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Wali Reading and Listening 2 218 Listen toa talk about world film al tireammumeeS production and complete the information ee information abou world cinema, Are these OW Nh she mising numbers formar aires sentences true (I) oF false (F? 3 Werk jin: What info do you smo) 1 Hollywood makes 4,000 new flmsevery think is the most interesting’ year Yocoiloy Seeking ‘The United States makes the most films A tip to the cneena every year 5 Asia makes more films every year than. North America, + Sau America mates more Sls | World average films per years than Alea. Africa 2.5% -—Eurone % & 5— North America Asia ___% \—— South Ametica 3.6% % ‘majority of films are from Hollywood, the American film industry. Thisis not true. » The truth is that many other countries have very important film industries: © ‘Mexican cinema, Iranian cinema and Chinese cinema also make lots ‘of films every year. Countries that cll the most J] cinemartickots every) ‘The biggest flm industry isin India. Bolywocd is ite largost. | ene film producer and one of the largest in the world, China 1,¢20,000,000 us 1,400,000.000 4 ema: = ina TEN) be Vita e Bolla / Lite is EMIS Ei kabarinta dat Feune / " oautifu) 1997) Panis Labyrinth; (2006) (QIRITE Ving Xiong / Hero (2002) [INCI Morsean Wedd (2001) \\Tresinls®s Amelie (200%) ae Glossary - (TENN Bas Boot / The Boat (1981) i cstry (rin) ~al het brsinesnes N ‘marty noun ~ meat ofthe : Fron or ings na group Grammar Every year, there ave around 4,000 new fins i the world. How often de yon yp to rhe cinema? * to talk shout how frequently we do things, use coery + day / reek J monty 1 year use once / tivce / three shames f four tinzes +a day J z0rek/ swanth J year # task about frequency, use Hew often .. 1 2.19 Make sentences about world fm production with the words. Then listen and check your answers, 1 Brazil / make /seven new films / month 2 India / make / 2.2 new fins / day 3 Inthe US 1,400 million people / buy fa cinema ticket f year 4 year /1,430 million people go to the cinema /in China 5 The Philippines / films / week fe / around 8.7 new 2 Replace the underlined words with the frequency expressions in the box. every month every three months fourtimesamonth once a year twice @ weak 1 Lwatch a DVD with the family on. Fridays anci on Sundays, 2 T go to the cinema in Janwary in February, in March, in Apri 3. There are lots of small film festivals in “Toronto, but chere is one big one every ‘September 4 Tprobably see o foreign film four times a Tread the film reviews section of the newspaper every week Grammar focus ~ explanation & more protie of Fequoney ceva or pace 142 Vocabulary and Speaking 1 Complete the phrases with the verbs in the box. There is one that you do not need. buy go read sit watch see the film reviews ——atickee the film to the cinema ac the front / at the back / in the middle 2 Purthe phrases in order to make strip to the cinema 3. Work in pairs. Choose four of the questions below. Ask and answer in pairs. + How often do you go to the cinema? Who do you usually go with? What day do you go? Do you ever go to the cinema alone? Do you know any of the films mentioned in the text on page 54? Do you like chem? + Where do you like m + Do you read filo reviews before you go to the cinema? + Do you talk during the film? Film Unit Pon? Reading eke peck Reading 1 Read the definition of apiteh Ts there a Pronitin vvord for this in your language? i atice Sick, A pltch isa shore deserprion co sll an ies. pene Film prodacers look a housans of pitches. = “They say you can decide ifa story is good ‘iis witha pitch of less than 50 words Wiring © pitch 2 > 2.20 Work in small groups. Read and listen to Mae «pitch Check you understand the words and phrases in bold. Use a dictionary to help-you. 3 Read the text again and answer the questions for each pitch, 1 Who are the main characters? 2 Whatis the problem? 4 Doyou vecognise any of the films? Make a pitch steals runs away manager empty Atich git meets a poor boy, They fall in love. The girl decides to (eave her rich boytriend. She and the boy are happy. But wait. This story happens on the world’s mest famous Ship jin history — the Titanic. shark boat A Spaceship SOS call ‘rom another spaceship. The other spaceship is emply. They continue their journey, But now thoro is a new passenger on the ship. itis an alien. And its hungry. Pronunciation 1 2.21 Listen and circle the correct alternative in each pait i) fl rich exch live eave sill steal 2 2.22 Listen and put these words into two groups: (Vand fi. What are common spellings for /1/ and /it/? big it ll people she shp office 3 Choose one ofthe pitches from Reading exercise 2 and present it to a partner, Pay attention to the /t/ and fi sounds, {have a great idea for a fm. Do you want to heer my idea? in this rin 4 Which is the best ides fora film? Which is the best pitch? coast Vocabulary 1 Look at the people in the pictures above. ‘What types of film are they watching? 2 Complete the definitions wich words in the box. There is one word you do nor need. boring exciting funny sad scary tiller bool play or film that tells an selence fiction film: afl about ea imaginary fvcare that often includes space travel romantic drama: a sory about Jove. These fils are somtimes and make youary. ‘eartoon: an animated film. Cartoons are often sand make you ough. film. Tefen | Ihorror film: « Includes the operat 3 & 2.23 Listen and check your answers What type of films are the films in Reading 4 Think of examples of © a scary film * 0 funny actor. © asad film. + aboring film. 5. Work in pairs. Read your examples to your partner, Can your partner guess the category Writing Work in pairs and choose one of the tasks below. A. Think of a famous film. Write a pitch in no more than 50 words but don’t write the name of the film. Give your pitch to another pair, Can they identify your film? B Look at the pictures. Choose one picture and think of an idea for a film. Waite the pitch for your film in no more than 50) ‘words. Present your pitch to other pairs. Fit unit 5 Pat 3 ecolahey Television programaes ring People rlleing about TV programmes Frequency adhere (alwoys. fen, sont, ‘olevition hobine Vocabulary 1 Look atthe screens 2- in the picture below. Which types of television programme in the box go with each sereen? comedy programme 2 documentary afllm a sports programme aTVseres thenews 2 Look at the other types of programmes im the box. Name an example for each one. Use a dictionary to help you. 3 Workin pairs. Choose three questions and ask your partner. If they say Fes, ask the additional question Co you waich .. 1 the news? What time channel? 2 documentaries? What kind? 3 sports programmes? Which sports? + comedy programmes? What's your favourite show? 5 films? What type? 4 a°TV series? Which one? A-Do you weich sports programmes? Yes, (co. ‘A Which sports? BJ watch football evary Saturcay. Listening 1 ip 2.24-2.28 Listen to five people answering questions from Vocabulary exercise 3. Complete the table. ‘Question | Does he /she_ Speaker 1| 4 Speaker 2/ ‘Speaker 3 Speaker 4] peaker 5) L | 2 Listen again and put the sentences in the correct order. 1 [don’t often watch the news. 2 [sometimes watch football with people from work. 3, T-sometimes watch documentaries about history. 4 Lowatch fils in bed because they?re always on late. 5. Inever watch comedy programmes. Grammar They are abwsays on late. Lion’ often arch the nes. Lever eich some programmes. © to talkabout frequency in general, use ‘akvays, often, sometiones, net often, never © the orders usually. subject + adverb + verb © with de the order is, subject + verb + adverb 1 Match a sentence on the left toa sentence with a similar meaning on the right. 