ut nbout the fllcl'. a e y '11', I a,t' pna• .' a\'
. "'t't
,., I es Wl'111 >e th e spea k er.
e-- 2~ .
On Memorial Day, the Oouncil mem- Th f thO . t '11 1 in the field Ilnd Wllyne Men's Club Aftl'r the regular business th{' fol,
bers pajd tribute to tIle deeea.8l'" men1' e' success 0 IS pro.lec WI (1'- r I d th IT I t f Ph'l d 1 TI e 'I' e J f N b th A
u pl'nd upon the intl'rE.'St taken. It is! p aye e ."ers lllW eam, 0 1 II el· ' " ' ISS sones, 0 ar er· ve., lowing officl'rs were elected to serve
bers. of the Order .by visiting various wiahed especially to emphllsiz.e the pha, and won, 7-6. entertained Miss Dor<>thy Graves and during the ensuing yellr. HEARD FROM THE SIDELINES
cemeteries along the 1\I1!in Line and fact that the l:;lchool of Musil' is not Kershaw 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 3--6 her friel1ds with a farewell dance Regent-Mrs. Samuel Z. Shope,
providing markers, flags and flowers. to be estab'li:Sh('d for financial gain, Wayne ...•..... 1 1 1 0 3 1 0 0 x-i Raturday e v enll1g. MiBS Graves leaves !First \Ticc-Regent-Mrs. Frank H. That Perry Redifer is making BOrne
in June for New MJexieo to visit hE.'r Hewitt, of the younger bloods look to their
~::t ~·:;;reu::~:nst:td~I::~~n;e;:~:~;~~ Memorial Day Games. sister, Mrs. Stewart Turner. After Second: Yice,Regent-Mrs. J. E. laurels.
GOVERNOR AT NARBERTH further ~nformation address Ollas. S. Wayne, 19; Bala-'Cynwyd, 9. a short visit she will accompllny Mrs. Baitey,
Powell, 2 Crielllet Avenue, Ar(1more, Pa. Ardmore. ' 10', B er w yn, 6• Turner. and son to Oalifornia. ,no.
""rrespon d ing S ecretllry-Mis>s
. Edith T.Jwt it's a three oornered !>ove these
Ye~ter-day, Fr.iday, Wll8 Govern.or's Hewitt. dny with Jim McKell. Family-Toen·
. Day at the Devon Ilorse ShO'W'; and, OlUb Standing !Mr. J. H. Knapp, Jr., of Shiller Ave., Reeording ·Secretllry-Mrs. C. Arley ni&-Art.
Govern-ol'. Pinchot attended, toge,ther W L P.C. left town Tuesday for a ",hort busi· Farmer,
D. A. R. PBES}lNTS NABBERTH That Harold Lane actually smiled M
with Senators Pepper and' Reed, as Wayne ••.••.•.•.. 2 0 1.000 nEl81l trip to. W. Ya. 1\1rs. Knapp left TrellBUrer-Miss Ruth Hilmi,
gUetits of .Senators McDade and Stites.
GIRL SCOUTS WI'l'H FLAG Ardmore •...•..... 2 1 .667 at the same time for the mountains ill Historian-Mrs. Charles M. Irwin, a girl recently.
.After. a 'brief .Il>tay'~t·, the show the _ Berwyn •••. , .....• 1. 1 .500 the northern part of the Stllte where Librllrilln-Mrs. J. P. Krause,
party. motored to the grounds of the "· .• '
A mos t.. lllsplrlllg Iln
d f . Narberth 1 1 .500 Mr. ,.K, nRipp will joOin lier laoter. Registrar-,]\frs. H. M. ohalfll.nt. That Bill Boryer's new Buddy is his
use ul' gIft in B ·la'.n.. d 0 3
No,'rberth Tennis .Association, where a ~JnwY .000 The f~llowing delegates were elected racquet. W~tch out. 'Bill'e out tli',:
the f.orm of· II bellu~ifuL .Am>(!rielln Flag B :M'" ••••• 0 0 000 to attend the State Convention which make the team. ' ..;:,
Governor PinQhot wall made an biOnor, was' presented fu the ~llrb.erth ·Girl ryn awr.. .• . • . • Mill& .:M:arll'nret Fowler bas just com-
ary member of the Olub.
ScoutS this week by the Dr. B'enjnmin 'l'oday's Games.
pleted a year at Fnlirfax Hall, Basic,
will be held in Lanetlster in Oetober.
Mrs. Frllnk H. Hewitt, --'-'
"bmnediat.ely folLowing the ceremon.. Rush Chapter Daughter~ of' the Am~ri· Virginia, and is now attending Com' Thllt Bill Hall is the OOur.t Of Last
i~ the Governor went· to the home of Berwyn at Wayne. Mrs. Charles M.. Irwin, Resort on matters Parliame~tary.
can ,Revolution. mencement Week at Wa/l'hington and
Mr; Flet'cher W" Stites on Hs.ve~ford . Narberth at Bala·Oynwyd. L U . V Mrs. J. E. Bail-ey,
In the 'ab scn!ltl 0 f ..~urs.
r Sh ope,. R e· ee niversit01v at Lexington, irginin. iM'TS. C. Arley Farmer,
Avenue, where he WaS entertllined at
dinner.' , gent Qt tbe Otiapter,Mrs. F.· H. He.. Upon her return ,home- ehe will also l\{ill$ Marie L. Gorin.
. .
p1lellenta· . CIA .~ ~e ·ho.dby o;U," attend OoJJUDencement Week at Penn·
. '1 . i St"t·· 0011'"

d . made
It. wns vcrte to present the ~~atlonnl I'
,t~~n,~~~~~.~~~~~~~ ~~J~'~(l e~ten~tm, whentJ1e.B~18ysjtheE~n&.<,V.D. S)' ~n a a e ege; Flag to the Narberth Girl Bcout TrodP Cl>ent
. ..,...,:~.. to, ttie. Gi~l"'~~co.~t8. t~t~'pirttCol':~e~Bpe,et' 1t),~~~tt~a!14:~~J;lec:':';B~nd';'~n~' -- :~~~,: ...;.:..- .~. j~ ~-_.~- .~-." ~_)i :~~u__ .. '.'~' ' .. _._ ...,.' ._';' ~t their--meeting '-On,~.Tu:esday,.~:Ma.i__ 2.9~.... :~~a~~ .
••- •.-: 1

!'fr~.' and : :Mr8l..:WUlla~ Mad.dox! .. ~ a~a loyalty. ~.<J0d' Iind.~r.~F.liig ~liic~ del'e:d .o·v~r· to .J.~1i.n :W;1u'~ ~8 .1~.t .Sa~~: .:. ::1M18Ji .i!;8t1l.~i·B.il.ck, of 'Bay' C1ty,:Mlch·.B.&fore· the .meeting a very. deUght. .. ' .
Devon, . f~".JIAlr~ .. Of;: NarQe~~,. en~~r7.:~h,.. tb:~,!' ...).~~~~~t~~,~~·: ~bil': gr~ria ~day::~ght·: .. id~.~r·!!~g ':9~e '~t ~ t~ 'ig\t~,: '.18:, ·thil. ~.eRt ~f'hAir ii~ier,.'Mti; fulluneIteon w~s gi~nt~ the Chapter
lome frte2id. ;nth .a. d~~e bn... old;~at~~t!l.-w.~:,f~\1gli,*,'/ln~··~illd ~~_"eeJiI,~~.~ . :~P't.lI.' :..t"·,.;~h(V::'l'eJiiii.s JIartf ·;J;J\'~dl!t..1, 'of: ~mwood: Avenue, ~t'.~e~~y.: <?Iub.by ills 1lce~ni Yrf.
'.", theJIli· ... : · · j : . , · .....:.: .'.';' C~~"" ;.>;:.... "''':.''' ~ "_ .. ' ;r~r.:IlJM"wm,llpericl·the·lummer.····· SamueJ.Z; Shope:':: ~,., .'

. , .....' , .. . "., ;"/<;'~":'\':::::'i"~~~;';::';::<" ... ... . ,.

