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Comparative bacterial community analysis in relatively pristine and

anthropogenically influenced mangrove ecosystems on the Red Sea

Riaz Ullah†1,2, Muhammad Yasir1†*, Imran Khan1,2, Fehmida Bibi1, Sayed Sartaj Sohrab1,

Ahmed Al-Ansari3, Fahad Al-Abbasi2, Abdulmohsin A. Al-Sofyani4, Ihsanullah Daur5,

Seon-Woo Lee6, Esam I Azhar1,7

Can. J. Microbiol. Downloaded from by MacEwan University on 04/05/17

Special Infectious Agents Unit, King Fahd Medical Research Center, King Abdulaziz

University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Biochemistry Department, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah,

Saudi Arabia.

Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Meteorology, Environment and Arid

Land Agriculture, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Marine Biology Department, Faculty of Marine Science, King Abdulaziz University,

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Department of Arid Land Agriculture, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Department of Applied Biology, Dong-A University, Busan 49315, Republic of Korea.

Medical Laboratory Technology Department, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences,

King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

†Authors contributed equally to this study

*Corresponding author: Muhammad Yasir

E mail:

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Mangrove habitats are ecologically important ecosystems that are under severe pressure

worldwide because of environmental changes and human activities. In this study, 16S

rRNA gene amplicon deep-sequencing was used to compare bacterial communities in

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Red Sea mangrove ecosystems at anthropogenically influenced coastal sites and a

relatively pristine island site. In total, 32 phyla were identified from the mangrove

rhizospheres, with Proteobacteria predominating at each of the studied sites; however, the

relative abundance was significantly decreased at the coastal sites (Mastorah, MG-MS

and Ar-Rayis, MG-AR) compared with the pristine island site near Dhahban (MG-DBI).

The phyla Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, Acidobacteria, Chloroflexi, Spirochetes, and

Planctomycetes were present at a relative abundance of >1% at the MG-MS and MG-AR

sites, but their concentration was <1% at the MG-DBI site. A total of 1659 operational

taxonomic units (OTUs) were identified at the species level, and approximately 945

OTUs were shared across the different sampling sites. Multivariate principal coordinate

data analysis separated the MG-DBI site from the MG-AR and MG-MS cluster. Specific

bacterial taxa were enriched at each location, and in particular, the genera

Pseudoalteromonas and Cobetia were predominantly identified in the MG-DBI site

compared with the anthropogenically influenced coastal sites.

Key words: mangroves, bacterial community, metagenomic, rhizosphere, Red Sea

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Mangrove forests occur at the interface of marine and terrestrial ecosystems and represent

relatively unexplored areas of microbial diversity (Andreote et al. 2012; Nedwell 1994).

Mangroves can be found in more than 100 countries and cover an area of approximately
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150,000 km2; the American continent harbors the greatest area of mangroves, followed

by Brazil, with 13,000 km2 and representing 8.5% of the global total (Colares and Melo

2013). Mangrove forests are highly productive environments and are known for their

high levels of organic matter (OM) and nutrients (Nedwell 1994). Mangrove sediments

provide breeding and growth habitats as well as food and shelter for fish (Getter et al.

1984). They act as a buffer zone between the terrestrial and marine environments, and

they play an important role in maintaining sea levels (Duke et al. 2007). In addition,

mangrove forests function as a terminal sink for local waste and nutrient-rich sediments.

These unique environments take up excess nutrients and restrict their entry into coastal

waters, but they do not undergo any major changes in the process (Bouchez et al. 2013).

Moreover, they protect the coast from erosion and reduce the effect of tsunamis.

Unfortunately, mangrove forests are at high risk and are diminishing at the high rate of 1–

2% per year (Kathiresan and Rajendran 2005).

Mangrove ecosystems are complex and provide a dynamic microbial habitat. The

microbial community is very diverse and adaptive because of the high humidity and

periodic tidal flooding. Environmental factors including nutrient availability, light,

salinity, and temperature are the main contributors to the formation of mangrove habitats

(Holguin et al. 2006b). Mangrove bacterial communities mainly consist of the phyla

Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Planctomycetes, Acidobacteria,

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Chloroflexi, Cyanobacteria, Nitrospira, and Firmicutes. Proteobacteria are the most

common, with Gammaproteobacteria, Deltaproteobacteria, and Alphaproteobacteria

being predominant (Basak et al. 2015a). A metagenomic analysis of Brazilian mangrove

forests has revealed that they are rich in Deltaproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria;

these Proteobacteria inhibit the growth of Planctomycetaceae, Burkholdreaceae, and

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Rhodobacteraceae, which are implicated in sulfur, nitrogen, and methane metabolism

(Andreote et al. 2012).

