For God and Humanity. Think That While: Mabuti, Magaling at May Malasakit Sa Kapwa

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MODULE 1.1 for God and humanity.

 Think that while

you are at AUF, and once you graduate from
Welcome to Angeles University Foundation, AUF, you do everything not only for
the first Catholic University in Central yourself, but also for your fellow men, and,
Luzon! As a student, you do not only get above all, for God!
quality education from AUF, but you also
get quality Catholic education!  
Following Pope John Paul II’s apostolic The AUF Prayer
exhortation called Ex Corde Ecclesiae,
AUF functions from the heart of the As an AUF student, an Angelenean, you are
Church, since 1978! Now you may ask, part of this vision and mission! In order to
what if I am not Catholic? That’s no take part in this quality Catholic education,
problem, because Catholic means we need something to sustain our faith, so I
“universal”, so everyone is included, introduce to you the AUF Prayer. We pray
regardless of religion. That is what being the AUF prayer before almost any occasion
Catholic means. So let us begin. in the University, be it a class, a meeting, a
mass, or anything. So make sure that you
  make it a part of your daily habit to pray the
AUF Prayer. Here it goes:
As a University, AUF has its own vision
mission and goals.  
  Our Father in heaven,
Vision we, the AUF Community,
AUF’s vision goes this way: “Inspired by consecrate ourselves to the Cause of Truth,
the teachings and traditions of the Catholic
Church, the Angeles University Foundation that in all our aspirations,
envisions to emerge as a center for we may contribute to the greater good.
excellence in instruction, research, and
community extension services in the region  
and in the global community.” Remember
those three areas: instruction, which means Born from the heart of the Church,
we want to give you the best kind of grant us the commitment to serve,
education in the classroom; research, which
means we take part in furthering our vast promote dignity of every person,
treasury of knowledge; and community
and build an authentic human society.
extension, because we believe that true
education does not happen only inside the  
classroom, but even more outside of it.
May we constantly strive to become
mabuti, magaling at may malasakit sa
Mission kapwa
And “To realize its vision, the University is that we may attain total development of
committed to the total development of man humanity
for Your greater glory. Kindness: Generosity, nurturance, care,
compassion, altruism, doing for others
Fairness: Adhering to principles of justice,
Amen. not allowing feelings to bias decisions about
MODULE 1. 2 others

Angelenean Core Values As students and faculty, we initiate actions

that will inspire each other to become
So, again, please make sure that you make it authentic witnesses to the teachings of Jesus
a part of your daily habit to pray the AUF Christ, of the Christian faith. This is
Prayer. If you’re a keen observer, you will our character.
find that the three areas of instruction,
research and community extension are also  
reflected in the AUF Prayer through our
three core values of mabuti,
magaling and may malasakit sa kapwa. This What does it mean to be magaling? To be
are the three main characteristics of an AUF magaling is to be competent for excellence.
student, an Angelenean. Now, what does it To be magaling, an Angelenean is expected
mean to be mabuti, magaling and may to have the following:
malasakit sa kapwa? Let’s look at them one
by one. 11

  Prudence: Careful about one’s choices,

cautious, not taking undue risks
What does it mean to be mabuti? To be
mabuti is to be virtuous. To be mabuti, an Leadership: Organizing group activities to
Angelenean is expected to have the get things done, positively influencing
following: others