1 Talways wach 9 Twarch the news thenewsonTV. on Mondays, 2 Loften watch ‘Wednesdays and thenewsonTV. Fridays 3 Tsometimes » Tdon't watch the watch the news news on TV. © watch the news 4 don’t often five days a week. watch the news 4 Twatch the news on TV. every day. 5 Ineverwarch the © Twatch the news news on TV. ‘once or twice 4 week. 2 Add frequency adverbs to these sentences so they are true for you or your country. ‘Then compare your answers with a partnet: ‘sratch an American series on TY. 4 veatch films with my friends “The news ison at 8.00pm. watch documentaries about animals. Football games are on TV on Wednesilay nights Grammar forus = explonation & more prove of frequency adverbs en poge 142 Speaking 1 Work in pairs. Use the notes to prepare . questions. nmber of TV n your house? ‘umber of hours you watch TW every week? watch the news on TV? watz TV a ever? record programmes? 2 Write two more questions with your partner. 3 Work with a different student. Ask cach other the questions, Remember to use frequency adverbs and try to give some extra information in your answers. ‘A:Do you watch TVin bed? B: No, Idon't. never watch TV in bed because {don't have a TV in my bedroom. Television Units Part 4 Youkulory 8 reruns Phvasal verbs (ure dome torn off on) feeding Television thoetiae Spacing Telking ot oT: Uni Television ‘Television Vocabulary and Pronunciation 1. Match the phrasal verbs in the box to the pictures. sit down — stand up turnoff tun up jun down 2 2.29 Listen and check. Notice how wwe stress the words in bold. 3 G& 2.30-2.32 Read the three dialogues and circle the correct phrasal verb. Thea listen and check your answers 1 8=Student T= Teacher TE Tumup / Tum off the Ty, please. & Sorry? What? TI's very quiet. Can you tum up / turn off the Ww 8 Oh, OK. 2 T=Tom M-=Mrs Humphreys T Hello, Mrs Humphreys. M: Qh, nallo, Tom, Are you here to 880 Georgina? 1 Yas. M: She's at the shops. Sit down / Stand up and watch some TV, Would you Ike a rink? T: No, thank you. 3 M= Mother C= Chris 1: Hello? Oh, hl. Weit, just a second ... Chris! What? Tho TE ©: Yes? \M: Turn down / Tum up the TV! | can't hear the person on the telephone, Read the dialogues from exercise 3 together. Choose one dialogue and anemorise it with your partner. Then practise saying it. Reading 1 Check you understand the words in the box. Which words cam you use to finish this sentence? ‘elovision makes you. ctime effects fat headache: inteligent lazy society —vioient burt 2 233 Read and listen wo Teevtaim theories on. page 61 and check your answers to exercise 1 3 Look at the sentences below Match each sentence to 2 television theory. There is one theory you do not need cite ea iren ‘You #99 with your eyes. {ican sea your house from here If you watch something, you look at it tor ome time booause it ie moving er changing, Snatch TV every right ‘Wor in pairs. Make alist of... ‘+ atleast four things you can sae trom the ‘cessrocm Windom ‘© alleast three sports people watch in your town, Speaking ‘Work in pairs. Choose one of the tasks below. A Prepare a dialogue between two people ‘watching television. Include one or more of the phrases in the box in your dialogue. Ite soary, Please ... It's very quiet. Stidown, There's nothing on, Turn down the volume. What's on tonight? B Look at the television theories again and mark your opinion next to each one. 1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree. ‘Then work in pairs and compere your answers. Tiy to give reasons. ‘© Wat do you think? | agree that. ‘© For example, there aro lots of programmes on television, *| disagree, | think that. Number of hours of 1V per person per week AAT theories Ue Geet iter uae ei) Stupid’ theorythis lecereneeeean ‘on television, (f you waterra ot of the Aare mnie tieauteaney et fezy, You don't think for yourself Liters eit) Gieicce cele cut ltelv genres Guess (eye ey ince caters chs Vict osetia soaleics Bier aues-et el ina Meron) Grrapa ence) The ‘Television makes you intelligent’ Cirle erininae eee sehen neem nee rRUeC feat Calersib et) Meee ie ss frightened’ theary = Ero ee=senueeneG vent oe uieire voll Grecian eles Lt) Dieu a aehis7 aalsin bse ieeea eaten see ieee ir YeNeti yee ie) Dita theory Gon: Pena teeieeeien enn ens (2) Pletseie et Very {ele MStntiv- Nienntjeesrie eae Warm up 1 Look at the items in the box. Where do yon buy them? Match each item to one of the shops above. ‘There may be ‘more than one possible answer batteries CDs drinks OVD player DVDs flowers food fridge postcards racio souvenirs stereo T-shins television 2 Use the words in exercise 1 to help you describe the pictures area 4 There ae lots ofthese stores in my country. «This isan tectonics shop. sl ‘huse store are open avery a, Thoy 80. « Superarkeis dont open on Sundays Listening 1 &} 234-2.36 Listen to three conversations. Match each ‘one to a picture. There is one picture you do not need Listen again and answer the questions. Conversation 1: What does the man want? How much does it cost? Conversation 2; What kind of film does the man want? How does he want to pay Conversation 3: What does the man buy How much does it cost 3 237 Listen to the man a What isthe problem? ing to his wile at home Urit 5 Function globally 2 y by credit card? 3 How much does this eost? 4 Wonld you like a bag? £4.00 $10.99 Yes, Where are the televisions? No, thank you. I'm only looking. © Yes, please No, thank you, 4 Yes, of course. Sorry, eash only. 2 238 Listen and check your answers. Practise the expressions. Speaking ‘Work in pairs. Choose one of the tasks below Test each other on the expressions in the Language focus. A: ask question. Br give an answer: Close your books and continue. Add new answers. B Chocse one ofthe shops in che piccures. Prepare a ion in that shop. Use the language from che lesson to help you Warm up ‘Work in groups. Find out the following information quickly. Use the questions to help you. ‘Which person in the group ... * gocsto the cinema the most? (How often: de you go to the cinema?) © Tikes Hollywood films? (Do you like Hollywood filans?) © has the most DVDs at home? (Hox matey DVDs do you have?) © watches films on television the most? Hos often: do you watch fils on television? Listening 1 & 2.39-2.44 Listen to six people answering the question How after do you goto the cinema? Circle the correct option. Leslie, Switzerland once a month / three times @ mont 1 2 Ryusuke,Jepan once month / toice « month 3 Berangere, France 100 ot three times ¢ naonth / never 4 Key, Hong Kong — once a week ance a marth 5 Gloria, Ghana tevice a meant 1 once ewory 0 mionths 6 Mireille, US ance a month / once a yeer 2 Listen again. Pat the phrases in the order you hear them © Tsometimes go and sce action, sometimes I see comedies — * mainly we watch some western movies * sometimes in winter there are many good films — * to improve my English I go to the cinema in Oxford — Language focus: if depends 1 Reed the language note. Do you have a similar phrase in your language? Language note: the phrase it depends is very common in spoken English. Use tt when you can't give a definite anewer because: different things are cossible in diferent situations. 11 go 10 the cinema maybe once a month. lt depends 2 lito Con the ssason because sometimes in winter there are many good films. 2 Match the questions 1-4 to the answers aed 1 Are there any good restaurants near here? 2 Do you lie American films? 3. How much are the tiekets? 4 How often do you use English at work? a Tedepends. The seats at che front of the eines are more expensive. » Trdepends on the film. é Tt depends, Some days I don’t need to speak English, 4 Tedepends, Do you like fast foot? Speaking 1. Read the questions. Choose three and think of an answer. Begin your answer with Ir depends. © How often do you go to the cinema? © How often do you see your family? How often do you walic ro school or work? ‘How often do you eat in a restaurant? ‘How often do you speak English? ” Work in pairs, Asi-and answer the questions. Global voices Unit 5 Reading 1. Read Guncharosh’s review of a film and answer the questions. 