Previous studies have demonstrated the dependence of plants on soil microbes and for the

restoration ecology, the interaction of plants with rhizosphere microbes has become a

topic of intense study (Harris 2008). To fully understand mangrove habitats, knowledge

of the microbial communities and their activities is vital, particularly in the context of

rehabilitation and restoration (Ghosh et al. 2010). The Red Sea is a unique ecosystem

with unusual and extreme environments, and it differs from other seas and oceans

because of its hypersalinity, low nutrient concentrations, high average temperatures, and

constant high levels of solar radiation (Antunes et al. 2011). Mangrove forests in Saudi

Arabia are situated fragmentally along the Red Sea coast, and are dense in the south

where the main mangrove species is Avicennia marina (El-Juhany 2009). These forests

are under pressure from increased population growth in the coastal regions due to

industrial development and urbanization during the last decade. In this study, we have

analyzed for the first time the bacterial communities in rhizospheres of mangroves

present at two anthropogenically influenced coastal sites and one relatively pristine site

on a Red Sea island, using deep 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing to define a

baseline bacterial community profile for healthy mangroves. Increased rhizosphere

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bacterial diversity was observed for the Red Sea mangroves. Ignavibacteriae,

Thermotogae, Acetothermia, Fusobacteria, and Saccharibacteria were detected in the Red

Sea mangroves; these phyla were not reported in earlier 16S metagenomic studies from

mangroves in other geographical regions (Alzubaidy et al. 2016; Andreote et al. 2012;

Fernandes et al. 2014). In addition, substantial enrichment of specific taxa was observed
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in the Red Sea mangroves habitats.


Study area and samples collection

Mangrove vegetation occurs in areas along the Red Sea coast of Saudi Arabia. In this

study, three different mangrove fields were selected for sampling based on the mangrove

vegetation and how pristine they were. Sampling site 1 (MG-MS) was located on the

Mastorah coastal area (23°05′09″N, 38°48′41″E) and was densely vegetated compared to

sampling site 2 at Ar-Rayis (MG-AR; 23°36′43″N, 38°31′26″E). The average height of

the mangroves was between 1 and 3 m at MG-MS and 0.5 and 1.5 m at MG-AR. These

two sites were close to an urban area and located between the two major coastal industrial

cities of Rabigh and Yanbu. The sites were polluted with sewage, construction material

from a newly built coastal park, plastic debris, and human litter. Sampling site 3 (MG-

DBI) was an island (22°02′24″N, 38°57′40″E) near Dhahban in the Red Sea (Fig. S1).

Mangrove vegetation was quite dense at MG-DBI compared with the coastal sites and the

average height was 1.5–4 m. Human access to this site is limited, and MG-DBI is

considered to be a relatively clean island without external contamination. The mangrove

fields at all three sites were commonly vegetated by only A. marina. Annual precipitation

in the studied locations is scarce, with an average rainfall of 50–100 mm/year (Hasanean

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and Almazroui 2015). In general, tides along the central Red Sea coast are a mixed type

and mainly semidiurnal, fluctuating between 0.2 and 0.7 m and inundating the coastal

mangroves as a thin sheet of water. In June 2015 sediment cores (3 cm in diameter and 15

cm long) were collected from the rhizosphere of the selected mangrove fields during low

tide. For each site three sediment cores were collected within a distance of 5 m of each
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other. Each replicate was thoroughly mixed in a sterile plastic bag and then stored at


Physicochemical analysis

The environmental parameters of pH, temperature, and conductivity were measured for a

1/10 (w/v) saturated colloidal solution of the sediment in water using the Martini portable

meter (Martini, Australia). The sediment samples were air-dried and then crushed for

uniformity and analytical processing. OM was determined through loss of ignition

according to the protocol of Dean (Dean 1974), while levels of nitrogen were determined

using the Kjeldahl method; for other elements, a 0.5-g sample was digested with a nitric

acid–perchloric acid (HNO3-HClO4) mixture (Alzubaidy et al. 2016). Following

digestion, the solution was diluted with 50 ml of distilled water, and the level of

phosphorus was determined colorimetrically and that of potassium by atomic absorption


