Our Town May 26, 1923

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a ,'11Je FIRESIDE PLAY ~~~:: T:=: INTER-! Legion Completing

Choral Society In MusicallNarberth Drops -----------------1 s'e(' 1\(1, round of the inlere')lIb: Plans for Memorial
Mawr i Close One 'I'lle 0
Day Parade
Festival At Bryn
_______________________ ,Season Promises a Won-! l!f5!L I
.kiJJ,. : tennis lIIatrh,'s under Ihe :iuspil','g lIf
the Philndelphill alill Di~tl'id La\l Il l
u[r.. Hul'v F • , Borvrr of 'Y·".hinlTtlln.' ,
'I fenllis .-\ssodntlOlI w,'re played Inst ' - - - - - •- - - - - -
• ------
D. (" IS spenelJ.ll g t~e \I eek·ell,l "llh Raturday aflernuon in dght di\"isions,
" • .' ' h ,

Forty Members of Philadelphia Orchestra:der/ul Brand 0/ Ball I M emortal Servtce Sunday

Mr, :111,1 ),[1'''. '''m, h. Boryer, O'f ),[er·, In division A, o,ur tealll plaYI'<1 (her· At Bapt· t Church
And Two Famous Soloists to Assist \'al'}"'rlh 's hig~",st aehi"vement in' ion .\\'1'.
thl' past \I"ek has hN'n the 15·1 vie·,
hr()(Jk at the :'\arlJerlh CourtS<. OHr.
),[rs, L. H. Eiltgerton, of Oheslllul brook Il'am, Ihy winniug four of thl'
-------------- the
Tory over :->t, .J'ohn's C. C, It was an Avennl' en"'l'llIilll'd thl' officl'rs allel Hix singles 1ll1ltdles, ul'f,'atl'd :'\arherth Pllrsuant to the plan to rotate
,'xhihitiou of qUlllity hashall that prollll-' tene'hl'l'~ f I ),[ h r ;;] I players "ix matdles to three. ('hlll'I,h SI'I'\ i"1'1l for the Legion Mem,
, 11 f f t I 0 ~ II' ,I't .0' 1St ,un' ay, Tl,e !,.-ores: Ilri:1! Va.\', thl' Baptist Chul'l'b will con-
,s,', \I',' or u urI' games, ':;;"hll',j last Frldav e\'l'lIl11g.
"l1lll'n ('aiu, sporting I'u'itot of t h l ' : ' O\-I'rbrook, 6; :'\arh,'rth, ;\ dud thl' ,'erl'mony, ),Iem:hers of the
I'uhli,. I I',~ger, waxe,1 ver~' ('lIthu!<ias· ),[;; I' (' f 'I ' II. LallI', :'\llrh"rth, defea""! L. :->, Illl'al I'osl atc to 1I8semb]e in front O'f
, ., l' .. 1', " '" ox,O ., I.'non ,\\'e" SoIH'IlI, I '. k Ilip Fin' House ane! 1lI11r<'ll to the
til' ov .. ,. tillS ]IlnvlIlg.
. I IS ('Ollllllents I l k '
II' \lpf' III ]" 1 I ] }
Itls)ul'P;I, \\ leT!' II' at )('U\JII l', Overhl'oo , 2·1;, 6,4, S·H.
"II Ihe game, and on till' :'\arherth • ' , 1', }Afling, O"erhrook, d{'fl'aletL F, ('hurl·h, Owillg 10 the ad that ser-
I('alll arp well w'orth incJu-d,ing in "Our: lend",1 Ihl' h.lIlghls Tl'n1]1lar (on"llI\"', Frl'!7., \'Ilrherth, 6-1, G·:!. I ;",·s slal·t at e}('\'ell 0 '{'lock, t h e
Town." ~[i"s )'[iri'llll Sharp, l()f ),[ontgomerv' W. Durnell, th'erhMok, d"felltl',1 H. I.egiollairps al'l' 1,0 assi'l1Ihle promptly
• II \\as a great ,lay for Di"'hll, pite·hing I Ave., spent the week-end in Loga;1 I I-'ret7., :\arhl'rth, ().:l, fl·n. at I<'n Ihirl~', It is urgeu that liS
I for t.he :'\arbetth e]JIIih of The Main I w}Il're IShl' "bite,1 her gralld,moth("r,: R. ),[eCann, O\"l'rhrook. def"utl'd .\. 11Illll~' as possi'hle nttend. It migllt
LillI' },I'll g'm'. ]n tlte twilight gamci E,'s. rJ:lnk Hh'lIo. . T. Grugall, X'II'herth, (i.(l, li·:\. lo,· \lpl[ 10 Tl'millll thelll thM hy eom-
'Illst Tuesdav agninst Ih,' St. .Tohn 's, H. BL,ldle, Ovel'hro,ok, dl'feate'!1 1'. illg tl,,'.\' ]IllY their respects to those
, .
l'luh, of Brideshurll, t1l.(' young pl1l'her' .Tar·k :'\iJJlOII, of ),!olltgol1lety An'" lIa\les, Xarlwrth, j.;;, ;Hi, 1i'4. \lho Tt'lIl:1ill 011 thl' other side.
hl'l,1 thl' dsitors to one run lwd him,l CII"'rtaill(,<! thl' followillg guests On .1. () ':'\('ill, (h'erllrnok, dpfeal,',1 .1. TIll' L"gioll Allxiliary will meet the
"I'lf s]uggl'd out II lrol1le-nlJl hit that, Rntllrdny aftet!looll, .\pril :':61h: :\[ir- .-\111.'11, Xllrh"rth, tl,~, (i.~, Il'oltnllll :,t the Churl'h and march ill

