STAAD - Pro & STAAD Advanced Concrete: Design of Two-Storey Reinforced-Concrete Residential

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STAAD.Pro & STAAD Advanced Concrete

Main objectives
1) Calculate Wind Pressure for Components and Claddin
2) Design the Roof Truss and Purlins per NSCP 2015/AIS
3) Derive dead load and live load values per NSCP 2015
4) Discuss NSCP 2015/UBC 97 Seismic parameters input
5) Design the concrete elements in STAAD Advanced
Co (beams, slabs, columns and footings)
Designer RCDC

g per NSCP 2015/ASCE 7-10

C 360-10 by LRFD Method

ncrete Designer RCDC
Purlin spacing 0.8 m
truss spacing 2.5 m


Levels Storey Height (m)

Footing to GF 1.8
GF to 2F 3
2F - Roof Beam 3
Roof Beam - Apex 2
Roof mean Height for wind load calculation
7.00 m
Roof Slope = 22.62deg
Tabte 10.1- I Occripci›cy Catcgory Table 103- ] (coflt”dy

OCC UPANCY occu r cv oR ruxwion or DCCU PANCY


Garagcs sud sllcltets for end:rgMlcy veliickfi

antl Siruettires and slwllq rs in ciilciticiioy


$u-tIc[unIS jțJ cqujplj¥gnl in conimTlnication

C8nlcrs arJ Oîher F cilil ios Tg‹]\ irctt for iecryci sy

haciliticu for siarrdby ¡x»vc•r-dcncroliiip cquip unt

Tanks or other strtict ›r0s c0nlatl1in lJutl5ifig or

uȚ J{xxtiI3g’ \\?qtCF fp OlhU¥ firi3•S\fggF¢ssi?fI flX* IOJ
or cquipn¥cnL •C|Li}rud |'Ly lhe [\rGteclioi› nfi
1. icgory f, fl x III. IV aud V ura c1re-t

All structt

JI Etanirdotis OVCF1.Sm1
Nr›n-buiJdinȘ s1mT•r s storing, scq›purti.nș or
cpnfaîning quantilics of tuxi¢ or explosivc
Occupuncy Category

KlilOFiJ-I III ïY' i III ;t CagaCily OI“ 3ïAÏ Or

scd /or ue[Icqc or nJu1 u‘dtic: I ïoij

I btJildiJlg4 with :5O oi' mort

d piiticnls, lx I sol includcd in

pïtaJS. 60rin0rit ‹J s, jails, y iscx s

iildíi ys «'I ere j>•i'‹minI I)b mer
o/ siz11ii0rIy rcstcainad,

nd cquipnxnr in ”cr-g•cncrtting

' liui›snaIiacodii›Cntegory ï, ”II


' ges,carporis,shetísaiidf<nces
li g13,

Seismic Source Type A

Malolos City Bulacan
I'”lgwc 2OB-1 Rrterezce4 Seismic MBp of
Natical Structural Coda cf lie P hlllppines Yolu

2-38 CHAPTER 2 — Mli\lmurr- Oñ8lgFi LV*°

Figure 307 A.s- IA Basúï W in speeds I • Occuș•ncy
ne I, fih Edlãon, 201$
Bulacan = 250 kph
STAAD.Pro & STAAD Advanced Concrete Designer

Levels Storey Height (m)
Footing to GF 1.8
GF to 2F 3
2F - Roof Beam 3
Roof Beam - Apex 2

Beams Columns Slabs fc' fy
RB250x400 RC300X300 S115 20.68 Mpa 275 Mpa
(3000psi) (Gr40)

Dead Load
1) Selfweight
Concrete unit weight = 24 kN/m3

2) Member Load
150mm CHB 3.11 kN/m per meter height
100mm CHB 2.98 kN/m per meter height

Floor Load Floors Roof

115mm slab 2.76 - kN/m2
roof framing - 0.41 kN/m2
corrugated roofing sheet - 0.10 kN/m2
Floor finish 1.10 - kN/m2
Ceiling 0.10 0.10 kN/m2
MEP 0.10 0.10
Interior Partition 1.00 -
Water proofing - -
5.06 0.71