DNA extraction and 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing

Total DNA was extracted from a 0.3-g sediment sample for each replicate using a Power

Soil DNA extraction kit (MoBio Laboratories, Carlsbad, CA) according to the

manufacturer’s instructions. The 16S rRNA genes present in the samples were sequenced

by targeting the V3–V4 region using the overhanging adapter primers 341F

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and 785R


ATCC) and following the procedure of Yasir et al. (Yasir et al. 2014). DNA

concentrations were measured using a Qubit Fluorometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific,

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Massachusetts), and dual-index barcodes and Illumina (San Diego, CA) sequencing

adapters were subsequently joined to the products using a limited PCR cycle. Following

purification with Agencourt AMPure beads (Agencourt, Indianapolis), libraries were

normalized using the Nextera XT protocol. Samples were pooled into a single flow cell

for sequencing via the MiSeq sequencing platform (Illumina) following the

manufacturer’s protocol. Automated cluster generation and paired-end sequencing with

dual index reads were performed in a single run with a read length of 2×300 bp. Raw

FASTQ files were obtained from the Illumina MiSeq, and paired-end reads were

collected using PANDAseq (Masella et al. 2012). Sequences were cleaned of primers and

barcodes, all reads of “N” and those with sequences <250 bp were deleted, and high-

quality sequences were dereplicated (Yasir et al. 2014). The cleaned sequences were then

clustered at k=10 (97% similarity), followed by deletion of chimeras and singleton reads.

Finally, operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were classified using the BLASTn

algorithm against a curated database derived from GreenGenes, RDPII, and NCBI.

Sequence data of this study is available in the NCBI Sequence Read Archive under

accession no. SRP097132.

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Statistical analysis

The OTU biodiversity and richness were calculated using R package phyloseq (1.7.24),

which was implemented using nonparametric Chao1 and rarefaction analysis (McMurdie

and Holmes 2012). The R VEGAN package (version 2.2-1) was implemented with

package “rich” (0.3) and used to check the richness of the OTUs. Multivariate principal
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coordinate analysis (PCoA) was performed using R VEGAN (,, and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov D test was used to

ascertain the normality of the data. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey

honest significant difference (HSD) tests were performed to identify significantly

different mangrove rhizosphere bacterial taxa at the three different sampling sites. The

Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 was used for the statistical



Physicochemical analysis

The habitats at the studied mangrove sites were relatively similar for most environmental

factors, except for presence of OM and levels of phosphorus (Table 1). Significantly

(<0.05) higher percentages of OM and phosphorus were detected at MG-MS compared

with MG-DBI and MG-AR. The salinity was marginally higher at MG-MS (19.2 ± 1.6

PSU), but the difference was not statistically significant. Temperatures at the study sites

were in the range of 31.7–33.4°C.

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Bacterial community composition

In total, 1.016 million raw sequence reads were obtained using the MiSeq system

(Illumina). After filtration, approximately 1.015 × 106 high quality (>250 bp) sequence

reads were obtained and assigned to bacterial domains. In total, 13,189 distinct OTUs

were identified with 97% sequence identity, and overall, 32 phyla were identified in the
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rhizosphere sediment of the mangrove fields located at the coastal sites and an island in

the Red Sea. Thirty-one phyla were found at all sites, but the phylum Fibrobacteres was

not detected in the MG-DBI. The relative abundance of dominant phyla varied

significantly between the coastal sites and the island (Fig. 1A). The majority of the

sequencing reads were representative of the phylum Proteobacteria, which dominated the

bacterial community at each of the studied sites. The relative abundance of Proteobacteria

was significantly (p<0.05) decreased in the coastal samples MG-MS (64.9±6.8%) and

MG-AR (58.2±2.9%) compared to the island site MG-DBI (89.6±6.7%). Among the

Proteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria was the dominant class present at each site

