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English Department LES. Les Alfabegues Beétera eady for selectvidad Improve your reading and writing skils. | Increase your vocabulary. Name we son CASS: ‘School year: 2008-09 INDEX Pages 1-18 TEXTS (P.A.U. Type) ‘London transport” ‘Supermaket tricks’ “Yes, you can improve your memory’ “Feng Shui’ ‘Are you superstitious?” “The Tower of London’ ‘Food in Scotland’ ‘The Enigma machine’ “Genetic engineering’ “Waste recycling in Europe’ “Bridging the generation gap’ ‘Buried treasure’ ‘Changes at McDonald’s? “British pastimes’ ‘Stonehenge’ ‘Death by advertising’ “Where have all the heroes gone’ ‘The Mona Lisa’ Pages 19-31 LA REDACCION * Estrategias © Conectores © Expresiones iitiles * ‘False friends’ Pages 32-43 VOCABULARY 32, 33. 34. 35. 36, 37, 38. 39. 40. 41. 22. 4B. 44. 45. DESCRIBING PEOPLE BODY AND HEALTH FOOD AND DIET SPORT WORK HOLIDAYS AND SIGHTSEEING TOWN AND COUNTRY THE ENVIRONMENT MONEY THE ARTS EDUCATION CRIME AND PUNISHMENT PHRASAL VERBS COMMON VERB PHRASES Part A. Reading Comprehension. Read the following text: LONDON TRANSPORT ‘The London Underground, or ‘tube! as it is olten known, was the world's first urban underground railway. It began operating in 1863. when the Metropolitan Railway opened a line between Paddington and Farringdon. Even in those days, before the invention of the motor car, there were lots of traffic problems in the ciiy caused by horse-drawn vehicles. It was as a result of many complaints from frustrated travellers that the Underground was built. The new transport service was lan immediate success, although a lot of people didn't find it very comfortable: the trains were steam-operated and must have been very hot and smelly, not at all like today's electrically operated trains. Another key form of public transport in London are the familiar double-decker buses, and no visit to the city would be complete without a trip on one. The most famous design, with an open passenger platform at the back of the bus, dates back to the 1950s, although now they are gradually being replaced with more modern types with the entrance at the front. London's buses carry a total of four million passengers every day, and bus routes cover over 1,800 miles of the capital's roads. No conversation about London's transport system would be complete without ‘mentioning the prices: they are very expensive! So i you go to Londen, enjoy the tube and the double-deckers ... but bring lots of money with you! |. Answer the following questions using your own words but taking into account the information in the text (2 points: 1 point each) a, Why was the Underground considered uncomfortable at the beginning? b. What is one of the most important differences between old and new double-decker buses? Il, Are the following statements true (T) or false (F)? Identify the part of the text that supports your answer by copying the exact words on the answer sheet: (1.5 point: 0.5 each) a, The Underground was a complete failure in 1863. . Double-decker buses disappeared in the fities, . London's buses carty four million passengers everyday. Ill, Find a synonym for each of the four words below from these six options: (1 point: 0.25 each) complaints frustrated success steam trip dates. a. vapour b. favourable outcome c. protests 4. thwarted, dissatisfied IV. Choose a, b, or ¢, in each question below. Only one choice is correct (1.5 points: 0.5 each) 1. Cars were invented a) before the London Underground opened. b) after the London Underground opened. ¢) in 1863, when the London Underground first operated. 2. The underground in London a) was even successful when the trains were stearn-operated b) has never been successful c) has been successtul very recently. 3, One of the problems of London's transport system is that a) trains are steam-operated, b) itis incomplete. ©) prices are very expensive. Part B. Composition (130-150 words approximately). Choose one of the following topics (4 points) 1. What are the main advantages and disadvantages of public transport? 2, What is your favourite means of transport’? Part A. Reading Comprehension. Read the following text: SUPERMARKET TRICKS Have you ever wondered why Some stores smell of fresh bread? I's because i's such a tempting ‘smell and you always end up buying an extra loaf or cake. I's well-known in the food industry that smell is the most powerful of human senses when it comes to influencing our choice of where we shop and what we buy. And what about those supermarkets that play music all the time? In fact, it's ‘a way of increasing their profits by making us stay longer in the store and thus spending more money. They play slow waltzes or light classics on quiet days, to keep customers browsing, but at busier times they'll increase the tempo to encourage customers to move more quickly through the store. Supermarkets. often change their layout. This is yet another way of getting you to spend more money. it makes you buy things you thought you didn't need, Supermarkets make most of their money from fresh food and ‘luxury’ snacks and far ‘ess on essentials like milk, sugar and bread. Consequently, everyday items are scattered around the store Decause in order to get to trom, you have to pass the ‘high earners’ and will probably be termpted by them. So, as you see, supermarkets play psychological ‘tricks’ on us so that we will spend more money when we are shopping. There is nothing we can do about it. We are at their mercy afterall, we are the consumer society! |. Answer the following questions using your own words but taking into account the information in the text (2 points: 1 point each) a, Why do supermarkets play different music on quiet and busy days? b. Why are “essentials” scattered in different locations around stores? I. Are the following statements true (7) or false (F)? Identify the part of the text that supports your answer by copying the exact words on the answer sheet: (1.5 point: 0.5 each) a, Smell is the most influential of all senses when shopping, . Supermarkets play music to make us spend more money. . Supermarkets change their layout to make us fee! at home, Ill. Find a synonym for each of the four words below from these six options: (1 point: 0.25 zach) profits store layout juxury tricks mercy a. stratagems b. delight, delicacy ©. benefits 4G. arrangement 1V. Choose a, b, or c, in each question below. Only one choice is correct (1.5 points: 0.5 each) 1. Stores smell of fresh bread to make you a) buy more bread. b) use your senses better. ) wonder why fresh bread smells so good 2, Supermarkets play music because a) people love music. b) music makes people stay longer. () music influences our choice. 3. Supermarkets make most of their money from a) milk, sugar and bread b) fresh bread. 0) fresh food and snacks. Part B. Composition (130-150 words approximately). Choose one of the following topics (4 points) 1. Have you ever wondered why stores change items and place them in different places so frequently? 2. Have you ever bought items you didn't need? Part A. Reading Comprehension. Read the following text: YES, YOU CAN IMPROVE YOUR MEMORY! ‘Are you always losing things or forgetting the books you need for school. Perhaps you do badly in exams because you can't remember facts and figures or words and structures in a foreign language. Relax! Help is close at hand. There is a tremendous range of methods to improve your memory. Normal, healthy people can improve thelr memories very easily. First of al, learn to relax if you'r trying to memorise something. You may miss important items if your mind is preoccupied, or if you aren't paying attention because you are anxious. You retain information best when you are alert and concentrating. If you are having trouble concentrating, increase the flow of oxygenated blood to the brain; try to combine study with exercise. Keep your mind fit as well as your body by doing mental workouts. Crosswords and quizzes increase mental fitness. You can aiso train your memory in certain ways. The ancient Greeks invented a memory device called a mnemonic, and it siill works today. The mnemonic involves associating the things you want to remember with information you already have safely stored in your head. The most effective memory techniques make use of visual imagery, smell, touch and sound. Remember a person's name by associating the first leter oftheir name with something about them, for example Bill's got a beard or Tim is very tall. Hopefully, following a few of these simple exercises, you will really notice an improvement in what you can remember! |. Answer the following questions using your own words but taking into account the information in the text (2 points: 1 point each) ‘a. Why is blood so important when trying to remember information? b. What does a “mnemonic” consist of? II. Are the following statements true (T) or false (F)? Identify the part of the text that supports your answer by copying the exact words on the answer sheet: (1.5 point: 0.5 each) a. The amount of techniques to improve memorisation is huge. b. Greek scientists have very recently discovered a device called "mnemonic’ c. Memory techniques do not make use of senses. Ill, Find a synonym for each of the four words below from these six options: (1 point: 0.25 each) » figures healthy flow quizzes mental_ stored a. psychological b. stream general knowledge tests d. numbers: IV. Choose a, b, or ¢, in each question below. Only one choice is correct (1.5 points: 0.5 each) 1. Relaxation makes you a) miss important information ) increase the amount of blood. ©) concentrate more easily 2, Mental workouts include exercises such as a) crosswords, quizzes, mnemonics, visual imagery, smell, touch, sound, and some other. b) crosswords, quizzes, mnemonics, but never visual imagery, smell, touch and sound, ©) visual imagery, smell, touch and sound but not crosswords, quizzes and mnemonics, 8. The device called “mnemonic” relates, for example, people's names to a) their personal characteristics b) their jobs and how peopie work. c} smell, couch and sound. Part 8. Composition (130-150 words approximately). Choose one of the following topics (4 points) 4. Describe what strategies you use to study and remember information 2. Why do you think people find concentration so difficult? Part A. Reading Comprehension. Read the following text: FENG SHUI ‘The ancient Chinese practice of Feng Shui has become very popular in the western world. It affects the way people organize their homes and offices, and even the type of houses they buy. Feng Shui ‘means 'wind and water’, The practice of Feng Shu! is said to help us cantrol our surroundings in order to bring health, happiness and success into our lives. In order to understand Feng Shui it is necessary to understand the Chinese belief in the existence of two opposing forces ot nature, Yin and Yang, which also complement each other, and Chi, which is the energy and life force that ows around the earth. Good Feng Shui can be created by allowing the flow of Chi to pass gently in curves, it must not be impeded or allowed to move too quickly. The interior design and decoration of the house is very important in influencing the flow of Chi. A room with only one door allows Chi to flow gently round it, provided there are ret too many objects in the room. And of course, the arrangement of furniture and plants is extremely important. People who follow the principles of Feng Shui ask experts to survey a house they are considering buying. They will not buy a house that has bad Feng Shui even though the house may be perfect in all other respects. Those who afe sceptical about Feng Shui say that its principles are just a question of common sense. Nevertheless, those who genuinely believe in it are convinced that it has changed their lives for the better. 1. Answer the following questions using your own words but taking Into account the information in the text (2 points: 4 point each) ‘2, What isthe most important objective of "Feng Shui"? b: Why are “Chi and "Feng Shui" related? Il. Are the following statements true (T) or false (F)? Identify the part of the text that supports your answer by copying the exact words on the answer sheet: (1.5 point: 0.5 each) ‘a. The meaning of "Feng Shui” in Chinese is health, happiness and success. b. The flow of "Chi" is very important when decorating a house. c. People who like "Feng Shui” always take into account its principles before buying a house. Ill, Find a synonym for each of the four words below from these six options: (1 point: 0.25 each) western belief energy decoration survey _ sceptical a. inspection, examination b. occidental ¢. incredulous faith, trust IV. Choose a, b, or c, in each question below. Only one choice is correct (1.5 points: 0.5 each) 1. "Feng Shui" is considered to give a) wind and water. b) health, happiness and success. ©) understanding of how oppasing forces of nature work 2, Furniture and plants a) are extremely important in Feng Shui b) are never used in Feng Shui ©) represent “Yin” and "Yang 3, People who believe in "Feng Shui" 4) would never buy a houses with bad "Feng Shui’ ) may buy a house with bad "Feng Shui” if perfect in other aspects, ©} like houses full of plants and furniture. Part B. Composition (130-150 words approximately). Choose one of the following topics (4 points) 4.Desctibe your room or the place where you usually work. Do you think it follows the rules of "Feng Shui"? Give reasons, 2._Do you think decoration and furniture are important in a house? Part A. Reading Comprehension. Read the following text: ARE YOU SUPERSTITIOUS? There are many superstitions in Britain, and one of the most common ones is that itis unlucky to walk under a ladder, even ifit means stepping off the pavement into a busy street! It you rust pass under a ladder, you can avoid bad luck by crossing your fingers and keeping them crossed until you see a dog. Alternatively, lick your finger and make a cross on the toe of your shoe, and do not look at the shoe again until the mark has dried. Another common superstition is that itis unlucky to open fan umbrella indoors: it wil either bring misfortune to the person that opened it or to someone in the iamily. And don't open your umbrella in fine weather, as you don't want it fo rain! The number 13 is said to be unlucky for some, and its especially unlucky when the 13th day of the month tals on a Friday. However, the worst misfortune is when you break a mirror ~it brings seven years of bad luck! The superstition is supposed to nave originated in ancient times, when mirrors were considered to be the instruments of the gods. Fortunately, there are some lucky superstitions too! Black cats are considered to be lucky. Its especially lucky if a black cat crosses your path. Finally, a commonly held superstition is that of touching wood for luck. You usually do this it yows think you have said something that is tempting fate, such as My car has never broken down, touch wood! 1, Answer the following questions using your awn words but taking into account the information in the text (2 points: 1 point each) a. What might happen if you opened an umbrella indoors in good weather? 