Live Load
1.9 kN/m2 0.60 kN/m2

Seismic Parameters
UBC 97 / NSCP 2015
Zone = 4
Seismic Source Type = A
Importance Factor ( I ) = 1.0 (Standard Occupancy)
R = 8.5 - Special Moment Frame
Structure is located 40km from seismic source
Ct = 0.0731

Wind Parameters
Wind (ASCE 7-10 / NSCP 2015)
Vwind = 250 kph
I = 1.0
Exposure = B (typical residential structure in urban area)
2- i4 CtHAPTER 2 — i\Minimum Design Lo5ids

Table 204 •2 Miilinium D'csign Oend Loads l kPe l

Lnuü Compo*eil Und Comjx›nn t

Aoousiicn I £ ber boar‹I ., -.........g.0ü Exlcriur 8Md v0lls:
Gypsum buafd (per mm 0xl00 @ 400i un, IS mm
tNckiuss) .... Bl.008 g;ypsum, ii›stilaoct, 10 Inn›
Meohtnical drei allo ance........0.20 siding ..,.„„ .,..........„,.„,.,., 0.51
Plastct' on file or toncrelc ,...., 0,24 5Ofi3O 400mm,ldm"i
Pb.stcr ort wocd lalh..................0.Zi8 pn ioab 10s n
Stispesded s\eeI channel S1dNfl@ . . » . , , , , , , , ...,............, , Q-5
slein.........................ß.J Extcrior stud wiII ich f»ick
ö Cam fini eh (23 m@ pn storie• y8rt0gr „..„.........„„„„.,.,.,.....2.3Ü
Siupm6cd mal lalh and ocmm cunciele filI„.......................,.,..„ l,5i Wil doa's. gIo•s, fronie an4
§|$St$r ..............,....,-........„, 0,7* C•mmic or qtiarry file {20 tem} easlj ....„,..„,...,........................0, AB
on 13 rum mortor bed ,.,....„,. 0.77 Clay brtcL ^ytIJcs:
psf›in p|s¥tcr .. ... „..„„... fi.48 J00 uc „,...„... ........„„.,.,. I.87
Wood Mrring susp«nsioc 200 mm ............„..................3.74
. 0.12
1I1Ic?Iycss)..-......„ .....-.,,.........Ö.023
covaRiNcs, nem »d win “*““ ' ’""
Asphalt rhii\gks ....„..................0. IÖ Linoleum or asphalt til 6nim„.,0,05 CONCRKTE MASONRY U NtTS
Ccinmt l•le ...........,. ,...............0.77 ttdarbie and mortar on stem- HofJu•' Conctctc Maso0r}' L*niis
Clay fi le (fu nJort wJd 0.4B ]tFa) ealctete fi11...............,...........1 J8 U»pIastctW. AJd 0,2* kP0 las
Bo0L tile. J0 nm .„„.,.,..........0.57 Slata focr mm thi6ncss\ 0 XS M Cä g0cc pl•zstcLt°d
Doof tilc. 75 i»m „„,.............0.96
@@lfl0fi, , ,., , , , ...,.,... w.... , ,., , , ,-,.., ..Ö. ubNocring, 19 mm...-..........„..,II.14 l f›.VkN/m° DeilsiN of Unit _
Spesfii„,.„.,..,.........„,.,.„..., 0.91 ]Mo;unui | !.05I.J S
s!ab,.,.,..............„,.,.„,...............0.9 \ 800l l4U
Tooazzos (*ü mnt) ori stor•e• JU ; 1 .GI
Three•yly rendy roofi»g........0.05 coocrete fjII„....................„,..„ I .53
Four-ply felt flnü grAvaJ Tcrr8zzo {23 mrri} ai 30•n n Tr
Five-ply felt and $rgvül.....„„.,0,29 c0gtC¥ctc „,... ... „.,.„.,.,.,.., ... ) .Ä3
We0d Fleck (75 mm) e•t mastic.
NogroirI I.24 ! 1,34 t! ”1.72
Wood b1ock (75 ntm) al J3-uhm Box›I.ös f 1.7z I 3.2s b0P1.C91,81 , 2.44
Duck. ‹¥tetcl 20 gagr..• •.........„,..,{}. J 3 ieortcr basc..............-.„..........0.77 T06I.Pg2.lJ 2.82
Dtek. mml, lg goge.............„.. .0. I4 Full2.W*.H2”*, 3.88
E?I›ert›osrd. hmm....................0.04 r&AMgpART[TIOM8 ml .2•kWm‘ Hnsirv of Unit
Gypsum si eatl ing. 13 mm.......0.14 Movable pai'titipns............,.,.„,...„ 0.24 Nun1.391.44|87
InstiLitian, zoo'£b‹'»rds (per' IJ›Jn M0'•ab[zf |jartiUons (s4›eet)................0. l9 800
Word or atael studs, IJ matt ipsum LiUU J.74 l&2
CeJli4ar jjloss . .. .--- --- ü.0013 400 i lü3 1.96,
" 2J 2.W z.@
Fibroub gfaa8............................OUT I WO0d St\+Ös, SU X 100'. UI›pIBB(¢rcd Full 2.lm 2.p2
| 2.84 *i | J.07
Perllte „„...,... .........„,....,. 6.40 5 Wood stur Sei x Egg. plusteed one
rofystyrene f0am ... - 0.@OJ slde .... . ............,........,....OJ? foac v'itIi ski i......0.609
l'Tywed (per oim ‹hickncst) 0.006P