p:ISSI."] ('ll'ar over th(' little l'I'eek thnt inm ),[lIr~'
Sh,np, l'oormall, [)oroth,\' n"Lolle alld ),I('('alln, OVl'rhrook, ell"I \lilh Ihl'nl.
spalls the Xal'herth gl'ounds, niehn ~Ierkle, ,\ \'a Brogall; I'h;lip Riep;,'r,' fl'all't1 Lall" alld lIal\'('s. :'\arherth, 1i·2, I'lalls for fIJi' ),lel1lorial Day parad-e
walk.pd ill frol1l third hase while the William nor~I.'.\', 1>01':1 ),1111('1', X:lOlIli Ill.2. "1',' goillg "" :q"'l'e. Thl' nIeeting held
Bri4!eshurg center fielder was still Wea\'pr, B!'tty 1Il'ppl.'. B,'tl~' Twel',I,1 Frl'l7. ",,,I ~'l'd7., :'\arlH'rlh, ddt'att'" 1,,,1 ~IOll'''a.I' llight promised! lUlIple
• I sl'arrhing in the w'Oods on the hill Stul'gi" l'oOrl11l1n and 'Villard B,'nnpl', Durllell all" E"lillg, (herhrook, 4·li, 1;'1, ""'''1"'1'''1;011 on thl' purt of the organ·
: a('ross the ('reek WI' the hall. Tallt '6·4. iZ:lti'"ls ill\'il"d to partidpate by the
! ahout your lost hulls. They will u('\'l'r ),[jss J-'U!!('t ),[('1'1111'1', of Bala, spt'nt Orugan IIl1d .-\11"n, :'\11 rh"l·th , dd('al· 1"",,1 I.I';!i'"1 Po;;t, Grl'at exc,itement
find thnt hall until they clear out that [list wl"l'k \\'ith ),[r~. Hohert ),1. TO\ln, ",I Bicldll' all,1 O':'\eil, O\'l'rhrook, 6·2, 1,r<'\lIill'd al tl~e ;;uggestion that the
: patl'h of ",'oods and build housC6 on' of :'\arhE'rth .-\\'1.'. 6·3. he,,,] of I'al'h orgllni7.atioll be moulItl'd
I thllt hill. Alld the score \\'as 1;; t'O' '1'1,,· Bl'llfil'Jd tt'am of Oel'l1IlIntO\\n 011 a ":1\ orting ")IlII'g-er, all,1 it looks ns
11. ' arl' to play (lUI' hoy~ lit th(' \'arhl'rlh if ),11'. ),[lIrkll.' \\'ill he heseized with
a 1'1' Tl'lIl1is ('Iuh "onrts today. )'(''1 l1 ''sl, for IHOlllltS.
TIll' J.,·giilll is pllrtit'lIlnrly anxious
BUS WRECKED to hn\(' thl' 1I,·t;\'\' I'"rtil'ipation of the
0, .\, n" and ha\'e gotten in tJQuch
with oot' 111l'llIher. It is desdred tJlat
. l-l-EI H II I lOne of thl' ears of thl.' Xal'l1l'rth BlIs
'I'(I h (' nUlrr]ee III III a, Tues< avo , nnyolIl' kno\\ ing a Ci\'il 'Val' vetl'rnn
Josephine Lucchese Mn,v 29th, nt S P. ),f., II tiny ladv m;,l COTllpan)" "ns slllashed up last 'V-ednes
clay ,tt 'Vindsor nlld loAfseX Avenul.'s lidn!! h,'r£' (0 ('ommlllli('llte with )tr.
, . All of Ihis IlIl11sn:1i 'lI1usje ane! tall'ut 1llHlllinlou" ill I'ralslllg his fin"
"all be enjoyed ill thl.' 1"001 of tbe ancl ullusllal range.
gentleman, well known in s{)('iet,v. The hus was npprolll'hing the corner, Fret7. 01' ),[1'. Bl.'rg-l1er so tbat they may
11'1'0111 Thumh 'Verl.Jing."
,'onling down ESliI'X A "ellUl', when a he illl it"d 10 partil'ipate und take tht'
pla,·1' of h"nor as is their due. It has
('vening, \\'~thi IInt,url' 's o~\ n beautiful 'f 1 'I J '[ 'I tth' f ~oll truck, '!I'h'pn hy Pntriek )lcCahe, a
...\ T. nn( I ..\ r~ . . . .n ....l" a . leu, 0 ~ h(','n f ..lt Ihat l1Iany of the G. A. R.
hackgroulld, and her /)r('('zl's blending on 1.'. H f d,\.
11\'1'1' or
- ve., ave I'
I ft X I h I ('YlI"'yd Aeontraetor, sp€'eded down ,mcn \\ ill turn out \\'ith their 'Own posts
. al' wrt, to I ,,;, d
the birds' tw,jJight IUllahy~ with the . 1 . PI 'I ; 111 SiOr VI'.
N'll11 e JII II a, I Aceording to I'ye \\,itnes8-(>s the t\\'Il on ,),lemorial Day, .but it seems pz:co:p.
harmony lif Dlany hUlllJIIl throats. IIble thwt they will be a:ble to tUTn out
You rnrely heat· a ('olllhination of MiS!! V·era Grannis, next Sun,Tay for the Church services.
trained \'l()i<'es, illt"I'JJ:lt;onHlly faJl]('d Indiana, who hilS heen With that en'! iu view, all G. A, R.
orehestra, alld I \\'0 famous operatic mt'n will he in\'it-ed to partidpate. An
wloists. open cnr will he i]lut at their disposal
1t Wll4l most f<Jrtunate that Prof. anrl they will head the march to the
:-\i,'(' ('ould I'ecure LUl'h('~p, the nightlin, (,hureh.
gull', that _II - sudl IIpplaullc' -Jin
praise last sea80n. At prellent, she is
So fnT n11 the tnIk has been about
the ,bus were the G. _-\, R. :lJ1l1 -the Legion, but the
singing operatic reles in Ha\'auu w.ith sl.'r\,j,·"s atl' for AI.JL veterans, whether
),[nrtinelJi, 8echipo, Ruffo, ('t('., where th,'.\' I'll' 'LeJ!ionlllires., Civil, Spanish,
they Olpened n new fiv-e million dollar or WorI<l Wnr.
op<>ra house. Too mU"h plaudit can· Tht' l.A'gi"n lIlen wuuld be very glad
not be giveJI to this orilliant rolora, to h:I\'1.' the \'etl'rans of the Spani~h
tura soprano. It is ,,·orth TIl:lny times War join ill with them in these ser-
the price of adm'illSioll to hear her d"e~ anrl would extend -invitations til
alone, notwithstanding the other at- each lI1un personally if they were but
trJ1('ti VI' feuturetl arl'llllg<'u for .1 une 2- wnB known. Inforn1ution concerning them
SII€' brought her hearers to their feet will he appreciated.
in the Manhatten Opel"ll House when Aet.nal plans, iurh ns order of mareh;
she sang the role of "Gilda" in 'I Ri- MUSIOAL SERVICE etc., will he determined on the spot
gole1.to," -and, wOOn she sang •• Caro nC('ortliug to the relative strength of
Neme" in New York, soliI' was dremanil- on All Snints Clhurl'h, nunlht'rs of the various organizati-ons.
ed to come bef'Ore thl' curtain four- rl'nder lin unusual It is definitely 8'€ttled~ however, th~t
teen times. She was accorded an ova· the Xavy ml.'n will not be tile closers!
tion seldom tende,red nuy artist in The ),[emorial Day serviee8 depend
Buffalo in ,her rendition of the taxing on the attl'lIdunre of the participants,
<L Mad Scene" and arousl!d the house n II'! it is up to them to make or mar
to su-e.h a pitch of enthusiasm that them.
even the metDibers of the orchestra rose
and jroned in the aeelaiml\. Josephine
Luehese ,is an Ameriean born of Italian GENERAL RULES RESPECTING
parents, and having li-er home in San THE FI.AG ABE- AS FOLLOWS:
Antonio, Texas. She recently married It should never be festooned, but aI,
Captain Caru80, ""ho is her lIlanager. \~':I~'S hU1IJl: flut or open.
All all altar,co\'l'ring the starry field
Sigl1'Or Cito De R.itis, the Italian
-shoulu he at the right as' ~'ou faee tho
baritone of note, ill- arrllnging, by spe-
cial request, BlCveral opetlltic arias and altar.
Bl'fore l){ling half·maated, the flag
<brilliant 9OogS. He hns sung lIlllny
should he rUII ro the staff.flead, and low-
leading roles in the prominent opera
,'rt'tl to half·must, and when ball·must-
houses throuKh ltlll~', as well ns in
ell IIlttl llbout to be hauled d'!l'Wll, ~t
sl1:oul<l the mast·hl'lIded befDre being
As the soloists will reuder Ill'usic of
huuled down.
great toobnic llnd artistry, 'Prof. Niee
Xn oth'er flag should be hlOisted above
has selected 'num'bers fOT' the Chorlle of
swinging theme and appealing 'har- tht' American flng, except the whito
triungll' IIntl tbe blue cross of tbe church
mony. Tiw 'singers have been assidJo-
ously rehearsing 'foOr the pust sev-e.ral UNANIMOUS pennant.
weeks in an 'effort' to make tlds olle TIll'
HILppiness 'Comanittee of the When the flag is carried with other
of the, Vl!ry best cOII"erts ever heurd ~lIrbC'1"th rrellJlis Crnb ,,'ere hitting on flags in a parade the national eol~rs
in th.ils part of the l!.()ulltry. all twelve cylinders wlhen tbey put on clnim the plaee of henor at the right
Th~rc ill a threelold interest 'uttlLeh· tire IUllt dnnce of the senson, Friday, I;If th.e other flags" 'and is never dipped.
ing to·this Festival. ·In addition tothe BOY INJVRED M'ny l8tli. The hall never looked ' When you drape the American flag
musical interest, there is the loonl in- prettier, dooorntions' being ill red, with that of an()tber color or bl1nner
terest, whirih man-ifetits itself, in any Ralpll, .Stioughton, :six, son of 8. nrl .r. Ibl . Th e punc II bo wI was of an \ organi7.ation, ,always plaee the
... \I'te , a n d ,ue.
nll'air given in the vdeill~ty, hnd wbich lighted from overhend hy a large _elee- nutional colors 'at the right.
fs' always, 'r,eadlY' to, lend a hand, whll- tric " lighted dome, and the ent.ire stage WI"
len tbe ...
nn g .IS, h Un
g 'In a,'hO'"
•ther' ,it is' l\etp oon&tntct !l grand- was' draped W'Itb. Amerielln, flags, UII~ '71OntOl' position the 'starry' fteld
stand, 'or" &ell the' tiek.e,tll. '. But the in the foreground a, lattice w()rk inter-' " " -
wIound w.ith,,' 'l"OlI£'S 'made n lI\o!ri; nt,
'traoth·e setting f~ Raith 's Orc)l~ra,
of \W)I()' played m~sie' auch ·aB
,is' f1eldom
the :Bryn beai'd, in Narberth, . .
Many out' Off, town guests Jf ,members
wer~' present; Mr. and Mrs~ ,Tames C.
McKell ,~pping the li1}t with a. party
01' seven friendl/. The follo~ng: a1111O,

or COU1'll8. w.

most places if people wait only for a tenberging estalblishment. A tall print- Telepbon.I.'

