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10th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control

International Federation of Automatic Control

September 5-7, 2012. Dubrovnik, Croatia

Modeling of a Three Wheeled

Omnidirectional Robot Including Friction
Mariane Dourado Correia, André Gustavo Scolari Conceição

Department of Electrical Engineering, Polytechnical School,

Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brasil
(e-mail: [marianedc,andre.gustavo]

Abstract: This paper presents a model of a three-wheeled omnidirectional robot including

a static friction model. Besides the modeling is presented a practical approach in order to
estimate the coefficients of coulomb and viscous friction, which used sensory information about
force and velocity of the robot’s center of mass. The proposed model model has the voltages
of the motors as inputs and the linear and angular velocities of the robot as outputs. Actual
results and simulation with the estimated model are compared to demonstrate the performance
of the proposed modeling.

Keywords: Models, Friction, Parameter estimation, Autonomous mobile robots.

1. INTRODUCTION Dynamic models have been of great interest due to ad-

vances in hardware that allows the implementation of
friction compensators. The Dahl model (Dahl, 1976) was
The robotic platforms resulting from attaching omnidirec- introduced in order to simulate the control systems with
tional wheels to a chassis are called holonomic because, friction, see (Astrom, 1998). The Lugre model is presented
the resulting vehicle can drive a path with independent in (Canudas de Wit et al., 1995) and its analysis and
orientation and X-Y motion or the controllable degrees modeling are made by the elastic bristles found in (Olsson,
of freedom is equal to the total degrees of freedom then 1996), known to be popular in the time domain, and its
the robot. Omnidirectional wheels roll forward like normal control and simulation friction are due to its simplicity and
wheels, but slide sideways with no friction (or very little integration of pre-slip and slip systems.
friction). This differs from a traditional Ackerman-steered
vehicle or a tracked vehicle that must use skid-steering. This paper presents a dynamic model of an omnidirec-
tional mobile robot that considers the coulomb and viscous
An omnidirectional robot is able to perform movements in friction in the composition of forces of the robot’s center
any direction without the need to reorient, allowing more of mass. To estimate the coefficients of friction, an experi-
mobility and increasing the robot’s degree of freedom. mental method that uses sensory information of force and
This feature is achieved by controlling the omnidirectional velocity of the robot’s center of mass is used. This method,
wheels, combining their vectorial forces and velocities proposed in (Conceicao et al., 2009) for a four-wheeled
(Conceicao et al., 2009). For a dynamic and kinematic robot, is now tested in a three-omnidirectional-wheeled
model of the robot, it is necessary to consider magnitudes robot. An analysis of model behavior in different operating
like speed, acceleration and strength that is provided by situations, including the dead zone effects, is presented.
the actuators, whereas the energy put into the system
discussed in (C.C. de Wit and Bastin, 1997). The paper is organized as follows. In section 2, the model
of an omnidirectional-wheeled robot is presented and a
From the studies on the dynamics and kinematics involved state space representation is proposed. Section 3 presents
in the movement of the omnidirectional robot, it is possible a parameters estimation of the friction coefficients of the
to develop a model that approximates the reality. For model. In section 4, current results achieved by the model
the modeling of estimation of coefficients of friction it is are discussed, addressing the advantages and disadvan-
necessary to analyze the models of static and dynamic tages. The final considerations are presented in section 5.
friction. The classical models of friction are composed of
different components and aspects of the frictional force.
The main idea is that friction opposes its magnitude 2. MODELING
motion and it is independent of the speed of the contact
area (Hess and Soom, 1990). As an example of static model 2.1 Kinematics of the robot
there is Coulumb’s friction model, usually combined with
viscous friction model for a better fit of the experimental By geometric parameters of the robot and the robot’s body
data, see ((Baril, 1993); (Friedland and Park, 1992)). The frame, in Figure 1(a), the motion equations are as follows:
Karnopp model is used to detect zero speed (Karnopp,
1985). ξ˙ = RT (θ)ξ˙r (1)