5lal9. b min ........., „.„ „...,........0.48

Biiurninotis, graveI-covered , 0.76

Liquid, applfed . 0.05

Single-ply. shset -. .. 0,03
V/ocd shoatltittg (per mm

Woodshingks-...-..,.. ..-0J4
2.63 0.24 0.24 3.11
2.5 0.24 0.24 2.98
CIJAPTER 2 - Masinum Da-sign Lcæasg-G7

Table 2U'î- I kiinimum Uniíoim o¥id ConcemrBied Lpre Loads (mr/iwiz'a'}


onŒwl scœ
Low-Rise Buildings : Component and Cladding
Simplified Procedure
ASCE 7-10
C HAPT E F! 7 — k'1inim m Desig

T‹bJc 2fI7E.a-I
Steps tu Dc\crn ins CAL Wind
Loads 2O1E.5 Building 'â'ypus
FTncloscd a Id 1’artialJy EHcJo'tcd
Low-risc flu iJdings The pruvis ions uf .5oc1ion 207a,*I ate
Dclcrm\nc risk ca\cga ry of builéling or other stnicturr. scc Tablc 103- I cue loscd:
filop?. Determine the basic wind c. r, ror the applicable risk category, ace 1 igure 2 O7A.5- 1 A, i3 or I
Step J:Dctcrininc z’ind load pararnctcrs: • sr building (sec dclii ilion
kWinddirect iunalJtyfactor. fly, sec isecrion 207A.ii and ”I”able 2[T7A.6-1
?Exposure category B. L or 0, see Section 207A.7 in s Biiil ding »'ith it 18 m
h1 opographic factor, Ap, see Sect ion 2O7A. h and Figure 2ll7A. 8- 1
kFmclaiureclassification, sec Section 2O7A.10
âInternal pressure coefficient, (Gflp¡), see Section 207A.1.1 and fable 2tl7A. ] I - 1

shown in Table 2ODC. 'i-

I . 207»i.I ¢:ondition

F'or the d69ign of compDnenfs and cJac

Shah cnn yly with all the follr wing cu

2 ’ldc bu ildinb is enclosed

3. Thc btiildinjt is a regular-skapcd

IJetcrmincveluci/pressure,gg,see FqJ ation 207a .3- l hu as defined in 8cccinn 2(J7A.2.
determinecxicrnalcoefficient, (GCC)
F Y‘alls, soc Figure 207a.4• l 4. ”[”he huildiny does nnt have resgm
run int, it .4uPiject t+› acrn*s w int
shedding, cr in stability due to Tal
lo{ it docs not hays a sitc location
fix effects or buffeting in the wake
of* u
»'arraoi special cniisid<raiii rii.

