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Name :Liliy Amrina Harahap

Nim : 2191121022

Class : Dik19A

Subject : TEFL

1. Mention the emerging model of teacher

2. Analyze the different between KTSP and K13

3. Mention some issue about curicculum planning


1. In this chapter there are 2

 The on the job role model
 The role model as a teacher

2. Here are some differences between Curriculum 13 and KTSP. First, in the 2013 curriculum the
competency aspects of graduates balance soft skills and hard skills and knowledge. In contrast
to KTSP, it emphasizes more on knowledge. Second, in the 2013 curriculum the learning process
for each theme in SD and all subjects in SMP / SMA is carried out with a scientific approach,
which standards in the learning process contain storage, ask, present, summarize, and create.
While the standard in the learning process is learning from exploration, confirmation and
confirmation. Third, in the 2013 curriculum requests or majors are from class X but in KTSP it
starts at XI, in the 2013 curriculum Indonesian Language is a communication tool and a carrier of
knowledge. For SMP / SMA / SMK levels, while for KTSP Indonesian as knowledge, for SMP /
SMA / SMK levels
3. Some issue about curriculum planning below:
•Issues in curriculum development.
•Curriculum is outdated.
•Involvement of government officials.
•Lack of academic research.
•Absence of school teachers' involvement.
•Result of weak academic skills of researchers.

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