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Module Overview


Simple | Scalable | Secure

© DevShack International

The V-portal module is an institution’s interface for administering, monitoring and reporting on all connected
V-suite modules and services. It allows an institution to provide branded, customized web interfaces for
operators, clients and end-users.

● Roles And Responsibility Control
● Multi-Institution Ready
● End-User Audit Trail
● System Performance Overview

V-fuel V-data

● Financial Transaction Gateway

V-vendor V-gateway Host/Switching Systems
● V-Suite Core Platform

V-message V-net V-mobile

Roles and Responsibility Control

V-portal provides granular control over each user’s permissions and access throughout the V-suite and its
connected modules. Ensuring that each individual institution’s access control policy can be accommodated and
enforced by V-portal.

Multi-Institution Ready
Beyond serving administrative interfaces for in-house operations, the v-portal module is also fully
multi-institution ready and allows client institutions to take advantage of the full set of functionality when used
in a cloud or SaaS scenario.

End-User Audit Trail

As all user interaction with v-Suite modules occurs through the V-portal module, it performs the role of internal
user activity audit platform and provides auditable records for any end-user interaction across the entire V-suite

System Performance Overview
V-portal interfaces offer at-a-glance statistics on system performance and efficiency. Per-client, per-network or
overall messaging throughput and success rates can all be quickly generated and displayed.

Statistics - PerClient

Statistics User 1 Log out

Top Provider (12h) MNO Activity (Last Hour) Delivery Status (Last Hour)

Management Information
While heavy focus is placed on effective service delivery, transactional and user management, v-portal also
provides effective management information regarding the overall use of your v-suite modules, its connected
providers and banks as well as any other integrated services that are delivered through the v-suite. With a
consolidated archive and data repository from v-data, v-portal also offers the perfect foundation to generate
fully customized system performance, business analytics and financial reports. V-portal enables simple, online
access or automated delivery of all V-data reports and statistics.

Statistics - Module Specific

Statistics User 1 Log out

Registered Users New Registrations Active Cards Per Month (Past 6 Months) Active Cards Per Month (Past 6 Months)

120 k 15 k

Data in Detail
As V-suite is a high volume transactional platform, it requires effective monitoring, reporting and management
tools to control and streamline transactional flow. V-portal can locate and display content, delivery and status
information for any single transaction or message sent via the platform, or generate a report and extract for all
tranactions sent at a specific time, by a specific customer to a specific MSISDN.

SMS Look up

SMS Lookup User 1 Log out

Date Range 06 March, 2016 To 07 March, 2016 Search by MSDN, Content

Created Status MSISDN Content Type Delivery Time Reference

02/03/2016 10:36:02 Pending 0776 589 365 Withdrawal, 100.00 USD... Transaction 02/03/2016 10:36:02 23215448695365

02/03/2016 10:37:05 Delivered 0775 695 324 Save 50% on your next... Promotional 02/03/2016 10:42:20 32256558754215

02/03/2016 11:22:08 Failed 0778 257 248 Network link down... System Alert 02/03/2016 11:40:10 32112425698754

02/03/2016 14:05:30 Delivered 0777 568 235 Node Disconnected... System Alert 02/03/2016 15:21:07 33265589885655

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Customer and Account Management

V-portal provides account and subscriber management, allowing support, back-office or even remote agents to
Create, Update and Deactivate mobile accounts, link and delinking existing subscribers, request message credit
top-ups and follow up on pending payments, view the current position of a provider account, the transactional
activity that led to the position and any historical top-ups or payments to the account.

User Management

Search Add User Refresh

Product Roles Username First Name Last Name Email

Paul-325 Paul Cummings
Participant Roles John_bon John Edwards
User Management
Auditor Tawanda Tawanda Banda

Gail Gail Stewart

Chipo Chipo Kamangira

Bill William Tell

Single Sign-on - Single Interface
Beyond the core, generic functionality offered across all modules, by V-portal, specialized and service-specific
functionality is provided for each individual module. The following section will detail the specialized
functionality provided by integrating v-portal into each module.

User Login

V-portal Login


V-portal’s interfaces are designed to be quick and straight forward, allowing users to effect changes and
complete tasks with a minimal number of steps, without compromising on security and auditability. This
ensures that support or administrative personnel can resolve issues quickly, maintain trust in your services and
keep transactions flowing 24/7/365.

Beyond support personnel, V-portals interfaces cater to back-office and audit staff regarding management of
v-mobiles subscriber base. Audit reports on KYC validity and completion can be generated and distributed,
velocity of transactional activity on subscriber accounts can be monitored and alerted on and personal
information validation checks and searches can be carried out with ease.