Thu b ildinq has tilts a Set

bunos lupc mut.s,
b ir ace 8S45’,o’zWpmofwidiBS27
4 F igiim 207F..d-5 Sawtniith riiiifs, see t'igure 2 l7t:.4-6
I3omcd ronfs, ksec P igure 207L 4-7

Archcdruofs,cc fooniotc 4 Figurc 207B,4-3

Ca lculste wind pressure, p, Fpuation 207 fi.4• I

Na1ioi gl Stiu¢lu el Code of the Philippines Volume I, 7lh Edition, 201a

directly or
ad to the
s include
›f decking,
a be part of
ar walls or
so be loaded
In Loads 2-137


›s than or c9ua 1 to

ilding or atruct me

] lnm‹ling, we,
find or flutter. and
’hich channcli^6
tw iild nhazwctiona

a tab ie rt<f w it h


Pnet = λ Kzt Pnet9


2 3
1.09 1.09 kn/m2
-3.04 -4.57 kn/m2
ACING = 0.8M

0.872 0.872 kn/m

-2.432 -3.656 kn/m


250kph 0.85 0.85
Zone -2.44 -3.83
2 3 CING = 2.5M

2.13 2.13 kn/m 10% least horizontal dimension 0.8

-6.1 -9.575 kn/m 0.4h 2.8
4% least horizontal dimension 0.32
0.9 0.9 governs
FFECTI4"E 11'IND AREA. A: The area used
rmine (GC ). For component and cladding
its, the effective wind area in Figs. 30.4-1
h 30.4-7, 30.5-1. 30.6-1. and 30.8-1 through
is lhe span length mulliplied by an effective
that need not be less than one-third the span
For cladding fasteners, the effective wind area
ot be greater than the area that is tributary to
an Inal fastener.

1:I¥’E WIND AREA. d is an effective tyind men

$ñcrra tithe building stcface used to determine {GCl).
, .. .. : .. ” .
i y o/ z ‹T oes npt necessari ly cal zst›ond to the area aFtlie
jdiñ g siirfoce contributing to the force being mnsidered.
caies arise. In the risunl case, the effective wind area
.:.eofiL•> nd to the area tzib»tary to the force
n nc”nt Being considerch. For exainpJe, for a cladding i
-,the effective wind area may be equal It› tire tDtal nre,a t|
jé/”jJ”â ncI. Foi' a clad£lii1§ £2Stener, flue effective wind
a.(s ih’e Wren of cladding secured by z single fastener.
A lmon ijiay icceive wind from several cladding
panels. In
‹ ,else, the effective wind urea is the nre;s associated with
iii load ther is transferred to the mill ion.

t“ eL’Dnd c•1ss arises where contpone»ts sucl› 4s i'oDbtng

studs, or root tr»sses are 9poced closely
étlicr: The area sewed b the com nent Ina become
B and na row. To bettei appmximate the actual locd
such cases, the width of the effective And
IO gVftlu8t¢ (Gdp) need not be taken as less thpn
}fliit'8 tire leligtii of the area. This i ncrease in
effective “d free has flue effect of reducing the
average wind Isaié acting on the component. Note.
however, that th is
.cube wine areo should only be used in deterlTi 1 n l rig lhe
7y) ill Figures 207E.4• I through 207E.4-5 a d 207E.4-
load slzDuld be applied over the actual
I tf’ibutaiy to the component cbeing onsidei'erI.
ind dir tî‹n, m
TRUSS 1.635 KN 2.5 9.6 24 0.068125 KN/M2

