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College of Arts and Sciences

PACUCOA Re-accredited Level IV

Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Activity No. 6 in

Reading Activity

Name: ______________________________________ Score: _____________

Class Schedule: _____________ Date: ______________
Direction: Read the content in this link:

After reading the content, synthesize its thoughts through the following evaluative questions:

1. Based on the given literature, present pieces of evidence as to how human activities affect
the following biogeochemical processes:

a. carbon cycle;
b. nitrogen and phosphorous; and
c. sulfate aerosols.

2. Define the following terms and relate it in the context of biogeochemical processes:

a. sink
b. eutrophication
c. critical load
d. co-benefits

3. Based on the problems presented, what are the current actions of the following entities do to
alleviate the current conditions of the environment (research on specific regulations and
practices for each item):

a. international community?
b. national and local governments?
c. you, as an individual?

4. Based on the problems presented, what actions should of the following entities do more to
alleviate the current conditions of the environment:

a. international community?
b. national and local governments?
c. you, as an individual?

Gentle Reminder:

Please affix your references (books, journals, etc.) for your answer.

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