'b, What is the unlickiest superstition and what is the most probable explanation? Il. Are the following statements true (T) or false (F)? Identify the part of the text that supports your answer by copying the exact words on the answer sheet: (1.5 point: 0.5 each) a. You can avoid misfortune by crossing your fingers until you see a dog, b, Number 13 is a favourable number. c. Black cats bring misfortune, Il. Find a synonym for each of the four words below from these six options: (1 point: 0.25 each) ladder lick indoors misfortune mirror fate a. inside a house b. destiny . pass the tongue over d. bad luck IV. Choose a, b, or c, In each question below. Only one choice is correct (1.5 points: 0.5 each) 1. Walking under a ladder is considered a) a very lucky Superstition b) an unlucky superstition. «} unlucky unless you see a dog 2. Breaking a mirror brings you a) seven years of joy and happiness. b) seven years of peace. ) seven years of misfortune. 9. Black cats represent a) a lucky superstition, b) avery unlucky superstition. 6) one of the worst misfortunes. Part 8. Composition (130-150 words approximately). Choose one of the following topics (4 points) 1. Are you superstitious? Explain and give reasons. 2. Describe some of the superstitions you know. Part A. Reading Comprehension. Read the following text: THE TOWER OF LONDON ‘The Tower of London is one of the most popular and imposing of London's historical sites. It consists of not one, but 20 towers, the oldest being the White Tower, which dates back to the 11th century and the time of William the Conqueror. The Tower's evil reputation as a prison ensures that it remains a much- Visited tourist attraction today. Many stories associated with British history come from the Tower. In 1483, for example, King Edward IV's two sons were murdered in the so-called Bloody Tower, and over two centuries later the skeletons of two litte boys were found buried under the steps in the White Tower. It is assumed that they were the bodies of the litle princes. The Tower is also famous as the home of the Crown Jewels. They inciude the Crown of Queen Elizabeth Il which contains the famous Indian diamond, the Koh-i:noor: and also Saint Edward's Crown, which is used for the actual crowning of the Sovereign and weighs over two kilograms. No visit to the Tower would be complete without seeing the ravens, huge black birds that are an official part of tne Tower community. There is a legend that says that if the ravens were to leave the Tower, the Monarchy in Britain would fall, thus destroying the country. There is a special Raven Master wiio looks after the birds. They have a daily diet of raw ‘meat paid for out of a special fund set aside by Parliament. However, there is no danger of the birds flying away as their wings are clipped |. Answer the following questions using your own words but taking into account the information in the text (2 points: 1 point each) a. What happened with Edward IV's two sons? . What might happen if the ravens left the Tower? Il. Are the following statements true (T) or false (F)? Identify the part of the text that supports your answer by copying the exact words on the answer sheet: (1.5 point: 0.5 each) a. Very few people visit the Tower every year. . Two princes were buried in the Bloody Tower. c. The ravens eat raw meat everyday. il, Find a synonym for each of the four words below from these six options: (1 point: 0.25 each) » evil skeletons huge crowning ravens __ clipped a. crows b. bad, wicked c. cut, trimmed d. very big IV. Choose a, b, or ¢, in each question below. Only one choice is correct (1.5 points: 0.5 each) 1. The Tower is also famous because a) the Monarchy was destroyed here. b) the Crown Jewels are kept here. ¢) Queen Elizabeth lives in one of the towers. 2, British kings and queens are crowned with a) the Crown of Elizabeth I ) the Kon-\-noor. ©) Saint Edward's Crown, 3, Ravens are daily fed by a) the Raven Master. b) the Members of Parliament. ©} the Parliament Master. Part B. Composition (130-150 words approximately). Choose one of the following topics (4 points) 1. Have you ever visited a historical monument? What did you like and dislike about your visit? 2. It you had the opportunity to travel and visit a historical site, what place/site would you like to visit? 6 Part A. Reading Comprehension. Read the following text: FOOD IN SCOTLAND If you're lacking for hot, filing food, then Scotland is the place for you. It has some of the most distinctive regional dishes in Britain, many of them keeping their original Gaelic or local names. The most famous Scottish food is Haggis. Haggis is definitely not a dish for the vegetarian crowd as it contains sheep's stomach, heart and lungs. Anyone thinking of trying haggis should also bear in mind that its rich taste is not to the liking of everyone. Haggis is a good example of a traditional boiled pudding, as it uses many ingredients which are in reality leftovers from other dishes. Another boiled pudding from Scotland is the sweet dumpling, filled with dried fruit and spices. The whole dish is boiled in a cloth bag. Soups are also a very Scottish tradition. Scotch broth, which was once popular throughout Britain, is a soup thickened with cereal. The practice of adding cereals to soup to make a more nourishing meal has mostly disappeared in England. The Scots also have their own particular methods of cooking potatoes. ‘Stovies' are made by frying onions and meat, then adding thinly sliced potato, covering everything with water and then boiling until soft. They are another dish designed to use up leftover vegetables and meat, Of course, no discussion of Scottish food would be complete without a mention of salmon, This fish still conjures up images of fishermen in the Highlands with flasks of whisky, taking home huge salmon to cook fresh or to smoke, 1. Answer the following questions using your own words but taking into account the information in the text (2 points: 1 point each) a, Why is Haggis not appropriate for vegetarian people? b. Are leftovers part of Scottish cuisine? Il. Are the following statements true (T) or false (F)? Identify the part of the text that supports your answer by copying the exact words on the answer sheet: (1.5 point: 0.5 each) a. Haggis and sweet dumpling are, in fact, lwo examples of boiled pudding , Cereals make a meal much more nourishing c. "Stovies” are made with potatoes, onions, meat, vegetables, salmon and water, Il. Find a synonym for each of the four words below from these six options: (1 point: 0.25 each) pudding filling spices dish nourishing flasks a. nutritious b. bottles, containers . seasoning d. substantial and satisfying IV. Choose a, b, or ¢, in each question below. Only one choice is correct (1.5 points: 0.5 each) 4, Scottish cuisine has got 2} lols of French dishes with focal names b) ios of local dishes with local names. 6) lots of local dishes with French names. 2. Boiled pudding is made with a) leftovers b) a cloth bag and sweet dumpling, ©) broth, 3. Scoteh broth is a) a kind of soup with cereals. b) only made with potatoes. ©) made with onions and meat boiled unti soft Part B. Composition (130-150 words approximately). Choose one of the following topics (4 points) 4, What is your favourite food? 2. Do you like trying exotic meals and cuisines? Part A. Reading Comprehension. Read the following text: THE ENIGMA MACHINE It is common knowledge that the discovery of radar gave the British a decisive advantage in the Second World War since it acted as an early-warning system, enabling military intelligence to detect the position of enemy airplanes and submarines. Fewer people know, however, about the crucial role played by the Enigma machine. ‘Enigma’ was the name given to the German military coding system used to direct ships, submarines and armies. It used machines similar to typewriters to code and decode messages. Unknown to the Germans, in 1939 two Enigma devices were handed to British intelligence agents by the Polish, The machines were then examined by specialists at Bletchely Park, a code-breaking centre near London. According to the British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, the possession of the Enigma machine shortened the war by two years since the German command did not know its messages were being intercepted and decoded, For reasons which still remain unclear, one of these machines was stolen from the museum in Bletchley in April 2000. In October a ransom note for £25,000 was sent, along with a threat that the machine would be destroyed if the money was not paid before a deadline. The estate said it had agreed to pay the ransom, but the money was never handed over, and the mystery deepened when the machine was sent to the BBC. While experts say that the stolen machine was worth about £100,000, its historical value is impossible to estimate |. Answer the following questions using your own words but taking into account the information in the text (2 points: 1 point each) ‘a. Would the war have been longer if the Enigma machines had not been given to the British? b. Did the Germans have special machines to code and decode messages? 1. Are the following statements true (7) or false (F)? Identify the part of the text that supports your answer by copying the exact words on the answer sheet: (1.5 point: 0.5 each) a. The Polish gave the British two Enigma machines. b. Being able to decode the messages contributed toward shortening the war. c. The ransom to recover the Enigma machine was paid by the BBC. Ill, Find a synonym for each of the four words below from these six options: (1 point: 0.25 each) direct agents shortened stolen ransom estimate a. guide b. reduced robbed 4. estimate IV. Choose a, b, or c, in each question below. Only one choice is correct (1.5 points: 0.5 each) 1. The Enigma machine played an important role. a) in World War I b) in Poland, ) in London. 2. The Germans used special machines a) to code their messages. b) to break British codes ©) to decode British intelligence. 3. An Enigma machine was stolen a) from the BBC in 2000. b) from a museum in England. ) from the Germans in 2000. n (130-150 words approximately). Choose one of the following topics (4 1, What can be done to prevent wars? 2. What can be the consequences of war? Part A. Reading Comprehension. Read the following text: GENETIC ENGINEERING The advances of modern medicine can produce miracle cures and bring hope to many sufferers. Some: groups, owevar, are worried about the moral and ethical consequences of certain developments, particularly where genetic engineering is concerned, A recent case has highlighted this dilemma. Adam Nash was created from an embryo chosen from twelve, developed from in-vitro fertilisation from his mother Lisa's eggs. He was selected so that he could act as a donor for his seriously ill sister, Molly, who suffers from a rare genelic disorder. Only cells from a very close relative, such as a biether ar sister, are effective for this treatment, Adam's embryo wes selected after genetic screening for the disease and for compatibility with Molly. One embryo, which tested postive, was destroyed and the rest were frozen. Alter his birth, cells were taken from Adam and transplanted in Molly, and they have begun to revive her bone marrow. This groundbreaking, but controversial experiment, has been criicised by some groups who argue that it represents the first step towards ‘designing’ babies, but Mrs Nash argued that Molly recovery was reason enough to continue with research. "The other night, we were playing in her room and a song came on and she started dancing,’ she said. ‘And that was when we knew that this was the right thing to do. In this case, as in many others, itis ultimately up to the individual to decide what the correct course of action is |. Answer the following questions using your own words but taking into account the information in the text (2 paints: 1 point each) a. How can genetic engineering help to prevent certain hereditary diseases? b. Why do some people criticise genetic engineering? Il. Are the following statements true (T) or false (F)? Identity the part of the text that supports your answer by copying the exact words on the answer sheet: (1.5 point: 0.5 each) a. Genetic engineering was developed to help Molly. b. Molly recovered after a transplant of cells from her brother Adam, c. Molly suffered from a genetic disease. t: 0.25 UL Find a synonym for each of the four words below from these six options: (1 p« each) worried highlighted _— selected _ fertilisation rare experiment a. preoccupied b. chosen . strange d. research IV. Choose a, b, or ¢, in each question below. Only one choice is correct (1.5 points: 0.5 each) 1. Only cells from a close relative 2) could help Molly recover. b) could be screened for compatibility, ) could be teozen 2, Genetic engineering can bring hope to. a) all seriously il people. 