(75.9±18.8% MG-DBI, 34±9.5% MG-MS, and 27±5.3% MG-AR), followed by

Deltaproteobacteria (11.3±11.5% MG-DBI, 23.4±6.9% MG-MS, and 25.1±3.4% MG-

AR) (Fig. 1B). The relative abundances of Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, Acidobacteria, and

Spirochaetes were increased at the MG-MS and MG-AR sites compared with the MG-

DBI site. Chloroflexi was present with a significantly (p<0.001) higher abundance at the

MG-MS site (7.1±1.9%) compared with the MG-AR (1.8±0.5%) and MG-DBI

(0.8±0.3%) sites, while Cyanobacteria was dominantly (p<0.005) present at the MG-AR

site (13±4.8%) compared with the MG-MS (0.7±0.5%) and MG-DBI (0.7±0.8%) sites.

Bacteroidetes were commonly present at >3% for all the sampled mangrove fields.

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In total, 959 OTUs were identified at the genus level, with a greater number of genera

detected in the coastal site samples MG-AR (831) and MG-MS (806) compared with the

island sample MG-DBI (761). The 633 OTUs at the genus level were common among the

three sites, and 65 OTUs were unique to MG-AR, 54 OTUs to MG-MS, and 34 OTUs to

MG-DBI (Fig. S2). Seventy-nine OTUs were common specifically between the MG-MS
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and MG-AR, 40 between MG-DBI and MG-MS, and 54 between MG-DBI and MG-AR.

In the island sample, MG-DBI, Pseudoalteromonas (58.9±15.6%) and Cobetia

(9.3±6.4%) genera were predominantly present, but these genera were detected at a

significantly (p<0.05) lower abundance (<1%) in the MG-MS and MG-AR samples.

Oceanospirillum predominated in the MG-MS sample (10.2±108%) compared with the

MG-AR (1.2±1.7%) and MG-DBI (0.1%) samples, while the genera Marinobacterium,

Dehalococcoides, and Syntrophobacter were present at significantly (p<0.05) higher

levels in the MG-MS sample compared with the MG-AR and MG-DBI samples (Fig. 2).

In the MG-AR sample, Pseudomonas, Microcoleus, and Dermocarpella were all present

with a significantly (p<0.05) higher relative abundance compared with the other sites.

The genera Thioprofundum, Spirochaeta, Acidobacterium, Thiohalophilus, Caldithrix,

and Cytophaga were present at relatively the same abundance in the MG-MS and MG-

AR, but they were significantly lower in the MG-DBI. The genus Desulfosarcina was

dominantly present in each of the studied sampling sites.

We observed 1659 different OTUs, with approximately 945 OTUs common among all

the different sampling sites (Table S1). In total, 1576 OTUs were found at the species

level in the anthropogenically influenced costal mangrove ecosystems (Table S2). The

highest number of OTUs was observed at the MG-AR site (1362) followed by the MG-

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MS site (1320). The lowest level of species diversity was observed for the island

mangrove rhizosphere MG-DBI (1213 OTUs), and species diversity was significantly

(p≤0.05) lower for the island site compared to the coastal sites (Fig. 3). At the MG-DBI

site, Pseudoalteromonas tetraodonis (41.5±6.4%), unclassified Pseudoalteromonas spp.

(15.1±8.9), and Cobetia marina (9.3±6.4%) were present at a relatively higher

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abundance, but they were detected at significantly (p<0.05) lower levels of abundance

(<1%) at each of the coastal mangrove sampling sites (Fig. 4). At the MG-MS site

Oceanospirillum linum, Dehalococcoides spp., Sulfurovum spp., and Desulfobacterium

spp. were present at relatively higher levels of abundance compared with the MG-AR and

MG-DBI sites, while at the MG-AR site, Pseudomonas spp., Microcoleus spp., and

Alteromonas spp. were present at relatively higher abundance levels compared with the

MG-MS and MG-DBI sites. The Desulfosarcina spp. were dominantly present at levels

>5% for each of the studied sampling sites; 83 unique OTUs were present at MG-DBI,

135 at MG-MS, and 150 at MG-AR.

