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Muhamad Soeharto: 21180140000013
Sahril Mujani: 21180140000002





This study aims to describe the needs analysis on greeting, introduction, and ask for time
for class 7 MTsN 3 Jakarta. Data obtained from questionnaires and interviews. The results of the
study in the form of analysis of material requirements or activities indicate that the majority of
students approve the activities or materials offered through questionnaires. This shows that the

of the students which lead to the improvement of their abilities in English language
learning especially in the material greeting, introduction, and asking for time. The data obtained
also shows that it is very important for teachers to know the needs of students in teaching a
learning material.

Keywords: needs analysis, learning activity needs, speaking ability.

Learning English is an important asset for 7th grade students of MTsN 3 Jakarta to
answer various challenges in the world of science. The role of the teacher and of course the
material is very important in order to facilitate students to easily obtain English language skills,
especially on the topic of Introduction, greeting, and asking for time.
Teaching material is one of the factors that determine the success of a learning. Without
adequate teaching materials and activities, it is difficult to realize the learning process that leads
to the achievement of optimal learning outcomes. According to Prastowo (2016: 17), teaching
materials are all materials (both information, tools, texts and activities) that are arranged
systematically, which displays a complete figure of the competencies that will be mastered by
students and used in the learning process with the aim of planning and studying learning
implementation .
At this time, active English language skills are the need of every student. Provisions and
their ruling skills have a positive impact on them, is one of the supporting factors in the world of
work, and is very influential in work competence, as well as being an important element in
supporting career development positions and career education in the future. However, the
phenomenon that occurs is the lack of potential of students, especially 7th grade students of
MTsN 3 Jakarta in mastering English, especially topic greetings, introduction, and asking time.
Departing from a lack of enthusiasm for learning because there is no awareness that English is
important for their later lives, the mismatch of topics and discussion activities of the material
taught to 7th grade students of MTsN 3 Jakarta, makes the lack of motivation in learning it. The
existence of topic activities that make students less enthusiastic makes them less likely to study
the topic.
Therefore it is very important for teachers to know what students really need so learning is more
fun, useful for everyday fraud, and makes students very motivated to learn it.
Previous research has shown how important it is to conduct a needs analysis to determine
the need for materials and teaching methods that really fit the needs of students (Ali & Salih,
2015). As stated by Frendo (2018) that the main part of a teacher's work is to collect and analyze
a lot of information to ensure that our teaching can run effectively and efficiently. Frendo also
revealed that when we get a needs analysis properly, it means that our teaching is in accordance
with what students need. Conversely, when getting a needs analysis wrong, we can not teach the
material. more specifically Haque (2014) also believes that by analyzing needs we can set
learning objectives, guide the selection of teaching materials, modify syllabi, methodology, and
learning approaches. In conclusion, needs analysis is the foundation for developing curriculum
content, teaching materials and teaching methods that can increase students' motivation and
success (Otilia, 2015).
In another study Ramani & Pushpanathan (2015) found that it was important to
understand how students 'perceptions of their English language needs were by identifying
students' backgrounds and the factors that caused changes in their language needs. This is
considered important to be used as constructive information in compiling a learning curriculum.
Other research conducted by Boroujeni and Fard (2016) concluded that conducting a needs
analysis can help find out whether the program fits the goals and objectives of learners to learn a
language and at the same time be used to help improve various components of a more advanced
program oriented to the needs of learners. Furthermore Boroujeni and Fard argue that needs
analysis can also help in evaluating existing programs and if found deficiencies can help in
determining the need to introduce changes that might be appropriate to the needs of students.
Therefore, departing from the background of the above problems, the researcher wants to
contribute to conducting a needs analysis with the aim of finding material or activities that are
suitable to the needs of 7th grade students of MTsN 3 Jakarta, especially in the topic of
greetings, introduction, and asking time.
Problem Formulation 
Based on the background above, then the problem can be formulated as follows: 
1. What is the process of Need Assessment for 7th grade students of MTsN 3 Jakarta in learning
English especially in greeting, introduction, and asking time material? 

