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Advanced Thermal and Fluid



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Part 1..........................................................................................................................................2




Part 2..........................................................................................................................................8





List of figures
Figure 1: mass, generator and spring:........................................................................................3
Figure 2: Power change with KC number..................................................................................8
Figure 3: Power change with damping coefficient....................................................................9
Figure 4: variation of time taken with respect to thermal diffusivity......................................12

Part 1
A mass, spring and damper system is placed in a flowing fluid. The damper of the system is
equipped with a generator such that the damping energy is converted in tow power. If the
mass and spring and damping system are isolated the excitation developed will gradually
disappear. The system will vibrate in its natural frequency and amplitude gradually decreases
until the vibration ends. In this case, a continuous supply of force is available in the form of
fluid flow. The vibration frequency will vary and the vibration continuous till the force acting
on it is zero. When the damper tries to reduce the vibration energy by heat energy, the
generator converts this heat energy to power. Mass of the system is in the form of a cylinder
and is only can vibrate in the horizontal linear direction. The flow of water is a combined
steady and oscillatory flow. And is expressed as

U =U 0 +U m sin(¿ )¿

In this U0 is steady velocity which will not change with time but the second part is a function
of time. As it can be seen that the velocity of water is a sin function and it is fluctuating the
mass of the system which causes the vibration and thereby power is produced. The mass,
spring and damper system is shown below.

Figure 1: mass, generator and spring:

A dimensionless number called Keulegan–Carpenter (KC) number which describes the drag
force with inertia forces in an oscillatory fluid medium. This number is also called a period
number. Based on this number the effect of inertia force and drag force can be analyzed. For
small KC number inertia force dominate but for large KC number, drag force dominates.
From this, it can be figured out that if the KC number is more the force acting on the cylinder
is due to drag force only. This KC number can be related to the oscillatory time period (T) as
shown below (Bansal,

T Um
KC =

D is the diameter of the cylinder. Substituting the T value from KC number to the velocity of
the fluid, the velocity of fluid can be further modified as

U =U 0 +U m sin ¿ ¿)

When the fluid strikes the cylinder mass the motion of the cylinder starts. The initial velocity
of the mass will be the same as the velocity of water but it gradually changes due to the effect
of spring and damper. The second Newtons law can be used to derive the governing equation
of motion of a spring, mass and damper system. According to this law, the total force acting
on a system is zero under equilibrium condition. Assume at a time the system is in
equilibrium, the sum of force due to all parts in the system is zero.

Based on the energy balance kinetic the governing equation of the system under forced
vibration is written as (Dukkipati)

d2 x dx d Vr 1
m +c +k x = C A m d + ρ C D A |V r|V r
dt 2
dt dt 2

The first part in the left side indicates the force due to the mass and acceleration of the
cylinder. The second term in the left-hand side indicates the force due to damping coefficient
and velocity of the cylinder, Third term in the left side indicates the force due to the spring
constant and the displacement of the cylinder. All this summation of force must be the same
as the force due to the water flow over the cylinder. The force due to water flow in the
oscillatory conditions described by Morison and is written in the equation above. It consists
of the two-part first one on the right side of the equation is the force due to inertia and the
second one on the right side of the equation is the force due to drag. Now the equation forced
has to be solved to find the relative velocity. The relative velocity helps to find the velocity of
mass vibrating. From the velocity of mass, the power developed from the damping is