Alpha diversity analysis

Alpha diversity was estimated through rarefaction analysis, the Shannon index, and the

Chao1 index (Fig. 5). The lowest OTU richness was observed at the MG-DBI site, while

the highest Chao1 value was observed for the MG-AR site followed by the MG-MS and

MG-DBI sites. Rarefaction analysis indicated variation among the samples and showed

sufficient data coverage for diversity within the samples. The Shannon Wiener index,

calculated at 3% dissimilarity, showed the lowest value of evenness for the MG-DBI site

and the highest value of evenness for the MG-AR and MG-MS sites. The identified

OTUs from all sequence reads were compared using UPGMA distance matrix clustering

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analysis. The OTUs from MG-DBI at the species level were found to form a separate

cluster from those from MG-MS and MG-AR, and PCoA of the data clustered the MG-

MS and MG-AR species distantly from those found at the MG-DBI site (Fig. 6).

Pseudoalteromonas tetraodonis, Pseudoalteromonas spp., Cobetia marina, and

Pseudoalteromonas mariniglutinosa at the MG-DBI site and Desulfosarcina spp.,

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Oceanospirillum linum, Pseudomonas spp., and Microcoleus spp. at the MG-MS and

MG-AR sites were the species OTUs that mainly contributed to the separate clustering of

the coastal mangrove rhizospheres from the island rhizosphere.


Mangrove forests are ecologically important ecosystems that are under severe pressure

worldwide because of environmental changes and human activities, such as urban runoff,

wastewater, and municipal sewage (Holguin et al. 2006a). Earlier studies revealed that

anthropogenic activities affect the microbial communities present in the mangrove

sediment that are crucial for the health and balance of this ecosystem (Maliao and

Polohan 2008). In recent decades industrial activities and urban development have

significantly increased the quantities of waste, plastic debris, and other human litter along

the Red Sea coast of Saudi Arabia (Al-Obaid et al. 2016). This study reports for the first

time on the difference in bacterial community structure between anthropogenically

influenced coastal mangrove ecosystems and a relatively more pristine mangrove

ecosystem on an island in the Red Sea.

The analysis of mangrove sediments from the Red Sea using 16S rRNA gene amplicon

deep-sequencing grouped the bacterial community into 32 different phyla. Overall,

Proteobacteria were the most commonly identified, followed by Bacteroidetes,

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Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, Acidobacteria, Chloroflexi, Spirochaetes, Planctomycetes,

and Cyanobacteria. Consistent with our findings, these phyla have been commonly

observed in culture and nonculture studies of mangrove rhizospheres in different parts of

the world (Alzubaidy et al. 2016; Andreote et al. 2012; Basak et al. 2015b). In

comparison to a well-studied Brazilian mangrove ecosystem, an increased number of taxa

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and higher relative abundance of Proteobacteria were identified in the studied samples

from the Red Sea (dos Santos et al. 2011); however, the relative abundance of

Proteobacteria was significantly lower in the coastal mangrove sediments compared with

the relatively pristine island site MG-DBI. In agreement with earlier studies,

Gammaproteobacteria and Deltaproteobacteria were the dominant classes observed in the

studied samples (Alzubaidy et al. 2016; Andreote et al. 2012). Molecular analysis of

Chinese mangrove sediments showed that the largest part of their clone library was

composed of Gammaproteobacteria-affiliated sequences (Liang et al. 2007). The

identified predominant Gammaproteobacteria members are reported as active mediators

of the nitrogen, sulfur, and carbon cycles, indicating that these bacteria are probably

essential for the maintenance of mangrove ecosystems (Fernandes et al. 2014). At the

MG-DBI site, 59.9% of the Gammaproteobacteria were from the order Alteromonadales,

which were consisted mainly of the genus Pseudoalteromonas. Alteromonadales are

gram-negative bacteria mainly found in the marine environment (Bowman and

McMeekin 2005); Pseudoalteromonas tetraodonis was the dominant species detected

from this order. Further investigation is needed to elucidate the role of P. tetraodonis

within this particular mangrove ecosystem. We found relatively higher abundances of the

orders Oceanospirillales, Chromatiales, and Pseudomonadales at the anthropogenically

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influenced MG-MS and MG-AR sites compared with the relatively pristine MG-DBI site,

similar to the results previously reported by Fernandes et al. (Fernandes et al. 2014) for

the anthropogenically influenced Divar mangrove ecosystems in Goa, India. Previously,

members of the genera Marinobacter, Alcanivorax, and Pseudomonas have been

described as hydrocarbonoclastic (Fernandes et al. 2014), and those taxa were present at
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relatively higher abundances at the MG-MS and MG-AR sites than MG-DBI.