. "; ,. " ._,,:,,~'~ , '. , ~:~ ,I, ,,;t , ,~.~.


not critieise the Council in the matter T.lep~OD., or cour••, ".
proud of this lo~e.l aggregation. They

_ _ _ _ _ _Community
_ _ _ _ _ _Journal
ha \'C had t heir struggles, 'bu.t ha \'e
~onsistently kept to their policy of
becnuse we haven't criticized ourself.
Bnt eo mnny of the bentific dtizenll in
deDnr - ' aD7
__ __ g;\'ing good musi,' and of spreading OF BABBLE this !'Ocality work OYl.'J'tinte analyzing
C)wned and pubU.bed "verT 8atll"cJa,. bT] th,' lIame nll.1.! ~e ,Df. Narberth II
.. -.. -- I\s !llld remarking how this and t,hat The Brightest Spot in Narberth
tbe Narberth Clvl" Aa.""latlon. through ot her towns. There is no' hct-I By Collum Righter Ilnd the other s!l{)u)d De done to liS
ter waY of doillg this than through' that it amounts to the Same a~ though
A Drug Store in the Most Modem Sense of the Term
8VD8C RIPTION PRICE. One Dollar and . I we had criticized ourself. WhiClh al-
Fltty Cent. per year In advan"e , ll1u"il', 1111,1 the pr,'scn1 cone...· rt will he,
I f - We pn~k a h()mey feeling foor thllt lows us under thc hars of en,'le Tom's
u .",.on,lerful \'eh.i .. I,· or thc ~ arherth,
l "lILillellt Scotdl .. Ierg)·mall of Aberdeen first st.atement. Then as the second,
,'I" TIt.
i Yes, there will ,he' .millionaiTl''', and:
,'.h" puhlll'l)' eX"uses thl' us,, of l'X- we imagine we unl!'erstand perfectly
, "".id\' 1I'II<Iers, an,1 Maill Liners lit th'"
: "ITair: hut the appeal is ~tronglY to:
. :\'arherth-to the friend.~ /lIIIL r,'la~i, 1',
p",ti"l's or explosivl' adjecti' es on the
pllrt of Golfers. It is illlh>ed high time
t ill' Pulpit had con,lonl'd this verhal
just why two·hunehC1'-of-radishes-at·
n,-e-"ents for example, I"Hlstitutes II
bettt'r hargain than \\ere they to cost
Fresh Strawberry
I of. those who will l,arti"ipall'. "id to the AII"ient and HOI~. Galll". We \lS dOllhle that amount. .\eC'or,lingly
------------------ I Let it he hop,'11 1hat there will Ill' dol n,.t play tl 1I0W~ but III the good wp llnnpx t.hl' right to eritici",e uud One of the many delicious flavors of Ice Cream we
Philip Allee LIvIngston. Editor . mallY of our townsfolk at loni~ht 's af- ,dd dllys wh'ell we ,iItl, the atmosphere judge in th~' case of Orliinalll'e :'\ o. ~:!;I'I offer to discriminating Narberth.
Ralpb S. Dunne. Treasurer " I t ' . .t . I u· I .tl
,fllir, t" show our I."ighhor.• who "Olllt'- ",oU our V!l'lnl y \\a" " 0 ue, . WI 1 .\n,1 we are n·ot trying to get the for·
- - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - ' tillie, I'T<' prolle to look dO\\'11 Oil our .'·l'llllwish, sulphurous haze /It .'('vcry "ign vote either.
And it is not frozen up six months in advance.
Correspondence for the Editor s h o u l d .
be sent to Post Office Box 966. Remit· I'ollllllun,ty that we have th,' thl' SPirit
sliee while the turf n)l'kl'd when a
' . * * * Our sales, many hundreds of quarts daily, show that
tances for advertising, suhscriptions and .111'] 111l,t\' th,,1l llIak,' for ""'i,, pro. I,"t was IIIIS'I"\. 0 temporal l','rmissioll Ita,~ lwen grante,l 1\" to Narberth folks appreciate fresh products of pure, rich
membership to Box 58. , '~Tl''--. . * :nvest some Ifl'verul dollars in a con· cream, made at home in the most SWlitary--:fashion.i
Our Town is on sale at the depot Durillg the city rl'sillentilll years of I','rn, tIll' purpose of whil'h is, Nl nJalnu- i
ne~-stand, and at the store of H. E. ' Ih, ",' invllrial,\y swore in A flat. I"illl'" fal'luTl' pr.e-shrunk ice. The thillg IlXlkl:!
Davis. TIllS SHOULDN'T BE ' gi, ing up ap"rtnlt'nt li\'illg' h,)wen'r 1-'".,,<1. It woulll Sl'1'1ll to u" such a I You'll rade the
Enlered as second-class matter October
15tb, 1914. at the Post Office at Narberth.
""111 enteriu~ UpOIl Il permitted exis· Corpor:ltion should he a wei<'olll~ Ulllli-I
PennsylvanIa, under Ibe act of Marcb 3, Oil .\[1'11\ ""i,,1 Pay, tIll' lIar"ld 11. ll'nl'(' in thi.• IO"ely Bilrollgh Wl' swear tiolt to thp woefull\' short list of "on- Difference
1879. . "P""k'",", I'",t, .\I1\"ril·'"1 Ll'gi"n, III in plain, unadult,'ratl'11 :\arherth-aud : Pill porllueous in,hlst.rll'" that arllelltly
. ""IlII,all~' "ith virtulilly all the org"u- ,ill"", u- to n'ma,," that till' lo"al ,Iia- engage thclII.8eh·M in l'ff<lrts to give
OUR TOWN will gladly prillt allY i"llliolls of :"arlll'rth, formp,1 :t p:trade. l"l·t is a ,eritahlt· mill!' of pn ...·!l'ss liS 1I111"h as pos.~ihle for II" little as
flews abollt ally subject which is of' In thl' paralll' aplH'are,1 the ('olors ,'on- gems to nnyone desirou" of lIttllining p"s",ihl" ra ther thall us little as pos-
interest to Narberth folks. Copy ,;stillg of Old «lory allli till' AlIleri"all 1"'rf"I,tion ill dyna'nil' I'xprt's"ion. The ..illle for as mll<'ll as possible. Thl'
is due 011 Tuesday of each week, at Legioll ktall<!ar,l. All Ill'ill"<! guartl IIl't l>l'gills \\ itlt tl", lIll'Te ~,'ed']illgs of .... heme for losing "'eight:s all very
·6 P. M. Late copy received Wed- 1Ii1,r"hl'<! with thl'11I. It i~ a "trang-~ iiulllallity. For I'xllmple, III"t w("t'k we \\ l'11. \\'P want to lose it 11.5 lIIurh as
nesday e~'e'lillg will be pri11ted 0111y, IIl1d sad thillg' to rt'late thllt lIlall)' a' ,l\','rhellnl a t\\O y"ar ,,1,1 g,'utlemllll 1111)' pl'rSoll: but Wl' Ilon't ,'ure to lose THE FIRE COMPANY IS CALLING
if space is still available. III all rt'l1Iaill"<! "o""rl'tl as thp "olors' III1.lJn~ our relati,·,'s gh,' \'ellt to a it with the rapidity of some of tl\l'
\\('Ilt h,'" :lIlII Blally a ""nnlHn sat on' \'t1('if('roll~ "011, (;():"h~" alld Gosh at flfty 1)01111<1 piel'es of icc whil'h arc r{'g-
upon residents of Narberth and vicinity to become
SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 1923 ,ltl''' porI'!, \\ithout ri,illg. A,"1 this is 1\\0 Yl'II1'S iillpro"es to I'ither dallul or ullirly trl,ded us for thirt~· l'ents "IIch. associate members in the company at the cost of $3.00
- - - - - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IIllt a tri"i,i1 thing-llot a "uh,ied for," "r", at ""·lIty. \\'1' "peak frolll th,' l'rl'-shrunk i .. e looks goo,t. \\'£0 Shall, per year. This seems little enough to pay for your
EMERGENCY PHONE CALLS "I'lip an,l la~lghillg "OIllIlH'lIt, buT on" d,'ptlLs of a \\'1'11 of Expel'il"1I't'. ask our forlllt'r frien,j Hllzlehurst property protection. The Fire Company has author-
Fire, 350. Illf dpC'J! :Iud llatioJl:.ll ('O'l"·P(!lIClll'P. about it.
Police, 1250. "ill"" thl' WitI', lhl'T1' 11I1\'e heell ad- .\ fe\\ ,IIIYs agu it \II'S our ullalloye,]
ized us to take applications here at the Store. Your
or Ardmore 20. name and a check for $3.00 is all that is necessary.
1Illtted to thiH ('OtlHtry Ill:lJly a rat1'ical l.)t'aMUTt Blld }Jri,'p}l·SS priy'.jh"g-(l to lllPpt

