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‘Student Progress Examination (SPE) ENGLISH LANGUAGE YEAR 7&8 Section A Reading (10 marks) Read the passage below and answer the following questions. The Missing Textbook 1 The time was half past six in the moming. Hazim was still in a deep sleep. This was because he had watched football until three o'clock in the morning. Hazim's mother banged on his bedroom door. ‘Hazim, get up quickly! You will be late for school!’ she shouted. 2 His dream had come to an abrupt halt. He was no longer a world 5 famous footballer scoring goals against the best teams in the world. He felt cheated that his mother’s wake up call had brought him back down to earth and to another boring school day. 3 Hazim's mother had complained to him many times about watching football so late. She was worried that it was affecting his performance 10 at school. His latest report card had been very disappointing. 4 The sleepy boy rolled out of bed. He could barely open his eyelids and he felt as though he had no energy. He went downstairs to the kitchen for his breakfast. His mother told him to hurry up. He stuffed his egg sandwich into his mouth, washing it down with regular gulps of orange 15 juice. Feeling much better after this, he dashed back up to his bedroom to gather his things for school. He ran around looking for his Maths textbook. He couldn't find it anywhere. ‘The amah has misplaced my book again!’ he thought angrily 5 Just as he was about to ask the amah to look for his book, he heard 20 his father start the car outside. He had no choice but to pick up his schoolbag and sprint downstairs to catch his father before he left or he would have to walk to school. He shouted goodbye to his mother as he disappeared out the door. He jumped into the car just in the nick of time. 25 6 Afterwards, during his Maths lesson, his teacher asked Hazim where his textbook was. Hazim tried to explain that his amah had misplaced it but his teacher did not believe him. This was not the first time such a thing had happened and the teacher was tired of hearing the same old story from Hazim. He was given extra homework as a punishment and his 30 friends laughed at him. Hazim felt both ashamed and furious. 7 Later that afternoon Hazim returned home from school. He slammed the door behind him. Hazim’s mother looked at him in surprise. ‘What's the problem, Hazim?’ she asked. Student Progress Examination (SPE) ENGLISH LANGUAGE YEAR 7&8 8 Hazim pointed an accusing finger at the amah who was standing in the 35 kitchen cleaning the dishes. ‘She lost my textbook and | got into trouble with the teacher because of her!’ he cried. At that moment Hazim’s mother corrected him. She explained that he had left his book on the kitchen table after he had finished his breakfast. There was a short silence as Hazim mulled over what he would say next. He spluttered to 40 try and give an excuse but he knew it was no use. He felt acutely embarrassed and dropped his eyes to the floor. He had blamed the maid but it was his own fault. His mother ordered him to apologise immediately. ‘| think you have learnt some valuable lessons today!’ she added. 45 *amah means ‘maid’ ‘Student Progress Examination (SPE) ENGLISH LANGUAGE YEAR 7&8 From paragraph 1 1. What did Hazim watch on television? [1] 2. What time did Hazim's mother wake him up? f From paragraph 2 3. Hazim’s dream came to an ‘abrupt halt’ (line 5). This means that his dream came to an abrupt end. What word can replace abrupt? Choose the best answer and write the letter in the answer box. sudden sad slow happy (1) vow> From paragraph 4 4. Why did Hazim go back to his bedroom again? (1) 5. Who did Hazim blame for misplacing his textbook? (1) ‘Student Progress Examination (SPE) ENGLISH LANGUAGE YEAR 7&8 From paragraph 5 6. Circle the best answer, ‘true’ (T), ‘alse’ (F) or ‘no information’ (Nl) for each of the following statements. (a) Hazim asked the maid to look for his book. T/F/NI (b) He said goodbye to his mother before he left for school. | T | F | NI (c) Hazim walked to school. T| FIN 1] From paragraph 6 7. Why did the teacher not believe Hazim? [1] From paragraph 8 8. What does the word ‘she’ in line 38 refer to? (1) From the passage 9. Hazim ‘leamt some valuable lessons.’ (Line 45) (a) Write down what you think is the most valuable lesson he learnt. (b) Why do you think it is the most important? (2) ‘Student Progress Examination (SPE) ENGLISH LANGUAGE YEAR 7&8 Section B Creative Writing (20 marks) Write @ composition of 200-250 words on ONE of the following topics: 1. Write a story which includes the words, ‘When | opened the dusty old box | saw a map, a photograph and a key . 2, Describe your favourite place in Brunei Darussalam. You may include any of the following: where the place is what you can see there what you can do there why you like this place your own ideas ' 3. Write a story titled ‘Alone at home.’ 4, Describe your house. You may include any of the following: — type of house and where it is — how many rooms and what they are used for furniture and other things in the rooms what you like and do not like about your house — your own ideas 1 10

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