In this study, sequences belonging to Deltaproteobacteria and other sulfate-reducing

bacteria were commonly identified at all the sites, indicating importance of the sulfur

cycles in this ecosystem. However, the relative abundance of Deltaproteobacteria was

significantly increased in the coastal mangrove sediments. Consistent with our findings,

members from the orders Desulfobacterales and Desulfovibrionales were found to be

abundant in anthropogenically influenced and polluted sites in mangrove forests in São

Paulo and Goa, India (Fernandes et al. 2014; Varon-Lopez et al. 2014), where they were

associated with degradation of hydrocarbons and aromatic compounds (Muyzer and

Stams 2008). Members from the Desulfovibrionales order have been reported to be

strongly adapted to environmental stresses, such as oil and anthropogenic heavy metal

contamination (Muyzer and Stams 2008; Varon-Lopez et al. 2014). The unclassified

sulfate-reducing Desulfosarcina spp. from Deltaproteobacteria were commonly present in

each studied sample. Moreover, sequences affiliated with sulfate-reducing

microorganisms from other bacterial phyla such as Thermodesulfobacteria and

Nitrospirae (Thermodesulfovibrio spp.) were identified in this study but were not detected

in previous studies (Andreote et al. 2012; Fernandes et al. 2014). The genera

Marinobacterium and Marinobacter from Alteromonadales family were detected at

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relatively higher abundances in the Masthora site and have been previously reported from

oil-contaminated areas, including mangrove fields (dos Santos et al. 2011; Yakimov et al.

2005). Similarly, the abundance of Rhodobacterales in the Alphaproteobacteria was

increased at coastal sites that had previously experienced an oil spill on the Gulf coast

(Lamendella et al. 2014). The presence of such organisms and the shifts observed in these
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orders, along with location of the MG-MS and MG-AR sites near one of the largest oil

refineries at Yunbu, suggest the effects of oil contamination, together with other

anthropogenic activities and environmental factors on the coastal mangrove bacterial

communities in the Red Sea. In a recent study, Alzubaidy et al. also reported degradation

of aromatic compounds at apparently clean-looking coastal sites by the mangrove

rhizosphere microbiome present in the Red Sea (Alzubaidy et al. 2016).

In various studies, bacterial community enrichment is observed in coastal samples

because human industry is an additional source of nutrients (Fernandes et al. 2014;

Rigonato et al. 2013). In agreement with previous studies, relatively more orders and the

increased abundance of Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, and Acidobacteria

were found in the coastal mangrove sediments in this study. Bacteroidetes are very often

identified in near-shore sediments as well as in hydrocarbon-contaminated environments,

although only a few species have been confirmed as hydrocarbon degraders (Alzubaidy et

al. 2016). The increased abundance of Bacteroidetes in the rhizosphere of mangrove

fields and other plant species has been previously described (Gomes et al. 2010).

Actinobacteria are commonly reported in marine environments and have exceptional

metabolic and biodegradation capabilities, which may explain their enrichment at the

MG-MS and MG-AR sites (Andreote et al. 2012; Viggor et al. 2013). Viggor et al. found

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more Actinobacteria in an oil-treated microcosm experiment in Baltic Sea coastal

seawater (Viggor et al. 2013).

Cyanobacteria act as primary producers of carbon and nitrogen in nutrient-poor

ecosystems, and they play a critical role in sustaining productivity of mangrove

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ecosystems through photosynthesis (Rigonato et al. 2013). Cyanobacteria were detected

at significantly higher levels at the MG-AR coastal mangrove site compared with the

other sites, with the next highest levels observed at the other coastal site MG-MS. They

are autotrophic, with niche characteristics, and anthropogenic activities seem to perturb

the structure of a cyanobacterial community (Rigonato et al. 2013).

We also detected the phyla Ignavibacteriae, Thermotogae, Acetothermia, Fusobacteria,

and Saccharibacteria, which were not identified in previous 16S amplicon sequencing and

metagenomic studies conducted in mangrove fields in Brazil, the Red Sea, or any other

geographical region (Alzubaidy et al. 2016; Andreote et al. 2012; Fernandes et al. 2014).