P= c V 2 dt

Relative velocity, Vr = U-V

The solution to the governing equation can be done analytically but may take much time and
needs more complicated mathematical analysis to find the velocity at a time. Instead of using
mathematical differential methods numerical methods of solving the differential equations are
used. Using the numerical methods differential equations are converted into a simple form
which is further coded into Matlab. In these methods, the given analysis system is divided
into subparts, the more the analysis system has subdivided the accuracy of the result will
increase. In this task rather then space the analysis is performed based on the time. Force each
time step of 0.01 to 0.1 range the analysis is performed. The steps to follow the numerical
methods in this task expressed as

x n +1−2 x + x n−1 x n+1−x n−1 V r n +1−V 1

[ Δt 2 ] +c[
2 Δt
]+ k x = C A m d
[ Δt ] + ρ C D A |V r|V r

The differential equations are modified to numerical forms. A second order differential
equation has three terms in it. “n” represents the time and it varies from 1,2,3……. “n+1”
indicates the value at next time step. It doesn’t mean that the value is added to one. It means
the next time step if the time duration for each time step is 0.01 the next time step is 1+0.01
= 1.01. From the equation written above xn+1 for each time step is calculated for a specified
duration. Relative velocity is further subdivided in the form of water velocity and velocity of
the mass. And the velocity of mass at each time step is calculated from the displacement over
the time step.

x i+1−x i−1

{ the general formula for each differential equation into the numerical form is expressed as

d x x i +1−2 x + x i−1
dx x i+1− xi−1
= and = } (Incropera, 2013)
dt 2 Δt d t2 Δ t2

The analysis is performed to find the power from the generator. Since the velocity of water is
the reason for power developed the variation of power must be in relation to the water
velocity. In this analysis power variation with respect to KC number keeping damping
coefficient as constant and also the power variation with different values of damping
coefficient by keeping the KC number as constant is obtained. The Matlab code created to
solve the program is shown below. The code has the main file and function file.

Main file

close all
clear all
% last number of the ID 19309822
ID = 2 ;
% Time taken for the analysis 1 second
tm = 1 ;
% total time is devided in to 10 divisions
n = 1000 ;
time = linspace(0,tm,n);
%value of damping coefficient c = 100 Ns/m
c = 100 ;
% value of spring constant k = 200N/m
k = 200 ;
% Value of added mass coefficient Ca = 1

Ca = 1 ;
% Value of drag coefficient Cd = 1.8
Cd = 1.8 ;
% cylinder mass is given as m = 50 Kg
m = 50 ;
% cylinder lenght is given as L = 1 meters
L = 1 ;
% value of density of water is given as 1024Kg/m3
d = 1024 ;
% amplitude of oscilatory water flow velocity is (1+ID/10)
Um = 1+ID/10 ;
% value of initial velocity of water 0.1*Um
U0 = 0.1*Um ;
% Cylinder diameter is given as 10+ID cm
D = (10+ID)/100; % (in meters)
% Area of the projected surface is calculated as
A = L*D;
% mass of displaced water is calculated as
mw = d*pi/4*(D^2);
[x,P] = p1a(ID,tm,n,time,Ca,Cd,k,c,A,D,U0,Um,d,L,m,mw);
[x,P] = p1b(ID,tm,n,time,Ca,Cd,k,c,A,D,U0,Um,d,L,m,mw);

Function file for variation of power with respect to Kc number

function [x,P] =
p1a(ID,tm,n,time,Ca,Cd,k,c,A,D,U0,Um,d,L,m,mw) ;
for KC = 2:2:20
dt = time(2)-time(1);
T = KC *D/Um; x(1) = 0;
U = U0 + Um*sin(2*pi*time/T);
i=1; V(i)= 0; Vr = U(i)-V(i);P(1) = 0;
x(i+1) = ((2*m*x(i)+2*m*dt*U0)/(dt^2)+c*U0+k*x(i)
for i = 2:n-1
V(i) = (x(i)-x(i-1))/dt;
Vr = U(i)-V(i);
x(i+1) = (1/((m/dt^2)-(c/2/dt)+(Ca*mw/dt^2)))*(m*(2*x(i)-x(i-
P(i) = c*(V(i)^2);
xlabel("Time in seconds")
ylabel("Power developed (W)")
title("effect of KC number")
hold on