llrt':lC'hing th(' tpnrillg down \Ii" .111 410" thp l'~ditor of :In ('stt,\l' 111.:(1 ('onfemplJT- SALAAMED TO BELFIELD Do it now.
A SUCCESSFUL AFFAIR 'j'('nt sta'lllardl'l, :11111 ,\ bf'lI you lnnt.c I :lr~- ill "·:I'yfll', Th t , \\llTthy ~l'lltl""llI:lll
li,!:ht of our flag you bal'1\ his arl!u- :IM.. :-un"d lI:-o hp 1!ath(lrt.'d supretllr' ~atis- ~o. tUur erat"k Tcn)li~ Tpanl hu\-e BERGNER HARDWARE COMPANY
Th,' ullanimous expres~i"u aftt'r 1Il1'1ItS. i fadioll '"1,1 dl'light frolll th,' C"IUIIII' not I",,,n t" Europe, hut \\ I' must arl·
\\·",IIII'S']~I." 's )'1I'm"ri:il I1ay exert·isl's \\'hpll th,' flag !,"R~p" stl,n,l ul' and ","'h wl'ek '"11] tl'nd!'T,',l u- "oll,plililplltS mit tl", past to week.~ th,.y hav,· hl'l'n
was one of plea.url' and appreciatioll. Iln"o"l'r~ Jt is Il'lt ml'I'l'I." a i'leasin~1 "f sUl'h nlagn:tu,],' thl,t ,'.('r<' "-e to IIffede'! with "sea legs," haviug lost
Frolll the standpoint of community tlting of bUlltin~, hilt ti", n'r,\' s.,·n,- ,'nllln,'ratl' t'IIl'm herl', this page ('oul" to On'rhroolt t\\'o w!'eks ago, 'lllli lust
spirit IIlIlI rpal "elltim-pnt it was "1'1'-' 1'01 of ollr COUll:'.". ~I"n ha\'(' <\i(''] 1", ""1',1 satisfal'loril." II" douht as a 'atur,]ay thl')' lost to BeHield. The
t:JinJ." a ;l.ost ~lll'('l'ti:'\ful t.'\"('ut. fn prp8£'T'··l that \\ hil'h tlu\ flag TPJI- "l1g:1r ~i1hstitutl' ill tIll' nlllrllill~ \,tdTpp. ll()~-s havl' now starte,1 prarti .. e in
Th,' I,,",lin;.!." "f glll·h adi"ith', is tlll' I'I"PlltS. T":I<'h this to your I'hil,ITl'n [t '"'' a hoon to us thoug·h, this ""rnl'st, 111111 for th" Tl'ma;ntlcr of tIll'
oUl." aud ,ph"r,' of thl' Amerir'all Lpg- S" that I'rop"r TI,,"'TI'I"',' of our r'oulltn' "'al'ning of a <1\\'('1\1'1' fllr to the \rest "I'lison Wl' \\'ill un,ll()uhtl'dly hear of
ion in :"a,l,el'th. Tllf'~' <Ii,] their part \\'i!1 hI' liS se"on,1 natuTl' to thpl11. thl'lll la~'ing ,,11 their opponl'nts nwa~'
""I'll, and t'le l'OllllllUllity hal'kl'il "Ihem.·
Th,' BurW""", all l'ut 0111' nll'muer ',f
Associate Editor.
\\ 110 rel"ls and (>njoys what soml' of
t,ur own upig-hhors d,','lare to LIe noth·
ing short of thl' IIlpaus that will e\'en-
in 01<1 la"l'ndt'r anll lal't'. Th~ ~um
n"l r~- (.f Itl"t week 's ~ame i ... as fol-
('ounr·il. 111,,1 npart." p"pr organization : tnalh' lead us Ill'ut'ath a stout oalt wit.h lol\'s:
were in liue. I:-:'.'llator Stites was 'a 1~'11l' nlws,' ahout our neck. The J)J\'IRlO:\, A
clinging to the sid" of one of the fire:
Th h I ,I 'Id . t
• • - - - .-
,Tohn". h.elll'r, ('hlef of the BUrelll1.
i month of August hein" "e bclie"e the
Belfield, 9; Nuberth, 2

€ngines. !' se 00 , \ I ren \\ere QU I '" I al'l'roprillte season f'lI' such Cl'remon-
iu fQrce. : of 8Ih'I('uHure 11l the Departlllt'nt o f , . .
I F' t t t l t 1 61ll) d f :I'S. w" est linn tp WI' hn VI' some sIxty
. Lane, :'\arherth, defeated Os-born, of
Bl'1fiel,I, n-l, 6-4.
• uc h "
splrl t f orl1l~
tl 1<'
I kl
1:11' lone 0
f .,r,'" rY•
repor s ra , poun s o , odl] I]ays left <luring which to fea'st on.
. 'j h' . I , I ' , 1" l'l'gl'l'en t re·1' seells, 1,2()Q pounds of . . Gihson, Beitielll, defelltell Gibbons,
any to\\ n, " let' r It 'e ,I l1g COIllIllUU-,. th,' ,'xollisite local 8('el]('ry Ihefore jOln- Telephone Cynwyd 662
. I' I . I I"" I ' lIal'<l\\'oo.1 sep<ls a 1111 4311 hUl"hels o f " ' . ~arherth, 6-2, 6-:!.
Ity or some Itt £0 countr) lalll ""', u . ,illg ranks with the Faithful in that RllIith, Belfield, defeated Jo'retz. Xar-
th e d ays 1)e f ore I't s grl'~1 t gro\\,th ,"1'\,,Ir-,'nut,. . '
'11"] a{'OTlls wt'r" planted 11\ th,'·
. . 1'I,'rnal region where the price of "'):11
,. 'h t l : State nursprJes last fnll an,l tillS t'l'l'lng. 1 - herth, 6·1, 7·5.
h ert h h a d 1lI1Iny slle I1 d n~s, \\ en '1'... . 'lIe"er form" a topic I'onvers:ltion. Domheim. Be1:llehl, defeated R. 1.
entire towll came out :lIlll \\ orketl for: 1 IllS IS tIll' largest amoullt of s,'eds, * * *
~'retz, :\'nrlll'rth, Ii-(l, !l-i.
the suecess of nn enterprise. . I' tllllt .has I','cr l"'t'll. planteil in one sen-I" The {'igar Ball,l Colle-I·tion Industry
:Martin, Belfield, defeatp() Grugnn,
Special Prices
The next opportunity will be Jul\" ,.. Ill III th-e nurserres operated Ily the,
, • . II) f F 'f f ' I grows hv leaps anrl hounds. \\'1' OWII ~n r,bl'rth, 6-2, 6-:!.
""ollrth last "1' Ir Iln •'Ifl'air W'IS "iven I'partment 0 _ ol'estry... ost 0 • tlll'l anrl offl'r ' suh,ler't
. .
,., .'" J'
wh~ch in •spitc of the weather
' ' ' ' ' " , . ,

, . , w~v;,
quite successful. It is not too earl\" the Department of Forestry at ) ' I o u t .
tr, P se,,] \\.IS ""'''


III the I
nurS('TJoes .
oJ follow,ng:
to prIOr

'. .
tr'llle, the Hawes, :-\nrberth, Ilef,'ated' Bother·
saIl, BeW!'ld, (;·4, 6-1.
for the Lemon to sl'lrt plnns for au . to. '('ar It' I, UUltll:r lon nn,l ret'n-
..- ' . I
• '\1 C'I fi II H . I G .1 Ruhhprh,lIl,l.l (.,11011,1,
I EI 1.lanuro,
~rartin allll Oshorn, Belfit'ld, defeated
Lane all,l GihhQns, 6·3, 6-2.
Social Affairs
Indepen,leuce D'l" t'elebration in 'Nar· wood Furnal't'. SUPPLEE
• J ' • ' . I La BUTllta Ropa, Gru.gan an,l Dornheim, Belfield, de- SOLD BY
berth which will eclipse anything of The )earltng ('vprgre,'n ~ree seed .. " ICf:.CREAM
the kind ever .hefore held. The people sown lIle u' 1" \\ lite 1 1', Intc pIlle,
will back it. Let's get started.
• I I I '1'

s"ot,·h pin:,.:'\orwa y spruce :Inti \\'hi~el

spru{'e. "Illte ash, hard maple, tuhp,
. h' 2 OdlOr.l G.trh.l,ltl,

If Citizen Kewhorg is Batisfie,l to

. .
feat.ed Fretz and Fretz, Xarherth, 6·2,
Rmith lUlll HothersaJl, Bc'lfield, de-
c. H. C·RANE
'ld b .. k h ,'xll'n,l us 11 hnc of credIt ,'ommensul" f":ltt',! Grugan and Haw~, Narherth, "Nolice the Flao'fl''' NARBERTH, PA.
pop Inr, hI :H',k I oens, t 'WI 'IlJ.C C crr)', lite with the lengih of time we hn\'e
hlat'kI waluut and shell hark. were among I
. . I Ilar(I WI()O d Sl'e(IS tl Ul t were: waited for him to 1'1'1'1:"'£0 our shattere,l
fi·~, 6-4.
This coming Saturd'l)' we o::ro",,~
(. _'_O_Il_a_a_ll_lI_ _a __ ~_D_a_O_O_II"'O_II_II_Q_O_1

> tl )(1 prIJl('IJl:!