8 Creativity: Original, adaptive, ingenuity,

seeing and doing things in different ways
Gratitude: Thankful for the good,
expressing thanks, feeling blessed Curiosity: Interest, novelty-seeking,
exploration, openness to experience
Spirituality: Connecting with the sacred,
purpose, meaning, faith, religiousness Judgment: Critical thinking, thinking
through all sides, not jumping to conclusions
Forgiveness: Mercy, accepting others’
shortcomings, giving people second chances Love of Learning:  Mastering new skills
and topics, systematically adding to
Humility: Modesty, letting one’s knowledge
accomplishments speak for themselves
Perspective: Wisdom, providing wise
Honesty: Authenticity, being true to oneself, counsel, taking the big picture view
sincerity without pretense, integrity
Bravery: Valor, not shrinking from threat or
Self-Regulation: Self-control, disciplined, challenge, facing fears, speaking up for
managing impulses, emotions, and vices what’s right
Perseverance: Persistence, industry, Again, these are our three core values:
finishing what one starts, overcoming mabuti, magaling and may malasakit sa
obstacles kapwa! Never forget these core values your
entire life!
Zest: Vitality, enthusiasm for life, vigor,
energy, not doing things half-heartedly MODULE 1.3
Hope: Optimism, positive future- Angelenean Graduate Attributes
mindedness, expecting the best & working
to achieve it Now while the Angelenean core values are
expected of you while you are studying at
As students and faculty, we provide venues AUF, and hopefully you will be able to
and opportunities for the community to carry them to your professional life, these
become critical and analytical in issues that next ideas are expectations from
hinder the promotion of human dignity. This Angeleneans upon your graduation. These
is our passion. are called the Angelenean Graduate
Attributes. What are these? Upon
  graduation, an Angelenean is expected to be
What does it mean to have malasakit sa (1) values-oriented, (2) socially and ethically
kapwa? To have malasakit sa kapwa is to responsible, (3) professionally competent,
have a genuine concern for others. To have (4) critical and creative thinker, (5) lifelong
malasakit sa kapwa, an Angelenean is learner, and (6) globally oriented.
expected to have the following:  
5 To be values-oriented means to,
Love: Both loving and being loved, valuing
close relations with others, genuine warmth  Embrace Christ’s way of life through
moral living and social accountability
Kindness: Generosity, nurturance, care,  Adhere to truth and Catholic values
compassion, altruism, doing for others amidst conflicting value systems
Teamwork: Citizenship, social  Practice fairness, honesty and
responsibility, loyalty, contributing to a integrity in all aspects of life
group effort  Demonstrate positive disposition,
maturity and courage, rooted in Catholic
Forgiveness: Mercy, accepting others’ values, in the face of adversity
shortcomings, giving people second chances
To be socially and ethically
Humor: Playfulness, bringing smiles to responsible means to,
others, lighthearted, seeing the lighter side,
giving a second chance, letting go of hurt
 Engage in advocacies for life,
As students and faculty, we prepare men and cultural heritage and the environment
women who can translate their Christian  Demonstrate concern through active
principles into genuine compassion for involvement in socio-civic activities
others especially to the least, the last and the  Promote and practice inclusion (race,
lost. This is our commitment. gender, exceptionalities, IPs)
 Apply knowledge and skills in
  addressing social issues and concerns
To be professionally competent means to,  Are adept at collaboration with
people from different cultures
 Demonstrate expertise in their field  Have awareness, knowledge and
of specialization and are proficient in the skills to interact effectively in culturally
practice of their profession or linguistically diverse contexts
 Are proficient in oral and written  Respect other perspectives while
communication through various media adhering to their beliefs and values 
 Are adept at collaborating with
colleagues and other institutions As you remember the core values, also put
 Pass examinations administered by in mind these graduate attributes as they go
government and professional hand in hand.
So, as we reach the end of the first part of
To be a critical and creative thinker means this module, let us recall what we talked
to, about. First, we presented the University’s
vision and mission. Then, we looked into the
importance of the AUF prayer. After that,
 Analyze and critically evaluate
we looked into our core values of mabuti,
arguments and evidence
magaling and may malasakit sa kapwa. And
 Apply innovative methods in solving finally, we talked about the Angelenean
problems graduate attributes.
 Generate ideas, products, art work,
methods, approaches and perspectives  
appropriate to the discipline
 Knowledge of research methods in MODULE 1.4
their discipline and capacity to interpret Orientation on CCFP
Now, after talking about the University in
To be a lifelong learner means to, general, let me introduce my own unit.
Obviously, I am not a part of your college,
