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Evidence: Timelines

Model sentences:
1. 1993-2000: Muslim terrorists bomb the World Trade Center in the year of its
2. 2001: North Pole ice melts - 1.5 km of open sea in August at age 7
3. 2001: Wikipedia goes online at age 8
4. 2002: euro currency introduced in one year
5. 2005: Hurricanes Katrina and Rita devastated New Orleans - August,
September at age 12
6. 2010: Barack Obama president of the United States from 16 to 23 years’ old
7. 2012: The Mayan calendar cycle ends at age 19
8. Uruguay becomes the first country to legalize cannabis
9. 2013: A meteor explodes over Chelyabinsk.
10. 2014: PS4 was launched and that same year the x-Xbox One was released to
the industry

Hello, my name is Nichol Andrea Espitia, I was born on November 15, 1993, in that
same year until 2000, Muslim terrorists bombed World Trade, in 2001. When I was
7 years old the ice of the North Pole melted 1.5 km from the sea open in august.
When I was 8 years old, Wikipedia went online to become one of the most
consulted pages. In 2002, when I was 9 years old, the euro was introduced.

Three years later, Hurricanes Katrina and Rita devastated New Orleans in August,
he was about to turn 12 years old. In 2010, Barack Obama became president of
the United States, an event that began when he was 16 and ended when he was

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