A OO-operative Oommunity Journal
brief instant, the ears that' OClClUPY the
street Wlill pass, and they ean cross in THE TOWER
ing' ogre stands before an empty desk.
He is clothed in ink and mntted locks.
deUYel' ...;....,
plaoe ~'_
tim.. ' ,
I'ea('e and safety. But many have so OF BABBLE ,\ gTaceful Ed:itor is sen ted to his left.
Owned and pubU.hed e"",y Saturday by little self oontl'ol that they ean't wait He is cost.umed in shell rimmed spec- The Brightest Spot in Narberth
the Narberth CI"lc A.."clatl"n. ," few secollds, ano they may' fail to, tacles and a peaeeful smil,>. Drrupeo.
By oollum Righter A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
Fifty Cents per year In ad"anee
, nntit'e some ears c"ming from an unseen I
8UBSCRIPTIOS PRICE, One Dollar and" ,ll'rnetl'on.
1·-----------------· on chairs nbout the stage ure hand·
some Ilu:burll haired ~'out.hs, heautiful
The hahit of "jay wa.lking"of Cro88.' W l• ha\'e, it rnn~' trllt,hfull y he stat~d, 8ih'ery haired Indies "UIHL J,undh's cxf
illg' the streets at irregular angles, D~: alway!' l,epn at Ollp \I Ith e\'ery atl~l1lr· nnread pf()c~f, Tht} printing ogre yanks
{III" that makes ttouble in many Ioca· 'I ahll' PUTIHlSl' Jill' \l hi,'h thl' Home and his l:oeks vidlYIIs1y, Wa ,'cs his hands
t i{ln~, If pedestrians will form tho I ~ .. hnol .\"s8oeia f~'I)U \l'L' iuauguratell.
hahit o,f eTossing at reeognized plaees I .\nd \l t' shall (I,' ~"rry to see auy
i'n the' air an,1 looks a,sku nrc,
l-(r:Lceful Editor \\'~s olle foot ear,'-
Fresh Straw-berry
"hpre the~' ha\',' tIlt' right to dlo so, ,'hallgl' mad" that ,,'ollid prt'\'l'ut its I(,'!lsly an,l lISSUllll''' an air itllllieatin'
'llotorists w:ill lw I,ett er able to look out iiI:!:! :!:I l'n""id"nt ,en-iu).! ftll, th,> Ilew of wlult.·a re-you.qoi ng'-to·oo-a hOllt -it.
for thl'm, '~,'hool y"ar, 1I.'n· I" a !lIall who, as Printing' O~re (l11a,lIy): That go,.h.
One of the many delicious flavors of Ice Cream we
Philip Allee LI\·lngston. Editor .\ favorit.e tri .. k of hel'dless peoes.' our fr;l"III ,\rag{lu ,,"nul,1 ~"y, po,.'s'·~""s h-.lugl'ru ColunllList of yours is late offer to discriminating Narberth.
Hnlpb S. Dunne, TreasurE>T
t l'ia.ls is to st~lrt to .. ros.~ a streBt at: Ie savoir faire ill tiull>~ (If "In'ss and agnin with his e()p~' this wel'k~ G,r·r·r' And it is not frozen up six months in advance.
all irregular pl"ee, (,ol1ling out. from bl'" lIIiSllndl'rstauoling, H{)I\, Edlitor (swl'etly): :';lIhsi<1(', oh
Correspondence for the Editor should Our sales, many hundreds of quarts daily, show that
'be sent to Post Office Box 966. Remit· IIi,,,1 sonw ear l'arkpd against tbe curll, , -' I'rnt"etor of the l'I'l'SS! The ).!,'ntle
tances for advertising, subscriptions find The person "ho thus appcars ill anTI", iul"lIt of tIlt' ,\"s(I('i,dinll S(l flll- Mr, Rightl'r i8 always latl' with his Narberth folks appreciate fresh products of pure, rich
membership to Box 58. ',npxpected spot is t.he terror of the: 'y "Xl'rl'8""d iu at.'" \l "II ('h081'1I w"r,l~ ('opy, cream, made at home in the most sanitary fashion.
Our Town is on sale at the depot ('"reful motorist. and the victim of thl',lasl w('ek, should "I,'ar awn.'" any h'IZI' Printing Og're (raging): I kn,,"-~
lIews-stan,l. till'] at the store of H. E, ,,"'ph'ss one, The time has come in lurking in the IIlind", of "iti?,.,,," \\ h, 1<Ilow! But that g'ob·swatte,] CnIUIII·

15tb, 1!114, at thc 1'08t Office at Narberth,'

,>I:II'l''' w hl'r,' t raffi,' j 8 at a II eongot'sted,: "Piloae it.
Enten~d os Recond·class matter, Octobpr \\ ht'H peO(l]p nlt1Ht 1!i \"t' \11 1 theRe jrT~l{':, IH'II Tt'r"
To l'If,·"t :I ' , 111':1 ,,-j ":';
liT a ., hri lI~il1~ t lJg'IJt Ill')'" of
Pennsylvania, IInd~r tbe act or March 3, ular wavs IIn,1 Il'arn to ('ross in thp I :""hu,,1 a'"1 I>:,rt'nt, ""III,·ti,",'S r"'1" i ,·"s
(lklees ;ppointe,1 for thenl. If pl',l<'8 ! th,' illtrnt!ut'ti",n "f Ilisagn'('ahly 8terll
n,:st i8 latp,r thi" wl'l'k t,han nsual~
Hon, Ecl'it.<'r (quietly): Sh·h·h·h, Inn',
I," l4ir~
Rte\\' 1I0t thy fral11l' into a
The teluler :'Ifr, Hig>h tl'r is
White's S~J:T You'll Tade the

