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World-class Management Education in the Philippines:

A Reason to Go Back To Our Motherland

The twenty-first century has seen a surge in students enrolling in higher

education institutions outside their home countries, driven by the exponential
growth of huge global corporations and their preference, even need, for
executives who can excel in an increasingly competitive, borderless work

In the Philippines, Enderun Colleges gives its students a head start in the world
of international business, by offering degree programs that rival those at
universities in the United States or in Europe. Recognized by the Commission on
Higher Education (CHED), the governing body for Philippine colleges and
universities, Enderun offers Bachelor of Science degrees in Business
Administration, major in Finance and Wealth Management, Business Process
Management and Consulting, or Marketing Management; in Entrepreneurship,
with focus on Family Enterprise; and in International Hospitality Management,
major in Culinary Arts or Hotel Administration. As its mission, “Enderun aims to
graduate students with the academic training, professional competencies, and
character required for success in today’s complex world, by offering
international-caliber degree programs that combine management theory and
practical experience in a values-rich learning environment.” It envisions itself to
become a world-class management college recognized internationally for the
quality of both its academic offerings and practical training.

Enderun is truly committed to the highest international standards of academic

excellence; its approach to education is unique and highly differentiated. The
College’s teaching philosophy places great emphasis on the balance between
theory and practice, between know-how and do-how. The curricula involve
industry-specific courses that develop within students the intellectual breadth
and technical expertise required in today’s dynamic business environments. The
general management education is similar to the training business school
students would receive, involving industry theory and history, practical sciences,
liberal arts, and humanities.

“An Enderun education gives students one of the most powerful tools to be a
leader in this changing world–that is the power of critical thinking. When we
engage in critical thinking, we seek truth by clearly and impartially examining
facts. We consider issues from different approaches: from the perspective of a
philosopher, economist, environmental scientist, hotelier, psychologist, business
person, and chef. We look at issues not only from our own academic discipline
but also from different cultures. We meditate over the arguments of people who
disagree with us. Using what we learn, we then develop a richer understanding
leading to a more informed conclusion, and often, an action plan to persuade
others of our position,” says Dr. Lance Masters, Enderun’s provost.

Enderun students are given opportunities for experiential learning, to integrate

and complement classroom learning with the best real-world experience, and
strengthen academic perspectives. Enderun is also unique in its requirement of
two industry internships—the first at entry-level positions and the second at
supervisory or management-level positions—where students gain priceless work
experience, obtain learning and networking opportunities, and build character
as they prepare to join their future industries. The Colleges’ Office of Student
and Career Services (OSCS) is dedicated to assisting students through the entire
internship (and employment) process, by providing all career-related support
systems. The office is involved with over 150 industry partners: multinational
corporations, hotel chains, and resorts to which Enderun sends students for
internship. In addition, these industry partners provide inputs to ensure that the
College’s programs remain up-to-date and relevant in the industry.

Enderun students are taught by a well-formed faculty of accomplished

academics and industry leaders, who, along with impressive credentials
collected from around the world, bring their respective areas of expertise and
varied personal, professional, and cultural perspectives. “What I like most about
Enderun is the faculty here. You get someone like Mr. Alex Jureeratana, our
executive director of food and beverage, someone who has five-star and five-
diamond hotel experience teaching in front of you and telling you the tips and
tricks of the trade. It’s not that easy to get that somewhere else,” says Mr.
Michael Luna, a freshman studying BS-IHM major in Hotel Administration. Mr.
Luna hails from Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

Ara Oh, a third-year student of BS-IHM major in Hotel Administration from South
Korea, upholds: “One thing I consider important is to be educated by
experienced professors. I value the excellent faculty members we have at
Enderun Colleges. These professors come from different countries, bringing with
them both knowledge and experience from our future workplace.”

As the core provider of instruction and excellence, faculty members work closely
with students, providing them with valuable insights from the professional
world, and mentoring them to ensure student success. The College asserts its
role in shaping young professionals well prepared to excel in their future
industries, instilled with a strong service orientation, embodying ethical behavior
and work ethos, and demonstrating adaptability to innovation and change in
dynamic business industries. It also shapes students’ interpersonal skills, and
develops an unwavering respect for different cultures.

“I like that I get to smile and meet a lot of people every day. Being in the
hospitality industry now, I’m not afraid to approach somebody and introduce
myself out of the blue. I learned that you really need to keep an open mind.
When you’re thinking of a certain issue, you look at everything from every
perspective, and find solutions that are agreeable to all,” says Nadine Rushdy, a
first-year student of BS-IHM major in Hotel Administration from Dubai, United
Arab Emirates.

Enderun Colleges is housed in the 1.7-hectare Fort Bonifacio Campus, whose

world-class appointments set new standards for university design and
construction. Designed as a township that stimulates interaction within the
community, the building exteriors evoke different eras of Asian colonial
architecture, adapting European old-world elegance and fusing it with Asian
traditions, to form a microcosm of the Asian colonial cityscape. The campus
features academic buildings with more than 7,000 square meters of classroom
space. The two buildings, Museum and Embassy, house administration offices,
faculty rooms, and classrooms equipped with the latest learning technologies.
As part of Enderun’s academic partnership with Alain Ducasse Formation is the
two institution’s collaboration towards building the ADF+Enderun Culinary
Center, whose design and appointments are carefully studied to meet the best
international standards in culinary teaching facilities. Enderun mirrors the formal
work environment to prepare students for their global, professional careers.

As Enderun’s lead founder Mr. Jack Tuason explains: “We have always focused
on the long-term objective of establishing the finest management program and
graduating leaders globally. We do not take our responsibility lightly and know
our success is truly based on the success of Enderun’s graduating students.
Parents and students do not pay for a service, they invest for results.”

For more information, please call (632) 856 5000 or visit Enderun’s website at


For more information, please contact:

Claire Hernandez
External Relations Manager
Mobile: +63917 8038617
Mark Tan
External Relations Associate
Mobile: +63918 5933398

Enderun Colleges
1100 Campus Avenue
McKinley Hill, Fort Bonifacio
Taguig City 1634 Philippines
Telephone: (632) 856 5000
Facsimile: (632) 856 4656

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