'b) some people with certain ilinesses. ©) sufferers of illnesses, 3. Adam’s embryo was. a) compatible with Molly's mother. ») incompatible with Molly ©) screened for compatibility with Molly. Part B. Composition (130-150 words approximately). Choose one of the following topics (4 points) 41. What do you think of genetic engineering? 2. Can genetic engineering contribute to the advancement of mankind? Explain why. Part A. Reading Comprehension. Read the following text: WASTE RECYCLING IN EUROPE Britain may have been the leader in the Industrial Revolution in the nineteenth century, but it is definitely in the second division when it comes to the modern problem of how to deal with waste. In the 90s Britain's reputation was so bau that it came to be called the ‘dirty man of Europe’, It only stopped dumping rubbish in the North Sea a few years ago under intense international pressure. While Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands lead the way with recycling, composting and using waste to generate energy, the UK still buries waste. Apart from the long-term ecological disaster which Britain could be facing, i is also failing to take advantage of the opportunity to create thousands of new jobs. Not for the first time in its history, Britain is suffering from a lack of political will, and the temptation to adopt the easy solution - ots of big holes in the ground. In contrast, Switzerland is a country with almost no land space available ané na sea to dump things in. By 1995 the Swiss were already recycling 31% of their waste, composting another + \% and burning 45% to make energy. The rest of the rubbish ~ a mere 13% - is buried. Compare that to the situation in the UK where at the end of last year only 8% of waste was recycled, 8% bumed to make electricity and - in a nation of gardeners - only 1% composted to improve the soil |. Answer the following questions using your own words but taking into account the information in the text (2 points: 1 point each) a. Why doesn't Britain recycle its rubbish? b. Why do the Swiss lead the way in recycling waste? Il. Are the following statements true (T) or false (F)? Identify the part of the text that supports your answer by copying the exact words on the answer sheet: (1.5 point: 0.5 each) a. In Switzerland only 13% of iis waste is buried . Not recycling waste could mean an ecological disaster for Britain. ©. The UK stil Gumps waste in the North Sea. Ill, Find a synonym for each of the four words below from these six options: (1 point: 0.25 each) rubbish energy create almost dump improve a. nearly bo. throw out ©. generate d. enhance a quailty IV. Choose a, b, or o, in each question below. Only one choice is correct (1.5 points: 0.5 each) 1. Recycling is a modern method to 2) burn rubbish b) reuse waste. ©) dump waste. 2, Some European countries recycle up to a) 18% of their waste. b) 119 of their waste 0) 31% of their waste 3. Some countries used to dump their waste. a) in the sea ) in big holes in the mountain ©} in compost heaps. Part B. Composition (130-150 words approximately). Choose one of the following topics (4 points) 1. Do you think we should recycle waste? Why? 2. How can we contribute towards ecology? 10 Part A. Reading Comprehension. Read the following text: BRIDGING THE GENERATION GAP Doug Tipper used to be a miner and then he worked in the ceramics industry. Now, he is retired land in his second year as a volunteer mentor for children. His work with the Beth Johnson Foundation, he says, helps bulld bridges between the younger and older generations The inter {generational activities involving older people and school children ave just one of the projacts run by the foundation, which is aiso involved in other community services. Both the mentors and the students involved in the scheme benefit from the contact between them. Children are very respectful and interested in what the older generations can teach them about the past, and the relited people get a lot out of it too - Doug has learnt how to use a computer. Overall, there are ‘more than 150 volunteers working directly for the foundation on a range of projects involving people aged over 50. Doug's work is based on the belief that if younger and older generations are brought, together in positive ways, then barriers and misunderstandings between them disappear. Many of the volunteers initially have doubts about whether they can make a useful contribution. However, they soon find that the children have got the same aspirations as they had as youngsters and that they actually have a fot in common. in an age where too many retired people feel ignored and undervalued, the Beth Johnson Foundation provides a model for others to emulate, "to account the |. Answer the following questions using your own words but taking Information in the text (2 points: 1 point each) a. How do children reac! to retired people who act as mentors? b. What are the aims of the Foundation’s inter-generational activities? Il, Are the following statements true (T) or false (F)? Identify the part of the text that supports your answer by copying the exact words on the answer sheet: (1.5 point: 0.5 each} ‘a. Doug Tipper is founder of the Beth Johnson Foundation, . The Foundation tries to bridge the gap between generations. c. The foundation has over 150 people working voluntarily, il, Find a synonym for each of the four words below from these six options: (1 point: 0.25 each) retired younger scheme range belie emulate a. conviction b. variety . programme ¢. imitate IV. Choose a, b, or ¢, in each question below. Only one choice is correct (1.5 point: each) 1. Barriers and misunderstandings can disappear. a) by building bridges. b) by generating gaps between bridges. ©) by bridging the age gap between generations. 2, The volunteers participating in this scheme are called a) mentors. ') workers, ©) students. 3. The Beth Johnson Foundation a) is involved in several community services, ) only has one scheme. ©) was created to help ignored and undervalued people Part 8. Composition (130-150 words appro» points) 1, Whal sort of things can we learn from our elders? 2. What do you think about working as a volunteer in community services? ately). Choose one of the following topics (4 1 Part A. Reading Comprehension. Read the following te: BURIED TREASURE Most people think that a buried treasure is a very romantic notion, something that only occurs in novels, not in real life, Sometimes, however, truth can be stranger than fiction... One hundred and seventy-eight years ago, the Tek Sing set sail from China for Java with more than 200 crew members, 1,600 passengers, and a very special cargo. The ship never arrived at its destination Several weeks into the journey, it struck rocks and sank, throwing most of the passengers overboard. The exact location of the wreck was never established. Then, in 1999, an Australian, Mike Hatcher, discovered a large mound of mud about 30 metres below the surlace of sea near where the ship was supposed to have gone down. Mike and his team soon realised that this mound was in fact a graveyard - the final resting place of the Tek Sing and her contents. Inside the mound investigators found a wealth of cargo, including watches, cannons, coins, candlesticks and 350,000 pieces of Chinese porcelain, much of it in pristine condition. After being shown in exhibitions in five different countries, the porcelain treasures are being sold in a German auction that will be held simultaneously over the Internet. Many of the porcelain pieces, including cups, plates, bowls, pots and vases, are blue and white and have identical decorations, which makes them especially valuable 10 collectors. They are expected to fetch anywhere from $80 to $5,000 or $6,000 apiece, |. Answer the following questions using your own words but taking into account the information in the text (2 points: 1 point each) ‘a. What made Mike Hatcher find the sunken ship? b. What treasures were found in the sunken ship? II. Are the following statements true (T) or false (F)? Identify the part of the text that supports, your answer by copying the exact words on the answer sheet: (1.5 point: 0.5 each) ‘a, When the ship sank it only carried cargo. b. The ship was heading for China, c. Some of the porcelain pieces found in the ship are collector's items, Il. Find a synonym for each of the four words below from these six options: (1 point: 0.25 each) notion occurs journey struck candlesticks valuable a. idea b. hit . happens tip 20.5 IV. Choose a, b, oF ¢, in each question below. Only one choice is correct (1.5 point each) 1, The Tek Sing wreck a) rested undersea for over a century. b) was discovered a century ago. c) has not yet been discovered 2. The Tek Sing was carrying. a) over fifteen hundred passengers. b) over a million pieces of Chinese porcelain, «) over two thousand people on board 3. Buried treasures. a) only exist in fiction 1) exist in fiction and in real life ©) don't exist in real lite. Part 8. Composition (130-150 words approximately). Choose one of the following topics (4 points) 1. Imagine you are on a treasure hunt. What sort of treasure would you like to find and why? 2. Ifyou had to hide @ treasure, what would you hide and where? Explain why. 12 Part A. Reading Comprehension. Read the following text: CHANGES AT McDONALD'S McDonald's, the world's biggest fast food company, known for its Big Mac hamburgers and French tries (or potato chips), nas recently unveiled plans to diversify its product and move into the ho'el business in Switzeriand. Amenities at the two four-star hotels, which are aimed at business travellers during the week and ‘amilios at the weekends, include adjustable beds, high-speed Internet access, a child-care centre and soundproot walls, The prices are reasonable, and naturally both the hotels have McDonald's restaurants McDonala's restaurants have aiways been famous for serving exactly the same food in every restaurant, and even having similar decor, but times have changed. !s the United States, some McDonald's serve freshly baked biscuits or have in-store ice cream parlours. Some have oak panelled walls and crystal chandeliers whilst others offer free Intemet access. European branches, lke the company’s restaurant aperators in the United States, can now make menu additions or try novel ways to increase their business and draw in customers. In’ Switzerland for example, McDonald's food is served on local trains and aeroplanes. The Outbreak ot mad-cow disease in Europe was very bad news for the company, and sales of hamburgers fell sharply. Macdonald's respondet te this by developing other areas of their business, such as the opening at 40 Aroma cates, based in the United Kingdom, which sell cold sandwiches and cotfee. Who knows, but itis just possible that in 10 years’ ime McDonald's may be selling mate veggie burgers and cofiee than hamburgers. 1. Answer the following questions using your own words but taking into account the information in the text (2 points: 1 point each) a, How did mad-cow disease affect McDonald's sales? b, How is McDonald's spreading its business? II. Are the following statements true (T) or false (F)? Identify the part of the text thet supports your answer by copying the exact words on the answer sheet: (1.5 point: 0.5 each) ‘a. McDonald's serves exactly the same food in all its restaurants, b. Many McDonald's restaurants are decorated in the same way. c. McDonald's has also invested in coffee shops. Il Find a synonym for each of the four words below trom these six options: (1 poi each) tries adjustable novel draw in disease fell a.iliness Di attract d. decreased IV. Choose a, b, or ¢, in each question below. Only one choice is correct (1.5 points: each) 1, McDonald's has recently started investing in. 2) restaurants, b) coffee shops. ©) hotels, 2, McDonald's restaurants around the world a) are encouraged to redecorate their installations. ) are encouraged to change their menu every week. ©} are encouraged to innovate to draw in more customers. 