Foctors Gome Two: Finding o For Ployers

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2 Finding foctors - o gome for two ployers
Use the 1-10 number cards and torget number cards

12 14 15 16 1B 20 21 24

25 27 30 32 36 40 42

ShulJte the torget cords ond ploce them Joce down in o pi[e. ShulJte ond
shore out the 1-10 number cords between the plogers. Turn over thefi.rst
torget cord. Eoch ploger loohs ot their number cords to see f theg have o
cord thot [s o Jactor oJ the torget number; f so they put it down in Jront
oJ them. Plogers con onty ploy one cord eoch turn. P[oy conttnues unt[[
one ptoger has loid down o[[ their number cords. This ptoger is the winner.

Hint: You hove drawn Joctor trees Jor some oJ the torget numbers [n
octivltg 1.
You might fnd it useJu[ to drow Joctor trees Jor the other numbers.
Some oJ the 1-'10 cords ore more useJul thon others.
Which i.s o useJul cord to hove?

3 Odd ond evens - q gome for lwo ployers

P[ogers ore desi.gnoted A ond B. Eoch ployer shul]es their
'l-10 number cords ond ploces themJoce down in o pite.
Both ployers turn over the top cord Jrom their pi[e. IJ the
Hint: Wou[d you rother be
product [s even ploger A gets a point, f the product is
ptoger A or ptoger B?
odd ployer B gets o poi.nt. The frst ployer to 10 poi.nts
wlns the gome.
Looh ot the results Jor some oJ the colculotlons.
x 1 2 3 4
The even products ore shoded.
1 1 t 3 4
Comptete these general stotements obout the products oJ I2
2 6 8
odd ond even numbers:
3 3 6 q 12
odd x odd =
4 4 8 12 16
odd x even or even x odd =
even X even =

Unit 1A: Number and problem solving

CPM framework 6Nn6, 6Nn7, 6Nn1 7, 6Nn'18; Teacher's Resource 2.1 , 2-2

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