Function file to get the power variation with damping coefficient

function [x,P] =
for c = 0:50:2000
KC = 10;
time = linspace(0,tm,n);
dt = time(2)-time(1); mw = d*pi/4*(D^2);
T = KC *D/Um; x(1) = 0;
U = U0 + Um*sin(2*pi*time/T);
i=1; V (i) = 0; Vr = U(i)-V(i);
x(i+1) = ((2*m*x(i)+2*m*dt*U0)/(dt^2)+c*U0+k*x(i)
for i = 2:n-1
V(i) = (x(i)-x(i-1))/dt;
Vr = U(i)-V(i);
x(i+1) = (m*(2*x(i)-x(i-1))/dt^2-c*x(i-1)/2/dt-k*x(i)
P(i) = c*(V(i)^2);
xlabel("Time in seconds")
ylabel("Power developed (W)")
title('effect of daming coefficient')
hold on

The result shows that the power is changing with both KC number as well as with the
damping coefficient. The power for a particular KC number is increased gradually and
reaches maximum because of the instability with the damping and spring constant. After
reaching maximum the power decreases and reached another peak less than the earlier value.
From the image below it can be seen many fluctuations in the number 2. The line reaches
many peaks in one second. As it can be seen that the power is more for KC number 4 (yellow
line). But the first peak value of power obtained at the time more than the KC value 2. Thus
for each increment in KC value, the maximum power is increases but shifts to the right side,
meaning it takes more time to reach the peak. Once the peak value obtained the curve moves
down and after some peak cycles a stable condition is obtained. The cycle will have
maximum power and minimum power but the values will repeat in the stable condition.
During the stable condition, the maximum power obtained is with a maximum value of KC

Figure 2: Power change with KC number

The reason as the power increases with KC number is that at high value of KC number the
fluctuation due to the oscillatory decreases the steady flow velocity will be available as a
force. The sin term the second part will be small at high value of KC number. It reduces the
negative fluctuation in the steady environment.

It is also noted that the power is increased with the damping coefficient. The graph shows the
variation with the damping coefficient. As it is seen the power is more for the high value of
the damping coefficient and the peak value of power shift to the left. If a line is drawn
touching the peak value, the line will have a negative slope.

Figure 3: Power change with damping coefficient

Part 2
In this part, analysis is performed for the temperature distribution in soil up to 2 meters. A
soil of thermal diffusivity is selected and studied. The flow of groundwater at a velocity of
0.02m/s is flowing towards the depth direction. And this fluid velocity is considered as
constant in both horizontal and vertical direction. Tope surface of the soil is at 30C and the
bottom surface has no heat transfer. The task is to find the time to reach a temperature of 25C
at location 1.5 meters from the top surface( ground). The analysis is an unsteady state heat
conduction and the system will become thermal equilibrium after some time. This analysis is
more focused on the time during the transient. The governing equation can be used to solve
this problem is shown below.

∂T ∂T ∂2 T
+u =α 2 (Lienhard, 2013)
∂t ∂x ∂x

The temperature depends on two independent factors. One is space and another this time. The
effect of fluid flow is also a promote heat transfer. But since the velocity is very small the

chances of convection is very less and there is no convective heat transfer scope. The flow of
water more likely represents a diffusion inside a solid.

Since the temperature of the top ground is 30C the heat will transfer from the top side to
bottom side. Along with the heat transfer, the effect of mass transfer also increases the total
effect of heat transfer. And there is no heat transfer after 2m from the eh ground.

The one-dimensional heat transfer is solved numerically as described in part 1. The governing
equations are further modified and are programmed in Matlab. The numerical form of the
governing equation used in this part is shown below.

T i +1, n−T T i+1−T T i +1−2T +T i−1

=−u +α
2 Δt 2 Δx Δ x2

The second order differential form is converted to numerical form along with space. There
are two first order derivatives, one depends upon space and another depends upon time. In
this task, it is important to find the temperature level at each time step. The temperature
variation at each time step is calculated first and then the values correspond to the next time
step is determined.