PURLINS 0.681 KN 0.8 2.5 2 0.3405 KN/M2

0.408625 KN/M2
Table 208- ll A EiNquakc-Force- Resisting Structural Systems of Concrete
System Limitation and Building Height Lfmltjttion by
Baalc Seismiwr•« ResB‹i•t sy‹tena J?t
Zone 2Zone 4

BzarinfWaff 5'r4fens sSpecial reinforced concrete shear wal1s

+ Ordinary zcinEorocd concrete sheaz walls 2.g NL NL 50
B. Baifidiny ''Beale Sp leens 4.5 2.b NP
Special wi ro«cd aricrelc Sh¢ur walls ar braocd fYsrnes fshcsr walleJ

5.0 2.8 NL 73
• Ordinary rein forced ¢onczete shear walls or braced
5.6 NL NP
• Inisnnediats cast shwr walls or bracCd frames 5.0 2.3 NL 10

] s Special reinforced concrete moment (ramps 8.5 2.% NL NL {

• JnlennodiatC rCtnfbrced canci ete moment frames 5.5 2.8 NT. NP
• Ordinary reinforced cmcreic moment fram«a 3.5 2.8 NL NP
n Beef 5 cms
• Special reinforced concrete shear nulls 8.5 2.8 NL NL
• Ordinary rain£orced concrete Shear walls 6.5 2.8 NL NP

• ñf› t4infoi-ced ¢on¢zclc shear walls 6,f 2.R NL

• Ordinary zeinfnrcsd concrete shear calls 2.d NL
• Shear wall frame interactive system with ordinary
reinfarced concrete moment flames and ordinary 42 2,8 NP NF
reinfér¢ed concrete shen walls
fi•’. Caafile•e nf 6ofu/ar guifd/np Sss/ems
• Czntilcvered column elcmettta 2.Z 2.0 ML 10
M Shela WeIfi• E‘'rewe Irsre›a clioa ñwze ts 2.8 NL 50
Table 208-5 Nenr-Source F8ctor Nq
Seismic Closest Distance To
Source Known Seismic Snurno
Type 2 km 5 km 10 km
A 1.5 1.2 1.0
B 1.3 1.0 1,0
!O C ).0 1.0 1.0

!O Tabls 208-6 Near-Snur£:e Factor, 3fp 1

Seismic Closest @istance Tn

Source Known Seismic Source'
TToe 2 km 5 km 10 km * IS km
A 2.D 1.6 1.2 1.0
B L6 1.2 1.0 1.0
i0 C 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0





Table 208-7 SeisiTlic Coefñ cient, Cp
Soil Profite Geiamic Zone Z

0.16 0.32Ng
0.20 0.40Nq
0.24 0.40N
0.28 l 0.44N )
0,34 l 0.44Ng
P lee Footnoie 1 of able 208-8

Table 208-8 Seismic Coefficient, C.

Z = 0.2 ) Z —- 0. 4
0.16 0.3k'V,
0.20 | 0.40J'/x
0 12 I 0,5hPr
0.40 ] 0.ö 4JVr I
s. 0.64 0.96ñ ’,
s, See Foafnote 1 able 208-8
UBC 1997

PARAMETERS T = Ct (hn) sec UBC Eq. (30-8)
Z 0.4 = 0.341 sec
I 1 < 0.70 sec therefore Ft = 0;
Rwx 8.5
Rwz 8.5
Na 1
Nv 1
V= CvIW KN UBC Eq. (30-4)
S 4
Ct 0.0731
= 386.90 KN
hn 7.8
W 1753.2
Cv 0.64
Ca 0.44

Total design base shear need not

V = 2.5Ca IW KN UBC Eq. (30-5)

Design base shear shall not be less than:

V = 0.11CaIW KN UBC Eq. (30-6)
= 84.85 KN OK!

V = 0.8ZNvIW KN UBC Eq. (30-7)

= 66.00 KN OK!