Ignavibacteriae, Acetothermia, Fusobacteria, and Saccharibacteria members detected at

relatively higher abundance levels in the coastal samples have previously been reported

in high-temperature oil fields and in sewage samples or in association with cellulose

degradation (Hu et al. 2016; Kindaichi et al. 2016; Podosokorskaya et al. 2013). The

comparatively higher temperatures and constant solar irradiation at the studied sites in

Saudi Arabia may support the growth of thermophilic bacteria that have not been

reported in other studies.

In addition to anthropogenic activities, variation in environmental factors and the amount

of litter can influence the microbial community in mangrove rhizospheres (Pupin and

Nahas 2014). We physicochemically analyzed the sediment samples and found them to

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be slightly basic, with the observed pH values (8.08–8.2) being in the range of those

reported for mangrove rhizospheres on the Thuwal cost of the Red Sea in Saudi Arabia

(Alzubaidy et al. 2016). Similarly, the amount of OM and the salinity of the studied

samples were comparable to the values previously reported for the Red Sea (Alzubaidy et

al. 2016). However, variable concentrations of OM observed for different locations;

Can. J. Microbiol. Downloaded from by MacEwan University on 04/05/17

23.8–102.8 g kg−1 was reported in China and 27–36 g kg−1 in Sao Paulo, Brazil (Pupin

and Nahas 2014; Zhang et al. 2009). OM concentrations in the Red Sea are very low

compared with the generally observed medium and high OM content in this type of

ecosystem (Alzubaidy et al. 2016; Pupin and Nahas 2014). In this study, relatively high

levels of phosphorus were observed, particularly in the coastal MG-MS sediment. Pupin

and Nahas highlighted that physicochemical characteristics, together with the biological

activity of plant species, can regulate the composition of microbial communities (Pupin

and Nahas 2014). Gomes et al. evaluated bacterial community profiles for three sites

within Guanabara Bay in Brazil via denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, and they

found that each location produced a different community profile with different relative

contributions of bacterial groups, which highlighted the importance of site location to

explain microbial community profiles (Marcial Gomes et al. 2008). The researchers

emphasized that anthropogenic effects did not completely alter the dominant bacterial

groups, but they may cause an effect in conjunction with other environmental and

biological factors (Marcial Gomes et al. 2008). Although our analysis was limited to

single point sampling from three different locations in this study, the deep 16S amplicon

sequencing revealed higher bacterial diversity in the mangrove ecosystems of the Red

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Sea and an alteration in bacterial community composition as a result of recent

urbanization and industrialization of the Red Sea coast of Saudi Arabia.


We observed relatively increased and diverse bacterial community composition in the

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studied mangrove rhizospheres of Red Sea compared with other geographical regions.

Overall, distribution of the dominant OTUs varied by sampling site, and a relatively high

abundance of sulfate reducers was observed in coastal mangrove sediments. This finding

may be attributable to environmental factors and increased anthropogenic activities at the

coastal sites compared with the island site of Red Sea. Moreover, identification of

specifically enriched taxa at the studied sites such as Pseudoalteromonas and

Oceanospirillum provides a good starting point for further research to understand their

functions in the unusual extreme environment of the Red Sea and its associated mangrove



This project was funded by the National Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation

(MAARIFAH) - King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology - the Kingdom of

Saudi Arabia - award number (12-BIO3090-03). The authors also, acknowledge with

thanks Science and Technology Unit, King Abdulaziz University for technical support.

Declaration of competing interests

The authors declare no competing financial interests.

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Figure Legends

Figure 1. Average relative abundance of the dominant bacterial phyla. (A) The x-

axis shows the mangrove sampling sites, and the y-axis the average percentages of

sequence reads. The cutoff point for selecting the dominant phyla was set to ≥1%;
Can. J. Microbiol. Downloaded from by MacEwan University on 04/05/17

‘others’ indicates minor phyla. (B) Distribution of different classes of Proteobacteria at

each site. MG-DBI, Dhahban; MG-MS, Mastorah; MG-AR, Ar-Rayis.

Figure 2. Comparative analysis of the dominant and significantly different genera

among the different mangrove sites. The cutoff point for selecting the dominant phyla

was set to ≥1%. MG-DBI, Dhahban; MG-MS, Mastorah; MG-AR, Ar-Rayis.