The analysis involves the determination time for a particular location to reach a temperature
of 25C. Along with the variation of time for different values of thermal diffusivity of soil is
also studied. The Matlab code for this analysis is developed based on function file.

Main file

close all
clear all
% last number of the ID 19309822
ID = 2 ;
% Velocity of water is given as
u = 0.002*(1+ID) ;
% Value of thermal diffucivity is given as
a = 0.0002 ;
% totla number of nodes
n = 200 ;
% Soild depth is given as 2 meter
L = 2 ;
% Soild depth is devided as
x = linspace(0,L,n) ;
% Difference betweent the nodes
dx = x(2)-x(1);

%Intial soild condition is given as
T = zeros(1,n)+(10+ID);
% Soil top boundary condition
T(1) = 30;
% time step is taken as 0.001
dt = .001;
T1 = T;
[time] = p2a(ID,n,a,u,L,dx,T,dt,T1);
% time taken to reach 25C at location 1.5 is
[tm,time] = p2b(ID,n,a,u,L,dx,T,dt,T1);
time_25C = tm ;

function file for finding the temperature at 1.5 m from the ground surface

function [time] = p2a(ID,n,a,u,L,dx,T,dt,T1);

time = 0 ;
while T(150) < 25
time = time + dt ;
for i = 2:(n-1)
T(i) = (((T1(i+1))+(T1(i-1)))/dx^2-(u/a)*(T1(i+1))/2/dx+(u/2/a/dx+1/a/dt-2/
(dx^2))*(T1(i)))*dt*a ;
T1 = T ;
T1(n) = T1(n-1);

function file for finding the variations of time for different thermal diffusivity values

function [tm,time] = p2b(ID,n,a,u,L,dx,T,dt,T1);

X = 0 ;
alpha = 0.0002:0.0001:0.001;
for a = alpha
X = X+1;
time = 0 ;
%Intial soild condition is given as
T = zeros(1,n)+(10+ID);
% Soil top boundary condition
T(1) = 30;
T1 = T;
while T(150) < 25
time = time + dt ;
for i = 2:(n-1)
T(i) = (((T1(i+1))+(T1(i-1)))/dx^2-(u/a)*(T1(i+1))/2/dx+(u/2/a/dx+1/a/dt-2/
(dx^2))*(T1(i)))*dt*a ;
T1 = T ;
T1(n) = T1(n-1);
tm(X) = time ;
xlabel('thermal diffusivity')
ylabel('time taken to reach 25C')

The time taken to reach 25C at a location of 1.5m from the ground is 566.96 seconds.
Gradually temperature increases with time due to heat transfer as well as the effect of
groundwater flow. The number of nodes used in this analysis is 200. Therefore the space
between each nod is in the range of 0.01 m. The time step used in the analysis is 0.0001s.
Since the methods used is explicit analysis there was a chance for divergence in the result.
But the values used for nodes and time steps as much law the result came up with
convergence in less time. The variation of time with respect to the thermal diffusivity value is
shown below.

Figure 4: variation of time taken with respect to thermal diffusivity

The result shows that the time taken is increased for some thermal diffusivity value and then
decreases. The increase in time does not happen in any of other thermal diffusivity values. It
is because of the reason that as the thermal diffusivity increases the heat transfer within the
body increases and it tries to distribute the heat very quickly. It reduces the speed of
temperature increment. As the thermal diffusivity further increases, the material heat capacity
is less compared to the thermal conductivity and thermal conductivity dominates. The time is
taken to reach a particular temperature decreases continuously.

 Lienhard, J. and Lienhard, J. (2013). A Heat Transfer Textbook. Newburyport: Dover
 Incropera, F. (2013). Principles of heat and mass transfer. Hoboken (New Jersey):
John Wiley.
 Bansal, R. (2010). A textbook of fluid mechanics and hydraulic machines (in S.I.
units). New Delhi: Laxmi Publications.
 Dukkipati, R. and Srinivas, J. (n.d.). Textbook of mechanical vibrations.


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