4 What kind of fli is ic? 2 Did she like the film? 3 Does ithave a happy endi ea tein Di bien Bear eerie ean Polaris aN kok (eoemaieaa gsc each pepe art ee mene nd Pert ger cea Sue ac Poet Giese: Part) Se Tee Nnece hiatal) Gees 2 Are these sentences true (I) or false (F)? 1 Donna is not married at the beginning of the film. 2 Sophie finds her father. 3 Donna falls in love with Sam. 4 There is a wedding ac the end of the fil. 3 Whatis the film like? Write the adjectives Guncharash ‘t5es to deseribe these things. L The film fantastic, 2 Thestory s The songs — + The singing s The acvors 6 The serting 4 Do you know this film? IFso, do you agree with Gancharosh? Why / why not? If not, would you like to see the film? Why / why noe? Unt 5 writing Writing skills: using is and are Remember to use é or ary before an adjective or noun. The fim is a musical. Sophio is a yourg gir Sophie and Donna are nat married, Guncharosh sometimes forgets to use is and ave in her review. She wrote: The film fantastic x The correct sentence is The fm is fantastic w Find five other places where Guncharosh forgets to use sand are. Language focus: and and but 1 Underline eight ples she uses anid or but 10 in Guncharosh’ review where 2 Complete the sentences with amd or bur. 1 Tels ascience fiction film 2 The actors are terrible 3 Everyone says it’s a great film 4 Atthe end, they fallin love 5. The film is quite sad it is very interesting, the music is fantastic. Twant to see it get married. ithas a hoppy ending. Preparing to write Work in pairs, Tell your parmer about film you saw recently Use the useful phrases to help you. Do you recommend the film? It a thier / cartoon / romantic orama. © The setting is beautiful /an island / an imaginary future, ‘©The tim is fantastic / good / boring / funny. © Tha story is interesting / great fun / sad / scary. ©The music is really great / quite good / terrible, ©The actors are excellent / brillant /not very good. At the beginning of the film, .. © At the end of the film, Writing Write a review ofa lm. Write three paragraphs. Paragraph 1: Start with Fea fio called .. recently. Say what type of fil ics Paragraph 2: Tell the story of the film Paragraph 3: Say if you recommend the film Global review Grammar 1 Pur the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1. you the go often cinema to how do? 2 bed sometimes to go I 11.00 at. 3. nows often the don’t I on watch TV. 4 films ever you do fiction watch science? 2 Correct the mistake in each sentence, 1 1 go to the gym once in a week. 2 Idrink coffce nwo times a day. 3) My grandpareats visit me every months 4 Igo toa restaurant four time a month, Vocabulary 1 Decide which word or phrase in each group is different. ‘Why is ic different? 4 violence thriller cartoon romantic drama 2 documentzry DVD sports programme TVseries 3 funny ill “exciting scary 4 review ticket the news "cinema 2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. sitdown standup tundown tumoff turn up Gan you stand up, please? | can't see you. «The music is very quiet — the radio, z and have a cup of tea 3 Tean'thear you the TY. 4 This programme is boring ~____the"TV. Speaking and Writing 1 Work with a partner. Write four questions about leisure time beginning with Hote ofter de you ..2 or Do yeu ever? How often do you go to @ restaurant? Do you ever play video games? 2 Work with another pair. Ask them your questions and write down their answers. Tell the class their answers. 3 Workin small groups. Tell your group if you agree or disagree with chese statements and say why. * Romantic dramas are boring. * TVin my country is very good © Going to the einema is too expensive. © Bollywood films are very popular in my country. Making notes 1 Answer the questions. 1 How often do you make notes in your English class? a always © sometimes » often 4 never 2. Where do you make notes? a onpiecesofpaper —¢ _inan exercise book in your coursebook 3 Whar do you wrice? 2 words b grummarnotes © answers to exercises 4 homework 2 Work in pairs and compare your answers. 3 Look at two sets of notes. How are they different? tne pat way dey, tice = due vette cartoon. = cartoneasinats film review majority = le maggioranca, Prligpines ~ Filippine 17 May How often do you go-to the cinerna? 90 tothe crema once 1 |watch sf on elesion | bvrce ny @ DVD the times week 4 month year 4 Are your notes similar to a or b? How? 5 Read how one student uses her notes. {read my notes every day after claes. | usually ‘read them again at the weekend. Sometimes | write new words in a vocabulary notebook, 6 Work in pairs, Tl your partner how and when you lise your notes, lsbel eon 8 studystats ums Part 1 Necobitory 8 Reocing Jobs lissing lenefite ot worke Gromma Can (passtbiny) Wing Waiting shout job Vocabulary and Reading 1 Complete the jobs by writing the first letter of each one. —clentist —eacher —ports coach 2 jp 2A5 Work in pairs. Read and listen tw The Gallup rarvey and look at the jobs in exercise 1. Which five jobs do you think are the most popular with American teenagers? BET ST Sua Macy Ree Wet eens Creates eas 3 Lookst page 130 for the results. Are you surprised by the information? Why do you think these jobs are popular? 4 Look at the expressions with the verb work, Add the expressions in the box to the correct group. for a sports chib fora telephone company ina lboratory Swope f in an office ina school at year olds with people fora bank for a multinational Inghospital ina shop with animals with computers 5. Use the expressions to write two or three sentences to describe one of the jobs in exercise 1. Read your sentences to a partner Can they guess the job? ‘A: She works fora medical reseerch company. ‘She works in a laboratory. B: A scientist! 6 Work in pairs. Choose one of the tasks “Tell your partner about where you work and the things you do at work. 8 Tell your partner aboue a job you would like to do. Listening Glossary ‘benefit eur) ~scrneting good thet yeu get om yeur oe 1 Look at this lise of benefits workers get in some companies. Work in pairs and answer the questions. feerannTer |e (estan trie on + Which benefits are usual in your country? © Which three benefits do you think are the most important? 2 €& 2.46-2.49 Listen to four people talking, What are their jobs? Use words from Vocabulary exercise 1 on page 66. EE: 3 Listen again and complete the table with. the best and worst things about each job. Best things 7 | Worst things 1) 7 working with [x children | ¥ v x wv company car alu % Tong hours pension 4 w free carparking | ¥ sports taciitios v 4 Which job would you like? Why? Compare with your partner: Grammar cam use al the spores fcttes. We can't make personal phone cals; Can you park your car easily at wor? «use cam + verb to talk about possibility, «we focm the question by putting can before the subject ¢ car doesn't change in the thicd person 1 Read a description sbout the best and ‘worst things about another job. Find and correct three mistakes with the use of em. eaelie3 aera. 2 Talleabout your own job or a job you know; Make sentences with cen / ca’. Use the useful phrases t help you or other expressions you know, J can't write personal emails. «© use a company car © use the phone for personal calls © eat for fee © gt professional taining » walk to work ® start and finish later some days | Grammar focus ~ expiration & more prectice of con on page 142 Writing 1. Write a paragraph about your job or a job you know well. 2 Work in small groups and swap your paragraphs. What jobjs) would you like? Work unit 6 Pat 2 feng eee Reading 3 © 250 Read and listen to Ten facts about sping and mark each fact with one of the symbols below. Then compare with a partner: 1 Work in pairs. Ask each other these or questions. Can (abe), adverbs «How often do you use a computer? * Do you ase a computer for work or ¥ Tlmew this before. X didn't know this before. smudy ‘ cn 1 Thisis interesting. 