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Math 267: Problem Set #5 2. We will verify the truth of the following statement: (®) Be > 0,VN EN, 3m,n > N: Ym ~ al 2, If m > n, we have lum — onl = |VinF3 - Vn 8| = Vin +3 — Vand. We want to bound this from below, so let’s try to pick m > m so that VineB-YaFB>1 > VmPB>14 Var C > meB>1tn4342VNFs. So, it appears that if we choose m > n-+1+2VM>3, we can take © Let's try to make this work... We will show that (*) holds when ¢ = 1, Let V € N and choose n = N and m = n+1+ [2¥n-+3]. This guarantees that m > n> N. We get Ym Yn) = Vn +3 — Vn +3 > yn434+2vnF341-VvnF3 = (vnt3+1)’- vas = (VnF3+1) = Vad = ‘Therefore, (ys) is not Cauchy 3. There are many possible examples. A simple one is the sequence 0, 1, 0,1, 0, 1, ..., which has infinitely many zero terms but fails lim a, = 0. Assume that the terms are labeled starting with n ‘Then for n = 2N we will have 1: a; = 0, a2 = 1, ay = 0, ete, Consider ¢ = } and let lay ~0) = [1-0]=1> 4 =e ‘This shows that lim ay 40, ‘To show that (a,) is not Cauchy, we will use again ¢ = 1 If NEN, we can choose m = 2N and n=2N +1, Then and will argue as in Problem 2: [am = L [L-o]=1>35 This shows that (a,,) is not Cauchy. 5. First, we will show that [L241] © [Lytq]- Let a € (L,tqj]- We will show that aE [L,m). Since a € [L,tn41], We have L

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