Th I' announcement IJy tiC
'1ion Board th,ll the,v hll\'!' been for....'d pan e.
I I ,·ecrea- 1 t d
· t h 1- (lOO () ()
I' window

d e,'er ('onvln,'£'(
p'l1le, we shall he morp than
. ] t Ililt '\- ar1wrt,1 IS . lin
racquets with that fast 0rnw~'d tea 111. .
.\8- ., Our Town' '" goes to pres5I on
to nhnndon presl'nt plaus f or t I'
ve-Iopment of th,' Outdoor R ccren t IOn
h d
e- I'
K (l

lugs WI

t.'r ~s Inla es t Itt ",
'11 h I d f
. l' pro, uce

rom tIe st'e'
0 sce .
II adnlJrabll' plat'e for lone's reslILpl11'e
TI' \\"ho keell,; nhout two hops :lhea') of
'l'hnrsrlnr, we are una hie to state just Begin Now
"'here thp matehps will he plart'd, hut to build an income protection fund for use when sickness or lack
enter will come liS a hig disappointment spwn (UrlUg
] 0 f ".,arI)t'rt h res\( .I t
nunruer 01 see, IIlgs W1
Ie past sellSHn.
II' '11 f I
re ore~, IIp-
uS . I I'
the SheTlff al tie tlllle lind Iwes up
. \\'(' \In,ler-stand tl;c Cynwyd team will of employment causes a. temporary loss of income.
t o Ilune] reI'S l'1l S. . t I l ) -nn f t I ]' to a five thousand rlollar reputatIon on iu all prohahilit~· come to Narht'rth.
Jt Wlls kno,nl, of ('nur"e, thnt there .proxllna tl R t" y :',J acres 0 wasI' e 'lll' I
a SlXt" 'lolar Income. ' A fixecl amount saved each week and deposited regularly here will
* *
was little Ilojip"- of having the field III IS"' ta e.
rl'ar]~' for usc tIllS ~llmmer, Hit It was,
I' The s",-,Jlillgs thnt will Ill'velop from i
. .
I '
lOur Nllm ol'ini.(J1I is that The Ht. G","l news trn"e!s quiekly, and
grow surpr1Bingly fast.
. . I ' I th,'se s('l'ds will he kppt 1Il th,' nur- \\'by would not any teum want to "0 III I' As little lLS $1 will open a Saving Account and 4~fc interest is
{'ertallllr hopell that It would Ie p o ' - . . . lion. B. OouIll'il hn" aclp,l ullwi"elv in' credited., compounded.
. " , . I I "crIes unt,l tlll'v rl'lIPh a helg-ht "f: . to the 1'arherth Tl'unLs Cluh house
sl'hle t.(J get the work lIn,ler WIl~ Wit I-, , , . . ' I,lal'ing Or<Joinllnee Xo. ~~;I on the Bt'I'
'from h to 1~ 1nl'lll's. Th('" wlll th(,11
I ., '. after hearillg 'whllt fine suppers the
IIUt delay.
- ,.'
1 IIfortun,ltpl~ It IS d, )('11 t to lUI
'fl' I
'rl f
fi 1 hl' ,llstrlhllt(',1 frN' of ,'IHll'g" to pn',
1 '':It!' forpst lallli O\\'lIprs for r!':forl'st-,
tlltl' hooks, elllieavoring tf> repll'lIish
" B o r o u g h ('offers h,' It'\'\'lng tnxatiOn
. .
. . Lndies lire getting up e\'er)' Raturday.
Pi fty·t",,, eo,·e.rs \\,(,1',' luill last 8atur- ARDMORE
fl11y W'a~' on t 0 f t IIe' tang I1'. Ie UII' s. . . " I nlHl1l those \\ort.hv itilll'rllnt mer('hllnts
· Iy I ,nil't 1'1 L. ')'1' fi'I-
··t'~ ,nil' Idle land 'II tl,,' i'tall', 'I who journt'y mill's, . hringiHg frl'sh pro- ,]a~', :lnd just fift>,-t",o sets of dio.heB
art' ex,',e£'(I IIIg I~
that eal'ded the six "ourses, ",-ere reo
thill~ 1hat IIJllSt nc donI' is the gra,!in \ g ~ "1'11l1l'r to 0111' (Iollls. \\'1' kno\\' :JIIlI
tlll'nl'd to \.Ill' kit .. hen a" clpan as .Tn~k
of the lot, allll tht' hi,ls <>11 hnn,l far {'x- i PENNSYLVANIA RAILROaD IS- i ,'on\'l'r"(' with se"er:d of thelli. Their
Rpratt und Mrs. .f~lCk i'pratt ever did .'
e('ed the lIJont'y availahle for thp \\,ork'l SUES AN A'l'TRACTlVE i profits an' by 110 nll'alls Jargl' \\'hl'n
the .io!l. :\'ext week thl' Queen Ohef
_..__"_...__ ..1.~, ..t!~~ ,B_OI'Oll~!, __:I.ol's part of tlw work: SEASHORE FOLDER ~ t'omparl'lll to the 'Olllllll' of pash 11l<Jlley
\\"ill hI' \Ir~. .r. ('. :\[I'Kl'II. allli like
of .!illill/!, it will ta!tl' 'l l11uI'h great"r : tlol'.'· sa"1' :\'arherth hOll~"'-wi",,s. .\lly ~•.• ...,~~
III list 9uel'IIS, she ha~ Llldi,·s in \\'ait· -."
time, alld ill thoe elll!. all OIlt"itl'l' firm l \rith a V'I'W 10 f,"uiliar·il.illg th": 0")\'" mIllIe to 1'1:1,'(' 1'\'1'11 thl' ()h~ta .. 1<'
i~.. ~») heLLlijJlll;~riol~ ~ook,
mllst 1'0ml'll'le th,' joh. ! 1'~t1>li,' wiot,h thl' attral'1ivl' f,'atln,'s alld' "I' II tw,o dollar tarill' ill tI,,' wuy 0
t"geth,'r \\'ith h,'r a hI<' a~si".(ants, II
. \\'lwlI that is d<n,,', we haye ollly.•11 the <ll'\'elopml'nt . f the mall,\' R"a,hol'l,' th"s,' Illl~~I-w'orkillg l'itiz"II' of th,'
1I11'nl fit for a king' is pl'olllisp,!. PI"ase
l(ixl'! fielrl, IInl! :nl~' lise for llthletll'''lpli'aslITe' resorts, lo..ated ,dollg th" :\,,,,,, \\'ol'!,1 will J'(.'a<'l Itg,,:II .. t \'l'r,v Ill"'I'S-
},('-"el'!::I'HI to a,I\'l:<" SO!lJ'e nile of tIll'
Inust \;(' pr('.(·eed,',1 hy the layin~ outi .1,'rsl'.'· "O'ISt. tl", l'as"l'lIgl'r Dl'l'lIrt" 'l:tr~' eOIl'lwtition. .:'

of the grounds, whh·h alsO ,'usls 11l01l,'y'j ment of tlH' l','nlls,"I\,ntja Hailroad j1ll'
1'\arherth's bnseball tpam j" (·lJlllillg,.iust isslle,l a '1'l'ofllsl'ly illll,trat"" I!I:!- .\1111 any nlO'l' "it" :'lIdl a telll!
11l11il'.s- that ,vou arp I,oming- ill 01'-
,l,'r th:1l pIau, 1lI,Iy hI' lIlarh, al·r·,ordiug·
Anticipate yom next season's coal requirements by