5 * Can you type? shield Vecabuary 2 You are going to read a text about typing, Abilities Before you read, check you understand the ‘words and phrases in the box. average hurt keyboard medical condition thumb work skill Uae ors tae Bisicies Teme une) eee one) site) Baan esyouruy Siiecetiive Reis eee = Ten facts about.4ais’, ory bac headache Grammar He can drive. Can you speek English welle Lean't type very quickly. ‘© use-con with another verb to tal about ability # add an adver to say how you do the activity. For most adverbs, add -y. ‘Some adverbs are irregular, eg good ~ ell 1 Look atthe list of work skills and tick (7) the ones you can do. seme LEeS dLeay Pantin) English and the world of work Can you .. understand nstuctions? answer the phone and write emails in English? ‘read texts about your work in English? translate texts from English into your language? ‘speak with your colleagues in English? 2 Make the edverb from the adjective in brackets, ean eype -. 08h — (er) 1 (each) 2 (cued) 3 (es) 4 burnot very —__. ay) 5 6 but not very (ged) but very —___. lad) 3 Choose five phrases from the boxes in Land make sentences about you. | can work with other paopis easily. 1 can type, but not very quickly. 1 can’t ansner the phone in English, 4 Compare your sentences with a partner. Q orareer foc -plsion foes concn ope 2 Pronunciation 1 ©} 251 Read and listen to these quotes about work. What do you notice about the pronunciation of can? 2 252 Read the niles. Listen and repeat the examples * in questions and afirmative sentences, «en is normally unstressed and we say ikon! Team type. Can yout + in negatives can’t is produced in the fall form Tam’ drive a bus, + in short answers, ca is normally stressed and we say /kaen / and /ka:nt/ Cam you swim? Yes, Lean, Vocabulary 1 Match che abilities in the box to the pictures. dance draw drive play2 musical isument sing swim 2. Work in pairs, Ask each other questions bout the abilities in exercise 1. or sn : aan | voruns @ Roding § listening lespertan! Fats centres of leereing wos / wore Vocabulary and Speaking 1 2.53 Loakat the different types of schools below. Put them in the order you attend them. Then listen and check your answers. Say the words. UK us primary school elementary school nursery school kindergarten university college secondary school high school 2 Match the places 1-5 to the descriptions 1 medical college 2 law school 3 library 4 boarding school 5. technical college a You can study to be a doctor here. b You can borrow books and CDs here. © You can study a specific skill here. a You can live at this school. e You can study to be a lawyer here. 3 Look at the graph. Does anything surprise you? Average number of years children go to schoo! ‘umber of Schoo Yeers Tad Toa fei Seurve: UNESCO 2 reemeiona Leray Fste Unit stuay Wied Two) Gogbaan Ueies One await 4 Work in pairs and discuss these questions. + How many years do children go to school in your country? + How longs school year? + Whatare the best schools in your town? What are the best universities in your country? Reading and Listening 1 2.54 Read and listen to Fnportant fists. centres of learning on page 71 and complete the first part ofthe table about Al Karouine. TAT Raraoaing) TUnveraiy ot 2 Londen ] | distance : [earning 2 | programme § = een § Be 5 oreo [omar thewost | onpleooeet 5 |imeornt | paper called # | ecucaton | scrots AE | carree § | terteemic LB | stu 2 Gp 255-256 Liscen to a.lecrure about two other important centres of learning and complece the rest of the table. Grammar Te zuas one of the five wniversivies There weren't ary books. © ems fore isthe past form of the verb be © use mas with [/ he / sbe / © use mere with you / me /shey © form the negative with not Sia eC) universities, The Chieneen= ‘the most important education centres 1. Complete the text about Harvard University with was /aere. Seles Harvard University ‘the frst university n the United States, It was founded in 1636. Harvard has many famous alurnni (ex- students). More than 40 Nobel prize winners. Harvard University ‘graduates. Saven presidents of the United States. students at the university, 2s vell as former prime ministers of Canada, Pakistan, Jamaica, Singepore and Greece. 2 Look at the names of famous teachers in history. Write down as many sentences as you can in cwo minutes with rhe words in the circles Isaac Newton j Italian 3 Look at page 130. Which of Albert Einstein your sentences from exercise 2 ‘Chinese ae Galiloo Galilei and were true Ne Menioseeal English © sremmar focus - ‘Aristotle and Plato reek. exploration & were proctice of y ves were on pege 14? Confucius ‘Study Unit 6 Port 4 Vecsbuloy Riek ‘School subjace Prone Two-syleble words Faoding & Ussing School days Grane ‘Questions with was were Speaking Tolking about schoo! & Study Vocabulary and Speaking T Match the subjects 1-9 to the things you study 2. 1 maths, 2 biology 5 chemisiry + history 5 PE (physical education) 6 IGT (information and communication technology) 7 geography physics 9 languages + French, English, German, Japanese + football, hockey, basketball, gymnastics © @+bF=a'+2ab+bt 4 countries, continents, oceans, mountains «plants, animals f e=me = 1066, 1492, 1939-1945 & HSO,,#,0,CO, i Word, Excel, PowerPoint Language note: we use expressions wih 'bo + adjoctiva + propostion to tak about abilities and interest. Wnen I was at schoo! | was good at languages. My daughters interested in art Iwas terrible at sport. : 2 Work in pairs. Read the language note and look at the subjects in exercise I again. ‘Without speaking, write five sentences bout your partner. {think you wore very good at history when you ‘were at school. ‘1d0n’ think you were good at mains. 3 Read your sentences to your partner: ‘Were you right? 4 Diseass these questions. © Do you have all these subjects in your 2: Dajew only any ohieotiesia pout country? © Which foreign languages do people study in your county? ‘© Which do you think are the three most important subjects for young people coday? 5 Read the information in the box. How, would you answer the questions? important to know? Pronunciation 1 5 2.57 Listen and vepeat the words ‘How many syllables do che words have? ‘Which is the stresser! syllable? physics English language 2 Find examples of two-syllable words like this in the classroom. Iebie, teacher, pene... andfield and Kate Pickering are English EU AW eis tee ner eie uri nicer England. They are the authors of Global Elementary. eee te ance Glossary rough fect) thee § cre cr venice £4) ieee ering vociatit Cetra cranes eee sea fie S fcnee enc asa’ anc sports. | eres one aes Reading and Listening 1 Work in pairs. Think of some answers to these questions. ‘Were you happy at school? ‘How long were you at the school? What type of school was it? Where was your school? ‘What was your favourite and least favourite subject? Were you happy at schoot? Yes, Iwas. / No, twas homie. /It was OK. 2 Read Lindsay and Kate's answers to the questions above. Then write the questions in the correct positions in the text. 3 22.58 Listen and check your answers 4 Read the statements and cirele the correct option. 1 He/She was at school in North London. There were two languages at is / Ber school He / She wast this school for 11 years. He / She was bored in maths classes. ‘He / Sbe has friends from bis [Ler schooldays. “The expressions a bit and a Tile bit are Informal. They mean the opposite ofa ot. ‘The school was a bit rough end sometimes 2 bursary Work with « partner. Think of. a televsion show that is a ile bit boring. * aesiaurant in your town that is abit expensive © some Engish grammar thatis a bit difieut + afm thet isabit sac. vee esabitscay Bitte Teele) Grammar Were yu happy at school? Where was your school? + use tras /were + subject for yes /no questions ‘+ use a wh- question word + as /were + subject for other questions 11 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. ‘Then answer the questions. ‘Confucius Where born was ? Where was Confucius bam? 1 Plato from and Where Aristotle wore ? 