, ' I trians expe('t operatoJ'" to use carl' I'"t'asur"lj whi"h fortll'&:l!t·ly ha\'e not always latl'r thall usual.
OPR TUWN will gladly . prUit
' " any thl'Y must set an example of obedlerH'(' , "I I>', PII n, ,1 I " · I>
e, e, l' 'III our,.j ,l<'IIl11~ >oroug I1 EXIT O:'lfXEk,
IJews abollt a"y subject w/uch IS of, . I t th 't
· V b th f'k
anterest to J ar er o~ s,
O)l, ,
'to t,he regulations ant! eu~tollJs govern-iup 0
* * ~
e prl'Sen ,
· d T d of cIt week at I II,g t hell' own eonduct, CLEAN UP AND KEEP OLEAN
as If(! on lies ay ea " \\", I'''''all ha\-;u:.; n'a,1 sOlllt'wlll'r(' in
6 P. Af. Latc copy reCei7Jed Wed-~ :Ol1T "Liff.l orf ~alnupl ,Jnhll~oll" th:!t
nesday {','{'Ililly will be printed only; PROTECTING THE BIRDS I ~uc,'''''''' in any s"Ii"ol affair implies MUe!1l1ll Fly will ,he 011 the job; lu>r
if spac{' is still available. I The opinion i" eommonly held by the's k'lI' tl f
I III Ie n"lnag-ement 0 ]lUl'l S, HI
'I I t gl'ellt ohje"th'e, the foullding of a !lum· THIS STORE
.. rous fllmily, 150 I'~gs (if thl'y Iwtdl
I II I h h' ,,_ t (It'1'haps 1II0re <lel'i,!l'.ll\' ill thl' neees·
.coATURDAY " MAY 26 1923 ' 0 ' er peop eh t at ' IUtlll I are TIn~ as nu· ' ane! IU:lturl') will Oll'an 1.'i0 flies alJout
_ ,,;:)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' l1Ierous Il8 t ev usel to' 1('. Ie grow th ~an' . ahilit\· '. to .manag,'
.., their parents
.. quully rlh'irlll.'d us to Sl'X. Hurring a,'ei·
- I o f d estrue t ve i",
lnsee t pes t s sugges"" •• as, \\'('11. "" UIIlIg-ln .. It IS' a matt('r ,
EMERGENCY PHONE CALLS dent, within w"O weeks ,5 zealous fe·
I t hfit tl JC b'II"" 1 t Ililt were prova'd eu "hy of half au,1 half, aftl'!' all I" sa,,1 at1lI
Fire, 350. lllall'S' will he ehel'rfully e~){'ctant of
I lIature to k i d donl', Pro f"","" l' '\'il~ou with his WEDNESDAY, MAY THIRTIETH.
Police, 1250. eep t .... m do\nl. are so e- iii new faJllilil's of 1.)0 l'ach, and 80
Ioe'11l1iful al,,1 manh- faeu1l\' ,'all man·
or Ardmore 20.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :, tell'
I pete
I d
h' f uneti<Jn.
tl13 t
bh ev ,'auno t
']:1 Ie A mencan'
per f orm
poop Ie age thl' fiT"t uillP,
. .
Iwlt's ,quitl' ui"eh',
thl'~' will f{o Oil fnithfully f<Jllowing
'tut t,hl' "l'ripturul admonition: "Be
. b'll' f d II II Rllt 'Inn thou~ht I!' th,' rellltloJJuler of
'lire paym~ I Ions 0 0 aI's anllull, Y ., fruitful unci multiply."
,JJI y 'milee t S f or f'l aJ ure to pro- tlt(' g'ame must he pl:I\'l'd ,.. 1",
. I he Home
, For n slll'.(·essful issul'. thl' eg-gs must
'" 1 t I t
. ,Ie'<'t th e b 11'''1' t. la oug I to e ee-pll\g . b k . '"'" Bl'!rool A:'«o,'wt">JI, Al'.'or,hng!v . hI' pla('e<1 where there is moisture,
'Those \I ho have kept ill t.uu,·h With I . ts d 'Lt' ril«' up ou our hind 1,'gB and witb
, ' t l('Se Jn8'eC own, , , """llrmth und food ,",uitahle fur the e\'er·
'N lIrhc>rth affairs eaunot ha "'" fa,ll,ed The destrud,ion 'Of forests and tre,> I'x<jllislte d 19'n it." a n,l oIpf,\- thl' orga n·
hungry larva~, Thl'Se "onJ,itions are
_ ha\'e noticeo thl' inerease
" of aetIv· ,gr<:>w t hI t natura II y a ffor ds s he It er, I ization to di""ontillu,',
t JU foullt! in thl' iihhll'. the pig pen, the
1ty on the part of the ?i:al"berth Fire,I mliS tlave it a en d '·" "" res tnc ' t b'If(' 1
Comptluy, :'\ot oulv aC'!Jh'i!v in puttiug' "f
" , " I • I e,
• any Pl'Op {" e:l1m
th k'll ,,: (~hirp~ a g'1I\' iu T"·EI.FT;! XIUHT,
ey are I eu .•
outsidl' tAlill't all,1 in accumulations Of'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
d''''Il~'inl! anim'l! and \·l>f{l'tal.1e mat.ll
Qut InlillIuer,lhle \\ood Il fires, hut ae· I Il\' ea t'lIIg t eh '
pOIsons 'tl
h' h f rUI, 't' D"st th"'I think 1>(','''u~,' thou art
tivih' in t,hdr orgauization. , 'd " 1\ irtuou8 there shall h(' uo 1Il0!'P ('ak.,,. fl'r,
. , trpos an ' erops arl' "praveu. When :Madam Fly goes house hunl·
The :"urh('rth Fire Company now hus
an excel1('nt an,1 pc>rmall.ent orgnIlIza-1 I'
ti011. It is a part of the Borough, f' d th t
• .'
eop e s ou,
, t 11ng 'LUCy can 0
h Id th
t f
a \'01'
th f th
ere ore, '0 every'
e 00 ere
101' al(':" Tu '(Ilh,'r \\l1I'Ils, do,'._ the
d llIerl' fact that a fl'w hal1ll-pil'kl',1 par·
h d l'nts e'ondllet thru .."eh·~ properlY m
inl{ she turns up her nose, so to s'peak,
at d'''\11 ~'llrd8, tight·]jJlled, shiny gili"
, . . , 'nl'n s a a-re HIVing suc a ar . , hug" "ans, "I':1In stahle" an,1 sen'en·
gOY('rullU'ut, ~'et ma.,ntams Jts lIlde-, ' T I t d h bb I'dueational matters serve a" an In· 29 BALA AVR:"i'UE
I ,tIme, Ie more reell an s ru ery , , ..,I t,';let.s.
pendent \'oluutE'l'f status. Obarlell \'. I t-" I' hi d'" '11 d,,'at!lon or warr,':'(,' that all !!('(',1 of
. , I are p an.,..., t \(' morl' 1'" \\'1 , ' " . With a suiff of disdain ~he passes BALA -CYNWYD
Noel IS' Ohief Enf{lIIeer under the Bor-, d t' t d '11 1 h(' HOlllc :Il"l ~,'ho{>l .-\sso('wtlOn Is
" I el)1lle an nes 1n O\\'1IS an V1 ages • up sud) plaees as unfit and dtireets her
oug-h officers, tlllO the orgamzntlOn Dnd 1 d I' I d h gOll(,? W bv of ('OIll'Sl' not! \' PI'\' well
pl'rsOllnel are at a Ingh standard.
.', ,
HIll aroun poop l"S JOmes, an
I )(' on Ian
I d t '
0 guart
I h .1_
t e gar....,ns an
t US ' .
d th,en!
. search towar,1 more agreeahle quarters, LUMBER For AU Kinds of REPAIRS
1£ her lines have fallen in onl' of
'\ath tlJJS accomplrshed, ,.the tlml' for ' f arlllS 0 f till' I' kl Y Sl' ttl" ,ell sec t·IOns. W eII, * *
tho"" towns wh.erl' the slofttm--{'lean Telephone Cynwyd 662
improvement and a ID'O\"Ing iiorward, t d b' dh d th t For the l,enefit of the l.'steeJ1l(',1 Ba p-
• , p r o tel' e I , If ' ouses ~ nrrange a -l'p and Keep Cll',w-is a rule for
IS apparent. The eompanv I.' one of I 'II the b ti"t <1enmninatiou (If Xarherth at brge.
. . I t Ie cats W~ nnt get m, must e
the best. in tillS purt of the country, I I f l '
fast and effi.dent. But it needs llew,,.e I' u In e~courngJng Ir
. b' d Iif d h(' it known ano fully .lil,rt>sle,1 that
e . ~n t,o settle tire matt{'r for a II timp, \\'l'
low only, she and will
not be,
for asthethey
in 11 ~============================::====::~
, h fIt ,: Its presence III populated commumtles. 1 f II t he army" out of luek."
()~U1pment. T l' g'~owth 0
t(l'rv and th(' wl'llrlIlg out of old ap·'.
,,," - " •
t Ie er1'1-; Biros that ar(' usoful' in destro'n
"'11lJJ('cts',ought not to be kIlIed"'111 any
h('I'!"hy aS9Ume the lur,leu 0
';. "-~-". YJ g and TC1lponsi'hilih' for the .'on!Jlition' in
) nOll'
:'I:ow is the time to throw the JIlonkl'~'
wreneh, lH't'ore the machinery is fairly
Do Want ",a .l3.att~ry R~charged
paratus mean replacements, I.
, , th,e IlOpe 0 f tl Ie C,ompan\' tl IU t' ",pchon of the eountry for game pur- t'he Y. M_ -C, A, l.iteheu recently. Xot
' \ \ - h i , ' h eertain Ma."· Fete La,lies foulld
ata rteo,
or Repaired
1 t 1S
'f 1 I I,o~es. It seems preP<Jsterous, when a Clean·l'p Week just passed. 1t ~B
II 1arge par, t per Ilaps a 11 () f t h e u n ' " .
' I
I ' d ' speCIes of bIrds )S needed to proteClt
.. having rC'Cei\"e,1 lour ('u.stoJJlar~· fee
h' ' ('asy tn Cle.an Fp and Kel'p Clean
Called for and Delivered
f QT sue h eql~l~nl('nt may )(' r~lse Jn the valuable crOTls of certain seetwns from t e "01111111 's ('I()I1ImUlllt~' Club
the eomIllnmtle~ other thall Xar~)erth - h ' for the peerlt'ss aO\'ertising, we are
wh.ieh means, gM rid of all jUllk from
attie to eoCHar, Old hottles, jnJ'll, t.in
Service Batteries, 25 cents per day
that our e.ompanv sen-e!'. There would I if hunters of thill ooetion or ut er parts \\1ont to g1\'e t.hl'lII in this ('",hllnll, we
' . k IIf tbe country ",1",>1'1.' the~' migrate, are ('ailS. lIshl's, oe<'ayed, fruit alld vege-t·
un d oub-t e dl y b l' a qUle re5lJlons(, i n ' , .
the Borough to requests for '\i,l hut' pcrmltted to kill them to eat or sell to thought al1o",ed one Ilail fnJl of the
deliberately and with maliee aforl'-
ahles, d07-eIlS of things which are use- A. '\/\I. \NARD, ~r..
, . " 'hl' markets.
Nilliberth \\1)11 havl' otll('r' featurl's to, , .sa,io Oommunity Club 's Tnesiln~' Fare- less 1111<1 in th e way. RADIO
take care of. The man who kills an ,iruteet eatlllg well Luncheon gnrhage to remain in The Fly Inspector of the ~f3in l.ille 417 Narberth Avenue Phone 1255-W
. Ioiro helps destroy the eountry'e food Citizells' AssociatJioll is 'working
B1g plans aTe under "'1l~'. lI1I<1 the ~ ,. . . th~ afurementioned kiteh('n, And like-
· . I d f I tl t th ano nts bU&In0('8s prosperIty. Penalt1es . throughout the ~fain Lille' daSltrict.
eltil\ens now lOpe an ee lU {' I . WISe permitted we to fl'main in tbe
· 0 '11 b e th e orgalJlza ' t'1011, sh ou leI' be pla.eed on such destl'UctJOn same plaee, reposiug 111 , a dish pan, one Help him to ma.ke it pOSlSible to ha\'e
F 1re ' ompany WI
' 1 ' t t ' that would keep the pothunters and a fly less community.
to 0 ff er su b s t an t III JmprO\"-elllen S " iee cream tub from whil'h thl' meltings
1t is not too late to add yOUT name Special Prices
lOur town affairs. There are rumors their gUll8 at home. ovol'lflowed to form winsome pools
to th~ nome and Vacant Lot Gard\'lIs.
vf, extensions to Elm Hall, 'Qf a larger I
:a~torium, of, a me~ting place for the HEA:BD FROM THE SIDELINES
about the f10(H. \V~ are dl'ligMed to
report the '&i.gn fl·oding. "Leave This This, too, will help to make a e]ean for
4~ri~an Legion, IUI,I of ot.her features
':'~'~ need has ,~ng heen f('11 ill tlil' That ,the Lad,ies' OommJittee of the totally igoored,
Plllce The \Va.": YOll Found It," was
The May Fete La-
Social Affa'irs • I

