I. Introduction-A. Background of The Study

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A. Background of the Study

Soap making history goes back thousands of years ago, and the first conclusive evidence we have of soap-like
substance dated around 2800 BC. Soap has always been made of natural ingredients such as animal fat,
vegetable oil and other fruits that contain vitamins for the skin, but nowadays typical store bought or
commercial soaps may be labeled as “natural” and can be pretty cheap but based on research they are actually
detergents that include chemical hardeners, foaming agents and artificial fragrances that can harm the skin. So
for this reason we plan on comparing natural soap and commercial soap to prove to consumers which one is
more effective. To conduct our experiment we plan on incorporating the following ingredients; Lemon-Infused
Coconut Oil, Honey, and Goat milk soap base since they all have beneficial properties in them.

B. Statement of the problem

Specifically our study aims to answer this question:

 Is organic soap much more effective than commercial soap

C. Hypothesis

We think that as the creators of this soap, it would be better than pre-made because we will be using materials
that are widely known to benefit the skin compared to store-bought soaps that contain additional chemical
content that we are unfamiliar with. We also think that our soap will be more effective because honey is a
natural antibacterial agent, along with lemon-Infused Coconut oil which is great antioxidant for neutralizing
free radicals and boosting collagen production, and Goats milk that help remove dead skin cells from your
skin’s surface to make it smooth and younger looking.

D. Significance of the study

Showering and bathing has always been a part of daily life. However, it is good to be informed about the bath
products, especially soaps, which we use on a daily basis. Soaps are cleansing agents made by mixing animal or
vegetable fat. Choosing the right bath soap is especially important because it regularly comes into contact with
your skin. As the consumers it is our responsibility to know what we put in and on our body and the best way to
do this is to understand and ask about the contents of the soap

II. Review on Related Literature-

1. Tony Potter- Dictionary of Chemistry, Rajendera place New Delhi, Goodwill Publishing House- states the
definition of sodium hydroxide and the process of saponification.
2. Christian Vemb-Organic Handmade Soap Versus Commercial “Soap” www.pulpandpress.com (June24th,
2015)- explains the contents of both soaps and the use of the said ingredients.

3. Nefertem Naturals (Patch Poster)- Handmade Soap vs Store Bought Soap; what's the difference?
www.tinleyparkpatch (June 26th, 2017) – explains the difference in the ingredients and process of the soaps.

4.   Honey Sweetie Acres- Why use honey on goat milk soap? http://honeysweetieacres.com/why-use-
honey-in-soap-natures-bounty/ - benefits of using both honey and goat milk soap

5. Amazing Benefits of Coconut Oil for Skin- www.organicfacts.net – benefits of coconut oil for the skin

M&P Contents

melt-and-pour/ - how to make simple and easy soap


http://pioneerthinking.com/what-is-glycerin- explains what glycerin is and why it is important in soaps.

III. Methodology-

A. Materials


-Stainless Bowl


-Measuring Cups

-Silicon Mold

-Soap Base (Sodium Hydroxide; Goats Milk)

-Lemon-Infused Coconut Oil

B. Procedures

Step 1: Prepare all the ingredients.

Step 2: Heat the soap-base on the double-broiler until it melts.

Step 3: Remove from the heat and wait for it to cool down a little.

Step 4: Add the Lemon-Infused Coconut Oil and Honey.

Step 5: Mix it thoroughly.

Step 6: Pour the soap in the silicon mold.

Step 7: Wait for it to cooldown overnight.

IV. Results and Discussion

A. Findings

Criteria: Ratings: Ratings:

Safeguard Our Soap
1. Quality of the soap 19/25 17/25
2. Feeling of cleanliness 20/25 15/25
3. Smoothness of the skin 14/25 17/25
4. Fragrance of the soap 21/25 14/25
Total: 74 /100 Total: 63 /100

B. Analysis of Data

From the information we gathered we can say that in terms of the feeling of cleanliness and fragrance our soap
clearly lacked which is why the respondents preferred safeguard rather than our soap. In addition safeguard
according to the respondents left a tingling sensation on their skin and compared to our soap you can smell the
fragrance better. However one of the things our respondents observed is that unlike safeguard our soap
produced more suds, and it left the skin softer and brighter.

V. Conclusion

We therefore conclude that our experiment did not prevail. Even though the soap gave great effects on the skin
and it doesn’t cause skin irritation when we tested it, according to the reviews it wasn’t as good as the other

VI. Recommendations

Based from gathered suggestions it would be better if we added more lemon zest on the lemon-infused coconut
oil so the scent would be stronger. That way it could attract more customers/people.

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