011 apnce, but thl'J need a 1:1:1l'p to, I'age foldl'r, d"s"r!hiilg ill Ill'tail th," ,holll,1 Ill' furtl",:,t from lh" making ill Iy.
pIa}' hall. The preH'lIt south Sldl' fI,'I" , \:lI':e'! fa,.jliti,'~ ,'n,1 Illh-:llilages of all this d'I\' n,"1 time wh"l1 tloe eon"en- O1:dering NOW for delivery during spring .,l:
. t' f t I tl t'll IllS {':Ill .\"OU il11:I!!'l' HII.\"OIlP In:,iJlg" HO !)TOll,l
IS IInsa IB a,,' ory, IItll 11' ~ III I, I \'tll'ati"" :-;,'aslool'l' l'l'~orts fr"m LOllg' tiolla! one ,Iollar hill "a'Ti,'s a pllr- ~
h £0£011 I optaug f I I'
orwllr, to nu ear y UM': Brnndl to C'apl' \Iay. "I",s" \'nltlp of fOl't.,··[h·1' l'l'lIt". \~I.,·he
If thl' '1'l'III11S ('luu that ill' woul,llake the and summer
'" g .1' I • I (;oH'rnor of the Stllte of P"lIlls.\;lvanin
o f tllC ne .\. rouuus. . . i '1'1,,· fold,'1' is a high)~' al·ti,Ii,· spl'l'i- "" ha\'(' s!'t the "tallllar,l tOf) hi;.:h nt CHLTE CARRY
It lUay he p'0s~i1»)e for 1111 auxtll:lrYI 11,.'11 of prillting- 'lIl,l i", illust"ated \\itlt tltat. Prohuhl.,. thil't.\,-"",, (.,'lIt- w(\ul,! liway from th!'
hrill~ him to
DC"on HoI'S,' i'how to Egg 1
l'itizpu's !'.ommi'!t,ee tn.get tOf.(etht'r lUIIII" IlUnUII'I' of lal'l{e half-tones, lIIa<1l',h" Ill'nr"r ,'nrrl'l'!. \\'e dol lIot 11l1lJw
mise ~ufficicllt funils t.o take ou p~rt fron; original photOgTllph&. Th" text: for I~ fad. It. has 1><'1'11 f]uit!' :i ,,"hile ('Iuh, wl'1I that
thl' :\al'hel'th Tl'nnill
i.' what th,' Hon, Flet-
~~~~nut ) . . $14.50 $15.00
bllrde C t ' I" Inll'II' of the "'Il'r W. Rtill's did on Friela,". The Pea . 11.50 12,00
" of tile '. U. .rrer alii .'. ,_I .' . ha~. heel,l "lll'pfull,- written \.dth fi,lelity; sill"p \\'t' hlr"" f'nd o Ill' to ~f]\1fl.lllt\'r.
· valuc 0: t.1ie rluJ .. rouuc1 deili,ud~ P.1l ltsl to detrlll lIlnJ the f~ldel' ,nil prove llll ~ * • rT'l)vernor was tIll' Honornhle Stites' Buckwheat 8.50 9~00
· .·early ,devclopnicllt, hotlt.· 'from ··tlll' i1Il11~illatin!t pj'esentatioll 'of titl' nt.; If ,t.hl' int!'lItioll of ),!ffl<rs Hall und gouest lit. De"\JI1, IUlll lwowing that Coke . .9.00 9.50
· ~tnndJpoint of use, ~U'd :with the i,~el\l' trnotiolls of tIll' N,CJ\" •Te r8\')' C-oast allel l Met;'j:wr is to impos,' fllrth"r \-ollee- ClIonrllor Pin\'hot WIIS II reul tennis
"'. of remc)'dilg' t1i.o ntrp'ciol~s, rlUlllp" wlueh Its fll<,iliti('s floI" a wee.lt.end trip 01' tivt' c1lllJl's, tt't thenl Hut their wrath fnn, why just nnturllll~' hc wlUlted the 25 cents a ton dis..
· ~ln", .. graces the. plot.' . -, Ii 'I 'lll'lI S Il rabie' \'U"l1 tioll. (Ill )c:;s \I('('>('SSII ry ..hj"d... ,Let them, Govcrnor to look o\'er some reul. courts,
. TI
• t ,
,.lere mnst b e (I "ay OU' ~SOIll(, wa.,· i Tho!'t' ",,110 ha ve l.'n,ioycd a SUllllllcr fo.r instuncl.', tll.x nil in-hounll chel'se-
lind Iilrowise to moet SOllle of the mem· count will be allowed
that, will, not D1t!lIll lI1onth~.· perlllll'"!lIutin g lit At.lanti,' Cit~., Asbury Pllrk, ('ake pit'S Navc th{)s(' m:l1lufal'\url'cl b~' hel'l'. Dml't 'be surprised t.o SCI" the for cash on delivery
Y lllnrs of delny . ' i (l1'l'llll Ilit>·, Wil,lwoo,l, (~l'c Mar, or good 01(1 ('itiz('ll :\lieSl.'ll. But ill tll('
HOIL'll'Ivh]e St-it('s 1;lrillg Pres. Rllrding.
! 'llI~' of the other Ne\\' Jel'sl.')· l=!e:lshore nllll\oll of 1111nulnil.~' lIlI,! I'H'"I l',"'kt't-
or th,' King of Belgiuln. out S\lme <1l1y, Buy In Narberth.
. . Ho is :1 booster for 1'\nl'berth.
A NARBERTH EVENT pl,'aJ<UTc> Tl'sorls, lllid tho"t' wllO rt'lul hooks, leilVl' Yineellzu ('""latti. Ah('
___ this will dO\lbtless lIpprecillte tbe ful't Rehiff, F. MIl7.1..ubnl nn,! th,' "rest of
"Coal that Really Heats"
mu·~illnl'·fe~t'ivnl.tollightat 'l3r>"11 thll't 110 yuetitiQu i".. wholly ~o1l\plete thl' hUl'kstl.'rs alone. (M,r. llnd Mrs.•J. W. DnrvHlc, 'of Mer·
Mawr is
art enti~ently Nar.be~iI~ '~\"ent+ without II' dill' in tile briny qe~·p. . *..
ion 'An'., RPCllt Illst wceok' cndin At·
.. ". ""Not:"-'ij~1't98'~'"the -,;"1c.'!lilerr-Clal1l"Ree.--,-C. >c,..A..·c!l'.ee_OQp~_ of .tltilL I1tt.t~ctj.~e_.i'?ld_I!_\ .'!' 'l'he eOn1It""'entio~ critie hnd .:ought InnUe City.
~.. ' 'N~'e e. Nat:b,ert1l. intin', but. theN:lIor~er.th. .mil)·' he hull ticket n.l~elltll or upon t~ - -ft~t- :'erlt~rJ;e"- i.J.iii8-0lf"i'-ieli~rk~d
'Of. 1, .' . .~._ .. "---"--'--'-': .. ..:.-,.
·(Jhorn~'~·~b<:i,.t'Y" .()f,,·n-e;arl~Y. ii .1Itl.nd.:re~r.l'que5t .. :of
-.D.N.. BeU,· . p:4~~enger. UIicle.T~mB~W'I!bf.,,~nid .he"''''!hetl · ¥rs. Wiliium: C.C.Jnghol'n,of .Cheat·.
':~f~8B "will t1le' btl~kbonll, . of'"· ~be ·Trllffiq ¥~_un~er, Pl,lnnsylvnlllo' .Rllll-n fellow ~l1on 'I. \1nderstnnd,-I Le ain'~ :got nut Ave., loaves todn.y for Oeel,Ln Oity,
.'' H. .4lO:ncert.. ·.:.·~. .'. ...... .., ,,>t.;:, "':'.i, ronlt; Branl] fHr~et Stution, Phiiildei· norigM ~.o jud~.'.'W~11,.'re'i~grniit wbe~~. 1J)lewill vi$it her mObhe~l. Mrs:
';i '::': " ~'.. :certlllnll':'~ilrbcrt1j: :il'1D.V.· welt, ~~e" ,'1'11111•. Pn. .
;;':::;,.-:" ..... -... ,. ,'. .' . ' .,~ ;.:_;.
t·)uit.: . WCIIUPPOi'e in Il,lrny, we 8b(j~ld' O~tbiger.:
. . " ; . ' . ' '. "
'," . ! "

C:P£S ur.Del.l&tb SI
.Ire 0'1" sl:ze la Ute
Eallre World. .
......... p, ....... --Cuntinuous 10 A.. M. to
F;nr"lu~' Ulasses at j 0 'clock and 10
., 'rlnck. On first ILnd third Sundays

.. Phil&.. Pe. :1~ la t r ~lass is u High Mass, followed

\. l,cllcdidion .
I)~:I." ~lass at 8 A. ~I.

PROGRAM Corner semi-detached residence, 7 rooms EXCLUSIVE LISTING
• and bath, hot-water heat, electric light,
WEEK OF JUNE 4 excellent location. $8,000. Lot of half acre, attractively planted. All-
Detached stone-apd-frame residence, 8 stone residence, 9 main rooms plus en-
rooms and bath, all improvements, good
repair, convenient location. $9,500. trance hall, 3 baths, pantry, laundry room,
New hollow-tile residence, 6 rooms, tile inclosed (heated) porch.
bath and storeroom, hardwood floors This home is in perfect condition and con-
throughout, near station. $10,500. tains every convenience that money can
~IAI' 1'''UI>I:rTJoN START8 A8 "'BA. Newall-stone residence with slate roof,
A. ,· .. ,"IIII.R TO 10.00 A. lJ .. it.OlI. . . . . containing large living room with stone buy. Hot-water heat, hardwood floors on
K••II. !l.1lI. 1.4/1. lUlU P. M.
........,...---- fireplace, very cheerful dining room, large both first and second floors, 3 open fire-
• bedr~ms, hardwood floors throughout, places, back stairway, etc.