8. The mad-cow disease decreased McDonald's. a) sales, ) investments, ©) veggie burgers. Part 8. Composition (130-150 words approximately). Choose one of the following topics (4 points) 1. What do you think of international fast food chains like McDonald's? 2. Do you think it's important to keep a watch on our diet? Explain why. 12 Part A. Reading Comprehension. Read the following text: BRITISH PASTIMES Britain's most common leisure activities are home-based. Perhaps because of the British climate people enjoy themselves more in the comfort of their own home. Watching television and videos and listening to the radio are by far the most popular leisure-time activities, with an average of 20 hours a week devoted to them. Britain's regular weekly dramas or ‘soap operas’ such as Eastenders and Coronation Street have millions of viewers who never miss an episode! Some newspapers are full of aticles about the main characters and itis almost as if they were real people! Listening to music is also 2 popular pastime and last year neatly 140 million compact discs were Dought. Pop and rock albums are the most popular types of music bought, and pop is by far the most popular form of musical expression in Britain. Among adults the most common \eisute actvily outside the home, is a visit to the pub. Other popular activities include visits to the cinema or the theatre. There are aver 1,500 cinemas in Britain and about 300 theatres, of which about 100 are in London. Britain's most famous theatre company, The Royal Shakespeare Company, performs in Stratford-upon-Avon, Shakespeare's, birthplace, and in London. Of all sporting actives, walking is by far the most popular for men and women of all ages. Men tend to go in for activities ie gol, snooker and billiards, while women generally prefer swimming, keep-ft classes and yoga. It goes without saying that the most popular ‘spectator sport is football! |. Answer the following questions using your own words but taking into account the information in the text (2 points: 1 point each) ‘a. What do many British people spend their leisure time on? b, What kind of outdoor activities are most popular in Britain? II. Are the following statements true (T) or false (F)? Identify the part of the text that supports your answer by copying the exact words on the answer sheet: (1.5 point: 0.5 each) a British people enjoy staying at home during their tree time, b. Britain has very few theatres and cinemas, ©. British men generally prefer playing football rather than playing golf Ill Find a synonym for each of the four words below from these six options: (1 point: 0.25 each) climate devoted almost pub famous snooker a. popular b. nearly ©. dedicated . weather IV. Choose a, b, of ¢, in each question below. Only one choice is correct (1.5 points: 0.5 each) 1. Some British newspapers inctude articles on. a) viewers of certain soap operas. ») the main characters of certain soap operas. ©} real people that appear in soap operas. 2. Listening to pop music is. a) the most popular British indoor activity in Britain, b) a popular means of outdoor expression. 10} one of the most popular pastimes in Britain 3, Men and women in Britain a) go to the cinema and the theatre, ») enjoy doing the same things. } always go to keep-fit classes Part B. Composition (130-150 words approximately). Choose one of the following topics (4 points) 1. What do you like to spend yous free time on? 2. Do yois think the things that British people do are any different to what Spaniards do in their free time? Explain why, 14 Part A. Reading Comprehension. Read the following text: STONEHENGE Stonehenge, the most famous prehistoric monument in Britain, is situated on Salisbury Plain in the ‘county of Wiltshire. At different times in history, it was thought to have been built by the Druids, the Romans, the Danes and even the French. The first stage -circular ditch and bank with an entrance with a pair of small standing stones on either side~ is believed to have been built around 3000 BC. The site was probably later abandoned and rebuilt between 2100 BC and 1800 BC. There are numerous mysteries surcounding this ancient site and, over the centuries, many legends have come into being. Some of the stones used are thought to have come from the Preseli Mountains in Pembrokeshire, in Wales. However, it is a complete mystery how they were transported to the site in such a primitive age. Experts think they may have been transported for most of the way by water, before being pulled overland for the last part of the jaumey. It has been suggested that Stonehenge once operated as an enormous astronomical dock, and even that it was a landing area for UFOs (Unidentiied Fiying Objects)! A more probable explanation is that Stonehenge was an important centre of worship of a religion connected with the sun. Whatever the truth is, there is no doubt that, Stonehenge continues to fascinate people even ater 3,000 years. I's definitely worth a visit! \. Answer the following questions using your own words but taking into account the information in the text (2 points: 1 point each) a. What legends surround Stonehenge? b. What could Stonehenge have been used for? Il Are the following statements true (T) or false (F)? Identity the part of the text that supports your answer by copying the exact words on the answer sheet: (1.5 point: 0.5 each) a. Stonehende is today ike it was 3000 years BC b. Stonehenge was built many years before Christ. ©. Stonehenge is said to have been a place of worship. Ill, Find a synonym for each of the four words below from these six options: (1 point: 0.25 each) situated built believed journey dock fascinate a. constructed located . thought d. trip IV. Choose a, b, or c, in each question below. Only one choice is correct (1.5 points: 0.5 each) 1. Stonehenge was built ‘a) and has remained intact since 3000 BC. b) and has undergone changes since 3000 BC. ] and has disappeared since 3000 BC. 2. Over the years. a) Stonehenge has evoked many legends, ) Stonehenge was used by UFOs. ©) Stonehenge became an astronomical dock. 3. How the stones were transported to Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire a) is described on stone. b)is part of our heritage. ©) remains unknown Part 8. Composition (130-150 words approximately). Choose one of the following topics (4 points) 1, How do you imagine human beings 3000 years ago? Describe them 2. Are there any special prehistoric monuments in Spain comparable to Stonehenge? Describe them. 15 Rea the lowing test: Death by advertising ‘Yous people sp lt tne in pus, ts ascohaies aml clubs, Basa of Ue they are natal targets fv adverse working fr Higtr compas, Awe aout nade ole ofeheper dah, ree Tt, cape a ptr, The ‘nvs to tunadae yong pene to new aes aa reflects fine generation of hikers One wks cornpny sally hcl x competion Univer. The prize ws fee wks fora whee, Heath expers strongly ese tis auvetng, They sigue tat young people we lwae tthe dangers of spicy the sero vik volved ig largest ten ns tore home, Ying pope they don reas how dking aot the jalement and acon In nxaty Empeun counties, driaking i becoming newessingly popula wih scemiper ad drunk omg diver se wen iavoled nce ing 1 ery rds Isobe cvs, a young gi cope i es hare afer drinking 17 ee st 2 tgvor proxi. Late, while shew eaing stn Ue window to get une fede Sina fel oer death Expats on anton Gee thu dn only way Wo pveUL this wend oe tecragers tr wae ofthe eft oF lla the sks they ake when hey ‘ik and ve. Peps thy sould en si Teenagers Daw they ae nape by nventsr o eony snsere wih Sci pros dae not worl ot he 1 Answer the faltowing guest wa word Bu taking nto ing atrmation i he text (2 pints 4 Why is ovetsing dns to teenagers. an invent fr Bute copies? Din each) 1. Why do erage dive wh they ane dk? Me Arete ing statements tue (1 o ase (F9?Ieniy the part the {eel that supports yur ansner by copying the exact wordt ie answer shes 15 pints 0 each 4. Liquor eompatien ay ensonage ange ry mew ii. 1. Toxmager anew of de eles of leabol onthe body Liquor companies ony cave abut making pit [ML Find a synanyo fr acs Ft ou words bel roms options 11 pint: 025 eet ‘nod rense prevent consaguence campaign concord wit ort 1 meres in oweansed wat 1. Chose, bo" 6 in each question below. Only ane choice core (15 pints 5 eal 1, sot unusual or gu sompanie to aver by. 2 ving aa fee samples of was. by ining university students opus, © selling sooo a ver pies 2 Inthe empl in the tex, the yong died 2 becase being donk i he ercs 1 Fm inking 100 mc seo 1) nad ving he sien 3) acumve of he danse of drinking aa diving. 1) mee me eshte ink © ar vin gu avetier gred Part B. Composition (130-150 words appresinaey} Cheese ane o the fotos opis. points) | Wit do you thin abo vets al or enagers? 2 Wie sho acount an we nvolvng wrk eigen 4 16 Part A, Reading Comprchnsion, ing ox Where have al the Heres gone? Who ic eleity? A celevity is basicly mous pes. Yung pple rewiaye {alk abwt eters ike Tiger Wavy, eer Ler sa Fis Reber 8 thee Reon Yet inthe past. heroes were pene we aumind Recne oF thi noble ahieveents ‘They were pope wo sre thenelves fora ger pus. ose he people or tw spor ideal Nin Cater King is American he because hs Suge for ‘soa, ht wht ae Tiger Wonae Denier Lap oe fr baa? Real hes hve inspire np Wo mike sires oF ochive soning wort [Do clei inure oe in Uk 9a)? Ten ets sere pele wi speci tolon have chive lane wit any serie tall Rideau soe eclenes Ve Ra Schunschr oe Pave ion are Famous any Deca They ae reves ot Fanos people. Att what coniution to sity ave nash ss Cindy Ceo or Nao Cape ase deserve he stem they recelve? Perhaps we care xe boat fe Pope pps tobe exsomely nnd in shelves of elise lve so dll nl empty thi we red glare eeebites to igen thin wp? Do we ene tha ‘ope for her score? Do we aie te fan, wealth and $s they pes?” Ave (hen he iis or hich we ould ie pan? So. why ds relly admin eerie it because there reno ea dina eres ‘nye am ects ze be et bot ig Anwr the lla questions using your wn words ut taking in eso the infromation nthe en. 12 pints me point eat) 1 What ype rele me eetiies nowy? 1 Why pooper in he Hives osteitis? Give we reasons Are the flowing statements tre (1) oF fae (2 Ment the part ofthe test iat supports your answer by capping the exaet words on the answer shee 15 points: ene) The wie of heath abies Matin Lathe King hy, People nowaays ite able achievement ‘eins elebies donteneonage we Ww make Seis. 11, Finda syn for cat of the far wards below From these sis opons: (pit 0.25 eet impose sacrifiee ideal brighten manity dull by horn 8. joople 1. Chwose as bo ein each question below. Only ne cies correct (15 pints Seach 1. Teal hes 4) ce sho ter pene ‘by were always ave ave more par ha ever 2 According tthe writes, Pasi Hilo a es ape espe ‘yl gotalec often 5, Celtis ten 2 eid ws that rive ae by ve ons pote 1 er bee FB, Composi lope pois 9. (138150 wort approsinately). Conse anc the Flowing 1 Desc pena wh is in gun pinion. a he feng 2. tn your oii, why do pap aire ees? JES LES ALFABEGUES Betera ‘The Mona Lisa La Gioconda'’, better known as “The Mona Lisa”, has fascinated people for hundreds of years. The picture was painted around 1503 by Leonardo da Vinci and currently hangs in the Louvre in Paris. For years, historians have wendered who Mone Lisa was. Some have seen her as a figure from Greek mythology while others have considered her to be a religious figure because of her simple dress and angelic face. Much has been written about this wonderful work. It has been praised by critics and viewers alike, and for many itis a holy object, a symbol of perfection. But even in the days of Leonardo there were those who criticised it. it was something for young rebels to despise, a taboo for them to break. In 1919, Marcelle Duchamp, a French painter, took a reproduction of the Mona Lise and ‘added a moustache and an obscene title. Other artists nave made her cross-eyed, put braces con her teeth, added glasses, made her very fat and replaced her face with that of Stalin or ‘Salvador Dai. ‘Advertisers soon realised the value of her mysterious smile and since then she has tboen drawn on items from towels and shirts to ashtrays, plates and watches. Books, tilms, records, restaurants, shops, petrol stations, dogs, horses and even night clubs have been named after her. She has advertised champagne, chocolate, cars and cotton wool. But no maiter how people regard the Mona Lisa, the fact remains that itis the most famous painting in the world, Part A |. Answer the following questions using your own words but taking Inte account the information in the text @ points: 1 point each) In what way is the Mona Lisa urique? b. What inspires people to make commercial use ofthe Mona Lisa? I, Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Identify the part of the text that supports your answer by copying the exact words from the text . (1.5 points: 0.5 each) fa, Noone knows who the Mona Lisa was. b. Not everyone regards the painting as a holy object, ©. The picture was damaged in 1919, Ill Find a synonym for each of the four words below from the six options. (1 point: 0.25 each) ‘obscene | igure | view “ierribie | despise | ~—work = hate b._ariste creation a ude look at {V. Choose a, b, or ¢, in each question below. Only one choice is correct (1.5 points: 0,5 each) ‘The name Mona Lisa replaced the painting's original name, comes fram Greek mythology. is one of the picture's name, In Leonardo da Vinci's time ... itwas forbidden to criticise religious objects ‘many people thought the picture was perfect. the Mona Lisa wasn't well-known There are artists who have .. changed the picture to make it suitabie for advertising rot shown respect for da Vinel's work \ritien articles criticising the picture. Part 8. Composition (130-150 words approximately). Choose one of the following topics (4 points) 4. Do you think that young people enjay going to art exhibitions and cultural events? 