978-3-902823-11-3/12/$20.00 © 2012 IFAC 7 10.3182/20120905-3-HR-2030.00002

September 5-7, 2012. Dubrovnik, Croatia

where an orthogonal rotation matrix R(θ) is defined to The relationships between the robot’s traction forces and
map the world frame into the robot frame, and vice versa: the wheel’s traction forces are,

cos(θ) sin(θ) 0
" #
R(θ) = −sin(θ) cos(θ) 0 (2) Fv (t) = cos(δ)(f2 (t) − f3 (t)) (7)
0 0 1
Fvn (t) = −f1 (t) + sen(δ)f2 (t) + sen(δ)f3 (t) (8)
The robot pose is fully described by the vector: ξ =
[xr yr θ]T , where xr and yr is the localization of the Γ(t) = (f1 (t) + f2 (t) + f3 (t))b. (9)
point P in the world frame, and θ the angular difference
between the world and robot frames. ξ˙r = [v vn w]T is the The wheel’s traction force on each wheel i (for i = 1, ..., 3)
velocity vector at the robot frame and describes the linear is
velocity of the robot at the point P , represented by the Ti (t)
orthogonal components v and vn , and the angular velocity fi (t) = . (10)
of the robot’s body, represented by w.
with Ti the rotation torque of the wheels.
The relationships between robot velocities (v, vn and w)
and wheel’s angular velocities (wmi , for i = 1, ..., 3) are The dynamics of each DC motor i (for i = 1, ..., 3) can be
given by: described using the following equations,
 √ √ 
r2 3 −r3 3 diai (t)
3 3
ui (t) = Lai + Rai iai (t) + Kvi wmi (t), (11)
" # "w #

 2r m1
r2 r3

vn =
 3
1  wm2 , (3) Ti (t) = li Kti iai (t), 0 ≤ iai (t) ≤ imax (12)
3 3

w  wm3
where Lai are the motor’s armature inductance, Rai are

r1 r2 r3
3b 3b 3b the motor’s armature resistance, li are the motor’s gear
with b the distance between the point P and robot’s ratio reduction, and wmi the angular velocity of the wheels.
wheels, ri the radius of each wheel i, and the angle δ equal The armature current is limited to save battery, where
to 30 degrees. imax (A) is a design parameter. The armature voltage is
u(t), with input signal constraints: −6(V olts) ≤ u(t) ≤
2.2 Dynamics of the robot 6(V olts) for t ≥ 0. In SI unit system, the values
of Kt (motor’s torque constant) and Kv (motor’s elec-
tromotive force constant) are identical, see Kuo (1995):
The omnidirectional mobile robot model is developed
Kt (N.m/A) = Kv (V olts/(rad/sec)).
based on the dynamics, kinematics and dynamics of DC
motors of the robot. By Newton’s law of motion and the
robot’s body frame, in Figure 1(a), the dynamic model is 2.3 State Space Representation
described by
In this subsection, the robot model in the state-variable
dv(t) form is presented. By combining previously mentioned
Fv (t) − Bv v(t) − Cv sgn(v(t)) = M , (4) equations, it is possible to show that model equations can
dvn (t) be rearranged into a variation of the state space that can
Fvn (t) − Bvn vn (t) − Cvn sgn(vn (t)) = M , (5) be described as
Γ(t) − Bw w(t) − Cw sgn(w(t)) = In , (6) ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t) + Ksgn(x(t)) (13)
y(t) = Cx(t) (14)
1, α > 0,
sgn(α) = 0, α = 0, where the vector u(t) = [u1 (t) u2 (t) u3 (t)] is the input
−1, α < 0. and the vectors y(t) = x(t) = [v(t) vn (t) w(t)]T are the
output and the state-variables of the system. Considering
F = [Fv Fvn Γ]T represents the vector force (Fv and l = l1...3 , r = r1...3 , Ra = Ra1...3 and Kt = Kt1...3 ,
Fvn ) in the robot frame and the moment (Γ) around the the simplified state-variable-form matrices defining this
center of gravity for the mobile robot (point P ). The system are
robot mass is M and the robot inertia moment is In . The  3l2 Kt2 Bv 
viscous frictions (Bv v(t), Bvn vn (t) and Bw w(t)) represent − − 0 0
2M Ra r 2 M
a retarding force, which is a linear relationship between  3l2 Kt2 Bvn 
A = 0 − − 0 ,
the applied force and the velocity. The coulomb frictions  2M Ra r 2 M 
(Cv sgn(v(t)), Cvn sgn(vn (t)) and Cw sgn(w(t))) represent 3b2 l2 Kt2 Bw
0 0 − −
a retarding force that has constant amplitude with respect JRa r 2 In
cos(δ) cos(δ)
 