spacIOUS lot. restricted location, near sta- Three-car stone garage with man's room,

tion. $15,000.
hat, light and plumbing.
Best section of this attractive suburb, ex-
Semi-detached stone residence in excellent
condition, containing 8 rooms and bath all cellent surroundings, near station and
Rev. John Van Ness, Minister.
• convenie~ces, 2-car garage. Lot 55'xi27', Cynwyd Club. Prompt posgession. Price,
near statIon. $13,500. $40,000.
.. . BRYN MAWR •
Telephone: Bryn Mawr 882 REALTOR
~arberth ()Brrce City OBrrce
HOWARD C. FRITSCH At the Station 1214 Locust Street
Justice of the Peace
REAL ESTATE il1ember Philadelphia Real Estate Board
Fire Insurance-Best Companies
Phone 1749W-215 Haverford Ave.

For Bowling and

Pocket Billiards Baseball ~ order your coal as far ahead as possible lI.Dd state the me ,"on pret.
'corne to the j lI.Dd your next choice.
RECREATION tlOOM iI While coaJ will be scarce, everyone will be supplied..
No.1 Fot'reat Ave.

27 yards 10 Phila-
I to,l)rtU'e .-.100 delphia and Suburbs
I at :rour aervlee.
Ardmore UH Ineludlng one at


ROOFING .~: -.'

Jobbing promptly attended to .':

. N~ht Phone. N.rb.rth 687

D.)' Phone. Narberth 302 J NARBERTH METHODIST

Rev. Arthur S. WlJ.lls, Pastor.

Narberth Beauty Shop
Scientific Care of Face and Scalp
Manlcprlng Marcel, Wavlnf

Radio Narberth Electric Shop Radio
Hair Bl>bblngPbone 1606· I,
Residential Appointments ;
211 Haverford A venue , Special for Saturday Only
Phone Narberth 1749-J II
Connecticut Head Sets, $3.25.
t.A.NDsCAPE GARDENERS Crystal Sets complete with two sets head phones.
Ca.re of Gardens. Hedges, etc. $15.50.
Lawn Trimming a Specialty
Phones: Narberth 1790-R
4-tube set, guaranteed to receive any station in
or 1722-W. the United States, installed complete, $160.00. .....

We are the subscription agents for the E-Z Radio

Book, $2.00 per year.
We also carry a full line of electrical appliances
and fixtures. Easy Washers and Royal Vacuum Clean-
ers on easy terms.
W. G. CASE, Manager

aU OrayllDlI" A ....
Narb..rlb. Pa. ; ....
~('n'i('rs .Tullo ;;:
Don't Use lh~ giant burners on the range when the
rara - M~GinteY J~
Ui218 N.13lfis~
10 Phifa.
'1.1.1 A. ~r.
k<'lwlol :11111
smaller ones will do.
:\[orning ~f.lr\'it·0 alII .\. ~l. Don't permit the g-RS flame ttl vVCl-J .. p ~nc sides of
B.II Phone, Sprllce 38·96 ond 38-117 ! ~:n'lljllg ,.('n·ir(' III s 1'. ~l.
cool(ing utensils.
Keys,o •• t'hoo., Roc. 70·14 i ~I "nrill~ Iholll(': "Till' 7\111110

GARAnteed Roofs; l':\'pr~-

.1-:\ ..
Dr. "i,,~: H. D. Daughcrl~'
Remember, it takes no more gas to cook 12 potatoes
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.....
. <'1''':1<'11.
than to cook 6.
Tum out the gas when you don't neeJ it-matches
are cheaper. than gas.

Gas Does It Better

And gas will do your
cooking better~han evel-
before if you use one of the
For Permanent . new Gas Ranges embodying
'. tl;le various features for
Satisfaction <cleanlinessI' convenience and
Simplifies the cooking j saves food on account ofeven
heat" control j saves tiine, because of instant availability
of heat; saves· the temper.of the woman who does the 0

cooking, because .of its perfect results. See th.e new

Ranges at our Show Room.

The Counties Glii & Electric Company.

.. ~,,' .... ':AfdiU(;"7·7;;-'"Bry~)kwr-· "wayne'

"; ,
. "...... .

,",,:" ". 1: .~, L, ":'~.~..::'. ! •



Musical Festival
(Continued from Page 1)
\ The Garden Club Announces

Narberth Taxi ScIVioo


Patrick F. Donahue
~ . -~

We Carry a Full L1De 1'

Haydn, "The World is Waiting for the I Open Day aad Night Pbooe .633 I DAVIS' SHOP!
Hunrise," hy Rietz, "])u~k of ~ight,":
n Russian chorus by Arkhan~>lsky,iI
14 NEW BOO~ ADDED TO THE "H'I>ngR Beloved," a nn']ody of old' ~
CHILDREN'S SEC'l'ION OF THE fashiotl(ld ROII~~, nud f-cveral other
lllill1l11'rR by rpquest. MARSHALL CO.
LurelH's{' wiil sin~ ,e\'rral of tIn' I
Fourt een n pw hooks have been add'ed
Ill"".t d'iflieult aria" written for the col·. CONTRACTING PAPERHANGERS
to the ehildren's ser·lion of the Com· oratnra \'1IIt-e, in,.jurHn~ thp nria from I
munity Lihrary thi" week. All of them the ,. Magic Flnte," also a J.(~eat GallI;
were honght "ith the muncy derived ('ur('i faonite, ·'J.Jl Cllpinera," (The.

\\'reu). "(~llllmant Oi"eau," l,y s'P ecial :

from the puhlil'. exhihition 'of th\'
Children's Dane-iIlg CIIlSll.
dren's dancing c1a>lses were. a part of
The chil·
rrqu""t "11n' Last Hose of Hummer,":
Spring Flower Show
the Women's {;ommunHy Club work,
Hi~n'or lleHitis will 1,1' heard in the
under the direction of Mrs. C. P. }'ow·
lI"ell knowu "Eri tu " from the
COMMUNITY ROOM When you buy Sherwin-Williams' Paints
leI', to whose generous impulse the
Lihrary is indehted for thoe cash con, astor
"~[askp,l Ball," the famouR "Adam·
Arin," froln 44L'Afrisnnn,"1 Y. M. C. A. You are buying the best that money can secure.
tribution for children's books. whi"h i~ rarely I-"v('n in Anwriea, etc.!
All juvenile books are loaned fr('(' Get it at
The Or<'hestra wi II open the progrnm I JUNE 9TH, 1923
of dwrge and the patronage by the \dth the spurklillg ovprtllre from ~lig.:
children is so large that this 1'01101'1"
nOli. alll1. :"so p·lay several dashin~'
3 to 5 in the afternoon; 7-9 evening
tion of new volumes will bring plellf.Oure Jl'l:trrh('s and lnte-rnH'zzOM during- thp
to IJlnny childl'en, some of whom had
program. I
been !'<'1ying that they had • rread
Prof. :'\icp has h:1I1 entire eharg;c of I
arranging th;s ul\l\.~ual galllxy of mu· i
everything." A hst of thetle new
hooks follows: ~i,', an<1 it is ,luI' to hi, influenee. :Lhil· Exhibit~ to 'be delivered between 11 A. M. and 1 P. M.
Little Friend Lydia .... K O. Phillip" All exhihits to be tagged with exhibit.or ';; name and the Class :"'umbpr.
ity nn<1 sl'len,lid jlldlrlllent that su,'h ar·
Plensnnt wlwlel'Ome story for .Iar~ will be provirled for exhibits in the cut flower classes.
t i"ts ha\'e 1H.·en "er·lIn',]. H '> is a mu·
little girl'! by the nut hoI' of "Wee
Ann. "
Burgess Flower Book. Thornton Burge""
,i"al diredor of great promise.
Ther.> will he no Jlrol!rnlll~ sol<1 at
thl' F,estival, hut their distribution "'ill
Beautifully illustrnted in c-<llor.
he in ehargl' of Rome of the spason'" SCHEDULE OF PRIZES We are right on the corner, the most convenient
Famous Learlers of Chnracter in
Ill"S! f'lHlrminj.( rlehlltantp8.
Ameripa Ed w.i n Wildman 'Al'I('k', R\\'EEI~TAK.E J;RJZE~"ilv('r Oup offpre<1 hy the l'ennsyh'ania !lortil'll!· location for you to get your smoking supplies.