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a madern art museum (IVAM, Thyssen, Guggentaim your ety / town? 18 Generar ideas Las frases a estructura de una redaccién sma propuesto mediante brainstorming 0 “Il in sobre el tema, Luego, leas principales y 4ecundarias. Final srafos. (Ver “Conectores” en este Desarrolla el consiste en anotar cuantas ideas se te oc: rnexos de relacién a fin de organizarlas en mente, debes estructuratlas y ordenarlas en mismo capitulo.) Escribe una serie de frases relacionadas,con el tema que estén bien estructura das gramaticalmente y con una logica. Exeribe de manera clara y precisa. Haz frases sencillas siguiendo el orden de la oracién: sujeto, verbo y comple. mentos. vita frases largas y rebuscadas, Coloca a informacion relevante al principio de la frase. Utiliza palabras y expresiones relacionadas con el tema de la redaccién. Evita las palabras y los incisos no selevantes. Ten en cuenta los tiempos verbales, 1." parrafo: introduccién, Presenta el tema de redaccién con una idea que resu. ma el contenido que quieres expresar en tu redaccidn. Airae la atencidn en la pri mera frase: recuerda que alguien va a leer tu redaccidn. Bsta frase puede ser una pregunta, una reflexién provocadora, una cita, un dato, etc. 2. pirrafo: desarrollo. Refuerza la idea principal del tema con ottas secunda- rias que expliquen lo expuesto anteriormente, Une las ideas mediante conectnres de manera que el conjunto cesulte claro y coneiso, Esta puede consistir en un resumen de lo que has dicho, tu propia opinion sobre el ema, ete 3." parrafo: conclusié: tun consejo o advertencia al lector, Una ver escrita la redaceién, debes.. 2s en los tiempos verbe. as, 1. Repasar la redaccién para ver si has cometido erro: les, la ortografia, le puntuacién y el orden de las pala 2. Cambiar 0 corregir las palabras de las que no estés segura/o como se escriben Opiniones a favor o | Divide el discurso en los siguie en contra. © Pe coduccié wench 1. Presentaciéa 0 introducci6n. desventajas 2.° Argumentos a favor y, a continuaci dealgo 3.° Conclusién, | Da la mismia importancia a las ideas a favor y en contra | Presenta tus ideas de forma clarary sencilla, Resume tu opini6n personal sobre ef tema de cedaccién en la conelusién 19 coe Contar una historia First of al in my opinion, in my view Personally As for asi am concerned From my point of view To begin with Firstly Secondly | i | | ‘ | | | | | L*" parrafo. Localiza y sitia la historia, Describe los principales personajes, donde y cudndlo uve lugar la historia 2.® pairrafo. Desarrolla la historia siguiendo los principales acontecimientos que | curren en ta misma, No olvides organizar los hechos con cuidado, eligiendo las | conjunciones apropiadas que unen unos hechos a otros. ; 3." parrafo. Haz un final interesante, Los finales abiertos donde el lector tiene | que adivinar qué ocurrira después suslen ser muy efectivos e interesantes, Dado que el epartado de writing (redaccién) as donde més incide la calificacién | de la prueba de inglés, se incluye aqui una serie de conectores o frases hechas | recomendadas para que los incluyas en tu escrito, déndole asi una mayor calidad. Bs probable que tengss que esesibit ta opinisin sobre algo, vemtajas ydeadentaias, | pros y contras; quizd tengas que escribir un discurso una carta personal 0 quizs se trate de una carta o Solicitud formal Estos conectores causarin muy buena impresion 2 la’al que corrija y es seguro. | que te ap adasd a majorat eu calificacion ‘Conectore: RA EXPRESAR UNA OPINION Utillaalos para empezar un escrito, expresar una opinida personal y dar rezones © argumentos. : en primer jugar Hirst of all, }don't agree with your opinion, Ep primer lugar, no estoy de acuerdo con tu opinin | en mi opinién i In my opinion, istening to music is more entertaining than ceading history En mi epinién, escuchar musica es mas entretenido que leer historia, personalmente j Personally, | think reading is more important, ersonalmente, reo que lec es mas importante. 937 fo que a mi respecta As far as | am concerned, Salamanca is one of the prettiest cities in Spain. H Por fo que a mi respecta, Salamanca es una de las cludades mas bonites de Espana, bajo mi punto de vista From my point of view, | don’t think that’s the best. Bajo mi punte de vista, no creo que ése sea el mejor. pare empezar ‘To begin with, I'd say that, Para empezar, yo dirla que. primeramente Firstly, I'd like to point out that. Primeramente me gustaria sefalar qua. Secondly, I'¢ like to add that, ’ evapo tg so — “Referencias (paqs.) Pruebas: t Sager That's why | { Therefore | Asa result of Consequently So Whereas Sou. that... Such a... that. Referencias (pags. sPruebas: 11-12, 15-16, 25:26. ‘On the one hand. on the other hand. However, Nevertheless Anyhow | Anyway | { CONECTORES PARA EXPRESAR RESULTADO, RAZON 0 CAUSA Usa este tipo de conectores a lo largo de todo el escrito par para unir frases con consecuencias. esto es por lo que Indurain had extraordinary physical qualities and that’s why he was so successful Indurain tenia unas cualidades fisicas extraordinarias y powesa razén tuvo tanto éxito. por fo tanta Dogs would never leave you; therefore, you should always love them, Los perros nunca te dejarian; por lo tanto, deberias amarios siempre. xpresar razones como resutado fsa result ofthe bad habit of smoking, more and more peopie are dying from lung cancer Como resultado del mal habit de fumar, cada vee més gente esti muriendo de | cancer de pulmon, consecuentemente, en consecvencis Consequerty couldn't afford al the expenses Consecuentemente, no pude hacer frente alos gastos. Ts twas raining, Ide go out Como estaba lloviendo, no sal asique She called me, 50 looked at her and saw the most beautiful face a eversten | before. | ‘Me ams, ast que laird y vi cara més bella que nunce habla visto antes, imieniras que Uke eading whereas he likes listening to music ‘Armtme gust leer mientras que a le guste excuchar misc, tan. ave Ie wos so beautiful that | fra tan bonito que | tan... que Teas such a beaut view that. fro un patae ton bonito que CONECTORES PARA EXPRESAR UNA 0} 1ON DISTINTA, Con estas expresiones puedes afiadir mas informacién a las opiniones anteriores © contrastar algunos de los argumentos antes altididos. Con ellas, sugietes otros puntos de vista por una parte... por otra parte. On the one hand, living in the country is cheaper and more relaxing but, on the other hand, there are some disadvantages, | Por una parte, vivir en el campo es mds barato y més relajante pero, por otra parte, tiene algunas desventajas. sin embargo However, Idon’t think | would like to live in the country. Sin embargo, creo ue no me gustaria vivir en el campo. de todas formas : Anyhow, he would not have been able to stay there, De todas formas é! no habria podido quedarse all. de cualquier manera ‘Anyway, I'd rather live in Madrid. | De cualquier manera, preferiria vivir en Madrid. | 21 Inspite of, | a pesar de i Despite | in spite ofall the noise and traffic, | ike living in the city : A pesar de todo el ruido y trético, me gusta vivir en la ciudad, Onthe contrary | por el contrario ‘On the contrary, I do think he deserved a better mark, Por el contrario, si creo que se merecié una nota més alta, Awough ) aunque | Although he was an excellent person, he was moody. ‘aunque ero uns excelente peaona tena wa deter CONECTORES PARA ANADIR INFORMACION - tistos son conectores frecuentemente usados. Seguro que ests acosrusmbrada/o ya and) oy Susan came in 1994 and has ived-here ever since. 1 Susan vino en 1984 y vive aqui desde entonces Not only... | 90 s6lo... sino tarnbién, butalso... | Not anly are you funny, but you're also witty. No solo eres divert, sino que ademas eres lisa Asif, | como si As though | The house looked as if nobody lived there. La casa parecia como si nadie estuviera viviendo alli, ft smells as though someone has been smoking here, Huele como si alguien hubiera estado fumando aqui. Apart from | aparte de esto, aparte de aquello. ‘Apart from sport, my only other interest outside class is music Aparte del deporte, mi Gnico interés fuera de las clases es la musica. In addition, | ademas Besides, | in addition, there were meetings withthe chikdcen’s parents. Furthermore | ademas, hubo encuentros con los padtes de fs chicos. Also | también Comillas is also a beautiful town, Comillas es también un pueblo bonito For instance, | por ejemplo For example | "There are many good restaurants; for example, the one just around the corner | ay muchos buenos restaurantes; por ejemplo, el de ia exquina, Im the same way | de la misma forma In the same way, we could eat first and then leave, De la misma forma, podriamos comer primero y marcharnos después CONECTORES QUE INDICAN TIEMPO cuando I can‘t remember when | last wrote. No puedo recordar cudndo fue la ultima vez que escriby, As | cuando ‘As {lett the house, | remembered the key. Cuando salia de casa, me acordé de la llave, While | mientras : ‘While he was standing there, he saw two men enter the bar. Mientras estaba alli, vio a dos hombres entrando en el bar. Meanwhile, In the meantime Previously | Until then | Before | After | Later | Then | Inshort (On the whole finaly | | | To sum up | Inthe end | In conclusion | mientras tanto Meanwhile, thousands of families were starving, Mientras tanto, miles de familias morfan de hambre previamente | He was previously the Bricsh consul in Spain. Fue previamente cénsul britenico en Espana desde Since last month, | haven't gone to the theatre Desde el mes pasado no voy al teatro. hasta entonces 1 antes después y después entonces, después CONECTORES PARA CONCLUIR Y RESUMIR LO EXPUESTO Estas times frases de conclusin te Ins recomendamos especialmente, Te pue den servir para resumir todo lo anterior o para dejar claros tus puntos de vista que hasta este momento puedan parecer ambiguos, La buena impresidn que dejes depende mucho de estas frases en breve, en resumen | was dleaning, cooking and doing the ironing. In short, | was very busy Estuvelimpiando, cocinando y planchando. En resumen, estuve muy ocupado. | total que | On the whole he ia difficult character. Total, que es un personaje muy dificil. finalmente ‘And finally, what do we mean by..? ¥ por thimo, equé queremos decir co resumiendo al final en conclusion 23 ‘Aqui hay una serie de expresiones que pueden ser itiles a la hora de escribir una redacci6n. Sof un buen recurso para redactar y expresar tus ideas. De todas formas, no olvides los puntos que hemos marcado anteriormente. alfiny al cabo ‘RIA EPS HG SR todo el dla: all of a sudden de repente ERIE ORRARIIETE errdalcad gi as far as lam concerned 2 modo de, como considerando que even though aunque {sBRRIE TED para'sienipre for fear of por miedo'a que ishavoduapmensisuea for life para siempre k 3 partidario de ‘me refiero 3 | am referring to Liavesaldpreviotsy if | remember correctly 0 saademdsc eo si mal no recuerdo por si por lo general mi parecer con objeto de que in the lastfinal analysis en ditimo término inthivrespecttasy" a este respecto isitthat..? gesque..? itcanibe seenithot seve que itis believed that secree que itgidesiableatsic... Les ae desear ai. itis evident that Pens itis necessary that Sex natiral quai es necesario que fen lo que a mi respecta segan quedé explicado en por cénéiguiente .. suceios de fa actualidad RAMUS Se Un tegABO sta parte por estas razones creo he dich@'antetiormente 7 ees | ssf as Lhave alteady sala mpacononeuaRnEMichoss: as| pointed out in segiin quedé indicado en asls6 fat 88)! know SMT GUS VS SECA a as though comost by silica ia RRO eReaRRURIOR ESOS by no means de ninguna manera by that timetssy “epaaEN as itis obvious that es evidente que its said Bist 2“ :eemaReRegURRIS Ne" ~ itis strange that ‘es raro que itis timé that’..0) Lesa ePRora‘de que’ itis true that just s0'habpens that itseems to me that esverdad que “taaiTa'easislided que se me figura que ieuins our now that ahora que off the contrary #5 STOEL MRAON ae con the other hand por otra parte othiecWvisé: ROMAIN ST Provided that con tal de que sii as 2 that isto say the latest news ~ sgt hore the main feature lo mas sobresaliente the usual thing is that: vies torrente que: way vee __ ami modo de there is nOvobjection toi2AOiMBY.ineoAveniente ent therefore por esto, pore tanto to goihto‘deta sxplicatdetaladimente to know by heart ‘saber de memoria to play arole ~~: RSAC SANSPN Boel =~ topput another way dicho de otro mado 1 18ks fol oranted sei aeRPORS OPER we can conclude that. pademos concur que Wwe hdfst Sit tha BASRA BARORBSUEEG OezeS 24 Referencias (pags.): 54-55 ‘Los adjetivos en inglés no ilevan la s del plural, y cuando acompafian a un sustantivo siempre van delante de éste Bien Mal a fast car a car fast ‘ some fast cars some fasts cars 0 infinitive La diferencia entre as, like y how es: + As os una conjuncién: va sequida de una oracién con sujeto y verbo: Ske did as I told her. Puede femcionar como preposicién cuando hablamos de trabajos, roles 0 funciones: Don’t use the plate as an ashtray. + Like es una preposicin: va seguida de sustantivos, pronombres o un gerumndio (ing): She dit it like her father. + How tiene valor intervogativo: I wonder how to do it. tien sual She used her book at @ shield She used her book like a shield Referencias (pigs): 27-28, 37-38, 62 Como sujetos los dos son posibles a veces pero el infinitivo es mucho més formal. Por eso es mis frecuente el gerundio, En el ejemplo, el infinitivo como sujeto no es posible Bien, Mal Joaging is good for you Jog is good for you. ) —_ < Hay ciertas palabras que son empleadas inadecuadamente por muchas/os alviranas/os. Bien Mal He did/earried out his job properly. He realized his job property Referencias (pig. 62 + Much se usa con sustantivos incontables. + Many se stst con sustantivos contables. ‘Ambos son més comunes en oraciones-negativas e interrogativas. oraciones afirmativas cuando van después de too, so, as, very. + A lot of se usa con sustantivos tanto contables como incontables. Es mas frecuente en oraciones afirmativas (mejor que much o many). Hay alummos que usan very, para significar “muy”, en vex de many 0 # lot of. Bien Mal Ive got alot of friends {I've got very friends Suelen ser frecuentes en Referencias (pags.): 54-55, 62 Es muy importante el orden de lav palabras en Ia oracién inglesa y no solemos polderlo alterar. Por ejemplo, en tna oracién enunciativa