If Ft≠ 0:
Ft = 0.07TV UBC Eq. (30-14)
= 9.24 KN
< 0.25V = 96.73


\yhcrc B çi;Jl-1]I]Oït l0ed ifi Msc':t i n Il C tluf JcLign. B
|naó u!' not loas haH ú '. 5 kN.''111' shah be incJu‹ïc‹i. Z08.fL4.i Zïetrrmioalitsn ofó t

A slztic, cJavti Bnulys48 iJr i lic |ff1eFeI femme- n.Bi8tIng 1g

3. TntsJ w«ight o/ pc mai en1 «I!’ = i f shah he
¢IioI1 2()8. f. Z.I, / In nativcl s', dyi›am c anal i s
mi y' bC pcrf‹›i‹Ixd i» z¢COl d‹Il1cC w itfi SCGti¢n 201.5.?.
whcrc Allna'xhli ü izuss Ü csiçjt is ustd zHd a'hew dri It
lvo include the sli\Tn anJ urcngih of cl¢l\\ei\ 8, 'l›icl\ arc si$nJticant to tkc distribuHons ot“for‹'cs.
i bni,\g comp\i1eJ,
anrt shailthe lnad
rupr sentcnm?nnü tif+ne
the gpatiJ] u Sa1iunnl” Ikc man and sllth vs uf ‹he structure. I n ad‹J
20a.J sfiall be ull. Th¢ fikl1Ït¢ï¥tlt1 Í¢èl ¥I10dCï 1h8l I
WITIÇI\ Çtf\ ü cction 20a.ó •.2. The meu lting Jc furil lioris,
dcnolcJ se gl, bhall bt: \]c\¢-I-m1neü at .n11 critica I Irx:atinzs
In \h,z ctnicture. L'olcula1uJ Jri It shall lnCltid0 Ira
iï8lRfi0nal ar«1 Iui4 iuiJiil dcflcctiuiJs.

2íi&ó 42 Delerinlnatlon of Ap

”J”hü 1.vx›n1u 111 1 I1Cl rI i¢ Ït s| 0liSe D iï|›l^cmcnt, ó „ xhall

he camyulcd as f llum's:

2. For sïcel mnmcnt t”rame sy'dcn1s, the oontTih'utiun (?hH-2 I)

ur pi44jCl x0ft4 t1gfoTn 9tini x ‹o nvnall ntnrcy drilt
shBll be iorludcd.

”[”he r‹xsuItin ; mcmhcr forms a›td ›n¢menB ai rt the »‹r«cy

The‘ 8naIysi:s ugeJ (o rtclcri» inc the Maximus
J‹ifts i›\duccrt by P6 chiefs ;hoJJ be considered in the
lrtcla,tic Rcsynna J3lsglaccmcnt Ay sÏiitII ixJnfiidcr Ph
c•aI«aiimi of ovemll e i r ahtlit/a»‹t hall be
waluaicd using the Fu cs prcJalng ihc disp]ao‹ ei 8 elf
6y. I'd ijoc‹t «a( be consi&crod wheat the ratio
ofsccondary 248.fx5 Siore\ Drlfi Llmltarton
Ú 1w-ú y thi]1g Sh;tll @ mmgufcrl unir the Maximunt
may Ï›c cvzLlu«tcd fur any ¥fwf a tÎiu produ¢1 oË the
kcal Mad Bnd flCîqr live lnarL6, as rcquircd in . ôon nclastls kasyonsr hi sgïRcomcnl. ü t.
*U3, aborde the etorty Iin\ee ihe iamic drift in that
su›my 4ivîdcü fry 24&III CsL¢ulated
fhc prudu‹:I ul tÏec sci»Taic .xh08r ill iha s•t0r0y ti IT os ll C
heïgfit of thai story. In Seisn ic 7'onc 4, Ph need Calculated r‹ Jrift using Ay Shah i ot exce9d ii.02J
lixlas the storey j,hL f‘or strulxuzcs like ing a f'unJBrnel1lal
nm mnsiüered aheu he s‹atey drJft ralïn dc<s nol
pcrjgd ng Jcgg than f).7 Acc. For scuctuzcs having 8
Q. QZ/R. fundamni*l ptricd of 0,7 m or gur, the ‹ lc°Jai°J
storcy órift rhall «of x«uod Lt.620 timcs IJzc slo JeÍghl.
20B64 Drifi