 Practice the value of further learning but I am a faculty member of the Center for
and professional development Christian Formation and Praxis, or CCFP.
 Quickly adapt to the demands of the Our office is located at the 2nd floor of the
profession main building, room 211. When you have
 Actively seek growth in moral, time, I encourage you to visit us here!
spiritual, socio-civic and physical In the meantime, let us talk about what we
aspects of their lives do at the Center for Christian Formation and
 Participate in collaborative learning Praxis, or CCFP. We have three main tasks
while respecting individual dignity and in the CCFP:
human diversity
Christian Formation Education
To be globally oriented means to,
In this area of our work, we educate and
form every student, not only to be magaling,
 Have global and international
but also to become mabuti and may
perspectives on their discipline
malasakit sa kapwa through the different
subjects which we handle, namely: Christian
Formation Education (CFE), which we offer students you will also undergo recollections
from Pre-elementary to Grade 10, and retreats.
Philosophy of the Human Person for the
Grade 11 students, Sociology and
Anthropology for Grade 12 students,  In this module, we were introduced to the
National Service Training Program for first Catholic identity of Angeles University
year college students, Religions, Religious
Foundation. We were presented its vision,
Experiences and Spirituality, and Ethics for
mission, core values, graduate attributes, and
second year college students. All these
classes are taught autonomously but are the AUF prayer. We also learned of the core
guided and enriched by Catholic precepts functions of the CCFP, which implements
and tradition. As these fields of discipline the Catholic identity of the University.
are fundamentally part of what we know as Although we must remember that sustaining
the humanities, we can say that these this Catholic character is everyone’s
subjects teach us to be human! responsibility, from the students, to the
faculty, and to the administration.
Christian Praxis
In the Christian Praxis office, we
implement community extension services Another essential area of the Campus
inside and outside the University. These are Ministry are religious organizations. Aside
some of the activities which we cater to from being service groups religious
every year: a) Integrated Community organizations provide a support group for
Development Plan; b) Alternative Learning students. It’s one quick way of making
System; c) Reading Remediation Program; lifelong friends! We are not only concerned
and other activities in partnership with the with your intellectual growth, but also with
colleges or unit proposed. Also, we your spiritual enrichment, so we encourage
implement other community extension you to join the religious organizations!
services such as the Solo Parents Alliance
for Community Empowerment (SPACE) for Now, going back to our name: Center for
the solo parents in Angeles City, and the Christian Formation and Praxis. The word
Don Emiliano J. Valdez Out-Patient Charity Praxis comes from Greek. Praxis is the
Clinic, which gives out free medical check discovery and the formation of theological
ups from nearby barangays. Along the way, truth out of a given historical situation
you will be involved in one of these through personal participation in the
activities since we aim to teach you as well community life. Praxis is the combination
that real quality education is not only inside of reflection and action. Therefore, we do
the classroom but even outside of it. not only TEACH, but we LIVE what we
teach. You don’t only learn, you live what
Campus Ministry you learn. Like what I’ve been saying, true
learning happens not only inside the
The Campus Ministry office is tasked to
classroom, but outside it. We must always
provide spiritual enrichment activities for
apply all our learnings in order to help
you, students, and for the employees of the
others, especially those in need.
University. We celebrate the Holy Mass,
offer Confession, and other Feast Day and So, the CCFP is called to promote and
Seasonal Liturgical Celebrations. As sustain the Catholic character of the
University. Like what John Paul II said, we
“live the Word of God in order to build a
better world.” We in the CCFP anchor all
our curricular programs, community
extension services and spiritual enrichment
programs to the University’s vision. Also,
guided by the Church, all our programs and
activities foster and manifest our Catholic
character of being mabuti, magaling at may
malasakit sa kapwa.
So, I think that should be enough
background for all of us! Thanks for
listening! Let’s get going!
 In this module, we were introduced to the
Catholic identity of Angeles University
Foundation. We were presented its vision,
mission, core values, graduate attributes, and
the AUF prayer. We also learned of the core
functions of the CCFP, which implements
the Catholic identity of the University.
Although we must remember that sustaining
this Catholic character is everyone’s
responsibility, from the students, to the
faculty, and to the administration.

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