Subharmonic Ferroresonance in An LCR Circuit With Hysteresis

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4, JULY 1997 2495

Subharmonic Ferroresonance in
an LCR Circuit with Hysteresis
H. Lamba, M. Grinfeld, S. McKee, and R. Simpson

Abstract— We use the Preisach model of magnetic hysteresis characteristic of the inductor is accurately modeled since this
to model the inductance in a series LCR circuit. By introducing is the only nonlinearity in the system.
a hysteresis parameter into the Preisach functions used, we are The second group of models, which are much closer to
able to continuously vary the width of the hysteresis loop and
thereby investigate the effects of magnetic hysteresis on the the observed behavior of real materials, include magnetic
circuit’s behavior. In particular, it is shown that the stability hysteresis effects and are, therefore, no longer representable
region of a period-3 subharmonic ferroresonant solution can by single-valued functions. Examples are the Preisach [10]
increase significantly as the hysteresis losses are reduced. The and Jiles–Atherton models [11]. These models suffer from
bifurcations leading to the appearance and disappearance of two drawbacks. First, it is much harder to accurately fit an
this subharmonic solution are examined. Also, strong numerical
evidence is provided for the unsuitability of single-valued 0 M H experimentally determined magnetic characteristic, and sec-
curves in the analysis of ferroresonant phenomena. ond, the resulting circuit equations are likely to be analytically
Index Terms—Bifurcation, ferroresonance, hysteresis (magnet-
ics) nonlinear circuits, Preisach model. We use the Preisach model to simulate numerically a series
LCR circuit (the same method can of course be applied to more
complicated circuits). Our representation of the magnetization
I. INTRODUCTION characteristic allows us to smoothly vary the width of the hys-
teresis loop (i.e., reduce the ferromagnetic hysteresis losses)
T HE STUDY of magnetic circuits is of great importance
in electrical engineering. Many of these circuits are
highly nonlinear allowing coexisting stable solutions. This may
while keeping the other magnetic characteristics approximately
constant. In this way, the effects of magnetic hysteresis in
lead to sudden and dramatic changes in the response when ferroresonant circuits and the consequences of neglecting it
the system is disturbed. This phenomenon, which is known can be also explored. This is achieved by choosing a class of
as ferroresonance, requires the use of nonlinear dynamics Preisach models with a single hysteresis parameter, such that
methods. when , the model reduces to a single-valued relationship,
A sinusoidally-driven series LCR circuit is one of the namely the sum of hyperbolic tangent functions between the
simplest circuits capable of ferroresonant behavior and has magnetization of the inductor and the applied magnetic field.
been studied previously [1]–[5] as a model for a single-phase Increasing increases the width of the hysteresis loop for
transformer. In particular, Teape et al. [6] noted the existence (see Section II-A). Of particular interest is the
of a stable subharmonic ferroresonant solution with a period stability region of the ferroresonant solutions as is varied.
three times that of the forcing over a relatively small range The paper is organized as follows. In Section II, we describe
of input voltages. In this paper, we identify the bifurcations the Preisach model and our choice of Preisach functions. In
leading to the appearance and disappearance of this solution. Section III, the equations for a series LCR circuit are derived,
Many models have been used to represent the showing how to incorporate the Preisach model and integrate
characteristic, and these can be broadly classified into two the equations numerically. In Section IV, the bifurcations
groups. First, the magnetization can be described by a single- causing the appearance and disappearance of the period-3
valued function of the applied magnetic field, e.g., by linear, subharmonic ferroresonance are identified. Bifurcation dia-
piecewise-linear, polynomial, or trigonometric functions. Us- grams, with as bifurcation parameter, are given in Section
ing such functions, it is possible to apply analytic methods V for a parameter regime where a period-3 subharmonic
such as harmonic balance to obtain results on the amplitudes ferroresonance occurs. We also show that this subharmonic
and regions of stability of certain types of ferroresonant ferroresonance does not occur for these parameter values in
solution [1], [3], [5], [7]–[9]. However, to predict ferroresonant the single-valued representation together with an extra
behavior in a circuit, it is important that the magnetization resistor, in parallel with the inductor, representing transformer
losses. This strongly suggests that even for a qualitative
understanding of ferroresonant circuits, a hysteretic inductance
Manuscript received February 26, 1996; revised January 27, 1997. This must be used in the simulations.
work was supported by the EPSRC under Grant GR/J69417.
H. Lamba, M. Grinfeld, and S. McKee are with the Department of
Mathematics, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow G1 1XH, U.K. II. THE PREISACH MODEL
R. Simpson is with the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering,
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow G1 1XQ, U.K. The Preisach model [10] is still one of the best mathemat-
Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9464(97)04161-7. ical descriptions of magnetic hysteresis available. A detailed
0018–9464/97$10.00  1997 IEEE

Fig. 2. The sets S+ and S0 in the ( ; ) plane.