2 and Where Maria Montessori when born comsit 3a Tsaac Was Newton scientist ? 4 Brazil Who in 1921 in born was ? 5 German teacher end scientist Which born in 1879 was ? 2 Lookat page 130 and check your answers to exercise 1 Grammar focus ~ ezplenation & more practice of questions on pege 142 Speaking ‘Work in pairs. Ask about school. Use the questions from Reading and Listening exercise [to help you. Study Unit 8 Global Warm up 1 Answer the question below. Write two or three sentences, Who was your favourite teacher at school? (My favourite teacher vas He/she was interesting/nice/friendly/intelligert ... Histhor lessons were... 2 Work wit 2 partner. Read your sentences to each other. Listening eee eed 1 © 2.63-2.67 Listen to five people answering the question Who was your frvourite teacher ar whol? Tick () the kinds of teachers you hear Ancient Gresk teacher English teacher French teacher German teacher History teacher Mathematics teacher 2 Liswen aguin and cirele the comect option. 1 Matteo, Taly: ifs favourite teacher was Inigh schoo! / ederentary schoo. 2 Eva, Switzerlancl: Her fwvourite teacher was pening and interesting / invested in young people. 3 Carmen, Spain: Mathematics was veally easy / dficnit wich her favourite teacher. 4 Christina, Germany: The teacber was / the desone were inspiring. 5 Bea, England: Her favorite teacher was im primary { seandary school Language focus: | think and | think that Language note: / think is one of the most common ‘expressions in English. Use it to gio an opinion or say something you think is true. ‘You can usa | think at the beginning or end of 2 sentence, I think my favourte teacher was my English teacher. My ievourite teacher was my English teacher, I think. ‘You can also use | think that at the baginning of a sentence. | think thet my favourite teacher was my history teacher. Choose the correct sentence, 2 3 a Lthinkis a very good school » Tthinkitis a very good school [chink that education is important, > Edvestion is important, I think that. 4 Lthink that my history teacher was my Favourite teacher. [think that was my history teacher my favourite teacher, Speaking Work in pairs. Choose three topics and tll your partner your opinion. avery good schoo! in your city your worst teacher from the past avery difficult subject to learn an interesting fact in this book: . a boring subject at school Globel voices Unit 6 Reading Read the job advertisement and Tania’s job application leer. Then answer the questions. 1 What job does she want? 2 Where does she work nov? 8 Do you think she can do the job well? Why / why not? Hello, my name is Tania Pedroso and I'd like to apply to be a waitress in your coffee bar. 1'm 25 years old and I'm trom Portugal. My parents have a small café in Oporto and | often help them, Now I'm in Sydney, | work in an ice cream parlour three evenings a week but I'd ike a full-time job. | believe I can do this job very well. | can speak three languages ~ Portuguese, Spanish and English. | can ‘work quick'y and I'm good at making different types cf coffee (for example espresso, cappuccino, latte). V'm friendly and | ike mesting people. tm also hard- working and efficient. Please write soon, Yours sincerely, Tenia Writing skills: writing a formal letter 1. Read about how to write a farina lercer. + Start the letter with Dew’... ot Hello or My nate i. Start with the reason for writing the letter. « Do not use contractions (t's, don ¥). 4 Finish with {bok forward to bearing froma you. «Write your full narne at the end. 2 Which of che things a-e does Tania do? & Correct Tania’ letter. Unite writing Language focus: skills and personal qualities 1 Gircle the correct option. 1 Tam good ar /i2 coo! 2 Tam / bave a dei 3 Tlike work / working with children. 4 Tean ane wing Excel Tam / have havd-working, eence. 2 Mateh the words in the box to the descriptions. creative ficient friendly patient reliable 1 You can trast me, 2 Idon't get angry quickly. 3. Like meeting peopl 4 Pm good at drawing and making things, 5 work quickly and do things well Preparing to write T. Work in pairs. Choose one of the jobs in the box to apply for in an English-speaking country, abus dever tourist ‘an au pair cook en office worker ‘a sports coach 2 Look at the skills and personal qualities below. Choose three important ones for the job you chose, Can you think of some others? me Dest © Lean drive / speak three languages / work quickly. © | am good at cooking / looking after children / cleaning. © Lam friendly / efficient / creative / patient /religble / hard-working, 1 like meeting people / sports. ‘have a driving licence / experience of working in bars. Writing 1. Write an application for the job, Use che useful phrases tohelp you. Write three paragraphs. Remember to start and finish the letter correctly. Paragraph 1: Reason for writing the letter Paragraph 2: Personal information Paragraph 3: Skills and personal qualities 2 Workin pairs. Compare your letters. Can you make any corrections? Global review Grammar 1 Write sentences about what Henry can and ean’t do atwork, sports facilities W He can uso tho sports ‘cities, 4 company restaurantw 4 mo company ear park x 2 personal phone calls X 5 professional training ” 3 company gym 7 2 Complete the dialogue wits ner, were, tasn't or weren't. as What your favourite subject at school? B® “ ® ‘My favourite subjects musie and art. you good at English? ible. But that's because the lessons remning: No, Vocabulary OlYISJATH [toll |S i cleloluleis|ultlyic 1 Find six school Pat carom: €/1/p[r[elR{ele|T a Stren See T/O[M[UloR/MINe | 2 Decide ifthe PiLla[N[eulalale|s statements arc true (1) or [T/o[P]al mle] TTH[ALT) false (E). IEtheyare false [p/glu|L{A/T/H/U|NIO comrect them by changing TaTy[t] [Plas |Tl Ela the underlined words or yt +twpat elu Sty Plast: valpiuly | [cisle 1 Amengineer works in = a laboratory. 2 A multinational i a big company. 3 Addoctor works with animals 4 You can buy books and CDs in a library 5 Children go to primary school before nursery school. 4 Amarchitect can dravr well. 1 High schoo! in the US is called secondary school in the UK. # Children live ata technical college. 9 You can study to be a doctor at a law school. 10 A piano isa type of ob. Speaking 1 Workin groups of three, Ask questions about abilities starting with Cen you ..? Find three things that * everybody ean do wel © everybody ean do, but not well. * nobody ean do. 2 Think of ajob, Say whot you ean and ean’t do, The ‘other students in the group guess the job, Learning grammar 1. Work in pairs. Write down the page numbers in Global Elementary where you can find these things. ‘the Grammar focus explanations for units Land 2 ‘the Grammar foeus practice For anit § * the Grammar foeas explanation for can + the Grammar foeus exercises for was / were 2 Read sentences I+ and find an example of each type of word below. 1 Does he work for a big company? 2 There's lot of milkin the fridge. 3. English people speak quickly. 4 Do you like bananas? I Jove them. verb adjective adverb preposition article countable noun uncountable nown pronoun auxiliary verb quantifier HILL TE 8 Work in pairs and compare your answers. Can you think of another example of each type of word? 4 Tick (7) the sentences which are true for you. % denjoy learning grammar. % I study grammar rules at home, * |usa a grammar book. %* Lmake grammer notes. % Ido practice exercises at home. % I practise grammar on a computer, * I write true sentences to practise grammar. + I'study homework corrections. 