Unit 3 - Week 2: Assignment 02

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Unit 3 - Week 2
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How to access 1) Which of the following is true about {F} in the assembly level equations, [K]{u} = {f} + {Q} = 1 point
the portal ? {F}.

Week 1 {F} will represent external force for any type of governing differential equation.

{F} represents the terms related to external load – both point and distributed loads.
Week 2
{F} represents the terms related to distributed load.
Lecture 7: Key
concepts and {F} represents the terms related to point loads.
No, the answer is incorrect.
Lecture 8: Score: 0
integral Accepted Answers:
statements {F} represents the terms related to external load – both point and distributed loads.

Lecture 9: 2) In parabolic time dependent problems, temporal approximation uses __________. 1 point
Integration by
parts -Review
Newmark family of approximations.
Lecture 10:
Alpha family of approximations.
Gradient and
Divergence Beta family of approximations.
I Gamma family of approximations.

Lecture 11: No, the answer is incorrect.

Gradient and Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Part-II Alpha family of approximations.

Lecture 12: 3) Expression for a weighted residual method is given below: 1 point
Functionals ∫ w.Residue=0.
Quiz : Which of the following options are true?
Assignment 02
w represents user-defined functions.
Assignment 02
Solution set w represents the physical weight of the material.

Basics of Finite © 2014wNPTEL

represents the primary
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A project of Residue is the same as theIngoverning
association with
differential equation, therefore it will always be zero.
Analysis-I :
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No, the answer is incorrect.
Week 2
Score: 0
Funded by
Week 3 Accepted Answers:

1 of 3 Friday 21 June 2019 10:03 AM

Basics of Finite Element Analysis-I - - Unit 3 - W... https://onlinecourses-archive.nptel.ac.in/noc19...

w representsPowered
by functions.
Week 4
4) Consider Δt is the difference of time step. What is the order of accuracy of Eular method in 1 point
Week 5 alpha family of approximation for parabolic time dependent problems?

Week 6 (Δt)√2

Week 7
Week 8

Interaction No, the answer is incorrect.

session Score: 0
Accepted Answers:

5) In context of a space-time PDE, what is the meaning of "spatial approximation"? 1 point

Conversion of a space-time partial differential equation into a partial differential equation in


Conversion of a space-time partial differential equation into a partial differential equation in


Conversion of a space-time partial differential equation into an ordinary differential equation

in time.

Conversion of a space-time partial differential equation into an ordinary differential equation

in space.

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Conversion of a space-time partial differential equation into an ordinary differential equation in time.

6) Consider the mass matrix given below. 1 point

Which of the options represents a matrix which is obtained by diagonalizing the above matrix using row
sum lumping method?

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:

7) Which of the options are not true while solving a time-dependent partial differential equation 1 point
given below?

The equation cannot be solved without initial conditions.

Given equation needs to be integrated four times with respect to x.

Given equation needs to be integrated twice with respect to time.

None of the options are correct.

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0

2 of 3 Friday 21 June 2019 10:03 AM

Basics of Finite Element Analysis-I - - Unit 3 - W... https://onlinecourses-archive.nptel.ac.in/noc19...

Accepted Answers:
None of the options are correct.

8) Consider a time-dependent problem. Which of the options is true? 1 point

They must be linear in both time as well as the primary variable.

They do not require boundary conditions to be solved.

They require initial conditions along with boundary conditions knowledge.

They cannot be ordinary differential equation.

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
They require initial conditions along with boundary conditions knowledge.

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3 of 3 Friday 21 June 2019 10:03 AM

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