Fig. 1. An elementary loop.

description of the model and its numerical implementation can

be found in [12]. Here, we outline only that part of the theory
necessary for the rest of this paper.
Let us denote the applied magnetic field by and the
magnetization of the material by The magnetic material
is assumed to be a superposition (or infinite sum) of elementary
loops called hysterons, shown in Fig. 1. The functions
can take the values 1 or 1, switching at the
values and The magnetization is then
defined to be

Fig. 3. The sets fEi g and fei g:

As evolves, the boundary between and is a

where is a nonnegative weight function describing
“staircase function” in the - plane consisting of horizontal
the distribution of the hysterons. In addition,
and vertical line segments that evolve in time, as in Fig. 2.
in order to preserve the symmetry of the hysteresis
This boundary can be thought of as representing the “magnetic
loops with respect to positive and negative applied fields,
memory” of the material. For clarity, let us suppose that at
and decays sufficiently fast as so that
some time , the material is close to negative saturation, i.e.,
the magnetization saturates at a finite value. The state of the
is large and negative, and let Then at
magnetic material at some time is defined by all the values
and not just the magnetization which is simply some time , the set of maxima and minima
a weighted average taken over all the elementary loops. In of that contribute to (i.e., that have
fact, the state of the material can be described by a diagram not been wiped out) are defined inductively by
in the plane and depends only upon the extrema of
for Assume that at some previous time the
material was in a state of complete negative magnetization,
i.e., and Then as is increased
to some value say, all the hysterons with will flip and
to 1. If is then decreased to a value , those hysterons
that have already flipped once will flip back to 1 if
If is now increased to above , then all memory of the last
two turning points is erased, and the material behaves exactly
as though the turning point at had not occurred. This is
known as the “wiping-out property” and is very close to the The times m and denote the times at
observed behavior of magnetic materials. which these maxima and minima occur as shown in Fig. 3.
More generally, let us denote the set of hysterons in the Note that if is increasing, then
1 state at time by and those equal to 1 by otherwise
Therefore Now we define the function


In order to obtain a hysteresis loop, we modify (7) and

instead define


It is easily checked that for satisfies conditions

(4)–(6) [if then conditions (6) are violated]. The upper
Fig. 4. A series LCR circuit.
and lower curves of the hysteresis loop are given by

which is the integral of the function over a triangle in the

plane. In [12], it is shown that the magnetization at time
is defined in terms of and for decreasing

respectively. The remanence, and coercivity, of the

material as functions of are the intersections of the outer
loops with the lines and , respectively, and
are given by
and for increasing , it is given by

Note that as is increased, the major hysteresis loop

(3) completely encloses the major loops for smaller This
property allows us to claim that the width of the hysteresis
From (2) and (3), it is clear that knowledge of the func- loop is being altered without significantly changing the other
tion is sufficient to completely define the magnetic properties of the loop.
response. Defining the response in terms of rather than In fact, a single hyperbolic tangent function is not a good
is computationally much more efficient since the integrals (1) representation for the hysteresis loops of many materials.
no longer need to be evaluated. However, the functions defined in (8) can be added together
The function must satisfy certain conditions, namely to give
to preserve symmetry with respect to positive and negative
saturation and
to ensure that the hysteresis loop saturates at a finite value.
In addition
where , and
(6) This describes a much larger class of hysteresis loops than
is possible using (8) [(4)–(6) still hold for ].
ensure that the magnetic permeability every- In fact, most “soft” magnetic materials can be reasonably
where. approximated in this way [the functions (9) appear to be
unsuitable for hard materials]. Using such functions, it is
A. Choice of the Function possible to investigate ferroresonant circuits using the Preisach
model in a computationally efficient way.
A simple single-valued function with the necessary symme-
It should be emphasized that we are not proposing a method
try and saturation properties to represent a magnetic charac-
to precisely model the experimentally-determined hysteresis
teristic is the hyperbolic tangent function. In this case
loops of magnetic materials. Nor are we suggesting that our
(7) method for smoothly deforming hysteresis loops is unique,
but it will provide a qualitative understanding of the effects
where is the saturation value and is determines the of magnetic hysteresis in magnetic circuits and, therefore, the
saturation rate. consequences of neglecting hysteresis.