Borough. Tennis Club dio themselV'Cs proud on <li('s did thCiir dut~'-in~fll.et more thall OUR OLD SOUP BONE
:Nothing has y(>t 'been ~nnQuneed, f:;aturda y:. h,avinf{ sen-cd fifty suppers their duty-whieh appl',irs to have
The company 'has been attending t,o its to the \'lslhllg team, our 1I\J6mbl'rs and heen in excess of what sunl].ry ladies
!important fune~io~, of putting OII,t ii,res,: f~iends. SouP. to nuts is right, No II of other tendell('.ies did. S<'1lenectady
(To the tune of "Love's Old Sweet
nIFcl, Qn the SI4flt..hl18 1)een tlJlnklllg.1 \\ ondl'r Delmonll'os had to close. , papers please C'op~', "Notice the Flaon"
nn,l planning, a~id preparing, j --,-, ! Once in the dear dead da,vs beyond 4: ',.
"'hen the plans tire IIIature,l, lInd, That Charley McKllh~s and Thorney i iRon. Hi;.rhw:l~·-an,l-s(''''er "?pntz reeall,
~ _I l.. a"'_D"'D_a_a_II_._a_Di~a_D_a_a_a_a_b_a_l_a_a_._a'-

when the Fi'r(' Company collles forth I GTugan swear the,r vnll he a'ble to wins honorahle nwntion and is award- Flood ClOst you really nothing much TIt
to ask the "upport of the eitizens, it, wear their Inst year's be-Its after a eel the ~veteo Cllt gla"s milit:1l'v hrush.
will 'be' fortneoming w.ith enthusiasm. few days of tenn:is. e8 '.for his (',on"uIll~J:Ite skill i,~ engin'
Eggs now are priceless, 'butter'~ \'l'ry Begin Now
Of all t11e orgnnizati<Jns in Narherth, , . , ,-ecring the nl"w si,l('walk rc'gulatioIl'S lJigh- to build an income protection fund for use when sickness or lack
the Fire Company gh'es the greatest That Walter Cowm sure 1S ml.lJk,mg I through. "'e !Iaye I1l..' lIl\- t'imes< ex. Cake, we ean never have, and much Il's~ of employment causes a temporary loss of income.
acr,Viee for tho least finnneial tax on !JOmc fine changes in the Club bwilding. perieneed a peculi:1I' form~tioll and be- pie.
A fixed amount saved each week and deposited regularly here will
the oitizens, A three dollur melll~)er·
ahip fee is IIIl they ask of every resi- That John Wine and .lim Darville returning from Lodg" meetings after
haviJor IOf 1'\nl'herth pa\'ements upon :\ow we s.er\·e milk instead of hn\'ing
grow surpr1singly taRt.
dent~o, smal] SUIll iu the face of the intend to have at least Qne elephant half past eight. Sometimes wo thought Qh, that we all could wake from t.his As little as $1 will open a Saving Account and -1'/0 interest is
:an,nual bombardments Qf ticket ,sales, and' a girnffe or a l'amel at the next it was the 00 ffe e. TheIl sometimes we bad dream. , _ .,'lo
credited, compounded.
dOnations, faiTS, Qud me-mber~hip dues Country Fair. thought it ",'usn't the cOITe~. N-()\\,
(Jf the otJler 1'\nrlberth activities, we positivel~' know i,t waSIl 'I. The OHORUS: THE MERION rITLE & TRUST COMPANY
That the bevy of pretty girls unller only trwble L-l, forJllerJ~" we only were
,Every resident should take 1111 ae-
,tiv~ and iIjtelJigeut i~terest in these the awning Saturday were all married annoyed b~' t,,"O feet (lof sidewalk in
uJifolding plnns. We, are lo{)king for' -and some baVoe kid'(}ies. the tremu~o~ls places and no W-n 0\;"
J\ISt a roll for breakfast,
Only tea for luneh.
And !bet-ween these hours,
wllrd to. big things, and the time is thore's the whole thing to puzzle ,,~ Old dry bread to munch.
, neArly, Tille. That tennis makes you fit. • * * If yoo feel quite hungIj'
It ordinary polite'
to ,lIc,knowledg>e
You nrc not alone,
For to, us at, tw,ilight
cOmes a IiOUp bone,
Sound Advice
from ~!tt-eelued
Hi... fac'ts are Comes an old soup bone.

Long.. lo~g ~, be~re this ali beg~n,

Nobody ev~r 1:Jloughtof eating bJ,'iul,
Na.w, we 'ail knoW f.()r brenkfaiii {)'r f>OJ:-
, , :tea:;: , , ' . '

PAGE" tl/RBJl~

'..R'CA·J3IA··.' I
" I' _ ..••
~""~-I'-"" - .• : - •• -- ~

NlOlS of, t1tt CI!!JurrlJfs un pnymen t to 11im for the use of the

~' ---:.- Borough of NallberUl of. the BUill of "
I , "
• .1

" CHESTNUT. BeL I.tb SI . ST. MARGARE~'S OATHOLIO $2.00 for {,lIch lIutomo'bil~ truck, or
Fba-:el PbdloDlU The-
0' ClHURCH $2.00 for each wagpn or other n'hil'le 1

P. M. 101\. M.
(Ill Slz~ lD

'0 II.S1
RUI,,1:Jv. masses at 7 o'clock and 10 dra"','n b Y ,t\l1(' horses or obher animalR· 1
0 'cluck.
' '1
On first and third Sundays I o~ $2 .00 for cadi I'·lll.('<ln or ntlaN YC·:
<I I M f II d IllIdo {)ra.wn hy o I\(' horHe or ather ani·
Phll.., Pe. , tl1C J", f' ...\ II SS IS a J. I g l a s s , 0 owe I ' ;
:,1' I" ,,,.,JictiOIl. : mal, or $2.00 fur cac'h harl'oll', hand'
'" • ]);,,,1' ~I",s nt 8 A. ~1. c'art or other rcn'pta(·If'. ~nc'la· lirl'u"ll:
. InJa~' ,h.' issued to s,Lici 1l1'I,!,i('ant for'

. . '
; the purpose of h"I,killl{ <II' I·l·lldill~.
witlain the N,rponlt.· limits "f tlac Hor'
oll/!,h of Xarl,erth '"'~. fi"h, 1'C'l{ctnbles
: )Iontgomel'y Pike, Narberth., was estab·' CJr ot.her ml'fehallclisl'.
Attractive corner bungalow, 6 rooms, 2 Semi-detached stone residence in excellent
baths, all improvements, splendid location. .:ondition, containing 8 rooms and bath,
! .• '

,lis~led 1682. Here William Penn wor', Sec. 5. All farn1('r, I"<'llcling- 1'l'odll('" all conveniences. 2-car garage. Lot
"'IS Money Everyth·"
109 . ' as well as many
I Fnen,ls.
. ,other noted
One of the lustoncal spots -f
' oWII f an11S I"a~' appl'ar 1)1'101'''
0 f tl11'11' .
th" Rllrl{l''''' lind ~atisfl' him 11lld('1' na.th
55' x 127', near station. $13,500.
,America is open for worship every or affirmation t.hat t'h"I' aI',' f,(frn.'r, Hollow-tile residence, splendid floor plan,
First·day (Sunday) morning at 11 a,,,l spil on 11, tl1l' 1'1'I"h;,'p "f his hpr
. . . or t l ' 0\\.'
It'lr n f llfnl"'; UpOIl ,,1J1('!1
. .
4 !'Ooms and bath on second floor, strictly CYNWYD
FlrS!.da y School IS beld .every Flrst-' lIIent " li"I'IISI' plate mar he i"'>!l1pd to modern; garage. $11,000.
AS POSSIBLE ~ day (:::>uaday) at 10 A • M '. 1n the Meet- suP Ilapp I'rl'lIn t lilt
,,' I'''''I't c' h "I'J.:'I' thl'I'.··
Attractive new resi'dence, central hall
1.1 8 8TO148
A. p
M.. 11.00. I,M.'
: .8• .4 • • • - .... lng HOllse. Anyone desinng to 'attend, for: au,l sa.id lic'pn',' platl' shall I ... plan, 5 bedrooms, 2 baths. All jmprove-
eit~er the acl~lt class or tue young peo-. pronl.in,·ntl.'· di"play.·d on till' 'I'hid,·.
ments, convenient location. $16,500.

. IG- "LAND pIe s class \\'111 be very welcome. us"d Itt alit im[·s. Newall-stone residence with slate roof,
containing large living room with stone

Sec. 6. Aa." li",'n,,' gl'antl'd 11uder

.', cA' IRI .