afirmativa, el orden debe ser el siguiente: Bien al He speaks English very well He speaks very well English She goes to school from Monday to Friday, She goes from Monday to Friday ta school 25 Referencias (pags.): 7-8, 9-10, 55 ‘* Others es un pronombre que se usa para sustituir a un sustantivo plural mencionado anterior- mente. Bien mal Some people like football and others hate it. Some people lke football and others people hate it * Other, usado como adjetivo, no tiene plural. Bien Mal ’ She gave me the other magazines. ‘She gave me the others magazines. Puede ser un adverbio en expresiones como: somehow or other (de alguna manera) Somehow or other we will arrive on time. somewhere/sometime or other (en algin sitio/momento) She must be here somewhere or other. * Another puede er adjetivo 0 pronombre. Su significado es “otro més He said one thing but did another. (pronombre) Can Ihave another piece of eake? (adjetivo) u “otro diferente”: Se usa con expresiones en plural que empiezan por un nsimero: ‘Another four people arrived on time. Bien mal | I'd like to buy another shirt. I'd lke to buy other shirt He had to wait for another ten minutes. Me had to wait for other ten minutes. y presente El participio pasado expresa lo que siente una persona, mientras que el participio de pres expresa la sensacién que crea una persona 0 una cosa. Bien Mal | feel bored when there's nothing to do. 1 fee! bariag when there's nathing to do. ‘he film was boring The film was bored, ‘preguntas directas En las interrogaciones con do, el tiempo lo marca el auxiliar do/did, por lo que el verbo princi: pal debe ir siempre en infinitivo sin to. Bien mal | Did you.aa to London in 1980? id-you went to London in 19907 indirectas Referencias (pags): 35-36, 39-40, 64-66 Hay dos problemas en cuanto a las preguntas indirectas. * No se emplea el verbo auxiliar do/did. Bien mal He asked me where i worked. He asked me where did Lwork + El orden de las palabras en preguntas indirectas es: sujeto + verbo Bien Mal can’t understand what she's talking about. | can't understand what isshe talking about I wonder how much the ticket will cost | wonder how much will the ticket cos | was wondering if you could help me, 1 was wondering if could you help me. Un error muy comtin es la traduccién directa del presente de’ indicativo castellano por el presente simple inglés. Es necesario traducirlo por el presente perfecto inglés sila accién tiene una duracién desde el pasado hasta el presente. Bien Mal haven't seen him for two years | don‘t see him for two years. 26 Referencias (pig.): 76 Y * Detris de una preposicién se usa el gerundio (-ing) Bien Mal He is interested in learning astronomy. He Is interested in to learn astronomy. + A veces, las preposiciones en inglés som distintas del castellano, Bien Mat He spends a lot of money on clothes. He spends a fot of money in clothes. She got martied toa rich man. She got married witha rich man, + La preposicién va detrés del verbo, adjetive o nombre al que acompatia, aunque vaya al inal Ge Ja oracién, Bien Mal What subjects do you have diffcalty with? With what subjects do you have diticlty? + 1Ojo con el uso incorrecto dela preposicién para indicarfinalidad! Bien al = He's studying te become a doctor. He's studying for become a doctor. (FE Referencias (pag.): 62 .) Existen ciertas palabras que, teniendo un significado plural, llevan verbos en singular y viceversa Entre ellas destacamos everybody y everything: siempre levan el verbo en singular cuando son el sujeto de la oracién. Por otra parte, people siempre lleva el verbo en plural. Bien wal Everybody has an opinion about this. Everybody have an opinion about this.» singular o ‘plural Some peanle are always laughing Some pegale is always laughing. /) (<~__ Bistos son ejemplos de los tipos de palabras que casi siempre se escriben mal. Bien Mal although althought B cannot cannot = ohn Shon 3 ° $2 Swimming sing 5B which wich ‘vith wit writting (la Unica forma de este verbo que se writing escribe con doble "t” es WRITTEN) Referencias (pags.): 5455, 62 Intentamos en este apartado aywar a corzegir los errores que se producen con el uso y omisi6n i del articulo determinado the. | ‘The no se usa con: (a) nombres abstractos usados en sentido general, (2) sustantivos en plural utlizados en sentido general, (3) nombres de idiomas o asignaturas, (4) nombres de juegos, {Wciertos lugares y edificios cuando nos refezimnos a ellos con el propési- to para el que fueson construidos, y (8) nombres propios. El error tigico se (5) sentidos, produce especialmente en las cons- | (6) dias de la semana, trucciones de genitivo sajén Bien Mal The enwy is not good. (1) Eow is not good (2) Cats are mammals. (3) Enlish is easy (@) She likes football (5) Smell isone of the five senses {8} work on saturdays (1 g0 te bad earl {2)1g0 to church on Sunday (8) Joha’s car The-cats are mammals. The English is easy She likes the football The smell is one of the five senses. work the Saturdays 190 to the bed early. 190 to the church on Sunday. theJohn’s car 27 than, that, What Referencias (pags,): 23-24, 31-32 Es frecuente el uso erréneo de estas tres palabras, ‘* Than s6lo se usa después de adjetivos comparativos, adverbios 0 more. Bien ‘Women live longer than men. ‘The weather forecast is rather worse than they expected. Wine is more expensive than water. Mal Women live longer that men. The weather forecast is rather worse that they expected. Wine is mare expensive that water, * Ademds de su uso como adjetivo pronombre demostrativo, that se puede utilizar como pronombre relativo en oraciones de relativo definidas, Mal This is the new house that ! bought last summer. This is the new house what I bought last summer. «That se usa después de superlatives con mucha frecuencia Bien It's the best record that I've ever heard, Mal It’s the best record than ve ever heard. ‘= That se puede utilizar después de algunas palabras como only, little, few, much, all, everything, nothing. Bien ‘That's al that can tell you. Mat That's all what | can tell you. + What no sélo se puede usar como adjetivo y pronombre interrogativo, sino también como pronombre relativo con el significado de “la cosa que” o “las cosas que”. Bien Could you tell me what to do next? What you did to me is unforgivable. Mal Could you tell me that to do next? That you did to me is unforgivable. / Hay ciertas frases que en castellano se expresan con los verbos tener y hacer, mientras que en inglés se expresan con el verbo to be. Bien am 19 years old, Itis hoticola | am very lucky. al Ihave 17 years old, It does hoticold, have very luck Es importante intentar evitar las tradueciones literales. Bien Mal 1 think sa. I think yes. | don't think so. I think a9. agree with you, Jamagree with you. Referencias (pig.): 62 * Work es un sustantivo no contable que se refiere a la actividad fisica 0 mental necesaria para producir 0 conseguir algo: They left the office late because they had a lot of work, + Job es tn sustantivo contable que expresa una actividad profesi She found a job in a hospital. Bien She'd like to find a jab. Mal She'd like to find 9 work 28 Esta seccién contiene una lista de palabras que se confunden ffcilmente por stt proximidad en ambas lenguas. SusTanrivos ‘ Traducciéningorrécta —_Significado det Traduccién correcta sucdién incorrs “gmificado det agenda | orden del aia agenda daily planner | announcement | anuncio (hablado) anuncio advertisement, ad (TV) | application | solicitud apiicacién studiousness | argument | discusién argumento (libro) plot asylum | manicomio asilo snutsing home | auditorium } “sale auditorio audience card | tarjeta, naipe carta letter career | profesién carrera (atletismo) race carpet | alfombra carpeta folder, file | cigar | puro (cigarro) cigarro cigarette collar | cuello (camisa) collar necklace college (US) | Universidad colegio school commodity | producto, mercancia _comodidad comfort, convenience competence | eficacia competencia competition complexion | tez, cutis complexién constitution, build conductor | cobrador, director conductor river (de orquesta) | conference | congreso conferencia lecture, long-distance call | conflagration | incendio conflagracién war | constipation | estremimiento constipado cold | deception | engaro decepcién disappointment | demonstration | manifestacién demostracién display, exhibition deputy | auxiiar, sustituto diputado delegate, MP. direction | direccién, camino direccién address, management disgrace | deshonra, vergienza —_desgracia misfortune disgust | asco, repugnancia disgusto trouble, shock diversion | _desvio diversion entertainment education |. ensenanza, estudios educactin good manners exhibition | exposicién, muestra. ——_exhibicidn show exit | safida exito success fabric. tela, teido Yabrica factory, works fault | efecto, culpa falta mistake, lack sh Teast'| banquete fiesta holiday, party firm | empresa firma signature | idiom} modismo idioma language, tongus i infant | _nito, aarvuto infante royal prince Injury’ |» heriaa,lesiin injuria insult institute | insttuto, undacién ——_instituto (Gecondary) schoo! coxication' | borrachera Intoxicacién + poisoning Journal | revista especializada —_jornal 2 day's wages journey | viaje trayecto jornada a days work | 29 oy ren ener ‘Traducci6n correcta lecture | conferencia library.| biblioteca luxury |” tujo miserable | ‘triste, batide 8S. misery | pena, tristeza notice | ‘aviso -< 2" +6 RAY officiat | funcionario pain | dolor * parent | madre o padre pavement |: acera THESE petro! | gasolina porter | mazo (de estacién)* qualifications | requisitos receipt | recibo suburb | distrito de las afueras success | éxito sympathy | compasién, comprensién title | titulo (nobiliario ode Isro) topic | tema Absenivos Traduccién correcta actual | reat, verdadero affluent | acaudalado, rico anxious | intranquilo brave | valiente casual | informal (ropa) comprehensive | global, completo confident | seguro al sf mismo consistent | 6gic0, consecuente constipated | estreftido convenient | practico, oportuno determined |. decidido, resuelto,",.: disgusting | asqueroso distinet |. ‘claro, tide 38 embarrassed | violento, incémodo eventual | “definitive 9" “Pas extravagant | derrochador familiar.) “coneidé > See ge format | ceremoniaso, de etiqueta global | mizndial °°." ‘arge | grande miserable triste, desgraciado wish ordinary | comriente particular |, concreto, determinada pathetic | lastimoso, de pena quiet | callado, tranquilé “2° rare | poco frecuente Tradieeion tcerrecta autFalse ftlond”, lectura Ibrerla Tujuria ‘miserable noticia oficial pena pariente pavimento etrdleo Portero calificaciones receta suburbio suceso simpatia tituto (académico) t6pico Traduccién incorrect “False friend” actual afluente (rio) bravo (toro) casual comprensivo confidente (sustantivo) consistente constipado conveniente determinado disgustado distinto embarazada eventual, extravagante familiar formal “global largo © miserable ordinario particular patético ‘uieto raro 2, collegutal; lative SigRiFidado del .astFalse friend” reading | bookshop. bookcase | lust 7 ‘poor poverty Piece of news (army) officer rie, pity relative paving, surface petroleum, oil caretaker; doorkeeper marks, grades (food) recipe, (medical) prescription sium | event, happening friendship, charm degree, diploma myth, cliché “False friend” present, current tributary ambitious, greedy fierce, ferocious accidental, fortuitous understanding informer, firm, solid (to have) acold advisable iver, certain Upset, troubled different, pregnant, expecting provisiorial, temporary eccentric, weird reliable, serious total:complete tong wretched mean vulgar, common peculiar, private tragic still strange, odd, weird Traduccién correcta ‘pesado, empalagoso rico (itd): delicious grosero, maleducado —rudo rough, coarse jalan e-cuerdo, 5290 318i Sie, healthy. sensible | sensato, practico sensible sensitive ‘etlousi|*7 grave (enfermedad) serio 4 celiable,fpir simple | sencillo simple ordinary ultiate |~definitivo sittin ast latest vague | imprecise, despistedo vago lazy, vague (things) visious' | sédico, con mala idea —_vicioso. degenerate Apversios Ws Traduicci6n incorrecta Traduccién correcta “False fi “False friend” actually | en realidad, de hecho actualmente at present alternatively | por otra parte alternativemente alternately casually | informalmente casualmente by chance effectively | ericazmente efectivamente in fact, exactly | eventually | por fin, ala larga eventualmente occasionally, temporarily really | de verdad realmente in fact ultimately | al final Gltimamente recentiy, lately Versos ‘a Traduccion incorrecta _Significado del Traduccion correcta “False friend” “False friend” abuse | insultar abusar (0 t0 far, take advantage ot appoint | nombrar apuntar note down, aim (gun) astist | ayudar asistir: attend, be present attend | asistr atender pay attention celebrate | festejar celebrar be delighted, hold (mesting) injure | herir lesionar injuriar insult fiove | trasladarse (domicilio) mover move, shake i presume | suponer presumir show off pretend | fingir, simular pretender try, attempt prevent | evitar revenir warn prove | comprobir, demostrar _probar try on (clothes), test realise | darse cuenta realizar carry out, perform record | registrar, grabar recordar remember, remind register | metriculare registrar search, examine femeve’| guitar, eliminar remover stir, turn over require | necesitar requerir send for xgdirest'| descansar restar subtract reanudar resurmir sum up, summarise ‘jbilarse retirar Faffiove, withdraw revelar (en general) _revelar develop (photos) calumnlar traducir translate translate | traducir trasladar move ‘Tradlcci6n ingorrecta _talse friend”, Significadto dat 31 My me ea DESCRIBING PEOPLE A Appearance Match the descriptions and pictures | in his twenties, He's tall and well built | jwvelbily with curly kash brown hair, He's | gotabeard !’brad/ anda moustache } tma'stas | | B. Helooks about fifty: He's short anda bit overweight /auva'weit, He's bald /ba:ld | ©. She's # teenager. She's slim and medium | height /hatw. She's got shoulder-length fair | (orblond) hairane'a fringe D_ he's in her forties. She's quite tall and stim. She's got grey hair, and it’s short and straight. She wears glasses. Look at the words in bold. How do you pronounce them? Underline the stres. b B Personality Match the adjectives and definitions. Underline the stress sensible affectionate co-operative lazy "lew aggressive charming moody sensitive ambitious insecure self-confident jealous /'éselos/ bossy shy selfish sociable/'saufebl/ She feels very sure of herself He only thinks about himself She's always telling other people what to do. He's always ready fora fight. She's good at working with other people. He likes being with other people. She wants what another person has. He'shappy one moment and sad the next. 9. She's not sure of hersel 10. He’s good at making people like him. 11. She doesn't like working, 12 He's very loving. 