The equation for the series LCR circuit (Fig. 4) can be
written as a set of first-order ordinary differential equations




where the independent variables are the applied magnetic field

(A/m), the magnetic flux density (T), and the voltage
across the transformer. The parameters are the mean flux
path length (m), the number of turns on the transformer,
the cross-sectional area the peak driving voltage
the angular frequency the resistance , and
the leakage inductance L (A/m). Note also that the current
Fig. 5. Coexisting nonresonant, fundamental ferroresonant, and period-3
To close the system of equations, we need to know =
ferroresonant solutions for  1: The peak current is plotted against the
peak applied voltage.

effect of magnetic hysteresis on the circuit’s behavior and the

This is where the Preisach model and most of the computation consequences of neglecting it in the modeling of the circuit.
comes in. This is calculated by differentiating the last term of Our parameter values and transformer characteristics (with
(2) or (3) depending on whether is decreasing or increasing ) were chosen to match the circuit studied in [6]. The
with defined by (9) for a particular choice of Thus, values used were Hz with
is discontinuous whenever changes sign. It is m , and m
also discontinuous whenever a maximum or minimum is wiped The transformer characteristic was fitted using (9) with two
out since the number of terms in (2) and (3) will change. terms, one to match the permeability at low magnetization
The equations were integrated using a variable-step method and and the other to match the rate of saturation at high
suitable for stiff systems. Whenever a discontinuous change in applied fields. A good match was found with the parameters
occurs, the program must halt the integration, update , and
the sets of extrema, and then restart the integration. The initial giving a flux density that saturates at
conditions for the integration are the values of and at T. Using more terms in (9), it should be possible to obtain
time the point-of-wave of the forcing cycle, and the a better approximation to the transformer characteristic, but
sets of extrema and (i.e., the magnetic history of the qualitative agreement with just two terms is excellent,
the material). In all the numerical computations reported here, recreating the subharmonic behavior observed experimentally
the magnetic core was in fact assumed to be in an initially at approximately the same range of driving voltages.
demagnetized state, so that the initial sets and were
sequences, respectively, decreasing and increasing toward zero
(this is similar to demagnetizing an inductor by applying a IV. THE BIFURCATIONS OF THE
slowly-decreasing alternating magnetic field). SUBHARMONIC FERRORESONANT SOLUTION
In [6], a subharmonic ferroresonance with a period of In this section, the hysteresis parameter is fixed at
three times the forcing period was found in a series LCR This corresponds to a remanent flux density of 0.75 T and a
circuit both experimentally and numerically (using a different coercivity of A/m. The bifurcation diagram for slowly-
hysteretic representation of the inductance). This period-3 varying applied voltages is shown in Fig. 5 and is similar
solution is stable for a narrow voltage range and coexists with to that found in [6]. For a large voltage range (between
the nonresonant solution and a high-amplitude ferroresonant approximately 110 V and 325 V), there are two coexist-
solution, both with the same period as the forcing. Our ing stable period-1 solutions, a nonresonant (low amplitude)
intention here is re-examine this subharmonic behavior, using solution which is stable for voltages less than 325 V and
the methods of nonlinear dynamics. In particular we are a very large amplitude (fundamental ferroresonant) solution
interested in the bifurcations leading to the appearance and where the inductor becomes saturated and which is stable
disappearance of this solution as the driving voltage is varied. above 110 V. If the voltage is increased continuously from
We can also, by our choice of Preisach function, examine some low value (less than 110 V), then the nonresonant
the stability range of this solution as the hysteresis losses in solution is followed until at 325 V the system jumps to the
the transformer are varied. This cannot, of course, be done fundamental ferroresonance. If the voltage is then decreased,
experimentally but provides useful qualitative insights into the the fundamental ferroresonant solution will be followed until

Fig. 8. A chaotic motion close to the period-3 solution as it loses stability

Fig. 6. The current waveform for the period-3 subharmonic ferroresonance. at 217.5 V.