. ..' . THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IiiI' I'!'''''isi"ns of thi, ordiua,"'" may' fireplace, very cheerful dining room, large Lot of I/~ acre, attractively planted. Stone-
11(' fl'\"lIkt'cl for l·:tll~t' h.\" till' B!lq!:(l~~
bedrooms, hardwood floors throughout, and-frame residence, 10 rooms, 3 baths,

1 Rev. John Van Ness, Minister.
!lA5 .\. ~I.-Bihlr' Kehool.
for 1[HY :!7:

U. ('olllp/.oa. ,'"illl'l'ri/lt~'lIch'nt.
l\lr, A.

1.1111 .\. ~r.-\I()l'aillJ.:' Worship. A

. a! any tin ....
Sec. 7. AllY persoll ur IH·rSdn .. viHlat·
11lg' an~' 01' th .. pl'''I'j"ions ·,f this 01'
c1iuull"(' ,hall, UPOll c"ol1"idioll th"l'l'ol',
h .. s'uhj"C'l to a fill" (If aot I"ss thulI:
spacious lot, restricted location; near hot-water heat, hardwood floors, splendid
station. $15,000. location. $25,000.

\ :'Ilemori;d K"rl"i,·<'. H"rm"n thl'llll':
I "TIH' Littl .. Whit,,· (·I'"..,... s." Kp""i,d
lIIusic, h.I' t h•• Chlll'c·h Quartette, ann
T .. u nollars ($10.1111) or IILOre thalli
T\\,pnt~'fil'l' l)oll:lI's ($:!.i.(~I) t<l hI' ('ol,!
h·c·!"d as likl' finps al'l' I,." law col·'

Telephone: Bryn Mawr 882 : by Captain II. 0. Kl'arks.

1'. ~I.-.lllnior End"al"c,,' )\·.... t-
1(',<-1 I'd.
1'''''''',1 this' 1 ttl, d".1· of .\1 a.,' . .\. Jl.'
ulldt'r the rlir(\(·tion HII' ;\Ir. alld 1!l~::.
~arberth ()TIfice City ()TIfice
1 illJ!.
\\'. H. IJ. ], .-\I,T. .
• HOWARD C. FRITSCH Waltt'r H. Taitt. I ~Ir,.
Justice of the Peace !.
7.00. P. ~I.--.'leni(ll'. End.'l'l'or ,:\I .... t ..
ling. un,kr t,h,' dJr('(·t,,"n (If ~Ir. ]'l'tl'l' .\ft .. ,t:
President of Council.
At the Station 1214 Locust Street
REAL ESTATE Ktnm .rr I' ('II AR, Y. :\OEI.. !l1ember Philadelphia Real Estate Board
Fire Insurance-Best Companies j.4.~ I': :'II.-I·:\'t'niag Worsh,il" Kl'I" Secretary.
"..tt Phone 1749W-215:HaverfcmlAYe. I
III0 II Th'l'm,,: "An AWflkclIl'd Lifl'." .\pprol'l'cl thi. ~;:I'tl
T'rlly,pr :'II ('l'! inl{ n"xt W 1"lne~cl:lY ."·l·- I J. 1['3::.
I ning-ColIC'1lldillg ,t.udy in thl' El'istll'

.. For Bowling and

Pocket Billiards
""colne to the
10 t h(' R"llIalls.
I Ela.1l<lr;tf(· prf'paralion" :II'(' h.·inl{
I made 'by l.h,1' childrl'lI of the Hi-hI(' NO. 224.
Order your coal as far ahead sa possible lLIId state the me you pret.
RECREATION ROOM S"hool f<ll' t·hl' Coelebrllti.,," of Children '8 and your next choice.
No.1 Forreat Ave.
ay on th.' morning of June 10. I While coal will be BClU'Ce, everyone will be suppUed.

Spruce 1400 delphia andSllburbe
at 70ur len'lce.
COOK BROS. Ardmore IO~ lDcludlng one at

:.~: . ROO'FINe CEO. B. N·JtWTbN. COAL CO.
'.' ~
Jobbing promptly attended to 1417 SANSOM STRBET.
N_ht Phooe. Narberth 887
De)' Phoo•• Narberth 302 J

Narb~~th Beauty Shop
" . 8cientUlc~-care of Face and Scalp
Hair Bobbing
Marcel Waving
Phone 1606· y
W. R. D.hALL.
- Narberth' Electric Shop Radio
Residential Appointmente President of honncll.
211 Haverford Avenue Special for Saturday Only
Phone Narberth 1749-J ~

Connecticut Head Sets, $3.25.

~SOAPE .GARDENERS CARL B. METZGER, Crystal Sets complete with two sets head phones,
,Oa.re of Gard8l1ll'" Hedges, etc. Ohief Burgess. $15.50.
Lawn Trimming 11. Specialty
': :: Phones: Na.rberth 1790-R 4-tube set, guaranteed to receive any station in
or 1722-W.
the United States, installed complete, $160.00.
We are the subscription agents for the E-Z Radio
PAINTING GLAZING I Rev. Avery S. Doonmy. Pastor.
Book, $2.00 per year.

WILLlIIIIEWBORI & CO. We also carry a full line of electrical appliances •

'alntlng" and DI.orating and fixtures. Easy Washers and Royal Vacuum Clean-
:;!12 Woodbine Ave., Nerberth, Pe. ers on easy terms.
Pllone, Ardmor. 1.3& W Nerberlh 1768 W
: .~.
W. G. CASE, Manag-er
Narbertb 871-1"

',;" .:.

Electrlc:al Repair. aDd AppUaacea

314 GrayllnJr AYe. 8 Cricket Aye.
Narbert.b. Pa. Ardmore, Pa.
NO. 223. . Can't be done! Some people think a water-back
Inthe. range or a coil in the furnace gives free hot
~ater. Not so. One-fifth of all the coal you shovel
In goes to heating the water. Besides, the cold water
has a tendency to ~hilI the fire. Gas heat gives you---,
'n~tfree hot water-but hot water at moderate cost
WIthout did or work.


There is no longer any good e:xcllse

why.. an~ family should not· elljoy
AutOInabcGas Hot Water Service. . .... ',
.., '.
,WhY? Because it can now be done . '" ...
. wi~hassman an outlay-as great
.. convE!~ence-'-as enter into the ptir-.
",':" .' " .. chase ·of.lesser h,ouseholdfurnish~
.". in.gs.. J ustthink I . .
.<For . only $10 down and ..
,; . .-.·'$16 a~month for. a full ,.
·year...;..:;.$130 in alL, .
.::,.Y9u·~an': erijoy .the~ntold ¢olIlfQli
;aJld ....conve,n~enc~· .ola higlJ. ,grade.
."...4ut0t:hanc. Gas WaterHeater~ .

<,. Cpme~)i and see t~._Sands Automatic G~ Water

.' ~eater.· Qt us,Jdemonstrate it. Note its fine, sturdy'
. ' co~strU:ction--:"the. tef~nelIlent .of material and 'work':'" "
ni~ship ;in every .part~ .Then, ,if yo~· wish,. y.Oti,ca n ·, .
. :,take ad~~Jltage 'of'. oUr..very low -,price and' easy: terms. '•.......


Township and Narberth Have Best Saturday in the Main Line League
Record of Any State Oomm1ll1ity
Wayne, S: Narberth 2
X a rbert h got off to 0:

~eries, losing a elose game to Wayne,

poor start last
wyd, lost t'o Ardmore, 6 to 1, in the '\
ovening Main Line League game. RJTan
and Awkerman on the mound for Ard-
more, hl'ld the le~i()n hoys to one hit, Patrick F. Donahue
Narberth Taxl StlViCc
W~ oarry a 1"DI1 L1De
1 1

lust year's champs. It was n. pitcher's

Lower; ~[erioll Township, :\lontgom· hattIe between Yowell and! HaJlowell,
ery County, was designated hy the and "Ep" lost.
while their mates fell on Thomas, the
Bala~II\\"yd piteher for ~even hitf! and
six r~ns ill t,h·e first three innings.
Open Day aad Night Phone .633
_ _ _I . I DAVIS' SHOP.
THE YEARLY REPORT OF THE G01l111li~sion<l'r of Health as oue of the Aro1morr 22200 (I (10 (1-6,
The game was no walk~ver, as the
Rllln.C~·n\\'yd 000!l 0 (I I n 0-1\ , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .
coMMUNITY LIBRARY sHows ffi"del hMlth C'ommllnities of Pumsyl· hox IH'ore sOOW!!. If Xarberth can
~ keep up their preRent brand of ball, i
Berwyn-Bryn Mawr MARSHALL CO.
This . make~ th.e thirtee~'th J'ellr the I the "ovete,1 pennant will be much
DEl'ARTMENTS BrYII ,:\[awr faill'lI to put in IlU ap'
township hns llIHlntalne,1 Its low <leath ~I()sl'r thun the temporary defeat might CONTRACTING PAPERHANGERS
rate from l'ontagion. DeduC'ting the I inelie'ate. pea ranee at. Btorwyn :III ,I forfl'itl'el to;
'1'1". ('Ollllllllllily Li"ral'~', us u depnrt· lh'aths from influen7':1 an,1 Jlneumonia" thl' homl' tl'am, 9 to O. :\lnin Line PHONE. NARBERTH 1661J
1III'Ilt ,.e thl' \\'0111(,11 '", ('ommunity C1Ulb, "')Jlta~iQu8 disl'ases in th,· COUllty has: Lpa~ul' ha!ll'lhall in Bryn :\[awr is un·