Thp ~atl''' will open at 'el'''n (l •
Garrison. Lee, Lineoln, Phillips tl,r eotH'"rt will 11egin nt l'ight. It i'. tural ~,,('i{·ty to th{' pxhihitor s('o~ing th{' gr"atest numher of points in all
Brooks, Cleyeland, Burroughs, 'ViiI· lInlllllll)r'('ll 1hat tll~r(' will llr ampk, ,·I:I-'sr·8.
oon. H.Qosevelt, Harding, etc. parking spa{'r. ! Fir,t prizes ,'Ollllt thrpe points. Keck Perfectos, Svecial, at 4 for 25c
Relll Americans ... Mrs. Mary H. Wade 11 is eX'pl'('ted that a largr ~ew Y·ork· ~p'-:lI,,1 prizeR "ollnt one point.
HO(}\'er, ::Ilark Twuin, Leonard :l1I,t "'ashing't-oll ("(l1l\l:n~l'\lt will ·he Hihholl' will h' awarr){>d in all r'la,s~:, as first, :,e"(ln<1 anll thir,l prizes.
Cigarettes, pipe tobacco, pipes, pouches. cigars, etc.
"'ood, Hoosen·]t, et'·., simply writ·
IJu dd luI'" a story of Rt. Timothy's,
prpsellt. mll,le lip not only of frien,l"
of l'hilarlrll'hians, hut 1II11,i"al patrons, C. H. CRANE
A. H. l'ier :11111' r-riti,'~ from thORl' ('il-i"s.
\\'hol~ome story of college life.
For late rl'sl('rvati'lns phone :'\:Irj,,,rth CLASSES
The !~ Store
1. BI'~t illrli\'idulIl ,,'Idtr I'II"e.
Tinv Toilt'r'! an,l Their ~'Work,
. G. G. Clark .
B(."t illrlivirllla] p:llk ro"p . Phone 1620 We Deliver
.'\ lh.1uh nhollt in~H:,(·t9, the spider :\. Bp-!'I individllal 1'(',1 rOR'·.
~. Be~t individual )'l'llow rose.
._,_a__ a_a_a_a_lI_lI_a_c lI_a_C_C_ll_II_,_a
athlete, the wasp paper worker,
OLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS G. B,,~t itlilidrlllal rose. anv othpr polor.
the eatprpillar "'eather prophet,
ete. Two ~nt8 per wnrd It calh aecom- 6. Best exhibit ",hit{, rost.;, any vllri"ty. not less than 3, not more tlllln Ii
Bov's Book ,d Hailroads .. Irving Gump PI1D"'. adTertl8ement; otherwl8e, fiT' 7. Best exhibit pink rose", any vllridy. not JesR thun a. not more than 6.
• Rtory of railroading in its many cent8 per Worl1. S. Rest exhihit. red rosps. nny vari"ty, not less than 3, not nwre than 6. PRECAUTION
pliases with ehapters on secret ser· !l. Bl',t ":'thihit ydlo"" rflRPS', any vari,ety, not les" thnn 3, not more than 6 A little precaution now will save your clothes from moths.
Have your clothes thoroughly cleaned now, before storing them
vireo the man in the t{lwer, the FOR RENT OR SALE-FurJlished cot· to. 131'''1. exhibit climbing roses, all.'" color, all one variety.
away for next winter. Our cleaning equals the best, while our
wre~king train, and the dispateh tage, conveniences, four bedl'OoQllls, 11. Best exhibit climbing roses, any ('0101', mixed \ ari"ti"•. prices for the qUllolity of clea.ntng are a.t least 25,:,:,. lower than
Best arrangement of ro~~ in howl, \'a~e or bnsket, any vnri{'ties.
hath, running water, eleetrici-ty, large 12. you would pay in the city.
of Cloverfield Farm, :.:arage. On Tom's Ri\'er, near Barnegat. 13.
Be~t exhibit white peon ips-not less than 3. not more than 6, any vnrietie8.! Prices for Cleaning
PrineI' and Hover
Hrlen Orton BaY, X. J. F. A. Lanuhan, :W.) Forest! 14. Best exhihit pink peonies-not less than 3, not more than fl, an)' varieties. ,
Gents, suits, French dry Ladies suits, French dry
Best exhibit red peonies-not less thnn 3, not more than 6. any varietie".! cleaned $1.50 cleaned 1.75
Horse and dog stori'es for small A\."e., XarlJerth. Phone 1781: (:34·c): 1.).
Best exhibit mixed peonies-not les". than 3, not more than 6, any varieties. , Gents overcoats, French Ladies Coats, French dry
children. dry cleaned 1.50 cleaned __ 1.75
'I ](i. Be"t exhibit single peonies-n{)t le!l1l than 3, not more than 6, any yarieties. I
Blnck Phantom Leo Miller IDEAL Firele.s~ Cooker, good as new, 17.
Story of .Jungle life in So-uth fully equipped, two compartments. 18.
Best exhibit D.elphinium, light bIne. I Gents dress suits, French
dry cleaned 2.00
Dresses. French dry
clea.ned. 1.75 up
Best exhibit Delphinium, dark :blue. I
America. $15.0U. Phone 666·R. (tf) ]9.
Lives of Girls W'hl{) Became Famous, 20. Best
combination wit.h other flowers.

(A rtistie I
(revised) Sarah Bolton TYPEWRITER--Hammond 21. TAILORS
Jenny Lind, Jane Addams, Fran· arrangement.) Cleaners and Dyers
for sale, aB new. Ideal for vacation,
ces Willard, Helen Keller, Anna 22. Best exhihit Columbine, long spurre'!. Repairing Pressing Remodeling
llse. At substantial reduction. Ad·
Hownrd Shaw. 2::1. Be't. exnibit Columbine, short ~purred. Phone Narberth 1749-R We caIl for and delivCl'
"A," c.nre of "Our Town," Box
Best exhibit Canterhury Bell~. 102 Forest Ave. ~Opposlte Elm Hall) Narberth, Pa.
Polaris E. H. Baynes dretl'S
!lOO. (tf) 2'4.
Account of puppy d ays 0 f P ]a
o· 25. Best exhibit Foxglove.
ris, a white :t:skimo dog, whOll'P - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 216. Best exhibit Sweet William.
FOR SALE-Full ~izc brllss bed. Phone
mother and father belonged- t{l the 27. Best ex.hibit Tall Bearded. Irises.
1777. (34-1')
train that drew Peary'8 sledge to 28. Best exhibit Siberian Irises.
the North Pole.
Arnold Adair With the English Aces,
Lawrence Driggs large electric fan.
29. Best exhi'hit Corn Flower.
F.OR SALE-Pedigreed Airdale, also ::10. Best exhibit Hardy Pinks.
103 'VoQodbine 31. Best exhibit Pyrethrum.
N'arberth Register
Two Un.., IOc per ;'.ae; Se lor each atlditionalline
For older Iboys-encounters with Ave. Phone Narberth 609·J. (34-p) ::12. Best exh~bit Oriental Poppies.
enemy, airmen and spies. ::13. Best exhibit PansieR.
Star, Story of an Indian Pony, MOT~'S HELPER-Girl to assist ::14. Best exhibit Sweet Pens. ACCOUNTANTS KINDERGARTEN
Mrs. F. L. Hooker with housework. To seashore for 3G. Best exhibit Lillies. Gott8hall. H. K. Public Accountant. 80S ~11.8 Zentmayer·. Klnder~arten.
Best Bask.et of Perennial or Annual Flowers. (Artistic Arrangement). Conway Ave. Phone, Narberth 1667-J. N. W. cor. Ee8ex and Wlndaor ave8.
For boys and girls. summer. 501 Haverford Avenue. (34-p) ::16. Kelm. H. C. Certllled Public Acc:ountaDt. LAWVWoRS
37. Best Yase or Bowl as Centerpiece for Tahle Decoration. 202 Dudley Ave. Phone Narberth 8OO·W. • ...
Real Story of the Whaler,
A. H. Verrill
Reliable informati{)n about whale
FOR SALE-Bloch Bwby Coach, Singer
38. Best Exhibit of lIny Perennial Fl{)\wr not in above classes. AU
Doran Motor Co., Ardlllore, Pa.
See dl8play advertiBellIent In thla 118U..
Gilroy, John. 211 E88ex ave. Phone 12411· R.
Phlla. addreH. Lincoln Bldg.