to the change of velocity, but the sign changes with the 0 −
reversal of the direction of velocity, (Kuo, 1995). Bv , Bvn  M M 
lKt −1 sen(δ) sen(δ)
and Bw are the viscous friction coefficients related to v, B=
 ,
Ra r
 M M M

vn and w respectivelly, and Cv , Cvn and Cw the coulomb 
b b b

friction coefficients. In In In

September 5-7, 2012. Dubrovnik, Croatia

(a) Geometric parameters and reference frames. (b) Omnidirectional mobile robot.

Fig. 1. Wheeled Robot.

 Cv  same analysis can be made for the other graphs in Figure
− 0 0
M 2.

K= 0 0
, C = I.

0 0 − ui v Fv
(volts) (m/s) (N )
0 ;1.2;-1.2 0 2.25
Analyzing (13), one can observe that the nonlinearity lies 0;2;-2 0.37 2.48
in the Ksgn(x(t)) term. 0;3;-3 0.74 2.79
0;4;-4 1.08 3.28
ui vn Fvn
FRICTION -1.5;0.75;0.75 0 1.47
-3;1.5;1.5 0.42 1.97
-4;2;2 0.75 2.33
The method of estimation consists of applying velocities -5;2.5;2.5 1.08 2.49
v, vn and w in the robot, and measuring the traction ui w Γ
forces Fv , Fvn and the torque Γ, with the robot on steady- (volts) (rad/s) (N.m)
state velocity. Because of a steady-state velocity (null 0.25;0.25;0.25 0 0.10
derivatives) and considering positive velocities, equations 1.5;1.5;1.5 5.84 0.14
(4 - 6) can be simplified: 2;2;2 8.04 0.18
2.5;2.5;2.5 10.02 0.21
Table 1. Values of voltages, velocities, forces
Fv (t) = Bv v(t) + Cv (15) and torques.
Fvn (t) = Bvn vn (t) + Cvn (16)
Γ(t) = Bw w(t) + Cw (17)
As the values of the velocities and forces are known, the
In this method, it is possible to estimate the viscous frictions coefficients may be estimated. The least-squares
(Bv , Bvn , Bw ) and coulomb (Cv , Cvn , Cw ) frictions. Table line method was used to approximate the set of data to
1 shows the applied voltages (causing the robot velocities) a linear model (equation of the straight line). Figure 3
and the resulting velocities, forces and torques. The forces shows the applied velocity, resulting force, and the best
and the torque can be calculated using the motor’s cur- fitting line. The resulting equations with the estimated
rents, see equations (7-12). coefficients are presented in Table 2. The robot mass was
The effects of dead zones of the motors should be con- balanced, while for the moment of inertia of the robot was
sidered in conducting the experiments, as reflected in the used the moment of inertia of a cylinder with the same
velocities of the robot’s center of mass. Thus, the lowest mass and dimensions of radius and height of the robot.
applied voltages are close to the values on which the mobile
base starts moving. For example, the first line of Table 1 Equations Bv ,Bvn Cv ,Cvn
Bw Cw
shows the voltages u = (0, 1.2, -1.2) applied to the motors v Fv (t) = 0.94v(t) + 2.2 0.94 2.2
but the base is stopped, however for the voltages u = (0, vn Fvn (t) = 0.96vn (t) + 1.5 0.96 1.5
2, -2) the base is moving. The same happens for vn and w w Γ(t) = 0.01w(t) + 0.099 0.01 0.099
velocities. Figure 2 presents some curves of velocities, and Table 2. Equations and coefficients.
their currents used to obtain the forces. It can be seen in
Figure 2(a) that applying the voltage of 3 volts on motor 2
and the voltage of -3 volts on motor 3 generated a velocity Summarizing, the parameters of the motors, geometric
of about 0.74 meters per second in the direction of velocity parameters and estimated parameters are presented in
v. The respective currents are shown in Figure 2(a). The Table 3.