5 Work in pairs and compare your answers. Write one ‘new activiry you ean do to practise grammar, Globe raviow & study sts Unis local to global Past cimple (regular A biogrophy Fig sre sen a Mirror, iDWionGon WILEDTHEEOOF WAR Reading and Listening 1 Make these sentences true compare with a partner. you. Then 1 Ibuya newspaper evry day / three times @ ok J ce a week, 2 Lakeays / sometinees / mover read the news in English, 3 Listen / don’t fsten to the radio in the 4 Lprefer to read a newspaper (wth the news on TV. 5 Lakoays/ sometimes / never read the news on the internet. Event Paul Reuter used the telegraph to sand news end financial information in Europe. 2 Read the introduction to The front local t global about important events in radio and TV news. 3 Read the rest of the text. Then in pairs, decide when each event happened. Write the decade (1920s, 1970s, etc) on the left. They are in the order they happened. 4 2p 3.01 Listen and check your answers. Write the exact year on the right The news from local to global Exact Year 1851 Station 8MIK in Detroit prosonted the first radio. news programme. The BBC World Service radio started. in Arabic. ‘on the moon. started in Doha, Qatar. ‘The BBC started its first foreign language radio service = ATT (American Telephone & Telegreph] launched Telstar into ‘orbit It was the first active TV and communications satelite, {600 milion people worldwide watched Noll Armstrong ‘A nowepaper in Ohio produced the first digital ‘newspaper on the intornet, ‘Ted Turer created the Cable News Natwork (CNN) on TV, the first 24-hour news channel. AA\ Jazeera, the first International Arabie news chaanel Grammar Writing 1 Look at Tbe ews... frm lead label 1. Reead Good night and goodluck about Ed text again and eircle the verbs. What do you Murrow Why was he famous? notice about the spelling? Cleese nt ett ita A Joceern sworted in Dob Sieh sn Geis Chana SMIK presented the frst mai nexr : Reha PORE e fs Sus oS nals use the past simple to tall: about “Iai Completed setions in the pase usually st gee ee ec Le ee ARC Ane Sree er eee cer ieee these tine expressions are common YSU Cua uae with the past simple: yesterday, lart sock (isurpMien 0 ears Goro rear eeu eres gic 4S month fy 2 Read about another international news channel and write the verbs in the past tense. 2 Look at the text again. Complete the sentences with an appropriate preposition Channel News Asia ‘Then nnderline an example from che tert. In tho lato 1990s MediaCora (@ocice) to creats the first pan-Asian naws canna! and in 1999 they Time for decades use io (start) Channel News Asia. A recent survey for complete dates use —__ ——__{sludy) the GNA audience and for years use (discover) that 52 per cent Blase ‘of business professionals in Singapore teaularty ‘watch the station. for institutions use for countries and states use for mayement toa place use — 3 Rewrite the headlines in the past tense. You are going to write your own mini Start with the words in brackets 2 oie autobiography, buc in the third person (be / sb). ae Riana Use the ideas belovr to help you. Write 39 r0 100 Tat tasers jester) words bur don’t write your name on the text, ‘The Boston Symphony Orchestra play | final coneert of their European tour | (lest night) * He / She was born In. (place) in (year) ‘The President visits Harvard Univorsity and ‘© He / She studied (subject) at (senoo} cliscussos politics with studont loaders ‘© He / Sne lived in clave) and worked in (place) (two days ago) ‘* He/ She married (parson) in (ear) Teachers demand more money from the Give your text to your teacher. Rend the government (last Monday) autobiographies of other stadents in the class Sots padple eildy Begiak tn oy, Can you guess who thoy are? other language (ast year) Grammar foews ~ explencton & mote prectce ofthe pod! simale on page 144 News Unit” News Pat 2 fealng 8 Leary Reading and Listening 1 Read the information below about the book lil the Presidents Men by Woodward and Bernstein, Do you know the story of the The Watergete scondal Past she rregular eh ‘Watergate scandal? The post simple Allithe = President's isan (ens news sory eer Seer Chapter One eee morning. Woodward answered hie phone. Itwas the city news editor of The Washington eee ago oie et Crooeoeteten a electronic equipment. Th eee eee esas UC eat usually quiet on Saturd 2 The Westhnaten post 2 Nixon Resigns See oan 2 sos Pree Tons Se ged ace ot) eee eee eae hee} eae ny At th eu Pra eae eee cet ee erry Eee ert Cee Peete ie et eg ee ee ue ae rat The Peecs Ce er eee ay een Pe eee ee eae ett eat @ Nac! 2 You are going to read an extract about the Watergate scandal. Check you understand the words in the bos. nest burgkary Democratic party (US politics) editor headquarters 3 © 3.02 Read and listen to the extract from chapter one of ll the President's Men ‘Then using the word partner what it is about. 4 Read the text again. Are true (T) or false ( 1 Woodward phoned the editor at nine o'clock on Saturday morning 2 The editor wanted Woodward to come to the office. 2. The newsroom wes usually busy on Satardey mornings 1 Woodirard thought the burglary was unusual. 5 Woodivard didn't know Bernstein 5 Do you know any other stories or films about reporters? What are they? noes Histor is the study of the past and a subject we study at school. I's normally an Lncourtabie noun, A story isa description of events. Itis something we read or somathing we toll to eniertan people. Choose the correct wor 1 Vm yory interestod in the history ( story ‘of Ancient Eaypi. 2 We talkod to tho police, but they didn't believe our history/ story. My nephew studied American political history story ot unversiy. 4 When I was a chil, my dad always read re a history story belore | nent io bed 5 My brothers e history/ story orolessor etYork Universty Glossary ‘a scordel (oun) -aatuator, fen when sowecre famous does semana dlsonest repartrs run - people no we stores torrewspepers ‘99 re) to waton somatic ascrty Grammar Woodward answered bis phone. ‘The men had cemeras. Wodward left bir apartment. ‘© some verbs are regular in the past simple and finish -ed + orher vers are irregular, have ~ bad, dere — eft T Look at the verbs in the box. Are they regular or irregular? Check in the text, hen write the past form. answer ot have hear know leave look make pickup see walk 2 Complete the sentences with the past form of the verbs in brackets 1 Woodward and Bernstein wo Washington news reporters. (0) » They (ear) about a burglary at the Democratic headquarters. + They (qi) out and coi people questions, 4 They (write) about it in The Washington Pest newspaper. 5 The story (Get) bigger and bigger. ‘tt — (ecomne) a seancial for the United States government. 7. The story (end) Richard Nixon's presidency. 4 In 1976 they —__ (uate) a film from the book. ® Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman (62) in the film, in) four Oscars 10 The film 3 © 303 Listen and check your answers. Say the sentences. Grammar focus ~ exelenation 8 mote prectce ofthe pod! simale on page | 44 Pronunciation 1 3.04 Listen to bow the infinitive and the past form of these verbs are pronounced. Repeat the words. answer ~ answered wait waited stop - stopped ook — looked lend - endod liston ~ Estened stat stared walk — walked 2 Underline the correet word to complete the rule, * fa regular verb ends in -ted or ~ded pronowre | don't proneunce an extra sillable 3 Work in groups, Take turns and read the extract from Ai! the President's Men aloud. Pay attention to the past tense verbs. Speaking 1 Work in pairs. Waite down the name ofa person you know: a restaurant or hotel you know. 2 food atopic of conversation another topie of conversation. aquestion. atime the name of a newspaper 2. Now turn to page 131 and complete the news story with the words from exercise 1. 