Stlt.... Fletcher W. 413 Haverford ave.
Phone 372-W. PhUa. addrel8. Croser Bid&,.
. '"

Sewing Machine, several 'Vash Narberth Gara~e. Phone Narberth 1683.

fulhing of New Bedford. See dl8play advertl8llI11ent In thl8 118ue. LIGHTING FIXTURES
:-itands, small Family Safe, lawn mower, ~1~Donald. Jobn. Narberth phone. 1288.
small garden 1'10 '\', patent .1sh sifter, Children's Cla.sses AUTOMOBILE SERVICE 1533 Che8t. at.• PhUa. Phone Spruce 1138.
Donabne, Patrlek F. PhoDe 1633.
ClelloiWig, 41terlDI, 1'relIIdDS
large swivel desk chair, plants, at 10!J
Grayling Ave. (34·1')
::19. B"st arralll!ement in vase, bowl or basket of wild flowers, entered by
children between !i nnd 10 years. Special first prize, $3.00 in cnsh;
See dl8play .advertl8ellleDt tn thlB 181ue.
HllI'hland Dalrl... Inc.
j;f'U dl8pla)' advertl8elllent In tbl8 1.88ue.
4 .-

Whlte'a S.weet Shop. Opp08lte Station.

RelIdy-01SCl. Sulta. aD~ Sulta Made to Order second prize, $2.00. See dl8play advertl8elllent In tnla 181ue. MUSIO
wANTED-Th rent house, apartment Looa. FllD-DJ' H. Plano teacher,
S. N. PRAGER 40. Best arrllngement. in vase, howl or basket of wilrl flo\\'ers, entered by BAHIiS StUdio, Y. M. C. A. Bldg. Phone 816-J.
or rooms, nnfurDished. Familf of 3, ehildren between JO and 1,5 yparl'. Bpedal fil'st prize, $::1.00 in cash; .\lerl<,8 Till., III Tr_* Co. Phone. Narb'th 898
211 lIAVERl'ORD AVENU'E ~ee dl8play advertl8ement In thll IIlue. NOTARY PUBLIO
AboTe AIlI. Store . adults. A·l references. l\fight con- second prize, $2,00. BEAUTY PARLOR N....b. Henry T., at Narberth Stallon.
We call for and deliver sider purchase of small home. Ad· Pbone, Na~berth lilO.
Norbertb Beauty Shop, 211 Haverford Ave. Simpion. Harry A•. 205 Avon Road.
dress • C H," care of "Our '1'own.' , See displaY ndvertlsement In tbls Issue. Phone. Narberth 2283-J.
BUILDERS T)·8011. WarreD B. 200 Woodbine ave.
HARRY B, WALL (3~.p)
Bottom8. G~o. W. Pbone. Narberth 12ll6-W.
Phone Narberth 1202-W.
tlee dl8play alivertl8elllenl In tbl8 181ne. OPTICIANS
Plumbing, Gas fitting DESK-Roll top, in good oond'ition, Tho8. A. Kerrl,8n " lion. I-·~nton. Carl F •• 1631 Che8tnut lilt.
Sce display advertl8ement In thl8 l88ue. Spruce '1797. ReeldeDce, WaYDe. Pa.
and "eatin.g cheap, for sale quick. Box 966, or Shand, Alex. C•• Jr. Phone No. 1710. Palmer, H. E., 209 Haverford Ave. Phone

PhOlle; NarbmJlll!OU
phone Narberth 2261. (tf)
ESSENTIAL Narberth Station.
Sm~dley. Wm. D. " U. T. Phone 600.
See display advertisement In tbl8 IS8ue.
CAN Ill', ETC.
801.J. PrelcrlptioDe 1l11ed aDd repalrlD&,.
Zenlmo)·er. J08eph. Il106 LocU8t et., Phl1li.
S~",borlr, Wm.• " Co, 212 WoodblDe ave. .... :
Neighibor (bearer of message, breath·
in all buUdin!J.- Dovl8, U. E. 'Pbone 12M- W.
/:lee dl8play adV\lrtlsellleut In thl8 181ue.
PboDe Narberth 1758- W.
See dlaplay advertl8elllent In thla 18aue.
Waller, l"red.
117 Wln80r ave. Phone 1247-J.

'Jhos.A. K~rri08l1&SOn ..
Iessly)-"You're wanted at 'ome, .J~nkln8. Ch08. L. PAPERHANGING
Oharlie. Yer wife's just presented yer loa Dudley ave. Pbone 1684. ManhaU ·ComplUly.,CoDtractlDr Paperhan...- ;,'
COAL AND COKE era, 800 Price Ave. Phone. Narberth 1661-J.
with another rebate olf yet income
Narberth Coal " Bulldlnll' l\Iat~rlal Co. . P.HOTO PLAYS
·.Building and :¢ontractiJi, tax." See dl8play ·advllrtlsemenl In tbls ISlue.
Newton Coal Co. Phone Ardlllore ·10·1.
"Anadla," 16th and Cheatnut 8t11.• Phlla.
See dhiplay advertlaelllent In thll l88ue.
',' .~

BOmes Pot SalilO~ BeDt .

See dlsplayad\'ertl8ement In tllia luue. PLUMBING. ETC.
. Good· opportunity to sell our moderate DENTiSTS Cook B~08. Phone l\02-J. .
.. :P~&DS' Be ·l;Bttmat.eil.. ' priced .~. popUl&i l,b1e ofautomobUGs. Orr Dr. A. L, 101 Elmwood avo Ph. 8113· w~ .See dl8play adverthellIent In thll.I••ue.

.... .bmlahe~ .i:o~ .•. . phl1a•. Phone Fllbert 421)2. Keith Bldg. W.u. JL B. PIloDeNarbertb 1602·J. .
. AJ,terat1~J1II' &. B8lI~g .DOltANyt.:iiB·STAR Dr. J. schemba. Jr. Phone Narberth 816-W.
s..E.·Cor, GrayllDg ·lind WlDd80r IIvea.
/:lee dl8play advertl8elllent In thll IIlue.
OWCleBoura: ~ue8(laY.TburBd~', Batur. LlvlDlI'lit\lD. PhtUp A. P. O. lJox 966.

··UOR4N.:·MOTORCO•. daYt .9.30 A, M. ulltllll.30 P. M. r.~oDdaJ', HII'll grade' printing. aDd engraving,
...' '.' ....; ShoW . Boom·· . WeQllelday.• Frllla)'.·6 P •.V.unw8 P.M. · _ .. n .. o· .

Dr. B. F •. McDuJree; 209 H'nverford ave. . _a

•. ; ~. 45 ·.l1~L8.D~tel' Ave*"ue . PboDe.:644-R:Houre;l)A. M.·G.SO P, 111. "'...d,A.W;PhoDe.1'i'arberth 12lIG.W•
. .t.L'elephoDiI,· .Atdmori·l71 :Evenlnge 1lJ'l1Ppolntl\lent~ Radio Outllta. aDd SuppUee.
.... . D.RUGOi8TS . ·.BBAIf ESTATE
Frltoch. B •. c. Ph.oDe:zll2-W.
Ho'ward'•• PhoDe 1267. .
See dl.Pla.y .dvertllieDjell~t ·la thiB .Ieaul.
'., ';
See dlejlhlJ'.ildverfllemeDt In thl8 Inue.
Crane. O. H. Plione 1620.· Nuh•.Bobed J; .Phone Nar'herth 1'110.
!:lee dI8play.· advertllelllelit In thll. 118ue. MOlley ,tor FIrat· aDdSecond' Mortll'alree.
Cale, W·. G. Phon'e 2282; Recreation Room. !'lo. 1 Forreet ave •
. Bee dl8play. :advertlaellIent Iii thla. 118ue. Seedllp14y .advertlliemeDt In· thla Dlue.
Pachj Veri•. au· Gratllnir Avenue;. .. . BOO:f'lNCl• •TO•
. Nar. PhoDe, 811-.Y; :Ard;PhODe, 188·1. Gan-McGlnley Co. PhODe 12ll8·W•
. ":,'- ' . :.·:BA'BPWABB ...... .. See dl.lplay adyel"tllellIent lD thle lIIue.
'oersilv' 'lIardwNe'Co'l 211 ;Haverford ave. Wiler, tlohn A. . m Iona ave. Phon.'·G81·J.
Beedl.pla1'.ad,ve~tl.emeDt.1ntldl)llue. . Shop,,~ ·.Ba-\'ettord:. a'fe.Phone 122lI....
RleJdla. ~.' 208· 2;laTertord ·A.enU~' .- . .... ... t1,K()IIlJUKBa" .'
"",'~;'~ "~~d~.d~~thlaJu.,..- ,G04Id.~W"".:J"'o,·~ .8~_oll. _. '_·C, .. ,_ •••
.. ,.... '::... :' :' "l~.(J~tnI·· . .. . .' (l!JDatantlJie.. ~ (J~.:'W.~ Siy,ertorll .~e.
B!I\liaiUIIBam J,"•. ('We.). ' ... \ ' . Pholle Naru~:1T~W.·. ;: ..:.
"116 ·lII1al'll'ood·· : ·'phOD. 6lIll.W. . . . . . . - . . . - " . ,'rAlLO-":,·· ., .
." """
. '. . ~ . . • . . .,.. .
'. Tritt• •lIiI~ '(I'lre;! etc.)' .. . ; . ' . Adelld" 1ItO&ben,. 101 I'orrillt ·,An•..
:. 20D 'Wobdatde' .'e•. PfloDa .1262'B;.. ..... :. 8M .41BpIU atlftttblJiaent: iii
lIbeD,":Fnd. AYQ."
tb" .........
-~ ",·O .' .liltu.n· V.:.Autolllolllle;:..
~!.. :'P"'~D,' ~B. . : .i'lre..ete.
.' ...8ee Q~pl.1·.~~ ·m·'BiWlrfol;d
... t·bi.:t1ab Dill". .
.' . ~ ~,,' .:.. : ..... .;."
~' .. .... ,. .
': ; ~ .'

>.: ,".
.. ,'
". ' ...', '.

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