here, so it seems probable that the solution is disappearing at

a saddle-node bifurcation.
At the lower end of the voltage range, there is a period-
doubling bifurcation and a more gradual loss of stability. First,
the period-3 motion becomes a period-6. The sequence of
bifurcations after this is very hard to analyze, but over a range
of 3 to 4 V at around 217 V, the solution appears to lose its
periodicity and perform small amplitude, seemingly random,
oscillations about the period-3 solution—that is to say, the
circuit behaves chaotically (see Fig. 8) in a neighborhood of
the original period-3 solution before finally losing stability and
moving to the nonresonant solution. This period-doubling and
loss of periodicity was also observed experimentally.
There is an important point to make about the bifurcations
observed above. The use of the Preisach model results in
Fig. 7. A plot of flux density B (in T) against current for the period-3
a set of ordinary differential equations (ODE’s) that depend
subharmonic ferroresonance.
discontinuously on the sequences of extrema and
110 V when the system drops down to the nonresonant which in turn are modified as the system evolves. The resulting
solution. system is, therefore, not a dynamical system of standard
Within this voltage range, there is a much smaller type, and the nature of the bifurcations is less clear. This
range—from approximately 217–245 V in which the period-3 is apparent when studying the small voltage range in the
ferroresonant solution also exists. The current waveform is neighborhood of the period-doubling bifurcation. The precise
shown in Fig. 6, and a plot of flux density against current bifurcation sequence that is observed and the bifurcation
is shown in Fig. 7. The appearance or disappearance of a parameters depend critically upon the previous history of the
solution, or a change in its stability, is known as a bifurcation. material and the rate at which the voltage is swept. The
It is, therefore, of interest to try and identify the bifurcations discontinuous nature of the system also makes it impossible to
use any of the available bifurcation packages, such as AUTO.
leading to the disappearance of the period-3 solutions above.
Indeed, the rigorous analysis of systems of this kind presents
An excellent introduction to bifurcation theory can be found
a considerable mathematical challenge.
in [13].
At approximately 245 V, the period-3 solution either loses
stability or ceases to exist, and the system abruptly jumps to V. THE EFFECT OF DECREASING HYSTERESIS
the nonresonant solution (the system never jumps to the funda- As described in Section II, our choice of the Preisach
mental ferroresonant solution). The same sudden transition to function allows us to decrease the width of the hysteresis
the nonresonant solution is also observed experimentally. This loop—something that is impossible to do experimentally.
is clear evidence of either a saddle-node bifurcation (where Fig. 9 shows the approximate voltage range for which the
the period-3 solution ceases to exist) or a subcritical pitchfork period-3 motion is stable as a function of Interestingly,
bifurcation (where the solution loses stability). Proving which this voltage range increases as is initially decreased, the
of these is in fact occurring is very difficult (see the discussion upper limit staying approximately constant while the period-
at the end of this section), but pitchfork bifurcations usually doubling bifurcation occurs at decreasing values. This result
occur in the neighborhood of trivial solutions in systems is important if one is designing or modifying a system which
obeying some kind of symmetry condition. This is not the case is operated close to a ferroresonant region—changing the

In addition, by our choice of Preisach function, we have

been able to investigate the effects of magnetic hysteresis by
observing the behavior of the periodic solutions as the hys-
teresis parameter was reduced. Interestingly, our computations
showed that a reduction in the width of the hysteresis loop
initially resulted in a wider stability range for the subharmonic
ferroresonant solution. As the hysteresis loop became closer
to a single-valued representation, the low-amplitude motions
were replaced by stable chaotic and quasiperiodic motions. Our
numerical representation also enabled us to make a direct com-
parison between a fully hysteretic model and one in which the
magnetic response was represented by a single-valued function
plus transformer losses. Our results showed that the single-
valued representation was not sufficient to recreate the subhar-
monic ferroresonance at the same parameter values and, there-
Fig. 9. A sketch of the stability range of the period-3 solution as a function fore, casts severe doubt upon the use of such nonhysteretic
of the hysteresis parameter : representations, even in very simple ferroresonant circuits.
It is only recently that ferroresonance has been recognized
magnetic characteristics to reduce transformer losses may and studied as a nonlinear phenomenon. The response of
actually increase the stability region of the ferroresonant ferromagnetic materials to an applied magnetic field is both
solutions. As the width of the loop is reduced still further nonlinear and hysteretic, and it is important to try to understand
(below ), a qualitative change occurs. The period- the contribution of each to the qualitative behavior of the
3 solution still exists (although it appears that only a very system. We believe that the methodology and results in this
small set of initial conditions will lead to this motion), and paper are a useful step in this direction.
at the same time, new chaotic and quasiperiodic motions There are still many questions to be asked about ferroreso-
appear, replacing the nonresonant solution. Of course, the most nance even in such a simple circuit. One obvious question is to
obvious effect of reducing the width of the hysteresis loop is examine the width of the stable subharmonic voltage region as
to reduce the transformer losses, and so it is not surprising that a function of the capacitance Another very important ques-
for close to zero, the behavior of the numerical simulation tion is to determine the effect of remanence in deciding which
changes dramatically. stable solution is reached. The use of a Preisach-like model is
Since the vast majority of numerical simulations in the essential for this and is the subject of a forthcoming paper.
literature use single-valued representations for the magnetic
characteristic, it is of great interest to see if, in our numerical REFERENCES
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