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Tungkung Langit and Alunsina (Dialouges)


Tungkung langit would bid goodbye to to alunsina. Then that’s where the spying begins.

Alunsina’s jelousy is cause by? She does not know tungkung langit well for her to trust

Tungkun langit seeks alunsina for him to be completed and not the other way around

Main topic for this quarrel is alunsina’s jelousy

Tungkung langit should be mahinahon, at first but. Alunsina should’ve committed something to make
him snap

Alunsina- at first should be sscared (deceiving) that she was the one who did it. Later on Tungkung langit
should get mad that he noticed she’s lying.

Alunsina finally should admit on why she’s jealous. (maybe try describing things that make women envy,
Like other goddesses, Decribe the regions in panay or the mountains as places where he would go)

Try cutting off the other person talking.

End with something that tungkung langit would regret.

Tungkung langit Returned to the highest realm to confront Alunsina’s actions. But at this point he’s
holding his temper down

*tungkung langit suddenly appears to their door step*

Alunsina: Oh Tungkung langit, how wondrous that you finally decided to appear after so long!

Tungkung Langit: Of course, I would come back, I told you I have to make sure that everything beneath
us is doing well. Did you think I was doing something more than that?

Alunsina: Well I don’t know? How could I know? You’ve never sent something to make me sure.

Tungkung Langit Ohhh… I get it now, So that’s why YOU were the one who sent me something instead!

Alunsina: What?! What are you implying?

Tungkung Langit: Don’t you remember?

Alunsina: Re-remember… I-I d-didn’t do anything, w-well maybe… I…

Tungkunglangit Langit: So, you do recall using your powers huh?

Alunsina: well, yes… you’ve been away for too long! How could I know? Maybe you were

Tungkung langit: Maybe I am what Alunsina?

Alunsina: That- That you were…

Tungkung langit: enchanting another goddess? Was that It? Was that the reason why the breeze
followed me?

Alunsina: I wanted to see if you’re really doing your job

Tungkung langit: If you really cared, why didn’t you just send yourself?! We’re you that lazy?! Also,
Doing my Job? I, out of all beings?! You know what I do, yet you’re questioning me!

Alunsina: Understand me too Tungkung Langit! I know I’m not as capable as you can be… It keeps going
through my mind that, “what if you’ve found someone’s who’s more capable than me?” Maybe in that
time you were away, you replaced me of someone who’s more diligent… A goddess that can tend
earthly things as you.

Tungkung Langit: Are you hearing yourself right now?! Do you actually think that there are other deities
in this realm other than us? Did you forget why I married you?!

Alunsina: How could I forget, I’m you’re only choice … how could I assure that you didn’t use me so
could assure regularity and order? Was that the reason Tungkung langit?

Tungkung Langit: You’re spitting nonsense! I took time to know you, years that took too long to court
you! To make sure I know and love you, for us to get married! Yet, you think of me as your deity that’s
scheming? Maybe you should tell that to yourself and not me!
Days went by, Alunsina was still waiting for Tungkung Langit. Until such time he finally appeared right in front of
their doorstep.

“Oh, Tungkung Langit, wonderful to grace me with your presence! I didn’t know you still wish to come
back,” she mockingly greets him.

“Of course, I would come back, I told you before I took off. That there are matters beneath our realm that
needed to be taken care of. Did you think that I was doing something more than that?” He grits back, while moving
forward towards their home.

Alunsina follows him from behind while she suddenly grabs the lord’s wrists.

“How could I know if you never sent me something?” She Challenges.

“ that’s why you sent something to me instead?” He fights back as he crossed his arms while he
stares her down.

“What are you implying?” She questioned. Taking her hands back as she hopes that her husband wouldn’t
mention the spying.

“Don’t you recall using you powers on me Alunsina?” He moves forward forcing Alunsina to look directly
in his eyes with his finger.

“Well I only did that because I-I thought y-you were…” She hesitantly replies.

“Were enchanting another goddess? Is that It? Was that the reason why you sent the breeze?” He irritably
continues. “You could’ve just visited me yourself! Or were you also that lazy?” while his hands turned to fist, his
anger was taking over his reason. This made his power appear, until he decides to hold it in… to let Alunsina
explain first.

“I’m afraid that you’d replace me!” She cries out, shaking Tungkung langit to understand her.

“Replace you? Nonsense! You’re too foolish! How could I replace you if you’re the only deity existing
with me?!” he reasons out. At this point Tungkung Langit’s anger made the sky so dark that stirred up a storm above
the heavens.

“You said it yourself, I’m you’re only choice! W-What if you only married so you could assure order and
regularity beneath us?” She questions while she shouts her frustration up on Tungkung Langit.

“Have a shame to yourself Alunsina! My powers have nothing to do with our marriage! Let alone our
love!” He replied. Tungkung Langit made lightning strike as their windows broken.

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