.'111 I e·olldul·t"cl ],\" .' ."olllntl'l'r workers . had an annua I II e'at II rate 0 f 011 I Y onl' I Wayne, Pa., .~[~y .' 1Il.-\Vaylle, 1,'Ist sl'ttll',] at pre~ent, hut it is h'Oped thnt:
1"'0111 that orgal1l7.ltlloll, nwde Its all',
. . .
h "rinO' luncheon on: alltl olle·elght I per (·ent.
I , .vl'ur 's
I p'
e lam 10118, op~ne
d tl ~f'
I e . a.'n t hl' Ampriran J..egioll Post of the lown I Jj====================================.-r
IIII.d rt port "t t l' I '" , This prohablv is ,Iue to the fa,'t that LIIIl' Ll'a~ue season WIth a great VH" will Pllt a tl':lIn on the field lIext I
T II l'",I'
" ' .\" la"t., Th<' n'pol't ",howed an II thl' R-oard IIlIl'ke" •~'Jl1ltarv
. . .Wll , tol'y o\'l'r "arherth,
IlISI'N·t T s('.ore, 3·2. HaJl,)· wl'ek againllt \Vayne.
• I .,...
"ain O\'PI"•jast
• . •
Y('ar, both,j OIH'C a lllonth of evprv nulk .' house alHI Wot' II , f or \\. ayue, nncI " J()".{"
II f or. "ar·, When you buy Sherwin-Williams' Paints
II" . I t"",l·",....
. '"l1d III "lrr'ulatlOn . . ofl'd:dry in the township, . as WI'll :IS th,' h prt 1, el1~ageel
I '111" -'-
a tIght pl'tCII.ers' Main Line League Standing
l'llOk".. Thl'l"l' "as also a sntlsfYll1 g \ pig~eries. '11 is al~o aeti\"l' 111 . Illlalrz-, t mtt I(' \\" h'11'1I wa", Ilot set tl 1" I un t'l I th e W L P.C'. : You are buying the best that money can secure.
g.dn in ,·(',· .. ipt" from rel1tsl of t.he new iug ~:amplp~ ()If tllllk,
• . ' I
. ,"rpalll, wat·('r, 'Ct' . . htl I .
tng .
lUllIng W h'PIl \\r aync sen t ucross "'a~'II-<' 1 o 1.u()O
llllllk" whll·h I'r ll\·,d .." thl' . greatl'r part C'fPjlm an d'H'e.. tl lP \\.'InnIng
. Ardmore ] II 1.(lO()
. run.
o ].000
Get it at
of t I,,' ill"olll,r for tho' mallltallHill"e . I of, Part uf th,' '·I',·,IIt. for the sur,'ess H,~lIowell Il't :'\arherth down with 13l'r\\'~'n I
th(' lihrar\". ' al\la\"". ' . 1"l'1I11'1ll I It;rlllg t wt .III controlling. dl~ease
. ,1lI LOlI"er ~[('1'1011 . !il'" widl'!l' s"nttel"l'd hits while \Va\'lll' :'\ 11 rltl'Tt h 11 .000 I

lh., hl1ildillg "It 11 light a III I. hl'at are.

f IS 0'1\'('11
" tl,,' Hllal'd of l)Jrel'!or" 0 alld, I'PIghhoring
I,,· ....
to th .. "o,oppl'atlllll
h,'alth hoardR (If•
hl't\\'(,l'l1 It "ould'
Jla'". ,"'g-ht. .
OIl)Y Rohl' thl' otf"l'lng~ .' .•
of )(1\\"1'11
tim,'''. i'-ipl',·ta('ular !mpJlOrt glvl'n .
BrYII ~Ia\\'r ,
t h,' \. ~l. (. .\. " ti,e ,'r f or, I 'r OWI1S )lip
. ....· 1,el' th
aile I .,ar H or- .I plte'hl'r", was a f
'oth ' '1I1 thl' I OW
Tl,at tIll' rt""'ipls do 1II,t sIlO'" I
:--alllt' rah' of iJl('rPHRe i1~ th.e attendnnC"e OU~ t. ~"oring.
"II']' tIll' .. irl·ulatioll i" an indi('uti'Oll that
h a
Musical Festival 1 ..~ I l _ I l _ I l _ C_
_ ._a_Il_Il_II_._II_a_C_1I
tll(l JihrHfy ha:'\ ill :-.0 111 (l IH(':lSure IH'rC"Oln- BASEBALL TODAY r o I'
(Continued from Page 1)
]lli,I,,'d it~ niln. This was 10 1'laC'l'
:'\. DOl's:IlJio, rf. ] I .)
o (I

more and Illllrl' hooll~ at the '·QIl\'l'ni·

{'nC'{' of th" pu'hlk, fn'l' of ('harg~. )-;0
:"ar],('rth plays a\\'a~' from honll' I L. ~[url)hv,
agaill to,la~', \\hl'll tlte IO('al hors jour· \\'allal'l', ss
1I1'~' to .\ramorl' to try their luc'k in 11 arhisooll , Ih

If 0
n !J
:\Iis~ W . .\ lien Barr, :\fr~. .\. Ie Big·
goins, ~Irs. Guy Rpil'r~, :\[1'>'. F . .-\.lIl'1I
o ?If-c,('al'ely, :\Irs. Charll's Walton, :\[rs.
Jon~ liS thl' n'~ul"r I'olll'l'lion hriugs A number of specials for this month. Come in
ill a sufll"il'nt incoJlle 1<) support thl' lit., S""Olltl Leogul' gailH'. .\ gooll1~' .J. J)orsllllio, ~h. . .. 1 (I .J
(I .raml's W. Englanel. ~[I's. William Hl'nry

lil,rary, tho' Iihrary f('pls justifil',l ill :1/"I!I't'gatioll is PXpl'<'t'''] to follow th(', ~Iathl'r, " ll
(I BJ'ooks. ~Ir,. Hi"harel Rmith, .:\lrs. \\'m .
and ask for the full list. Some sample prices:
tt'l1ll1. The sl'11edule today. allli \V<'J· ?l1 .. Oul', ,·f 1 o 1 T. Huatl'r, ~[rs. E. T. l'a g'1' , ~II'>'. Ohllrl·
pursuing tltis purpos('. Lemon Oocoa Butter Skin Cream, 50c Jar, 39c.
"'hill' stati ..ti,·,s urI' not always in- II ,,,,,tla.'·. ~I'PIII"riaJ lilly, i", as follo\\'6: lIallow.. 11. p., 11 1I 4 o t.on Yal'l1all, :\Ir. 1'0\\,(,11 ~;"'ans, ~[r.
?I1a~- 211---Wayn,' at Rr~'11 ?lfllll·r. HN ~r. ?I[III'jlhy, :lh n II n II
o :lad ~[rs. Ed""nr,l Bl'all', 1{(>\,. :\1<'rl .. Puretest Hydrogen Peroxide, SSc and 13c
tI'Tl'stiug, th<' f,'w gil'l'1l 'b~]ow nlJlY
"~'II Il t Ba 1a .Cy Il\\' yc1, ;-.; a r11ert h Ilt A rol· .-\ndl'rSOll, :\[onsigll<Jr ('a"allllugh alld Cadet Chocolate Almonds, Va.l.ue 75c pound, 59c
s('ry{' to ,judil'ate th(' growth of thl'
T()tal~ :\ .,-
-I 9
lihrary from ~llIY l.i, HI~::!, to Mny lI1"r('. :\frs. \\'altl'r T'it'rsons. Klenzo Bath Spray, regularly $1.50, special, 98c
15th. 1112:l: ~Ia.,· :11I-Bala·Cyn\\'~·d at ·Waylll'. Thi", gula;;:y of mu",i,' Itas hl'l'n plan·
Book" on hall,j ~[ay Lith, ]1l2:l..
'l)') Bn.·n ~[awr at ;-';arlwrth, Arehnorl' III
Books 011 hallel ~Iay l.ith, I!I::!:\.. lillO Bl'rllYl1.

