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Which of the following is not a part of Five M’s?

a. Material
b. Machine
c. Motion
d. Method

The correct sequence of operations in production planning and control is

a. Routing-Scheduling-Dispatching-Follow up
b. Scheduling-Routing- Dispatching-Follow up
c. Dispatching-Routing-Scheduling- Follow up
d. Routing-Scheduling-Follow up-Dispatching

The correct sequence of operations in production planning and control is

a. Routing-Scheduling-Dispatching-Follow up
b. Scheduling-Routing- Dispatching-Follow up
c. Dispatching-Routing-Scheduling- Follow up
d. Routing-Scheduling-Follow up-Dispatching

The transit time consist of

a. Time taken by raw material from machine to machine
b. Time consumed in moving the work between various departments
c. Time taken by a worker to machine a component
d. None of the above

Master schedule is prepared for

a. Single product continuous production
b. Multi product batch production
c. Assembly product continuous production
d. Single product batch production

Gantt chart is mostly used for

a. Routing
b. Scheduling
c. Follow up
d. Inspection and quality control

Centralized and decentralized are the types of

a. Routing
b. Dispatching
c. Scheduling
d. Follow up

A good planning system must consider

What are we going to make?

What does it take to make it?

What do we have and need?

All of the above

_______ is the capability of manufacturing to produce goods and services





The _____________________ is a plan for the production of individual end items.





____________ is the first step in a manufacturing planning and control


Production planning

Achieving the forecast

Maintaining the required inventory levels

Maintaining the planned backlog

The cost of a _________ that is too large equals the cost of turning away

production plan


resource plan

capacity plan

Short-term capacity planning deals with which of the following factors?

Overtime budgets


Workforce size

All of the above

Output measures of capacity are preferred for:

Flexible flow processes

High-volume processes

High customization

None of the above

The maximum output that a process or facility could achieve under normal
conditions is called

Effective capacity

Capacity utilization

Peak capacity

None of the above

Operation at peak capacity involves

Maximum output under normal conditions

Marginal methods of production

Sustained low utilization rates

None of the above

Reduction of bottleneck processes may involve:

Expanding the capacity of the designated workstation

Replicating the designated workstation

Reduction of production demand

All of the above

Economies of scale are achieved when:

Levels of managerial control are added

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