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Math 267: Problem Set #1 4. 1. The base case is n = 0: 3%°*4 +1 = 4 is a multiple of 4. This statement is true, because 4 is a multiple of itself, and so the base step of the induction is complete, 2. For the inductive step, we assume that:! 37+! + 1 is a multiple of 4, and we will prove that grim+0+2 + 1 = 37943 4 1 is a multiple of 4. ‘The inductive hypothesis can also be restated as 32041 4 1 = dk for some k € Z. So, using a little algebraic manipulation, we get a8 1 = 9-341 4 1 = 94k — 1) +1 = 36k —8 = 4(9k — 2). Since & is an integer, so is € = 9k — 2, and the above shows that 3°"*$ + 1 is a multiple of 4. This completes the induction. 5. In this problem, itis useful to write down the statement that we will prove by induction (and the textbook would call P{n)). This is not part of the solution, but itis eritieal step in planning the proof. In this ease, P(a) is the following, implication: Tf aj,,-.-y are any integers stich that p | aya3-+-ay, then p| ai, oF P| ag, .-., or P| an. With this in front of us, let us commence the proof. 1, The base case is n = 2. In this case, we want to prove that: if ay and aa are integers such that p | a;a2, then p | a; or p | a2. This is immediate from the definition of a prime number: simply take a= a, and b= a. 2. For the inductive step, we assume that n > 2 and we know that p has the property that for any n integers a;,a2,...,4q Such that p | a142---aq, we must have p | a1, or p | a2, .-., or p| aq. We want to prove that p has the same property for products of n+ 1 integs we consider integers a1,42,-.-4n, 41 such that p | 12-*- dns. We will show that p | a1, orp | az, -.., OF p | dns. Since a:d2"+n4i = (0142°+-q)dm41, we can use the fact that pis prime and apply the definition of a prime number to the integers a = aya---ay, and b= ans: to conclude that since P| ayy dnyy = (00+ @y)dqya = ab, we must have p | a = a;a---a, or p| b= dq41. In the latter case, we are done we have already established the p divides one of a1,q2,...,@n41: namely, p | dp41. On the other hand, if p | aya ++ aq, then p must divide one of a1,a2,...,a, by the inductive hypothesis. Thus, in all cases, p must divide one of ay, a2,...,@q41; this completes the induction. VPhis is the inductive hypothesis

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