13 She hasa lot of common sense 14 He feels things quickly and deeply. 15: She finds it difficule to talk to new people. 16, He wants to do well inlfe. Cover the words. Read the definitions and try remember the adjectives Write the opposite adjectives. Underline the stress. quiet hardworking disorganized unimaginative generous impatient unfriendly untidy. 1 friendly/nice 2 imaginative 3 lazy organized patient i'perfat/ talkative tidy Jane's very untidy ‘Add other appearance and personality adjectives to this page or write them in yout vocabulary book. 32 i: f Battin CaS BODY AND HEALTH THE BODY Jatch the words and pictures. How do you pronounce then? blood /o a bone a brain/ ag hearth o kidneys/'ktdnis) FE) liver/tiva! longsitag? muscle/'mas/ EF} skin Q STRESS AND FITNESS SvMPTONS OF ILLNESS Complete the text. Underline the stress in the words a Lookat the list of symptoms. Translate them. Do you have any below. What do the words/phrases in bold mean’? at the moment? id_headaches/'bedeiks/ hurt/hast? inesses keepfit pains pullamuscle relax stressed acough /cof? stressful sore throat /so rout! ee temperature # Pvegotaheadache anearache atoothache astomach-ache 'stamnakerk! Myback hurts, © I'vegota pain in myleg. ve bust myself © Yoegotacold . 1b What's the matter with these people? Nowadays many people have very!__ lives. Doctors say that stress can cause many : __, and in some cases even heart attacks. Iryou are feelin youare also more likely to get orl, of suffer from3 ‘Fou should try to rest ands ~aanddeexerciseto? But becarefull You should startslowly, oryou could’ your back or? if you notice any _ after doing exercise, sea doctor. , Vocabulary Builder 4: FOOD AND DIET FOOD ADJECTIVES Match the adjectives and definitions. Underline the stress. Write an example food for each on junk fresh hot/spicy tinned fattening frozen take-away wholemeal /hoolm 1 makes you put on weight chocolate 2 with a strong flavour, often fromaspice, - eg. paprika 3 recently picked, not old _ 1 made from unrefined flour — 5 bought ata rescaurant but not eaten thece : 6 — keptbelow °C - 7 Keptinatinorcan _— so norhealthy, bad for you = YOUR DIET Complete the text, Underline the stress. balanced carbohydrates healthy overweight unhealthy calories fast lose put vegetarians ‘What you eats very important for your health. Many people today havean! "diet. They eat too much? food (especially take-away food) and processed Sood (tinned or frozen). Ahealthy,» — diet should include proteins, 1_____fats;and fresh fruit and vegetables. You should contzol the amount of fat and carbohydrates you eat if you don't wanttoS on weight. if you ares you cangoonadiet to? weight, for example avoiding food with too many® ‘Many people today are * ‘and don'teatany mest. Thisisa!® diet ifyou make sure you eatencugh protein from pulses (beans, etc.) eggs and cheese TYPES OF FOOD Put the foods in the correct columns. Underline the stress. Add more food words. ots asparagus aubergines/oubagimna’ beans beef cod cream cherries aps ‘meat ish/seafood | eggs/milk | pulses products | iat [vena carbo hydrates SPORT PLACES AND EQUIPMENT an athletics track aracket Q a football pitch atenniscout EJ a goal atmcksuit anet J aswimmingpool £] , 1 pitch is fr outdoor ball sports, eg rugby courts for racket sports and indoor ball spor ea. basketball, squash, tennis. PEOPLE IN SPORT ‘Match the people and definitions. Underline the stress captain players coach referee vefs'r:? crowd /kraud! spectator goalkeeper team 1 the people who playa sport eg, basketball, eanis the_ the head of a team the the person who controls a sports match 4a ______ person who trainsa team ora player 5 person who watches a sport 6 the big group of people who watch a sport 7a ______ people who play sport together on one side 8 the the player who defends the goal, 8. in foowvall Cover the definitions. Explain who the people are. WHAT'S THE SCORE? Complete with all, ove, nil or deuce /djuss! WINNING AND LOSING ‘Write the past tense anid past participles ofthese verbs: beat _ Charlton beat Liverpool 4-0. win _ = Charlton won 4-0, lose = Chelsea fost to Arsenal draw — = Everton drew with Leeds 0-0 1 You wina match ora competition, | Yowbetarotertum oc pcon. Charon bar Lerpoa | NOT Chaeltor-wombivet peel i Comple i text with words from the! adraw fan drew injured (adj) dy thescore lose se beat win thestadium lost P'ma football _ __and my team is Arsenal. go to? at Highbury on. Saturdays to watch them play. Tlove it when Arsenal A and Lhateit when they. Last week they’ with Coventry, {don’t like it when a match ends in» Ie’s boring. The best match last — was when they ~~ Manchester United athome.t ‘was 3-2. Theis worst ‘match was when they © to PAOK Salonika in the UEFA cup, but that was oniy because one oftheis best players was 1 and ‘couldn’s play. Arsenal for ever! sports Add some more sports to each column, [play for racket and ball sports (play tennis, volleyball) | Par kadieent nema eerie | spectre ene end INDOOR ‘ourpoon | waren J playhandball | playrugby | gosailing | do karate gocycling goswimming oa 1 Match the jobs and descriptions. 3 Match the verbs and definitions. compact [grand Ty | programmer 1 5 abrickdayer [en | 1 anarchitect 6 apilor .. y 2 getapayitise . | 2 a road worke ayer. | 2 aroad worker... 7 alawyer ./ | 4 be promoted | 3 atraficwarden ... 8 awaiter 4 be incharge of». ravel agent... 9 ach 4 ateavel agent 9 achef | 5 rete | a checks that cars aze parked in the right a give up your job when you get toa place certain age b fies planes b be offered a more senior position in the | e cooks meal for people in restaurants seme company | a designs bullaings € be responsible for | € defends and prosecutes people in court 4 decide to leave a job £ serves people in cafés and restaurants | © get more money constructs motorways and main roads £ be dismissed from a job hi helps people organize their holidays . : 4 Complete she sentences with the correct form 1 develops new software of the verbs from Exercise 3. J builds walls and houses | 1 As soon as Mark won the lottery, he : < from bis job. 2 Greg made a serious mistake which cost 2 Complete the passage with the correct form of the company a lot of money. As a result the verbs from the box. he ‘ . be interested in study apply for 3 Pam has been offered a very responsible job. Boor offer workas she, tore than twenty people — 4 Allson was so good at mazketing that she Matthew». . Journalism at twice in one yeas. university. He* becoming a : nevis presenter, As soon as he finished his 5 During his career, Mike tried to earn as much money as possible. He wanted to degree, he’. 4. job at the BRC, . before he was ity. After several weeks, he was asked to ‘ 6 Tim couldn't live on his salary He --se an interview in London, hreatened to leave the company unless Duting the interview, Matthew talked about his degree and explained that he had | always wanted £08... ® : | joumalise. The director told him about che | job, and Matthew was very enthusiastic. | {When newas® .. the job, ie was a dream come true 36 rs ve moh ona mn norm oe rat Holidays and sightseeing 1 Complete the categories with the words and phrases. hotel buy souvenirs youth hostei cathedrals eat out at restaurants Boonacoach trip museums gastles | bed and breakfast att galleries exhibitions camp-site \ g0 ona guided tour self-catering apartment where to stay what to see what to do 2 Complete the postcard with the correct form, of the verbs from the box. | go take book lookout not buy spend get have show Dear tna a. great tine in Gravada! I managed 20% assssesnusen O-taam at a Cheap | hotel and amazingly 1 have, a baleany that . over the old. town. Nestoria 34. sightsocing around, the Alhambra. ard. 6 lots of ve lost, buck ss Ae one, paint 1 Fortunately J me an old. tn who + me which wasp to ge Thccscesesoes még souvenirs yor, but 7 abt of meno. here's les to doin Grarada, 20 Te heen ast every right! Ti urite, again som. Love | Soman 3 Complete the paragraph. Use in, of, along, on, from or to. If necessary, use a dictionary to helpyou. = | Daniel lives in the centre! Paris. He lives * the top floor mn of an apartment not far’ a | park Daniel enjoys living ¢ the city, but during the summer he likes to get | away. He usually goes asmall fishing village. the coast, about seventy-five kilometres”. | Paris. The village is very picturesque and is j mmo for its medieval castle. The caste [SS essssseerseatestOp OF hill overlooking Jes Danie! usually rents a small villa on the outskirts * .. the village, His, favourite pastime is going for long walks ™. the seafront. ar 4% Complete the sentences with the words from the box. coastline forest valley cli | Jake hill stream 1 The Atlantic in Cornwall is dangerous, but also very interesting. The high overlooking many of the beaches are quite dramatic and beautiful, 2 Sarah ran to the top of the grassy .-v and looked out across the green .- below. The sun shone on the surface of the + where several people were swimming, 3 We,set up camp near a small ....seeessoees IB the middle of the We could hear wildlife all around us, but it was difficult to see anything through the trees. 37 1 Where would you find these things? Write T (town) and C (country). Ifnecessary, use & dictionary to help you. shopping centre T | wood ¢ | | field night club Jane | main road .. hil. cottage car park village wildlife farm en sedvertising hoarding park skyscraper. 2 Complete the sentences withthe words from Exercise 1. 1 Karen is moving next month. She's bought asmall . in the country. It's very picturesque. 2 Inhis first year at college Steve went to a - . every evening. He never got home before three o'clock! 3 They're building a new in town. Ids going to have lots of great shops init. 4 There's a new exhibition on at tlie of Modern Art. Would you like to g0 and see it? 5 As Jane was driving along the narrow country 6 NewYork is a city that is famous for + it started to rain. FES ooseeeseen 7 The thing] itke about country life is the - Toften see foxes and badgers in my garden, @ The government has banned cigarette companies from using «esos i city centres. country 3 Match the words and definitions. litter 9 i hi \ slums 4 vandalism | 2 poverty 5 homelessness 3 unemployment ... 6 wafficjams ... not having enough money to live b having nowhere to live ¢ long lines of cars and otter vehicles that cant move, d criminal damage to buildings, phone boxes, ete houses that are overcrowded and in bad | condition, | f nothaving a job rubbish in the street 4 Complete the texts with the words from Exercise 3, a "The charity Shelter has Opened ter Tew centres to help with '. . this winter. The charity is providing 200 extra | beds for people who are living in the strets. Burglaries increased by fifteen per cent last year. Police say... and M, have caused the increase, | | Fepiae eserete idoe sod worker. ‘Job loss and financial problems mean that some are turning to crime.” Police are trying to stop ofime and on poor housing estates. { During the last two years people have moved out of the estates. As a result many houses ere now run down and vandalised. 38 1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words from the box. [~~ pottate conserve protect destoy | | recycle. support | 1. Unless We «....-s-s.eesee endangered épecies like the Iberian lynx, they will disappear. 2 sesseetonees Bottles and newspapers is a good way of helping the environment. 3 Mike decided to Friends of the Earth after he had read their leaflet. 4 we on energy like gas and electricity, we will create less pollution. You shouldn't use aerosols, They 4 seseceenseew the ozone layer: 6 Waste from the factory... siver and fields neasby. Asa result many wild animals died 2 Complete the passage with the words from the box. drought environment smoke global protection waves resources pollution oy [New statistics show that ©. ) warming is gesting worse Last year, mace than forty countries had very little rain. As a result they suffered from heat ®...:..sseereee and SEVERE Pe cseessteneee In addition, widespread fires caused harmful ¢ .. Which had terrible effects on the © Scientists sey these problems ore the result of the increase in © Unless people start using natural energy ”. and support programmes of... a conservation, the situation will not improve. 