2. How is Need Analysis obtained for 7th grade students of MTsN 3 Jakarta in learning English
in the material greeting, introduction, and asking time? 
This study is limited to the study population as students of MTsN 3 Jakarta schools. The
choice of greeting, introduction, and asking time material is because these three topics are often
encountered by students in daily activities so the results of this study will be very useful for their
knowledge in communicating.

In connection with the required type of learning materials and instructional approaches
that best meets those needs, the authors tend to use methods of research and development
(R&D).Richey and Klein (2005) define definitions into the realm of education by defining this
type of research as a systematic study to develop and evaluate material and activities with the
aim of establishing an empirical basis for developing material specifically in the topic of
greeting, introduction, and asking time.
Population and Sample 
The population of this study was students in grade 7a and b of MTsN 3 Jakarta with
sample selection taken from determining the material to be developed. Sampling is done by
using purposive sampling.
Data Collection Techniques Data 
Collection techniques by means of Triangulation are combining several data collection
techniques through need assessment in the form of participatory observation, in-depth
interviews, and questionnaires aimed at not only digging up the data but also to express the
meaning contained in the research while testing the credibility of the data. In this technique,
researchers want to increase understanding of what has been stated. Details of data collection are
as follows:
1. In conducting participant observation, researchers play an active role in student learning
activities in class 7 MTsN 3 Jakarta Furthermore, researchers can blend directly and can
easily observe learning activities of machining vocational students where information will be
obtained that 7th grade students MTsN 3 Jakarta is not very active in learning English on
certain topics.
2. In conducting interviews, researchers conduct a structured and in depth way to get
information about how far students interest in greeting, introduction, and asking time
material and what their needs are (need analysis) to be able to understand the topic well.
Interviews were also conducted with English language field teachers how the students'
understanding of the greeting, introduction, and asking time material. And what they need
from that topic.
3. Then the third is a questionnaire containing activity offers to students according to their
needs. Where later students will choose and determine what they think is useful and needed
especially in the material greeting, introduction, and asking time

 English subject material for greeting, introduction, and asking time followed by 20 students
Based on the survey results of their needs in greeting and introduction material as follows:

From the results of the above questions, 38.1% answered that what they expected from learning
greetings and introductions was to be able to greet others with English in their daily lives.

The first question of the questionnaire for greeting and introduction material, 71.4%
answered useful. That means students need this activity to really be able to practice expressions
that have been learned in class.
From the chart presentation above, it shows that 66.7% of them consider it important to
make posters of various greetings and introductions and then they will be posted in the class so
that all students can see and remember them easily.

The next question about greeting and introduction material is to make a conversation with
students' own themes. 71.4% answered very useful. It seems that the students considered it very
important to apply this activity to the introductory and greeting material to make it easier for
them to understand the context of using greeting and introductory expressions.
The next questionnaire question is to create a story that contains greetings and
introductions that are used in daily activities. It seems that 7th grade students of MTsN 3 Jakarta
find this activity very important in greeting and introduction material.

The next question is about watching videos containing greetings and introductions so that they
can be input for them to succeed. From this question 52.4% consider that this activity is very
important if it is applied in greeting and introduction learning to add to their insights related to
the statement.

Then the next is to make greetings and greetings at certain events. From these data 66.7%
thought that it was important to do this in order to understand the material easily.

From this question, 61.9% chose to be useful, It seems that they indeed would be very useful for
their learning about topic greeting and introductions.
From this question there are 38.1% who think that this will be very useful for learning
greeting and introduction material. But there are 14.3% who consider it useless. The author will
consider whether this will be applied in the syllabus later or not.

The topic asks for time.

From the results of the question above shows 61.9% expect from the results of studying
the topic asking time is to be able to tell time to others.

From this question about the theme of asking time for role play between strangers and
students who are asking and telling time. The data shows that 61.9% considered that this activity
was needed by 7th grade students of MTsN 3 Jakarta.
This activity will be highly considered by the author in developing the syllabus. Because
66.7% stated useful and 33.3% stated very useful. Not a single student considered this useless.
Based on available data, it seems that 7th grade students of MTsN 3 Jakarta need this activity to
facilitate the understanding of the concept of asking for time.