Figure 3. Comparative analysis of cumulative species richness in the mangrove

rhizosphere at different sampling sites from the Red Sea. MG-DBI, Dhahban; MG-

MS, Mastorah; MG-AR, Ar-Rayis.

Figure 4. Phylogenetic heat map of the dominant and significantly different species

among the different mangrove sites. The cutoff point for selecting the dominant species

was set to ≥1%. MG-DBI, Dhahban; MG-MS, Mastorah; MG-AR, Ar-Rayis.

Figure 5. Alpha diversity of the sequence reads. Rarefaction curves of the

experimentally observed OTUs versus diversity estimated by Chao1. Boxplots of the

Shannon index. MG-DBI, Dhahban; MG-MS, Mastorah; MG-AR, Ar-Rayis.

Figure 6. Multivariate principal coordinate data analysis of bacterial communities

at the different sampling sites. The projecting vectors represent a mangrove site and its

variability. MG-DBI, Dhahban; MG-MS, Mastorah; MG-AR, Ar-Rayis.

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Fig. S1. Satellite map of the sampling location. MG-DBI, Dhahban; MG-MS,

Mastorah; and MG-AR, Ar-Rayis. Map and pictures were obtained from Google maps.

Fig. S2. Cytoscape based networks analysis of OTUs interaction at genus level. The

white circle nodes represent bacterial OTUs commonly found in respective samples and
Can. J. Microbiol. Downloaded from by MacEwan University on 04/05/17

connected with more than one edge. Unique bacterial OTUs to a specific sample were

linked with a respective sample node by single line.

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Table 1. Physicochemical parameters of sampling sites in this study.

Temp Salinity pH OM% TN% TP% K%

(ºC) (PSU)
Can. J. Microbiol. Downloaded from by MacEwan University on 04/05/17

MG- 31.7 17.8 ± 8.4 ± 0.1 5.8 ± 0.1 0.065 ± 0.057 ± 0.25 ±

DBI 1.9 0 0.01 0.01

MG-MS 33.4 19.2 ± 8.3 ± 0.1 6.3 ± 0.2 0.069 ± 0.13 ± 0.29 ±

1.6 0 0.01 0.02

Mg-AR 32.9 15.9 ± 8.5 ± 0.1 5.2 ± 0.2 0.064 ± 0.045 ± 0.27 ±

0.8 0 0.01 0.03

Abbreviations: PSU, practical salinity unit; OM, organic matter; TN, total nitrogen; TP,

total phosphorus; K, potassium; MG-DBI, Dhahban; MG-MS, Mastorah; MG-AR, Ar-


Table S1. A list of bacterial species recorded common at the three study sites.

Table S2. A list of bacterial species found in the anthropogenically influenced mangrove

rhizospheres at costal sites of the Red Sea.

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Figure 2. Comparative analysis of the dominant and significantly different genera among the different
mangrove sites. The cutoff point for selecting the dominant phyla was set to ≥1%. MG-DBI, Dhahban; MG-
MS, Mastorah; MG-AR, Ar-Rayis.

153x129mm (300 x 300 DPI)

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177x152mm (96 x 96 DPI)

sampling sites from the Red Sea. MG-DBI, Dhahban; MG-MS, Mastorah; MG-AR, Ar-Rayis.
Figure 3. Comparative analysis of cumulative species richness in the mangrove rhizosphere at different
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Figure 4. Phylogenetic heat map of the dominant and significantly different species among the different
mangrove sites. The cutoff point for selecting the dominant species was set to ≥1%. MG-DBI, Dhahban;
MG-MS, Mastorah; MG-AR, Ar-Rayis.

132x218mm (300 x 300 DPI)

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MG-AR, Ar-Rayis.

127x279mm (300 x 300 DPI)

Figure 5. Alpha diversity of the sequence reads. Rarefaction curves of the experimentally observed OTUs
versus diversity estimated by Chao1. Boxplots of the Shannon index. MG-DBI, Dhahban; MG-MS, Mastorah;
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Figure 6. Multivariate principal coordinate data analysis of bacterial communities at the different sampling
sites. The projecting vectors represent a mangrove site and its variability. MG-DBI, Dhahban; MG-MS,
Mastorah; MG-AR, Ar-Rayis.

254x190mm (96 x 96 DPI)

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