B. HUllIphries, rf. . . 11
r h
l' lied 011 the larg<'St sra Il' ('1'1'1' attempt I'd
o al()ng- the :\fain Line, :Illli the (h.·J1land.
Attendance for yl":lr "l,,]in~ :May . Ili .. kip, liS>. •••••••• 0 o
iJ for tirkets hus been spontaneous. Phil-
O adplr,hin, a, w('11 as :\rain Line ,;odety' XIu1 ,~ JIore
1iith, 1922 ;....... :\lIf\j
Attendan('l' for \'l~r (,lllling :May
Memorial Day ,Rmith, d
I Ila ,-is, I h. .
o \l':1I1 1'1'8, suh...."ri'hed to the hoxes almost
We Deliver
1 heforl' the t-i"kets \\,Ne printed. Phone 1620
15t h, 1\)2:\ 9955 (('ontinul',1 from Page 1) 1
Cirl'ulatiou for year (,Ilelin~ )[ay
15th, 1922 ... ,............... 4021 pla"I',1 on th,' ul'l'('I" I.'ft as •YOI1 faee ii II el"',.
H. HUlllphries, 2h
G. FIl"'k, If

k I 'I'!J. . • . . . . . . 0
0 II
1 1
1'pon special reque,'t, the Oomm.itt-<,l'
in f"hllrJ.."e is h-olding h:)(' k n bloeJ< of ZO. • .
I ._ _, ...
__ '_ a __'..
. _ __,. ....
__ --,.--*--,..__..
a __'. .__,.. . !.
(I tif'k('t~ to supply thl' wants of "ar·
Cireulation for year endinl{ )lay th,' flag. 1 :\ 1
15th, 1\123 •.....•........•.• 12,RIO , Whell the flag is hung in a "ertieal Yo"'ell, p. .
: Ruru9, ('., 11
1 o 1 1 herth res-id-en ts, bnt on Iy for a limited i rr=================::;::================n
number of dtays, an,l reservations
Reeeipts for year endang )fay II)(Jsition the starry fil'ld should -be Oil
should be m:llle as promptly as possible.
1iith, 1922 $420.82, I hl' right. Totuls 2 5 24 15 2
Receipts for year end'ing May
15th, 192.1 ••••.•••.•••••••• 611.73 I
I Wayne
X arberth
0 0 1
0 0 1
1 0 0 0 1 x-3
Phone )i'nrbl'rth 627 W 6.30 to 8 P.

0 0 0 0 1 0-2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....._ .... 1

We Will Close
Good oPpOrtunity to sell our moderate I
all day on Wednesday, May 30th, on account of
OLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS priced and' pop11lar Une of automobiles. '
We want workers.
Memorial Day.
Two celltl per word If eub &ee01Il'
palliea adyertlaemlllt; otllerwlM, lI~f DURANT and STAR:
celltl per word. DORAN MOTOR co. : ADELIZZI BROTHERS
Shcnv Boom :
45 East Lancaster Avenue TAILORS
IDEAL Fireless Cooker, good as new, Telephone, Ardmore 171
fully equipped, two compartments. Oleaners and Dyers
$15.00. Phone 666-R. (tf) Repa.ir1Dg Pressing Remodeling
Ardmore, 6; Bala-Cynwyd, 1
Olea.nlng, AlterlJ1g, ~ ,
Phone Narbertb 1749-R
102 Forest Ave. (opposite Elm' Hall)
We call for and deliver
Narberth, Pa.
tage, conveniences, four bedroolll8,
Ready-made 8ultl and Suit. Made to Order I
bath, running water, eleetricity, large
" .. ,:.- garage, On Tom's River, near Be.rne- S~ N. PRAGER
gat Bay, N. J. F. A. Lanahan, 205 211 HA'V1:RFOBI> AVENUE
Above Am. ·Store
.. -Foresiiive'fiue, Narlrerttr.·· Pbol1e 1781.
(34-c) "To-Morrow May We ca.ll for and deliver

FOR SALE-'Gas stove, kmg gas pipe,

, Bloch 'blllby carriage, walnut rooker,
Be Too Late" HARRY 8. WALL
Plumbint, Go Fittinl
Narberth Register
TUIO-Li_, IDe p.r iua.; 6c lor .oc" IJtlditionallin.
.W8.&bing maehine anll wringer, white
,enameled, 'baby pell, 'all excellent eon- Why delay taking out a . and Heatinl .
I policy that will protect you
dition. Palmer r 507 Homewood Ave-
PhOJi., N.nenJi llOl-J Gottaball, B. K. Public Ac:eountant. 808
in case your house I ~~~;;;~;a;;~~i,
Conway Ave. Phone, Narberth 1687-J.
FOR'S~~BlO(lh bn,by OOlleh, kitchen Baseball Ifrom lossshould KelJD, )I. C" ,Certlfted Public Aeeoulltallt.
202 Dudley Ave. Ph(Jlle NarbU'th aoo-W.
ea:binet, &ewing machine, chiffonier, (Con.tinued from Page 1) burn? Iii ·AUTOlllOBILBS

~~A. InU8D &SOn

small family" swt'e, hat rack, large ice Dol'llll )lotor Co., ,At4moJ'e, h.
See dtlpla;, advertilltment III t1111 luu..
box, plants, at 109 Grayling Avellue. Main Line League, was there, and men Narberth 'oua.e. Phone .Narberth leIL
(SS-c) like Edgar are pillars of the game. We have a number of policies See dllPla;, adyertiaelllent III tbt. Iuue.
Olose /by tILe Naroerth bench Bill New· in several good companies for BuildiDg aad CODtra,ctin. AtJTOlllOBlLE. SERnC.
Donahue. PatriCk F. Phone '1638.
TOMATO PLANTS, 40 cents per doz- bourg, the painter, sat upon the grnS1'l, you to choose from. Homes For Bale Or Rent See dllpla7 advU'Ulement til thta 1.lue.
'en, 3 dozenll, $1.00; also aston 'and and no man, not even President Edgar B,f3UmY
zjnnias. 339 Dudley Avenue. (33-p) hlmself, had a better right too Bit BIO
PlW I; BAim&tes Whlte'a S... Silop. Oppollte StatiOIl.
see dl.pl&7 a4vertllement til thiJ lI.ue.
clQll'C to the playertt, for Bill, be .it .
WAN'rEJ)-:-Some one to take half in' understood, is a real friend of tb.oe game
John A~Caldwell ramJshed. I'or
AlteratioDB IiB,ellaJrlDg BANKS
Merion Title a Tl'lIlit 00. pboDe, Narb'th 1198
terest tin lbakery and eonfeetiQlIery and IlIUpporter of the team. He put UJp Write, Phone, oau, see 41.P1U advertllelllent·1n tbll lI.ne.
. b'usiJi~il'..in .Narberth.· Phone Nnr- the bulletin board! and lettered i,tj he Haverford Avenue . BEAUTY PABLOB
US. BBOO~ST AVEl. Narbertb Beaut)' Shop, 211 Haverford Ave.
berth 1149·ty. (3S-c) WIOrks nearly every day on thil grounds, See display advert.leemeot In tbls Issue.
Day Pbone-1733
und never dQtlll he send in II. 'bill. The B~ILDEB8
WOMAN wishes day's WlOrk. Write N, ;Mickey BUDS nnd' the B.\IlUpliries and Bottom., Geo. W. Pbone, Nllrbe~th l~·W.
5327 Market St., PhiJadel- the Dielms get the cheers, the l\flClGrnws See d.Ilplay advertllemlllL In thl. IIlue.
Tbo..· A. Ke........ a :SOD. .
(SS"P) get the IDOney, but the Bill New(bourgs 8ee·dllPla,. ad"ei'tllement ID tbll 1.IUe.
9bUd. :Alex. C.; ;Jr. I'hone No. 1710.
make the grand ofd natioiuil game. "lIIarbertb. Station. .
8JDedle:;, WID;, D. a B. T. Phone -600.
St. John's O. O. See display adverUaement In tht. blue.
r h () a e OANDY, ETO.
Davll, S. E, Phone 12M-W.
o () 1 'See dllplay- al1vertllemellt In tbl. Illue.
o ()' 0 ,JeDkln., Cb... L . . . .
103 Dudley ave. Pbone 1684.
o () 1
t1(),&L AND OOKE .
1 5 1 . Nal'btlrtb·. coai·. a Bulldln. 'Haterl.1 Co.
1 o 0 See display .·advortlS!!lIle~~ In Lbl•.,lliue.
NewtoD' C'oal' Co.' 'Pbone Ardmore 1M.
il 3 1 See dllplay adve~tJaemenL tn tbll IIlue.
1 2 .() , DENTISTS
o B 1 Orr' Dr; A:'- L; io1 lllllDwood .... Pb; 893- 'W •
.' Phlla.; Pholie Filbert .Ull2. Kllltb ·Blde· "
Dr•. J. llehemb.,· Jr•.'Phone Narb~rtb~16-W •
. 'S. '·Ill;' Cor. Gralling. ·an!!..Lw~d.or· ."ft.
. Ollce Boura ~. Tne.dar. ·.a:untada;'J. Satllr-
. dafi 9.80 .A:,..... ;.UJitu..lI;a11 P ..;H.L·8o~4aZj
Weaneada7. Frldl\;,. Q ·P..·1I. ldlQ,l.· ...-...,
Dr.' B; ..F.: HCll)dee" 2Q9 1laverlord:ave:' .. '
, .'Phcine,.. 8U~R. : ~oura;:'1! ~,.~·uo· ~". M~.
, lllven[np b3' ·appolntment. ..

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