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Pertemuan 1

1. Complete the song lyric with the words with the words you hear.


(Whatever will be, will be)

When I was just a little girl

I asked my mother, “ (1)………………?”

“(2)…………………………….. (3)……………………….?”

Here’s what she said to me.

“Que sera, sera whatever will be, will be

The future’s not ours to see

Que sera, sera, whatever will be, will be.

When I grew up and fell in love

I asked my sweetheart, “What lies ahead”

“(4)……………………. day after day?”

Here’s what my sweetheart said

“Que sera, sera whatever will be, will be

The future’s not ours to see

Que sera, sera, whatever will be, will be.

Now I have children of my own

They ask their mother, “(5)……………………………”

“(6)……………………………. (7)………………………..”

I tell them tenderly.

“Que sera, sera whatever will be, will be

The future’s not ours to see

Que sera, sera, whatever will be, will be.


The simple future is a verb tense that’s used to talk about things that haven’t happened yet.

This year, Jen will read War and Peace. It will be hard, but she’s determined to do it.

Use the simple future to talk about an action or condition that will begin and end in the future.

We use “will + infinitive” without “to” when we want express:

 A decision at the moment of speaking (intention)

E.g. I’ll go there at once

 A speculation, expectation, opinion or assumption. These may be introduced by verbs such as think,
believe, expect, hope.

E.g. - I think it will rain tonight.

- I hope she will get soon.

It can be accompanied by adverbs such as probably, possibly, perhaps

E.g. - They will probably wait for us in the lobby.

- Perhaps we will get to the town after dark.

 A condition as in future conditional

E.g. If I drop this glass it will break.

3. Listen to the dialogue and act it out with your friend. Then, underline all the sentences with
“will/won’t + verb 1.

Prita : Hey, Ben. What’s your plan for the coming vacation?

Benjamin : Well. I haven’t decided yet, but I think I’ll go camping.

Prita : That’s awesome! And have you planned when are you going?

Benjamin : I’m not sure I’ll probably leave around the end of May. Where do you recommended as the
best place for camping?

Prita : I guess the Yellowstone National Park would be appropriate for you.

Benjamin : That sounds like fun.

Prita : Are you going to rent a camper?

Benjamin : I’m not sure. Actually, I probably won’t – it’s too expensive.

Prita : Are you going with someone?

Benjamin : No, I need some time alone, so I’ll go there by myself.

4. Please predict what the people in the picture will do. Discuss with your friends!
Your answers:

1. They will……………………………………………………………………….





Pertemuan 2


We use “will + be + verb-ing” to talk activities that will be in progress at a certain time in the future.

To make clear a certain time in the future we often use time signals such as:

 By this time tomorrow

 At this time tomorrow

 At the same time in the next month

 At… o’clock tonight or tomorrow


- at 9 a.m. on Saturday, I’ll be sitting in Dr. Holland’s seminar

- I’ll be working all evening so I won’t be able to see you.

2. Please write down your own schedules on the calendar for the next week. Then, ask your
partner about what time that you both can meet to whatever you want to do in the future.
Sunday : I will be shopping in the Giant at 4 p.m. tomorrow

Monday :

Tuesday :


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