September 5-7, 2012. Dubrovnik, Croatia

(a) u = (0, 3, −3). (b) u = (−4, 2, 2). (c) u = (1.5, 1.5, 1.5).

(d) ia1 , ia2 , ia3 . (e) ia1 , ia2 , ia3 . (f) ia1 , ia2 , ia3 .

Fig. 2. Velocities and Currents.

(a) Fv versus v. (b) Fvn versus vn . (c) Γ versus w.

Fig. 3. Relation between forces and torque with velocity.

Table 3. Parameters of the model.

Simbol Description Values

Bv (N/m/s) viscous friction coefficient related to v 0.94
Bvn (N/m/s) viscous friction coefficient related to vn 0.96
Bω (N/rad/s) viscous friction coefficient related to ω 0.01
Cv (N ) coulomb friction coefficient related to v 2.2
Cvn (N ) coulomb friction coefficient related to vn 1.5
Cω (N.m) coulomb friction coefficient related to ω 0.099
b(m) radius of the robot 0.1
M (kg) mass of the robot 1.5
In (kg.m2 ) inertia moment of the robot 0.025
δ angle 30o
r1 , r2 , r3 (m) radius of the wheels 0.035
l1 , l2 , l3 reduction of the motors 19:1
La1...3 (H) motor’s armature inductance 0.00011
Ra1...3 (Ω) motor’s armature resistance 1.69
Kv1...3 (V olts/rad/s) motor’s emf constant 0.0059
Kt1...3 (N.m/A) motor’s torque constant 0.0059

4. ANALYSIS OF THE MODEL while applying zero volt in motor 1, 2 volts in motor 2 and
-2 volts in motor 3, the velocity of the robot is in the
This section presents results to verify the behavior of the direction of vector v.
estimated model and compare it with real results of the The results of simulation and the robot velocities are
robot. The model has the voltage of the motors as inputs shown in Figure 4. The model gives a good representation
and velocity of the robot’s center of mass as outputs. of the robot state. For cases in which the robot has
Experiments were carried out by applying voltages on velocities v and vn , the presence of noise is bigger when
motors and in the model, as shown in Table 4. For example,

