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Statement of the problem

Food sanitation should be practiced properly by everyone especially those canteen staffs
the prepares and serves food in the university canteen the being consumed by the buyers. With
this, the food being served for the costumers should be clean and hygienic.

Although the food that the consumers purchase may delicious, there is still no assurance
that the food is properly sanitized and free from any contamination. Improper way of food
preparation will cause different diseases and infections that may harm the consumers. It is very
important for the consumers to have knowledge about how their was processed.

Generally, this study is focused on the proper sanitation and cleanliness of the food being
served in the canteen of Notre Dame university to prevent any disease caused by food
contamination that may harm the consumers.

This study aims to answer the following questions:

1.) How does canteen staffs practice sanitation?
2.) How did they learn to practice food sanitation?
3.) How often does the canteen staffs wash their utensils?

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