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MII1804 : Digital Electronics

Ika Candradewi
Dept. of Computer Science and Electronics
The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science
Course Information
This Course introduces students to
-Digital Systems
-Number systems
-Basic logic gates
-Boolean Algebra
-Map Karnaugh
-Quine McCluskey Tabulation
-Combinational Logic Design
-Realization of Popular Combinational Logic
Circuit :
• XOR, Komparator, parity • IC, MSI, and LSI
checker/generator • ALU, PAL, PLA,
• Adder, Substractor, Multiplier ROM dan RAM
• Decoder, Encoder • Memory
• Multiplexer, Demultiplexer
1. Thomas L. Floyd, “ Digital Fundamentals “ 9th
Ed., Prentice-Hall, 2007
2. Ronald J. Tocci, Neal S. Widmer and Gregory L.
Moss, “ Digital Systems – Principles and
Applications “, Prentice-Hall, 2007.
3. M.Morris Mano, “Digital Design”. 4th Ed.
Prentice-Hall, 2007.
4. Roger Tokheim, Digital Electronics Principles and
Applications., Mc Graw Hill, 2007
Introduction to Digital Electronics

• Why Study Digital electronics?

• Why is it Important?
• What is the most basic Component of
Digital Electronics?
• Example of digital Electronics Systems?
Analog and digital signals

(a) Analog Signal wafeform (b) Digital Signal Wafeform

Analog and Digital Signals
• Analog: quantity that has continuous values
• Digital: quantity that has discrete values
Analog vs Digital Signals

• Analog signals can take any voltage values, i.e.

1V, 2.5V, 23V, 0.34V, etc.
• Digital signals can take only two voltage values,
i.e. 5V and 0V (or any two distinct values)
• For simplicity, 5V is referred as “1” and 0V is
referred as “0”
Advantages of Digital Systems
1. Generally, digital circuits are easier to design using
modem integrated circuits (ICs).
2. Information storage is easier to implement with digital.
3. Devices can be made programmable with digital.
4. Accuracy and precision are easier to maintain through
the systems
5. Digital circuitry is less affected by unwanted electrical
interference called noise.

• Advantages of digital systems

– Easy to manipulate digital data
– Less error prone/not much affected by noise
– Easy to store data
Limitation of Digital Techniques

• Disadvantages of digital systems

– Cannot transmit over wireless
– Lose some information (usually not critical)

The real World is analog

Processing digitized signals takes time
Analog Digital Converter
The physical world is analog
• Digital systems need to
• Measure analog quantities
• Speech waveforms, etc
• Control analog systems
• Drive motors, etc

• How do we connect the analog and digital

• Analog-to-digital converter (A/D)
• Example: CD recording
• Digital-to-analog converter (D/A)
• Example: CD playback
• Quantization
• Conversion from
analog to discrete

• Quantizing a signal
• We sample it
• Encoding
• Assigning a digital word to
each discrete value

• Encoding a quantized
• Encode the samples
• Typically Gray or binary
Analog vs Digital Signals
• Analog System used to interpret flow level in
water tank

• Digital System used to interpret flow level in water

Analog and Digital Systems
• Analog system: microphone-speaker,
analog radio.
• Digital system: computer, calculator
• Analog and Digital system: hand-phone,
digital TV
How to Generate a Digital Signal
• IC TTL Voltage Levels  Transistor-transistor Logic, Most of the
voltage levels used in this class will be about + 3 V to +5 V for
HIGH and near 0 V (GND) for LOW.

(a) Generating a digital signal with a switch. (b) Waveform of contact bounce caused by a
mechanical switch. (c) Adding a debouncing latch to a simple switch to condition the
digital signal
How to test the Digital Signal

(a) Simple LED output indicator. (b) Logic switch connected to simple LED output indicator.
How to test the Digital Signal

Transistor-driven LED output indicator LED output indicators that will show LOW, HIGH, and
undefined logic levels

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