3 Complete the table with the words and phrases from the box. | windy chilly foggy pouring misty freezing warm dull blowing a gale’ 4 Complete the sentences with the words in column +++ from Exercise 3. 1 ‘What's the matter? Didn't you enjoy your swim in the sea?’ "No, the water was 2 I dont think we can take the boat out today, ‘The wind is 3 It was so . that Mark couldn't see where he was driving. 4 You'd better put on your raincoat and take an umbrella. 1t5 sees Outside, Karl trekked through the desert in the . midday sun. 6 The sky looked grey and ....csesnse $0 the backpackers set up camp for the night. drizzling [raining Re sconenn Frenne flowy |somy 39 a el nom im re orm ‘1 Match the words from the box with their opposites in the sentences. If necessary, use a dictionary to help you. generous 4 - 1 loss. 4 rip-off 2 poor .. 5 save 3 pricey 6 worthless a Ian is quite well-off, He bought two computer games last week. b Don't waste your money on clothes, you need money for your holidays. € These trainers are quite reasonable. I think 1 buy them. d Simon is very mean, He doesn't like spending his money. € The record company made a big profit in its first year. £ The painting is very valuable. It's signed by Monet Clare's new Levi jeans were a bargain. They only cost £20. 2 Complete the sentences with the words from the bos in Exercise 1. 1 Brian is very .. He always buys everyone expensive birthday presents. 2 ‘Mike paid over £700 for his mountain bike’ ‘That's a only £500, I My bike was 3 Icant afford to go to the concert. The tickets are too 4 The company suffered heavy... last year. As a result fifty workers lost their jobs. 5 Youneed to. some money if you want to go to America this summer, 6 Families in the Third World are so «that many children have to work. 7 Mary's antique vase was valued by an expert. Unfortunately, he said it was 3 Match the two parts of the sentences. | | £ astudent loan, which paid for her books. 4 Choose the correct wards. 1 It took Dave three years to pay off ¢ i When you begin to work, you'll start earning 2 When Clare went to university she took out 3 Each month Nigel put some money into 4 Michael asked the salesman if he could pay for 5 The lottery organisers made out @ his computer over three months. his savings account. He wanted to travel round the world. account every month, d a cheque for £3 million, and gave it to the lucky winner. € asalaryThis goes into your back | e his overdraft. He owed the bank more | than £5,000. Peter couldn't pay off his debts j credits, 50 the asked his father for some money. Ifyou want to buy a car, you'll need to take outa bank loan / advance. boiught lots of bargains / economies in the sales this year ‘The bill was £7.50. I handed the waiter a £10 note / cash, and he gave me £2.50 change / money. ‘Mark made £50 interest / profit from his, savings last year, 40 1 Complete the categories with the words from 5 We enjoyed the play, although we were a i the box, Some words can go in more than one Jong way from the... _Soxnetimes E category: it was difficult to hear the actors. : | getor/actress album best-seller» 6 After reading the ...........:+, the actor : | boxoffice hit chapter character | agreed to star in the film. i conductor Aedon/non-Getion interval | 7 Dave has been a classical .. manager musician novelist plot premiere orchestra play (n) part ae 8 The band needed a month of... rehearsal screen script special effect stage stuntman tour J before they were ready for the concert Music Books e 3 Match the verbs and nouns. for five years. At the moment he plays for the London Symphony .. 1 compose a apart ‘ 2 give “—b apiece of music’ t 3 release © the scene i 4 play 4 a performance : 5 tell © astory 6 set f afilm ’ 4 Complete the texts with the correct form of, Cinema Theatre the verbs from Exercise 3. } actor / actress ‘Opera singer Roberto Panini will give two i performances this week at the Covent Garden Opera House. Roberto will sing songs that ! .. by Schubert and I J Pierce Brosnan’s latest film The Thomas Crown Affair .. last week. The film * the story of a successful businessman who steals @ painting from 2 Complete the sentences with the words from ( Exercise 1. an art gallery, Pierce Brosnan ‘..., 1 Titanic is one othe biggest soasesuonoe the par of Thomas Crown, and fiené Russo ever. It made over $100 million. a convincing performance as the insurance agent trying to catch him. 2 ‘What are you doing this Saturday?" ‘Tm going to see Madonna. It's the last night of her UK eeseeneee \ This week's book to buy is an exciting new 9. Boyzone sound much better on their ( thyiller called ¥2. The first chapter esses the scene for @ gripping tale. Some secret files disappear and FB! agern, Greg Manson has to find them, — than they do at their concerts 4 Vonly read che fst feW -.-cscsssesee Of the book. It wasnt very interesting, : CIS 1 Match the university subjects and the 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form sentences. of the phrasal verbs from Exercise 2. a ————————j 1 Ifyou want to find out her phone number, medicine & eves eenenteenene i the 1 law yellow pages. 2 engineering ‘ 2 Karl was upset when Amy didnt | 3 languages scence for their date, 4 sociology... ‘3. When Carol broke her leg she had to . 5 politics teaching aerobics. ‘ Lo 4 I'm going to a job as a barman. oS oo ‘twill help me pay for my course, 1 Jane would like to be a tour guide. 5 Althouj lived in Germany for thre: b Karl wants to work in a hospital } ough Helen y * months, she didn't ........-...... much of | © Mark has always been interested in cars| thelanpuage and machines. 6 Are you going to help me these posters? Dave wants to be a social worker. | © Paul loves public speaking. He'd like | work in Parliament. 4 Choose the correct words. f Clare's ambition is to be a judge. 1 The academic year at most British Fa universities is divided into three courses / terms, 2 Match the phrasal verbs and definitions. 2 Ifyou don't want to fall / miss your exam, David picked up lots of acting tips from you should tum up for lectures. his drama teacher. 3 Brion was a teacher / lecturer at Leeds University for many years. 1 Matthew turned up late for his maths lesson. .. 4 Rachel got good marks / points for all her 2 Mark is selling second-hand books. Hes exam papers. put up an advert on the college notice 5 The schoolteacher told the pupils / students board. ... to work in groups. 3 After three disastrous weeks at college, 6 Susan denied cheating / copying during Sue decided to give up her course. ... the exam. 4 Ifyou don't know the meaning of a word, look it up in a dictionary. 5 After completing his physics degree, Rob took up a job as a nuclear scientist, . a arrive somewhere | » search for something € stop something 4 start something © learn something f fix something in place | 42 1 Match the verbs and phrases, [fnecessary use adictionary to help you. commit ¢ \ 1 break. a i | 3 ne | 4 find | 5 suspect 6 report . - | a into trouble b actime to the police ¢ time in prison someone of a crime | | £ someone guilty | # thetaw 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs from Fxercise 1. ‘Matthew was a burglar, but not a good one, He was always | .. into trouble with the police. In fact he ® sees the Law so many times, that whenever someone %, a cfime, the police always ‘ .. him, Whenever he appeared in court, Matthew was always *. guilty, Over the years he ®...secssessees Uatee years in prison, Then one day his own house ‘was burgled. The thief stole everything, ‘Matthew found himself at the police station ‘once more, but this time to 4 crime. The police were very amused A PSE Pg [robandstel «| cand rob with pesple and institutions Someone siole her bag in town yesterday. Oh nol We've been robbed} [Ihe criminal robbed he bank ard then expe .| 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of rob or steal. 1 After months of careful planning, the gang the jowellery shop. 2 Jill was mugged on her way home from work. The thietes .. her handbag and her Rolex watch. 3 Someone's broken into the house, It looks as they've 4 Over £100,000 was ... tbank last night. the video! from the 5 Last Christmas they were ... ‘Someone broke into their house and took all their presents 4 Complete the sentences. Use on, in, by, under and against If necessary, use a dictionary to help you. 1 Writing graffiti on public buildings is eee the lew, 2 Mark was ove w0ule with the police for stealing cars. Held been joyriding with his friends, 3 An innocent man was sent to prison mistake, 4 Simon didn't break the window purpose, § The burglar was caught and put arrest. poe ey) ot im oer & m mom om om moos mom £ mm Vocabulary Builder. PHRASAL VERBS Look at the phrasal verbs and example sentences, Write» translation in your language. r J 1 1 With the verbs marked *, the object can go bet Heputom hiscoat. on Hep But ifthe object isa pronoun, it always goes berween the verb and the paticle, Turn ito. wor Tasos 2 Some phrasal vgbshave more than one meaning, eg. PHRASAL VERE beon beover break down break up fallover filin” find out* getaround get in(to)/out (of) get on/off geton with ‘getup give away* give back* give up™ Boaway goour goback godown go/carryon goup hold on hurry up liedown lookafter look for look forward to look up* pay back* pick up" puton™ patott runoutof setoff switch/turn of switeh/turn on* takeback® takeoff ke out® throw asvay* teyon™ turn up/down" wake up* wash up* EXAMPLE There's good film on (TV). ‘The match is over My car has broken down, He broke up with hs girlfriend He fell ever and broke his leg. Fill in the form, please Find out what it means. ‘The best way to get aroundisby car. Getinto the car. We're leaving. Get offthe bus at the next stop. [get on (well) with my sister ‘She gets upat 7 every morning He gave away all his money. Siveme back my ball! [ve decided to give up staoking, We went away for the weekend. We went outlast night. He went hack to work, ‘The temperature has gone down, fe wens on speaking for two hours. Prices are going up. Please old sna moment. Hareviup. We're late He iay toss on thebed. He's looking after the children Tm looking for job. Look forward to seeing you. Can you lookup this word in the dictionary? Pil pay you back tomorrow, Ul pick you upat your house at. Put on your coat. It's cold Let's pucoffthe meeting until Monday. Ob nol Werte winning aut of petrol Hie was run over by bus, ‘They set off early in the morning. Please switch/ tarn offthe lights. First switch/turn on theengine Pm going to take this sweater back. The plane took off at 6 o'clock. He was hotso he took off his jacket. She took some money outofthe bank. He threw the shoes away: Can try onthese jeans? Can yor turn up the TV? I can’t hear it I wake up at 8 every morning Pl cook if you wash up. EXPLANATION [TRANSLATION beshown (TV, cinema) Gish stop working (cars) end a relationship fallto the ground complete discover travel ina place enter/leaveacar enter/leave a bust hhave a (good) relationship with leave (your) bed giveand not want back return something stop leave the town Feave your house become lower continue become higher be quick put yoursefin a horizontal position beresporsible for urytofind wait for something nice vo happen find ina book return money you owe collec, lift from the ground get dressed in postpone dewaithout ‘bebit by avehiele start ajourney disconnect return to(a shop) {0 into the air take from somewhere putin the rubbish put on tosee something fits makelouder/quieter sop sleeping. wash the plates, etc Add other phrasal verbs to this page or write them in your vocabulary book. Writean example sentence and a translation, . COMMON VERB PHRASES ~ Complete the boxes with these verbs. | Gatch do go fave keep know lose make meet’ miss play spend take the housework (the ironing, etc), the shopping, a course, homework, an exam) atest, research, military eevee, somebody a favour, sport/exercise, Yoga a pizza, a mistake, friends, a noise, the beds, a phone call ' breakfast/tunch/dinner, something in : common, time (to do something). 3 _____ | ashower, good time, good weekend, rest, a meeting, a party, a sandwich, acoffee home, to the cinema, to bed/work! ¥ school university, forawalk, bycar/ | S ‘bus, shopping, sightseeing, cycling, i broad your money in the bank, a promise, 5 | doing something {= cominne), 8, n touch your car tothe garage, somebody'to (the 6 cinema) an exam, a photo, bus/train/ lane/taxi, medicine | Plane/taxis medicine ——__} . somebody {who's not there},a bus! = | train/plane,alesson C8 yourjob your keys, a (football) match ~~ T (somebody) forthe frst time, % (somebody) outside the cinema, (somebody) by chance me something, somebody fora long time abus/trsin/plane(wor seni), a cold, —— | aball D ‘with your friends, tennis, cards, | the guitar, aC 2 ‘time, money (on something), your holidays somewhere 4 make usvaly means createsomething (make wpizza). | do susually for obligations (do an exavn, do the \ traning) Mateluthe meanings of getto groups 1-6. arrive become brain | catch/take iE an answer/reply letter/fax. — | sedranery | { | tos | | towork/schoo! | satcied divorced | | tothestation | ' better/ worse ! ome eee 6 phrasal verb | up in the morning ‘on (well) with somebody in(to)/out (of) a 5 earltaxi on/offabus/train ‘plane/bike/ horse, etc. | job { | anewear What's the meaning of gerin these semences? 1 Getready! Iwrote t0 IBM but | didn’t getan answer. Did you getany potatoes at the supecmarket? Horgot my umbrella so I gor wet. We gorthe plane to Paris When we gor to the hotel, it was full. T gora phone call from my sister. We gotoff the plane. ‘Add other nev: verk phases to this page or write them in your vocabulary book. 45

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