3 Work with another pair ‘Iell each other ‘your news stories Unt 7 Weather Vocabulary 1. Match the words to the pictures. clouds rain snow sun wind 2 Read the language note, then complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets, Language note: to make the adjective of these weather words, add -7: wind ~ indy Itwas windy yesterday. wna) 1 The season is from July to October. (in) 2 Children don't go to school if the ‘weather is (en) 3 Tewas this morning when T gor up. (cloud) 1 4 Fits at the weekend, many people go to the beach. (ra) 9. Pur the words in order from cold to hot. © cold © freezing © hot * cool © boiling = warm A What'shot for you? What’ cold for you? Decide on a temperature range for each sword. Compare witha partner. Then turn to page 131 to see what someone from Jordan and someone from Siberia think. Reading Read the sentence. Do you think ies true (1) or false (F)? Eskimos hee more words for snow than other ecpie. 2 a 3.05 Read and listen to The great Exkinna vocabulary boas on page 83. Then choose the correct answer to exercise 1. » 3 The sentence is true, ‘The sentence is false. Tes impossible to say. Read the text again and match the two parts of the sentences below. 2 ‘Whorf believed that Eslimos had different words for snow because ‘The number of Eskimo Words for snow 3. Many people don't like 8 a 4 ‘Lots of languages have many words for snow. the word Eskimo. grew and grew. they see snow differently. How many words for snow are there in your language? Grammar Native people don't nse the word Eskimo. They den’ ike it es smn tay, Tes sivocleck. ‘© use ito replace singular nouns ‘© we also use isto talk about the weather and to talk sbout the time 1 What does i refer to in the sentences ‘Use the words in the box. There is one word you do not need. alinguist blizzard Inuit or Aleut sleet lush The great Eskimo vocabulary hoax Itis a more correct word for Eskimo. Init Alena 1 Itis the story of how the number oF Eskimo words for suv grew. 2 Itisa mixture of snow and rain, 3 Iris the English word for a snowstorm. 4 Iisa kind of'snow that is part snow and pare wacer 2 The conversations below are missing the word ft four times. Complete them by putting it in the correct places, 1 A: Excuse me, whet ime is? BB: Oh, Is ten past sz A: Thanks, 2 A bsthis your ear? B: Yes. is A: We very nies. 3 ‘A: Would you lke to go to the park? B; Now? Is cold and rainy. A: On, 3 © 3.06-3.08 Listen and check your Grammar foeus ~ explerotion mora prcetice of ton page 144 The great Eskimo vocabulary hoax Do Esl 108 really have more words for snow? How many words do the Eskimos have for snow? In 1811, one: ‘book said there were four words. Some years later, another book said there vere seven. In 1940 Benjamin Whorf, an American linguist, caid that Eskimos havo ditforont words for snow because thay see snow differently. ‘Over the years the story continued, and the numbers grew. Some books said that the Eskimos had a hundred words for snow, others said thousands. 89, how many are there realiy? The truth, Js thoro fen’t an easy anewer to the question, First of al, there isn’t only one Eskimo language, there are many. Also. native people of the Arctic don't use the word, Eskimo. They don't like it. They call themselves Inuit or Aleut. And finally, having woids for different types of snow really isn’t unusual: there are many words for snow in other languages too. In English, for example, we have sleet (a mix of snow and rain), slush (part snow, part water) or a blzzard (a snowstorm) and others. Linguists call Whorf’s idea The great Eskimo. vocabulary hoax. So the next time someone tolls you that Eskimos have 1,000 words for snow, tell them it isn’t true! Speaking . ‘Work in pairs. Choose one of che tasks below 1 Read the conversations from Grammar exercise 2 together. 8 Change some information in the conversations from Grammar exercise 2. Then read them together. © Choose two conversations from Grammar exercise 2. Read each one together and then try to continue it, Glossary ‘a hoax (un) tick Inwhicn somacne tls pase thet someting ietrue when te not «linguist rcur)— someone nbo sues and speaks aloof lraueces ead &Llsering stoens chosing Cs Past simple (questions ‘ond nogetiva) Fropunatin wh and the Speching A groct day eut rit 7 Weather Weather Speaking ‘1 Complete the sentences with your opinions, using che type of word indicated in brackets. * Lhate. days. (weather adjective) love it when it’s (weather adjective) In my country, the best weather is in (place) [My favourite time of yearis (month) 2 Workin pairs. Compare your sentences, A: Tove it when i's sunny. B: Why? A: Because we go to the beach, Reading and Listening stoem (sto for snow falls very quickly, aften with very song winds or thunder ind lighting I (noes) when a ot afin 1. Read Storm chasing on page 85 and look at the pictures. Which two pietures describe ie 2 3.09 Now read Storm chosing again and complete the text wich the phrases below. Then listen and check your answers. 1 Last August. 2 Because a friend invited me. 3 In Frence. 4 My friend Daniel, 5 Really, really seared, 6 Well the most important thing was a specially converted car, Grammar Why did you go starm chasing? Diad you burve ary special egnipanent? Tdidtn't really know anything abi sor chasing. © use the amsiliary did to make questions and negatives in the past simple © for questions the structure is (Wb- ‘question word) + did + subject + infinitive for negatives the stracenre is subject + didn’ + infinitive 1. Rewrite these sontences about the text s0 they are true. 1 Alan knew a lot about storm chasing the first time. Alan went with his girlfriend Joanne. They chased the storm ia a bus. The car had lors of metal Lightning hit the car twice. Correct che questions. ‘Where did go you? ‘Who you go wich? “How did you travelled? ‘What did you there? ‘Hiad youa good time? aie 6 hes Ap eo Grammar foeus ~ exploration & more procice ol the pos sige on page 1d Pronunciation 1 3.10 Which word is pronounced ifferently? Listen and cirele the word. 1 why what when who whese 2 how hotel hour house hungry 2 Complete che sentences with words with the same sound. 1 Last Wednesday, the weather was 2 Horry has a 3 William works 4 Hello! How are you? Pm 3 Work in pairs and swap your sentences. Read them aloud, Storm chasing: a great day out? Wernormally use the expression a great day out 0 nae ‘Somewhere for fun; But Alan’s day Au ueE\ arises the | ‘extromo woatner conditions. Why did you go storm chasing? This inend, woll ho cial the time and said it was amazing. | didn’t really know anything about storm chasing. Who did you go with? | enew he was a bit crazy but | didn't know how crazy! When did you go? Speaking ‘Work in pairs. A: tm to page 127. ‘B: turn to page 129. Use the questions in Grammar exercise 2 to ask your We went in the summer ~ they say it's the best time of year to chase storms, And where? Daniel lives near the Pie du MidH in the Pyrenees. It's a great place for storm chasing, Did you have any special equipment? It didn't have any metal, but it had tote of plastic and rubber. Thet protects you from lightning. And you know what? Lightning hit the car three times! How did you feel? Lean it was really DS exciting but it was also the most iN terrifying experience of my life. = from London, Uk Peres Sree Ae Git partner about a day oat. Wioathar Unt 7 ‘Warm up 1 Put the sentences in the correct order to make a ‘comersation to International Directory Enquiries And what’ the name of the city or town you would like 10 ¢all? Language focus: speaking on the telephone 1 Complete the table with the words and phrases inthe box busy call calling minute speak to efor Paul. — ‘The United States. 