nrift o hwizongl i lcenmo of le rtmoum sMfi f. 7 e8e /r fi/oiO m¿y ó e exceeded w 8w I iz

compuxJ whcrorcquiroJ by Sis coW. Far h0h
AlwaMe Strcss Design and Slrcngih Dcaign, she Mes
icum litrlastic Itexpnw Di -pla at,
Ag, of‹It‹ Alma «auscd fhc
Dcsigrt EIas1s Liround ktuliun bMII be Jcfcrmincd hi

ikc dcnign 4eismic f0roes oF Scctinn 2fÏfi.5.2.1 or Sccunn

2Ü, Ay, stull be demmincd In aouunLmce vtilh

A ciatiun of Slruc‹ural E çi»0r6 o ihg PI ilippli ¢g Iric. (ASEP›

0 i T 0 7 seco ds
ś0, if T > 0.7 seconds

).7 x R)
).7 x 8.5)

tif I inertia and Cross-

r Elastic Analysis nt
1.2 DL + 1.00 E + 0.5 LL

1 1.400 D
1 1.200 D + 1.600 Lp
1 1.420 D + 0.500 Lp + 1.250 E1
1 1.420 D + 0.500 Lp + 1.250 E2
1 1.420 D + 0.500 Lp - 1.250 E1
1 1.420 D + 0.500 Lp - 1.250 E2
1 1.420 D + 1.250 E1
1 1.420 D + 1.250 E2
1 1.420 D - 1.250 E1
1 1.420 D - 1.250 E2
1 0.680 D + 1.250 E1
1 0.680 D + 1.250 E2
1 0.680 D - 1.250 E1
1 0.680 D - 1.250 E2
E = ρ Eh + Ev

= 1.25 Eh

Ev = 0.5 Ca I DL
0.5 0.44 1 DL
= DL

= 0.22 DL
B ””t'ğ,gæt Coznb1zieó0oe zieing Streogfli Desig#i or Mo incr¢gg4 izt aüowabfe rtrœsœ shall
11 .:”L,oæt ajtd Reøiatoace pactor Oęałgn load œmbinafiona exœpt æ ejзecżfîc
Section 203.4.2.

XYZ Alternate Basle Li0ad C0mbii

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“ ”,'strocturzs â aI1 portioiu GNeaŁ słuńl rssiat Me In lie t Of ihC baaic Iaad COrnbİriatjons B|

“" IOBÓ9“ *o be 6 signed for tin вu›øt cri'ical

cite thc following load
eømbJnotiona. V alternate boøic Ind
combinations, ø shall be permitted
in allowable

D -i- H -i- x 4 g, 7S z z, O. for a

O. 6D -I- 0. 6Id* - źf

1.o for floors či plzces of pUbtic 203-4-3 O¥her Loazts

assembly, for U УC loada En €X6œs of4.8
kP@ RDd For gørøgø live load, er 203.4. I and ż03.4.2.
0.â fur ‹rlher live leeds

Por both a1lowable stтoss óesigтi and gt

<0 rat*, øod Load and Reiiøtønœ Feels
desigrt, the sppltcdble logd rind Allowable Sfrmgth Ocean (ASfi
lube ńdded io Section 203.3.\ bored zs 1.2P.
shrill be uaød øa reqaized by ź
Loe0 Combiruziïons ŁJsïag Allowable 8tress Cíiørø 3
or 4bIø 8trength Degígn

a1!o*øbte stress ar zt1IowaóIe strength dcsigc

is iümctares and all porlîane tbereofsłazt[ resist w
most resulting ËŻom flie fo1IowIng{ c@mbÎnatiofø


NaüDN II 6f7uctural Code of1he FhfilippinøB Volume I, 7ih Edítiori, 2015

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