The data above shows that the activities offered will greatly influence students. 57. 1% think that
this is what they need in learning the concept of asking for time.
From the above data, the majority of 7th grade students of MTsN 3 Jakarta agreed to
make a poster project containing expressions of asking and telling time and then sticking them
into class. 71.4% stated that this activity was useful for media learning material asking for time.

57.1% stated useful and 42.9% stated very useful and no one student thought that this activity
was not useful. This shows that students really hope this activity can be applied in learning about
the topic asking for time.
Making a list of ways to ask for time informally seems to be somewhat unnecessary for
some 7th grade students of MTsN 3 Jakarta to learn the theme of asking for time. Data shows
28.6% consider it useless.

Interview transcription
1. What textbook does MTsN 3 Jakarta use for seventh grade students?
Buku yang dipakai adalah k13 “bahasa Inggris when English rings a bell”
2. Does the book provide the materials based on students’ needs? Ya, buku itu sangat
membantu untuk pengajaran karena buku tersebut sepertinya sudah dikonsep untuk
digunakan ditingak smp.
3. What method did you use to teach greeting, introduction, and asking time topic? Explain!
Kalau untuk mengajar greeting, biasanya anak-anak saya suruh untuk membaca dan
mengikuti kata-kata setalah saya. Kemudian, siswa mencoba mempraktekannya kepada
temannya langsung. Untuk mengajar introduction, anak-anak diminta untuk mencoba
memperkenalkan dirinya sendiri, kemudian memperkenalkan orang lain, dan terakhir
mereka memperaktekannya dengan sebuah drama seolah-olah mereka bertemu dan

Kemudian untuk mengajar time, anak-anak diminta untuk membaca jam menggunakan
bahasa Indonesia, kemudian membandingkannya dengan bahasa inggris. Setelah itu saya
tunjukan beberapa perbedaan antara bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa inggris. Setelah itu,
anak-anak maju dan diminta untuk membaca jam satu persatu.
4. Do you teach materials based on goals in curriculum and syllabus?
Ya berdasarkan goal kurikulum dan silabus karena sekolah harus mempunyai target yang
5. Did students understand greeting, introduction, and asking time comprehensively?
Ya, mereka paham tentang greeting, introduction, dan asking time. Saya tahu mereka
paham setelah saya test satu per satu untuk memperkenalkan diri, dan membaca jam.
6. What did you do when one student does not get what you explained?
Saya mencoba jelaskan kembali agar mereka lebih paham maksud yang saya jelaskan.
7. Did you only use one book as a reference for teaching?
Tidak, saya biasanya menggunakan beberapa referensi kerena dengan adanya banyak
referensi, saya bias menemukan banyak ide bagaimana cara mengajar sesuai target.
8. What activity did you use for improving students speaking skill specifically in the three
topics? Why?
Saya meminta mereka untuk menyapa teman dan gurunya menggunakan bahasa inggris
dan setiap ditanya tentang waktu, mereka diminta menjawab dengan bahasa inggris agar
mereka terbiasa untuk mempraktekan greeting, introduction dan time.
9. In what level are your students now? The students are in basic level because they do not
understand English fully.
10. Did you use English during conveying the materials?
Saya biasanya campur antara bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa inggris karena mereka masih
berada di basic level dan perlu ditranslate menggunakan bahasa indonesia


Based on the research results obtained, the analysis of the needs of MTsN 3 Jakarta 7
students shows that they need activities or activities that can facilitate them in the teaching and
learning process. Thus, learning English in class 7 MTsN 3 Jakarta especially in greeting,
introduction, and asking time will run optimally.
Frendo, E. (2012). On The Importance Of Needs Analysis. Retrieved from

Haque, N. (2014). A Brief Study on Need Analysis. Express, an International

Journal of Multi Disciplinary Research, 1(1).

Otilia, S. M. (2015). Needs Analysis in English for Specific Purposes. Annals of

the onstantin Brâncuşi, 1(2).

Prastowo, A. (2012). Panduan Kreatif Membuat Bahan Ajar Inovatif. Jogjakarta: Diva Press.

Ramani, N., & Pushpanathan, T. (2015). Importance of needs analysis in ELT

Curriculum. International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary
Research (IJAMR), 2(10).

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Knowledge from Instructional Design and Development Practice. Journal
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