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Math 267: Problem Set #2 1. (a) Symbolically, the statement “n is prime” means that Ya €Z, VbEZ, (n|ab —+ n|aorn|6) ‘The negation of this quantified statement is (®) 3a €Z, WE Z,-(n | ab — n|aorn|d). Recalling that “(P + Q) is PA 7Q, we see that (+) is equivalent to 3a € Z, Wb €Z,(n| ab and >(n | a or n|6)), and finally to 3a € Z, 3 € Z,(n| ab and nfaand n{b) Therefore, the definition of a composite integer becomes An integer n > 1 is composite, if there exist integers a,b such that m divides ab but n divides neither a, nor b. (b) An integer n > 1 is irreducible, if Ya €Z*,((a 41 and an) (a4n)) (c) The negation of the quantified statement in (b) is 3a € Z*,((a #1 and a Zn) and -(a/n)), or equivalently 3a €Z*,(a #1 and anand a|n). ‘Therefore, the definition of a reducible integer becomes An integer n > 1 is reducible, if there exists an integer a, other than 1 or n, such that | n. 2. 1. The base case is n= 4: 4 = 64 < 81 = 34, which is true, 2. Assume that n? < 3" for some n > 4. We will prove that (n+ 1)? <3"! We have (n+) 3 3 (@ + 2) <3 ( + *) by the inductive hypothesis 13 <"(1+4) since n> 4 125 = (228) am 2 gntt ( 64 ) < This completes the induction. 3. 1. The base case is n = 2: we claim that 2 is a product of irreducible integers. Since 2 is inreducible, it is a trivial product of one irreducible integer: 2 = 2. A couple of comments here: ~ Since 1 is not irreducible, you should not write 2~ 2-1 as your factorization. ~ Technically, we need to check that 2 is ireducible. However, since there are no integers a with 1 2 and we know that each of the integers 2,3,...,n is a product of irreducible integers. We will prove that n+ 1 also is a product of irreducible integers. We will consider two cases. Case 1: n+ 1s irreducible. Then we are done, since n +1 is a trivial product of one inreducible integer: itself." Case 2: n +1 is reducible. Then there are integers a and 6 such that n+ 1 = ab and 1< a,b

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