September 5-7, 2012. Dubrovnik, Croatia

compared with the velocities w. This is easily explained An example of control application can be seen in Araújo
by the geometry of the robot, which to generate velocities et al. (2011), where a methodology for state feedback
in the v direction only two of the three motors are active, MPC (Model Predictive Control) synthesis applied to the
in addition the wheels have an angle of 30 degrees related trajectory tracking control problem was proposed. In the
to velocity vector v (see Figure 1(b)). In the case of w, referred work, the model used in this work was used to
the three motors are active simultaneously in the same predict the future robot positions and orientations and
direction and with the same input voltage, making less takes into account elements such as saturation and friction.
noise. It is important to say that, in open loop experiments,
any undulation in the floor would cause a small difference ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
in the transient and steady state responses.
The model considers the effect of static friction and there- The authors would like to acknowledge the financial sup-
fore the open loop response should represent the dead port of the Brazilian National Research Council - CNPq.
zone. To verify this effect, experiments were performed
as shown in Figure 5. For the velocities v, Figure 5(a), REFERENCES
the model represented accurately the effect of dead zone Astrom, K. J. (1998). Control of systems with friction,
compared with the robot. For velocities w, Figure 5(b), Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on
the model also achieved a good performance. For v and Motion and Vibration Control, pp. 25–32.
vn the necessary voltages for the robot start to move are Baril, C. (1993). Control od Mechanical Systems Affected
bigger (around 1 volt) due to the presence of a larger static by Friction and Other Nondifferentiable Nonlinearities,
friction caused by the geometry of the mobile base. To Phd thesis, Israel Institute of Techonology, Switzerland.
overcome this inertia in w, the necessary voltage is around Barreto, J. C., Conceição, A. S. and Dorea, C. E. T.
0.3 volts. (2010). Predictive control of an omnidirectional mo-
Velocity v
bile robot with friction compensation, Latin American
Motor 1 Motor 2 Motor 3 Robotics Symposium and Intelligent Robotics Meeting -
u1 (volts) u2 (volts) u3 (volts) LARS2010, pp. 30–35.
0 2 -2 Canudas de Wit, C., Olsson, H., Astrom, K. and Lischin-
0 3 -3 sky, P. (1995). A new model for control of systems
0 4 -4
with friction, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Velocity vn
Motor 1 Motor 2 Motor 3
40(3): 419 –425.
u1 (volts) u2 (volts) u3 (volts) C.C. de Wit, B. S. and Bastin, G. (1997). Theory of Robot
-2 1 1 Control, Springer-Verlag Ltd.
-3 1.5 1.5 Conceicao, A., Moreira, A. and Costa, P. (2009). Practical
-4 2 2 approach of modeling and parameters estimation for om-
Velocity w nidirectional mobile robots, IEEE/ASME Transactions
Motor 1 Motor 2 Motor 3
u1 (volts) u2 (volts) u3 (volts)
on Mechatronics 14(3): 377 –381.
2 2 2 Dahl, P. R. (1976). Solid friction damping of mechanical
3 3 3 vibrations, AIAA Journal pp. 1675–1682.
4 4 4 Friedland, B. and Park, Y. J. (1992) On adaptive friction
Table 4. Applied voltages. compensation, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Con-
trol 37(10): 1609 –1612.
Hess, D. P. and Soom, A. (1990). Friction at a lubricated
line contact operating at oscillating sliding velocities,
5. CONCLUSION Journal of Tribology 112(1): 147–152.
Karnopp, D. (1985). Computer simulation of stick-slip
In this paper, a mobile robot modeling including coulomb friction in mechanical dynamic systems, Journal of Dy-
and viscous friction in the composition of the robot forces namic Systems, Measurement, and Control 107(1): 100–
has been proposed. This is a simplified friction model when 103.
compared to existing models in the literature (for example, Kuo, B. C. (1995). Automatic Control Systems, John
Lugre and Dahl). The model showed a good agreement Wiley & Sons Ltd.
with real data and with the mapping of the dead zone Olsson, H. (1996). Control Systems with Friction, Phd
effects. We can see an acceptable difference between the thesis, Lund Institute of Technology, University of Lund,
estimated values, taking into account that the measured Lund.
values of currents and velocities have a considerable noise, Araújo, H. X., Conceicao, A. G. S., Oliveira, G. H.
and any irregularity in the floor can cause alterations in C., Pitanga, J. R. (2011). Model Predictive Control
parameters of the robot. A practical approach to estimate Based on LMIs Applied to an Omni-Directional Mobile
the coefficients of friction was used, based on sensory infor- Robot, Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress,
mation from the motor current and the robot speed, easily 18(1): 8171–8176.
applicable in any configuration of vehicle which provides
these logs. Finally, a model that represents non-linear
elements are essential to controllers design, especially when
the robot is subjected to different operating conditions
such as uneven terrain or the transportation of different
loads, which require maximum forces of the actuators.

September 5-7, 2012. Dubrovnik, Croatia

(a) Inputs u: (0; 2;-2), (0; 3; -3) e (0;4; -4). (b) Inputs u: (-2;1;1), (-3;1.5;1.5) e (-4;2;2).

(c) Inputs u: (2;2;2), (3;3;3) e (4;4;4).

Fig. 4. Real and simulation results.

(a) Velocity v. (b) Velocity w.

Fig. 5. Dead-zone effect.


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