V-vendor V-data

V-portal V-gateway Host/Switching Systems

V-message V-mobile

Module Specific Functionality
V-portal is used extensively to manage clients, products, accounts and transactions on the V-mobile module.
The main specialized functions are detailed in the following sections.

Customers Reports

Statistics Products

Troubleshooting and drill-down

V-Portal empowers your technical team to identify, analyse and resolve technical issues as quickly as possible,
without requiring a large scale re-skilling exercise in order to support the platform.

Account Management

Search by MSDN, Card Number

MSDN Card Number Registration Date Registration Location Activation Date Transactions

0776 589 365 8807 2564 2565 2585 02/03/2016 13:25:23 Pomona 02/03/2016 14:12:30 4

0775 695 324 8056 5223 1458 4115 02/03/2016 15:30:50 Borrowdale 02/03/2016 16:05:42 3

0778 257 248 7856 5632 2489 5647 02/03/2016 16:20:25 Avondale 02/03/2016 17:25:03 12

0777 568 235 6659 3625 7785 4412 02/03/2016 08:45:40 Borrowdale 02/03/2016 09:20:36 2

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Module Specific Functionality

Managing a high throughput messaging platform and ensuring optimal delivery and confirmation of messages
needs clear visibility into underlying providers and the right levels of control over providers, clients and
subscribers. V-portal provides custom, specialized management interfaces and business logic to help you make
the most of your V-message module.

Self Service
The V-portal module also provides full self-service functionality for your message recipients; a recipient can log
into a v-portal interface using a mobile number and OTP, allowing them to manage their own subscription
status, received messages and notification history.


From: My Bank
Customer Self Service
To: Customer Group or Upload List

Opt out of all

Select Notifications:
Dear {First Name}
Welcome to MyBank Internet Banking. I am your account
Representative, please contact me on Withdrawal
011 352 149
Nadia Bill Payment
Account Low

Module Specific Functionality

V-portal and the V-data module work in tandem to provide a large number of critical reporting and monitoring

Alerts Dashboard
Using the normalized logging, transactional and operational information stored within V-data, the V-portal
module provides real-time, status, throughput and performance alerts for critical system components.

Monitoring & Alerts

Alert Dashboard
Date Range 06 March, 2016 To 07 March, 2016 Search Alerts Refresh

Severity Module Description Timestamp

CRITICAL V-vendor ZESA Prepaid Provider Timeout 15m ago

WARNING V-mobile No transactions on Netone 2h ago

INFO V-data Daily Volume: Econet 155,433 03/12/2015 12:20:50

Performance and Efficiency

V-portal monitoring functions also provide visibility into the technical performance of your systems modules.

Module Specific Functionality
V-portal introduces similar focusses on system uptime, manageability, financial control and tailored reporting
for the V-vendor module as it does for other transaction oriented modules within the V-suite.

System Overview
V-portal will also allow an operator to view performance, uptime, success rate and throughput information for
either the entire platform, or for a specific provider.

Performance statistics, trends and analytics will allow you to maintain maximum transactional throughput and
efficient service delivery to clients.

Transaction Lookup

Transaction Lookup

Date Range 06 March, 2016 To 07 March, 2016 Search by Bill Account, Provider, MSDN Refresh

Timestamp Transaction ID Provider MSISDN Bill Account Card Number Status

02/03/2016 12:30:05 136584963254 Econet 0776 589 365 Balance Enquiry 8807 2564 2565 2585 Failed (06)

02/03/2016 14:03:25 996857423658 DSTV 0775 695 324 Airtime Purchase 8456 2536 2478 4786 Success

02/03/2016 09:30:23 365568554723 COH 0778 257 248 Bill Payment 8807 2654 8963 2156 Timed Out

02/03/2016 10:02:15 321225369854 Telecel 0777 568 235 Airtime Purchase 8805 2657 4123 6985 Success

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Report Generation

Entries Current Runs Previous Runs

Date Range 06 March, 2016 To 07 March, 2016 Search by MSDN, Card Number or Transaction Type Refresh

Timestamp MSDN Card Number Tran Type Status

02/03/2016 12:45:32 0776 589 365 8807 2564 2565 2585 Balance Enquiry Failed (06)

02/03/2016 13:26:48 0775 695 324 8456 2536 2478 4786 Airtime Purchase Success

02/03/2016 18:10:25 0778 257 248 8807 2654 8963 2156 Bill Payment Timed Out

02/03/2016 12:03:03 0777 568 235 8805 2657 4123 6985 Airtime Purchase Success

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