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Name: Diego Tadeo Morillo

Teacher’s name: Maribel Yepez

Bad Habits
I want to tell you about the bad habits of my friends.

All my friends are good people. Knowing them is knowing their

bad habits; some bother me a lot and others not so much. My
friend Manuel always walks slouching, his parents tell him not to
continue doing it, because as the years go by he will have
difficulties in his back. Usually my friend Fernanda starts to curse
when she makes good friends. I told her not to do that, cursing
on girls looks ugly, no need to always curse. When my friends
and I were in the classroom, our teacher would tell us to do
research; my friend Antonio always cracked his knuckles, we
were all bothered by that sound and we couldn't pamper
ourselves, it's one of the worst sounds. Every time we had to
turn in an assignment, my friend Carly usually procrastinated
that assignment, didn't fulfill her responsibilities, that made us
look bad with the teacher and we got a low grade. That is one of
the bad habits that I like the least. And finally, my friend Mario;
Mario is a great person and a great friend, but when he drives he
is not a great person, because he gets a road rage, it is not good
to do that because you will have enemies. I have tried to tell
Mario this, but I have not succeeded. It is not okay to do this
because you get distracted and you can collide with other cars
and have an accident.

These are the bad habits of my friends.

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