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13 LAB: Input and formatted output:

House real estate summary
Sites like Zillow get input about house prices from a database and provide
nice summaries for readers. Write a program with two inputs, current price
and last month's price (both integers). Then, output a summary listing the
price, the change since last month, and the estimated monthly mortgage
computed as (current_price * 0.051) / 12.
Output each floating-point value with two digits after the decimal point, which
can be achieved as follows:
Ex: If the input is:
the output is:
This house is $200000. The change is $-10000 since last
The estimated monthly mortgage is $850.00.
Note: Getting the precise spacing, punctuation, and newlines exactly right is a
key point of this assignment. Such precision is an important part of

current_price = int(input())

last_months_price = int(input())

print('This house is ${}. The change is ${} since last month.'.format(current_price, current_price -

print('The estimated monthly mortgage is ${:.2F}.'.format((current_price * 0.051) / 12))

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