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1. How do you define yourself in terms of personality? Explain.

I define myself as a very serious person and somewhat angry but also a little
friendly and trustworthy with those who are my friends.
2. How do you behave with different groups of people? Provide an example.
YOUR I behave depending on the people who are either adults or young depending on
the situation but always with respect. for example at family parties or when he
PERSONALIT went out with friends at night.
3. Have you changed any aspect of your personality over the years?
Y Yes, I have changed my personality before, I was more social and much more
friendly, but now I am much more reserved and I trust people very little.
4. What negative aspect of your personality would you like to change? Why?
B1.2 – U4 I am very good with my personality but the only thing I would like to change is
PERSONALITY that I am too sharp with most people but without any intention of mine
5. How do you think your personality has affected your studies in a positive or
negative way?
I do not think that my way of being has affected my studies in a very significant
way, of course there will always be problems but not very bad.
1. What kind of friends do you like? Introverts or extroverts?
I can make friends with anyone as long as we understand each other, I don't
have a preference group in this sense.
OTHER 2. How do you feel with really extrovert people? Explain.
I would be rather strange because people who are very outgoing or very funny
INDIVIDUALS are not my type of people I feel a little upset.
3. How do you feel with very introvert people? Explain.
’ I would feel a little better with them because they are a little easier to deal with
without being very explosive in terms of mood.
4. How do you perceive personality as a means of
B1.2 – U4 I think that personality is a means of knowing with whom you have similar likes
PERSONALITY so that later you can get along.
5. Think about someone close you admire. Why do you think so?
I admire my father because he is a very serious person and quite intelligent in
almost any problem that he has to solve.
1. Do you like to hang out with introverts?
Yes, I would go out with introverted people, I think I would even get along better
2. Do you like to study with introverts?
Yes, I would study with introverted people because it would be easier to
INTROVERTS concentrate.
3. Does the world need introverts?
I believe that the world needs a little of everything but it would not be what it is
B1.2 – U4 today.
4. Why do you think introverts find it hard to express themselves?
PERSONALITY I think it is difficult for them to express themselves because they are not very
sure of themselves
5. Talk about an introvert you love or like.
At the moment I have no romantic interest of any kind for anyone.
1. Do you like to hang out with extroverts?
Yes, I would like to go out with extroverts because they will be much more
friendly and happy
2. Do you like to study with extroverts?
Yes, I would like to study with extroverts because you never get bored of
EXTROVERTS studying.
3. Does the world need extroverts?
I believe that the world needs a little of everything but it would not be what it is
B1.2 – U4 today.
PERSONALITY 4. Why do you think extroverts find it easy to express themselves?
It is easier for them to express themselves because they believe in themselves
and that makes them more open with everything else.
5. Talk about an introvert you love or like.
At the moment I have no romantic interest of any kind for anyone.
1. Do you see yourself as a narcissist?
Yes, and I think a lot
PERSONALIT 2. “Optimists live longer” Do you agree or disagree with that?
I think that they do because they always want to see the positive side of life and
Y TRAITS overcome their abversities.
3. Are you mostly an optimistic, pessimistic, or realistic person? Give an
B1.2 – U4 I consider myself realistic because you can't always see only the good or the
PERSONALITY bad in the world, I always stay in a neutral state.
4. What’s your biggest dream?
My biggest dream is to be able to finish my career and travel the world.
5. What’s your biggest fear?
My biggest fear would be losing my family since they are the ones who always
help me to keep going.

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