2. pa Susan? Thank you. The number is 312 567 8741, — Helle, | is Chicago, Minos, — ola speaking. McGuinness. — —— a ‘What country would you like to eall? 2 Corl leave a message for_| Sasan? ‘What is their first initial? __ Who's please? Whats the last name of the person you would fia | aan like vo call? — io out 7 [You have the wrong number ‘Work in paiss, Read the conversation. ‘ justa second Sure, | hold please. Listening a ae 1 3,113.14 Listen w four phone conversations. [wait ‘Match each one to a situation. a Someone's busy. b- One person can't hear well © Someone's out. Someone wants to meet 2 Listen again. Are the statements true (I) or false (F)? 1 The man calls a newspaper office. 2. The man doesn't want to wait. 3 The man has important information, 4 The man has some photas for the woman. ‘3 What do you think the secret informstion is? Imagine ‘what is in the photos. Tell a partner, Lunt 7 Function globally 2 4315 Listen and check your answers. Then listen and repeat the phrases. What are the phrases in your language? Speaking ‘Work in pairs. Choose one of the tasks below. ‘A Repeat the Warm up exercise, One person iste operator and the ether person is calling for information. B_ Choose one of che situations from Listening exercise 1 Create a phone conversation. Use some of the expressions from the Language focus to help you. Warm up 1 Pur the types of weather in order of preference from 1 (Close this meatier) wo 5 I bate shis seater) cold, rainy day with clouds — acainy day, but warm — avery cold day, buc sunny — a very hot day, with clouds — a warm sunny day — 2 Work in pairs and compare your answers Listening 1 G]3.16-3.19 Listen to four people talk: about their favourite weather. Which speaker does mot say the word sunny 1 Haruna, Japan 2 Maida, Switzerland 3 Al-Mutasem, Saudi Arabia 4 Mireille, 2 Listen again and match the sentences 2-e to the speakers 1-4 above. There is one extra sentence. 2 Tdon' like it when its too hor & Igo out in sunny weather. © Lobviously prefer it when it warm. Ties cloucy or like windy or snowy Toate go out © The weather in Jeddah is always hot Ce Language focus: interjections Language note: in spoken English, people often use um and ui to glve themselves time to think of what they want to soy, realy te, un, sunny, hot weather Read what Mireille says about her favourite weather. Then Tisten again and complete the text with tau oF nothing. let see ... Hove —T like buc I don‘ like it when itis too het. Tike it sunny and cool and so Tike the English weather for that, In California Like it ‘when it's sunny too but not too hor, but sunny and warm enough to go to the beach. sunny weather Speaking ‘Work in pairs. Take it in turns to finish the sentences below. Don' think too much before you finish the sentence. Use ‘ny and nh to give you time to think. © My favourite weather ie, um + Teday the weather wes, uh © When its sunny outside | often, ur, © Summor in my country is never .., UM, ed Gobel voioee Unit 7 Writing describing an event Reading 1. Read Omar's report on a local event. What is the event and why is t important? f Spode ioe et) Prsciefe i tacteti ten faule ier ln) etn ehiC {fiestas =) io elas 300k Falr nad folset diifererts freleline ipl bi) Merein Arab ae ties fie ost tnisrelian a sctienay Dies Gee aie P Wears Vera Pete a) Fi oislsask re Eales stlteallinets 2 Fil ven eens Reet inet cs vei fara 2 Answer the questions about the report. 1. When did the event take place? Where did it take place? How long did it last? ‘How many people attended? ‘What happened at the event? How often does it take place? ‘What is the aim of the event? Whar did people buy, sell and eae? Writing skills: avoiding repetition ‘Use pronouns (i, he, bi, they ete) and thereto avoid repetition, 1 Replace the underlined words and phrases in Omar's report with it or there. 2. Replace the underlined words or phrases in these sentences with a pronoun, or there, 1 There were many children’s books. The children’s books ‘were attractive and not expensive, 2. Sharjah isin the United Arab Emirates. The Book Fair took place 3. The president of Sharjah made a speech. The organiser of the event thanked the President. Unit 7 Writing Language focus: writing about numbers 1 Complete the sentences from Omar's report. 1 There were publishers from —_ different countries at the Book Fair. 2 people visited the Book Fair 3. The Book Fair had different sections, 4 books were in Arabie, but there were books in English. 5 different writers came to the fair. 6 There were activities for children. 2 Read the test about an event ia Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Correct the underlined words and phrases. 100k place | nists day, but the most took place at riaht, | Thete were severals visitors from all over the world anc lot of reworks, Over ten thousand people __watehed the procession and most of people in the town took 5 part in the dancing ewes a greal event! Preparing to write 1. Make notes about an event that took place in your school, place of work, town, or country. Use the questions in the Reading section and the usefal phrases to help you. 2. Work with a partner; Tell each other about he event. ‘Use the past tense. Describing an ® Ittook place on / at fin... ® Over a hundred / Thousands of people visited Jettencied it. © There nere speeches / fireworks. © There were several sporting events Including football, basketball and hockey. °° The aim of the event vas to raise money for charity. Writing Write about the event. Use your notes to help you. Global review Grammar 1 Circle the correct option. 1 Where yori went / did you go / did you went at the weekend? 2 Who yor ent did yo go ei go yo om holiday with? 3 How did you tet / did yon: travelled / yon trvelled to London? 4 What did yor / did you do / yor did last night? 5 Did you have / Did you bad / td yor a good time at the party? © What time #7 iin it? > Isit/It ie snowy in Alaska in December? 8 Blizzard és/ it isi it the English word for a snow storm. 2 White the pase rense of these verbs. become stop —— pry __ know win study make = —__ hear —__ visit see — leave —__ write Vocabulary ‘Complete the sentences with adjectives to deseribe the ‘weather. =n — — = Ree - we uss Its w —_ Speaking and Writing ‘1. Work in pairs, Ask questions about what your partner did. + before the class, * lastnight. + at the weekend, + om their last holiday. “Tall the class one thing about your partner. 2 Write three true sentences about the weather sing because. | went swimming yesterday because it was sunny 3 Work in small groups. Read che first half of your sentences to the group. Can they guess the enklings? | went swimming yesterday bessuse ... Remembering words (One way of remembering words is to put them in groups, 1. Work in pairs. Match the word groups 1-5 to the descriptions a-e, Then add two more words from the ‘unit to each group. cool, weather, rainy, Jefe, sa, knew, —_, sometimes, scandal, story, ‘wrote, snow, cold, headquarters, news, arrest, a They are the same word class (eg noun, verb et) They stare wich the same leties © They are about the same topic. 4 They are in the same reading text, e They have the sme sound, 2. Which way of grouping words in exercise 1 do you prefer? Work in pairs and make a word group using ‘words from this unit. Show your lise to another pair. Do ‘they understand how you grouped the words? 1 2 3 4 5 ‘You can also remember words by making word associations. For example, one Spanish student remembers snow by thinking of the Spanish word ‘Yor snow, nevar. Novar is similar to naver. She wrote tho sentence: it never snows in my city. 3 Make some word associations for English words. Then work in pairs and explain the associations to your partner. Spider diagrams are another way of remembering words. 4 Lookat the spider diagram. Can you add any words? en) ts DS New Se ce eas \ roe internet 5 Workin pairs. Make a spider diagram using 7 or twerther. Then show your diagram to another pair. Can they add any words? Global review & Stuy i's Unt 7

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